Undergraduate Department of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering
FAMU–FSU College of Engineering
Website: https://www.eng.famu.fsu.edu/cbe
Chair: Bruce R. Locke; Professors: Alamo, Grant, Kalu, Li, Locke, Ramakrishnan, Ramamoorthy, Siegrist, Yeboah; Associate Professors: Arnett, Chung, Guan, Hallinan, Mohammadigoushki; Assistant Professors: Ali, Driscoll, Holmes, Liu, Ricarte; Teaching Faculty I: Thourson, Wandell; Teaching Faculty II: Hunter; Teaching Faculty III: Arce; Professor Emeritus: Collier; Affiliate Faculty: Hsu, Sachdeva, Shanbhag, Zheng
Program Overview
The vision of the Department of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering is to be recognized as a place of excellence in fundamental and applied chemical and biomedical engineering education and life-long learning, and to be recognized as a national leader in research in modern areas of engineering. To attain this vision, the department realizes that it must continually satisfy its major stakeholders: students, industrial employers, alumni, departmental faculty, the college, the universities, the community, ABET, and other professional societies.
Chemical engineering encompasses the development, application, and operation of processes in which chemical, biological, and/or physical changes of material are involved. Chemical engineers analyze, develop, design, control, construct, and/or supervise chemical processes in research and development, pilot-scale operations, and industrial production. Chemical engineers are employed in the manufacture of inorganic chemicals (e.g., acids, alkalis, pigments, fertilizers), organic chemicals (e.g., petrochemicals, polymers, fuels, propellants, pharmaceuticals, specialty chemicals), biological products (e.g., enzymes, vaccines, biochemicals, biofuels), and other materials (e.g., ceramics, polymeric materials, paper, biomaterials). The graduate in chemical engineering is particularly versatile. Industrial work may involve production, operation, research, and development. Graduate education in business, medicine, dentistry, and law, as well as chemical engineering, biomedical engineering, and other engineering and scientific disciplines are viable alternatives for the more accomplished graduate.
The Department of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering has made a long-term commitment to emphasize a biological component in its curriculum. The increasing importance of biological and medical subjects within the field of engineering cannot be underestimated. Many of the remarkable breakthroughs in medical science can be directly attributed to advances in chemicals, materials, and devices spearheaded by biochemical and biomedical engineers. Currently, biomedical engineering represents the fastest growing engineering discipline in the U.S., and it is likely to continue as such. The biomedical/biotechnology industries are also the fastest growing of all current industries that employ engineers. Training in biological and biomedical engineering provides an excellent background for graduate and/or medical school, especially considering the increasing technological complexity of medical education.
Biomedical engineering concerns the application of engineering and life science principles and practices to large scale living organisms, most specifically human beings. The field is rapidly evolving based upon the fundamentals of chemical, electrical, and mechanical engineering, as well as the medical and life sciences. Biomedical engineering is carried out at universities, teaching hospitals, and private companies and focuses on developing new materials and products designed to improve or restore bodily form or function. Biomedical engineers are employed in many areas such as artificial limb and organ development genetic engineering applications development of drug delivery systems and cellular and tissue engineering. Many biomedical engineering professionals are engaged in medical research to model living organisms (pharmacokinetic models), and to make biomedical devices (e.g., drug delivery capsules, synthetic materials, and prosthetic devices). Because of the increasing interest in biomedical sciences and biotechnology, the degree in biomedical engineering also provides an avenue for students interested in pursuing a career in medicine, biotechnological patent law, or biomedical product sales and services.
The Department currently offers two Bachelor of Science (BS) degrees. The first is in Chemical Engineering with two major options (Chemical Engineering and Chemical-Materials Engineering). The second is the Bachelor of Science (BS) degree in Biomedical Engineering with three major options (Cell and Bioprocess, Biomaterials and Biopolymers, and Imaging and Signal Processing). The BS degrees are based upon a four-year curriculum. The undergraduate curriculum emphasizes the application of experimental and computer analysis to major chemical and biomedical engineering principles. This includes laboratory instruction in modern, state-of-the-art facilities in transport phenomena, unit operations, process control, anatomy and physiology, biodynamics, tissue engineering, biomaterials, and bioinstrumentation laboratories. Students are instructed in and utilize state-of-the-art computational programs such as MATLAB, Simulink, Aspen, and COMSOL Multiphysics.
To meet newly developed interests in chemical and biomedical engineering and related fields, elective courses are available in bioengineering, polymer engineering, materials engineering, neural engineering, electrochemical engineering, and petroleum engineering. The majors build upon the core chemical and biomedical engineering principles. Consult an advisor for specific requirements for the majors.
Please contact the Department of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering at Suite A131, 2525 Pottsdamer Street, Tallahassee, FL 32310-6046; phone: (850) 410-6144 or (850) 410-6149; fax: (850) 410-6150; e-mail: chemical@eng.famu.fsu.edu; or Website: https://www.eng.famu.fsu.edu/cbe.
Program Objectives and Outcomes
The Program in Chemical Engineering and the Program in Biomedical Engineering are accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET, found at https://www.abet.org. As part of the accreditation process, the department has developed program educational objectives and student outcomes to reflect our specific educational goals, and we continually assess and modify outcomes to meet the changing demands of the departmental stakeholders.
Program Educational Objectives
The Department of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering shall prepare its students for academic and professional work through the creation and dissemination of knowledge related to the field, as well as through the advancement of those practices, methods, and technologies that form the basis of the chemical engineering profession. Accordingly, the Department of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering has established the following educational objectives that our graduates are expected to attain within five years of graduation from our undergraduate program:
- Successfully pursue careers in a wide range of industrial, professional, and academic settings through application of their rigorous foundation in chemical engineering principles and strong communication skills.
