School of Information Undergraduate Programs

College of Communication and Information


Director: Charles C. Hinnant; Professors: G. Burnett, K. Burnett, Dennis, Everhart, Gross, Kazmer, Latham, Lustria, Mardis, Marty, Stvilia; Associate Professors: He, C. Hinnant, Metcalfe, Mon; Assistant Professors: Chatmon, Stahlman, Sullivan; Specialized Faculty: Baeg, Barrager, Gibradze, L. Hinnant, Jowett, Marks, Ngampornchai, Reist, Saludo, von Hollen; Professors Emeriti: Aaron, DePew, Hart, C. Jörgensen, McClure, Riccardi, Robbins, Wiegand

The School of Information offers a Bachelor of Science in Information Technology (BSIT) with a major in Information Technology (IT) and a major in Information, Communication, and Technology (ICT); a Master of Science in Information (MSI) accredited by the American Library Association (ALA); a Master of Science in Information Technology (MSIT); a Specialist in Information; and a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Information. A combined bachelor's/master's pathway in Information Technology (BSIT to MSIT) is also offered. Refer to the “School of Information” section of this General Bulletin or to the School Website at for more details concerning degree programs, degree requirements, and a description of the School of Information and its facilities and opportunities.

Digital Literacy Requirement

Students must complete at least one course designated as meeting the Digital Literacy Requirement with a grade of “C–” or higher. Courses fulfilling the Digital Literacy Requirement must accomplish at least three of the following outcomes:

  • Evaluate and interpret the accuracy, credibility, and relevance of digital information
  • Evaluate and interpret digital data and their implications
  • Discuss the ways in which society and/or culture interact with digital technology
  • Discuss digital technology trends and their professional implications
  • Demonstrate the ability to use digital technology effectively
  • Demonstrate the knowledge to use digital technology safely and ethically

Each academic major has determined the courses that fulfill the Digital Literacy requirement for that major. Students should contact their major department(s) to determine which courses will fulfill their Digital Literacy requirement.

Undergraduate majors in Information Technology satisfy this requirement by earning a grade of “C–” or higher in COP 2258, CGS 2060, or CGS 2100. Undergraduate majors in Information Communication and Technology satisfy this requirement by earning a grade of “C–” or higher in COP 2258, CGS 2060, CGS 2100, or COM 4470.

State of Florida Common Program Prerequisites for Information

The Florida Virtual Campus (FLVC) houses the statewide, internet-based catalog of distance learning courses, degree programs, and resources offered by Florida's public colleges and universities, and they have developed operational procedures and technical guidelines for the catalog that all institutions must follow. The statute governing this policy can be reviewed by visiting

FLVC has identified common program prerequisites for the degree program in Information. To obtain the most up-to-date, state-approved prerequisites for this degree, visit:

Specific prerequisites are required for admission into the upper-division program and must be completed by the student at either a community college or a state university prior to being admitted to this program. Students may be admitted into the University without completing the prerequisites but may not be admitted into the program.

Technology Requirement

All students in the information technology undergraduate program are required to provide their own laptop computer and appropriate software. Specific information may be found online at

Requirements for a Major in Information Technology

To major in Information Technology (IT), a student must complete a minimum of forty-two semester hours in information technology, including the two foundation courses, ten electives, and two capstone courses.

Foundation Courses (six hours required):

LIS 3021 Technical Communication for the Information Professions (3)

LIS 3353 Information Technologies (3)

Electives (thirty hours required):

Thirty hours of IT elective courses chosen in consultation with an advisor. Students may focus their electives on topics such as networking and security, design and development, health informatics, and social informatics.

Capstone Courses (six hours required):

LIS 4708 Perspective on Information Technology (3)

LIS 4910 Information Technology Project (3)

Note: All courses must be completed with a minimum grade of “C–”.

For more information about the BSIT program requirements, please visit

Requirements for a Major in Information, Communication, and Technology

The major in Information, Communication, and Technology (ICT) is an interdisciplinary program that includes courses from the School of Communication and the School of Information. A student must complete forty-two semester hours of coursework including two foundation courses, ten electives, and two capstone courses:

Foundation Courses (six hours required):

LIS 3353 Information Technologies (3)

MMC 2000 Introduction to the Mass Media (3)

Electives (thirty hours required):

Thirty hours of ICT elective courses chosen in consultation with an advisor, with a minimum of 12 hours from the School of Communication and a minimum of 12 hours from the School of Information.

