Undergraduate Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

FAMU–FSU College of Engineering


Chair: Sastry Pamidi; Associate Chair for Undergraduate Programs: Bruce A. Harvey; Associate Chair for Graduate Programs: M. Omar Faruque; Professors: Andrei, L. DeBrunner, V. DeBrunner, Foo, H. Li, Meyer-Baese, Pamidi, Peng, Perry, Roberts, Weatherspoon, Yu; Associate Professors: Bernadin, Faruque, Harvey, Kwan; Assistant Professors: Anubi, Arigong, Cheetham, Y. Li, Moon, Pan, Takiddin, Vasconcelos; Teaching Faculty I: Chuy, Hadi, Manzak, Noroozi; Teaching Faculty II: Hooker; Teaching Faculty III: Brooks, Rajput; Courtesy Professor: McGinnis

Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering—Program Educational Objectives

Our BS in Electrical Engineering graduates will:

  1. Have successful careers in the field of electrical engineering making important contributions in the technical areas of digital systems, digital signal processing, control systems, electronics, power systems, or electromagnetics.
  2. Be enrolled in or have completed a graduate program or have shown a commitment to life-long learning and continuous self-improvement.
  3. Maintain high ethical standards and will have participated in the research, development, or application of engineering solutions that make a positive impact on industry and society.
  4. Make contributions to the workforce by functioning in local and global multicultural and multidisciplinary environments.

Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering—Program Educational Objectives

Our BS in Computer Engineering Graduates will:

  1. Have successful careers in the field of computer engineering making important contributions in the technical areas of embedded systems, digital systems, digital signal processing, computer networks, artificial intelligence, or cybersecurity.
  2. Be enrolled in or have completed a graduate program or have shown a commitment to life-long learning and continuous self-improvement.
  3. Maintain high ethical standards and will have participated in the research, development, or application of engineering solutions that make a positive impact on industry and society.
  4. Make contributions to the workforce by functioning in local and global multicultural and multidisciplinary environments.

Program Review

The departmental faculty has established a process to periodically review and revise its two programs' educational objectives after obtaining feedback from its primary constituent groups. The faculty also is committed to teaching professional and ethical responsibility by example and by practice. The active sponsored research activities of the faculty ensure the program curricula remain contemporary and motivate the need for life-long learning.

Technical Electives

Technical electives provide the student an opportunity to achieve a greater breadth of knowledge and some degree of specialization in selected areas of special interest. Electives are offered in both electrical engineering and computer engineering application areas.

Electives are offered in the following electrical and computer engineering application areas:

  1. Microelectronics deals with all aspects of solid-state electronic devices, the analysis and design of analog and digital circuits, their implementation and fabrication using microelectronic techniques, and their application in a wide variety of systems.
  2. Digital signal processing and control systems concentrate on the design and analysis of systems in which discrete and continuous signals are used for conveying information and controlling physical systems and processes. Included are the encoding, decoding, and representation of information in both the time and frequency domain.
  3. Communications is concerned with the preparation, transmission, and reception of encoded information via media ranging from wires to fiber optic cables and space. Included are topics such as AM, FM, and pulse modulation techniques; telecommunication systems; satellite telemetry; and wireless and computer networks.
  4. Electromagnetics in the broadest sense is the study of the relationship between electric current, electric and magnetic fields, and their interactions. It is the foundation of electrical and electronic technology. The practical applications of this theory include the design of antennas, transmission lines, RF, microwave and optical transmission facilities, and radar.
  5. Power systems engineering is concerned with the design and operation of electric power generation, transmission, and distribution for an increasing customer demand. It involves the modeling, analysis, and design of power system components including power transformers, electric motors, synchronous generators, and high voltage power transmission and distribution networks. Power system engineering also includes the investigation of alternative methods for generating electrical energy, the control and reliability of complex power networks, power quality, economic factors, and environmental effects.

Electives are offered in following computer engineering application areas:

  1. Digital hardware design includes the design of specialized hardware that comprise digital systems, such as those required for facial recognition, microprocessor design, or digital communication.
  2. Embedded computer system design focuses on the design of resource-limited (e.g., price, power dissipation, memory or storage) microprocessor-based systems which do not have the typical components of a computer like keyboard, monitor, or mouse.
  3. Cybersecurity is concerned with the protection of information — stored and processed by computer-based systems — that is vulnerable to unintended exposure and misuse. Cyber-physical systems security concentrates on the secure design and analysis of systems in which independently interacting information, communication, and control components operate on different spatial and temporal scales. Examples include smart grid, autonomous automobile systems, medical monitoring, and industrial control systems.
  4. Computer Networks includes the design and implementation of networks that allow the communication between computers and other digital systems including topics such as Internet of Things (IoT), Ad Hoc networks, smart grid communications, security, wireless sensor networks (WSN), and cyber physical systems.
  5. Digital signal and image processing concerns the design and implementation of systems that are used to extract information found in noisy signals and measurements of many dimensions, and their use in enhancement (filtering), synthesis (computer generated audio and video) and analysis (computer recognition).

