Undergraduate Program in International Affairs
College of Social Sciences and Public Policy
Website: https://coss.fsu.edu/internationalaffairs
Director: Lee Metcalf (Social Sciences); Director of Undergraduate Studies: Whitney Bendeck (Social Sciences); Director of International Economic Education: Onsurang Norrbin (Economics); Director of Internships and Professional Development: Na'ama Nagar (Political Science)
The Departments of Anthropology, Economics, Geography, History, Modern Languages and Linguistics, Philosophy, Political Science, Religion, Sociology, and Urban and Regional Planning, as well as the School of Public Administration and Policy, cooperate in the offering of an interdepartmental major and minor in international affairs at the undergraduate level. The program develops a student's knowledge of global history, traditions, and contemporary political and economic issues. The requirements for the international affairs major allow students to pursue a variety of distinct interests that align with a student's personal and professional goals. Employment opportunities are to be found in government service, international organizations (public, private, or non-profit), business, journalism, and teaching.
Digital Literacy Requirement
Students must complete at least one course designated as meeting the Digital Literacy Requirement with a grade of “C–” or higher. Courses fulfilling the Digital Literacy Requirement must accomplish at least three of the following outcomes:
- Evaluate and interpret the accuracy, credibility, and relevance of digital information
- Evaluate and interpret digital data and their implications
- Discuss the ways in which society and/or culture interact with digital technology
- Discuss digital technology trends and their professional implications
- Demonstrate the ability to use digital technology effectively
- Demonstrate the knowledge to use digital technology safely and ethically
Each academic major has determined the courses that fulfill the Digital Literacy requirement for that major. Students should contact their major department(s) to determine which courses will fulfill their Digital Literacy requirement.
Undergraduate majors in international affairs satisfy this requirement by earning a grade of “C–” or higher in any course at FSU which meets the CoreFSU Curriculum computer competency designation, though it is strongly recommended that students take either CGS 2060 or CGS 2100 in order to satisfy this requirement.
International Affairs Degree Requirements
The degree in International Affairs allows students to pursue a general track major in International Affairs; a specialized regionally focused major in Asian Studies, Latin American & Caribbean Studies, or Russian & East European Studies; or a regionally focused major with specialized business emphasis in Asian Studies or Latin American & Caribbean Studies.
All majors within the International Affairs degree program must complete a minimum of 40 semester hours beyond the 36 hours of General Education requirements or beyond the articulated A.A. degree. An audit of A.A. requirements completed through the Office of Academic Affairs may be used to certify A.A. coursework beyond the statewide General Education requirement of 36 hours for use in the major. A grade of “C–” or better is required in each major course. A minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 in all coursework applied to the major must be maintained.
All courses counted toward any International Affairs major must come from the approved list of courses provided by the International Affairs program each semester. These term course lists are available in the program office in 211 Bellamy, on the College's Office of Academic Affairs website, from a College academic advisor, and on the International Studies Canvas site. A master list of approved courses (excluding approved Special Topics courses) in the participating departments is provided below. Coursework must include the required core courses INS 2010 Professional Development for International Affairs Majors (one credit hour) and INS 3003 Introduction to International Affairs (three credit hours). INS 3003 meets the university requirement for upper-division writing (https://liberalstudies.fsu.edu).
In addition to a 2.0 overall GPA across coursework credited to the major, all students must meet “mapping” requirements. See https://www.academic-guide.fsu.edu for more information.
Language Requirement
While Students may choose to obtain either a Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree or a Bachelor of Science (BS) degree, in both cases they must complete coursework in a modern foreign language to the intermediate level (2220 or equivalent course) or demonstrate intermediate proficiency in reading, writing, and speaking a modern foreign language. Ancient or classical languages do not satisfy this requirement. Any credit hours taken to meet this requirement do not count towards the 40 credit hours required to complete the major. Students in majoring in any of the regionally focused majors (Asian Studies, Latin American & Caribbean Studies, or Russian & East European Studies) must satisfy their language requirement from the approved list of languages for their major or as approved by the International Affairs program director.
Students majoring in Asian Studies are required to complete relevant area language coursework to the intermediate level or demonstrate proficiency to the intermediate college level in Chinese, Japanese, or Arabic (at 2200 level or equivalent course).
