Undergraduate Department of Biological Science
College of Arts and Sciences
Website: https://www.bio.fsu.edu
Chair: Thomas A. Houpt; Associate Chair (Graduate Studies): Nora Underwood; Associate Chair (Undergraduate Studies): Steven Marks; Associate Chair (Academic Programs): Karen M. McGinnis; Professors: Bass, Chase, DuVal, Erickson, D. Fadool, J. Fadool, Feng, Houpt, Hughes, Inouye, Levitan, Mast, Miller, Rokyta, Stagg, Steppan, Stroupe, Tang, Taylor, Travis, Trexler, Underwood, Yu, Zhu; Associate Professors: Burgess, Cui, Dennis, Feng, Jones, Lemmon, Lenhert, Lester, Lyons, McGinnis, Rassweiler, Wulff; Assistant Professors: Brown, Cortez, Francis, Okamoto, Storace, Thoms, Vincis, Yin; Professors Emeriti: Abele, Anderson, Bates, Caspar, DeBusk, deKloet, Elam, Ellington, Epstein, Fajer, Gaffney, Heard, Herrnkind, Homann, James, L. Keller, T . Keller, Livingston, Mariscal, Meredith, Outlaw, Quadagno, Reeves, Roberts, Roeder, Roux, Tschinkel
The Department of Biological Science offers an undergraduate major in biological science that includes programs of study in most contemporary areas of biology. Specific academic concentrations within the major include cell and molecular biology; ecology, evolution, and environmental biology; marine biology; physiology and neuroscience; invertebrate and vertebrate zoology; plant sciences; and pre-professional health sciences. The requirements for the baccalaureate degree in biological science include most prerequisite courses necessary for admission to medical, dental, optometry, veterinary, osteopathic, chiropractic, and other allied health professional schools. In addition, students interested in marine science may complete the program in marine biology and living resources ecology as part of the major in biological science.
The department offers a combined BS/MS degree pathway designed for academically gifted students who wish to pursue an accelerated program culminating in a BS degree in biological science and an MS degree in biological science. This program allows up to twelve semester hours of coursework to be dually counted toward both the BS and MS degrees.
The department also offers a major in computational biology in conjunction with the Computer Science and Scientific Computing departments. This interdisciplinary major provides a top-notch educational program for students interested in the areas of computational biology and bioinformatics. The program seeks to achieve two goals: (1) to develop an understanding of the issues associated with developing biologically meaningful computational models, and (2) to give students the broad-based education that is needed to create a set of models directed toward solving a practical biomedical problem.
The department offers a second interdisciplinary major, cell and molecular neuroscience, in conjunction with the Program in Neuroscience and the Department of Psychology. The major offers focused study of the brain, emphasizing the cellular and molecular processes that underlie the development, anatomy, physiology, and behavioral functions of the brain. The unique multidisciplinary breadth of the cell and molecular neuroscience major prepares students for a variety of STEM-related careers in scientific research and/or education, all health professions, and biomedical engineering.
Course Repeat Policy in Biological Science
According to FSU academic regulations, students will not be allowed additional credit for a course repeated in which the student originally made a “C–” or better unless the course is specifically designated as repeatable to allow additional credit. Students will not be allowed to take non-repeatable coursework in the department of biological science if they have already earned a passing grade of “C–” at FSU or as transfer credit unless they petition for permission from the department.
Digital Literacy Requirement
Students must complete at least one course designated as meeting the Digital Literacy Requirement with a grade of “C–” or higher. Courses fulfilling the Digital Literacy Requirement must accomplish at least three of the following outcomes:
- Evaluate and interpret the accuracy, credibility, and relevance of digital information
- Evaluate and interpret digital data and their implications
- Discuss the ways in which society and/or culture interact with digital technology
- Discuss digital technology trends and their professional implications
- Demonstrate the ability to use digital technology effectively
- Demonstrate the knowledge to use digital technology safely and ethically
Each academic major has determined the courses that fulfill the Digital Literacy requirement for that major. Students should contact their major department(s) to determine which courses will fulfill their Digital Literacy requirement.
Undergraduate majors in biological science and in biology/FSU-Teach satisfy this requirement by earning a grade of “C–” or higher in BSC 2010L.
State of Florida Common Program Prerequisites for Biological Science
The Florida Virtual Campus (FLVC) houses the statewide, internet-based catalog of distance learning courses, degree programs, and resources offered by Florida's public colleges and universities, and they have developed operational procedures and technical guidelines for the catalog that all institutions must follow. The statute governing this policy can be reviewed by visiting https://www.flsenate.gov/Laws/Statutes/2021/1006.73.
FLVC has identified common program prerequisites for the degree program in Biology. To obtain the most up-to-date, state-approved prerequisites for this degree, visit: https://cpm.flvc.org/programs/332/276.
Specific prerequisites are required for admission into the upper-division program and must be completed by the student at either a community college or a state university prior to being admitted to this program. Students may be admitted into the University without completing the prerequisites but may not be admitted into the program.
Requirements for Majors in the Department of Biological Science
Please review all college-wide degree requirements summarized in the “College of Arts and Sciences” chapter of this General Bulletin.
- Prerequisites for Upper-Division Biological Science Courses:
Registration in all 3000- and 4000-level biological science courses is allowed only after meeting the following criteria:- Satisfactory completion (“C–” or better) of BSC 2010/L (Biological Science I with lab) and BSC 2011/L (Biological Science II with lab)
- Satisfactory completion (“C–” or better) of CHM 1045/L and CHM 1046/L or CHM 1050/L and CHM 1051/L (General Chemistry I and II with labs)
- A minimum combined 2.0 GPA in all biology, chemistry, mathematics, physics, programming, and statistics courses, and their prerequisites, that are applicable to the major, from any institution attended.
- Formal Admission:
- All State Common Program Prerequisites listed as Term 1–4 Milestones must be completed with a “C” range (C–, C, or C+) grade or better. Students earning less than the necessary grade in any of these courses will be required to retake those courses until the standard is met. Note: retaking a course may delay graduation and incur increased fee liability (i.e., repeat course surcharge and excess credit surcharge).
