College of Communication and Information


Dean: Michelle M. Kazmer; Associate Deans: Marcia A. Mardis, Richard J. Morris, Ebrahim Randeree; Assistant Deans: Mafé Brooks, Ulla Bunz, Danyele Martin; Dean Emeritus: Lawrence C. Dennis

The College of Communication and Information offers undergraduate degrees in Communication, Communication Science and Disorders, and Information Technology. These degree programs attract and prepare leaders who take responsibility for meeting the communication and information needs of all people in solving complex communication and information challenges. A world-wide transformation is changing both the way we communicate and the way we create, store, find, share, and use information. The College's educational programs provide classroom and experiential learning opportunities that help students understand the changing communication and information environment and make communication and information useful and accessible to everyone. If you have a passion for helping others, a desire to be at the heart of communication and information transformations, and want to get started on a rewarding and professional career, visit our website at or contact our advisors.

Undergraduate Degree Programs

School of Communication

The School of Communication offers a degree in communication and digital media studies with two majors (digital media production and media/communication studies), and a degree in professional communication with two majors (advertising and public relations). These majors are organized according to various applications of communication skills and expertise in our society. Advertising majors focus on account management, creative strategy, and media planning. Public relations majors concentrate on public relations writing, tactics, and campaign management skills. These majors prepare for careers in advertising and public relations agencies and organizations. Media/Communication Studies majors are applicable to a number of career fields including law, media industries, media research, and communications. Digital media production majors pursue management or production careers in broadcasting, cable, video production, and related fields. Visit for more information.

School of Communication Science and Disorders

The mission of the Florida State University School of Communication Science and Disorders is to:

  • generate and disseminate scientific knowledge related to variety and differences in communication processes and disorders.
  • prepare students to demonstrate broad-based knowledge of communication science and skills to apply theory and research findings to clinical practice in their communities.
  • empower students to provide effective diagnostic and treatment services in a global community and utilize innovative, evidence-based approaches to support individuals with a wide variety of speech, language, cognitive, swallowing, and hearing abilities.
  • prepare leading clinical and research scientists to generate new knowledge for practicing at the top of the license.

The School of Communication Science and Disorders offers programs of study leading to the Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy degrees. For more information, please visit or consult the “School of Communication Science and Disorders” listing in this Graduate Bulletin.

School of Information

Information, communication, and technology influence almost all forms of human activity in our increasingly interconnected society. As such, there is a growing demand for Information Technology (IT) professionals who can think critically and innovatively about how technology can support the information and communication needs of various stakeholders in different sociotechnical environments.

The School offers a Bachelor of Science in Information Technology (IT) program with two majors: (1) Information Technology (IT) and (2) Information, Communication, and Technology (ICT). The curriculum provides students with the knowledge and skills they need to apply and manage information systems and technologies effectively and ethically, as well as to communicate and work collaboratively with many users and stakeholders in various contexts and sociotechnical settings. IT majors develop and hone skills in areas such as web and mobile application development, database design, data modeling, data warehousing, SQL programming, data analytics, cyber/data security, network administration, health informatics, and social informatics. IT majors hone skills in areas such as network administration and security, design and development, health informatics, and social informatics. ICT majors learn how to strategically apply and manage web-based and social media, and other digital and interactive technologies to support a variety of communication needs in areas such as public relations, news delivery, promotion and advertising, and social marketing. The Bachelor of Science in IT integrates hands-on technology learning, service learning, and user-centered approaches in solving a variety of information technology challenges. A combined bachelor's/master's pathway (BS/MS) combining a bachelor's degree in Information Technology with a master's degree in Information Technology is also available and offers eligible undergraduate students the opportunity to take up to twelve semester hours of graduate coursework, which may be counted toward both the BS and MS degrees. An undergraduate certificate in Health Information Technology is also available. For more information, visit

Admissions Information

All three Schools within the College of Communication and Information (CCI) offer Bachelor of Science (BS) degree programs.

Programs of study leading to the Bachelor of Arts (BA) and Bachelor of Science (BS) degrees are offered through the School of Communication Science and Disorders and the School of Communication. Each major within the Schools is part of a specialized admissions program requiring a separate application. Admission to each major is competitive. Interested students should indicate their major preference on their University application and seek advising through the College of Communication and Information. Candidates for the baccalaureate degrees also must comply with general University regulations governing these degrees and must complete the major and minor requirements of one of the Schools identified above. See School entries for specific area concentrations and requirements. To be awarded the BA degree, the student must complete the specified university-wide requirements for that degree.

Students seeking admission into the Bachelor of Science (BS) in Information Technology (IT) program in the School of Information must have completed specific program prerequisites and a program of CoreFSU Curriculum with an overall grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 or better. To be awarded the BS in IT degree, the student must complete the specified University-wide requirements for that degree including forty-two credit hours for either the IT or ICT majors. Students are advised to seek advising through CCI to prepare a program of study for their chosen major area.

