Graduate Social Work

College of Social Work


Professors: Abell, Ai, Petscher, Radey, Schelbe, Springer, Thyer, Tripodi, Wilke; Associate Professors: Boel-Studt, T. Gomory, Killian, Lacasse, Mathias; Assistant Professors: Anderson, Cao, Moore, Renn, Tefera; Teaching Professor: Boone, Deckerhoff, Dwyer-Lee, F. Gomory, Stanley, Verano; Associate Teaching Professor: Edwards, S. Jackson, Mathis; Assistant Teaching Professor: Cuffy, Greil-Burkhart, L. Jackson, Johnson, Legaspi, McDade, Osborne; Research Faculty II: Pryce; Research Faculty I: Magruder, Oehme

The College of Social Work offers programs of study leading to the degrees of:

  • Master of Social Work (MSW), educating advanced practice social workers by acquiring competencies through two curricular concentrations: clinical social work and social work leadership; and
  • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), which is designed develop social work scholars and leaders in research and education who use systematic methods of inquiry and reasoned argument to advance knowledge.

For complete details of graduate degree requirements, plus a description of the college, its opportunities, and available financial assistance, refer to the “College of Social Work” chapter in this Graduate Bulletin, or refer to

Definition of Prefix

SOW—Social Work

Graduate Courses

Note: The College of Social Work regards courses accompanied by a “+” as clinical/direct practice courses that may apply toward licensure. As different boards of licensure set these criteria, the College cannot guarantee acceptance of all these courses.

Note: There must be sufficient enrollment for elective courses to be offered.

SOW 5034. The Social Work Profession (3). This course helps students to begin to identify with the social work profession, its history, mission, and core values, and conduct themselves in accordance with the ethical principles that guide professional practice. Students learn how the social work profession engages in policy and practice to address issues of social and economic well-being. Students also begin to recognize the social, political, economic, and environmental influences on client systems of all sizes and apply them to the conduct of social work practice.

SOW 5105+. Human Behavior and the Social Environment I (3). This course focuses on reciprocal relationships between human behavior and social environments. Content includes empirically-based theories and knowledge that focus on the interactions between and among systems of all sizes, including individuals, groups, societies, and economic systems. Theories and knowledge of biological, psychological, sociological, cultural, and spiritual development across the life span are critiqued, especially as they relate to populations at risk. In addition, theories and knowledge about the range of social systems (individual, family, group, organizational, and community) in which people live are examined, including the ways social systems promote or deter people in maintaining or achieving health and well-being.

SOW 5109+. Women's Issues and Social Work (3). This course acquaints students with individual and social factors that affect women throughout the life span using an interdisciplinary approach. Particular attention is given to the intersections of race, age, social class, sexual orientation, and other systems of inequality that impact on women's lives. The role of the social work profession in changing society's view of women, and the role of practitioners in enabling or empowering women are also examined.

SOW 5116. Trauma Informed Social Work Practice (3). This course provides students with an understanding of the personal and systemic impact of trauma-causing events on individuals and families. The course teaches students about trauma impacts across the life span and introduces students to the core concepts (general theory and foundational knowledge), informed evidence-based assessment, and intervention for individuals affected by trauma.

SOW 5125+. Psychopathology in Clinical Practice (3). This course provides an overview of mental health assessment and diagnostic tools, including the Diagnostic Statistical Manual categories, and touches on treatment strategies and techniques. Building on the knowledge base acquired in the foundation course, SOW 5105, this course examines the relationship between the biological, psychological, social, environmental, and cultural influences and emotional and mental health from an ecological context. Particular attention is given to variations in the assessment process and access to treatment for populations at social and economic risk. In addition, students examine the political and social implications of mental health and their relations to social work values and ethics.

SOW 5128. Cognitive–Behavioral Social Work Practice (3). Prerequisite: SOW 5308. This course provides in-depth coverage of the cognitive-behavioral model of social work practice. The empirical bases of the theory and model are examined, along with applications to direct social work practice. Through participation in this course, students learn how to move from an assessment to intervention using the CBT model.

SOW 5153+. Human Sexuality (3). This course surveys issues and attitudes associated with human sexuality. It is primarily intended for social workers and other helping professionals who currently work with clients or plan to in the future. Using a biopsychosocial perspective, emphasis is placed on the social, cultural, familial and individual differences in sexual and reproductive attitudes, values, and behavior.

