Undergraduate Department of Educational Psychology and Learning Systems

College of Education, health, and human sciences


Chair: Alysia Roehig; Associate Chair: Lyndsay Jenkins; Professors: Dennen, Ebener, Eccles, Eklund, Ke, Klein, Osborn, Phillips, Roehig, Turner, Yang; Associate Professors: Almond, Becker, Dong, Hines, Jenkins, Jeong, Krach, Paek, Swanbrow Becker, Zhang; Assistant Professors: Caskurlu, Hall, Kim, Kozan, Krach, Kuang, Marks, Staudt-Willet, Wolf, Yoon; Teaching Faculty: Burner, Dozier, Foster, Johnson, LaFever, May; Professors Emeriti: Becker, Burkman, Dick, Driscoll, Keller, Kelly, Oosterhof, Pargman, Peterson, Pfeiffer, Prevatt, Reardon, Reiser, Sampson, Shute, Tate, Tenenbaum, Wager

The Department of Educational Psychology and Learning Systems offers degrees only at the master's, specialist, and doctoral levels. However, the department does offer several undergraduate courses that are components of the teacher education curriculum. For more information about the department, refer to the Graduate Bulletin.

The following graduate-level programs and certificates are offered by the Department of Educational Psychology and Learning Systems:

  • Counseling and Human Systems
    • Career Counseling M/S
    • Mental Health Counseling M/S
    • School Psychology M/S
  • Counseling Psychology and Human Systems
    • Combined Program in Counseling Psychology and School Psychology D
  • Educational Psychology
    • Learning and Cognition M, S, D
    • Sports Psychology M, D
  • Instructional Systems and Learning Technologies
    • Instructional Systems and Learning Technologies M, S, D
    • Learning Design and Performance Technology D
  • Measurement and Statistics M, S, D
  • Certificate in Human Performance Technology
  • Certificate in Measurement and Statistics
  • Certificate in Online Instructional Development
  • Certificate in Online Teaching and Learning

Definition of Prefixes

ADE—Adult Education

APK––Applied Kinesiology

DEP—Developmental Psychology

EDF—Education: Foundations and Policy Studies

EDG—Education: General

EDP—Educational Psychology

EGI—Education: Gifted

EME—Education: Technology and Media

IDH—Interdisciplinary Honors

MHS—Mental Health Services

PCO—Psychology for Counseling

PET—Physical Education Theory


RCS—Rehabilitation Counseling Services

SDS—Student Development Services

SLS—Student Life Skills (Learning)

SOW—Social Work

SPS—School Psychology

SYP—Social Processes

Undergraduate Courses

APK 4400. Sport Psychology (3). This course explores selected psychological theories and applications relevant to sport and exercise behavior.

APK 4401. Introduction to Exercise Psychology (3). This course is designed for students interested in the psychosocial issues related to exercise behaviors. The course introduces both the theories and practices inherent in the field of exercise psychology. In addition, this course covers intervention strategies to promote exercise behaviors and long-term adherence to a physically active lifestyle.

APK 4402. Applied Sport Psychology (3). Prerequisite: APK 4400. This course examines current research and practice in applied sport psychology settings (e.g., athletes, coaches, athletic trainers), and the application of these concepts. The approach taken in the course is a scientist-practitioner approach; the course relies on the “science of practice.” The primary goal is to acquire the skills of a proficient and skilled practitioner, athlete, or coach that relies on a sound conceptual-theoretical foundation.

APK 4403. Performance Psychology (3). This course is designed for students interested in the psychosocial issues related to performance (e.g., music, dance, military, etc.). The course introduces both the theories and practices inherent in the field of performance psychology. In addition, it covers intervention strategies used in order to combat several mental performance issues.

EDF 4210. Educational Psychology: Developing Learners (3). This course is designed to introduce students to concepts of human development, learning, and motivation as foundations for the planning and implementation of classroom instruction. Students are expected to acquire and use theoretical knowledge to inform decisions about strategies for helping learners develop, learn, and achieve.

EDF 4423. Methods of Educational Research (3). This course surveys selected types of educational research and appropriate related techniques, with an emphasis on criteria of validity.

EDF 4430. Classroom Assessment (3). This course prepares prospective teachers for activities related to assessing students, including establishing validity evidence, enhancing generalization of observations, using traditional and alternative assessment strategies, interpreting and using data to improve achievement, and utilizing assessment in the process of learning.

EDF 4423. Methods of Educational Research (3). This course surveys selected types of educational research and appropriate related techniques, with an emphasis on criteria of validity.

EDF 4861. Education Abroad: Access, Equity, and Opportunity (3). This course provides an introductory investigation of variety of topics in counseling psychology and education and includes real-life, hands-on experiences related to counseling in other countries.

EDF 4905r. Directed Individual Study (1–3). May be repeated to a maximum of twelve semester hours.

EME 2040. Introduction to Educational Technology (3). This course provides students with an opportunity to achieve competency in the use of educational technology for planning and delivering instruction.

EME 4905r. Directed Individual Study (1–3). (S/U grade only.) May be repeated to a maximum of twelve (12) credit hours. May be repeated within the same term.

IDH 3702. Becoming and Being Leaders: Motivating Self and Others (3). This course examines theories and research that focus on aspects of self-motivation as well as motivating groups. The course covers topics in the domains of educational psychology, leadership studies, sport psychology, counseling psychology, and social psychology. Students come to understand underlying mechanisms of becoming, and being, leaders within their domains.

