School of Communication Science and Disorders

Graduate Programs

College of Communication and Information


Director: Carla Wood; Professors: Catts, Kim, Morris, Wood; Associate Professors: Farquharson, Hall-Mills, Lansford, Romano, Therrien, Tibi; Assistant Professors: Barton-Hulsey, Bush, Constantino, Johnson, L., Madden, Xie; Teaching Faculty III: Montgomery, Nimmons, Sasser, Snowden; Teaching Faculty II: Crass, Guynes, K.; Teaching Faculty I: Deason, Greenhill, Guynes, C., Johnson, C., Powell, Westmoreland

The School of Communication Science and Disorders offers programs leading to the Master of Science (MS) and the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degrees. The graduate degree curricula provide advanced study in speech-language pathology for students preparing for professional careers in clinical, research, and teaching environments.

The School of Communication Science and Disorders operates the L.L. Schendel Speech and Hearing Clinic. The clinic has a dual mission: (a) to provide effective community service that improves the communication abilities of clients and (b) to provide a teaching and clinical research laboratory that seeks to develop exemplary assessment and treatment procedures for use by our students and professionals in speech-language pathology and audiology. Innovative and relevant theory development, research, and services are viewed as unitary—the academic effort, the research effort, and the clinical effort all strive for one goal: the enhancement of the communicative well-being of the clients served.

The Communication Science and Disorders laboratories provide facilities for the study of physical and psychological aspects of sound, speech, voice, and language. The Speech–Voice Science Laboratory has specialized equipment enabling the analysis of duration, intensity, spectral, and fundamental frequency aspects of speech. Instrumentation and procedures for the forensic study of speech enable the detection of signals in noise and speaker identification from recorded speech samples. Computer-interfaced instrumentation is available for measuring vocal intensity and pitch, aeromechanical aspects of voice and resonance, and physiological functioning of respiration and the vocal apparatus. The Speech and Language Sampling Laboratories include equipment for recording, editing, and analyzing audio and video samples of speech and language discourse and social interactions. Portable equipment is available for field recordings. Software programs for analyzing language samples and summarizing results are also available. The Motor Speech Laboratories provides facilities for the study of physiological, cognitive, and linguistic factors that impact speech production in healthy adults along the aging continuum as well as in individuals with neurological disorders such as Parkinson's disease. The laboratory is equipped with specialized systems to record and analyze articulatory movements in three dimensions, the electrical activity of orofacial muscles, the activity of the autonomic nervous system, and the speech acoustic signal. In addition, these laboratories include equipment and software used to examine and advance listener-based interventions to improve understanding of dysarthric speech.

The Language and Reading Disorders Laboratory provides facilities and equipment for the investigation of reading, writing, and spelling, along with resources and strategies for assessing oral and written language and literacy development. Audio-video equipment, computers, and software are available for the development and evaluation of intervention strategies that can support parents and teachers working with children, adolescents, and young adults with communication delays and disorders. The Augmentative and Alternative Communication Laboratory provides student clinicians with opportunities to learn about the evaluation and treatment of children and adults with severe communication disorders. The facility includes dedicated electronic communication devices with voice input, switches, keyboards, software programs, and other computer-based systems. Computer laboratories available to students and faculty are equipped with a full array of software and peripherals necessary for word processing, spreadsheet applications, database management, statistical and graphic analysis, language sample analysis, instructional material development, desktop publishing, and nonlinear video editing.

The Neuroscience Laboratory is an interdisciplinary laboratory located in the Warren Building. A wide array of equipment and software is available to measure cognition and language. A GaitRite system assesses thirty parameters of gait in studies of the effects of cognitive load on posture, gait, and balance. A Biopac system is available for the measurement of a variety of physiological parameters including EEG, EMG, ECG, respiratory, and cardiac function.

For further information about all graduate admission and degree requirements contact: Jennifer Kekelis, Assistant Director of Academic and Student Services, School of Communication Science and Disorders, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL 32306-1200; phone: (850) 644-2253; e-mail:

Master's Degree Programs

Florida State University's speech-language pathology educational program is accredited by the Council on Academic Accreditation of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. The objective of the program is to educate speech-language pathologists to function optimally in a variety of clinical and school settings and, if desired, to enable them to pursue the doctoral degree. Learning experiences involve an interaction of classroom instruction, research, and individualized clinical practicum under the close supervision of certified academic and clinical faculty. Students are encouraged to collaborate with faculty on research and clinical program development. The master's degree is offered via an on-campus program and a distance learning program.