SOW 5235+. Social Welfare Policy and Services (3). This course provides a beginning understanding of the relationship between social welfare and social policy from a social work perspective. Students engage in policy practice to address social and economic well-being and to deliver effective social work services across diverse populations. Attention is given to critical analysis of the role that social work and social welfare policies and programs play in advancing human rights and social and economic justice. Emphasis is placed on the advancement of social and economic justice and human rights in a global context.

SOW 5238. Advanced Policy Analysis (3). Prerequisite: SOW 5235. This course introduces students to the procedures and processes of social policy analysis and evaluation. Attention is given to policy originating within all levels and branches of government, as well as within organizational settings. The course examines how issues are brought to the attention of decision-makers and the methods used in policy formulation. Students learn skills central to policy work, including problem definition, development and examination of policy alternatives, planning for implementation, and evaluation. The course prepares individuals to participate in the creation and assessment of social welfare policies that impact populations at risk.

SOW 5248. Homelessness in America: Peoples, Program and Policies (3). This course covers poverty in the United States, with particular emphasis on homelessness. It includes content related to values and ethics in programs and policies as well as cultural diversity among people in poverty. Particular attention is given to those who suffer from poverty and other societal oppression, such as those who are also people of color or, women, gays, lesbians, HIV positive, or disabled.

SOW 5281. Ethics in Social Work Practice (3). This course provides students with a framework of knowledge and skills to prepare them for effective ethical decision-making which adheres to the NASW Code of Ethics.

SOW 5282. Legislative Advocacy (3). This course exposes graduate students to the skills necessary to become effective human service advocates dealing with unmet needs, resolving social problems, or working to ameliorate unjust or inequitable conditions in society. As more decisions about social welfare programs have shifted from the federal to the state and local community levels, it is increasingly important for social workers to develop lobbying and advocacy skills to ensure social and economic justice. Such skills can help bring about much-needed policy changes for clients, promote and protect social work ethics and values, and positively affect human service funding during the budget appropriation process.

SOW 5308+. Social Work Practice (3). This course focuses on the development of foundation social work practice skills using the basic elements of interviewing and documentation within the values and ethics of the social work profession. Students develops foundational skills such as rapport-building, information-gathering, and record-keeping in order to engage, assess, and intervene with individuals and families in social work. The empirical basis of a range of theories and models of social work practice are examined, along with applications to generalist social work practice. The course also discusses ways to promote social and economic ways to promote social and economic justice while practicing as a social worker.

SOW 5324+. Social Work Practice with Groups and Communities (3). This course focuses on the development of the generalist group practice skills of engagement, assessment, intervention, and evaluation with social work clients, community groups, and organizations. The course covers practice skills that contribute to group effectiveness, including composition, structure, dynamics, goal setting, and evaluation. Students learn to respond to contexts that shape practice by recognizing social, political, economic, and environmental influences and applying them to social work practice. Content also includes examining the empirical base of a range of theories and models of group facilitation with clients, community groups, and organizations.

SOW 5334. Organizational Development (3). In this course, students learn about the logic model process and how it informs new program development, service delivery and evaluation. Additionally, students learn and develop skills in performing needs assessments to identify areas for organizational change and growth as well as evaluate the effects of any changes made. Students are also exposed to the importance of sound fiscal management in organization and program development.

SOW 5340+. Theory and Practice of Poetry Therapy (3). This course introduces students to the theoretical foundations and practice techniques of poetry therapy. Specific attention is given to the use of the poetic (language, symbol, and story) in individual, couple, family, group, and community practice. The course format includes lectures, topic and case discussions, skill building exercises, and role-plays. The activities in class and assignments relate to the use of poetry therapy in a variety of human service settings.

SOW 5369+. Integrative Seminar in Advanced Social Work Practice (3). Corequisite: SOW 5535. This course integrates theoretical models and concepts with practice gained in internships. The course utilizes an ecosystems perspective, focusing on the dynamic interaction between the individual, family, communities, organizations, and other social systems. A major focus is on the social worker's role in responding effectively to the challenges of working with these systems and exploring their own personal views of such issues as ethics, gender, ethnic minorities, gays, lesbians, and disabled people.

SOW 5376. Budgeting and Finances in Social Services (3). This course emphasizes the political and technical skills of budgeting and financial management, source development via grant writing and fundraising, government contracting, fiscal reporting, and payroll management.