School of Communication electives:

ADV 3008 Principles of Advertising (3)

ADV 3410 Hispanic Marketing Communication (3)

ADV 4411 Multicultural Marketing (3)

COM 3310 Communication Research Methods (3)

COM 3420 or IFS 3164 New Communication Technology and Contemporary Society (3)

COM 4470 Desktop Multimedia (3)

COM 4905r Directed Individual Study (up to six hours)

MMC 4300 Communication and Change: The Diffusion of Innovations (3)

PUR 3000 Introduction to Public Relations (3)

RTV 3001 Media Techniques (3)

SPC 1017 Fundamentals of Speech (3)

SPC 2608 Public Speaking (3)

School of Information electives:

IDS 3493 Empowering Health Consumers in the eHealth Era (3)

LIS 3021 Technical Communication for the Information Professions (3)

LIS 3201 Research and Data Analysis in Information Technology (3)

LIS 3793 Information Architecture (3)

LIS 4022 Writing for Information Professionals (3)

LIS 4351 User Experience Design (3)

LIS 4368 Advanced Web App Development (3)

LIS 4369 Extensible Enterprise Solutions (3)

LIS 4380 Social Media Management (3)

LIS 4381 Mobile App Development (3)

LIS 4480 IT Leadership (3)

LIS 4905r Directed Individual Study (up to six hours)

LIS 4940r Internship (up to six hours)

Capstone Courses (six hours required):

LIS 4708 Perspective on Information Technology (3)

LIS 4910 Information Technology Project (3)

Note: All courses must be completed with a minimum grade of “C–”.

For more information about the BSIT program requirements, please visit

Requirements for a Minor in Information Technology

The School of Information offers several minors in Information Technology on a space-available basis. Each minor consists of twelve credit hours as detailed online at All courses must be completed with a grade of C- or better, and at least six of the twelve credit hours must be completed at Florida State University. Courses taken at another institution must be evaluated by the School of Information to determine equivalency. Courses counted toward the minor cannot also be used to fulfill other degree requirements. Some courses may also have prerequisites. More information can be obtained by contacting the undergraduate advisors. Students do not have to complete any paperwork to begin working on an Information Technology minor, and the School of Information does not provide a certificate of completion. It is the responsibility of your major department to verify that you have completed the minor.

Combined Bachelor's/Master's Pathway

The School of Information has also developed a combined bachelor's/master's pathway in Information Technology (BSIT/MSIT) combining a bachelor's degree in Information Technology (BSIT) with a master's degree in Information Technology (MSIT). This pathway offers eligible undergraduate students the opportunity to take up to twelve semester hours of graduate coursework, which may be counted toward both the BS and MS degrees. For more information, visit: Students earning the BSIT in the ICT major also have available combined pathways with a master's degree (MS or MA) in Communication & Digital Media, or with Professional Communication. Please refer to the School of Communication entries in the Bulletin for more information.

Innovation Hub

The School of Information is a founding partner in the Innovation Hub (The Hub) located on the first floor of the Louis Shores Building. The Innovation Hub is a technology innovation collaboration space designed to support design thinking with the latest technologies, such as a Digital Fablab, Virtual Reality Lab, Hackerspace, and more. For more information, visit

Professional Opportunities

  • IT Careers include:
  • Content Manager
  • Cyber/Data Security
  • Data Analyst
  • Data Modeler/Designer
  • Data Warehousing
  • Database Administrator
  • Digital Media Manager
  • Information Architect
  • Information Technology Manager
  • Mobile/Web Application Developer/Administrator
  • Network Administrator
  • Project Manager
  • Systems Analyst
  • Social Media Manager
  • SQL Programmer
  • Technical Editor/Writer
  • Usability Analyst
  • Technology Coordinator
  • ICT Careers include:
  • Corporate Communications Coordinator
  • Database Analyst
  • Digital Specialist
  • e-Marketing Specialist
  • Integrated Marketing Strategist
  • Mobile/Web Application Developer
  • Online Engagement Specialist
  • Project Manager
  • Public Relation/Content Marketing
  • Security/Networking Analyst
  • Social Community Manager
  • Social Media Manager
  • Technical Trainers/Manager
  • Technology Support
  • Web Designer
  • Web Development Specialist

