Graduate Law

College of Law


Professors: Atkinson, Bayern, Hsu, Johnson, Kahn, Linford, Logan, Landau, O'Connor, Ryan, Seidenfeld, Spottswood, Utset, Williams; Associate Professors: Kesten, Lee, Morley, Scholz, Sevier; Assistant Professors: Banteka, Eisler, Gentry, Gionvanpoulou, Marks, Wang, Wright; Edward Ball Eminent Scholar: Abbott; Teaching Faculty: Annino, Benham, Blenkhorn, Busch, Harley, Krieger, Matthews, Nathan, Nyborg-Bush, Parker-Flynn, Powell, Quintela, Sandon, Scott, Taylor; Professors Emeriti: Banoff, Christie, Dodge, Ehrhardt, Larson, Oeltjen, Powell, Schroeder, Southerland, Stern, Tesón, Van Doren, Vinson, Weidner, Yetter

The College of Law provides students with a sophisticated legal education. The school encourages close working relationships among students and faculty; expert faculty members are accessible to students and teach them outside of the classroom as well as inside the classroom. Our faculty adds value by delivering a program of study that prepares students to enter the worlds of law, business, or government at the highest possible level. The College of Law inhabits a strong sense of community; students are proud of the law school and of one another.

For further details of degree requirements and for a description of the college and its opportunities, please visit

Note: The following courses are required: LAW 5000, LAW 5100, LAW 5300, LAW 5400, LAW 5501, LAW 5502, LAW 5522, LAW 5700, LAW 5792, LAW 5793, and LAW 7750.

Definition of Prefix


Graduate Courses

LAW 5000. Contracts (1–4). This course explores substantive and remedial aspects of business agreements including offer, acceptance, consideration, assignments, third-party beneficiaries, statute of frauds, legality, performance, and remedies.

LAW 5100. Criminal Law (3). This course examines substantive requirements of criminal law offenses and defenses, the social and political forces influencing the content of criminal law, as well as the constitutional limits and requirements informing its content and application.

LAW 5300. Civil Procedure (4). Jurisdiction of person, subject matter, and venue of federal and state courts; pleadings, complaints, answer, and reply; motion for judgment on pleadings and summary.

LAW 5400. Property (4). This course studies the extent to which various property rights come or fail to be recognized. The course includes both private sector and governmental arrangements and influences on the definition of property rights. Particular topics include the law of finders, landlord and tenant, concurrent ownership, licenses, easements, profits, restrictive covenants, an introduction to zoning and growth control, as well as constitutional “talkings” analysis.

LAW 5501. Constitutional Law I (3). Judicial function in constitutional cases, the federal system, powers delegated to national government, powers reserved to the states, due process of law, and fundamental individual rights.

LAW 5502. Constitutional Law II (3). Judicial function in constitutional cases, the federal system, powers delegated to national government, powers reserved to the states, due process of law, and fundamental individual rights.

LAW 5522. Legislation and Regulation (1–3). This course introduces students to creation, interpretation, and application of statutes and regulations, and explains the central role that they play in modern American governance.

LAW 5700. Torts (1–4). Civil liability for harm to persons and property, including intentional torts and privileges thereto; negligence, causation, and defenses; strict liability, products liability, defamation, privacy, and interference with advantageous relationships.

LAW 5792. Legal Writing and Research I (2). Use of law library, legal research techniques, and practical work in analyzing legal problems. Students meet in small sections to work on specific legal problems assigned to them.

LAW 5793. Legal Writing and Research II (2–3). Legal writing techniques, practical work in analyzing legal problems, preparation of an appellate brief, and the argument of an appellate case. Follows LAW 5792.

LAW 6002. Insurance Contracts (2–3). In this course, students study insurance contracts and insurance law. Topics covered include: the nature of insurance; insurable interests; persons and interests protected; contractual obligations of the insured and insurer; the claims process; bad faith; and subrogation. Students explore insurance contracts from the point of negotiation and execution through the claims process, settlement, and dispute resolution.

LAW 6003. Contracct Risk Management (2–3). This course examines contracts as vehicles for risk management as well as the risks inherent in contracts. By reviewing fundamental contract clauses and their potential effect on transactions, the course provides students who deal with contracts a working knowledge of legal terms and doctrine as well as potential risks and remedies related to contracts.

LAW 6010. Sales and Leases (2–3). Rights and responsibilities of sellers, buyers, lessors, and lessees of personal property under UCC Articles 2 and 2A; transactions in documents of title, bulk transfers, and letters of credit under UCC Articles 5, 6 and 7; United Nations Convention on the International Sale of Goods and other international law governing documents of title and letters of credit.

LAW 6030. Secured Transactions (2–3). Security interests in personal property; creation, perfection, priority, and enforcement security interests under UCC Article 9; effect of bankruptcy on secured transactions.

LAW 6035. Commercial Law Survey (1–4). Basic introduction to and survey of the law of sales, leases, commercial paper, fund transfers, letters of credit and secured transaction under the Uniform Commercial Code.