SOW 5377. Personnel Administration in the Social Services (3). This course develops students' administrative skills in social work settings to ensure effective service delivery to clients, peers, management and direct reports. Students develop skills and knowledge related to planning, fiscal management, staff management approaches, staff supervision, employee recruitment and retention, motivation, job design, staff development, and issues of diversity. The role of agency boards of directors, their composition, and development is also examined.

SOW 5404+. Introduction to Social Work Research (3). This course introduces students to qualitative and quantitative research methods in order to provide an understanding of a scientific, analytic, and ethical approach to building knowledge for practice. Students' mastery of course content prepares them to develop, use, and effectively communicate empirically-based knowledge. Research knowledge is used by students to provide high-quality services; to initiate change; to improve practice, policy, and social service delivery; and to evaluate their own practice from an evidence-based perspective.

SOW 5432+. Evaluation of Social Work Practice (3). Prerequisite: SOW 5404 or equivalent. Major emphasis is given to the use of single systems designs in client assessment and evaluation. Students consider the philosophical and ethical aspects of an evaluative approach to treatment and examine the policy implications of professional participation (or lack thereof) in evaluation processes. Topics include the operational “diagnosis” of client problems; measurement and monitoring of symptoms, goals, and interventions; and analysis, interpretation, and reporting of case material for accountable social work practice. Issues of ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, and disability are explored through application of course content to appropriate case examples.

SOW 5435. Social Program Evaluation (3). Prerequisite: SOW 5404. This course presents the historical and contemporary importance of social program evaluation and research methods. The course focuses on applied qualitative and quantitative evaluation methods that are useful to managers, public administrators, and policy analysts. Particular emphasis is placed on evidence-based procedures/methods that will be useful for social work administrators for designing and carrying out an evaluation of social programs and policies. How programs and policies can further the cause of social and economic justice for oppressed and disadvantaged groups is also explored.

SOW 5455. Grant Writing and Grant Management (3). This course covers the basics of proposals: purpose statements, background and justification, aims or objectives, personnel, time line, methods, budget, evaluation, and how to effectively manage grants once they are funded. The needs of disenfranchised groups or communities are discussed in this course, along with the particulars of proposals that may be most effective in meeting such needs.

SOW 5532r. Graduate Field Instruction I (4–8). (S/U grade only). Prerequisite: SOW 5308. This course is required for first-year graduate students and taken concurrently with coursework. Students are provided with a supervised generalist social work practice experience in a variety of settings. May be repeated to a maximum of eight (8) semester hours. May be repeated to a maximum of ten semester hours.

SOW 5535r. Graduate Field Instruction II (6–12). (S/U grade only). Prerequisite: SOW 5369. This course is required for advanced graduate students and taken concurrently with Advanced Seminar in Social Work Practice. May be repeated to a maximum of twelve semester hours.

SOW 5537r. Field Instruction: Special Placement (3–12). (S/U grade only). Elective placement designed to assist the student in developing additional skills in social work practice to meet specialized and individual needs. May be taken only by special arrangement through the Office of Field Education. May be repeated to a maximum of twelve semester hours.

SOW 5548. Graduate Field Seminar I (2). Corequisite: SOW 5532. This course assists students in the integration of their social work courses with social work practice. The course utilizes an ecosystems perspective, focusing on students' ability to apply the knowledge and sills of a generalist social work practice to systems of all sizes.

SOW 5603+. Social Work in Health Settings (3). This course focuses on social work practice in health settings from a “person-in-environment” perspective, preparing students with an understanding of the roles that social workers play in health settings; the structure of health care delivery systems; organizational and professional ethics and standards; challenges we face in health care policy; patient issues and how to help to address these issues. Specific knowledge and skills in a health care setting are addressed, including biopsychosocial assessments, chart documentation, treatment planning, and discharge planning.

SOW 5611+. Family Counseling in Social Work (3). This course introduces students to various theoretical models of family counseling and presents assessment and intervention strategies and techniques.

SOW 5614+. Family Violence Across the Life Span (3). This course, looking at violence across the life span, provides an ecological perspective emphasizing the interconnections between individuals experiencing violence and their social environments. Emphasis is placed upon broad coverage of all-important aspects of child abuse, incest, intimate partner violence, rape, and elder abuse. This course is appropriate for students who wish to gain skill in detecting and responding to incest situations for clients, sexual assault survivors, and victims of intimate partner violence or elder abuse.