- Registration in all 3000- and 4000-level biological science courses is allowed only after meeting the following criteria:
- Satisfactory completion (“C–” or better) of BSC 2010/L (Biological Science I with Lab) and BSC 2011/L (Biological Science II with Lab), and
- Satisfactory completion (“C–” or better) of CHM 1045/L and CHM 1046/L or CHM 1050/L and CHM 1051/L (General Chemistry I and II with Labs)
- Academic Performance Required for Retention and Graduation:
- All courses applicable to the major, including biological science, chemistry, mathematics, physics, programming, and statistics must be completed with a grade of “C–” or better.
- Designation, continuation, and graduation with a major from the department of Biological Science requires a minimum combined 2.0 GPA in all courses, excluding the Term 1–4 State Common Program Prerequisites milestone courses, including biology, chemistry, mathematics, physics, programming, and statistics.
- A student who has received more than one unsatisfactory grade (U, F, D–, D, or D+) in courses required for the major, excluding the Term 1–4 State Common Program Prerequisites milestone courses, taken after enrolling at FSU, will be required to change to a major outside of the department of Biological Science.
- A student with a major in the department of Biological Science who applies for readmission to the college must meet the biological science degree requirements of the catalog in force on the date of their original admission.
- Second Majors:
- A student cannot receive more than one BS or BA degree from the Department of Biological Science. For example, a student cannot double major in biological science and cell and molecular neuroscience or computational biology (biology), due to substantial course overlap between the two majors. Additionally, the following majors are not approved for double majors with Biological Science given the potential for extensive course and/or content overlap: Computational Biology (computer science), and behavioral neuroscience.
- Co-op and Transient Study:
Florida State University biological science majors who intend to take courses for the major (biological science, chemistry, mathematics, physics, programming, statistics) at other institutions must receive approval from the Department of Biological Science Academic Advising Office prior to enrollment. This policy applies to courses taken as part of the FAMU–FSU and TCC–FSU co-op programs, as well as courses taken elsewhere.
Requirements for a Major in Biological Science
- Required Courses in Biological Science:
Thirty-eight semester hours of biological science coursework are required for the degree. At least twenty of the required semester hours must be taken in residence at Florida State University. The following shall be included in the thirty-eight semester hours:- Eight semester hours (prerequisite to all major coursework in biology): BSC 2010/2010L, BSC 2011/2011L
- PCB 3063 General Genetics (3)
- PCB 3134 Cell Structure and Function and/or BSC 3016 Eukaryotic Diversity (3)
- BSC 3402L Experimental Biology Laboratory (3)
- PCB 4674 Evolution (3)
- At least one course from two of the three areas:
Area I: Cell and Molecular Biology
MCB 4403 Prokaryotic Biology (3)
PCB 3134 Cell Structure and Function (3)
PCB 4024 Molecular Biology (3)
PCB 4253 Animal Development (3)
Area II: Physiology
PCB 4701 Human Physiology (3)
PCB 4843 Fundamentals of Neuroscience (3)
BOT 4503 Plant Physiology (3)
Area III: Ecology and Environmental Science
BSC 3052 Conservation Biology (3)
PCB 3043 General Ecology (3)
ZOO 4513 Animal Behavior (4)
- Additional courses for major credit at the 3000 or 4000 level to complete the thirty-eight semester hour requirement. No more than six semester hours of honors work in biological science (BSC 4970r), six semester hours of directed individual study (BSC 4900r), four semester hours of internship (BSC 4941r), one semester hour of undergraduate supervised teaching (BSC 4945), and two semester hours of senior tutorial (BSC 4931r) can be used to meet the thirty-eight hour requirement
- Completion of at least five biology laboratory/field courses (the letter “C” listed after the course number indicates that the course is a lecture and a lab/field combined, and the letter “L” indicates the course is a laboratory or field course).
- Required Courses in Collateral Areas:
- General Chemistry: Two semesters of general chemistry with laboratory equivalent to CHM 1045/L plus CHM 1046/L or CHM 1050/L plus CHM 1051/L.
- Organic Chemistry and Physics: Students are required to take either two semesters of organic chemistry (equivalent to CHM 2210 and 2211 or CHM 3217 and CHM 3218) and one semester of physics or two semester of physics and one semester of organic chemistry (CHM 2210 or CHM 3217). The acceptable physics courses are general physics with laboratories equivalent to PHY 2048C and 2049C (prerequisite of MAC 2311) or PHY 2053C and 2045C (prerequisite are MAC 1114 and MAC 1140). Many health professions programs require two semesters of both organic chemistry and physics and also require CHM 2211L (Organic Chemistry II Laboratory), BCH 4053 (General Biochemistry I), and BCH 4054 (General Biochemistry II), which do not apply to the major.
- Mathematics/Statistics: Either two semesters of calculus with analytical geometry equivalent to MAC 2311 and MAC 2312, or MAC 2311 and STA 2171, or MAC 2311 and COP 3014.
- Exit Survey:
All seniors must complete the online exit survey in the semester in which they plan to graduate. For details, contact an advisor in the Biological Science Academic Advising Office. - Minor:
The required collateral courses in chemistry constitute a chemistry minor and fulfill the College of Arts and Sciences requirement for a minor if two semesters of organic chemistry are taken; students who elect to take two semesters of physics and one of organic will fulfill an interdisciplinary science minor. Students may select other minors in consultation with an advisor.
Honors in the Major in Marine Biology Program
Biological Science majors who are interested in the Honors in the Major in Marine Biology Program may apply if they have completed at least sixty credit hours with at least a 3.2 cumulative GPA on all coursework and at least a 3.2 GPA in the required introductory biology courses, BSC 2010 and BSC 2011, and their labs. Students typically apply at the end of their sophomore year, choose a research topic by the end of their junior year, and complete an honors thesis by the end of their senior year. Those interested in the program should visit an academic advisor for more information or contact Dr. Janie Wulff, the program director.
Honors in the Major
The Department of Biological Science offers a program in honors in the major to encourage talented juniors and seniors to undertake independent and original research as part of the undergraduate experience. For requirements and other information, see the “University Honors Office and Honor Societies” chapter of this General Bulletin.