Definition of Prefixes

CGS—Computer General Studies

COP—Computer Programming

IDC—Interdisciplinary Computing

IDS—Interdisciplinary Studies

LIS—Library and Information Studies

Undergraduate Courses

CGS 2821. Introduction to Website Design (3). This course teaches proper website design techniques to students from all degree programs. Topics include visual design and graphics, information architecture, usability and accessibility, communication, adaptation to audience, markup languages, and development tools and processes. Coursework is focused on applying Website design principles and techniques to projects in the students' disciplines. The course is gauged for beginners who are computer competent; it does not teach computer programming.

CGS 2835. Interdisciplinary Web Development (3). Prerequisite: Computer fluency. This interdisciplinary course provides basic training in project management, communication, information architecture, interface design, graphic design, Web technologies, content editing, and subject-area expertise, thus empowering students across disciplines to effectively communicate their subject-area expertise through today's most popular publishing medium, the Web.

COP 2258. Problem Solving with Object Oriented Programming (3). This interdisciplinary course is designed for students who are interested in understanding the principles that govern Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) and software development in order to assist with problem-solving in their own disciplines. The course addresses algorithm building principles, problem-solving strategies, how to analyze problems to identify requirements, and how to design an object-oriented solution. Students design, write, and debug computer programs.

IDC 2930r. Special Topics in Interdisciplinary Computing - Beginning Level (1–4). This course covers current issues and topics in interdisciplinary computing that are not discussed in other courses. Topics vary. May be repeated within the same term, to a maximum of nine semester hours.

IDS 2141. Innovation and Emerging Technologies (3). This course introduces students to tools and techniques used to design, develop, and evaluate innovative technologies, guides students through the development of their own innovations, and offers students a perspective on tech innovation through a wide variety of emerging techs. Coursework encourages critical thinking, interdisciplinary perspectives, and lifelong learning skills in students.

IDS 2144. Information Ethics for the 21st Century (3). This course identifies past, present and future information ethics challenges and encourages students to develop their own standpoints from which to address them. The primary purpose of this course is to provide students with the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to make informed ethical decisions about information production, management and use. Students explore and apply a wide range of ethical theories to examine critical information ethics issues raised by recent advances in information and communication technology.

IDS 3634. Information Literacy and Society (3). This course introduces students to the concepts of information literacy and what it means to be information literate in 21st century society. Students address the issue of information literacy by learning searching skills, gathering information from primary and derivative sources, and conducting information quality analyses. Students also work with information in real-world content domains to analyze and represent information effectively.

IDS 3682. Technical Communication in the Information Age (3). This course focuses on understanding the rhetorical situations and developing effective rhetorical strategies for technical communication in the information age. Attention is given to producing both technical documents and technical presentations. Emphasis is placed on the writing process, specifically on analyzing context, purpose, and audience; designing documents; and peer editing.

IDS 3683. Life with Google: The Unintended Consequences of Information Technology (3). This course explores the societal implications and unintended consequences of IT. It provides students the opportunity to explore how society's reliance on IT has changed the way we interact with each other and the world, question assumptions, and discuss strategies for weighing the pros and cons of the trade-offs we make as we work with information resources, services, systems, and technologies.

LIS 2360. Web Applications Development (3). This course introduces students to industry best practices and standards in proper website design and development, using object-oriented programming techniques. Coursework is focused on applying website design and development principles and techniques to projects. Students learn basic programming concepts while building an understanding of the power and complexities of modern web programming languages. The course provides a solid foundation in computer programming for the web: syntax and data structures, conditionals, objects, scope, the DOM and event handling.