LAW 6060. Corporations (3-4). This course focuses on general principles of law relating to modern business corporation. Topics include formation and structure of the corporation, powers, controls, and obligations of officers and directors, right, and liabilities of stockholders, rights of creditors, and forms of legal actions against corporations and corporate representatives.

LAW 6062. Closely Held Business Organization (2–3). This course is a study of the basic principles of agency and partnership law, including limited partnerships, limited liability partnerships, and limited liability companies.

LAW 6073. Enterprise Risk Management: Business and Legal Perspectives (2–3). This course is an overview of enterprise risk management, which is a progressive approach to managing risk that recognizes the importance of risk from both negative (loss focused) and positive perspectives (value creation), as well as the critical nexus between the way risk is managed and organizational performance outcomes are implicated. Students understand the differences between traditional risk management and how and to where it evolved. The course explores the key components of enterprise risk management and how they relate to organizational success and failure. We significantly emphasize the relationship between risk and the legal landscape but also the general business landscape where, in effect, every decision involves some aspect of risk, and every risk could have legal implications. Students are exposed to the major sources of risk for organizations and the various ways different organizations and industries plan for and handle the variety of risk processes.

LAW 6075. Workplace Privacy and Cybersecurity (2–3). This course studies privacy and cybersecurity law within the context of employment relationships and HR compliance. Topics covered include legal and compliance issues arising with: interviews and background investigation; medical screening, testing, and Health Insurance Portability Act (HIPAA) issues; psychological screening and testing; drugs, alcohol, and tobacco screening and testing; monitoring of employee performance and conduct; monitoring of social media, emails, and telephone conversations; video surveillance; GPS tracking; reasonable expectation of privacy and searches and seizures; misuse of company computers and cybersecurity issues; Fair Credit Reporting Act; and Human Resources compliance best practices and employer liability issues.

LAW 6076. HR Documentation and Employee Policies and Procedures (3). This course covers the legal issues related to human resource documentation and employee policies and procedures. The course covers topics including what actions to document and how and when to document them; document retention guidelines under various employment laws; privacy issues; and best practices and legal issues related to employee handbooks.

LAW 6080. Insurance Law (2–3). An overview of insurance theory and regulation with emphasis on recurring coverage litigation and interpretation of insurance contracts.

LAW 6083. Financial Privacy and Cybersecurity (2-3). This course studies privacy law, with a focus on the obligations of banks and other financial institutions regarding financial information and records and customer privacy and introduces students to federal and state regulations on cybersecurity and cybercrime. The course covers the Financial Right to Privacy Act; Privacy of Consumer Financial Information Rule of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act; regulatory compliance requirements and risk management best practices; cyber risk management, governance, and audits; internal and external dependency management; and incident reports, cyber resilience, and situational awareness.

LAW 6092. Privacy and Cybersecurity Law (2). This course introduces students to privacy law and liability and federal and state regulations on cybersecurity and cybercrime. Topics include: safeguarding sensitive personal and corporate information against inadvertent disclosure; breach disclosure issues arising under cybersecurity law; privacy in the workplace; consumer privacy; emerging technologies that may affect security and privacy concerns; regulatory compliance requirements and risk management best practices; cyber risk management, governance, and audits; internal and external dependency management; and incident reports, cyber resilience, and situational awareness.

LAW 6093. Consumer Compliance: Deposits, New Products, and Operations (2–3). This course is a study of consumer compliance issues in the context of deposit-related products and services, new products, and operations. Topics covered include: Regulation CC (implementing the Expedited Funds Availability Act and the Check Clearing for the 21st Century Act); Regulation E (implementing the Electronic Fund Transfer Act); Regulation DD (implementing the Truth in Savings Act); Unfair, Deceptive, or Abusive Acts or Practices (UDAAP); Regulation V (implementing the Fair Credit Reporting Act); Regulation P (Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act financial privacy requirements). The course also covers relevant BSA (Bank Secrecy Act) and OFAC (Office of Foreign Assets Control) issues.

LAW 6094. Governance, Risk Management, and Compliance (2–3). This course introduces students to risk management and internal controls within business firms and financial institutions. The course covers topics including state fiduciary duties; the Sarbanes-Oxley Act; the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act; oversight by board of directors; relationship with creditors and shareholders; and disclosure requirements under Federal Securities Laws and under banking statues and regulation.

LAW 6095. Compliance Failures: Investigation, Reporting, and Remediation (2–-3). This course studies the obligations of regulated companies when there has been a compliance failure. The course covers: audits and other internal governance approaches for discovering compliance problems in a timely fashion; investigations; reporting; mitigation; regulatory responses; and remediation.

LAW 6260. Public International Law (3). Problems of jurisdiction on an international level with emphasis on the role of law in an orderly world society. Also examined is the status of individuals and associations operating across national and other territorial boundaries.

LAW 6261. International Business Transactions (3–4). Study of the structure of individual transnational business and commercial transactions.