Students majoring in Latin American and Caribbean Studies are required to complete relevant area language coursework to the intermediate level or demonstrate proficiency to the intermediate college level in Spanish, Portuguese, or French (at 2200 level or equivalent course).
Students majoring in Russian and East European Studies are required to complete relevant area language coursework to the intermediate level or demonstrate proficiency to the intermediate college level in Russian, German, Czech, or Serbo-Croatian (at 2200 level or equivalent course).
Major in International Affairs
Coursework for the general track major in International Affairs must include classes from at least three participating departments as provided in the approved course list. The major requires completion of a departmental concentration of a minimum of 12 semester hours and a maximum of 18 semester hours in one of the listed participating departments. No more than 18 credit hours may be credited to the major from any one department. At least 18 semester hours credited to the major must be above the 2999 level. A maximum combined total of 12 semester hours in internship (INR 4941 or INS 4940), directed individual study (INR 4905), or upper-division honors in the major (INR 4937) may be credited to the major. The major requires completion of language coursework or demonstrated competency through the intermediate level (see below).
Students are advised to coordinate their coursework with foreign language study, focusing on a regional concentration (e.g., Africa, the Middle East, East or South Asia, Russia, Eastern and Central Europe, Western Europe, or Latin America). Majors are encouraged to include such courses as CPO 2002, INR 2002, ECO 2013 and 2023, GEA 1000, and WOH 1030 among the courses they take to fulfill the 36 hours of General Education requirements, though if those courses are credited to fulfilling General Education requirements they cannot also be counted toward the major requirements.
Major in Asian Studies or Latin American and Caribbean Studies or Russian and East European Studies
Students majoring in Asian Studies, Latin American & Caribbean Studies, or Russian & East European Studies are to construct their study program around four components: (1) the respective language requirement, (2) the International Affairs core courses, (3) twenty-four hours of area-specific coursework from the respective approved course list, and (4) twelve hours of additional elective coursework taken from the general International Affairs or respective area-specific course list.
Major in Asian Studies or in Latin American and Caribbean Studies With Business Emphasis
Students pursuing a major in either Asian Studies with Business Emphasis or in Latin American & Caribbean Studies with Business Emphasis construct their program of study around four components: (1) the respective language requirement, (2) the International Affairs core courses, (3) at least twenty-one hours of area-specific coursework from the respective approved course list, and (4) completing one of two fifteen semester hour business coursework options in either an international marketing/management track or an international finance track. The prerequisites for both tracks include ECO 2013 and ECO 2023, which may be taken as part of the student's CoreFSU Curriculum requirements. In addition, students opting for the international finance track must complete ACG 2021 as a prerequisite.
International Marketing/Management Track
MAN 3240 Organizational Behavior
MAN 3600 Multinational Business Operations (Prerequisites: ECO 2013, ECO 2023)
MAR 3023 Basic Marketing Concepts (Prerequisite: ECO 2023)
And six hours selected from:
MAN 4401 Management of Labor and Industrial Relations (Corequisite: MAN 3240)
MAN 4605 Cross-Cultural Management (Prerequisite: MAN 3240)
MAN 4680 Selected Topics in International Management (Prerequisites: ECO 2013, ECO 2023, MAN 3600)
MAN 4701 Business and Society (Prerequisite: MAN 3240 or MAN 3025)
MAR 4156 Multinational Marketing (Prerequisite: MAR 3023, MAN 3600
International Finance Track
FIN 3244 Financial Markets, Institutions, and International Finance Systems (Prerequisites: ACG 2021, ECO 2013)
FIN 3403 Financial Management of the Firm (Prerequisites: ACG 2021, ECO 2023)
MAN 3600 Multinational Business Operations (Prerequisites: ECO 2013, ECO 2023)
And six hours selected from:
FIN 4424 Problems in Financial Management (Prerequisites: CGS 2518, FIN 3244, FIN 3403)
FIN 4504 Investments (Prerequisites: CGS 2518, FIN 3244, FIN 3403)
FIN 4514 Security Analysis and Portfolio Management (Prerequisites: CGS 2518, FIN 4504)
FIN 4604 Multinational Financial Management (Prerequisites: CGS 2518, FIN 3244, FIN 3403)
GEB 4455 Perspectives on Free Enterprise (Prerequisites: FIN 3244, FIN 3403)
Study Abroad
Students pursuing a degree in International Affairs are strongly encouraged to study abroad either through FSU International Programs (https://international.fsu.edu) or the Center for Global Engagement (https://cge.fsu.edu). Students can earn academic credit towards the International Affairs major at a variety of international destinations. Students should consult with their academic advisor about any study abroad programs they wish to pursue. Coursework taken abroad must be approved in advance for credit toward the major.