LIS 2527. Digital Storytelling in Information Environments (3). This course helps students build their presentation skills through an understanding of the role of storytelling in the context of information environments such as the family, library, school, business, and social media. Students learn how to use stories to understand these environments better and to communicate, teach, learn, lead, and advocate when operating within them. Students learn traditional stories, write original stories, and present stories in class exercises and assignments. Students also learn to critique story presentations and to provide constructive feedback to other developing storytellers.

LIS 2780. Database Concepts (3). This course examines relational database management systems using a typical, commercial DBMS, such as Microsoft Access and/or MySQL and Oracle. Topics include data modeling, database design, implementation, forms and reports, and remote access to databases. The goal of this course is to provide students with a basic understanding of database design, implementation, and management concepts and techniques.

LIS 3021. Technical Communication for the Information Professions (3). This course emphasizes the principles of clear and effective written and oral communication as applied in information technology fields, as the ability to communicate about technical or specialized topics to various audiences is critical to making information usable and accessible and is an important skill for all information professionals to have.

LIS 3103. Information and Society (3). This course examines major issues related to living in the “information society,” including information literacy, information security, identity theft, privacy, intellectual property, and information ethics. Students gain skills in searching the Web, electronic databases, and print resources. The three broad areas covered by the course are personal information management, academic information, and career/professional information.

LIS 3201. Research and Data Analysis in Information Technology (3). This course provides students with an understanding of methods and tools used by information professionals for research and data analysis. It focuses on both quantitative and qualitative methods in information technology professions including surveys, interviews, need assessments, requirements analysis, and transaction log analysis. It provides students with the opportunity to conceptualize an IT problem, develop a research plan, and design methods for assessing, collecting, analyzing, and reporting research data.

LIS 3267. Information Science (3). This course presents the history, philosophical bases, concepts, theories, and methodologies of information science. It also emphasizes the definitions and properties of information, formal and informal information systems, information origination, transfer, classification, formatting, and use.

LIS 3353. Information Technologies (3). This course provides a solid foundation in the fundamental concepts, theories and principles in information technology and discusses critical issues surrounding their use and how they impact everyday life. The course is also an understanding of the concepts and principles underlying the design and use of digital devices, computer hardware, software, telecommunications, networking and multimedia, and is an integral part of any IT curriculum.

Advanced Undergraduate Courses

LIS 3410. Societal Implications of the Information Age (3). This course explores the societal implications and unintended consequences of information technology in the 21st century, improving our understanding of the sociotechnical trade-offs that we make as we interact with new information services, systems, and technologies. It provides students with an opportunity to question their assumptions about the relationships that exist between technology and society in the information age, weigh the pros and cons of our everyday information technologies, and examine how our increased reliance on information technology has changed the way we interact with each other and the world around us.

LIS 3706. Information Systems and Services (3). Prerequisite: LIS 2780. This course provides an overview of information systems concepts and practice including system management, maintenance, assurance, and reporting services, physical and human resources. The course includes an introduction to information system hardware components, operating systems, scripting languages, with practical training in databases and networked servers. In addition, this course provides practice in managing the people, processes and events (planned or otherwise) involved in information system management.

LIS 3778. Cybersecurity for Digital Citizens (3). This course orients the digital citizen for the future. The course prepares students to understand the most common cyber-threat types, hacking techniques and fundamental protection strategies, as well as software approaches for data and information systems. Students analyze threat and attack scenarios across multiple domains, along with tactics for protection. The course engages students in critical thinking for analysis and discusses fundamental cybersecurity topics, rather than offering technical hands-on exercises.

LIS 3781. Advanced Database Management (3). Prerequisite: LIS 3784. This course explores various topics in database management systems (DBMS), using a typical commercial DMBS (e.g., MySQL, SQL Server, Oracle). Administration, security, stored procedures, triggers, transactions, functions, data mining, data warehousing, and remote access to databases are some of the topics covered. Students are expected to demonstrate an understanding of these database concepts through creating, deploying, and utilizing various relational database designs.

LIS 3784. Intermediate Database Management (3). Prerequisites: LIS 2780. This course examines relational database management systems using a typical, commercial DBMS, such as Microsoft Access and/or MySQL and Oracle. Topics include data modeling, database design, implementation, forms and reports, and remote access to databases. The goal of this course is to provide students with an intermediate understanding of database design, implementation, and management concepts and techniques.