LAW 6302. Federal Jurisdiction (3). Prerequisites: LAW 5501, 5502, 5300. Federal court system; examination of original and removal jurisdiction of United States District Courts; relationships between state and federal courts at all levels.

LAW 6305. Remedies (3). Prerequisites: LAW 5000, 5400. This course is a study of legal and equitable remedies and procedures available including compensation, restitution, exemplary damages, injunctive forms of relief, specific relief under various legal circumstances, such as reformation, rescission, and restitution.

LAW 6308. Civil Litigation Fundamentals (2-3). This course provides students with a basic understanding of the process of civil litigation in the US. Students trace the pathway of a lawsuit from the initial pleading stage to the appeal, and they gain a solid grasp of the concepts and vocabulary that underlie the US litigation system.

LAW 6310. Alternative Dispute Resolution (2–3). Introduction to non-judicial mechanisms for the resolution of disputes, including interviewing and counseling, negotiation, mediation, and arbitration, and the development of basic ADR skills using role-playing exercises and simulations.

LAW 6312. Mediation (3). Introduction to mediation theory and practice and development of basic mediation skills using role-playing exercises and simulations.

LAW 6313. Negotiation (1–4). This course introduces the theory and practice of negotiation in a workshop setting. Students examine the basic stages of a negotiation; the major tensions at play in negotiation; distributive bargaining, value-creating, and problem-solving techniques; the management of communication and emotional elements in negotiation; power dynamics and ethics; and other topics as time allows. The course is designed to help students develop negotiating skills and a framework for ongoing self-learning through role-playing simulations, discussion, reading assignments, and regular journal and writing exercises.

LAW 6315. Arbitration (3). Basic introduction to the law and process of arbitration.

LAW 6330. Evidence (4). Prerequisite: LAW 5300. Rules of evidence developed by common law courts and legislatures; rules of evidence, federal and state; special emphasis on judicial notice, examination of witnesses, privilege and competency, constitutional provisions, relevancy, remote and prejudicial evidence, best evidence rule, opinion and expert testimony, hearsay rule and its exceptions, burden of proof and presumptions, judge and jury.

LAW 6420. Land Transfer (2–3). This course is a study of basic transactions in real property. Among the topics covered are the respective roles of lawyers and brokers in the conveying process, sales contracts, recording acts, title insurance, remedies for contract breach, and basic mortgage law.

LAW 6426. Real Estate Finance (3). Recommended: LAW 6600r. This course is designed to train students to analyze complex commercial real estate transactions. It is interdisciplinary within law, attempting to integrate topics including basic mortgage law, usury law, subordination agreements, mechanics lien law, selected uniform commercial code issues, choice of business entity, federal and state securities law and, importantly, federal income tax law. Condominiums and cooperatives are discussed as security devices. The federal income tax coverage concentrates on a handful of issues fundamental to commercial real estate transactions, especially the tax treatment of indebtedness and tax aspects of leasing arrangements, including synthetic lease transactions.

LAW 6430. Trusts and Estates (3–4). This course focuses on the law relating to administration of decedents estates; establishment and validity of private and charitable trusts; execution, revocation, validity, and construction of wills; class gifts; powers of appointment; future interests; and the Rule Against Perpetuities.

LAW 6460. Land Use Regulation (3). Prerequisite: LAW 5400. A study of land use and regulation, including zoning, public acquisition, various innovative land use controls, subdivision controls, growth management, wetlands and shorelands controls, and a discussion of the relationship between energy and land use.

LAW 6470. Environmental Law (3). A survey of environmental rights, remedies, and policy, with emphasis on the common law, background, the administrative overlay, and federal legislation, including NEPA, Clean Air Act, Water Pollution Control Act, Noise Control Act, and Toxic Substances Control Act.

LAW 6480r. Natural Resources Law (2–3). A survey of natural resources law, emphasizing water resources management and pollution control, wetlands regulation, and wildlife law. May be repeated to a maximum of five semester hours.

LAW 6516. Health Care Disability Law: Mental, Physical, and Age-Related (2–-3). This course addresses vulnerable patient populations with mental, physical, and/or age-related disabilities, focusing especially on responses of the legal system to the relationship of those patients to the health care and broader service systems.

LAW 6520. Administrative Law (1–4). This course is a study of the legislative, executive and judicial control of administrative action.

LAW 6524. Statutory Interpretation (3). Statutory and quasi-statutory legal materials: their use and interpretation.

LAW 6530. Local Government Law (3). An examination of the powers, limitations, and special legal considerations concerning local governments. Special consideration is given Florida problems concerning county and municipal governing bodies.

LAW 6542. Workplace Safety and Wellness (2–3). This course provides a study of legal issues related to workplace safety and workplace wellness initiatives. Topics covered include the Occupation Safety and Health Act of 1970; OSHA standards, inspections, and enforcement actions; recordkeeping requirements; whistleblower/anti-retaliation protections; health and wellness initiatives; internal safety and risk management and planning guidelines.

LAW 6545. Employment Law Survey (3–4). Survey of basic legal and policy concepts governing the employment relationship.

