DeVoe L. Moore Center for the Study of Critical Issues In Economic Policy and Government

Undergraduate Programs

College of Social Sciences and Public Policy


Director: Samuel R. Staley Eminent Scholar: Keith Ihlanfeldt Professors: Holcombe, Norton, Taylor

The DeVoe L. Moore Center supports interdisciplinary research about the role of government in a market economy, with a special emphasis on state and local regulation, housing, economic development, and social entrepreneurship. As a unit in the College of Social Sciences and Public Policy, the faculty associated with the center have well-established scholarly reputations in the study of public policy with an emphasis on urban policy, land use, growth managing, housing, regulation, and transportation. The faculty and center affiliates regularly teach graduate and undergraduate policy-related courses in the departments of economics and urban planning. In addition to teaching responsibilities, the faculty conduct advanced scholarly research in government, economics, and public affairs as well as applied policy research for use by state and local elected officials. The center has an extensive internship program that engages undergraduate and graduate students in mission-focused applied public policy research and analysis.

The center produces publications designed to inform citizens and policy makers how government rules, regulations, and programs affect the economy and individuals. The center has an active outreach program designed to promote and distribute its research to policymakers and the general public. The center also sponsors conferences and symposia that bring national leaders and scholars to the University to discuss policy questions.