Current Academic Space, Scheduling, and Publications Staff

Please refer to our departmental staff list.

Academic Space and Scheduling Overview

Academic Space and Scheduling, a division of the University Registrar's Office, coordinates the assignment of class sections to available classroom space and schedules special academic/academic-related events in academic spaces.

To see a list of how-to topics for performing curriculum management tasks, visit the Staff How-To Page.

Rules and Regulations for Use of Academic Space

Please be aware that all general purpose classrooms have a strict no food and beverage policy. We respectfully request that instructors, as well as social group sponsors, enforce this policy.


Procedures for Creating or Altering Curriculum

FSU's University Curriculum Committee (UCC) must review all additions, changes, or deletions to university curriculum. The UCC is a standing committee of the Faculty Senate, which works in conjunction with the Office of Faculty Development and Advancement.

Requests to change any course element, or to create a new course, must be submitted through the curricular request application. Course elements include: prefix, course number, title, credit hours, grade type, repeat rules, delivery method, prerequisites, co-requisites, and description.

To access the curricular request application, go to This brings you to the Faculty Senate page. Click the Curricular Request Application link, log on with your FSUID and password, and follow the instructions found on the Curricular Request page.

Curriculum Sweep and Purge

Every year during spring semester, a report is generated that captures the courses that haven't been taught in the last five years. Departments are notified by email if any of their courses appear on this "purge" report. Unless the department specifies otherwise, the course or courses are removed from the master curriculum file (MCF). Courses purged from the MCF are also removed from the appropriate edition of the Bulletin, the Statewide Course Numbering System (SCNS), and the Statewide Course Numbering Field Reviews.

The SCNS conducts periodic field reviews to correct statewide curriculum issues, which result in changes to course prefixes and/or numbers. If the field review affects courses at FSU, staff update the Course Catalogue, the Bulletin, and notify departmental contacts. While changes entered in the Course Catalogue take place immediately, edits to Undergraduate and Graduate Bulletin content are published in accordance with those particular publication cycles.

Creating Academic Documentation

Academic Documentation is a division of the Office of the University Registrar. The staff comprise a dedicated group of editors and publishers who, on an ongoing, cyclical schedule, review and revise the University Undergraduate and Graduate General Bulletins; the Spring, Summer, and Fall Registration Guides, and the Office of the University Registrar website. Our email for documentation communications is email:

Our Documents

The following documents are published by the division of Academic Documentation:

  • General Bulletin
    • Undergraduate Edition (published annually in June)
    • Graduate Edition (published annually in August)
  • Registration Guide
    • Spring (published annually in September, in advance of spring semester)
    • Summer (published annually in February, in advance of summer semester)
    • Fall (published annually in September, in advance of fall semester)