LAW 6546. HR and Employment Law Research (2–3). This course is an introduction to legal sources relevant to human resources compliance and employment law. Student are introduced to basic concepts, sources, and legal research techniques used in human resources and legal risk management. Skills taught include efficiently researching secondary sources and regulations, agency documents, and problem analyses. Students also learn advanced research techniques.

LAW 6548. Employment Law for HR Compliance (2–3). This course provides a basic overview of employment law as it relates to day-to-day employment practices. Students are guided through the entire employer-employee relationship—from the initial decision to fill a position to the ultimate decision to terminate the employment relationship. The course also offers guidance on how employers can minimize their potential liability in the workplace.

LAW 6550. Antitrust Law (2–3). Introductory study of contemporary U.S. antitrust law and federal policy regarding regulatory control of the competitive process in the American economy.

LAW 6555. Law and Economics (3). Introduction to basic microeconomic principles necessary for lawyers to understand economic analysis as used in the legal literature and to use and evaluate legal arguments that rely on economic analysis.

LAW 6566. Financial Regulation Research (2–3). This course is an introduction to legal sources relevant to financial regulation. Students are introduced to basic concepts, sources, and legal research techniques used in financial legal risk management and regulatory compliance. Skills taught in this course include efficiently researching secondary sources and regulations, agency documents, and problem analyses. Students also learn about advanced research techniques.

LAW 6570. Intellectual Property Risk Management (2–3). This course introduces students to key concepts in law of patents, trademarks, trade secrets and copyright. Special focus is given to risk management techniques to protect a company's intellectual property, including monitoring for potential infringements, addressing suspected infringements, IP licensing, non-compete agreements, and non-disclosure agreements.

LAW 6572r. Copyright Law (2–3). Survey of federal copyright law and closely related doctrines. A study of the Copyright Act, including protectable subject matter, scope of protection, remedies for infringement, and permissible use of copyrighted material. May be repeated to a maximum of five semester hours.

LAW 6541. Employee Benefits Law (2–3). The course provides an overview of the law governing employee benefits plans, including retirement plans (401(k) and pension plans) and welfare benefits plans (life, healthy, disability, long-term care and post-retirement medical). The course reviews the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA), the main federal law regulating employee benefit program, as well as rules governing coverage, vesting, funding, fiduciary standards, claims administration, remedies and preemption of state law.

LAW 6592. Health Care Privacy and Cybersecurity (2–3). This course provides a study of privacy law and cybersecurity issues, with a focus on the obligations of health care providers, health care institutions, and health plans with respect to the protection of personal health care information. The course examines the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) and security of health care information under state and federal law, including HIPAA, the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act, and breach notification requirements. The course also introduces issues related to emerging uses of technology, including telemedicine, as well as federal and state regulations on cybersecurity and cybercrime.

LAW 6593. Health Care Regulation Research (2–3). This course introduces legal sources relevant to health care regulation. Students are introduced to basic concepts, sources, and legal research techniques used risk management and regulatory compliance. Students gain skills including efficiently researching secondary sources and regulations, agency documents, and problem analyses. Students also learn advanced research techniques.

LAW 6594. E-Health and Telemedicine (2–3). This course is a study of legal issues affecting e-health and telemedicine. Topics covered include electronic health records, Health Insurance Portability and Accountability (HIPAA) and other privacy issues; live video and store-and-forward techniques; remote patient monitoring, mobile health and healthcare robots; reimbursement issues under public and private insurance schemes; licensure, credentialing, and privileging; and fraud and abuse.

LAW 6600r. Taxation I (3–4). A study of the fundamental concepts employed in federal income taxation, the public policies that underlie the current system, and the impact of the system on individuals and business entities. May be repeated to a maximum of seven semester hours.

LAW 6610. Corporate Tax (2–4). Prerequisite: LAW 6600. Federal corporate income taxation; techniques for distributing wealth from corporations without paying tax at two levels; special problems of corporate liquidations, mergers, and reorganizations.

LAW 6618. Taxation of Business Entities (3). This course introduces students to the federal income taxation of corporations, partnerships and limited liability companies. Topics covered will include choosing the appropriate entity, formation of the entity, operation and distribution, sales of interests, and liquidation. Tax-free reorganizations and other similar transactions will be covered in this course.

LAW 6620. Estate and Gift Tax (3). Introduction to federal taxation of estates and gifts.

LAW 6702r. Products Liability (2–3). A survey of the law of liability for product injuries, including litigation, product safety regulation, and alternative means of resolving injury claims. May be repeated to a maximum of five semester hours.

LAW 6705. Workers' Compensation (2–3). A study of the workers' compensation insurance system.

LAW 6720r. Health Law and Policy (2–3). A study of numerous topics including national health care programs, health care financing, reimbursement, licensing and accreditation, hospital organization, physician and patient autonomy, antitrust law, quality of care and medical malpractice, and ethical issues related to availability of health care and services. May be repeated to a maximum of five semester hours.