FSU-Teach Program in Science Teaching
For those interested in teaching Biological Science, FSU-Teach is an innovative approach to teacher education that involves a collaboration between scientists, mathematicians, and education faculty at Florida State University. In this program, students develop deep science or mathematics knowledge and the skill and experience needed to be an effective science or math teacher. FSU-Teach pays for tuition for the first two courses (Step 1 and Step 2). Work study positions with scientists, mathematicians and local schools are available.
Prerequisites for admission to the Biological Science/FSU-Teach major are the same as the prerequisites for the Biological Science major. The program is a double-major only curriculum requiring students to complete a primary major in Biological Science in addition to a second major in Secondary Science and Mathematics Teaching (SSMT). The discipline area has a special track for FSU-Teach majors enabling students to complete the double major in four years (120 hours), or they may complete the normal discipline area track and the SSMT major with the understanding that they may exceed the excess credit-hour threshold and be subject to the excess credit surcharge (https://registrar.fsu.edu/records/excess-hours/). Students may begin taking courses in the program as soon as they matriculate at FSU.
The program culminates with conferral of the baccalaureate degree with two majors and all coursework and state testing requirements for initial Florida teacher certification. Note that students seeking certification must be formally admitted to the School of Teacher Education and meet all of the requirements for pursuing a state-approved program. For information regarding the requirements for the second major in Science and Mathematics Teaching, please see the FSU-Teach chapter in this General Bulletin for School of Teacher Education. For additional information, see our Website: https://fsu-teach.fsu.edu/.
Program in Computational Biology
Computational biology is a new and promising field of study. The purpose of the interdisciplinary major is to provide a top-notch educational program for students interested in the areas of computational biology and bioinformatics. The program seeks to achieve two goals: 1) to develop an understanding of the issues associated with developing biological meaningful computational models, and 2) to give students the broad-based education that is needed to create a set of models directed towards solving a practical biomedical problem. This major is offered through both the Biological Science and Computer Science departments. Students in the program should be sure to consult with the advisors in their home department to make sure they are taking the correct courses in the correct sequence and that they are in compliance with the academic requirements of that department. For computational biology (biology) majors, this will include the prerequisites for upper division courses, the academic performance standards, the academic performance for retention policy, and the transient and co-op study policies listed for biological science majors.
Requirements for a Major in Computational Biology
- Required Biological Science Courses (seventeen hours)
BSC 2010/L Biological Sciences I (3) and Lab (1)
BSC 2011/L Biological Sciences II (3) and Lab (1)
PCB 3063 Genetics (3)
PCB 4674 Evolution (3)
- Three additional hours of biological science courses selected from any biological science course, except directed individual study or internship, at the 3000–4000 level.
- Required Scientific Computing Courses (twenty-two hours)
ISC 3222 Symbolic and Numerical Computations (3)
ISC 3313 Introduction to Scientific Computing (3)
ISC 4220C Algorithms for Scientific Applications I (4)
ISC 4221C Algorithms for Scientific Applications II (4)
ISC 4304C Programming for Scientific Applications (4)
ISC 4420 Introduction to Bioinformatics (4)
- Required Research Experience: BSC 4943r (two hours each in two semesters)
- Additional Elective Courses (three hours)
- Three additional hours chosen from Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Mathematics, or Statistics.
- Physics and Scientific Computing selected from: CDA 3101, COP 4531, COP 4710, COT 4420, and CIS 4900, MAC 2313, MAP 4881, STA 4103, STA 4202, STA 4203, STA 4442, STA 4502, and STA 47012, PHY 2054C, PHY 2049C, ISC 4223, ISC 4232.
- Collateral Courses (twenty-four hours)
All collateral courses must be completed with a grade of C– or better.
- Mathematics/Statistics (fourteen hours):
MAC 2311 Calculus with Analytic Geometry I (4)
MAC 2312 Calculus with Analytic Geometry II (4)
MAD 2104 Discrete Mathematics I (3)
STA 2171 Statistics for Biology (4)
- Chemistry (six hours):
CHM 1045/L General Chemistry I (3) and lab (1)
CHM 1046/L General Chemistry II (3) and lab (1)
- Physics (four hours):
PHY 2053C College Physics A (4) or
PHY 2048C General Physics A (5)
- Computer Skills Competency (zero hours beyond major):
ISC 3313 Introduction to Scientific Computing (3)
- Mathematics/Statistics (fourteen hours):
Program in Neuroscience
Website: https://neuro.fsu.edu/
Neuroscience is the study of brain and nervous system function. The cell and molecular neuroscience major offers students the opportunity to build knowledge across the natural and social sciences – exploring the elaborate chains of causality that lead from molecules to behavior, as well as the dramatic impact exerted by social, personal, and environmental influences on the dynamic patterns of neural activity that drive cognition, emotion, and behavior. Students experience a synthesis of coursework offered by the Departments of Biological Science, Psychology, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, and Statistics. The unique multidisciplinary breadth of the cell and molecular neuroscience major prepares students for a variety of STEM-related careers as technicians, researchers, educators, or health professionals. While understanding human brain function (in health and disease) has long been of central importance to physicians, psychologists, researchers, and educators, the knowledge accruing from this effort is beginning to impact bioethics, computer science, and biomedical engineering.
Requirements for a Major in Cell and Molecular Neuroscience
- Minimum Program Requirements - Summary
- Total hours required: 120
- General education: 36 (encouraged to take PSY 2012 to fulfill social science requirement)*
- Collateral coursework: 37
- Major coursework: 36
- Minor coursework: 0 (none beyond collateral science coursework, which constitutes a minor)
- Foreign language: 0-12 (depending on placement)
- Computer skills: 0 (none beyond major requirement PSY 3213C, BSC 2011L)
- Oral competency: 0-3
- Electives to bring total hours to 120
Note: Some coursework required for the major may also be applied towards general education and/or minor requirements.