The Program in International Affairs encourages students to take advantage of internships at the state, national, and international level. There are opportunities to work in the international arena through agencies and businesses in Florida's capital, the Washington Center Program in Washington, DC., and Florida State's International Programs in Valencia, Panama, and London. Most significantly, International Affairs students can apply for one of the several prestigious internships in London, where students may be placed in Parliament, the American Embassy, Amnesty International, NBC, the Associated Press, the British-American Chamber of Commerce, and other significant organizations, or in Panama where the United Nations has a regional office. Information and application materials are available on the International Studies Canvas site. Applications must be submitted and all internships must be approved the semester before the internship takes place. Students approved for academic credit in an International Affairs internship will be enrolled in and must satisfactorily complete INS 4941 International Affairs Internship, which meets the university's formative experience requirement (https://liberalstudies.fsu.edu). See the International Affairs program specialist in 211 Bellamy for further information.
Honors in the Major
The Program in International Affairs offers honors in the major (INR 4937) to encourage talented students to undertake independent research. For requirements and other information, see the “University Honors Office and Honor Societies” chapter of this General Bulletin.
Second Majors
When students pursue a second major, they may count six semester hours of overlapping coursework toward both of their majors. Otherwise, all major requirements listed above must be met.
Requirements for a Minor in International Affairs
A minor consists of eighteen semester hours beyond the 36 hours of General Education requirements (or beyond the courses used to satisfy the statewide required 36 hours of General Education requirements for an articulated A.A. degree) with grades of “C–” or better. Courses must include work from at least three participating departments, and all of those courses must be from the approved list of courses below or terms lists provided by the program. Modern language courses numbered above 2999 may count toward the minor, except that no courses used to complete any university, college, or major language requirements may count toward the minor. Nine of the 18 semester hours must be numbered above 2999. A maximum combined total of six semester hours in International Affairs internship or directed individual study may apply to the minor.
Requirements for a Minor in Asian Studies or Latin American & Caribbean Studies or Russian & East European Studies
A minor consists of eighteen semester hours beyond the 36 hours of General Education requirements (or beyond the courses used to satisfy the statewide required 36 hours of General Education requirements for an articulated A.A. degree) with grades of “C–” or better. Courses must selected from the respective approved list of area-specific courses below or terms lists provided by the program. Modern language courses numbered above 2999 may count toward the minor if in a language approved for the respective program, except that no courses used to complete any university, college, or major language requirements may count toward the minor. Nine of the 18 semester hours must be numbered above 2999. A maximum combined total of six semester hours in International Affairs internship or directed individual study may apply to the minor.
International Affairs Approved Courses
Descriptions of individual courses can be found under the departments in which they are taught. It is the student's responsibility to verify course pre-requisite requirements at https://registrar.fsu.edu/bulletin/undergraduate.
Note: In addition to the courses listed below, special topics courses may be approved by the program director in any particular term. These courses appear on the term course lists and are available in the program office in 211 Bellamy, on the College's Office of Academic Affairs website at coss.fsu.edu/academics, from a College academic advisor, and on the International Studies Canvas site.
Required Core Courses
INS 3003 Introduction to International Affairs (3)
INS 2010 Professional Development for International Affairs Majors
ANT 2138 World's Greatest Shipwrecks (3)
ANT 2301 Evolution of the Human Sexuality (3)
ANT 2410 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology (3)
ANT 2416 Childhood Around the World (3)
ANT 2470 The Anthropology of Globalization (3)
ANT 3212 Peoples of the World (3)
ANT 3300 Masculinity in a Global Perspective (3)
ANT 3320 Sex and Culture (3)
ANT 3451 Race: Biology & Culture (3)
ANT 3610 Language and Culture (3)
ANT 4034 History of Anthropology (3)
ANT 4241 Anthropology of Religion (3)
ANT 4277 Human Conflict: Theory and Resolution (3)
ANT 4302 Sex Roles in Cross-Cultural Perspective (3)
ANT 4363 Japanese Society and Culture (3)
ANT 4465 Foodways Archaeology (3)
Note: ECO 2013 and ECO 2023 are recommended prerequisites that should be completed prior to enrolling in any upper-level Economics coursework.
