Graduate Program in Public Safety and Security

College of Applied Studies


Program Coordinator: Dr. Lucy Ann Hoover; Teaching Faculty III: Dr. Banyon Pelham; Teaching Faculty III: Dr. Mark Feulner

The Public Safety and Security degree integrates practical exercises, both analytic and hands-on, with theoretical principles to provide students with the knowledge, skills, and abilities required by the competencies for law enforcement, security, intelligence, and investigations. The guiding perspective of public safety is as an operational spectrum from prevention to response to investigation, underlaid with intelligence, connected by a management information system, all facilitated by an overarching management system. The core and required courses are designed to provide students with an overview of this entire spectrum and the opportunity to focus on operating within a portion of the system.


Florida State University Panama City provides academic advising to students interested in pursuing coursework in Public Safety and Security. For more information, please contact Dr. Lucy Ann Hoover by email at or by phone at (850) 770-2243 or Cristina Doan at or call (850) 770-2148.


The College of Applied Studies, Public Safety and Security, offers an Underwater Crime Scene Investigation (UCSI) Certificate that may be earned independently or as part of a master's degree. For more information, please visit or contact Dr. Mark Feulner by e-mail at In addition, the College offers a graduate certificate in Law Enforcement Intelligence. For more information, visit or contact Dr. Lucy Ann Hoover by email at or by phone at (850) 770-2243.

Student Activities

The Scuba, Hyperbaric, and Recreational Club (SHARC) Dive Club was established to coordinate and facilitate SCUBA training due to FSU Panama City student interest in scientific and recreational diving. Membership is open to all regardless of certification status. Certified divers that are members have access to club resources such as regulators, dive lights, and buoyancy compensators. For more information, contact Dr. Mark Feulner by e-mail at or contact the FSU Panama City Dive Locker at (850) 770-2205.

Definition of Prefixes

CCJ—Criminology and Criminal Justice

CJE—Law Enforcement

CJL—Law and Process

CPO—Comparative Politics

DSC—Domestic Security

ISC—Interdisciplinary Sciences


Graduate Courses

CCJ 5079. Managing Intelligence Analysis Functions (3). This course addresses the advanced functions of crime mapping, crime analysis, intelligence dissemination, oversight of the intelligence function and error rates.

CCJ 5616. Profiling Criminal Behavior (3). This course introduces the major issues, influences and trends considered in the behavioral analysis of criminal activity. Specifically students examine offender profiling as an educated attempt to identify the types of individuals that would have committed a certain crime. Behavior profiling methods are explored to identify behavioral characteristics of offenders and the evidence the offenders leave behind.

CCJ 5748. Advanced Evidentiary Reasoning for Criminal Intelligence (3). This course focuses on the production of intelligence from the analysis of multiple and diverse sources of information and on its use by formal and informal intelligence agencies. Emphasis is placed on the development of models for making decisions on information that is uncertain and from diverse sources. Techniques are examined for collecting and using both qualitative and quantitative data as it relates to the role of local public safety and security personnel and organizations as both produces and consumers of intelligence.

CJE 5225. Introduction to Forensic Entomology (3). This course provides an introductory overview for the field of forensic entomology, and prepares the student for subsequent courses in forensic entomology that focus on insect taxonomy, field collection, and case analysis. Course content covers a broad range of topics in basic entomology as related to forensic science.

CJE 5226. Forensic Entomology Field Collection Techniques (3). Prerequisite: CJE 5225. This course provides instruction on entomological equipment, supplies, techniques and procedures utilized to collect, rear, and preserve insects and related arthropods of medicocriminal forensic importance. Equipment and methods for acquiring weather, climatological and other relevant data are covered as well.

CJE 5227. Forensic Entomology: Case Studies and Legalities (3). Prerequisite: CJE 5225. This course delves into the legal aspects of medicocriminal entomology with the aim of preparing the student to present entomological evidence in a court of law. Information is covered on how to present evidence in an admissible manner using expert witnesses. The importance of establishing “chain of custody” and pitfalls with presenting evidence are explored through case study reviews.

