Undergraduate Minor in Florence Study Center Interdisciplinary Studies

College of Arts and Sciences

Website: https://international.fsu.edu/studycenterflorence.aspx

Coordinator: James E. Pitts (International Programs)

The Florence Study Center minor is focused on the customs and traditions of Italy from ancient times to the present. The minor is built around the student's program of studies at the Florida State University Florence Study Center, allowing the student to pursue the minor before, during, and after the student attends the Florence program. The minor gives greater focus to, and enhances the quality of, the student's program of studies in Italy. The sojourn in Florence is the essential element in the minor, providing direct involvement in contemporary Italian civilization as well as exposure to Italy's historical cultural artifacts.

Requirements for a Minor in Florence Study Center Interdisciplinary Studies

The interdisciplinary minor requires the completion of fifteen semester hours in courses approved by the Florence Study Center Minor Coordinating Committee. At least nine semester hours of approved courses must be taken while the student is in residence at the Florence Study Center. A maximum of nine semester hours may be counted in any single academic discipline. Students who intend to minor in Florence Study Center Interdisciplinary Studies should declare this intention with International Programs at the end of the semester in Florence. Contact Maijel Proulx at IP-AcademicAdvising@fsu.edu for further information.

A minimum grade of “C–” must be earned for all courses taken for the minor. In addition, a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.0 must be maintained in all courses counted toward the minor.

IMPORTANT: Courses used toward the Florence Study Center minor cannot be used to meet any other University requirement (general education, major, graduation, etc.).

Core Courses

These courses will be counted in the minor whether they are taken at the Tallahassee campus or in Florence. Descriptions of these courses can be found under the individual departments in which they are taught:

ARH 3150 Art and Archaeology of Ancient Italy (3)

ARH 4120 Etruscan Art and Archaeology (3)

ARH 4151 Art and Archaeology of the Early Roman Empire (3)

ARH 4154 Archaeology of the Late Roman Empire (3)

ARH 4210 Early Christian and Byzantine Art (3)

ARH 4304 History of Renaissance Architecture (3)

ARH 4310 Early Italian Renaissance Art: 15th Century (3)

ARH 4312 Later Italian Renaissance Art: 16th Century (3)

ARH 4352 Southern Baroque Art (3)

CLA 2010 Peoples of the Roman World (3)

CLA 2123 Debates About the Past: Roman Civilization, History and Culture (3)

CLA 3502 Women, Children, and Slaves in Ancient Rome: The Roman Family (3)

CLA 4447r Studies in Roman History (3)

CLA 4780r Classical Archaeology: Field Work (1–6)

EUH 3431 Modern Italy (3)

EUH 4140 Renaissance (3)

EUH 4412 The Roman Republic (3)

EUH 4413 The Roman Empire (3)

IDS 2166 Art as Propaganda: The Impact of Visual and Performing Arts on Western Society (3)

IDS 2411 The Italian Mafia: From Corleone to the Globalized World (3)

IDS 2432 Political Participation in the 21st Century: From Indigenous Communities to On-line Democracy (3)

IDS 2661 Made in Italy: Cultural Capital and Global Exchanges (3)

IDS 3195 Vistas on Florence: From Dante to the Big Flood of 1966 (3)

IDS 3330 The Culture is in the Cuisine: The Food of Italy (3)

IDS 3416 Ethics and Empire in the Roman World (3)

INR 3932 Special Topics in International Affairs [Global Foundations] (3)

ITT 3114 Dante's Inferno (3)

ITT 3430 Masterpieces of Italian Literature and Culture in Translation (3)

ITT 3500 Italian Culture and Civilization: From Origins to the Age of Romanticism (3)

ITT 3501 Modern Italian Culture: From Unification to the Present (3)

ITT 3523 Italian Cinema (3)

LNW 4320 Roman Lyric, Elegiac, and Pastoral Poetry (3)

LNW 4340 Roman Epic (3)

LNW 4360 Roman Satire (3)

LNW 4380 The Roman Historians and Cicero (3)

MUS 4242 Italian Language and Diction for Singers (3)

PHH 3061 Medieval and Renaissance Philosophy (3)

REL 3505 The Christian Tradition (3)

In addition, any Italian courses at the 2000 level or above will count toward the Florence Study Center minor.

Note: Each student must have completed at least one introductory course in Italian—on the freshman level—prior to studying at the Florence Center to qualify for the minor. Note also that courses used to satisfy the University's foreign language requirement for the BA degree may not also count in the minor.

Related Courses

These courses may be counted in the minor only when they are taken at the Florence Study Center and the syllabus shows that at least fifty percent of the material presented is relevant to the minor:

ANT 2410 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology (3)

ARH 2000 Art, Architecture, and Artistic Vision (3)

ARH 2050 History and Criticism of Art I (3)

ARH 2051 History and Criticism of Art II (3)

ARH 3930 Special Topics (3)

ARH 4173 Studies in Classical Archaeology and Art (3)

ARH 4211 Early Medieval Art (3)

ARH 4230 Later Medieval Art (3)

ARH 4933 Special Topics in Art History [Florentine Renaissance] (3)

ART 1300C Drawing I (3)

CLT 3370 Classical Mythology (3)

CLT 3378 Ancient Mythology, East West (3)

COM 3930 Special Topics in Communication (3)

CTE 4707 International Topics in Design Industry (3)

CTE 4937 Special Topics (3)

ENC 3310 Article and Essay Technique (3)

ENC 4311r Advanced Article and Essay Workshop (3)

EUH 2000 Ancient and Medieval Civilizations (3)

EUH 3205 19th-Century Europe (3)

EUH 3436 Italy During World War II (3)

HFT 2062 International Wine and Culture (3)

HFT 2890 International Food and Culture (3)

HFT 4866 Wine and Culture (3)

HUM 2020 The Art of Being Human: Examining the Human Condition Through Literature, Art, and Film (3)

HUM 2235 Humanities: From the Renaissance to the Enlightenment (3)

HUM 3930 Special Topics [Food and Drink of Italy] (3)

HUM 4931r Topics in the Civilization of Britain or Italy (3)

IDS 2060 Global Engagement (1)

IND 3930 Special topics in Interior Design [Sketching the City] (3)

IND 4101r History of Interiors I (3)

LIT 3024 Perspectives on the Short Story (3)

LIT 3383 Women in Literature (3)

MMC 4302 Comparative and International Media Studies (3)

POS 4235 Media and Politics (3)

PGY 2100C Photo for Non-Art Majors (3)

REL 3936 Special Topics in Religion: Christianity and the Renaissance in Florence (3)

SYD 3600 Cities in Society (3)

WST 3251 Women in Western Culture: Images and Realities (3)

Any course offered at the Florence Study Center may be counted toward the minor if the following criteria are met:

The course syllabus must demonstrate that at least 50 percent of the presented material is relevant to the minor and, upon review of the syllabus, the Florence Center Minor Coordinating Committee must approve the course for incorporation in the minor.

Any special topics course offered only once at FSU's campus may be counted if the Coordinating Committee approves it. To have such courses considered, petition the Coordinating Committee, International Programs, University Center A5500, Tallahassee, FL, 32306-2420, or attach the course syllabus by email and send the petition to IP-AcademicAdvising@fsu.edu.