Honors in the Major

The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering offers a program of honors in electrical engineering to encourage talented students to extend their undergraduate experience by participating in directed or independent research on a topic relative to electrical engineering that is not included in the regular curriculum. For requirements and other information, see the “University Honors Office and Honor Societies” chapter of this General Bulletin.

Digital Literacy Requirement

Students must complete at least one course designated as meeting the Digital Literacy Requirement with a grade of “C–” or higher. Courses fulfilling the Digital Literacy Requirement must accomplish at least three of the following outcomes:

  • Evaluate and interpret the accuracy, credibility, and relevance of digital information
  • Evaluate and interpret digital data and their implications
  • Discuss the ways in which society and/or culture interact with digital technology
  • Discuss digital technology trends and their professional implications
  • Demonstrate the ability to use digital technology effectively
  • Demonstrate the knowledge to use digital technology safely and ethically

Each academic major has determined the courses that fulfill the Digital Literacy requirement for that major. Students should contact their major department(s) to determine which courses will fulfill their Digital Literacy requirement.

Undergraduate majors in electrical and computer engineering satisfy this requirement by earning a grade of “C–” or higher in EEL 3705L.

Coordination with CoreFSU Curriculum Requirements

In addition to satisfying the undergraduate computer skill competency, several courses required for undergraduate majors in electrical and computer engineering also satisfy some of the CoreFSU Curriculum Requirements. Undergraduate majors in electrical and computer engineering will satisfy these requirements by earning a grade of “C” or higher in the following courses listed.

CoreFSU Curriculum Requirement Required Electrical or Computer Engineering Course
Scholarship in Practice EEL 4911C - Senior Design Project I
Formative Experience EEL 4914C - Computer Engineering Senior Design Project II
EEL 4915C - Electrical Engineering Senior Design Project II
Computer Competency EEL 3705L - Digital Logic Laboratory
Upper Division Writing EEL 3927 - Engineering Design Concepts
Oral Communication Competency EEL 4911C - Senior Design Project I

State of Florida Common Program Prerequisites for Electrical Engineering

The Florida Virtual Campus (FLVC) houses the statewide, internet-based catalog of distance learning courses, degree programs, and resources offered by Florida's public colleges and universities, and they have developed operational procedures and technical guidelines for the catalog that all institutions must follow. The statute governing this policy can be reviewed by visiting https://www.flsenate.gov/Laws/Statutes/2021/1006.73.

FLVC has identified common program prerequisites for the degree program in Electrical Engineering. To obtain the most up-to-date, state-approved prerequisites for this degree, visit: https://cpm.flvc.org/programs/379/285.

Specific prerequisites are required for admission into the upper-division program and must be completed by the student at either a community college or a state university prior to being admitted to this program. Students may be admitted into the University without completing the prerequisites but may not be admitted into the program.

Common Required Courses for Bachelor of Science Degrees

All candidates for Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering (BSEE) and Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering (BSCpE) are required to complete a total of seventy-six semester hours of common required courses, of which twenty-one hours are English, social science, and humanities courses; thirty-three hours are engineering core courses (listed below); and twenty-two hours are common electrical and computer engineering courses (listed below).

Engineering Core Courses

COP 3014 Programming I (3)

MAC 2311 Calculus with Analytical Geometry I (4)

MAC 2312 Calculus with Analytical Geometry II (4)

MAC 2313 Calculus with Analytical Geometry III (5)

MAP 2302 Ordinary Differential Equations (3)

MAS 3105 Applied Linear Algebra I (4)

PHY 2048C General Physics A (5)

PHY 2049C General Physics B (5)

Common Required Electrical and Computer Engineering Courses

EEL 3002L ECE Engineering Tools Lab (2)

EEL 3135 Signal and Linear Systems Analysis (3)

EEL 3705 Digital Logic Design (3)

EEL 3705L Digital Logic Laboratory (1)

EEL 3927 Engineering Design Concepts (3)

EEL 4021 Statistical Topics in Electrical Engineering (3)

EEL 4746 Microprocessor-Based System Design (3)

EEL 4746L Microprocessor-Based System Design Laboratory (1)

EEL 4911C Senior Design Project I (3)

Requirements for a Major in Electrical Engineering

Students majoring in electrical engineering require one hundred twenty-eight semester hours to graduate including:

  • Seventy-six hours of common required courses (listed above),
  • Thirty semester hours of additional required courses for the electrical engineering majors (listed below)
  • Twelve semester hours of required Tier-2 electrical engineering courses (listed below), and
  • Ten semester hours are technical elective courses.