- Admission Requirements to the Upper-Division Major
Due to the limitations in the number of faculty and physical resources, admission to the undergraduate program will be based on the following admission requirements:
- A minimum GPA of 2.80 in all college-level courses attempted
- Completion of the following courses with a grade of “C-” or higher:
- BSC X010, X010L (3, 1) Biological Science I and Lab
- BSC X011, X011L (3, 1) Biological Science II and Lab
- CHM X045, X045L (3, 1) General Chemistry I and Lab
- CHM X046, X046L (3, 1) General Chemistry II and Lab
- MAC X311 (4) Calculus I
- STA X0XX (3) Statistics: STA 2122 (3) preferred
- Completion of at least 52 academic credits or an A.A. degree
- A preliminary meeting with the Neuroscience academic advisor (jroberts@neuro.fsu.edu) to discuss program requirements and career goals is required
Certification and admission to upper-division status can occur during any semester (Fall, Spring, Summer). However, prospective transfer students should contact Ms. Shellie Camp (as-admissions@fsu.edu) with specific questions about admission and mapping requirements.
- Major Program of Studies at FSU
36 hours of degree core and elective coursework. Grades below “C–” will not be accepted for major credit.
A student who has received more than four unsatisfactory grades (U, F, D–, D, or D+) in courses required for the major, excluding Term 1–4 State Common Program Prerequisites milestone courses, taken after enrolling at FSU, will not be permitted to graduate with a degree in this major.
- Students must complete the following requirements:
- Degree Core Coursework (19 hours):
PSY 2012 General Psychology (3)
PCB 3134 Cell Structure and Function (3)
PSY 3213C Research Methods (4)
PCB 4843 Fundamentals of Neuroscience (3)
PSB 3004C Physiological Psychology with Brain Anatomy Lab (4)
PSB 4057 Molecules to Behavior (2)
- Degree Elective Coursework (17 hours). Take any combination of Biological Science electives up to 11 hours:
PCB 3063 General Genetics (3)
PCB 4024 Molecular Biology (3)
PCB 4024L Molecular Biology Lab (1)
PCB 4233 Immunology (3)
PCB 4233L Immunology Lab (1)
PCB 4244 Biology of Aging (3)
PCB 4253 Animal Development (3)
PCB 4701 Human Physiology (3)
MCB 4403 Prokaryotic Biology (3)
BSC 4731L Experimental Physiology Lab (2)
BSC 4900 Directed Individual Study (1-6)
ZOO 3713C Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy (4)
ZOO 4343C Biology of Lower Vertebrates (4)
ZOO 4353C Biology of Higher Vertebrates (4)
ZOO 4513 Animal Behavior (4)
ZOO 4753C Histology (4)
- Take any combination of Psychology electives up to 6 hours:
EXP 3202C Sensation and Perception with Lab (4)
EXP 3422C Conditioning and Learning with Lab (4)
EXP 3604C Cognitive Psychology with Lab (4)
EXP 4640 Psychology of Language (3)
PSB 4006 Social Neuroscience (3)
PSB 4040 Affective Neuroscience (3)
PSB 4240 Neurobiology of Brain Dysfunction (3)
PSB 4447 Psychopharmacology (3)
PSB 4461 Hormones and Behavior (3)
PSB 4710 Biology of Eating Disorders and Obesity (3)
PSB 4731 Biopsychology of Sexual Behavior (3)
PSY 4910 Augmented Research Topics (1-3)
CLP 4143 Abnormal Psychology (3)
CBH 4304 Behavioral Genetics (3)
SOP 3004 Social Psychology (3)
- Degree Core Coursework (19 hours):
- Minor Coursework
None beyond the prerequisite science coursework, which constitutes a minor.
- Computer Skills Competency (0 beyond major requirements)
PSY 3213C Research Methods in Psychology and BSC 2011L Biological Science II Laboratory meet this requirement.
- Oral Communication Competency (0-3 hours)
Students must demonstrate the ability to orally transmit ideas and information clearly. This requirement may be met with an approved college-level course such as SPC 2017 or SPC 2608.
Graduate Study
The Department of Biological Science offers work leading to the Master of Science (MS) and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degrees; consult the Graduate Bulletin for details.
Requirements for a Minor in Biological Science
A minimum of twelve semester hours of biological science courses approved for major credit, including BSC 2010/L and BSC 2011/L plus at least four credit hours of additional upper division biological science course work. No more than one credit hours of S/U graded course work can be counted toward the minor. A minimum of four semester hours of the twelve semester hours must be taken at Florida State University. Grades below “C–” will not be accepted for minor credit.
Definition of Prefixes
BCH—Biochemistry (Biophysics)
BSC—Biological Sciences
IDS—Interdisciplinary Studies
ISC—Interdisciplinary Sciences
PCB—Process Biology (Cell/Molecular/Ecology/Genetics/Physiology)
Undergraduate Courses
Courses Not for Major or Minor Credit
BSC 1005. General Biology for Nonmajors (3). This course consists of four units of contemporary biology topics, taught by biology professors/researchers who specialize in the subject matter. Topics vary each semester. The course emphasizes the development of science proficiency by teaching students to understand, use, and interpret scientific explanations of the natural world and apply this knowledge to social, environmental, political or wellness issues.
BSC 1005L. General Biology Laboratory for Nonmajors (1). This course emphasizes the development of multiple aspects of science proficiency for all students: knowing, using, and interpreting scientific explanations of the natural world; generating and evaluating scientific evidence and explanations; understanding the nature and development of scientific knowledge; and participating productively in the practices and discourses of science. Specifically, this course includes multiple investigations of the core concepts in biology that engage students in the practices of scientific inquiry. Biological systems are analyzed through experimentation, dissection, observation, and modeling.
BSC 2085. Anatomy and Physiology I (3). This course is the first of a two-semester human anatomy/physiology sequence emphasizing the cell, stimulus-response concept, and the skeletal-muscular and first half of the nervous systems.
BSC 2085L. Anatomy and Physiology I Laboratory (1). Corequisite: BSC 2085. This course is the first of two-semester human anatomy/physiology sequence emphasizing the cell, stimulus-response concept, and the skeletal-muscular and first half of the nervous systems.
BSC 2086. Anatomy and Physiology II (3). Prerequisite: BSC 2085 or instructor permission. This course is a continuation of a two-semester human anatomy/physiology sequence beginning with the second half of the nervous system, then continuing with endocrine, cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, excretory, and reproductive systems. Also included are fluid-electrolyte balance and immunity.