The programs offer courses of study leading to the Master of Science (MS) degree (thesis and non-thesis options). The graduate-level programs lead to meeting the American Speech-Language Hearing Association's entry level requirements for practice as a speech-language pathologist. The Florida State Board of Education requirements or The National Council on Accreditation for Teacher Education (NCATE) requirements for teaching certificates may be achieved by speech-language pathology majors. The degree requirement for the MS in speech-language pathology can be met through on campus or distance learning programs.

A student's undergraduate background influences the time required to complete the graduate degree. Students obtaining a master's degree on campus from Florida State University generally graduate from the program in six academic semesters, which includes a semester of off-campus internship, while the distance learning master's students generally graduate from the program in nine academic semesters.


The Florida State University School of Communication Science and Disorders requires an individual applying for a master's degree to hold a bachelor's degree. A degree in Communication Science and Disorders is highly recommended but not required. Applicants from other degree areas are encouraged to obtain prerequisites in Communication Science and Disorders. For information on prerequisites, please see the School Website: Applicants for admission to the master's degree programs must meet the University's minimum standard of a 3.0 upper division GPA and completion of the verbal, quantitative, and writing sections of the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) before an application will be considered by the School. Meeting the minimum requirements does not guarantee acceptance for graduate study in the School as admission is competitive. Prospective students must apply to the University and pay the University application fee before their file will be reviewed at the School level. Applicants must submit copies of official transcripts from all post-secondary schools attended and official GRE scores from the Educational Testing Service to the Office of Graduate Admissions. Typically, admission is for the Fall semester for both the on-campus program and the distance learning program. There are additional requirements and procedures for admission to the program. Please see the department Website at for submission dates of application materials and additional information.

Students in the master's degree programs are required to complete a research project (i.e., thesis or directed research activity). All graduate students completing a thesis are required to present a program of study acceptable to the major professor and supervisory committee. The program of study should be approved before the conclusion of the first semester of course work. In general, a minimum of six semesters is typically required for the completion of the on-campus master's degree; completion of the distance learning master's degree is typically a minimum of nine semesters.

Doctoral Degree

Admission to the doctoral program is contingent upon meeting the Florida State University policy on admissions. Academic standards, residence, and transfer credits are in accordance with regulations of the University. Normally, admission is during the Fall semester. Application for the following academic year should be submitted by March 1st.

The student must have a bachelor's degree for consideration of entry into the program. A minimum overall grade point average of 3.0 (on a scale of A = 4.0) maintained in upper division coursework (typically the junior and senior years of undergraduate education) is required. A minimum of a 3.5 grade point average in the student's major area of study in undergraduate and graduate education is required. A minimum score of 150 on the verbal and 150 on the quantitative sections of the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) and a 3 or greater on Writing is required. The Doctoral Program Committee may request an exception to the grade point average and GRE requirement from the FSU Graduate School if strong evidence of academic potential is presented. Please see the school's Website at for additional information.

Upon acceptance into the doctoral program, the School director will appoint the major professor. The appointment must be mutually agreeable to the student, major professor, and School director. By the end of the first year of the program, the student should invite selected faculty to form a doctoral supervisory committee. The doctoral supervisory committee shall be composed of a minimum of four members, including the major professor, who will serve until the student is advanced to candidacy. The minimum of four members must hold Graduate Faculty Status, and one of those members with this status (and tenure) must be selected from a different School to serve as the University Representative. At least two members must be from within the School of Communication Science and Disorders. Students may choose to include up to two members from other departments in light of the interdisciplinary course work taken by students in the department.

The first three to five semesters of enrollment in the program should be devoted to completion of the core requirements. By the end of the first year of the program, the student must present an approved plan of study to fulfill all requirements for the PhD. The plan of study should include all graduate-level courses previously completed. The program of study should include a narrative statement of the student's career goals, all graduate level courses previously completed, and all courses that the student is planning on taking to meet the core requirements and additional requirements, as delineated below, as well as a timeline for completion. The doctoral supervisory committee must approve the program of study in writing and may approve any course(s) already completed to apply toward meeting the core requirements. The student is encouraged to ask the major professor for samples of programs of study completed by former students.