LIS 3793. Information Architecture (3). This course provides an introduction to the scope and methods of information architecture, including project strategy; project scope; audience research; organization schemes, categories, and labels; identifying functional and content requirements; and interface design. The course emphasizes the interrelationships of these components and stresses the importance of developing communication skills within teams and with clients.

LIS 4022. Writing for the Information Professions (3). This course offers practical hands-on experience with forms and practices of technical and professional writing, including documentation, correspondence, audience analysis, writing for social media, evaluation, and review. The course emphasizes clear, concise, and effective writing in information technology settings, both within organizations and for user services.

LIS 4104. Social Networks (3). This course will introduce students to the history and concepts of social networks, the networked society, and to social network analytics – the discovery and communication of meaningful patterns in relational data. Students in this course will develop knowledge and skills with the tools necessary to apply network analytics to fields such as Information Technology, Business, Communications, Sports Performance, Sociology, and Education.

LIS 4264. Systems Approach in the Information Environment (3). Prerequisite: MAC 1105. This course offers an introduction to the systems approach for problem solving in an information seeker's environment. The theories and concepts of information science are integrated with a variety of practical tools for the structured design and analysis of information systems.

LIS 4276. Quantitative Methods in Information Studies (3). Prerequisites: LIS 3201 and senior standing or instructor permission. This course presents practical methods for collecting and analyzing quantitative data. Topics include hypothesis testing, analysis of variance, contingency tables, correlation, and experimental design.

LIS 4277. Usability and Usefulness of Information Systems (3). Prerequisites: LIS 3201 and LIS 4276. This course introduces students to the concepts of cognitive and human information processing, their application to information systems design, and the assessment of the usability and usefulness of information systems.

LIS 4301. Electronic Media Production (3). Prerequisites: CGS 2835 and LIS 3353. This course offers the understanding, skills, and techniques needed for the production and utilization of various types of electronic graphic resources. Emphasis is on visual literacy, the evaluation of graphic resources, design standards, and the visual representation of information. Students evaluate existing materials and design and produce materials for both electronic and print formats, including pages for the World Wide Web, slide shows for visual support of verbal presentations, and documents produced with desktop publishing software.

LIS 4331. Advanced Mobile Applications Development (3). Prerequisite: LIS 4381, or instructor permission. This course examines advanced techniques of mobile application design and development. Course applications will utilize and integrate specific mobile device features involving interface design and testing, with a priority on data handling and validation methods, life cycle events, local and remote process services, location based facilities, device sensors, network and web application programming interfaces (APIs), as well as including multimedia components. Industry best-practices are employed for real-world applications, including testing and debugging, utilizing software development methods and tools. The course provides a general understanding of bringing mobile applications to market, registering products at official portals and stores, and the details involved in distributing applications to mobile users.

LIS 4351. User Experience Design (3). This course provides a comprehensive overview of the user experience design process, and is intended to familiarize students with the methods, concepts, and techniques necessary to make user experience design an integral part of developing information interfaces. The course provides students with an opportunity to acquire the resources, skills, and hands-on experience they need to design, develop, and evaluate information interfaces from a user-centered design perspective.

LIS 4366. Web Site Development and Administration (3). Prerequisite: LIS 4301. This course covers issues and techniques related to the planning, production, and management of large World Wide Websites, including information on organization and design, hardware and software, and cutting-edge development tools. Special emphasis is placed on information provision and the role of Web developers as providers and managers of information resources.

LIS 4368. Advanced Web Applications Development (3). Prerequisites: COP 2258, LIS 2360, and LIS 2780. This course provides a foundation in developing web applications with an emphasis on server-side concepts, tools and methods. Topics include basic web application programming, advanced object-oriented PHP and web application development. Students enrolled in this course develop basic programming skills in a modern web development environment, understand web application development principles and be able to find and use web application development resources on the Internet.