BSC 2086L. Anatomy and Physiology II Laboratory (1). Prerequisites: BSC 2085 and BSC 2086L. Corequisite: BSC 2086. This course is a continuation of a two-semester human anatomy/physiology sequence beginning with the second half of the nervous system, then continuing with endocrine, cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, excretory, and reproductive systems. This course also covers fluid-electrolyte balance and immunity.
IDS 2132. Busting Common Biology Myths (3). This course explores areas of biology popularized in the media, politics and global health policies. Students determine strengths and weaknesses of opposing arguments of controversial current biological issues using information found in the scientific literature to support or critique positions. Popular biological issues such as pros and cons of vaccination, the use of stem cells, or the dangers of genetically modified organisms are studied.
IDS 2134. Evolution, Medicine, Evidence (3). This course introduces the study of evolution as it applies to the practice of medicine. Students investigate what constitutes scientific evidence, how to use evidence, the evidence concerning biological evolution, and the implications of evolution for the practice of medicine.
IDS 2135. Genetics in Society (3). This course is intended to help students understand the science behind major issues that are likely to evolve into increasingly important moral, political, and public policy decisions in their lifetime. Topics are discussed such as: choosing the sex or genetic composition of children, human cloning, rebuilding defective organs and tissues from stem cells, and altering genetic constitution.
IDS 2136. Biotechnology: Impact of Life Sciences on Society (3). This course addresses the important impacts that new biotechnological innovations have on society. Using examples from genetically modified crops to advances in personalized medicine, students explore the scientific bases of emerging biotechnologies and compare the scientific data with societal perception and acceptance.
IDS 2278. Ocean Sustainability (3). This course provides an overview of the major sustainability and conservation issues in coastal and marine systems worldwide, including the science, management, and policy dimensions of ocean conservation. The course reviews the major challenges impacting marine ecosystems; describes the causes of these problems and the main threats facing the ocean; and evaluates an array of solutions.
IDS 2470. The Ecology of Food (3). This course explores the basic ecology of agriculture and fisheries and considers how conventional and alternative food-production practices generate and solve ecological problems. The course focuses on several major current issues (e.g. genetically modified organisms, pollinator declines, organic agriculture, and fisheries), and for each students learn the science behind the issue and the social forces shaping the problem. Students also learn through discussions of scientific and popular writings, lectures, hands-on and written projects, oral presentations, local speakers and field trips.
IDS 3700. Broken Clocks and Disrupted Sleep: Impacts of Technology (3). This course explores the impact of changing technology on circadian rhythms and sleep patterns and the consequences to human health. The course is suitable for all majors.
ISC 2937r. Natural Science Honors Seminar (3). May be repeated to a maximum of nine semester hours.
ISC 3076. Science, Technology, and Society (3). Prerequisite: Junior standing or instructor permission. This course examines interrelations among science, technology, and society. Science is considered as an enterprise in modern society that produces technological advances and new perspectives on reality. This course cannot be used as credit toward a major or a minor in a science department.
ISC 3042. Historical, Social, and Critical Perspectives of Disciplinary Engagement in STEM (3). This course features philosophical, historical, and critical perspectives on STEM disciplines through pursuing answers to the following questions: How have the big ideas in STEM disciplines developed? What counts as productive engagement in STEM? How is participation in STEM encouraged/discouraged through in schooling and society? What instructional models broaden participation of students, particularly those traditionally marginalized in STEM?
ISC 4420. Introduction to Bioinformatics (4). This course provides a quantitative framework for understanding how the genomic sequence and its variations affect the phenotype. The course is designed for biologists and biochemists seeking to improve quantitative data interpretation skills, and for mathematicians, computer scientists and other quantitative scientists seeking to learn more about computational biology. Lab exercises are designed to reinforce the classroom learning.
MCB 2004. Microbiology for Health Services (3). Corequisite: MCB 2004L. This course covers microbiology for students planning careers in the health services, with emphasis on infectious disease, food microbiology, and public health.
MCB 2004L. Microbiology for the Health Services Laboratory (1). Corequisite: MCB 2004. This course covers microbiological techniques including the isolation, typing, and identification of bacteria, properties of pathogenic bacteria, and food microbiology.
Courses for Major Credit
Note: All 3000- and 4000-level biological science courses, except BSC 3938 and BSC 3930, have the following minimum prerequisites: BSC 2010/L, 2011/L; CHM 1045/L and 1046/L. Additional prerequisites, if any, are included in the course listing.
BOT 3015. Plant Biology (2). This course is an introduction to evolutionary relationships, natural history, ecological adaptations, and physiology of plants, fungi, autotrophic protista, and prokaryotes.
BOT 3015L. Plant Biology Laboratory (1). Pre- or corequisite: BOT 3016. This lab explores anatomy, development, and morphology and life cycles of autotrophs and fungi and other osmotrophs.
BOT 3143C. Field Botany (4). This course is an introduction to plant taxonomy with emphasis on laboratory and field study. Orientation to principles of identification, classification, and rules of botanical nomenclature.
BOT 3503C. Plant Physiology (4). Introduction to plant physiology, and the way in which a plant functions based on biochemical pathways. Also, how plants adapt to their environment will be stressed.
BOT 4394. Plant Molecular Biology (3). Prerequisite: BOT 3015. Pre- or corequisite: PCB 3063. This course explores molecular biology and biotechnology of plant growth and development.
BOT 4503. Plant Physiology (3). Prerequisites: BSC 2010, BSC 2010L, BSC 2011, BSC 2011L, CHM 1045, and CHM 1045L. This course provides students with a comprehensive overview of plant physiology. Plant physiology is the study of plant processes, structure and function. Physiology describes the mechanisms used by living organisms to solve problems they encounter as they grow and develop. Plants are unique, as sessile, photoautotrophic organisms, and diverse. As such, plants provide the opportunity to study many interesting physiological topics and mechanisms.
BOT 4503L. Plant Physiology Laboratory (1). Prerequisite or Corequisite: BOT 4503. This laboratory course uses a research approach to introduce students to basic physiological principles in plants. Student also participate in discovery based experiments with plants.