The doctoral program in Communication Science and Disorders is individualized to meet the student's needs and interests based on his/her career goals. The student must demonstrate knowledge beyond the master's level in three areas:

  1. Research Methods (fifteen semester hours)
  2. Communication Processes in Normal and/or Disordered Populations (nine semester hours)
  3. A Related Specialization area (twelve semester hours).

Students must also meet five additional requirements:

  1. The student must demonstrate teaching competencies by taking major responsibility for teaching at least one undergraduate lecture course. The student must enroll in three to five semester hours of SPA 5940, Supervised Teaching.
  2. The student must demonstrate research competencies by participating in different roles in ongoing research of the major professor or more advanced doctoral students and taking major responsibility for initiating a research project. The student must enroll in three to five semester hours of SPA 5910, Supervised Research.
  3. The student must enroll in the departmental Doctoral Research Colloquium and Doctoral Seminar on Teaching and Supervision (SPA 6804; both are variable credit ranging from zero to three semester hours, repeatable to twelve hours) for a minimum of two semester hours each during the Fall and Spring semesters totaling four semesters over the first two years in the program and before advancing to candidacy.
  4. The student must demonstrate academic-related competencies by engaging in experiences and opportunities that they may face as an academician. Example activities include: supervision (in either or both research and clinical venues), school or university (e.g., IRB) committee experiences, professional (e.g., ASHA-related work) experiences, serving as a non-voting member of an undergraduate or graduate theses committee, participation in professional (research or clinical) development, mentoring of undergraduate and graduate students, etc.
  5. The student must have a minimum of one experience with their mentor in a collaborative writing experience on a manuscript or similar document. The purpose of this requirement is to provide the student with experience and feedback for the type of scholarly writing required for the Preliminary Examination.

Candidacy for the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Degree

Advancement to candidacy for the PhD degree is contingent upon successful completion of all required coursework and the student successfully passing a preliminary examination. The preliminary exam is designed to demonstrate competency in a topic area(s) pertinent to the student's field of interest as well as the ability to write and critique scholarly papers. The student's committee must approve the format and content of the specific products before the student initiates the preliminary exam. It is recommended that the three written products be completed within one to two semesters.

  1. Literature Review/Written Response to Committee Question(s). The student must write extensively on a topic(s) selected and approved by the committee. The question(s) is intended to be on a topic related to anticipated area of study for the subsequent dissertation. The question can be derived from a pool of question submitted by the student to their advisor and agreed upon by the committee. The written response should be a thorough review of the literature, double spaced and including references.
  2. Journal Article Critique. The student will critique a prepublication manuscript or published article as if it was submitted to a journal for publication with the student serving as a guest reviewer. The major professor will choose the article with input from committee members with the student's area of interest and future research objectives in mind. The article critique typically is no more than three pages single-spaced; often, it is shorter. The student will designate the start date for completing the article critique, with approval of the major professor, and will be given one week to complete the critique. Where possible, the research design of the journal article will differ from that of the design in the creative product.

Creative Product. The third written product may take one of two forms, depending on the student's interests and future employment objectives.

The student will write a manuscript that is suitable for submission to a journal. The manuscript should entail original research that the student has designed and carried out (e.g., a report of an experimental research study, a program evaluation, a policy analysis, or another original product). The manuscript should not have any fatal flaws in regard to support for the need and rationale for the study, threats to validity, appropriate statistical analysis, appropriate interpretation of results, and clarity/organization of writing.

The student is expected to work fairly independently on the creative product. The student should submit a final draft to the major professor. The major professor may make suggestions one time regarding content that is missing or superfluous, the organization of the product and synthesis of information, and APA writing style.

The major professor will be the gatekeeper of the products and decide if the products are ready to send to the committee and if the student is ready to schedule the oral examination. Upon notification from the major professor, the student will send three written products to the committee at least two weeks prior to the scheduled oral examination. The student should provide each committee member with a hard copy of the preliminary exam, unless a committee member prefers an electronic copy. If the major professor believes, after providing feedback to the student for the creative product, that the products are not passable and should not be sent to the committee, the advisor will advise the student. At that point, the student has the option of either moving forward with a full committee review or pulling the manuscript and suggesting an alternative creative product. This latter option will be offered only once.