SOW 5635+. The Social Worker in the Public School System (3). School social workers seek to maximize student success and promote optimal learning opportunities by helping to remove the variety of barriers that prevent school-based personnel and children from working to the best of their abilities. This course introduces the student to school social work practice and related issues. In order for students to experience the role of the school social worker as realistically as possible, both systematic and theoretical approaches to learning are presented.

SOW 5646+. Gerontological Social Work (3). This course introduces students to the field of social gerontology and gerontological social work. Topics include the demography, physical, cognitive, and psychosocial aspects of aging; health-care and social policies that impact older persons, caregivers, and the aging network of services; ways in which forms of oppression (such as ageism, sexism, racism, ablebodyism, beautism, and homophobia) impact our work with older people; as well as ways to promote dignity, self-determination, and socio-economic justice for older persons.

SOW 5648. Physical Aspects of Aging (3). This course covers age and health demographics, as well as attitudes toward aging and health. Topics include basic cellular or molecular theories of aging, how the human body's organ systems typically change over time, pathologies associated with aging, as well as psychological responses to normal and pathological changes.

SOW 5655+. Social Work with Children and Adolescents (3). Students in this course increase knowledge and understanding essential for effective therapeutic interventions in the psychological and behavioral disorders of children and develop special skills in selected intervention techniques and modalities in working with children in a variety of professional roles.

SOW 5656+. Child Welfare Practice (3). This course provides a framework of values, knowledge, and skills necessary to practice with vulnerable children and their families. The major focus is on social work in public child welfare in the State of Florida. The course utilizes an ecosystem perspective for understanding and assessing the special needs of at-risk children and families. Specific attention is on assessing families and children using the State of Florida's Safety Decision Making Method and other family assessment instruments.

SOW 5659+. Child Maltreatment and Child Welfare (3). This course provides students with the knowledge and skills related to the theory, research and implications of child and adolescent maltreatment for child development and well-being. Course content is presented within the context of child welfare practice and social work with children and adolescents in public agencies and programs. Issues related to children, families, and communities are covered and attention is given to working with ethnic minorities, women, gays and lesbians, and persons with disabilities. Particular attention is given to federal and state child welfare statutes including Chapter 39, Florida statutes including the Adoption and Safe Families Act and the range of services provides by the Department of Children and Families and other agencies.

SOW 5666+. Theory and Practice of Social Work in Criminal Justice Settings (3). This course focuses on the interface of social work and the criminal justice system by beginning to explore the experiences of both victims and individuals involved in the justice system. The course emphasizes practice for social workers working in corrections, reentry programs, and juvenile justice settings.

SOW 5712+. Substance Abuse and Misuse (3). This course is designed to provide fundamental knowledge of the aspects of substance misuse in American society. Students examine the etiology and epidemiology of substance misuse, treatment approaches, and major policies and programs relevant to the prevention and treatment of substance abuse through the use of readings, PowerPoint lectures, Websites, and structured discussions. Special attention is given to substance use and misuse among specific populations including adolescents, older adults, women, racial and ethnic minorities, gays and lesbians, and persons with disabilities. The effect of substance misuse on families, communities, and social systems is examined utilizing a systems approach.

SOW 5745+. Seminar on Loss and Bereavement (3). This advanced clinical social work course is designed for students who wish to increase their knowledge, understanding, and therapeutic skills related to the issues around loss across the lifespan, bereavement, dying, and death, and how we can live life to the fullest while addressing these challenges both personally and with our clients.

SOW 5785. International Social Work and Social Welfare (3). The course prepares students for international social-work practice and for transnational work with immigrants, refugees, international migrants, etc. It introduces international perspectives in the social-work field and offers varied examples of social-work practice in the U.S., Western and Central European and Caribbean nations. The course examines the impact of the global interdependence on social-work practice and policy and helps students learn to critically analyze varied practice approaches utilized in dealing with international welfare issues.

SOW 5807. Clinical Practice (3). Prerequisite: SOW 5308. This advanced practice course emphasizes development of clinical skills. Students refine their clinical skills, building on the research-based non-specific (common factors) components of therapeutic work (i.e. therapeutic alliance, empathy, goal consensus/collaboration, positive regard/affirmation, and genuineness) and specific factors (validated treatments). The course provides in-depth coverage of three empirically-based models; Solution Focused, Motivational Interviewing, and Interpersonal Therapy. Learning applications of techniques informed by these models provides opportunities to enhance professional use of self. The course examines similarities and differences among models and allows students to discern appropriate use of techniques, client populations, settings, and problem interactions. Students develop competency in the ethical and strength-based use of these models.

