Criminology and Criminal Justice

Graduate Programs

College of Criminology and Criminal Justice


Professors: Beaver, Blomberg, Hay, Mears, Siennick, Warren; Associate Professors: Augustyn, Chouhy, Coonan, Copp, Lantz, Pesta, Schwartz, Stults, Wenger; Assistant Professors: Anderson, Brancale, Close, Davidson, Fridel, Holmes, Kim, Piatkowska, Sheppard, Zane; Professors Emeriti: Bales, Gertz, Kirkham, Kleck, Waldo

The College of Criminology and Criminal Justice offers graduate degree programs leading to the Master of Science (MS), Master of Arts (MA), and the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degrees. In addition to the general criminology degree programs, joint graduate pathways are offered with the School of Public Administration and Policy and with the College of Social Work.

For complete details of degree requirements, plus a description of the College of Criminology and Criminal Justice, its facilities, opportunities, and available financial assistance, refer to the “College of Criminology and Criminal Justice” chapter of this Graduate Bulletin.

Definition of Prefixes

CCJ—Criminology and Criminal Justice

CJE—Law Enforcement

CJJ—Juvenile Justice

CJL—Law and Process

Graduate Courses

CCJ 5016. Crimes of the Powerful (3). This course provides an in-depth examination of the many types of crimes committed by the powerful. Powerful people, corporations, and governments commit a variety of serious, deadly acts that if committed by “ordinary” or powerless people would be labeled and treated as criminal behavior.

CCJ 5020. Penology (3). This course is a survey of approaches to corrections, correctional institutions, their residents, programs and management, and special problems such as probation and parole, riots, outside contacts, and special institutions.

CCJ 5028r. Seminar in Criminal Justice (3). This course investigates in detail some special problems of criminal justice policy and practice. May be repeated to a maximum of nine semester hours.

CCJ 5039. Self-Control, Crime, and Criminal Justice (3). This course provides students with a broad understanding of the evolving theory and research on the concept of self-control. Significant attention with be devoted to the policy implementation of this research.

CCJ 5078. Computer Applications in Criminal Justice (3). This course introduces the computer and the Internet. The course includes a discussion of the use of these technologies within the criminal justice system. It covers word processing, spreadsheets, databases, graphics, and Internet applications such as e-mail, chat, forum discussions, search engines, Web page browsers, etc.

CCJ 5109. Theory in Criminology and Criminal Justice (3). This course is an introduction to theory in criminology. It examines the principal functions of criminological theories and how they are rooted in the historical and social contexts in which they originate.

CCJ 5285. Survey of Criminal Justice Theory and Research (3). This course is an overview of the theoretical issues and research on the law and legal control of deviance in society.

CCJ 5526. Juvenile Delinquency (3). This course examines juvenile delinquency with attention to historical reasons for why it is distinguished from adult crime, the theories that explain involvement in delinquency, and the appropriate juvenile justice responses to delinquency.

CCJ 5546. Prevention and Treatment of Crime and Delinquency (3). This course focuses on the theoretical development of crime prevention, punishment, and treatment. Topics include historical models of crime control, growth of crime prevention, and aspects such as environmental design, community action programs, and technology systems.

CCJ 5605. Deviance, Crime, and Social Control (3). This course familiarizes students with the study of deviance. Students explore ways in which societal responses to deviants parallels the sanctioning of criminals and how societies maintain order through defining, identifying, and responding to deviance.

CCJ 5606. Survey of Criminological Theories (3). This course covers the major theories of criminal Involvement, with attention to each theory's history, hypothesis, and empirical adequacy.

CCJ 5607. History of Criminological Thought (3). This course is an historical review of thought about crime and punishment with emphasis on the origin and evaluation of basic theories of crime-causation and community response as they arose in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.

CCJ 5619. Life-Course Criminology (3). This course studies the onset, maintenance, and cessation of criminal and deviant behavior in the context of people's lives--their school, work, and family transitions, their broader social contexts, and their biology and general aging processes.

CCJ 5625. Ecology of Crime (3). This course is an analysis of crime, delinquency, and victimization within various demographic and ecological systems of society. The course focuses on characteristics of offenders and offenses.

CCJ 5635. Biosocial Criminology (3). This course provides an overview of biosocial concepts, biosocial findings, and biosocial research designs. The course examines how genes, biology, the brains, and the environment relate to different types of antisocial behaviors.

CCJ 5636. Comparative Criminology and Criminal Justice (3). This course offers a comparative analysis of crime issues worldwide and reviews criminal justice system responses to both localized and transnational crime.

CCJ 5659. Opioid Epidemic, Crime and Justice (3). This course examines the U.S. opioid epidemic with attention to factors giving rise to it, the consequences of the opioid epidemic for the country, and the appropriate policy and criminal justice reactions.

CCJ 5669. Race, Ethnicity, Crime and Social Justice (3). This course considers the relationships among race, ethnicity, and crime in the justice system. The effect of social policy on racial and ethnic inequality is studied, and theories of ethnic and racial justice are presented in terms of their effect on crime and criminal justice.

CCJ 5672. Gender, Crime and Justice (3). This course considers the impact of gendered relations on crime and justice. Theories of gender and society are presented and the special relationship between gender and crime is studied.

CCJ 5698. Sex Crime Policy (3). This course explores sex crime, offenders, and policy. Students examine various critical perspectives to better understand and reduce sex crime.