ECO 2000 Introduction to Economics (3)
Note: Should not be taken if a student has prior credit in either ECO 2013 or ECO 2023
ECO 2013 Principles of Macroeconomics (3)
ECO 2023 Principles of Microeconomics (3)
ECO 3303 History of Economic Ideas (3)
ECO 4132 Economics of Compassion (3)
ECO 4704 International Trade (3)
ECO 4713 International Finance (3)
ECP 3010 Economics of Art and Culture (3)
ECP 3113 Economics of Population (3)
ECP 3302 Economics of Natural Resources, Energy and the Environment (3)
ECP 3617 Land Use, Housing, and Government Regulation (3)
ECP 4613 Urban Economics (3)
ECP 4618 Research Methods for Studying Housing, Land and Cities (3)
ECS 3003 Comparative Economic Systems (3)
ECS 3022 Social Entrepreneurship and Economic Development (3)
ECS 3200 Economics of Asia (3)
ECS 4013 Economics of Development (3)
ECS 4431 Economics of the Caribbean (3)
ECS 4504 Economics of the Middle East (3)
GEA 1000 World Geography (3)
GEA 2210 United States and Canada (3)
GEA 3563 The Mediterranean (3)
GEA 4405 Latin America (3)
GEA 4500 Europe (3)
GEA 4520 Britain and Ireland (3)
GEA 4554 Russia and Southern Eurasia (3)
GEA 4635 Geography of the Middle East (3)
GEO 1330 Environmental Science (3)
GEO 1400 Human Geography (3)
GEO 2200 Physical Geography (3)
GEO 3423 Sports Geography (3)
GEO 3502 Economic Geography (3)
GEO 4251 Geography of Climate Change and Storms (3)
GEO 4280 Geography of Water Resources (3)
GEO 4340 Living in a Hazardous Environment (3)
GEO 4344 Environmental Disasters and Apocalypse (3)
GEO 4355 Geography: Food and Environment (3)
GEO 4357 Environmental Conflict and Economic Development (3)
GEO 4392 Geography of Marine Conservation (3)
GEO 4403 Global Change, Local Places (3)
GEO 4404 Black Geographies (3)
GEO 4412 Environment and Gender (3)
GEO 4421 Cultural Geography (3)
GEO 4450 Medical Geography (3)
GEO 4471 Political Geography (3)
GEO 4503 Globalization (3)
GEO 4505 Fossil Fuels and Environmental Conflicts (3)
GEO 4602 Urban Geography (3)
GEO 4700 Transport Geography (3)
GEO 4804 Geography of Wine (3)
IDS 2180 Dead Cities (3)
IDS 3336 Great Britain? Geography, Imperialism, Industry, and Culture (3)
Note: All history courses are on the list of courses approved for the International Affairs majors except those courses with the AMH (American History) or the HIS prefix. The following four AMH courses and six HIS courses as well as the other courses listed below are approved for the International Affairs majors:
AMH 3540 Military History of the United States (3)
AMH 3544 The United States and Vietnam 1941–1975 (3)
AMH 4511 Twentieth-Century United States Foreign Relations (3)
AMH 4530 U.S. Immigration History (3)
ASN 4114 Imperial China (3)
HIS 2050 The Historian's Craft (3)
HIS 2496 Pandemics and People (3)
HIS 3205 LGBTQ History (3)
HIS 3263 Pirates and Patriots in the Atlantic World (3)
HIS 3464 History of Science (3)
HIS 4250 War and the Nation State (3)
IDS 2156 Environment and Society (3)
IDS 2376 Who Do the British Think They Are? (3)
IDS 2411 The Italian Mafia from Corleone to the Globalized World (3)
IDS 2418 Empire and Revolution in Cold War Latin America (3)
IDS 3198 Terrorism in Historical Perspective (3)
IDS 3415 Guns, Drugs, and Slaves: The History of Trafficking in the Modern World (3)
IDS 3435 Please Please Me: Anglo-American Youth Culture from the 1950's to the Present (3)
INS 3210 Europe in the Age of Total War (3)
Modern Languages and Linguistics
Note: All modern language and linguistics courses are on the list of courses approved for the International Affairs major. Those credit hours earned by taking courses through the intermediate (2200) level to fulfill the modern language requirement (which must be met by all International Affairs majors) cannot be counted toward the 40 hours of International Affairs major coursework. Students may, however, earn credit toward the major for additional courses in modern languages. For a departmental concentration in modern languages, students must have a minimum of twelve semester hours of advanced-level coursework in one language, not to include more than two courses in culture and/or literature. All language and literature courses are taught primarily in the foreign language with the exception of courses in literature in translation (prefix ending in “T”) and in film. Other courses may not necessarily require prerequisite language course background, though the student should verify any fluency prerequisites prior to enrolling in a language course.