- Successfully adapt and innovate to meet future technological challenges and evolving regulatory issues, while addressing the ethical and societal implications of their work at both the local and global level.
- Successfully function on interdisciplinary teams and assume participatory and leadership roles in professional societies, and interact with educational, community, state, and federal institutions.
Student Outcomes
These objectives are further expanded and detailed through seven student outcomes.
- Student Outcome #1 – Scientific Knowledge and Problem Solving.
- Outcome Definition: Students graduating from the program will have an ability to identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems by applying principles of engineering, science, and mathematics.
- Student Outcome #2 – Design Skills
- Outcome Definition: Students graduating from the program will have the ability to apply engineering design to produce solutions that meet specified needs with consideration of public health, safety, and welfare, as well as global, social, environmental, and economic factors.
- Student Outcome #3 – Effective Communication
- Outcome Definition: Students graduating from the program will have the ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences.
- Student Outcome #4 – Professional and Ethical Responsibility
- Outcome Definition: Students graduating from the program will have the ability to recognize ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering situations and make informed judgments, which must consider the impact of engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental, and societal contexts.
- Student Outcome #5 – Teamwork
- Outcome Definition: Students graduating from the program will have the ability to function effectively on a team whose members together provide leadership, create a collaborative and engaging environment, establish goals, plan tasks, and meet objectives.
- Student Outcome #6 – Experimentation
- Outcome Definition: Students graduating from the program will be able to develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, analyze and interpret data, and use engineering judgment to draw conclusions.
- Student Outcome #7 – Lifelong Learning
- Outcome Definition: Students graduating from the program will have the ability to acquire and apply new knowledge as needed, using appropriate learning strategies.
ABET encourages each engineering department to pursue its own unique BS degree program objectives in accordance with its own environment and stakeholder demands. ABET also stipulates that the outcomes of program implementation must be assessed and evaluated regularly, and the results of such assessments and evaluations must be utilized as needed in future program objectives and implementation.
Digital Literacy Requirement
Students must complete at least one course designated as meeting the Digital Literacy Requirement with a grade of “C–” or higher. Courses fulfilling the Digital Literacy Requirement must accomplish at least three of the following outcomes:
- Evaluate and interpret the accuracy, credibility, and relevance of digital information
- Evaluate and interpret digital data and their implications
- Discuss the ways in which society and/or culture interact with digital technology
- Discuss digital technology trends and their professional implications
- Demonstrate the ability to use digital technology effectively
- Demonstrate the knowledge to use digital technology safely and ethically
Each academic major has determined the courses that fulfill the Digital Literacy requirement for that major. Students should contact their major department(s) to determine which courses will fulfill their Digital Literacy requirement.
Undergraduate majors in chemical engineering satisfy this requirement by earning a grade of “C–” or higher in ECH 3854. Undergraduate majors in biomedical engineering satisfy this requirement by earning a grade of “C–” or higher in BME 3702.
State of Florida Common Program Prerequisites for Chemical Engineering
The Florida Virtual Campus (FLVC) houses the statewide, internet-based catalog of distance learning courses, degree programs, and resources offered by Florida's public colleges and universities, and they have developed operational procedures and technical guidelines for the catalog that all institutions must follow. The statute governing this policy can be reviewed by visiting https://www.flsenate.gov/Laws/Statutes/2021/1006.73.
FLVC has identified common program prerequisites for the degree program in Chemical Engineering. To obtain the most up-to-date, state-approved prerequisites for this degree, visit: https://cpm.flvc.org/programs/338/279.
Specific prerequisites are required for admission into the upper-division program and must be completed by the student at either a community college or a state university prior to being admitted to this program. Students may be admitted into the University without completing the prerequisites but may not be admitted into the program.
Undergraduate Laboratory and Computational Facilities
Undergraduate chemical engineering teaching laboratories in measurements and transport phenomena, unit operations, and process control are designed to augment classroom instruction. Our undergraduate chemical engineering laboratory experiments feature a twenty-stage distillation column for the study of organic chemical separations, several reactor vessels for the design and analysis of batch and continuous reactor configurations, and a liquid/liquid continuous extraction process system, among others. All experiments include computer data control and data acquisition systems to provide a “real world” experience for our students. The department has biomedical engineering laboratories in the areas of bioinstrumentation, cell and tissue engineering, medical imaging, anatomy and physiology, and biodynamics and control.
The department has extensive computational and laboratory facilities in several areas. In addition to the University computing center facilities accessible by remote terminals, students have access to College of Engineering computer labs that have workstations connected to college-wide servers. Within the Department of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering, undergraduate students working on research projects utilize laboratory computer terminals connected to the college servers and workstations dedicated to research use. The department requires the use of computers for data acquisition, process control, experimental design and analysis, report writing, and homework problem calculations in the chemical engineering curriculum.
Bachelor of Science Degree in Chemical Engineering
Areas of Study (Majors)
In the Bachelor of Science degree (BS) in Chemical Engineering, students may choose between two different areas of study that reflect new directions in the broader field of chemical engineering. These majors include chemical engineering and chemical-materials engineering.
- Chemical Engineering. The most common major prepares students for employment or further study in traditional areas of chemical engineering (described above).
- Chemical-Materials Engineering. Chemical engineers have extensively developed and studied the molecular structures and dynamics of materials—including solids, liquids, and gases—to develop macroscopic descriptions of the behavior of such materials. In turn, these macroscopic descriptions have allowed the construction and analysis of unit processes that facilitate desired chemical and physical changes. This constant interplay between molecular scale understanding and macroscopic descriptions is unique and central to the field of chemical engineering. The materials major provides additional elective courses in polymers and other materials as described below.