Upon advancement to candidacy, the student should begin working on the dissertation. The dissertation and a successful defense is the final requirement for the doctoral degree. A student must be admitted to candidacy at least six months prior to the granting of the doctoral degree. All requirements for the doctoral degree, including filing an approved dissertation, must be completed within five calendar years from the time the student is passes the preliminary examination, or the student's supervisory committee will require that a new preliminary examination be passed.

Definition of Prefix

SPA—Speech Pathology and Audiology

Graduate Courses

SPA 5005. Survey of Communication Disorders (4). This course provides a solid overview of the main types of communication and swallowing disorders, including causes, symptoms, assessment, treatment, potential outcomes, and ethical considerations.

SPA 5009. Normal Communication Development and Disorders (4). This course provides an overview of the fundamental bases of language development and their disorders. The knowledge and skills acquired in this course are pivotal to preparing future professionals for a variety of careers and scientific inquiry. Knowledge of typical language development is essential for a variety of professions such as working in an educational setting or child-care capacity, working with individuals with communication disorders, or conducting related research. This overview serves as a foundation for advanced coursework.

SPA 5012. Introduction to Communication Science (4). This course provides an overview of the speech sciences. Information integrates scientific material relating to the acoustics, anatomy, and physiology of speech production and perception. Specific topics include sound, respiration, phonation, articulation, audition, and the nervous system along with clinical cases that affect these areas of speech science. This introductory course is expected to serve as a basis for understanding the science of speech and to provide a foundation for advanced graduate-level coursework in speech functions.

SPA 5033. Introduction to Clinical Audiology (4). This course introduces the field and practice of audiology as a prerequisite to graduate studies in Communication Sciences and Disorders or as a supplement to studies in related fields. Topics include the nature, measurement, and perception of sound; basic anatomy and physiology of the human auditory system; the nature, causes, and effects of hearing impairment; basic hearing assessment; treatment options for hearing impairment; as well as information regarding assessment and treatment of special populations.

SPA 5055r. Professional Tools in Speech-Language Pathology (1–3). This course is the first of two courses relating professional tools for the graduate program in speech-language pathology. This course familiarizes students with the professional issues currently facing the profession.

SPA 5058. Clinical Methods (4). This course introduces students to clinical practice in speech-language pathology. Students become acquainted with the scope of practice, ethical obligations and supervision of the SLPA, medical billing and documentation, implementing treatment plans, intervention strategies and techniques, service delivery options, behavior management and data collection.

SPA 5102. Neurological Basis of Communication (4). This course provides an overview of the normal neuroanatomy and neurophysiology of human communication (speech, language, and hearing), while also covering introductory information related to neuropathologies and clinical causes that affect communication. This course serves as a basis for understanding the normative and pathological processes that affect human communication and provides a foundation for advanced, graduate-level coursework in speech, language, and cognitive functions. Classes are primarily lecture based and are supplemented by videotapes, illustrations, handouts, in-class review activities, and Internet activities. Lectures follow the text, but not necessarily in order of the chapters.

SPA 5103. Anatomy and Physiology: Speech, Language, and Hearing (4). This course provides the foundation for advanced study in communication science and disorders. Understanding the normal structure and function brings about an increased understanding of the pathology present in the myriad of patient populations encountered in future practical experiences as an SLP student clinician and, later, in practice. Students learn about the nature of communication and swallowing, primarily their anatomic, physiologic, acoustic, and perceptual characteristics.

SPA 5113. Clinical Phonetics (4). This course focuses on learning to phonetically transcribe spoken language. Students learn and frequently practice transcription of vowels and consonants at the levels of isolation, syllables, words, phrases, and connected speech. The course also incorporates relevant material covering phonetics as a science, the similarities and differences between spelling and sound, anatomy and physiology of the speech mechanism, clinical phonetics, and dialectal variation in spoken language.

SPA 5204. Phonological Disorders (3). This course identifies and examines traditional and psycholinguistic theory and approaches to management of defective articulation. Provides the student with training in the treatment of defective articulation.

SPA 5211. Voice Disorders (3). This course is concerned with etiology, symptoms, and remediation of a variety of organic voice disorders.

SPA 5225. Fluency Disorders (3). This course emphasizes theories of treatment of stuttering disorders, various therapeutic approaches.

SPA 5230. Motor Speech Disorders (3). This course covers diagnostic and therapeutic procedures employed in the management of speech and language problems of neurologically impaired persons.