BOT 4802. Plants and Society (3). Prerequisites: BSC 2010L, BSC 2011L, CHM 1045L, and CHM 1046L. This course provides an overview of the many types of interactions between plants and people (e.g., plants as sources of food, clothing, fiber, medicine, stimulants, and poisons) with a focus on aspects of plant development, structure, function, evolution, ecology, domestication, and genetic engineering.
Biological Science
BSC 1100. Natural History, Biodiversity, and the Growth of Evolutionary Thought (3). This course explores Darwin's world and demonstrates why this statement is even more apt today: The foundation for all of modern biology is evolution, and evolutionary thought stands out from other important scientific principles by the way in which it transformed how science and the society in general view the natural world. This course traces the origins of biological thought from the explosion of discoveries about biological diversity arising from the Age of Exploration by northern European countries, especially the UK, the early development of natural history as a field and specifically of natural history museums as a repository of those discoveries, and how these museums and global exploration set the stage for the intellectual transformation that followed.
BSC 2010. Biological Science I (3). This is the first part of a two-semester introductory biology course designed for those interested in pursuing a career in life sciences. The course provides the building blocks necessary for a student to gain a strong foundation in general biology. Topics covered provide an overview of biological processes and function at the molecular, cellular and organismal level.
BSC 2010L. Biological Science I Laboratory (1). This course introduces basic chemistry, energetics, metabolism, and cellular organization; molecular genetics and information flow; animal and plant function.
BSC 2011. Biological Science II (3). Prerequisite: BSC 2010. This is the second of a two-semester introductory biology course designed for those interested in pursuing a career in life sciences. The course provides an overview of the processes underlying the animal embryonic development, inheritance genetics, evolution and ecology.
BSC 2011L. Biological Science II Lab (1). Prerequisites: BSC 2010 and BSC 2010L. Corequisite: BSC 2011. This course focuses on reproduction and development, transmission (Mendelian) genetics, population biology, ecology, and evolution.
BSC 3016. Eukaryotic Diversity (3). This course provides an overview of the diversity of eukaryotic organisms (protists, plants, fungi and animals), the evolutionary origin of this diversity, and its societal relevance. Comparisons of exemplar organisms are used to illustrate broad themes in the anatomy, physiology, behavior, life cycles, and ecologies of all eukaryotes.
BSC 3052. Conservation Biology (3). Prerequisites: BSC 2010, BSC 2010L, BSC 2011, BSC 2011L, CHM 1045, CHM 1045L, CHM 1046, and CHM 1046L. This course focuses on the history of the conservation movement, the research on populations of animals and plants that is relevant to man's impact upon the environment, pollution in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, endangered species, government regulation, and sustainable development.
BSC 3312. Marine Biology (3). This course explores marine geology, chemistry of the oceans, oceanic circulation, oceanographic techniques, the marine environment and marine life.
BSC 3402L. Experimental Biology Laboratory (3). This course if limited to Biological Science majors. This course is designed to teach students about the process of biological research. Each section of the course is organized around a particular biological concept. The focus in this course is two-fold. First, students are provided with basic background in the field of study. This is done through lab work and lecture. Students are provided with documents to help them with their work. Second, and more important, is the development of skills in biological research. The skills are developed in laboratory and lecture exercises as well as outside of class assignments, culminating in an independent research project, which they present both orally and in writing. This course meets the University's Oral Communication Competency Requirement, and the Upper Division Writing Requirement. Developing oral and written communication skills are major components of this course.
BSC 3930. Seminar in Biological Frontiers (1). (S/U grade only.) Prerequisites: BSC 2010, BSC 2010L, BSC 2011, and BSC 2011L. This course is a weekly seminar covering topics in biological research. Not repeatable for credit toward major requirements.
BSC 3938. Careers in the Biological Sciences (1). (S/U grade only.) This course is intended for biology sciences majors at any point in their undergraduate career, but is most beneficial to those in their first three years. Career options in biology-related fields (including health professions) and the preparation they require are presented for students planning to immediately enter the job market or to continue their academic careers upon graduation. Not repeatable for credit toward major requirements.
BSC 4424. Nanotechnology (3). Students are provided with the basic understanding of the relevant aspects of biology, chemistry, physics, engineering, and business to follow a typical lecture at an interdisciplinary nanotechnology conference and/or work in a small nanotechnology start-up company. Specific nanotechnologies, both real and imagined, are discussed in the context of scientific papers, patent literature, and popular media. Examples of topics include lithography, synthetic nanomaterial, and bionanotechnology. Emphasis is placed on industrial implications in computing and communications, medicine, materials, and other topics of interest to the interdisciplinary students.
BSC 4473C. Introduction to Scientific Diving (3). Prerequisites: Open water diver certified by national organization, clear diving medical exam, ability to pass swimming evaluation. This course is designed for the scientist or scientist in training who plans to use SCUBA diving as a tool for underwater research. Skills covered include dive planning, emergency management, underwater navigation, survey techniques, and instrument deployment and recovery.
BSC 4821C. Biogeography (4). This course emphasizes ecological and evolutionary biogeography, the physical processes and organismal characteristics that determine distributions, and the analytical methods used to describe distributions and test processes. Geographic data sets are analyzed in lab sessions to search for patterns and test hypotheses with the scientific method.
BSC 4900r. Directed Individual Study (1–4). Prerequisites: A combined 3.0 GPA in biology, chemistry, physics, math, and statistics courses applied to the major; permission from a biological science instructor; and Department of Biological Science Advising Office permission. This course is a supervised study of a special topic or research participation in the area of the faculty member's research. Graduate students may not register for this course. A maximum of six semester hours may be applied to biological science major credit. May be repeated to a maximum of twelve semester hours.
BSC 4901. Directed Individual Study II (0–4). Pre- or corequisite: BSC 4900. In this course, students communicate the results of their research in writing or through an oral presentation.
BSC 4910. Directed Independent Study (0). (S/U grade only.) Pre- or corequisite: BSC 4900. In this course, students communicate the results of their research in writing or through an oral presentation.