Requirements for a BS Degree in Chemical Engineering
A program of study encompassing at least 128 semester hours is required for the Bachelor of Science (BS) degree in chemical engineering. A candidate for the bachelor's degree is required to earn a “C” or higher in all engineering courses and must achieve a 2.0 grade point average (GPA) in all of the chemical engineering major courses. In addition, students must achieve a grade of “C–” or higher in all courses transferred into the Department of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering. Students should contact the department for the most up-to-date information concerning the chemical engineering curriculum requirements.
There are two majors within the chemical engineering bachelor's degree program. These include Chemical Engineering and Chemical-Materials Engineering. Most of the curriculum is common to both majors, and includes topics in CoreFSU Curriculum, mathematics, basic science, computer science, advanced chemistry, general engineering science, and chemical engineering science and design. History/social science/humanities electives are to be selected to satisfy the CoreFSU Curriculum requirement. Students in both majors should successfully complete the following courses in addition to the CoreFSU Curriculum, other University, and College of Engineering requirements:
Math and Science Prerequisites
MAC 2311 Calculus with Analytic Geometry I (4)
MAC 2312 Calculus with Analytic Geometry II (4)
MAC 2313 Calculus with Analytic Geometry III (5)
ECH 3301 Process Analysis and Design (4)
BSC 2010 Biological Science I (3)
CHM 1045 General Chemistry I (3)
CHM 1045L General Chemistry I Laboratory (1)
CHM 1046 General Chemistry II (3)
CHM 1046L General Chemistry II Laboratory (1)
PHY 2048C General Physics A (combined lecture/lab) (5)
PHY 2049C General Physics B (combined lecture/lab) (5)
Advanced Chemistry
CHM 2210 Organic Chemistry I (3)
CHM 2211 Organic Chemistry II (3)
CHM XXXX Advanced Chemistry Elective (3–4)
General Engineering
EGN 1004L First Year Engineering Lab (1)
EGM 3512 Engineering Mechanics (4)
EEL 3003 Introduction to Electrical Engineering (3)
Chemical Engineering Science and Design
ECH 3023 Mass and Energy Balances I (3)
ECH 3024 Mass and Energy Balances II (4)
ECH 3101 Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics (3)
ECH 3266 Transport Phenomena I (3)
ECH 3274L Transport Phenomena Laboratory (3)
ECH 3418 Separations Processes (3)
ECH 3844 Chemical Engineering Statistics (3)
ECH 3854 Chemical Engineering Computations (4)
ECH 4267 Transport Phenomena II (3)
ECH 4323 Process Control (3)
ECH 4323L Process Control Laboratory (1)
ECH 4404L Unit Operations Laboratory (3)
ECH 4504 Kinetics and Reactor Design (3)
ECH 4604 Chemical Engineering Process Design I (4)
ECH 4615 Chemical Engineering Process Design II (3)
ECH 4XXX Chemical Engineering Electives (6) (for Chemical Engineering and Chemical-Materials Engineering Majors)
Major Requirements
In addition to the courses listed above that are required for all majors, the following courses are specifically required for the two majors.
Major in Chemical Engineering
Advanced Chemistry Elective
The advanced chemistry elective is to be selected from the following courses offered in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry or selected other courses in either chemical engineering or biological sciences specifically approved by the Chair of the Department of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering.
Select from one of the following choices:
CHM 3120 Analytical Chemistry I (3)
CHM 4080 Environmental Chemistry I (3)
CHM 4081 Environmental Chemistry II (3)
CHM 4410 Physical Chemistry I (3)
CHM 4411 Physical Chemistry II (3)
CHM 2211L Organic Chemistry II Laboratory (3)
BCH 4053 General Biochemistry I (3)
ECH 4XXX Approved Advanced Chemistry Course taught in the CBE Department
Chemical Engineering Electives
The two chemical engineering electives (three semester hours each) are to be selected from the 4000-level elective courses offered in the Department of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering.
Note: A six credit-hour sequence in the Department's Undergraduate Research Program (URP), consisting of the course designations ECH 4904 (ECH URP), or ECH 4906 (ECH Honors in the Major), will substitute for this requirement.
Major in Chemical-Materials Engineering
Advanced Chemistry Elective
CHM 3120 Analytical Chemistry I (3)
ECH 4XXX Approved Advanced Chemical Engineering Course taught in the CBE Department
Chemical Engineering Electives
Select from two of the following choices:
ECH 4822 Polymer Physical Science and Engineering (3)
ECH 4823 Introduction to Polymer Science and Engineering (3)
ECH 4824 Chemical Engineering Materials (3)
ECH 4825 Polymer Process Engineering (3)
ECH 4937 Special Topics in Chemical Engineering [Electrochemical Engineering] (3) or other approved elective (3)
ECH 4940 Interdisciplinary Capstone Product Design (3)
Note: A six credit hour sequence in the Department's Undergraduate Research Program, consisting of the course designations ECH 4904 (ECH - URP), ECH 4906 (ECH - Honors in the Major), will substitute for the Chemical Engineering Electives requirement.
Bachelor of Science Degree in Biomedical Engineering
Areas of Study (Majors)
In the Bachelor of Science degree (BS) in Biomedical Engineering students may choose from among three areas of study that reflect new directions in the broader field of biomedical engineering. These majors include cell and bioprocess, biomaterials and biopolymers, and imaging and signal processing.