MHS 4003. Introduction to the Psychology of the Gifted (3). Prerequisites: Senior standing and 3.0 GPA in major. This course examines current issues in intelligence, creativity, talent development, and giftedness. Course topics include theories of intelligence, the four P's of creativity, conceptions of giftedness, and why certain groups of students are underrepresented in gifted programs.

MHS 4905r. Directed Individual Study (1–3). May be repeated to a maximum of twelve (12) semester hours.

PET 4171. Ethics of Coaching (3). This course introduces essential concepts and knowledge concerned with the discipline of ethics as it relates to the extensive and evolving demands of managing and coaching sports and activities.

PET 4763. Coaching for Human Performance (3). The purpose of this course is to understand and evaluate human performance across the lifespan. Coaches need to understand what goes into how the body functions so they can shape their coaching practice to meet the athletes where they are and facilitate peak performance.

PET 4941. Athletic Coaching Internship (3). Prerequisite: PET 4765. In this course, students will gain experience observing and working in a professional athletic coaching and sports setting.

SDS 3340r. Introduction to Career Development (1–3). This course focuses on the principles and practices of career planning and management, including use of self-assessment, career resources, and employability skill guides. May be repeated to a maximum of three (3) semester hours.

SDS 3802r. Experiential Learning (0). (S/U grade only.) This course focuses on engaging students to “try on” a professional environment through an experiential learning opportunity. Experiential learning occurs through a variety of activities including internships, field work, service learning, projects, undergraduate research, fellowship, leadership, clinical experience, co-op, and practicum. Experiential learning assists students in identifying and strengthening skills needed to succeed in their intended career field. The course also focuses on how student's experiences can put theory into practice within their intended post-baccalaureate work settings. Through goal-setting, reflection and self-evaluation, this course facilitates professional growth. May be repeated to a maximum of six completions.

SDS 3940r. Experiential Learning Abroad (3). (S/U grade only.) This course focuses on engaging students to “try on” a professional environment through an internship abroad at one of FSU International Program's Study Centers.

SDS 4481. Communication and Human Relations (3). This course focuses on the relevant dimensions of the helping relationship and the development of effective communications skills in a diverse world.

SLS 1004. Academic Success in STEM (1). This course facilitates academic success and promotes retention in STEM. The course focuses on the development and application of study skills, career plans, scholastic expectations, and connections to peers, faculty, and opportunities at a research university.

SLS 1010Lr. Learning Support Lab for Mathematics (1). (S/U grade only.) Corequisites: MGF 1106, MGF 1107, or MAC 1105. This course facilitates academic success and satisfactory completion of the co-requisite course (MGF 1106, MGF 1107, or MAC 1105). This course facilitates academic success and satisfactory completion of the co-requisite course (MGF 1106, MGF 1107, or MAC 1105). The focus is on development and application of math study skills as applied to the co-requisite course material for students identified as needing more support. May be repeated to a maximum of three credit hours.

SLS 1122. Strategies for Academic Success (1). This course offers a positive intervention to facilitate academic success and to promote retention for first-time-in-college students who are in academic difficulty after their first term of full-time enrollment at Florida State University. Focus is on the development of study skills required for college-level work as well as on the identification and minimization of barriers that impede individual student achievement.

SLS 1203. Introduction to Exploration for Academic Majors (1). This course invites students in the exploratory major to examine or evaluate major and career opportunities through analysis of their values, interest, and skills. Students explore the three fundamental components of Florida State University's exploratory program: Self Exploration, Major Exploration, and Career Exploration. Students apply thoughtful introspection, critical reasoning, disciplined thinking, and objective analysis as they research majors and ask questions that promote disciplined thinking that ultimately results in selecting a major confidently.

SLS 1261. Academic Transition, Success, and Development for Student-Athletes (3). (S/U grade only.) This course explores the methods and strategies to successfully transition to Florida State University. The course focuses on academic success strategies, character development, leadership, time management/social pressures, social responsibility, and financial literacy.

SLS 1511r. Special Topics in Student Life Skills (1). This special topics course assists students with transition to college, including success in a major, developing career plans, and honing essential skills. The course emphasizes connections to peers, faculty, and opportunities that prepare students for the future. May be repeated to a maximum of two (2) credit hours.

SLS 2206. Chart Your Course: Navigating Your FSU Experience (0–1). (S/U grade only.) This course invites first-year students to experience the many opportunities Florida State University has to offer and chart their own course to a successful college experience. Students explore their own identities and values, engage with campus resources, and apply college success strategies to effectively navigate their transition to FSU.

SLS 3140. Academic Success for Transfer Students (1). This course helps transfer students improve their academic outcomes. The course focuses on development and application of skills necessary for navigating the increased scholastic expectations of a large research university.

SLS 3360. Life after Sport: Road Map to Professional Development (2). (S/U grade only.) This course provides the tools to captivate the tools to cultivate meaningful transition skills, enhance business and professional acumen, and ensure students are aware of the path to career opportunities outside of professional sports.

SLS 3407. Strategies for Veteran Success (0–1). (S/U grade only.) This course is designed as a proactive measure to facilitate the transition from military service to college with the ultimate goal of promoting student veteran retention, graduation, and job placement. The purpose of the course is to facilitate development of study and life management skills that are critical to success in an environment that is structured to encourage personal connections with fellow student veterans as well as campus resources.

SLS 3717r. Peer Learning Assistance (0–1). This course is a learning opportunity for students interested in exposure to issues regarding targeted peer learning assistance. This course provides training in various areas related to peer learning assistance and is applicable across disciplines. May be repeated to a maximum of one credit hour.

For listings relating to graduate coursework, consult the Graduate Bulletin.