LAW 6721. Health Care Payer-Provider Relationships (2–3). This course studies the legal and contractual issues arising in health care payer-provider relationships, in the context of private payers. Special focus is given to best practices for compliance and contractual and legal risk management.

LAW 6725. Medical Malpractice (2–3). This course introduces students to the substantive, procedural, and policy aspects of the law pertaining to the initiation, litigation, and resolution of medical malpractice claims in the contemporary United States. Specific topics covered include, among others: structure of the treatment relationship; confidentiality; informed consent; medical errors and patient safety; physician and institutional liability (entailing theories of liability, affirmative defenses, damages, and settlement); and medical malpractice system reform (including discussion of economic, political, and cultural ramifications of the existing system and alternatives to it).

LAW 6728. Patient Safety and Quality (2–3). This course is an introduction to the regulatory compliance and risk management issues affecting patient safety and quality improvement.

LAW 6729. Medicare, Medicaid, and Managed Care (2–3). This course introduces the legal issues associated with public and private health insurance and benefits plans. Students learn about federal and state financing programs, including Medicare and Medicaid/SCHIP, employer provided insurance, and federal and state regulations of private health insurance markets and managed care, including population care management, provider payment, quality and accountability, and cost-containment.

LAW 6766 Financial Statements Interpretations (2–3). This course provides students with the basic accounting principles necessary to understand, interpret, and analyze financial statements; formulate effective inquiries; and communicate intelligently with business and financial professionals and future clients. Students read and use information from real companies to analyze and interpret their financial statements. Real world examples are used to illustrate the interrelationships between financial statements and the documents underlying certain deals/transactions. Students learn about financial reports; cash flow versus income; tax versus accounting books; and the quality of earnings and analytical ratios, all of which may be necessary to conduct due diligence on a particular matter and to draft operative agreements. This course also analyzes past financial scandals and the financial issues that led to them (and the role various professionals could/may have played in preventing them).

LAW 6775. Workers' Compensation Law and Civil Liability (2–3). This course examines the legal rules covering the workers' compensation systems. The course covers topics including agency concepts as they apply to employment relationships; compensable accidents and injuries; tort concepts; causation; the worker's compensation process, from injury to an employee's return to work; fraud; and civil liability issues.

LAW 6786. Introduction to Legal Studies and Research (1–4). This course introduces students to the American legal system, the study of law, and effective legal research techniques. This course provides students with practical, hands-on experience with legal resources and research tools. This course emphasizes building the practical research skills required to succeed in an increasingly complex legal and regulatory environment.

LAW 6794. Writing Skills (3). A workshop to develop and refine writing skills in legal contexts.

LAW 6822. Technology Fundamentals for Cybersecurity, AI, and Beyond (2–3). This course introduces fundamental technology concepts for compliance officers, risk-managers, and others working in technology-intensive regulated areas including cybersecurity, privacy, AI, and intellectual property.

LAW 6823. Data Analytics: Regulatory Compliance and Risk Management (2–3). This course is a study of legal and risk management issues surrounding the use of big data analytics by regulators, business firms, and other organizations. Students explore approaches and considerations for critical thinking and decision-making involving data, particularly in high-risk industries.

LAW 6826. Cybersecurity Breach Response: Investigation, Mitigation, and Remediation (2–3). This course focuses on the legal and risk management issues that arise after a cybersecurity breach. Topics include incident response, the role played by in-house and outside counsel, forensics experts, IT staff, and others investigating the breach, and in mitigation and remediation of cyber breaches.

LAW 6827. Cybersecurity Implementing Policies and Procedures (2–3). This course focuses on the design and implementation of cybersecurity compliance programs, including developing policies and procedures, auditing processes, and strategies for ensuring the resiliency and adaptability of the program in an evolving cyberspace and regulatory environment.

LAW 6852. Healthcare Fraud and Abuse (2–3). This course examines fraud and abuse in the delivery of healthcare through discussions of the criminal and civil laws that combat various forms of healthcare fraud. This course explores the essential features of the federal and state Anti-Kickback Laws, the federal physician self-referral law (Stark), the federal civil monetary penalty and exclusion laws, and the federal and state false claims acts. This course focuses on federal laws, but state law issues are also considered. The course considers voluntary and mandatory fraud and abuse compliance as well as the complexities and challenges that arise in developing and maintaining an effective compliance program.

LAW 6856. Regulatory Compliance (1–4). This course introduces basic statutes, regulation, and administrative practices relevant to regulatory compliance by business entities, financial institutions, and healthcare organizations and practitioners. The course also introduces students to basic concepts of risk management.

LAW 6863. Public Health Law (2–3). This course offers an overview of basic concepts and principles in public health law, examined in the context of issues such as government planning for natural and manmade disasters; mandatory immunization programs; mandatory medical screening of particular population groups; mandatory disease reporting laws; infectious disease control methods like quarantine; public health research; and regulation and litigation concerning tobacco, alcohol, firearms, and drugs with abuse potential. The course focuses on identification and analysis of the duties, powers, and limits of government in its pursuit of protecting and promoting the public's health.