Cell and Bioprocess. Biomedical engineers in this field are employed in areas such as artificial limb and organ development genetic engineering research development of drug delivery systems and cellular and tissue engineering.
Biomaterials and Biopolymers. Engineering professionals in this field are engaged in medical research to model living organisms (pharmacokinetic models), and to make biomedical devices (e.g., drug delivery capsules, synthetic materials, and prosthetic devices).
Imaging and Signal Processing. The field of signal and image processing encompasses the theory and practice of algorithms and hardware that convert signals produced by artificial or natural means into a form useful for a specific purpose. The signals might be speech, audio, images, video, sensor data, telemetry, electrocardiograms, or seismic data, among others. This major option is tailored to students interested in pursuing a career in medicine, biotechnological patent law, or biomedical product sales and services.
Requirements for a BS Degree in Biomedical Engineering
A program of study encompassing at least 128 semester hours is required for the Bachelor of Science (BS) degree in biomedical engineering. A candidate for the bachelor's degree is required to earn a “C” or higher in all engineering courses and must achieve a 2.0 grade point average (GPA) in all biomedical engineering major courses. In addition, students must achieve a grade of “C–” or higher in all courses transferred into the Department of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering. Students should contact the department for the most up-to-date information concerning the chemical engineering curriculum requirements.
There are three majors within the biomedical engineering bachelor's degree program. These include Cell and Bioprocess, Biomaterials and Biopolymers, and Imaging and Signal Processing. Most of the curriculum is common to all three majors, and includes topics in CoreFSU Curriculum, mathematics, basic science, computer science, advanced chemistry, general engineering science, and biomedical engineering science and design. History/social science/humanities electives are to be selected to satisfy the CoreFSU Curriculum requirement. Students in all three majors should successfully complete the following courses in addition to the CoreFSU Curriculum, other University, and College of Engineering requirements:
Math and Science Prerequisites
MAC 2311 Calculus with Analytic Geometry I (4)
MAC 2312 Calculus with Analytic Geometry II (4)
MAC 2313 Calculus with Analytic Geometry III (5)
ECH 3301 Process Analysis and Design (4)
BSC 2010 Biological Science I (3)
CHM 1045 General Chemistry I (3)
CHM 1045L General Chemistry I Laboratory (1)
CHM 1046 General Chemistry II (3)
CHM 1046L General Chemistry II Laboratory (1)
PHY 2048C General Physics A (combined lecture/lab) (5)
PHY 2049C General Physics B (combined lecture/lab) (5)
Advanced Chemistry
CHM 2210 Organic Chemistry I (3)
CHM 2211 Organic Chemistry II (3)
CHM 3217 Organic Chemistry (3) (One Semester)
BCH 3023 Survey of Biochemistry (3)
General Engineering
EGN 1004L First Year Engineering Lab (1)
Chemical and Biomedical Engineering Science and Design
ECH 3023 Mass and Energy Balances I (3)
ECH 3024 Mass and Energy Balances II (4)
BME 3009 Introduction to Biomedical Engineering (3)
BME 3100 Biomaterials (3)
BME 3361 Biotransport Phenomena I (3)
BME 3622 Biothermodynamics (3)
BME 3702 Biocomputations (4)
BME 4211 Biomechanics (3)
BME 4744C Biodynamics and Control (4)
BME 4403C Quantitative Anatomy and Systems Physiology I (3)
BME 4404C Quantitative Anatomy and Systems Physiology II (3)
BME 4503 Bioinstrumentation (3)
BME 4503L Bioinstrumentation Laboratory (1)
BME 4801 Biomedical Engineering Process Design I (3)
BME 4802 Biomedical Engineering Process Design II (3)
BME 4XXX Biomedical Engineering Electives (9)
Major Requirements
In addition to the courses listed above that are required for all majors, the following courses are specifically required for each of the three majors.
Major in Cell and Bioprocess
Biomedical Engineering Science and Design
BME 4332 Cell and Tissue Engineering (3)
BME 4332L Cell and Tissue Engineering Laboratory (1)
Chemical Engineering Science and Design
ECH 4504 Kinetics and Reactor Design (3)
Biomedical Engineering Electives
The three biomedical engineering electives (three semester hours each) are to be selected from the 4000-level elective courses offered in the Department of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering.
Note: A six credit hour sequence in the Department's Undergraduate Research Program, consisting of the course designations BME 4904 (BME - URP), or BME 4906 (BME - Honors in the Major), will substitute for the Biomedical Engineering Elective requirement.
Major in Biomaterials and Biopolymers
Biomedical Engineering Science and Design
BME 4332 Cell and Tissue Engineering (3)
BME 4332L Cell and Tissue Engineering Laboratory (1)
Chemical Engineering Science and Design
ECH 4822 Polymer Physical Science and Engineering (3)
ECH 4823 Polymer Science and Engineering (3)
Biomedical Engineering Electives
The three biomedical engineering electives (three semester hours each) are to be selected from the 4000-level elective courses offered in the Department of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering.
Note: A six credit hour sequence in the Department's Undergraduate Research Program, consisting of the course designations BME 4904 (BME - URP), or BME 4906 (BME - Honors in the Major), will substitute for the Biomedical Engineering Elective requirement.
Major in Imaging and Signal Processing
Biomedical Engineering Science and Design
BME 4531 Medical Imaging (3)
BME 4531L Medical Imaging Laboratory (1)
BME 4508 Biosignals Systems (3)
Biomedical Engineering Electives
The three biomedical engineering electives (three semester hours each) are to be selected from the 4000-level elective courses offered in the Department of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering.