The additional required courses for the electrical engineering majors are:

CHM 1045/L General Chemistry I & Lab (3/1)


BSC 2010/L Biological Science 1 & Lab (3/1)

EEE 3300 Electronics (3)

EEE 3300L Electronics Laboratory (1)

EEL 3111 Introductory Circuit Analysis (3)

EEL 3112 Advanced Circuits with Computers (3)

EEL 3112L Advanced Circuits with Computers Laboratory (1)

EEL 3472 Electromagnetic Fields I (3)

EEL 4515 Digital Communication Systems (3)

EEL 4915C Electrical Engineering Senior Design Project II (3)

EGM 3512 Engineering Mechanics (4)

EML 3100 Thermodynamics (2)

All electrical engineering majors are required to complete four of the following six Tier-2 courses (at least 12 semester hours):

EEE 4301 Electronic Circuits and Systems Design (3)

EEE 4510 Digital Signal Processing (3)

EEL 3216 Fundamentals of Power Systems (3)

EEL 3473 Electromagnetic Fields II (3)

EEL 4652 Analysis and Design of Control Systems (3)

EEL 4710/L Introduction to Field Programmable Logic Devices (3/1)

The technical electives for electrical engineering majors include:

  • One semester hour of an approved electrical engineering (EE) laboratory elective,
  • Six semester hours must be Electrical Engineering (EE) technical electives, and
  • Three semester hours may be an EE technical elective or a non-EE technical elective.

Any EEL or EEE prefixed course which is not required is considered an Electrical Engineering (EE) technical elective with the exception of EEL 3003 and EEL 3003L. Refer to the ECE Department Website (https://eng.famu.fsu.edu/ece) or consult with the Department for information on available ECE technical electives.

The non-EE technical elective must be selected from a list of departmentally approved courses offered by other departments at Florida State University. Courses not on the list may be taken with prior approval of the department.

Requirements for a Major in Computer Engineering

Students majoring in computer engineering require one hundred twenty-eight semester hours to graduate including:

  • Seventy-six hours of common required courses (listed above),
  • Ten semester hours of computer science courses (listed below),
  • Twenty-one semester hours of additional required computer engineering courses (listed below),
  • Nine semester hours of required Computer Engineering (CpE) Core electives (listed below), and
  • Twelve semester hours are technical elective courses.

The required Computer Science Courses (ten semester hours) are:

COP 3330 Object Oriented Programming (3)

COP 3353 Introduction to UNIX (1)

COP 4530 Data Structures, Algorithms and Generic Programming (3)

MAD 2104 Discrete Mathematics I (3)

The additional required engineering courses for the computer engineering majors are:

CHM 1045/L General Chemistry I & Lab (3/1)


BSC 2010/L Biological Science 1 & Lab (3/1)

EEL 3003 Introduction to Electrical Engineering (3)

EEL 4710/L Introduction to Field Programmable Logic Devices (3/1)

EEL 4713 Computer Architecture and Organization (3)

EEL 4742/L Advanced Microprocessors & Lab (3/1)

EEL 4914C Computer Engineering Senior Design Project II (3)

All computer engineering majors are required to complete three of the following five CpE Core Electives (9 semester hours):

EEL 4347 Introduction to Cybersecurity (3)

EEL 4759 Digital Image Processing (3)

EEL 4781 Computer Networks (3)

EEL 4887 Programming Languages in CpE (3)

EEL 4872 Artificial Intelligence (3)

The technical electives for computer engineering majors include:

  • Six semester hours must be Computer Engineering (CpE) technical electives, and
  • Six semester hours may be CpE technical elective OR non-CpE technical electives.

Any EEL or EEE prefixed course which is not required is considered a Computer Engineering (CpE) technical elective with the exception of EEL 3111, EEL 3112, and EEL 3112L. Refer to the ECE Department Website (https://eng.famu.fsu.edu/ece) or consult with the Department for information on available EE technical electives.

The non-CpE technical elective must be selected from a list of departmentally approved courses offered by other departments at Florida State University. Courses not on the list may be taken with prior approval of the department.

Dual Major in Electrical Engineering and Computer Engineering

Students are NOT encouraged to pursue a dual degree in electrical and computer engineering except under exceptional circumstances. Students instead are encouraged to apply for the 4+1 BS/MS program.