IDS 2456 Who is Human? Culture, Gender and Human Rights (3)
IDS 2611 Classical Philosophy of India (3)
IDS 2675 Philosophy and Film (3)
PHH 3140 Aristotle to Augustine (3)
PHH 3400 Modern Philosophy (3)
PHH 3500 19th-Century Philosophy (3)
PHH 4600r Contemporary Philosophy (3)
PHI 2010 Introduction to Philosophy (3)
PHI 2620 Environmental Ethics (3)
PHI 2635 Bioethics (3)
PHI 3220 Philosophy of Language (3)
PHI 3400 History and Philosophy of Science (3)
PHM 2300 Introduction to Political Philosophy (3)
PHM 3123 Philosophy of Feminism (3)
PHM 3331r Modern Political Thought (3)
PHM 3351 Philosophy of Human Rights (3)
PHM 3400 Philosophy of Law (3)
PHM 4340r Contemporary Political Thought (3)
PHP 3510 Introduction to Marxist Philosophy (3)
Political Science
Note: All courses with the prefix CPO and INR offered by the Political Science department are on the list of courses approved for the International Affairs major. CPO 2002 and INR 2002 are recommended prerequisites that should be completed prior to enrolling in any upper-level coursework in those respective subfields.
Public Administration
Note: PAD 3003 is a recommended prerequisite that should be completed prior to enrolling in any upper-level Public Administration coursework.
PAD 3013 Futures Studies (3)
PAD 3017 Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation (3)
PAD 4075 Unmanned Aircraft Systems in Emergency Management (3)
PAD 4084 International Terrorism Policy (3)
PAD 4170 Nongovernmental Organization in Development (3)
PAD 4301 Disaster Management Planning for Urban Poor Communities (3)
PAD 4374 Introduction to Terrorism: Preparedness and Response (3)
PAD 4375 Advanced Topics Terrorism (3) Requires prerequisite course PAD 4374
PAD 4380 Disasters: From Shock to Recovery (3)
PAD 4391 Foundations in Emergency Management (3)
PAD 4393 Emergency Management Programs, Planning, and Policy (3)
PAD 4433 Women, Disasters and Conflict (3)
PAD 4831 International Conflicts and Terrorism (3)
PAD 4841 Intelligence Analysis and Communication (3)
PAD 4842 U.S. Intelligence Policy (3)
PAD 4843 U.S. Intelligence Community (3)
PAD 4833 International and Comparative Disaster Management (3)
PAD 4844 Public Health and Emergency Management (3)
PAD 4890 Homeland Security (3)
PAD 4897 Global Security and Fusion (3)
PAD 4891 Non-Profits, NGO's and Disaster (3)
IDH 2140 Freedom and Religion: Liberal, Christian, and Muslim Perspectives (3)
IDS 2420 Heretics, Rebels and Militants in the Islamic World (3)
IDS 2679 Need and Greed (Is Money the Root of all Evil?) (3)
IDS 3197 Responses to the Holocaust (3)
IDS 3392 Just Torture (3)
IDS 3466 India Through Bollywood Film (3)
REL 1300 Introduction to World Religions (3)
REL 2210 Introduction to Old Testament (3)
REL 2240 Introduction to New Testament (3)
REL 2315 Religions of South Asia (3)
REL 2350 Religions of East Asia (3)
REL 3112 Religion and 20th Century Fantasy Literature (3)
REL 3142 Religion, the Self, and Society (3)
REL 3145 Gender and Religion (3)
REL 3152 Religion, Race, and Ethnicity (3)
REL 3160 Religion and Science (3)
REL 3170 Religious Ethics and Moral Problems (3)
REL 3194 The Holocaust (3)
REL 3333 Ramayana in Indian Culture and Beyond (3)
REL 3337 Goddesses, Women and Power in Hinduism (3)
REL 3340 The Buddhist Tradition (3)
REL 3345 Chan Zen Buddhism (3)
REL 3351 Japanese Religions (3)
REL 3358 Tibetan and Himalayan Religions (3)
REL 3363 Islamic Traditions (3)