Note: A six credit hour sequence in the Department's Undergraduate Research Program, consisting of the course designations BME 4904 (BME - URP), or BME 4906 (BME - Honors in the Major), will substitute for the Biomedical Engineering Elective requirement.
Pre-Med Electives (recommended, consult the College of Medicine for details)
BCH 4053 General Biochemistry I (3)
BSC 2010L Biological Science I Lab (1)
BSC 2011 Biological Science II (3)
BSC 2011L Biological Science II Lab (1)
CHM 2211L Organic Chemistry II Lab (3)
PCB 3743 Vertebrate Physiology (3)
Academic Requirements and Policies
In accordance with criteria, specified by ABET, all engineering students are subject to a uniform set of academic requirements agreed upon by Florida State University and Florida A&M University. Students should consult the “FAMU-FSU College of Engineering” chapter of this General Bulletin and the Department of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering Website (https://www.eng.famu.fsu.edu/cbe) for a list of all academic requirements and policies.
Prerequisite Grade Requirements
In addition to the college course prerequisite requirements, the Department of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering requires students to have obtained a grade of at least “C–” in all courses listed as prerequisites for the department's engineering courses.
Undergraduate Research Program (URP)
The Department of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering offers an Undergraduate Research Program (URP) in chemical and biomedical engineering to encourage talented juniors and seniors to undertake independent and original research as part of the undergraduate experience. The program is two-tiered, with those students meeting a more stringent set of academic requirements being admitted to the Honors in the major (Chemical and Biomedical Engineering) program. For requirements and other information, contact the department, and see the “University Honors Office and Honor Societies” chapter of this General Bulletin.
Definition of Prefixes
BME—Biomedical Engineering
ECH—Engineering: Chemical
EGN—Engineering: General
EGS—Engineering: Support
Undergraduate Courses
Biomedical Engineering
BME 3009. Introduction to Biomedical Engineering (3). Prerequisites: BSC 2010, MAC 2312, and PHY 2048C, all with a grade of “C” or higher. Corequisites: ECH 3024, ECH 3301, MAC 2313, and PHY 2049C. This course presents an introduction to the field of biomedical engineering, building on previous basic coursework in biological science, physics, and calculus. Topics in cell physiology and modeling, bioinstrumentation, biomaterials, tissue engineering, and bioimaging are covered. The course provides sophomore-level biomedical engineering students with both fundamentals and applications in contemporary biomedical science and engineering.
BME 3100 Biomaterials (3). Prerequisites: BME 3361, BME 3622, BME 3702, and BME 4403C. Corequisites: BME 4211, BME 4503, BME 4503L, and BME 4404C. This course introduces fundamental concepts of biomaterials science and engineering. The course covers the basic properties of major classes of biomaterials including natural, polymeric, metallic, ceramic, carbon-based, composite, and nano-biomaterials. It also presents critical interactions between the biomaterials and biological systems, such as biocompatibility of biomaterials and foreign body reaction of the host to biomaterials. Since characterization tools are indispensable for biomaterials science and engineering, major techniques for characterizing biomaterials are taught, with an emphasis on introducing their basic principles.
BME 3622. Biothermodynamics (3). Prerequisites: “C” grade or better in ECH 3024, ECH 3301, PHY 2049C, and BME 3009. Corequisites: BME 3361, BME 3702, and BME 4403C. This course covers the fundamental principles of thermodynamics and their application to biochemical, cellular, and physiological function. In addition, the principles of chemical kinetics of biochemical reactions and metabolic reaction networks are addressed.
BME 3631. Biotransport Phenomena (3). Prerequisites: BME 3009E, ECH 3024, ECH 3301, and PHY 2049C. Corequisites: BME 3622, BME 3702, and BME 4403C. This course presents the fundamental concepts of transport phenomena in biological systems and applies these concepts to the solutions of problems relevant to biomedical engineering.
BME 3702. Biocomputations (4). Prerequisites: BME 3009, CHM 2210, ECH 3024, ECH 3301, and PHY 2049C all with a grade of “C” or higher. Corequisites: BME 3361, BME 3622, and BME 4403C. In this course, students learn to apply computational tools to address some biomedical processes and phenomena. For those that involve concurrent cellular and molecular processes (e.g., blood clotting), computational modelling is almost the only solution thus far to glimpse what is happening at different spatiotemporal scales.
BME 3723. Statistics for Biomedical Engineers (3). Prerequisites: BME 3009 and ECH 3024 (C or better). Corequisites: BME 3100, BME 4211, BME 4503, and BME 4503L. This course serves as an introduction to statistical analysis with applications relevant to Biomedical Engineering. Students utilize software to analyze and interpret experimental data.
BME 4007. Biomedical Engineering (3). Prerequisites: ECH 3274L, ECH 3418, and ECH 4267. Corequisites: ECH 4404L, ECH 4504, and ECH 4604. This course introduces the major principles of the life sciences (microbiology, cell biology, and genetics) that are important for biomedical engineering applications. The application of the chemical engineering principles of kinetics, mass transport, bioreactor design, and separation processes to solve the important problems in the biomedical engineering are emphasized.
BME 4082. Biomedical Engineering Ethics (3). Prerequisite: BME 4404C, ECH 3274L, ECH 3418, and ECH 4267. This course is an introduction to the key theories, concepts, principles, and methodology relevant to the development of biomedical engineering professional ethics. The student is facilitated in his/her development of a code of professional ethics through written work, class discussion, and ease analysis.