LIS 4369. Extensible Enterprise Solutions (3). Prerequisites: COP 2258, LIS 2360, and LIS 2780; each with a grade of “C–” or better. This course provides the foundational aspects of application design using procedural and object-oriented programming (OOP) concepts and techniques, employing various application development tools.

LIS 4380. Social Media Management (3). This course explores the tools, information management, and communication function of social media through hands-on work with designing and managing social media sites. Students participating in this class actively design, implement, and coordinate numerous projects that build a foundation in social media management while allowing students to gain valuable leadership, communication, and organizational skills. Students also explore the different issues and concerns that may influence the widespread adoption and implementation of social media at the individual and national levels.

LIS 4381. Mobile Application Development and Management (3). Prerequisites: COP 2258, LIS 2360, and LIS 2780; each with a grade of “C–” or better. This course focuses on concepts and best practices for developing and managing “mobile-first” technology projects. It covers processes and requirements for developing mobile web applications and principles for effective interface and user experience design. Students also examine different issues and concerns that may influence the widespread adoption and implementation of mobile web applications. Students develop a prototype of a mobile web app and prepare a proposal and other documentation for communicating contractual and functional specifications to clients.

LIS 4480r. Information Technology Leadership (3). This course focuses on leadership, group communication, project planning, strategy, and individual development, with a focus on Information Technology and its uses. Students participating in this class actively design, implement, and coordinate numerous ongoing projects that build a strong team atmosphere and allow students to gain valuable leadership, communication, and organizational skills within the context of contemporary IT organizations. May be repeated to a maximum of six (6) semester hours.

LIS 4482. Introduction to Networks and Telecommunications (3). This course provides a foundation in the use of networking technologies and management of modern data networks, with emphasis on the building blocks of local area networks. Subjects covered include networking architectures, topologies, models, layers, protocols, IP subnetting, equipment, operating systems, security and various tools/utilities.

LIS 4488. Network Administration for the Information Professional (3). Prerequisite: LIS 4482. This course focuses on the planning, design, configuration, operation, and management of computer networks containing data communication devices, servers, workstations, and networked applications and support systems. The course introduces students to administrative techniques inherent to basic operating systems, and also to enterprise management systems required by larger organizations. Students examine and discuss issues of scalability, performance management, and integration of internal resources with external resources such as cloud-based systems.

LIS 4701. Information and Data Visualization (3). Prerequisite: A strong knowledge in digital graphic software is highly recommended. This course expands digital graphics by integrating accurate information into a visual representation by encouraging critical thinking, communication, media design, and lifelong information literacy skills. The course introduces techniques to evaluate information, guide students through the design process to express their own creativity and offer a diverse representation of information visualization through a wide variety of past and modern examples from digital posters to data visualization. A strong knowledge in digital graphic software is highly recommended.

LIS 4708. Perspective on Information Technology (3). Prerequisites: LIS 3021 and LIS 3353. This course is designed to assist graduating seniors to articulate what they have learned from their training in four key areas (the knowledge required to work productively with people, to communicate effectively, to manage information purposefully, and to apply technology innovatively for the benefit of individuals and organizations) through the preparation of an interactive resume and career portfolio. Class discussions and assignments help students prepare for their chosen career path by providing perspectives on the issues that face them upon entering their career as information professionals.

LIS 4761. Data Mining and Analytics (3). Prerequisite: LIS 2780. Pre- or co-requisite: LIS 3201. This course provides an introduction to data analytics, which uses statistical and quantitative analysis, predictive and exploratory models to drive decisions and actions from data. Students learn basic concepts and algorithms for data exploration, data cleaning, predictive modeling, clustering, and text mining. Students also learn how to use tools to evaluate data models and interpret the results.

LIS 4770. Information and Image Management (3). This course describes the scope and the problems involved in the administrative management of records. Emphasis is placed on the importance of managing and controlling records from the time of their creation until their vital deposition.

LIS 4772. Introduction to Consumer Health Informatics (3). This course explores the design and use of emerging technologies for health promotion and disease prevention, and for supporting the treatment and management of chronic illnesses. It promotes an interdisciplinary and user-centered approach for developing applications for health consumers. Students learn how to assess users' information needs, competencies, and health behaviors in order to develop accessible and effective solutions. They also study issues and concerns influencing adoption of these technologies at different levels.

