College of Communication and Information


Dean: Michelle M. Kazmer; Associate Deans: Marcia A. Mardis, Richard J. Morris, Ebrahim Randeree; Assistant Deans: Mafé Brooks, Ulla Bunz, Danyele Martin; Dean Emeritus: Lawrence C. Dennis

Communication, information, and information technology are ubiquitous in our interconnected society and influence all forms of human activity. Understanding the complex and ever-changing world of people, communication, information, and technology and assuring access for all underlie the teaching, research, and service missions of the College of Communication and Information (CCI) at Florida State University.

The College offers a unique and integrated series of communication degrees and communication science and disorders programs at the graduate master's and doctoral levels. The curriculum covers the whole of human communication (both normal and disordered), including speech and interpersonal communication, group and organizational communication, as well as mass-mediated and interactive computer-based communication. The multi- and inter-disciplinary domains represented by the School of Information offer some of the most rewarding professional opportunities available today with degrees in information and information technology. Powerful information technologies have fundamentally changed the nature of how information is produced, distributed, acquired, organized, stored, preserved, and analyzed. We live in an increasingly interconnected information world, with technologies such as the Internet, personal computers, and wireless devices significantly changing the way we connect people and information.

The College's programs of study may include both academically and professionally oriented courses. Each program integrates knowledge about people, communication, information, and technology from a variety of scientific, humanistic, technical, and artistic perspectives, as well as from business, education, government, and other professional orientations.

Graduate Degree Programs

Students applying for admission to one of the College's graduate programs must also apply through the Office of Admissions. For more information, please visit

School of Communication

Understanding the complex and ever-changing nature of communication's vital role in a democratic society, the School of Communication at Florida State University recognizes the need to examine the field from a multitude of theoretical, practical, and creative approaches. We prepare students to be versatile communication practitioners and engaged global citizens through innovative and experiential learning experiences, research and creative scholarship, and service to the discipline, university, and community.

The graduate programs in communication offer several specialized majors leading to the Master of Arts, Master of Science, and Doctor of Philosophy degrees. For more information, please visit and/or consult the “School of Communication” listing in this Graduate Bulletin.

School of Communication Science and Disorders

The mission of the Florida State University School of Communication Science and Disorders is to:

  • generate and disseminate scientific knowledge related to variety and differences in communication processes and disorders.
  • prepare students to demonstrate broad-based knowledge of communication science and skills to apply theory and research findings to clinical practice in their communities.
  • empower students to provide effective diagnostic and treatment services in a global community and utilize innovative evidence-based approaches to support individuals with a wide variety of speech language cognitive swallowing and hearing abilities.
  • prepare leading clinical and research scientists to generate new knowledge for practicing at the top of the license.

The School of Communication Science and Disorders offers programs of study leading to the Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy degrees. For more information, please visit or consult the “School of Communication Science and Disorders” listing in this Graduate Bulletin.

School of Information

The School of Information (iSchool) is one of the top-ranked Information programs in the nation and offers a myriad of opportunities to facilitate people's need for credible information with complex and highly sophisticated technology. Information professions serve as a bridge between people, information, and technology, ensuring that information systems are designed to support and empower users, and that the information technology used is affordable, flexible, reliable, and robust. Information professionals ensure that people can access the credible information they want and need, while addressing issues such as security and privacy, intellectual property, and information policy.

Established in 1947 as a professional school, the iSchool offers graduate degree programs that provide professional development in information management, information technologies, and information services. The Master of Arts in Information (MA) and Master of Science in Information (MS) degree programs are accredited by the American Library Association (ALA). The iSchool also offers a Master of Science in Information Technology (MS), a Specialist degree, and a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree, as well as certificate programs in Health Informatics, Information Architecture, Information Leadership and Management, User Services, School Librarian Leadership, and Youth Services. The iSchool is a member of the Association for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T):, the Association for Library and Information Science Education (ALISE):, and is a founding member of the iSchools movement:

For more information, please visit or consult the “School of Information” listing in this Graduate Bulletin.

Combined Bachelor's/Master's Pathways

The College of Communication and Information has developed a combined bachelor's/ master's pathway (BS/MS, BA/MA) combining a bachelor's degree in Communication and Digital Media or Professional Communication and a master's degree in the Integrated Marketing Communication; Media and Communication Studies; or Public Interest Media and Communication programs. This pathway provides eligible undergraduate students the opportunity to take up to twelve semester hours of graduate coursework. These twelve semester hours may count toward both the bachelor's and master's degrees. Check the website for more details:

The College of Communication and Information has also developed combined bachelor's/master's pathways (MS/MS, BS/MA) combining a bachelor's degree in Information Technology (in the Information Communication Technology major) with a master's in Information Technology (MS), or a master's (MA or MS) in the Integrated Marketing Communication; Media and Communication Studies; or Public Interest Media and Communication Programs.

The College of Communication and Information has also developed a combined bachelor's/master's pathway (BS/MS) combining a bachelor's degree in Information Technology with a master's degree in Information Technology. This pathway offers eligible undergraduate students the opportunity to take up to twelve semester hours of graduate coursework that may be counted toward both the BS and MS degrees. Check the website for more details:


The College of Communication and Information offers opportunities for graduate students to enrich their learning experiences through participation in a variety of research centers, service, classroom facilities, and student professional organizations These include the following:

  • Augmentative and Alternative Communication Laboratory
  • Center for Hispanic Marketing Communication
  • Cognition and Emotion Laboratory
  • Communication and Early Childhood Research and Practice Center
  • Communication Research Center
  • Information Use, Management and Policy Institute (Information Institute)
  • Institute for Digital Information and Scientific Communication (iDigInfo)
  • Institute for Intercultural Communication and Research
  • L. L. Schendel Speech and Hearing Clinic
  • Participatory, Experientially-based Applied Knowledge for Social Change (PEAKS) Laboratory
  • Project Management Center
  • Research and Language and Literacy Lab
  • Seminole Productions
  • Speech and Voice Science Laboratory

In addition, the College provides students with access to state-of-the-art facilities and support through a wide range of computer, research and media production labs and technical support services, including the following:

  • Computer classrooms in University Center for advanced media production and statistical analysis
  • IT Help Desk to provide access to technology support, advanced software systems, and high-end computer systems
  • WVFS, the university's “college radio station”

Graduate students within the college are very active in professional development organizations including the following:

  • American Library Association Student Chapter
  • Association of Information Technology Professionals
  • Beta Phi Mu Honor Society
  • Communication Graduate Student Association
  • International Communication Association
  • National Communication Association
  • National Student Speech Language Hearing Association

Scholarships, Awards, and Financial Aid

The Schools of the College of Communication and Information (CCI) are committed to assisting qualified individuals and offer various forms of financial aid to both master's and doctoral students.

Graduate Assistantships

The College administers graduate research, service, and teaching assistantships that require work within a particular School assisting faculty in teaching and research, staffing the library and laboratories, or assisting with training about and servicing of the information technology infrastructure. Assistantships vary in stipend amount, are competitive, and typically provide assistance with matriculation fees. To be considered for such awards, students should complete the School's application for graduate assistantships available on each School's website, which can be accessed via For the School of Communication, no assistantship application form exists. All admitted graduate students are automatically considered for funding.

Scholarships and Fellowships

The College administers scholarships resulting from the generosity of alumni and other friends of the institution. To be considered for a scholarship, students must submit the specific School's application for scholarships. The application for and information about specific scholarships and fellowships is provided on each School's website, which can be accessed via In addition to these sources, prospective students should consult the various communication and information professional associations' websites.