SOW 5908r. Directed Individual Study (1–4). (S/U grade only). May be repeated to a maximum of six semester hours.

SOW 5938r+. Social Work Seminars: Selected Topics (3). This course provides students with an understanding of a special topic and its impact on individuals, families, organizations, and/or communities. May be repeated to a maximum of nine (9) credit hours; repeatable within the same term.

SOW 5943. International Community Engagement (3). (S/U grade only). Prerequisites: Acceptance into the College of Social Work Alternative Spring break program along with international travel during FSU's scheduled spring break. This course utilizes a service learning experience in an international social services organization to introduce students to international social work practice and a range of global social issues that shape human welfare and social development.

SOW 6358. Measurement in Social Work Research (3). This course focuses on the development, testing, and use of measurement tools in social work practice research. It is a required course in the FSU College of Social Work doctoral curriculum. Emphasis is placed on understanding the conceptual relevance and operational clarity of theoretical constructs, and on the methods available for designing, evaluating, and validating instruments to measure them using best practices in psychometric research. Issues relevant to survey design research will be explored. Qualitative and quantitative techniques are examined for their varying contributions to item development and scale construction, and data analytic strategies for determining psychometric characteristics are explored.

SOW 6407. Survey Research Methods (3). This class equips students to design, conduct, and critique survey research. Particular attention is paid to surveying hard-to-reach or disenfranchised populations (methods and ethics involved) and reducing sources of error (i.e. sampling, coverage, measurement, non-response). Topics include: types of survey designs; survey sampling strategies and data collection; questionnaire construction (i.e. writing and ordering questions and response categories, pre-testing items); interviewing techniques; coding and analyzing data; and report/manuscript writing. Students gain practical experience by examining existing surveys and data.

SOW 6415. Advanced Quantitative Analysis (3). Prerequisites: Students should have previous coursework completed in general linear modeling, measurement theory, and research design. In this course, quantitative analyses are presented to educate students about advanced approaches to testing individual differences, establishing causality, and evaluating psychometrics. Topics for this course are primarily focused on deepening students' understanding and application of regression-based models.

SOW 6416. Introduction to Statistics in Applied Social Research (3). This course provides students with a firm foundation in descriptive statistics, univariate and bivariate inferential statistics, and multiple regression analyses. The course is designed as an applied statistics course and presented in three major sections: analysis of group differences, analysis of bivariate associations, and analysis of prediction models. Students learn how to use SPSS to clean and manage data, and how to analyze existing Social Work data sets. The course also introduces students to reporting data analysis plans and statistical results consistent with the expectations of peer-reviewed social work journals as well.

SOW 6418. Introduction to Linear Modeling for Applied Social Research (3). Prerequisite: An introductory statistics course. This course represents the Statistics II requirement for the Social Work Doctoral curriculum. The course is an extension of Statistics I and is designed to help students progress from knowledge and application of univariate, bivariate, and introductory multivariate analyses to more complex multivariate techniques commonly used in the social sciences to assess relationships among data derived from a variety of research designs. Specifically, this course builds on students' knowledge of multiple regression and ANOVA from Statistics I to address more advanced topics such as mediation and moderation in multiple regression, logistic regression, and the multivariate ANOVA-based family of analyses including factorial ANOVA, ANCOVA, MANOVA, and repeated measures ANOVA. Students learn how to use SPSS to clean and manage data, and how to analyze existing Social Work data sets.

SOW 6466. Social Work Research Using Secondary Data (3). This course introduces the concepts, strategies, and methods associated with secondary analysis of data and ways in which that data relates to social-work research. Both classroom and lab components of the course focus on acquisition, manipulation, and maintenance of public-use data and longitudinal analysis. Students demonstrate competence in problem conceptualization by defining a problem/research question in their social-science research area and by identifying and obtaining an appropriate public-use dataset to answer their proposed question. Students develop and demonstrate an understanding of issues in secondary analysis, as well.