Academic Requirements and Policies

In accordance with ABET criteria, all engineering students are subject to a uniform set of academic requirements agreed to by Florida A&M University and Florida State University. These requirements have been established to ensure that program graduates receive a quality education and make reasonable progress toward satisfying engineering major degree requirements. Students are directed to the “FAMU–FSU College of Engineering” chapter of this General Bulletin and the departmental Website (https://www.eng.famu.fsu.edu/ece) for a list of all academic requirements and policies.

With the adoption of ABET EC-2000 policies, program requirements, educational objectives, course content and offerings, and departmental policies are subject to periodic revision and change. Students are strongly urged to obtain current information from their academic advisor, the academic coordinator, or by visiting the departmental Website at https://www.eng.famu.fsu.edu/ece.

ECE Course Prerequisite Requirement

In addition to the college course prerequisite requirements, the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering requires students to have obtained a grade in the range of “C-” or better in all courses listed as prerequisites for the department's engineering core courses.

Definition of Prefixes

CES—Civil Engineering Structures

EEE—Engineering: Electrical and Electronic

EEL—Engineering: Electrical

EGN— Engineering: General

Undergraduate Courses

EEE 3300. Electronics (3). Prerequisite for Electrical and Computer Engineering Majors: EEL 3002L (C- or better); Corequisite for Electrical and Computer Engineering Majors MAP 2302 (C- or better). Additional Prerequisite for only Electrical Engineering Majors: EEL 3111 (C- or better). Additional Prerequisite for only Computer Engineering Majors: EEL 3111. This course covers diode models and circuits, DC biasing of bipolar-junction and field-effect transistors, small- and large-signal transistor models, and frequency analysis of single-stage AC amplifiers.

EEE 3300L. Electronics Laboratory (1). Prerequisites: EEL 3112 (C- or better) and EEL 3112L (C- or better); Corequisites: EEE 3300 (C- or better). Corequisite: EEE 3300. This laboratory supports EEE 3300, Electronics.

EEE 4288. Biomimetic Sensors and Signal Processing (3). Prerequisite: EEL 3135. In this course, biomimetic implies the mimicry of biology. This course covers biologically-inspired structure and function concepts used for novel sensor designs and signal processing. Cursory descriptions of biological phenomena are followed by electronic sensor designs and natural signal processing algorithms. This course focuses on natural sensory systems and innovative engineering applications inspired by them.

EEE 4301. Electronic Circuits and Systems Design (3). Prerequisites: EEE 3300 and EEE 3300L.Corequisite: EEE 4301L. This course uses computer-aided design programs and covers multistage amplifier analysis and design. The course focuses on feedback and operational amplifiers, A-to-D and D-to-A converters, and waveshaping and waveforming generators, including oscillators, voltage regulators, and power circuits.

EEE 4301L. Electronic Circuits and Systems Laboratory (1). Prerequisites: EEE 3300 and EEE 3300L.Corequisite: EEE 4301. This course is an advanced electronic laboratory.

EEE 4313. CMOS Digital IC Design (3). Prerequisite for Electrical Engineering Majors: EEE 3300; Prerequisite for Computer Engineering Majors: EEL 3003. This is an elective course that introduces students to the design of CMOS digital IC circuits using IC layout techniques.

EEE 4330. Microelectronics Engineering (3). Prerequisites: EEE 3300 and EEE 3300L. This course covers design and fabrication of solid-state devices. Topics include oxidation, diffusion, metallization, photolithography, and device characterization.

EEE 4351. Solid-State Electronic Devices (3). Prerequisites: EEE 3300 and EEE 3300L. This course covers solid-state physics as applied to electronic devices. The course focuses on semiconductor materials, conduction process in solids, device fabrication, diffusion processes, and negative conduction devices.

EEE 4376C. Introduction to Analog IC Design (3). Prerequisite: EEE 4301. This course covers the design and analysis of bipolar and MOS analog integrated circuits. The course focuses on operational amplifier design, analog multipliers, active loads, current sources, and active filters.

EEE 4377. Mixed Signal ICs (3). Prerequisite: EEL 4313 or EEL 4376C. This course introduces mixed-signal processing using analog and digital integrated circuits. The course focuses on fundamentals of sampled data systems, nonlinear and dynamic analog circuits, Nyquist-rate data converters, over-sampling data converters and digital filters, as well as the use of computer-aided design programs.

EEE 4450. Modeling and Simulation of Semiconductor Devices (3). Prerequisite: EEE 3300. This course covers various numerical techniques for the modeling and simulation of semiconductor devices, such as pn-junctions, metal-oxide semiconductor contacts, metal-oxide-semiconductor field effect transistors, and bipolar devices. Special emphasis is on the description and simulation of electron and hole transport in semiconductor devices.