CJE 5228. Forensic Entomology: Taxonomy and Post Mortem Interval (3). Prerequisite: CJE 5225. This course addresses the principles of insect identification and taxonomy. Students are responsible for the species level identification on specimens they collect from the field. Students analyze meteorological and mock crime scene temperature data and independently calculate estimates of the postmortem interval. Students utilize dichotomous keys, light microscopy, and entomological equipment for proper specimen preservation and identification.

CJE 5631. Financial Intelligence (3). This course provides the skills and knowledge required to conduct effective investigations in cases where financial intelligence is critical. This course explains how intelligence is collected, the variety of tools used to obtain and analyze financial intelligence, and the laws that govern financial intelligence collection.

CJE 5715. Capstone Project (3). Prerequisites: CCJ 5079, CCJ 5616, CCJ 5737, CCJ 5748, CJE 5739, CJE 5743, and DSC 5595. This course is comprised of a research-based project that is a theoretical or applied research-driven work of scholarship that serves as a final example of the meaningful link between theory/research and practice/application. Appropriate topics for the project have the goal of developing a concept not normally covered in the curriculum but that can be reasonably approached within the expertise of the student and research mentor.

CJE 5737. Law Enforcement Intelligence (3). This course provides the student with the foundational skills required for the establishment and management of an intelligence apparatus within a law enforcement organization. This includes the mechanisms to lawfully collect, process, integrate and evaluate information for intelligence purposes.

CJE 5738. International Crime and Terrorism (3). This course examines international crime in the context of comparative criminology and justice. Students study real world examples of transnational crime with emphasis on the conflation of international terrorism and crime as well as the cross-national and international efforts to combat transnational crime.

CJE 5739. Research Methods for Law Enforcement Intelligence (3). This course focuses on the use of basic statistics and research methods in the analysis of various types of intelligence data. The course emphasizes selecting the appropriate technique for the different problems and evaluating the results rather than the application of procedures.

CJE 5743. Introduction to Public Safety and Leadership (3). This course introduces the major issues, influences, and trends considered in the study and practice of public safety and leadership. The course includes the explanation and analysis of research theory as it applies to human behavior in the application of research and theory to the solving of real-world problems in the public safety and leadership context.

CJE 5744. Strategic Planning in Public Safety and Leadership (3). This course introduces the major issues, influences, and trends considered in the study and practice of strategic planning in the area of public safety and leadership theory, research, and practice. Course material includes explanation and analysis of research and theory as it applies to human behavior in the application of research and theory to the solving of real-world problems in the public safety and leadership in the strategic planning preparedness, mitigation, response, and recovery context.

CJE 5745. Use of Force in Public Safety and Security (3). This course builds on prior investigative courses and gives the student an in depth look at the law as it applies to the use of force, both lethal and non-lethal. Students examine relevant court decisions that drive the investigation of the use of force and explains their applications.

CJE 5768. Underwater Crime Scene Methodology (3). Prerequisites: ISC 5061. This course focuses on the systems and practices related to the advanced methods and technology used for solving specific problems encountered in underwater investigations. This course synthesizes the various theories regarding the conduct of crime and of how physical evidence is generated during the commission of a crime on, or under, the water. A variety of advanced technologies and diving activities currently in use for underwater investigations are explored.

CJE 5768L. Underwater Crime Scene Methodology Laboratory (1). Prerequisites: ISC 5061L. Corequisite: CJE 5768. This course synthesizes the various theories for the conduct of crime with the knowledge of how physical evidence is generated during the commission of a crime on, or under, the water, in order to produce information that enables the investigation and prosecution of criminal activity. The focus is on learning advanced diving skills to facilitate the gathering of data from a variety of underwater environments; gaining familiarity with advanced underwater technologies and tools; and developing the ability to plan execute and evaluate underwater investigative operations.

CJE 5769. Underwater Crime Scene Investigation (3). Prerequisite: CJE 5768. This course involves a holistic investigation process based on the application of crime scene theory, the management of underwater investigative methods and tools, decision-making based on the scientific method, and integrating operations within a broader investigative context through the Incident Command System.