CCJ 5705. Research Methods in Criminology I (3). This course is a research design for criminological studies with an emphasis on data collection methods, measurement of validity and reliability, and causal analysis.

CCJ 5706. Applied Statistics in Criminology I (3). This course focuses on the use of statistical techniques in criminology.

CCJ 5707. Qualitative Methods in Criminology (3). This course is aimed at familiarizing students with the nature and utility of qualitative field work in various areas of criminological research.

CCJ 5709. Survey Research Methods in Criminology and Criminal Justice (3). Prerequisites: CCJ 5705 and CCJ 5706. This course is an introduction to the use of survey research in criminology and criminal justice.

CCJ 5716. Criminal Justice Policy and Evaluation (3). This course is an overview of “hot topic” criminal justice policies. Students learn to become sophisticated practitioners and consumers of policy-relevant research.

CCJ 5721. Role of Stress in Criminology and Criminal Justice Research (3). This course provides a working knowledge of the expansive literature focused on stress, behavior, and health, with a particular emphasis on the ways this information can be applied to criminological and criminal justice research.

CCJ 5740. Data Analysis in Criminology and Criminal Justice (3). This course covers at an intermediate level, data analysis problems in quasi-experimental designs and theory testing in criminology.

CCJ 5944. Supervised Teaching (3). (S/U grade only). This is a practicum with the student in teaching, guided by an experienced teacher with whom the student meets from time to time for discussion of readings and classroom experiences.

CCJ 5945. Field Practice in Criminology (9). (S/U grade only). Prerequisite: Successful completion of CCJ 5605, CCJ 5606, CCJ 5705, or CCJ 5706; or instructor permission.

CCJ 5946r. Criminal Justice Practicum (3–6). (S/U grade only). Prerequisites: CCJ 5078, CCJ 5285, CCJ 5606, CCJ 5704, and nine semester hours of electives. This variable credit course serves as a capstone experience for students who have completed the other requirements for the master's degree in criminology with a criminal justice studies major. The course culminates with a master's paper that consists of an in-depth analysis of a subject related to the application of criminology and criminal justice.

CCJ 5971r. Thesis (1–6). (S/U grade only). A minimum of six semester hours of credit must be earned.

CCJ 5974r. Area Paper in Criminology (1–6). (S/U grade only). Prerequisite: instructor permission. This course offers an analysis and evaluation of literature within a substantive area of criminology. May be repeated to a maximum of six semester hours.

CCJ 5981r. Directed Individual Study (3). (S/U grade only). This is a course with contents determined by the student in consultation with the instructor, with whom the student meets regularly for supervision of the study. May be repeated to a maximum of twelve semester hours.

CCJ 6065. Professional Development in Criminology (3). This course provides students with the key training needed to engage in the professional activities central to a successful scholarly career in criminology.

CCJ 6665. Victimology (3). This course introduces students to the field of victimology and explores its conceptual boundaries, basic concepts and literature within various subareas.

CCJ 6708. Seminar in Crime Research (3). This course encourages advanced students to approach the multifaceted problem of research as a set of interrelated issues ranging from tasks of concept formation and theory construction through research design and data collection to the assessment and analysis of the generated data.

CCJ 6741r. Advanced Data Analysis in Criminology and Criminal Justice (3). This course provides in-depth coverage of an advanced data analysis method used in criminological research. Topics include analyzing limited dependent variables, methods for analyzing longitudinal data, hierarchal linear models, structural equation models, models with latent variables, methods for constructing indices and scales. May be repeated to a maximum of twelve semester hours.

CCJ 6749. Advanced Statistics in Criminology (3). Prerequisites: CCJ 5706 and CCJ 5740. This course provides instruction and practice in analyzing models for categorical and limited dependent variables, weighting analyses to account for complex survey designs, and conducting mediation analysis.

CCJ 6920r. Seminar in Theoretical Criminology (3). For this course, contents vary as instructors present different developments, problems, and controversies. May be repeated to a maximum of twelve (12) credit hours; repeatable within the same term.

CCJ 6980r. Dissertation (1–12). (S/U grade only).

CCJ 8968r. Preliminary Examination Preparation (1–12). (S/U grade only). This course prepares students for doctoral preliminary examinations. Consent of major professor required. May be repeated to a maximum of twelve semester hours.

CCJ 8969r. Preliminary Doctoral Examination (0). (P/F grade only.)

CCJ 8976r. Master's Thesis Defense (0). (P/F grade only.)

CCJ 8985r. Dissertation Defense (0). (P/F grade only.)

CJC 5050. Proseminar in Criminology (3). This course provides an overview of various important issues in criminological theory and research and the administration of criminal justice.

CJE 5024. Police and Society (3). This course is an examination of current issues and problems in law enforcement, including such topics as the informal exercise of police authority, police role conflict, the relative significance of law enforcement and social service, and interactional dynamics of police subculture.

CJJ 5020. Juvenile Justice (3). This course considers the processing of offenders through the juvenile justice system. It investigates the special forms of justice applied to non-adults by arrest, detention, adjudication and juvenile corrections.

CJL 5520. Structure and Process of the American Court System (3). This course examines the development of a positive and normative framework for analyzing criminal courts and an introduction of students to the basics of planning tools with applications to the management of criminal courts