EEE 4510. Digital Signal Processing (3). Prerequisite: EEL 3135. This course covers topics such as sinusoids, periodic signals, and Fourier spectra. Sampling of continuous-time signals, aliasing. Impulse response of linear, discrete-time systems, convolution. FIR filters and implementation. Frequency response of FIR filters. Z-transforms. IIR filters, poles and zeros, frequency response. Realization of IIR filters. Discrete Fourier transform and the FFT algorithm. MATLAB exercises are assigned.

EEE 4550. Radar (3). Prerequisites: EEL 3473 and EEL 3135. Corequisite: EEL 4021. This course examines basic concepts of radar systems including radar range equation, radar cross-section calculations, random processes and noise, array antennas, beamsteering, doppler and range processing, FM and CW systems, pulse compression, synthetic aperture radar, and clutter.

EEE 4773. Machine Learning (3). Prerequisites: EEL 3135, MAS 3105, knowledge of Matlab and/or Python, and instructor permission. This course is designed for senior undergraduate students from engineering disciplines and introduces students to the theory and engineering applications of machine learning including neural networks, fuzzy logic, genetic algorithms, supervised and unsupervised learning algorithms. This course places emphasis on engineering applications in controls, power systems, and robotics.

EEE 4872. Artificial Intelligence (3). Prerequisites: COP 4530 and EEL 4021. This course instructs students in basic artificial intelligence (AI) techniques of search, machine learning, natural language processing, robotics, and image processing. In this course, potential/current limitations are analyzed; as are human interaction in a decision-making environment.

EEL 3002L. ECE Engineering Tools Lab (2). Corequisite: EEL 3111 (C- or better). This is an introductory laboratory for students entering the electrical and computer engineering programs. The basic topics include: lab safety issues; solving engineering problems using software tools such as MATLAB and Mathematica; electric circuit simulations using c software packages such as Multisim and OrCAD; electric circuit design and instrumentation; the proper use of test and measurement equipment.

EEL 3003. Introduction to Electrical Engineering (3). Prerequisites: MAC 2312 (C- or better) and PHY 2049C (C- or better). This course is an introduction to electrical engineering concepts for non-electrical engineering majors. The course focuses on circuit theory for interfacing sensors and actuators. Operational Amplifiers are included. Not accepted for credit toward BSEE and BSCpE.

EEL 3003L. Introduction to Electrical Engineering Laboratory (1). Prerequisites: MAC 2312 and PHY 2049C. Corequisite: EEL 3003. This laboratory supports EEL 3003. Must be taken concurrently with first enrollment in EEL 3003. Must be dropped if EEL 3003 is dropped.

EEL 3111.Circuit Analysis I (3). Prerequisite: MAC 2312 (C- or better). Corequisite: PHY 2049C (C- or better). This course explores topics such as current, voltage, and power; resistors, inductors, and capacitors; network theorems and laws; operational amplifiers, phasors; impedances; sinusoidal steady-state analysis.

EEL 3112. Circuit Analysis II (3). EEL 3112 Prerequisites: EEL 3111 (C- or better) and EEL 3002L (C- or better); Corequisites: MAP 2302 (C- or better). This course examines sinusoidal steady-state power analysis; three-phase circuits; operational amplifier; transient and forced response; frequency response; two-port networks; and circuit analysis.

EEL 3112L. Advanced Circuits with Computers Laboratory (1). Prerequisites: EEL 3111 (C- or better) and EEL 3002L (C- or better); Corequisites: EEL 3112 (C- or better) and MAP 2302 (C- or better). This laboratory provides hands-on experience to electrical engineering majors in the fundamental topics of circuit analysis. It reinforces concepts introduced in the associated lecture.

EEL 3135. Signal and Linear System Analysis (3). Prerequisites: EEL 3135: Electrical/Computer Eng Majors - Prerequisites (C- or better): MAP 2302 and MAS 3105; Corequisites: (C- or better): EEL 3003 (Computer Eng Majors); EEL 3112 (Electrical Eng Majors). This course focuses on the classification and representation of signals and systems; Laplace transform; Z-transform; convolution; state variable techniques; stability and feedback.

EEL 3216. Fundamentals of Power Systems (3). Prerequisite: EEL 3112. This course is an introduction to the fundamentals of energy conversion; structure of power systems; and power system components: transformers, rotating machines, and transmission lines. The operation and analysis of power systems are presented.