See School entries in this General Bulletin and the College website for specific information regarding each Schools' admission requirements.

Requirements for the Second Baccalaureate Degree (Dual Certificate)

A student completing a second bachelor's degree in the Schools must complete at least thirty semester hours at Florida State University, in addition to the required hours for the first degree. The student must complete a new major and a new minor (with no overlap between these and the first major and minor).

Note: To distinguish between second baccalaureates and second majors (also known as double majors), see the appropriate paragraph under “Undergraduate Degree Requirements” in this General Bulletin.

Honors in the Major

The Schools of Communication, Communication Science and Disorders, and Information offer an honors program in the major. It is designed to encourage talented juniors and seniors to undertake independent and original research as part of the undergraduate experience. For requirements and other information, see the “University Honors Office and Honor Societies” chapter of this General Bulletin.

Dean's List

Students who in any term carry a full-time course load of twelve or more letter-grade semester hours with a grade point average (GPA) of 3.5 or above earn the distinction of being on the dean's list.

Combined Bachelor's/Master's Pathway

The College of Communication and Information has developed a combined bachelor's/master's pathway (BS to MS) combining a bachelor's degree in Information Technology with a master's degree in Information Technology. This pathway offers eligible undergraduate students the opportunity to take up to twelve semester hours of graduate coursework, which may be counted toward both the BS and MS degrees. Visit the website for more details:

The College of Communication and Information has developed a combined bachelor's/master's degree pathway (BS to MS, BA to MA) combining a bachelor's degree in Communication and Digital Media; Information, Communication and Technology; or Professional Communication and a master's degree in the Integrated Marketing Communication; Media and Communication Studies; or Public Interest Media and Communication programs. This pathway provides eligible undergraduate students the opportunity to take up to twelve semester hours of graduate coursework. May count toward both the bachelor's and master's degrees. Check the website for more details:

Graduate Degree Programs

Students making application for admission to one of the School's graduate programs must also apply through the University Office of Admissions see for more information.


The graduate programs in Communication offer several specialized emphases leading to the Master of Arts, Master of Science, and Doctor of Philosophy degrees (see the departmental entry in the Graduate Bulletin and the website for more information.)

Communication Science and Disorders

Programs of study leading to the Master of Science, Master of Arts, and Doctor of Philosophy degrees in the School of Communication Science and Disorders are described in the Graduate Bulletin and on the website, at


Established in 1947 as a professional school, the School of Information (iSchool) offers several graduate degree programs. The Master of Arts (MA) and Master of Science (MS) degree programs in Information are accredited by the American Library Association (ALA). The iSchool also offers a Master of Science in Information Technology (MSIT), a Specialist degree, and a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree, as well as certificate programs in areas such as Health Information Technology, Information Architecture, Information Leadership and Management, User Services, and Youth Services. The School is a member of the Association for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T):, the Association for Library and Information Science Education (ALISE):, and is a founding member of the iSchools movement: For more information, visit the Graduate Bulletin or our website at


The College of Communication and Information offers undergraduate students opportunities to enrich their learning experiences through participation in a variety of research centers, service, classroom facilities, and student professional organizations. These include the following:

  • Augmentative and Alternative Communication Laboratory
  • Communication and Early Childhood Research and Practice Center
  • Communication Research Center
  • Center for Hispanic Marketing Communication
  • Information Use, Management & Policy Institute (Information Institute)
  • Institute for Digital Information and Scientific Communication (iDigInfo)
  • Institute for Intercultural Communication and Research
  • L. L. Schendel Speech and Hearing Clinic
  • Project Management Center
  • Research and Language and Literacy Lab
  • Seminole Productions
  • Speech and Voice Science Laboratory

In addition, the College provides students with access to state-of-the-art facilities and support through a wide range of computer and media production labs and technical support services, including the following:

  • Computer classrooms in the University Center for advanced media production and statistical analysis
  • IT Help Desk to provide access to technology support, advanced software systems, and high-end computer systems
  • New technology center in the William Johnston Building for instruction in networking, databases, media production, health information technology, mobile and enterprise information systems
  • WVFS, the university's “college radio station”

Students within the college are very active in professional development organizations including the following:

  • Advertising Club
  • American Library Association Student Chapter
  • Association of Information Technology Professionals
  • Beta Phi Mu Honor Society
  • Blacks in Computing
  • Communication Graduate Student Association
  • Florida Public Relations Association
  • Forensics (Debate and Speech)
  • International Communication Association
  • Lambda Pi Eta
  • National Communication Association
  • National Student Speech Language Hearing Association
  • STARS Alliance for Broadening Participation in Computing
  • Women in IT/ICT Sharing Experiences (WISE)