BME 4211. Biomechanics (3). Prerequisites: “C” grade or better in the following courses: BME 3361, BME 3622, and BME 3702. Corequisites: BME 3100, BME 4503, BME 4503L, and BME 4404C. The course introduces the mechanical behavior of biological tissues and living systems, the mechanical properties of biological materials and its influence on the structure and function of living systems. Methods for the analysis of both rigid body and deformational mechanics are introduced as they apply to biological tissues including bone, muscle, and connective tissues. The course also introduces the methods of continuum mechanics to biomechanical phenomena at cellular to tissue or organ level.
BME 4332. Cell and Tissue Engineering (3). Prerequisites: BME 3100 and BME 3702, and BME 4404C. Corequisite: BME 4801 and BME 4332L. This course covers the application of engineering principles, combined with cell and molecular biology, to develop a fundamental understanding of property-function relationships in cells and tissues.
BME 4332L. Cell and Tissue Engineering Lab (1). Prerequisites: BME 3100 and BME 3702. Corequisite: BME 4404C. Corequisite BME 4332. This course covers the common techniques and fundamentals of cell culture for use in Biomedical Engineering investigations. Students acquire basic skills in cell culture, quantitative cell and molecular analyses, and report writing and oral presentation.
BME 4361. Neural Engineering (3). Prerequisite: Senior undergraduate standing in Biomedical Engineering. This course addresses the application of engineering principles and techniques to the understanding and repairing of the injured, diseased, or degenerated human nervous system.
BME 4403C. Quantitative Physiology I (3). Prerequisites: ME 3009, ECH 3024, ECH 3301, and PHY 2049C.
Corequisites: BME 3631, BME 3622, and BME 3702. For training the next-generation biomedical engineers, this course teaches a quantitative understanding of selected topics in human physiology. Emphasis is placed on the use of calculus-based models to simulate physiological systems based on physical, chemical and engineering principles.
BME 4404C. Quantitative Anatomy and Systems Physiology II (3). Prerequisites: BME 3661, BME 3702, BME 4403C, and ECH 3301. Corequisites: BME 4503 and BME 4503L. This is the second of a two-semester course focusing on human quantitative anatomy and systems physiology. Subject matter covers the nervous, digestive, and urinary systems from an engineering perspective and offers training on applying scientific and engineering principles to understanding biological systems and solving biomedical problems.
BME 4503. Bioinstrumentation (3). Prerequisites: BME 3702, BME 4403C. Corequisite: BME 4404C. This course is an overview of instrumentation used in clinical and biomedical research. The course reviews circuit theory and its application to systems measuring for biopotentials, stress and strain, pressure, temperature, and optical properties.
BME 4503L. Bioinstrumentation Laboratory (1). Prerequisites: BME 3702, BME 4403C. This laboratory course provides hands-on use and construction of components and instrumentation used in clinical and biomedical research. The laboratory focuses on electrical components, transducers/sensors, and control systems.
BME 4508. Biosignals and Systems (3). Prerequisites: BME 3702, BME 4503, and BME 4503L. This course introduces fundamental concepts of signal processing, particularly linear systems, and stochastic processes.
BME 4531. Medical Imaging (3). Prerequisites: BME 3702, BME 4404C, BME 4503, and BME 4503L. Corequisite: BME 4531L. This course examines the fundamentals and applications of five biomedical imaging techniques: x-ray imaging and computed tomography, nuclear medicine, magnetic resonance imaging, and ultrasound and optical imaging.
BME 4531L. Medical Imaging Lab (1). Prerequisites: BME 3702, BME 4404C, BME 4503 and BME 4503L. Corequisite: BME 4531. This laboratory provides hands-on use and construction of software, components, and instrumentation used in medical imaging.
BME 4581. BioMEMS (3). Prerequisites: BME 3100, BME 4211, and BME 4503. This course introduces students to the physical fundamentals and working principles of micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS) and how to apply them to biomedical engineering problems.
BME 4744C. Biodynamics and Systems Control (4). Prerequisites: BME 3702, BME 4211, and BME 4503. This combined lecture and lab course focuses on the dynamic analysis and measurement of the human musculoskeletal system through the development of lumped mass, planar rigid body and 3D rigid body models of human movement and the use of control systems in analyzing and responding to this movement.
BME 4801. Biomedical Engineering Process Design I (3). Prerequisites: BME 3100, BME 4211, BME 4404C, BME 4503 and BME 4503L. This course is the first of a two-semester sequence on the design of biomedical engineering processes and products. In this course, students will arrive at a technologically feasible solution to an engineering design problem using a methodological approach to gather and evaluate available information leading to a prototype product or process.
BME 4802. Biomedical Engineering Process Design II (3). Prerequisites: BME 4801 and either BME 4332 or BME 4508, depending on the major pathway. This course is the second of a two-semester sequence on the design of biomedical engineering processes and products.
BME 4904r. Undergraduate Research Project (1–3). Prerequisite: BME 3361, BME 3622, BME 3702 and BME 4403C, a 3.0 GPA, and instructor permission. Corequisites: ECH 3274L, ECH 3418, and ECH 4267. This course involves the completion of an Honors Undergraduate Research Program (URP) for six hours with a minimum grade of “C”. This program requires independent student research on a topic relevant to biomedical engineering and may be used to satisfy the Chemical Engineering Elective requirement. May be repeated to a maximum of six (6) credit hours; repeatable within the same term.
BME 4905r. Directed Individual Study (3). Prerequisite: Department chair permission. This course offers a supervised program of study approved by the department chair. May be repeated to a maximum of twelve (12) semester hours; repeatable within the same term.