LIS 4774. Information Security (3). Prerequisites: A basic knowledge of systems, servers, networking, and databases is preferred. This course provides a comprehensive, integrated, and up-to-date overview of computing security. The course examines theoretical concepts that form a foundation for information systems security. Topics include cybersecurity overview, cryptographic tools, user authentication, access control, malicious software, denial-of-service attacks, intrusion detection, firewalls and intrusion prevention systems, and buffer overflow. The discussion of these topics provides students with broad and new perspectives on contemporary issues in cybersecurity. This course adopts a practical, hands-on approach to examining several fundamental security technologies. This course provides students with an opportunity to advance their critical thinking ability and troubleshooting skills to address cyber threat issues.

LIS 4776. Advanced Health Informatics (3). Prerequisite: LIS 4785. This course introduces students to emerging technological solutions that can help improve healthcare delivery and healthcare decision-making. The course builds upon and extends the foundations presented in the basic health informatics course and introduces practical solutions for real-life problems faced by healthcare organizations. Students learn how to address various health IT issues and implementation challenges in the current healthcare environment. Students develop a solid practical skill set to enter the healthcare industry as health informatics specialists.

LIS 4777. Advanced Information Security (3). Prerequisite: LIS 4774. This course offers advanced knowledge and skillsets on cyberinfrastructure security and contemporary issues in cybersecurity. Students form teams to build their cyber defense systems and perimeters (as blue teams), and then conduct penetration testing to discover systems and networking vulnerabilities (as red teams) in simulated live networks.

LIS 4785. Introduction to Health Informatics (3). This course presents how theory and practice in health care, strategy, information technology, communications, and law are integrated in the management and delivery of health care in various situations. Focus is on the emerging specialization in the health-care industry that combines expertise in health care, information technology, and information management.

LIS 4905r. Directed Individual Study (1–3). (S/U grade only.) This course consists of guided studies for individual professional and subject needs. May be repeated to a maximum of six credit hours; repeatable within the same term.

LIS 4910. Information Technology Project (3). Prerequisites: LIS 3021 or MMC 2000, and LIS 3353. This course provides students with a broad perspective of project management through an information technology project. Students develop IT project management skills, IT product development, and hands-on experience that they need to develop a product idea, project management knowledge, and evaluation of their IT project.

LIS 4930r. Special Topics in Information Technology (3). Prerequisite: Instructor permission. This course is a directed and supervised investigation of selected problems, issues, and trends in information studies, with an emphasis on research. Each offering may vary because of the evolving nature of the subject matter. May be repeated to a maximum of six semester hours.

LIS 4938. Seminar in Information Studies (3). Prerequisites: Senior standing and three of the following: LIS 3232, LIS 3267, LIS 3342, LIS 4276, and LIS 4351. This seminar involves intensive reading and preparation of position papers concerning current issues in information studies, followed by discussions of these papers with faculty and information specialists.

LIS 4940r. Internship in Information Technology (1–6). (S/U grade only.) Prerequisite: Instructor permission. Students work under the guidance and supervision of a professional in an organization that provides information services. The work is guided by learning objectives agreed upon by the site supervisor, the Internship Coordinator, and the student. Students must adhere to the human resource policies of the site organization. The course offers an ideal opportunity to test theory in practice and to gain experience in a realistic information provision environment. May be repeated to a maximum of twelve (12) credit hours.

LIS 4941r. Information Technology Practicum (3). This practicum is designed to provide the student with exposure to hands-on technical problem solving in a variety of settings. Students learn through practical experience to identify common technical problems experienced by end users; assess the scope and severity of user issues; and to develop, communicate, and implement strategies for successful problem resolution. May be repeated to a maximum of six semester hours. Duplicate registration not allowed.

LIS 4970r. Honors in the Major Research (1–6). In this course, students accepted into the Honors in the Major program complete an original research or creative project in their major area of study. This course must be repeated at least twice to complete a minimum of six (6) credit hours total, but may be repeated up to a maximum of twelve credit hours in total.

For listings relating to graduate coursework, consult the Graduate Bulletin.