SPA 5252. Speech Production and Swallowing Disorders (3). This is a foundation course to prepare SLP students to evaluate and manage communication disorders of voice, fluency, and articulation plus dysphasia and laryngectomy.

SPA 5254. Acquired Neurolinguistic and Cognitive Communication Disorders (3). This foundational course prepares SLP students to evaluate and manage neuromotor speech disorders, aphasia, traumatic brain injury, right hemisphere syndromes, dementia, and communication effects of progressive neurological diseases.

SPA 5305Lr. Measurement and Management of Impaired Hearing (3). This course covers interviewing, audiologic screening, audiometric evaluation, data interpretation, hearing aids and cochlear implants, assistive listening devices, aural rehabilitation assessment and therapy, and hearing conservation.

SPA 5322. Aural (Re)habilitation (1–3). Prerequisite: SPA 5033. This course provides the theoretical foundation for the development and implementation of Aural (Re)habilitation services to improve the communication function of individuals across the lifespan.

SPA 5401. Communication Intervention: Infants and Preschoolers (3). This course explores strategies for the assessment and intervention of communication and symbolic abilities of infants (0-2) and children (3-5) with atypical communication development. Emphasis is on using a family focused approach in home based and center based programs.

SPA 5432. Autism and Severe Communicative Disabilities (3). This course explores strategies for language and communication assessment and intervention of children, adolescents, and adults with autism and other severe communicative disabilities. Includes functional analysis of challenging behaviors and decision making for the selection of augmentative communication systems.

SPA 5436. Nature of Autism (3). This course provides an overview of the characteristics and etiology of autism spectrum disorders and the basic knowledge needed to develop effective instructional plans and to enhance reading, communication, and social interactions at home, at school, and in the community.

SPA 5460. Foundations of Developmental Communication Disorders (3). This course provides an overview of language and phonological impairments. The course prepares students to facilitate development in children's learning systems while taking into account the contextually-based needs of children with developmental communicative disorders.

SPA 5462. Developmental Communication Disorders: School-Age Issues (3). Prerequisite: SPA 5460. This course prepares speech-language pathologists to evaluate and manage developmental communication disorders in conjunction with families, educators, and other service providers. Focus is on applications to the selection of functional treatment goals and the development of effective treatment programs.

SPA 5500. Clinical Practicum in the Schools (3). This course provides supervised therapy practice in therapy procedures with school-aged persons presenting various communication problems. Seminar covers educational and therapy topics relative to public professional activities.

SPA 5505r. Advanced Clinical Practicum (1–4). This course provides students with the opportunity to build and practice more advanced clinical skills as they continue their clinical rotations. Maybe be taken for credit for a total of four semester hours.

SPA 5522. Medical Speech Pathology (3). This course exposes students to the concepts, policies and procedures encountered in medical settings. The primary goal is to make students more comfortable upon entering the medical setting in offsite practicums.

SPA 5526Lr. Laboratory in Child Speech/Language Pathology Diagnostics (1–3). (S/U grade only.) This course provides completion of formal and informal evaluation procedures with children who have speech and/or language disorders. May be repeated to a maximum of twelve (12) semester hours.

SPA 5528Lr. Laboratory in Adult Speech/Language Pathology Diagnostics (1–3). (S/U grade only.) This course provides completion of formal and informal evaluation procedures with adults who have speech and/or language disorders. May be repeated to a maximum of twelve (12) semester hours.

SPA 5553. Seminar in Clinical Differential Diagnostics (2). This course is a discussion of formal and informal assessment of a variety of speech and language disorders. Students discuss content related to individuals evaluated during accompanying laboratory. The course teaches students to integrate screening and prevention procedures into practice; review evaluation/assessment instruments; utilize diagnostic results; and interpret, integrate, and synthesize test results, observations, and samples to develop diagnoses with all content reflected in written form (diagnostic report).

SPA 5554. Counseling in Speech-Language Pathology (3). This course covers supervision, counseling, and interviewing in the area of communication disorders.

SPA 5559. Augmentative Communication Systems (3). This course provides an overview of augmentative and alternative communication systems (AAC) and the process for selecting and implementing these systems. The course also covers application of AAC systems for nonspeaking individuals with developmental and acquired disorders.