BME 4906r. Honors URP in Biomedical Engineering (1–3). Prerequisite: BME 3361, BME 3622, BME 3702 and BME 4403C, a 3.2 GPA, and instructor permission. Corequisites: ECH 3274L, ECH 3418, and ECH 4267. This course involves the completion of an Honors Undergraduate Research Program (URP) for six hours with a minimum grade of “C”. This program requires independent student research on a topic relevant to biomedical engineering and may be used to satisfy the Chemical Engineering Elective requirement. May be repeated to a maximum of six semester hours. May be repeated within the same semester.
BME 4937r. Special Topics in Biomedical Engineering (3). Prerequisite: BME 3100, BME 4211, BME 4404C, and BME 4503. Corequisite: ECH 4504. This course emphasizes recent developments in the field of biomedical engineering. Selected readings are assigned by the instructor. Structure of the course varies by instructor and topic, but generally involve lectures and a final project on a topic in biomedical engineering. May be repeated to a maximum of twelve semester hours.
Chemical Engineering
ECH 3023. Mass and Energy Balances I (3). Prerequisites: CHM 1046 and MAC 2312. Corequisites: CHM 2210, MAC 2313, and PHY 2048C. This course covers mass and energy balances related to chemical process systems and measurements, as well as to the development of problem-solving methodologies in mass and energy balances.
ECH 3024. Mass and Energy Balances II (4). Prerequisites: CHM 2210, MAC 2313, and PHY 2048C; as well as ECH 3023 with a grade of “C” or higher. Corequisites: BSC 2010, ECH 3301, and PHY 2049C. This course introduces the general concepts of chemical engineering. In this course, the applications of mass and energy balances are extended to include reactive systems, and systems undergoing phase changes as well as transient processes. Computational tools such as Excel and MATLAB are used to demonstrate the use of a structured programming language for material and energy balances.
ECH 3101. Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics (3). Prerequisites: ECH 3023, ECH 3024, and ECH 3301, all with a grade of “C” or higher; and PHY 2049C. Corequisites: ECH 3266 and ECH 3854. In this course, students learn the basics of classical and solution thermodynamics. The course forms the link between the mass and energy balance courses, and separations.
ECH 3266. Transport Phenomena I (3). Prerequisites: ECH 3024 and ECH 3301, both with a grade of “C” or higher; and PHY 2049C. Corequisites: ECH 3101 and ECH 3854. This course examines integral balance equations for conservation of momentum, energy, and mass. Topics include the following: analysis of chemical processes involving fluid flow and heat and mass transfer, estimation of friction factors, and heat and mass transfer coefficients, pump selection and sizing, piping network analysis, and design of heat exchangers.
ECH 3274L. Transport Phenomena Laboratory (3). Prerequisites: ECH 3101, ECH 3266, and ECH 3854. Corequisites: ECH 3418 and ECH 4267. This course enables students to design and conduct experiments on fluid mechanics and heat transfer; analyze and interpret data; apply spreadsheets, statistical methods, and process models; as well as gain proficiency in operating basic chemical-engineering equipment and instruments. Emphasis is placed on safety, professionalism, teamwork, and oral/written communication.
ECH 3301. Process Analysis and Design (4). Prerequisite: MAC 2312. Corequisites: ECH 3023 and MAC 2313. This course examines the development and analysis of process models for systems that arise in chemical engineering applications.
ECH 3418. Separations Processes (3). Prerequisites: ECH 3101, ECH 3266, and ECH 3854. Corequisites: ECH 3274L and ECH 4267. This course examines the principles of equilibrium and transport-controlled separations. Topics include analysis and design of stagewise and continuous separation processes, including distillation, absorption, extraction, filtration, and membrane separations.
ECH 3844. Chemical Engineering Statistics (3). This course introduces basic statistical analysis with an emphasis on applications relevant to Chemical Engineering. Applications covered include design of experiments and analysis of experimental data and modern software tools are utilized.
ECH 3854. Chemical Engineering Computations (4). Prerequisites: ECH 3024, ECH 3301, and PHY 2049C, all with a grade of “C” or higher. Corequisites: ECH 3101, ECH 3266, and ECH 3844. This course utilizes computational modeling (using programs like MATLAB) to understand complex science/engineering problems and design solutions in a timely manner.
ECH 4267. Transport Phenomena II (3). Prerequisites: ECH 3101, ECH 3266, and ECH 3854. Corequisites: ECH 3274L and ECH 3418. This course focuses on the critical analytical and mathematical skills for analyzing fundamental concepts in transport phenomena (including fluid mechanics, heat transfer, and mass transfer) and the application of these concepts to the solution of problems relevant to chemical and biomedical engineering. The focus is on the microscopic description of momentum, energy, and mass transfer to obtain balance equations and to utilize information obtained from solutions of the balance equations to calculate engineering quantities of interest drag force, rate of heat and mass transfer in a wide variety of problems.
ECH 4323. Process Control (3). Prerequisites: ECH 4404L, ECH 4504, and ECH 4604. Corequisite: ECH 4615. This course focuses on the design and implementation of model-based control systems for chemical and biochemical systems. Topics include formulation of dynamic models, time and Laplace domain analysis of open-loop and closed-loop systems, and design of single variable and multivariable controllers. MATLAB and SIMULINK are used for dynamic process simulation and control system development. The lab is comprised of experiments designed to illustrate and apply control theory, measurement techniques, calibration, tuning of controls, characterization of sensors, and control circuits.
ECH 4323L. Process Control Lab (1). Prerequisites: ECH 4404L, ECH 4504, and ECH 4604. Corequisite: ECH 4615. This lab is comprised of experiments designed to illustrate and apply control theory, measurement techniques, calibration, tuning of controls, characterization of sensors, and control circuits.