LAW 6866. Bank Secrecy Act/Anti-Money Laundering Compliance (3-4). This course introduces students to Bank Secrecy Act and Anti-Money Laundering regulations and gives context to how processes for compliance with those requirements help financial institutions detect, prevent, investigate, and report financial crimes. The course studies statutory and regulatory requirements for record-keeping and reporting, sharing information with law enforcement and industry, and performing initial and ongoing due diligence over higher risk products, customers, and services.

LAW 6867. Consumer Compliance: Lending (2–3). This course covers consumer compliance issues faced by banks and other Financial Intermediaries. The course covers credit-related statutes and regulations, with special emphasis given to consumer protection, fair lending, fair housing, and community reinvestment laws. The course examines various other relevant legal regimes, including common law fraud, state unfair and deceptive acts and practices law, and Consumer Financial Protection Bureau regulations.

LAW 6870. Advanced Legal Research for Legal Risk Management and HR Compliance (2). This course introduced students to effective legal research techniques used in legal risk management and HR compliance in business entities. This course provides students with practical hands-on experience with legal resources and research tools. The course emphasizes building the practical research skills required to succeed in an increasingly complex legal and regulatory environment.

LAW 6871. Advanced Legal Research for Healthcare Regulation (2). This course introduces students to effective legal research techniques used in legal risk management and regulatory compliance in healthcare. This course provides students with practical hands-on experience with legal resources and research tools. This course emphasizes building the practical research skills required to succeed in an increasingly complex legal and regulatory environment.

LAW 6872. Risk Management for Financial Compliance (2–3). This course is a practical application demonstrating the manner in which compliance officers interact with “business owners” and regulators in order to properly risk-manage compliance requirements for banking institutions. The course introduces students to case studies that require various skills in order to resolve true banking compliance and legal issues. The course adds practical concepts for incorporating risk management into the world of regulatory compliance.

LAW 6873. Employment Discrimination Law (2–3). This course provides an analysis of major issues in the law of employment discrimination. The course introduces students to various statutes and executive orders governing employment discrimination on the basis of sex, race, age, religion, color, national origin, and sexual preference. The course places emphasis on the policy implications derived from case analysis.

LAW 6874. Business Organizations (2–3). In this course, students learn about the law of business organizations. The course introduces basic concepts of agency law, such as fiduciary duties, express and implied authority, and respondent superior. The course examines how businesspeople choose between different types of business firms. The course examines a set of key legal concepts, including the formation of business entities, the role played by limited liability, abuses of the corporate form, the power and fiduciary responsibility of management, rights and liabilities of partners, LLC members, and shareholders.

LAW 6875. Broker-Dealer Regulation (2–3). This course provides an overview of the statutes and regulations governing broker-dealers. The course begins with a review of the foundational federal laws that regulate the securities industry and the sale of securities in the United States. The course covers topics such as broker-dealer registration, self-regulation, obligations of broker-dealers, and regulation of financial markets.

LAW 6876. Conducting Workplace Investigations (2–3). This course explains the major regulation governing the workplace and the legal and practical approaches to planning, conducting, and documenting internal workplace investigations of employee complaints and suspected employee misconduct.

LAW 6877. Drug Regulation and Compliance (2–3). This course provides an analysis of major legal issues in the pharmaceutical and medical device industries. The course explores the FDA's regulation of these industries, including the FDA approval process, advertising and promotional regulations, and enforcement by the FDA and other regulatory entities. Other topics include product liability and FDA preemption, research, patient care and privacy, pricing, and market access.

LAW 6878. Economic Sanctions (2–3). This course examines the economic sanctions laws administered by the U.S. Treasury Department's Office of Foreign Assets Control (“OFAC”). This course explores OFAC requirements for financial institutions' compliance programs, including risk assessment to identify high-risk areas and development of appropriate internal controls for screening and reporting. This course also considers OFAC examination of financial institutions' compliance programs, as well as OFAC enforcement actions.

LAW 6879. Vendors and Other Third Parties Risk Management (2–3). This course is a study of the legal issues related to outsourcing contracts, including liability issues arising from these relationships. The course provides an overview of risks and risk management considerations associated with outsourcing, as well as regulatory requirements and compliance best practices.

LAW 6991. Insurance and Risk Transfers (2). This course analyzes risk analysis and risk management within business firms, including a study of insurance and of other mechanisms used by firms to minimize, allocate, and transfer risks. Students learn about the legal and business sides of insurance and risk transfers.

LAW 6993. Advanced Legal Research – Financial Regulation (2). Prerequisite: LAW 6786. This course introduces students to effective legal research techniques used in Financial Regulation and Compliance. This course provides students with practical, hands-on experience with legal resources and research tools. This course emphasizes building the practical research skills required to succeed in an increasingly complex legal and regulatory environment.

