Certified Electronic Credential Overview

FSU now offers Certified Electronic Diplomas (CeDiploma).

Credential Retrieval

You will receive an email with a link to download your credential when it is available from our trusted partner, CeCredentialTrust. If you need to request a new download link, please use the CeCredential Trust site to Resend the link.

Key Benefits

* CeDID (Certified Electronic Document Identifier)

For graduates of Summer 2017 and beyond, you can reserve and/or download your CeDiploma for $17.95.


  • It's more than a paper credential.
    • It's an official, secure, and verifiable electronic version of your accomplishment.
  • It differs from a transcript.
    • You'll have unlimited sharing with employers, family, friends, and social media.
    • CeDiploma is proof of your education, but it shows only the important details.
    • It's easy for employers to read and understand.
  • CeDiploma is better than an eDiploma.
  • CeDiploma enhances your resume.
    • Expedite the verification process by providing your CeDiD* and validation URL on your resume.

Credential Validation – demo

Security Details

Each CeDiploma and/or CeCertificate can be independently validated through the University website by future employers, State Government Licensing Agencies, or any other entity that wishes to validate your achievement.

  • The document is digitally signed and encrypted, providing greater trust and acceptance.
  • For security reasons, the electronic credential cannot be printed.


NOTE: A CeDiploma may not be available for all conferral dates.

For additional information about the Certified Electronic Credential and its features, please visit: CeCredential Overview (cecredential.com).

© 2018 ♦ CeCredential Trust®, CeDiploma®, CeCertificate® and CeDiD® are registered trademarks ♦ CeCredential™, TruID™ and TruSeal™ are trademarks.