SPA 5565. Seminar in Dysphagia (3). This course covers a review of the anatomy, neurology, and function of the normal swallow. Etiologies and types of dysphagia in children and adults. Evaluation and management of swallowing disorders. Prior anatomy and neurology courses are recommended.

SPA 5646. Communication for Persons Deaf and Hard of Hearing (3). This course covers assessment and education procedures for developing communication skills of preschool and school-age hearing impaired students.

SPA 5906r. Directed Individual Study (1–3). (S/U grade only). May be repeated to a maximum of eight semester hours. Students may enroll in more than one section during the same semester.

SPA 5910r. Supervised Research (1–5). (S/U grade only). May be repeated to a maximum of five semester hours. A maximum of three semester hours may apply to the master's degree. Students may enroll in more than one section during the same semester.

SPA 5935. Team Science for Interdisciplinary Clinical and Translational Research (3). This course assists the next generation of team scientists to gain an understanding of teaming, and to understand and improve how they interact with and integrate across disciplinary, professional, and institutional boundaries.

SPA 5940r. Supervised Teaching (1–5). (S/U grade only). This course gives advanced graduate students the opportunity to organize and teach basic courses in audiology and speech-language pathology under the direct supervision of faculty. May be repeated to a maximum of five semester hours. A maximum of three semester hours may apply to the master's degree.

SPA 5941r. Beginning Speech-Language Pathology Practicum (1–4). (S/U grade only). This course provides students with the opportunity to build basic clinical competence in the area of speech-language pathology. Students are introduced to diagnostic and therapeutic clinical processes as they relate to clients of various ages and disorder types. May be repeated to a maximum of four semester hours.

SPA 5942r. Community Clinical Practicum (1–4). This clinical practicum provides students with supervised experiences in a variety of community-based settings. May be repeated to a maximum of four semester hours.

SPA 5944. Speech-Language Pathology Internship (1–12). (S/U grade only). This course provides intensive practical experience in the diagnosis and/or treatment of persons with speech-language and hearing disorders in service oriented professional settings under the close supervision of persons who have clinical certification from the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. Students complete this course in the final semester of the master's program.

SPA 5971r. Thesis (1–6). (S/U grade only). A minimum of six semester hours must be earned.

SPA 6140r. Seminar in Experimental Phonetics (1–3). This course examines phonetics experimentation through review of relevant journal articles and participation in speech recording, measurements, and analysis. The focus is on one of the three phonetic areas: physiologic, acoustic or perceptual. May be repeated to a maximum of nine semester hours.

SPA 6231r. Seminar in Neuropathologies (1–3). May be repeated from term to term to a maximum of nine semester hours.

SPA 6434r. Seminar on Developmental Disabilities (1–3). This course provides advanced graduate students with an opportunity to study and analyze current issues affecting children with developmental disabilities, including the families of these children and their communities. Students examine cross-disciplinary contributions to developmental disabilities research, service, and policies. May be repeated to a maximum of nine semester hours.

SPA 6804r. University Academic and Clinical Teaching Colloquium (0–2). (S/U grade only). This course is designed to provide doctoral students with information and essential skills for teaching in the university environment. May be repeated to a maximum of twelve semester hours.

SPA 6805r. Seminar in Clinical Research Methods (3). This course advances students' knowledge of research methods used to study clinical problems and to evaluate intervention techniques used in speech-language pathology and other educational endeavors. Current research literature is examined to critique the research methods used to address specific issues selected by students. May be repeated to a maximum of nine semester hours.

SPA 6841r. Seminar in Language (1–3). May be repeated from term to term, to a maximum of nine semester hours.

SPA 6900r. Readings for the Preliminary Examination (1–6). (S/U grade only). Prerequisites: Doctoral standing and department approval. This course is to be taken prior to or during the semester the student registers for the preliminary examination. May be repeated to a maximum of six semester hours.

SPA 6930r. Seminar in Special Topics (1–3). This course content varies as faculty offers different issues and special topics concerning the discipline. May be repeated from term to term to a maximum of nine semester hours. Students may enroll in more than one section during the same semester.

SPA 6980r. Dissertation (1–12). (S/U grade only).

SPA 8964r. Preliminary Doctoral Examination (0). (P/F grade only.)

SPA 8976. Master's Thesis Defense (0). (P/F grade only.)

SPA 8985. Dissertation Defense (0). (P/F grade only.)