EEL 3472. Electromagnetic Fields I (3). Prerequisites: EEL 3112, MAP 2302 or MAP 3305, MAS 3105 or MAP 3306, and PHY 2049C. This course explores electrostatic field—Gauss's law; boundary conditions; capacitance; Laplace's and Poisson's equations; energy, forces, and torques. The steady electric current. The magnetostatic field-vector potential; Ampere's and Biot-Stavart laws; inductance; energy, forces, and torques. Quasistatic fields; electromagnetic induction.

EEL 3473. Electromagnetic Fields II (3). Prerequisite: EEL 3472. This course examines topics such as Maxwell's equations, plane electromagnetic waves, group velocity, polarization, Poynting vector, boundary conditions, reflection and refraction of plane waves, skin effect, transmission line analysis, impedance matching, wave guides and cavity resonators, fundamentals of radiation and antennas.

EEL 3705. Digital Logic Design (3). Corequisites: COP 3014 and EEL 3705L. This course covers fundamental topics in digital logic design, including the use of a hardware description language, as well as number systems Boolean algebra, logic simplification, combinational, and sequential logic circuits.

EEL 3705L. Digital Logic Laboratory (1). Corequisite: EEL 3705. This laboratory supports EEL 3705. This course introduces Electrical and Computer Engineering majors to various practical aspects of Digital Logic. This includes analysis, design and testing of digital logic circuits. Design and implementation are covered using Altera devices.

EEL 3927. Engineering Design Concepts (3). Prerequisites for EE students: ENC 1101 and ENC 2135. Corequisite for EE students: EEL 3112. Prerequisites for CpE students: ENC 1101, ENC 2135, and EEL 4746. This course introduces the skills and knowledge necessary to effectively complete a capstone project. Students are presented with concepts in design, systems engineering, project management, engineering team organization, ethics, and professionalism.

EEL 4005. Measurements and Instrumentation for Electrical Engineers (3). Prerequisite: EEL 3112. This course introduces various measurement methods and instrumentation techniques used in electrical engineering practice and research.

EEL 4021. Statistical Topics in Electrical Engineering (3). Prerequisites: EEL 3112 and MAP 3306 or MAS 3105. This course examines the use of probability and statistical concepts in electrical engineering applications. Elementary probability—sets, sample spaces, axioms, joint and conditional probability. Random variables—distribution and density functions. Operations in random variables—expectation, moments, transformation of random variables. Introduction to random processes. Multiple random variables. Elements of statistics: parameter estimation and hypothesis testing.

EEL 4070. Introduction to Energy Storage (3). Prerequisite: EEL 3003 or EEL 3111. This course introduces students to energy storage technologies and devices with major focus on electrochemical storages including advanced rechargeable batteries, electrochemical capacitors, and fuel cells.

EEL 4113. Advanced Linear Networks (3). Prerequisite: EEL 3135. This course explores topics such as synthesis of LC one-port networks, synthesis of LC two-port networks; operational amplifier applications; active filters; approximation methods; switched-capacitor filters.

EEL 4213. Power Systems I (3). Prerequisite: EEL 3216. This course focuses on the analysis of electric power systems using system modeling for large-scale power networks; admittance and impedance matrix formation; power flow; optimal dispatch; symmetrical components; balanced and unbalanced fault analysis; and transient stability studies.

EEL 4217L. Power and Energy Lab (1). Prerequisite: EEL 3216. This course is intended to give the student practical experience with motors, generators, transformers and power system instrumentation equipment. Students learn the principles of electromechanical energy conversion by connecting, operating, and controlling induction, synchronous, and dc machines. Transport of electrical energy through transmission lines is also explored.

EEL 4220. Electromechanical Dynamics (3). Prerequisites: EEL 3216 and EEL 3472. This course focuses on the study of magnetic circuits, electromagnetic torques, and induced voltages. Topics covered include induction motors, variable speed drives, Park's transforms, synchronous machines and generator controls, DC machines, controls, and drives.

EEL 4231. Converter Modeling and Control (3). Prerequisite: EEL 4243. This course provides a study of DC-AC and DC-DC converter-modeling techniques and control schemes. Topics include average switch models, voltage-source and current-source converter models, current programmed control, and active filter control.

EEL 4243. Power Electronics (3). Prerequisites: EEE 3300 and EEL 3135. This course is designed to develop a basic understanding of using switched electronic circuits for the conversion and regulation of power. The course focuses on the basic converters and their steady state analysis. Dynamic modeling analysis, controller design, power semiconductor device, and simulation also are covered.