LAW 6998. Consumer Protection Law (2–3). This course examines concerns, protections, and regulations particular to consumer transactions in formation, substance, and remedies. Regulatory, statutory, and common law doctrines will be addressed. Major topics will include fraud, deceptive practices, fair and accurate credit reporting, Truth-in-Lending law, fair debt collect, and enforcement of consumer rights.

LAW 7040. Consumer Law (2–3). Survey of the law of consumer protection.

LAW 7050. Creditors' Rights (3). Enforcement of attachments, garnishments, debtor's exemptions, fraudulent conveyances, and rights of debtors to be relieved of obligations; emphasis on bankruptcy jurisdiction, procedures, and administration.

LAW 7064. Corporate Finance (2–3). Prerequisite: LAW 6060. Advanced study of economic principles and legal rules pertaining to the public and private funding and restructuring of business corporations.

LAW 7111. Criminal Procedure - Police (2–3). Advanced study of selected federal constitutional constraints on the law enforcement evidence-gathering and investigative process.

LAW 7113. Criminal Procedure - Adjudication (2–3). Advanced study of selected federal constitutional constraints on the criminal justice adjudicatory process.

LAW 7116. Florida Criminal Procedure: Pre-Trial (2–3). Prerequisite: LAW 5100. Advanced study of selected issues regarding Florida criminal practice and procedure.

LAW 7210. Jurisprudence (1–4). A survey of contemporary jurisprudential thought.

LAW 7227. American Legal History I (2–3). Survey of early American legal history (circa 1600–1800), including the British background, the first state constitutions, the Articles of Confederation, the Constitutional Convention and ratification debates, and the adoption of the Bill of Rights. May also cover the development of the American judicial system and sources of early American law.

LAW 7228. American Legal History II (2–3). Survey of 19th century American legal history, including the Marshall Court, slave law, the impact of the Civil War and Reconstruction, Indian law, and the effects of industrialization.

LAW 7229. American Legal History III (2–3). Survey of modern American legal history (since 1890), including the erosion of private law, the rise of legal realism, and the development of judicial standards.

LAW 7233. Cyber Law (2–3). Introduction to legal issues regarding the Internet, including first amendment, privacy, tort liability, and copyright.

LAW 7246. Lawyers and Literature (2–3). Perspectives course using the perceptions of the novelist as a way of exploring the interactions of lawyers and the legal profession with the larger society.

LAW 7250. Comparative Law (2–3). A perspective course providing an introduction to the civil law tradition.

LAW 7262. International Trade (2–3). Advanced study of the law and policy of international trade and economic integration, with an emphasis on regional economic integration in the Americas.

LAW 7264. Immigration Law (2–3). Study of immigration law and national policy.

LAW 7303. Florida Civil Practice (2). Prerequisites: LAW 5300, 6330. Florida practice from the commencement of action through final judgment; emphasis on Florida rules of civil procedure with preparation of materials for trial.

LAW 7307. Advanced Civil Procedure (2–3). Advanced study of selected topics regarding federal civil procedure, especially class actions and other multi-party litigation.

LAW 7340. Conflict of Laws (3). Law as it relates to transactions and relationships having elements in more than one jurisdiction.

LAW 7360. Trial Practice (2). (S/U grade only). Prerequisites: LAW 5300, 6330. Trial practice from the commencement of action through final judgment and postjudgment procedures. Emphasis on skills, technique, and tactics of a trial. Consent of instructor.

LAW 7370. Supreme Court Roleplay (2–3). Prerequisite: LAW 5501. This is a roleplaying seminar in which students act as current United States Court Justices to decide three actual cases pending on the Court's docket after briefing and oral argument by student advocates.

LAW 7410. Animal Law (2). In this course, students examine the historical and current status of animals in the legal system. This course provides an introduction to some common legal issues involving domesticated animals, including recovery for injuries to animals, veterinary malpractice, dog bites, animal cruelty, and regulation of agricultural animals.

LAW 7431. Estate Planning (2). Prerequisites: LAW 5400, 6430, 6620. This course focuses on donative arrangements for the disposition of property, including the income, estate, and gift tax consequences, and the effect of the law of future interests.

LAW 7475. Coastal and Ocean Law (2–3). Advanced study of property law, water and natural resources law, and constitutional law from the perspective of the special needs of the coasts and oceans.

LAW 7476. Law of the Sea (2–3). A study of the international law of the sea, including navigation rights, marine resources, and environmental problems.

LAW 7481. Energy Law and Policy (2–3). Advanced study of current energy law and policy, including the extraction, conversion, and distribution of energy resources.

LAW 7482. Endangered Species Protection Law (2–3). Advanced study of the protection of at-risk species under the Endangered Species Act, and of contemporary law and policy regarding ecosystem management and biodiversity conservation.

LAW 7503. State Constitutional Law (3). General principles of constitutional law under the constitution of Florida. Judicial function in constitutional cases, powers of the branches of state government, local government powers, individual rights.

