Graduate Interdisciplinary Program in Social Science

College of Social Sciences and Public Policy


Director: Lisa Turner de Vera, College of Social Sciences and Public Policy

Note: The Interdisciplinary Program in Social Science (ISS) no longer offers a course of study leading to the Master of Arts (MA) or Master of Science (MS). However, the program provides courses with a broad background in the social sciences for students in other interdisciplinary programs within the College.

Definition of Prefixes

CPS—Comparative Policy Studies (Multinational)

HSC—Health Sciences

PHC—Public Health Concentration

Graduate Courses

HSC 5930r. Special Topics in Social Science (1–3). Interdisciplinary special topics of current interest or utilizing special competencies of faculty. Content varies from semester to semester. May be repeated with the permission of the Director of the Interdisciplinary Program in Social Sciences.

PHC 5001. Public Health Epidemiology (3). This course is designed to introduce the student to basic concepts of applied epidemiology and to learn critical evaluation of peer-review literature. The course combines theory and practical knowledge of how epidemiology is practiced in the field.

PHC 5912. Public Health Capstone Course (3). Prerequisite: Student must be a Masters Public Health major. This course introduces public health concepts as well as public health professional practice. Students examine the origins and development of the modern public health system and the relationship of public health to the overall health system. Students learn about the essential dimensions, critical issues, and contributions of public health. This course also acts as a Capstone course and includes a test the last week of the course to test knowledge of public health concepts and practice.

PHC 5945. Public Health Internship Experience (3). (S/U grade only). This internship places students, under faculty supervision, in employment situations related to their academic interest; research related to a problem or issue facing the sponsor of the internship.