EEL 4244. Power Conversion and Control (3). Prerequisites: EEE 3300 and EEL 3112. This course introduces solid-state power conversion and control circuits, including analysis and design of nonlinear multiple-phase circuits with sinusoidal and non-sinusoidal variables; constant-frequency and variable-frequency input conversions; variable-frequency inverters; sensing and processing circuits supporting control systems; and embedded microprocessor control systems.

EEL 4280. Renewable Energy Generation I (3). This course is an introduction to renewable energy generation. Topics covered include smart grid system, hybrid electric vehicle, and grid-connected PV inverters. Emphasis is placed on the energy conversion techniques applied in the renewable energy source and energy storage elements.

EEL 4281. Photovoltaics (3). Prerequisites: EEE 3000. This course educates students in the design and applications of solar energy technology. This course focuses on theoretical fundamentals of solar energy conversion, types of solar cells and their operations, optical engineering, and energy storage and distribution systems. The course covers solar energy needs, current trends in photovoltaic energy engineering, solar cell material science, design and installation of solar panels for residential and industrial applications and connections to the national grid and cost analysis of the overall system.

EEL 4282. Renewable Energy Generation II (3). This course is an introduction to renewable energy generation. Topics covered include smart grid system, hybrid electric vehicle, and grid-connected PV inverters. Emphasis is placed on the energy conversion techniques applied in the renewable energy storage elements.

EEL 4347. Introduction to Cybersecurity (3). Prerequisites: COP 3014 and EE: 3705. This course is an introduction to computer security: symmetric ciphers, public-key cryptosystems, digital signatures, hashes, message authentication codes, key management and distribution, authentication protocols, vulnerabilities and malware, access control, and network security.

EEL 4435L. Electromagnetics Laboratory (1). Prerequisite: EEL 3473. This course focuses on the applications of electromagnetic field theory. Experiments include field mapping, transmission lines, spectrum analysis, impedance matching, waveguides, antennas, radar, and fiber optics.

EEL 4452. Optical Sensors (3). Prerequisite: EEL 3473. This course examines the basic concepts of optical sensors and essential optics. Topics include intensity, phase, and frequency modulated optical fiber sensors and their applications, distributive sensing systems, and optical fibers in signal processing.

EEL 4461. Antenna Systems (3). Prerequisite: EEL 3473. This course covers topics such as antenna theory, including Hertzian dipoles, thin linear antennas, aperture antennas, arrays, loop antenna, slots, horns, and waveguides.

EEL 4515. Digital Communication Systems (3). Prerequisite: EEL 3135 (C- or better). Corequisite: EEL 4021 (C- or better). This course covers topics such as sampling principle, spectral analysis of digital waveforms and noise, pulse and digital transmission systems, digital multiplexing, error probabilities, and system performance.

EEL 4595. Wireless Communications and Networking (3). Prerequisites: COP 3014 or equivalent, EEL 3135, and EEL 4021. This course covers the fundamentals of wireless communications and systems. The core topics include radio-wave propagation characteristics of wireless channels; modulation and demodulation techniques for mobile radio; reception techniques for wireless systems; fundamentals of cellular communications; multiple access techniques; wireless networking; and hybrid networking of a wireless system and the Internet.

EEL 4652. Analysis and Design of Control Systems (4). Prerequisite: EEL 3135. This course focuses on the control of linear time-invariant systems with an emphasis on continuous system modeling, stability analysis of linear systems, frequency response methods, the root locus method, and state-space methods.

EEL 4710. Introduction to Very High Speed Integrated Circuit Hardware Description Language (3). Prerequisites: EEL 3705 and EEL 3705L. This course offers an introduction to the VHDL hardware description language: data type, operations, combinational, sequential, components, functions, and procedures using VHDL. The course provides an overview of FPL devices and design tools.

EEL 4710L. Introduction to VHDL Laboratory (1). Prerequisites: EEL 3705 and EEL 3705L. Corequisites: EEL 4710. This course supports EEL 4710. The course introduces Electrical and Computer Engineering majors to various practical aspects of circuit design using Very High-Speed Integrated Circuits Hardware Description Language (VHDL).

EEL 4713. Computer Architecture (3). Prerequisites: COP 3014 and EEL 4746. This course presents modern computer architectures by studying how the relationships between hardware and software impact performance, machine language definition, processor data path and control designs, interfacing, and advanced topics.

EEL 4727. Digital Signal Processing with Field Programmable Gate Arrays (3). Prerequisite: EEL 4710. This course is a review of Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs), HDL, mathematics, signals and systems. Computer arithmetic concepts, DSP system design of FIR filters, IIR filters, DFT, FFT, and wavelets filter banks are also covered.

EEL 4735. Advanced Digital Hardware (3). Corequisite: EEL 4710. This course covers number representations, addition/subtraction, multiplication, division, real arithmetic, hardware algorithms for function evaluation, and implementation issues.