LAW 7510r. Civil Rights (2–3). This course focuses on selected federal statues enacted to remedy violations of federal constitutional rights. The principal Reconstruction Era Statues, 42 U.S.C. Sections 1981, 1982, and 1983, are examined in depth. May be repeated to a maximum of five (5) semester hours.

LAW 7511r. First Amendment (2–3). Prerequisites: LAW 5501 and 5502. A study of First Amendment principles and their application in modern areas of communications practice. The course will develop theory, explore policy considerations, and expose students to parties that have participated in several significant media law cases. May be repeated to a maximum of five semester hours.

LAW 7521. Florida Administrative Practice (2–3). Legislative and judicial control of state administrative action. Major emphasis is on the impact of the Florida Administrative Procedures Act on selected state agencies in their rulemaking and adjudicating functions.

LAW 7549. Employment Discrimination (3). Study of the various statutes and executive orders governing the employment relationship relating to discrimination on the basis of sex, race, age, religion, color, national origin, and sexual preference.

LAW 7560. Securities Regulation (3). Prerequisite: LAW 6060. Regulatory aspects of corporate finance, concentrating heavily on the fundamentals of the Securities Act of 1933 and the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.

LAW 7574. International Aspects of Intellectual Property (2–3). Advanced study of law and policy for the protection of intellectual property rights (IRPs) on an international basis, including framework created by various treaties and conventions.

LAW 7575. Entertainment Law (2–3). Advanced study of the law pertaining to the entertainment industry, with special emphasis on transactional planning.

LAW 7613. Taxation of Business Entities II (2–3). Prerequisites: LAW 6600, 6618. Advanced study of the federal income tax treatment of mergers, acquisitions, and other reorganizations and divisions involving corporations, partnerships and limited liability companies.

LAW 7660. Tax Policy (2). This seminar will evaluate topics such as the choice of a tax base (income or consumption), rate structure (flat or progressive), taxable unit (individual or family), and method of government spending (direct or through the tax system via tax expenditures) against the tax policy norms of equity, efficiency, and administrability to determine how well the present tax system satisfies these norms.

LAW 7680r. International Tax (2–3). Prerequisite: LAW 6600. A study of the federal income tax laws and international tax treaty provisions that apply to transactions that cross international boundaries. May be repeated to a maximum of five semester hours.

LAW 7710. Family Law (3). Legal relations and problems incident to the creation, preservation, and dissolution of the family unit. The course includes marital affairs and actions, adoption, child custody, and criminal and tortious conduct pertaining to domestic relations. Emphasis is placed on possible conflicts between the interests of the state in this area and the private interests of the individuals concerned.

LAW 7730. Admiralty Law (2–3). Introduction to the law of the sea, including maritime jurisdiction.

LAW 7750. Professional Responsibility (3). A required course in satisfaction of the Florida Bar requirement for curricular study of the aspirational and disciplinary regulations of the integrated bar. Critical attention is given to the exclusionary and anticompetitive practices of the organized Bar, and to controversy over the deficiencies of various codes and formal (and informal) advisory opinions on professional behavior. The course is intended to furnish some insight into the customs and courtesies, sociology, and expectations of lawyers performing their various tasks in a variety of environments.

LAW 7760. Accounting and the Law (2–3). Study of accounting concepts and policies and their effect upon rules of law.

LAW 7840. Sports Law (2). Advanced study of state and federal laws relating to the business of amateur and professional sporting competition as entertainment.

LAW 7910r. Directed Individual Study (1–5). (S/U grade only). Prerequisites: Upper-division level and instructor permission. Independent research culminating in a quality paper written under supervision of a faculty member. May be repeated to a maximum of five semester hours.

LAW 7911. Advanced Legal Research (3). This course is designed to help students develop the sophisticated research skills necessary for the effective practice of law in, but not limited to, Florida.

LAW 7939r. Special Topics (2–3). (S/U grade only). This special topics course offers consideration of special legal areas not included elsewhere in the curriculum. May be repeated when content changes to a maximum of twenty-two semester hours.

LAW 7940r. Clinical Orientation (1–2). (S/U grade only). Prerequisite: Instructor permission. Introduction to the College of Law Clinical Programs, appellate brief writing, trial and appellate proceedings, and a review of applicable Florida practice and procedure.

LAW 7949r. Clinical Law Programs (1–15). (S/U grade only). Under the heading LAW 7949, the faculty offers several clinical programs (internships) to selected upper-class students. Enrollment is normally limited and may be competitive. Selection is determined by the several program element directors; these faculty members may impose special course prerequisites, grade point average requirements, and other selection criteria. These programs combine practical experience with scholarship and research. May be repeated within the same term to a maximum of thirty semester hours.

LAW 7950r. Law Review (1–5). (S/U grade only). Prerequisite: Upper-division level. Participation on the law review. Selection determined by directing professor. Upper-class students only. May be repeated within the same term to a maximum of twelve semester hours.

LAW 7951r. Moot Court Competition (1–3). (S/U grade only). Preparation for and participation in state, regional, and national moot court competition. Selection determined by directing professor. May be repeated within the same term to a maximum of three semester hours.