BSC 4931r. Senior Tutorial in Biological Science (1). (S/U grade only.) Prerequisite: Senior standing. This course focuses on selected topics in contemporary biological science; maximum enrollment of five students in each tutorial. May be repeated to a maximum of two hours
BSC 4933r. Selected Topics in Biological Science (1–4). Prerequisites: Courses as specified and junior or senior standing. May be repeated to a maximum of eight semester hours.
BSC 4933Lr. Selected Topics in Biological Science Lab (1–4). Prerequisites: Courses as specified and junior or senior standing. May be repeated to a maximum of eight semester hours.
BSC 4941r. Internship in Biological Science I (1–4). (S/U grade only.) Prerequisites: In addition to the required introductory courses in biology and chemistry, junior or senior standing, a 3.0 or greater GPA in biology, and permission of the Associate Chair of Undergraduate Studies. This internship course is designed for majors in the department of Biological Science who wish to gain real world experience in their field of interest through on-the-job practice and have this experience reflected on their transcript. Students work under the supervision of an approved professional in the field of biological science with oversight by the Associate Chair of Undergraduate Studies. May be repeated to a maximum of six semester hours, but only four hours may count towards the major.
BSC 4942. Internship in Biological Science (0-4). (S/U grade only.) Prerequisite: BSC 4941. This internship course is designed for majors in the department of Biological Science who wish to gain real world experience in their field of interest through on-the-job practice and have this experience reflected on their transcript. Students work under the supervision of an approved professional in the field of biological science with oversight by the Associate Chair of Undergraduate Studies.
BSC 4943r. Computational Biology Practicum (2). Prerequisites: Computational Biology major and instructor permission. This course entails a research thesis project to be completed under the guidance of a faculty committee comprising a research advisor and two other professors. Upon completion of the research thesis project, students seek final approval from their committee through a written and oral defense.
BSC 4945. Undergraduate Supervised Teaching (1). Prerequisites: Senior standing and instructor permission. In this course, students serve as Laboratory Assistants in BSC 1005L or as Tutors in BSC 2010 or BSC 2011, or BSC 1005. Students also receive training in interactive techniques and use this training to lead classroom discussions and interactive exam review sessions.
BSC 4970r. Honors in the Major Research (1–6). Prerequisites: BSC 2010, BSC 2010L, BSC 2011, BSC 2011L, CHM 1045, CHM 1045L, CHM 1046, CHM 1046L; as well as admission to the department's honors-in-the-major program. In this course, students accepted into the Honors in the Major program complete an original research or creative project in their major area of study. This course must be repeated at least twice to complete a minimum of six (6) credit hours total, but may be repeated up to a maximum of twelve credit hours in total.
MCB 4403. Prokaryotic Biology (3). Prerequisites: BSC 2010, BSC 2010L, BSC 2011, BSC 2011L, CHM 1045, CHM 1045L, CHM 1046, CHM 1046L, CHM 2210, and PCB 3063. Corequisite: MCB 4403L. This course covers structural and functional characteristics of microorganisms, with emphasis on prokaryotes (bacteria and archaea) and viruses. Topics include: prokaryotic cell structure and function, physiology and genetics of prokaryotes and viruses, physiological and molecular aspects of microorganisms and human disease, and biotechnological applications of microbial physiology (environmental, food, and industrial microbiology).
MCB 4403L. Prokaryotic Biology Laboratory (2). This course covers laboratory methods for growth, handling, and study of prokaryotes and other types of microorganisms. Topics include: aseptic technique and isolation of pure cultures; microscopic methods; effects of environment on growth; viruses; physiological characterization methods; and methods related to medical, environmental, and food microbiology.
MCB 4502. Virology (3). Prerequisites: BSC 2011, BSC 2011L, CHM 1046, CHM 1046L. This course covers general virology including virus structure and replication cycles. Students review major families of the bacterial (bacteriophage) plant and animal viruses, with emphasis placed on human viruses and infectious diseases. Students also discuss subviral particles, prions and viroids.
Process Biology
PCB 3043. General Ecology (3). Prerequisites: BSC 2010, BSC 2010L, BSC 2011, BSC 2011L, CHM 1045, CHM 1045L, CHM 1046, and CHM 1046L. This course focuses on topics such as: population biology; population growth; community processes, succession, nutrient cycling, and energy flow; species interactions; ecological efficiency; and biogeographical ecology.
PCB 3043L. Lab for Ecology (2). Pre- or corequisite: PCB 3043. In this course, topics covered include quantifying populations and population growth; species interactions such as competition, predation, and mutualisms; documenting community patterns against gradients; adaptation and traits of species; habitat use, movement and species ranges; natural history of local habitats.
PCB 3063. General Genetics (3). Prerequisites: (C- or better): BSC 2010, BSC 2010L, BSC 2011, BSC 2011L, CHM 1045, CHM 1045L, CHM 1046, and CHM 1046L This course is an introduction to the principles of transmission and molecular genetics of prokaryotes and eukaryotes and significance of these principles to other aspects of biological science.
PCB 3134. Cell Structure and Function (3). This course focuses on topics such as: cellular chemistry and physiology, morphology, and function of cellular organelles; and cellular motility, growth, division, communication, and regulation.
PCB 3743. Vertebrate Physiology (3). This course studies physiological systems of vertebrates with emphasis on mammals. Mechanisms underlying physiological processes and the physico-chemical principles upon which they depend are also studied.
PCB 4022C. Intensive Modern Molecular Biology (4). Prerequisites: PCB 3063 and PCB 4024. This course teaches modern molecular biology methods in a cohesive single project. Working with a single gene, students design overexpressing clones to be transfected into human cells. Additionally, using CRISPR gene editing, students knock that gene out of cells. RNA is isolated from each experiment and full transcriptomes are sequenced and analyzed.
PCB 4024. Molecular Biology (3). Prerequisite: PCB 3063 and PCB 3134 is recommended, but not required. This course studies the molecular basis of cellular function with emphasis on the activities of DNA, RNA, and the regulation of gene expression.
PCB 4024L. Molecular Biology Laboratory (1). Corequisite: PCB 4024.
PCB 4109. The Genetic Basis of Cancer (3). Prerequisite: PCB 3063. This course introduces students to a range of cancer related topics from the cancer related mutations and signaling pathways to the cutting-edge research that offers attractive development for new anti-cancer drugs and therapeutic strategies. From tumor inducing viruses to multi-steps of tumorigensis, students learn the history of cancer and how it has shaped contemporary research.