EEL 4742. Advanced Microprocessor-Based System Design (3). Prerequisites: EEL 4746 and EEL 4746L. Corequisite: EEL 4742L. This course covers advanced concepts in microprocessor-based system design. Topics include microprocessor architectures, hardware/software synchronization, interrupts, interface protocols, power management, and introduction to real-time operating systems.

EEL 4742L. Advanced Microprocessor-Based System Design Laboratory (1). Prerequisites: EEL 4746 and EEL 4746L. Corequisite: EEL 4742. This course is a laboratory in support of EEL 4742 Advanced Microprocessor-Based System Design.

EEL 4746. Microprocessor-Based System Design (3). Prerequisites: COP 3014 (C- or better), EEL 3705 (C- or better), and EEL 3705L (C- or better). Corequisite: EEL 4746L (C- or better). This course explores fundamental concepts in microprocessor-based system design. Topics include: C and assembly level programming, computer architecture and organization, hardware timers, interrupt controllers, and device interfacing utilizing parallel and serial I/O.

EEL 4746L. Microprocessor-Based System Design Laboratory (1). Prerequisites: EEL 3705 (C- or better) and EEL 3705L (C- or better). Corequisite: EEL 4746 (C- or better). Laboratory course in support of EEL 4746.

EEL 4759. Digital Image Processing (3). Prerequisite: MAP 2302. This course is an introduction to image processing techniques, including theoretical development, analysis, and practical implementation. A project that includes implementation grounds the successful student in current engineering practice.

EEL 4781. Computer Networks (3). Prerequisite: COP 3330. This course covers the fundamentals of computer network design and analysis; network architecture using layered approach; analysis and examples of network protocols and standards; techniques for evaluating network performance selecting network protocols.

EEL 4873. Embedded Microprocessor System Design (3). Prerequisite: EEL 3705. This course teaches students to be able to design, configure, and implement a complete embedded microprocessor system using soft-core, parameterized, or hard core microprocessors for FPGAs including required peripherals and software tools.

EEL 4887. CpE Languages: Introduction to Python, Verilog, and MatLab/Simulink (3). Prerequisite: EEL 4710. Corequisite: COP 3330. In this course, computer programming is used to improve quantitative problem-solving skills. This is a comprehensive course using the PYTHON, VERILOG, and MATLAB/SIMULINK programming languages.

EEL 4905r. Directed Individual Study (1–3). Prerequisites: Junior standing and “B” average in electrical engineering courses. Normally may be repeated to a maximum of six semester hours. Requires department approval.

EEL 4906r. Honors Work in Electrical Engineering (1–6). Prerequisite: Admission to the honors program. This course consists of independent or directed research in a specialized area beyond the current curriculum in electrical engineering. May be repeated to a maximum of nine (9) credit hours; repeatable within the same term.

EEL 4911C. Senior Design Project I (3). Prerequisite: Prerequisites: EEL 3111, EEL 3112, EEL 3135, EEL 3705, EEE 3300, EEL 3472, EEL 4021, EEL 4515, EEL 4746, EEL 4710 and COP 4530. This course exposes senior students to concepts in design, project management, engineering team organization, and professionalism. Students are grouped into design teams where these principles are put into practice in organizing, proposing, and developing an engineering project. Periodic written reports and oral presentations and a final written proposal are required. The lecture material and texts provide instructions on project management, ethics, and design skills.

EEL 4914C. Computer Engineering Senior Design Project II (3). Prerequisite: EEL 4911C. This course exposes senior students to the concepts in design, project management, engineering team organization, ethics, design skills, and professionalism. Students are grouped into design teams where these principles are put into practice in organizing, proposing, and developing an engineering project. Periodic written reports and oral presentations, and a final written report are required.

EEL 4915C. Electrical Engineering Senior Design Project II (3). Prerequisite: EEL 4911C. This course exposes senior students to the concepts in design, project management, engineering team organization, ethics, design skills, and professionalism. Students are grouped into design teams where these principles are put into practice in organizing, proposing, and developing an engineering project. Periodic written reports and oral presentations, and a final written report are required.

EEL 4930r. Special Topics in Electrical Engineering (3). This course covers special topics in electrical engineering with emphasis on recent developments. Topics vary; consult the instructor. May be repeated to a maximum of twelve (12) credit hours.

EGN 1004L. First-Year Engineering Laboratory (1). This course is intended to generate and maintain students' interest in the engineering disciplines so that they are motivated to become active learners, responsible students, and ethical engineering professionals.

For listings relating to graduate coursework, consult the Graduate Bulletin.