ECH 4404L. Unit Operations Lab (3). Prerequisites: ECH 3274L, ECH 3418, and ECH 4267. Corequisites: ECH 4504 and ECH 4604. This course includes activities such as designing and conducting experiments in reaction kinetics and chemical separations, analyzing and interpreting data, applying spreadsheets, statistical methods, and process models. Students gain proficiency in operating basic chemical engineering equipment and instruments. Emphasis on safety, professionalism, teamwork, and oral and written communication.
ECH 4504. Kinetics and Reactor Design (3). Prerequisites: Senior standing in Chemical Engineering and ECH 3274L, ECH 3418, and ECH 4267 or senior standing in Biomedical Engineering and BME 3100, BME 4211, and BME 4503. This course aims to give students a thorough understanding of the fundamentals of chemical reactor design. Isothermal and non-isothermal reactors as well as series and parallel configurations will be considered.
ECH 4604. Chemical Engineering Process Design I (4). Prerequisites: ECH 3274L, ECH 3418, and ECH 4267. Corequisites: ECH 4404L and ECH 4504. This course is the first in a two-semester sequence on the analysis, synthesis, and design of chemical processes, preparing students for engineering practice. Students integrate knowledge from prior courses with process economics, computer-aided design, engineering standards, and realistic constraints to solve open-ended process problems.
ECH 4615. Chemical Engineering Process Design II (3). Prerequisites: ECH 4404L, ECH 4504, and ECH 4604. Corequisites: ECH 4323 and ECH 4323L. This course is the second in a two-semester sequence on the analysis, synthesis, and design of chemical processes, and prepares students for engineering practice. Students integrate knowledge from prior courses with process economics, computer-aided design, engineering standards, and realistic constraints to the design of chemical-process facilities.
ECH 4705. Electrochemical Engineering Science (3). Prerequisites: Senior standing in Chemical Engineering or instructor permission. In this course, students learn about electrochemistry and electrochemical engineering science and their applications in batteries and fuel cells. Quantitative analysis and the role of transport and kinetics are emphasized.
ECH 4743. Bioengineering (3). Prerequisites: ECH 3274L, ECH 3418, and ECH 4267. Corequisites: ECH 4404L, ECH 4504, and ECH 4604. This course introduces chemical engineering students to the major principles of life sciences that are important for biotechnological applications, and extends and applies the students' knowledge of the chemical engineering principles of kinetics, mass transfer, separation, purification, and characterization to important problems in bioprocess engineering.
ECH 4803. Petroleum Science and Technology (3). Prerequisite: Senior standing in Chemical Engineering or instructor permission. In this course, students learn about petroleum, the most important resource of energy and materials in modern days. This course emphasizes historical developments, technologies and processes used in the petroleum industry (upstream, midstream, and downstream).
ECH 4822. Polymer Physical Science and Engineering (3). Prerequisites: PHY 2048C (or at least one semester of General Physics) or instructor permission. This course is an introduction to static and dynamic polymer physics, including models of chains and macroscopic properties.
ECH 4823. Polymer Science and Engineering (3). Prerequisites: ECH 3274L, ECH 3418, and ECH 4267. Corequisites: ECH 4404L, ECH 4504, and ECH 4604. This course offers an introduction to different types of polymers and their physical properties. Topics include major synthetic paths and reaction kinetics, properties of macromolecules in solution, methods of molecular weight determination, and the role of phase transitions in amorphous and crystalline polymers.
ECH 4824. Chemical Engineering Materials (3). Prerequisites: ECH 3274L, ECH 3418, and ECH 4267. Corequisites: ECH 4404L, ECH 4504, and ECH 4604. This course provides an introduction to engineering materials, with emphasis on understanding the relation between structure, processing, and properties.
ECH 4904r. Undergraduate Research Project in Chemical Engineering (1–3). Prerequisites: CHM 4410, ECH 3101, ECH 3266, ECH 3854, a 3.0 GPA, and instructor permission. Corequisites: ECH 3274L, ECH 3418, and ECH 4267. This course involves the completion of an Honors Undergraduate Research Program (URP) for six hours with a minimum grade of “C”. This program requires independent student research on a topic relevant to biomedical engineering and may be used to satisfy the Chemical Engineering Elective requirement. May be repeated to a maximum of six semester hours.
ECH 4905r. Directed Individual Study (1–3). Prerequisite: Permission of department chair. This is a supervised program of study. May be repeated to a maximum of twelve semester hours.
ECH 4906r. Honors URP in Chemical Engineering (1–3). Prerequisites: BME 4403C, CHM 4410, ECH 3266, ECH 3854, a 3.2 GPA, and instructor permission. Corequisites: ECH 3274L, ECH 3418, and ECH 4267. This course involves the completion of an Honors Undergraduate Research Program (URP) for six hours with a minimum grade of “C”. This program requires independent student research on a topic relevant to biomedical engineering and may be used to satisfy the Chemical Engineering Elective requirement. May be repeated to a maximum of six (6) credit hours; repeatable within the same term.
ECH 4937r. Special Topics in Chemical Engineering (3). Prerequisites: ECH 3274L, ECH 3418, and ECH 4267. Corequisite: ECH 4504. This course covers selected topics in chemical engineering with emphasis on contemporary developments in the field. May be repeated within the same term to a maximum of twelve semester hours.
ECH 4940r. Interdisciplinary Capstone Product Design (3). Prerequisites: Graduate standing in Chemical Engineering or instructor permission. In this course, students design and construct an engineering product (such as a car powered and stopped by chemical reaction other than combustion) based on technical safety, ethical, economic, environmental, and other considerations. May be repeated up to a maximum of six credit hours.
For listings relating to graduate course work, consult the Graduate Bulletin.