PCB 4233. Immunology (3). Prerequisites: CHM 2210, PCB 3063, PCB 3134, or instructor permission. This course analyzes the tissues, cells, and molecules of the immune system and their relationships to disease and transplantation.
PCB 4233L. Laboratory in Immunology (1). Prerequisites: PCB 3063, PCB 3134, and CHM 2210. Corequisite: PCB 4233. This course analyzes the tissues, cells, and molecules of the immune system and their relationships to disease and transplantation.
PCB 4244. Biology of Aging (3). Prerequisite: PCB 3063. This course provides an introduction to multi-disciplinary questions and approaches in the biology of aging. Both ultimate (evolutionary) and proximate (molecular, physiological) mechanisms are discussed, and the interrelationship between these kinds of explanations are explored. The course emphasizes learning to read and evaluate the primary research literature focused on biological studies of age.
PCB 4253. Developmental Biology (3). Prerequisite: PCB 3063. This course discusses a number of topics, including fertilization, early embryonic events, organogenesis, differentiation, morphogenesis, cytoplasmic localization, determination, and differential gene expression.
PCB 4253L. Developmental Biology Laboratory (3). Prerequisite: PCB 3063. Corequisite: PCB 4253. This lab combines lecture and laboratory experiments regarding sea urchin fertilization, frog and chick early development, gene expression, cell-cell interactions, and metamorphosis.
PCB 4402. Ecology of Infectious Disease (1). Prerequisites: BSC 2010, BSC 2011, and MAC 2311. This course explores how concepts and tools of basic ecology can and have been used to understand the dynamics of infectious disease, and contribute to our ability to predict, prevent, and control disease outbreaks. Students consider diseases of humans and their domesticated plants and animals, as well as the role of disease in natural systems. Students are also expected to read extensively in the primary literature, and to contribute to regular class activities and discussions as well as research and present information on specialized topics such as the role of conservation corridors in the spread of disease, possible responses to pandemics and bioterrorism, and identification of sources of emerging diseases.
PCB 4674. Evolution (3). PCB 3063 (C- or better) and senior status (90 credit hours earned). This course places emphasis on the processes of evolution: origin of life, theories of evolution, sources of variation, natural selection, population systems, isolating mechanisms, evolution above the species level.
PCB 4701. Human Physiology (3). Pre- or corequisites: PCB 3063 or PCB 3134. This course covers the human nervous system, special sensory organ systems, the central nervous system, the muscle and skeletal systems, the heart and circulatory system, the respiratory system, the urinary and digestive systems, the endocrine system, and reproduction. Cellular mechanisms underlying the homeostatic regulation of each organ system are studied in the context of clinical impacts based upon diseases. For example, Muscular Dystrophy, diabetes mellitus, cardiac arrhythmias, cardiovascular disease, renal failure, pulmonary disease, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, metabolic disorders, or infertility.
PCB 4843. Fundamentals of Neuroscience (3). Prerequisite: PCB 3134 and PCB 3743 or PCB 4701. This course emphasizes cellular and molecular approaches to neuroscience and brain function and emphasizes simple model systems including invertebrates.
ZOO 3141L. Animal Diversity Laboratory (3). Prerequisite: BSC 3016. This introductory zoology laboratory course provides an overview of the diversity of animal form and function through comparisons of exemplar organisms representing the major animal phyla. Students are expected to dissect preserved specimens and to make detailed observations of both live (invertebrate) and preserved animals. Students develop critical zoological laboratory skills in dissection, the correct use of both compound and dissecting microscopes, the ability to carefully observe and draw specimens and images from microscope slides, and the application of their knowledge on laboratory practicals. Outside assignments allow students to recognize the diversity among our local fauna. The knowledge and skills gained from this course provide a solid foundation for more specialized studies in animal biology.
ZOO 3205. Advanced Invertebrate Zoology (2). Prerequisite: BSC 3312 and ZOO 3141L. Corequisite: ZOO 3205L. This course focuses on the structure, function, behavior, and evolution of the invertebrate phyla, especially those taxa living in the sea.
ZOO 3205L. Advanced Invertebrate Zoology Laboratory (2). Prerequisite: PCB 3034, PCB 3063, ZOO 3713C, or instructor permission. Corequisite: ZOO 3205. This laboratory deals with the structure, function, behavior and ecology of the invertebrate phyla, especially those taxa living in the sea.
ZOO 3713C. Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy (4). This course emphasizes form and function and origin and evolution of structure.
ZOO 4343C. Biology of the Lower Vertebrates (4). This course explores the systematics, ecology, and evolution of fishes, amphibians, and reptiles.
ZOO 4353C. Biology of Higher Vertebrates (4). (Omithology) This course covers the systematics, ecology, and evolution of birds and mammals.
ZOO 4407. Biology of Sharks and Rays (4). Prerequisite: BSC 2011. This is an immersion course geared towards students wishing to pursue research involving sharks, skates, rays and chimaeras. Course content covers diversity of elasmobranch fishes, along with their evolution, form, function, physiology, and behavior. There is a strong field component, introducing students to species of elasmobranchs that inhabit the varied habitats of northern Gulf of Mexico.
ZOO 4454C. Biology of Fishes (4). Prerequisites: BSC 2010, BSC 2010L, BSC 2011, BSC 2011L, CHM 1045, CHM 1045L, CHM 1046, and CHM 1046L. This course provides an overview of the systematics, morphology, ecology, behavior, physiology, and life history of the most diverse group of vertebrates on earth, the fishes. It includes conservation and management issues and laboratory exercises balanced with field trips to different northwest Florida habitats, including freshwater springs, salt marshes, seagrass beds, and offshore reefs.
ZOO 4513. Animal Behavior (4). This course discusses modern perspectives of the behavior of animals.
ZOO 4753C. Histology (4). Prerequisite: PCB 3134. This course explores the microscopic anatomy and functions of the cells, tissues, and glands composing the organs and systems of humans.
For listings relating to graduate coursework, consult the Graduate Bulletin.