SOW 6490. Introduction to Scholarly Writing (3). This course provides incoming doctoral students with 1) an introduction to the process of scholarly writing, 2) an opportunity to develop and hone their writing skills in the context of communicating effectively to the scientific community and, most important 3) an opportunity to develop and integrate the dimension of scholarly writer into their professional identity. The course is based on the assumption that scholarly writing is a way of thinking. As such, students learn how to pursue their writing goals from a framework of depth and critical thinking.

SOW 6492. Foundation Research Methods (3). This course is a seminar in theory construction and research design.

SOW 6494. Advanced Research Methods (3). Students in this course develop a more sophisticated understanding of the research enterprise. The course focuses on developing specific advanced competencies in conceptualization, sampling, design, measurement, data collection, and data analysis. Students also identify practical and ethical dilemmas common in research, especially as they relate to membership in vulnerable populations.

SOW 6495. Systematic Reviews in Social Work Research (3). This course familiarizes the student with the philosophy and methodology of designing and conducting systematic reviews of research relevant to social work. Topics include the selection and review of published research articles, methodological issues unique to particular problems and diverse populations, and the synthesis of literature in students' areas of specialization.

SOW 6496. Qualitative Research Methods (3). This course develops knowledge and skills in qualitative inquiry and identifies resulting strengths and weaknesses. Students identify the usefulness of qualitative methods in developing a knowledge base; the depth and detailed orientation and the field inquiry; and the usefulness of understanding sensitive topics that are often the focus of social-work research.

SOW 6499. Intervention Research in Social Work (3). This elective course focuses on a developmental approach to social-intervention research. It includes articulation of conceptual intervention models and their development, piloting, implementation, and dissemination. Micro-, mezzo-, and macro-level intervention models may be included as part of the course, depending on the students' interests. Background in both theory building and research methods is required.

SOW 6755. Theories and Models of Social Work Research (3). This second-semester doctoral seminar uses an evidence-tested framework based on a review of competing philosophies of science to prepare students to understand the role of theory in research, to critically appraise theories for their usefulness, and to utilize theory in conceptualizing research problems, developing research questions from these problems, and creating possible effective research models.

SOW 6775. Professional Issues in Social Work (3). This course promotes critical thinking about social work as a profession, its knowledge base, its place in the academy, its curricula, and issues for its educators. Specific topics include faculty scholarship and mentoring, service and contributing to the profession, comparison of educational delivery models, education evaluation and ethics, and the diverse roles of PhD social workers.

SOW 6904r. Reading in Social Work/Social Welfare (1–6). (S/U grade only). May be repeated to a maximum of twelve semester hours.

SOW 6909r. Directed Individual Study (1–6). (S/U grade only). May be repeated to a maximum of twenty semester hours.

SOW 6916r. Supervised Research (1–5). (S/U grade only). Contracted research or scholarship directed by student's choice of faculty. May be repeated to a maximum of six semester hours.

SOW 6930. Teaching Seminar and Practicum (3). (S/U grade only). This course is designed to prepare students for college teaching. Students are assigned as Teaching Assistants in foundation social work courses while taking this class. The aim of the course is to familiarize students with pedagogical theories and strategies for development and delivery of course content, course management, and assessment. Students practice skills in the classroom and receive guidance and feedback from experienced instructors.

SOW 6938r. Selected Topics in Social Work (3). May be repeated to a maximum of nine semester hours as topics change.

SOW 6945r. Practicum in Applied Research (2–6). This two-part course is designed for students to engage in supervised research. This course helps students move from having a substantive area to developing a research agenda, planning, and executing their own work. Students are encouraged to select a topic relevant to their substantive area of interest. In the first semester, students develop a working relationship with an individual faculty member; simultaneously, students attend a seminar in which they propose a project, prepare a work plan, and prepare an IRB application. In the second semester, the individual faculty member supervises the students' implementation and write-up of the research project.

SOW 6960r. Preliminary Preparation (1–12). (S/U grade only.) Prerequisites: SOW 6358, SOW 6359, SOW 6414, SOW 6418, SOW 6490, SOW 6492, SOW 6495, SOW 6755, and SOW 6945. This course is designed to allow doctoral-level students to register for course credit hours while studying and preparing to take the preliminary doctoral examination (SOW 8964r).

SOW 6980r. Dissertation (1–18). (S/U grade only). May be repeated to a maximum of thirty semester hours.

SOW 8964r. Preliminary Doctoral Examination (0). (P/F grade only.)

SOW 8985r. Dissertation Defense (0). (P/F grade only.)