CJE 5769L. Underwater Crime Scene Investigation Laboratory (1). Prerequisite: CJE 5768L. Corequisite: CJE 5769. This laboratory course involves the design, management, and execution of underwater investigative activities the holistically apply crime scene theory, scientific decision-making, and the combined management models of the Incident Command System and the USCI Process.

CJL 5023. National Security Law and Intelligence (3). This course examines legal issues affecting national security such as crimes against the State, criminal procedure in times of crisis, and United States Supreme Court rulings on the U.S. Constitutional protections of individual rights, regardless of status.

CPO 5429. Political Islam: Ideology or Religion (3). This course focuses on seeking to understand the emergence, evolution and possible futures of what is commonly called political Islam. Students examine the crucial interplay between local and global forces shaping Muslim politics as a lived reality in today's world.

DSC 5027. Homeland Security and Domestic Terrorism (3). This course examines the history, logic, strategies, and tactics of terrorism from a domestic law enforcement perspective, including an overview of weapons of mass destruction. Global, national, and local counter-terrorism efforts will be explored, as well as the impact both terrorist acts and our responses have had on the way we view the world and each other.

DSC 5595. Human Intelligence Collection (3). This course examines techniques utilized to collect intelligence from confidential sources, assets and cooperating witnesses through interviewing, interrogation and elicitation. Students are also exposed to various methods to vet Human Sources and to uncover infiltration by hostile agencies and/or criminal organizations.

ISC 5060. Introduction to Underwater Investigations (3). This course presents the history, physics, physiology, and basic methods related to operating in hyperbaric environments. This course explores the tools and methods for safely conducting dive activities based on those principles, as well as the techniques for mitigating the associated risks. This course provides the theoretical foundation for individuals preparing to be investigators for scientific research and data collection underwater.

ISC 5060L. Introduction to Underwater Investigations Lab (1). Corequisite: ISC 5060. This laboratory course presents the principles and practice of compressed-gas as a life-support system for underwater hyperbaric exposure. It is designed to develop proficiency in the basic skills underlying the performance of safe underwater investigations. An important component of safe underwater operations is familiarity with risk mitigation techniques and emergency management procedures related to working in aquatic environments.

ISC 5061. Scientific Underwater Investigation (3). Prerequisite: ISC 5060. This course builds upon the Introduction to Underwater Investigation Laboratory by providing the technology to collect data in an underwater environment according to the scientific method. The course delineates the similarities and differences of investigative techniques used in forensic science and other science disciplines that function underwater. Emphasis is placed on the validation of measurement protocols.

ISC 5061L. Scientific Underwater Investigation Laboratory (1). Prerequisites: ISC 5060 and successful completion of the swim skills and medical evaluation, including a dive physical. Corequisite: ISC 5061. Building upon previous laboratory work, this course provides the tools and techniques to collect data in an underwater environment for prolonged periods of time. The underwater data collection techniques use traditional underwater technology adapted from forensic science and other scientific fields. Emphasis is placed on the verification of measurement protocols. Additional equipment fee required.

ISC 5136. Introduction to Leadership for Professional Diving (3). Prerequisites: ISC 3063L or ISC 5061L. This experiential-based course offers an opportunity to put into practice the knowledge, theory, and skills learned through previous courses in the Advanced Science Diving Program. It provides the development of the expertise and credentials related to the dive master profession through the active participation in instructional and supervisory activities related to scuba diving.

ISC 5137C. Advanced Leadership for Professional Diving (3). Prerequisites: ISC 4143C or ISC 5136C. This experiential-based course continues the professional development of students involved in scientific diving. It provides the student with the opportunity to develop both the expertise and credentials related to working as an assistant dive instructor. This is achieved through active participation in instructional and supervisory activities related to scuba diving.

ISC 5930r. Special Topics in Applied Studies (3). This course allows for special topics in Interdisciplinary Studies to be taught, focusing on Applied Methods and Theory, specific to the concept of Applied Studies and Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. May be repeated to a maximum of twelve semester hours. May be repeated within the same semester.

SCC 5406. Market and Competitive Intelligence (3). This course is a detailed introduction to the legal and ethical methods of collecting and analyzing business information to support corporate decision making. Students learn effective processes and methodologies, tools and techniques to provide greater insight into market dynamics and competitor activities.