Jim Moran College of Entrepreneurship
Website: https://jimmorancollege.fsu.edu
Dean: Susan S. Fiorito; Associate Dean: Eric Liguori; Assistant Deans: Kirsten Harrison, Wendy Plant; Professors: Fiorito, Kim, Liguori; Associate Professor: Clayton, Manchiraju, McQuerry, Santos; Assistant Professor: Nam; Teaching Faculty III: Frazier, Bob Garner; Teaching Faculty II: Breed, Hand, Langston, Lewis, Parker, Tatum; Teaching Faculty I: Baber, Carter, Brenda Garner, Griffin, Tara Hackett, Trae Hackett, McHaffie, McNees, Riley, Stith; Instructional Specialist II: Plant; Jim Moran Professor: Fiorito; Carol Avery Professors: Clayton, McQuerry
It is the mission of the Jim Moran College of Entrepreneurship to inspire innovation, instill compassion, and ignite an entrepreneurial mindset in the next generation of leaders.
General Information
The Jim Moran College of Entrepreneurship, through its faculty, curricula, and programs, is committed to educating and developing its students for careers as future business executives and leaders.
As a result of its capable and dedicated faculty, the Jim Moran College of Entrepreneurship has been able to attract highly qualified students. These students have strong analytical and communicative aptitudes and have a spirit of enterprise and creativity. The interaction of these students with highly qualified faculty, coupled with well-designed program options, creates a stimulating learning environment.
The Jim Moran College of Entrepreneurship is currently housed in four separate buildings. The Jim Moran Building, which the college shares with the Jim Moran Institute, is located at 111 S. Monroe and is ideally located near the center of downtown Tallahassee. It contains a modern classroom, faculty and staff offices, and numerous support facilities such as a student incubator. The location of this building is ideal for connecting entrepreneurship students with the business community in which we live. The Jim Moran College of Entrepreneurship also has an on-campus location in the Shaw Building. This location contains faculty and staff offices, a student collaboration room, a conference room, a body-scanning lab, a fabric-printing lab, and one classroom. The Historic Costume Collection is temporarily housed in the Sandels Building. The Office Depot Lab, Computer Aided Design Lab, the Textiles Labs, the STEM Lab, the ThermaNOLE Comfort Lab®, The Retail Center, and the JMC Retail Experience and Innovation Studio are housed in the William Johnston Building.
Programs Offered
The Master of Science in Retail Entrepreneurship with a major in Textile and Apparel Entrepreneurship program is designed to address the innovative approaches to textile testing and analysis, manufacturing, distribution, and product design and development while exploring new technologies and gaining a better understanding of the advancements in the current textile and apparel industry. The program is designed to allow students to complete the degree at a full-time or part-time pace, with both on-campus and online classes available.
The online Master of Science in Entrepreneurship with a major in Hospitality Entrepreneurship in the MSE program focuses on entrepreneurial endeavors in hospitality – opening, building, or innovating new hospitality enterprises. The program relies heavily on the acquisition and application of skills in real-world entrepreneurial hospitality enterprises. This degree provides advanced online education to allow graduates to pursue careers in a variety of corporate, government and/or academic professions.
The Master of Science in Entrepreneurship with a major in Product Development prepares individuals who seek to work in any company, private or public, advancing their knowledge and skills in product design and development. The core curriculum of the program includes topics in financial literacy and accounting, strategy and ethics in management. The classes offered in the product development provide students with hands-on experience in innovation and commercialization, further developing their abilities to implement their education from the MSE program in today's highly competitive and lucrative field of entrepreneurship.
The online Master of Science in Entrepreneurship with a major in Social and Sustainable Enterprises prepares students to help companies meet the demands of today without jeopardizing future generations. Throughout this online program, students are taught by Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) leaders and industry professionals to create, manage, and lead social and sustainable enterprises.
The online Master of Science in Entrepreneurship (MSE) with a major in Creative Arts Entrepreneurship offers students an opportunity to develop entrepreneurial skills that complement their specific area of professional practice. It is designed for those who already possess professional experience and a solid foundation in the disciplines of motion picture arts, music, visual & performing arts and/or creative writing.
The graduate certificate program in Entrepreneurship, offered both online and on-campus, develops a student's ability to analyze industry-specific issues from a global perspective, foster critical thinking, and enhance the tangible and intangible skills needed for today's highly competitive, yet lucrative field of entrepreneurship. The graduate certificate in Entrepreneurship offers students case-study learning while providing opportunities for innovative, hands-on application. Students take introductory graduate courses in entrepreneurship and leadership and then specialized courses within the current existing graduate programs. Students from all academic disciplines are be encouraged to pursue this graduate certificate so they may expand their knowledge in their chosen field by tying it to an entrepreneurial career, thus enabling students to pursue their passion and at the same time create a successful entrepreneurial venture around that chosen field.
The online graduate certificate program in Biomedical Entrepreneurship prepares you to improve patient health worldwide. Offered jointly by the College of Medicine and the Jim Moran College of Entrepreneurship, the certificate is designed for scientists, clinicians, and engineers who champion health innovation. The development of leadership skills is necessary to identify, create, and launch pioneering solutions with healthcare applications. You'll learn entrepreneurial fundamentals from experts in the field; you'll participate in an intensive collaboration course; and you can customize your certificate through specialized electives that are offered based on student interest and instructor availability. Medical devices, imaging, therapeutics, and genomics are among the specialized topics.
Admission Standards
Students considered for admission to the college must present a 3.0 upper-division grade point average (GPA) as an undergraduate student. All applicants to the college must submit an official transcript to the University as part of the admission process. Individual programs may have additional requirements for admission. Students should consult the appropriate program chapter of this Graduate Bulletin for details.
International applicants whose native language is not English must submit an English language proficiency exam, such as the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL), the International English Language Testing System (IELTS), or the Pearson Test of English (PTE Academic), the Cambridge English Language Assessment, the Michigan Language Assessment, or Duolingo. These scores are considered official only when they are sent directly to the Office of Admissions from the testing agency and are not valid after two years.
Study Abroad
The University offers many opportunities for international study open to all qualified state university students. Study-abroad programs range in nature from long-established study centers in Florence, London, Valencia, and Panama. Operated by Florida State University, they provide the opportunity for a truly rewarding educational and social experience. This can be done without disrupting their sequence of courses and without loss of residency since the Italy, England, Spain, and Panama campuses are true extensions of the Tallahassee campus.