REL 3367 Islamic Traditions II: Islam up to the Modern World (3)
REL 3370 Religion in Africa (3)
REL 3430 Issues and Thinkers in Western Religious Thought (3)
REL 3431 Critics of Religion (3)
REL 3505 The Christian Tradition (3)
REL 3607 The Jewish Tradition (3)
REL 3935 Topics in Buddhism (3)
REL 4304 Undergraduate History of Religions Seminar (3)
REL 4335 Modern Hinduism (3)
REL 4359r Special Topics in Asian Religions (3)
REL 4366 Seminar on Shi'ite Islam (3)
REL 4510 Christianity After the New Testament (3)
REL 4613 Modern Judaism (3)
IDS 2393 The Hunger Games Trilogy: Collective Action and Social Movements (3)
IDS 3117 Social (In) Equalities: Social Construction of Difference and Inequalities (3)
IDS 3118 Utopias/Dystopias: An Homage to Social Dreaming (3)
IDS 3433 Modern Death (3)
SYA 3741 Sociology of Death and Dying (3)
SYD 2740 Sociology of Law and Hispanics (3)
SYD 3020 Population and Society (3)
SYD 3600 Cities in Society (3)
SYD 4510 Environmental Sociology (3)
SYD 4700 Race and Minority Group Relations (3)
SYG 1000 Introductory Sociology (3)
SYG 2010 Social Problems (3)
SYO 3200 Sociology of Religion (3)
SYO 3530 Social Classes and Inequality (3)
SYO 4300 Sociology of Politics (3)
SYP 3000 Social Psychology of Groups (3)
SYP 3454 The Global Justice Movement (3)
SYP 4650 Sports and Society (3)
Urban and Regional Planning
URP 3000 Introduction to Planning and Urban Development (3)
URP 3527 Green Global Health (3)
URP 4022 Collective Decision Making (3)
URP 4402 Sustainable Development Planning in the Americas (3)
URP 4404 River Basin Management and Planning (3)
URP 4408 Food Systems Planning (3)
URP 4612 Strategies for Urban and Regional Planning in Less Developed Countries (3)
URP 4618 Planning for Developing Regions (3)
URP 4811 Multicultural Urbanism (3)
URS 1006 World Cities: Quality of Life (3)
Asian Studies Area Specific Courses
ANT 4363 Japanese Society and Culture (3)
Art History
ARH 3530 The Arts of Asia (3)
ARH 3572 History of Islamic Art (3)
ARH 4540 Arts of India (3)
ARH 4551 Arts of China (3)
ARH 4554 Arts of Japan (3)
ARH 4571 Islamic Art and Architecture, 7th-21st Centuries (3)
ARH 4772 Japanese Animation (3)
Asian Studies
ASN 3822 Traditions of East Asian Humanities (3)
ASN 4114 Modern China (3)
ASN 4463 Conceptualizations of the Imagination of East Asia and Beyond (3)
ASN 4940r Asian Studies Internship (3-6)
CLT 3878 Ancient Mythology, East and West (3)
ECS 3200 Economics of Asia (3) [with ECO 2013 and ECO 2023 as prerequisites]
ECS 4504 Economics of the Middle East (3)
Note: All courses with the ASH prefix are on the list of courses approved for the Asian Studies majors. In addition, the following courses are approved:
AMH 3544 The United States and Vietnam, 1941–1975 (3)
WOH 2202 Mortal Combat: Eurasian Worlds of War Since 1200 (3)
WOH 3212 Monsoon Empires: The Indian Ocean, 800-1800 (3)
WOH 4222 The Worlds of Captain Cook (3)
WOH 4244 World War II (3)
Modern Languages and Linguistics
Note: All courses with the following prefixes taught through the Department of Modern Languages and Linguistics are on the list of courses approved for the Asian Studies majors: Arabic: ABT, ARA; Chinese: CHI, CHT; Japanese: JPN, JPT. Those credit hours earned by taking courses through the intermediate (2200) level to fulfill the modern language requirement (which must be met by all Asian Studies majors) cannot be counted toward the 40 hours of Asian Studies major coursework. Students may, however, earn credit toward the major for additional courses in modern languages. All language and literature courses are taught primarily in the foreign language with the exception of courses in literature in translation (prefix ending in “T”) and in film. Other courses may not necessarily require prerequisite language course background, though the student should verify any fluency prerequisites prior to enrolling in a language course. In addition, the following courses are approved:
IDS 3450 Through an Arabic Lens: The Intersection of Film and Culture (3)
JPN 4413 Advanced Japanese B (3)
LIN 3108 Introduction to East Asian Linguistics (3)
SRK 4102 Elementary Sanskrit I (3)
SRK 4103 Elementary Sanskrit II (3)
MUH 4571 Music of Indonesia (3)
MUN 2800 World Music Ensemble (1): Balinese Gamelan, Middle Eastern Ensemble
Political Science
CPO 3403 Comparative Government and Politics: The Middle East (3) [with CPO 2002 as a prerequisite]
CPO 3520 Emerging Democracies in Northeast Asia: Korea, Taiwan, Japan (3) [with CPO 2002 as a prerequisite]
CPO 3541 Politics of China (3) [with CPO 2002 as a prerequisite]
CPO 3553 Politics of Japan (3) [with CPO 2002 as a prerequisite]
INR 4274 Studies in International Politics: The Middle East (3) [with INR 2002 as prerequisite]
IDH 3140 Freedom and Religion: Liberal, Christian, and Muslim Perspectives (3)
IDS 2420 Heretics, Rebels and Militants in the Islamic World (3)
IDS 2611 Classical Philosophy of India (3)
IDS 3466 India Through Bollywood Film (3)
REL 2315 Religions of South Asia (3)
REL 2350 Religions of East Asia (3)
REL 3171 Topics: Buddhist Ethics (3)
REL 3333 Ramayana in Indian Culture and Beyond (3)
REL 3337 Goddesses, Women and Power in Hinduism (3)
REL 3340 The Buddhist Tradition (3)
REL 3345 Chan/Zen Traditions (3)
REL 3351 Japanese Traditions (3)
REL 3358 Tibetan and Himalayan Religions (3)
REL 3363 Islamic Traditions (3)
REL 3367 Islamic Traditions II: Islam up to the Modern World (3)
REL 3370 Religion in Africa (3)
REL 3935 Topics in Buddhism (3)
REL 4335 Modern Hinduism (3)
REL 4357 Classical Tibetan (3)
REL 4359 Special Topics in Asian Religions (3)
REL 4366 Seminar in Shi'ite Islam (3)
REL 4393 Islam in North America (3)
REL 4912 Tutorial in Sanskrit Texts (3)
Note: See course descriptions for required prerequisites.
Latin American and Caribbean Studies Area Specific Courses
Art History
ARH 3612 Visual Cultures of the Americas (3)
ARH 4372 Spanish Colonial Art: The Hapsburg Period, 1492/1506–1700 (3)
ARH 4413 Spanish Colonial Art: The Bourbon Period, 1700–1821/1898 (3)
ARH 4653 Great Traditions in Mesoamerican Art and Culture (3)
ARH 4675 The Art and Culture of the Maya (3)
ARH 4882 Visual Cultures of the African Diaspora (3)
ADV 3410 Hispanic Marketing Communication (3)
ECS 3022 Social Entrepreneurship and Economic Development (3)
ECS 3600 Economics of Native Americans (3)
ECS 4013 Economics of Development (3)
ECS 4431 Economics of the Caribbean (3)
AML 3630 Latino/a Literature in English (3)
AML 3682 American Multi-Ethnic Literature (3)
IDS 2335 Central American Cinema (3)
LIT 3822 Latinx Drama (3)
GEA 4405 Latin America (3)
Note: All courses with the LAH prefix are on the list of courses approved for the Latin American and Caribbean Studies majors. In addition, the following courses are approved:
EUH 3530 England, the Empire and the Commonwealth (3)
HIS 3263 Pirates and Patriots in the Atlantic World (3)
IDS 2418 Empire and Revolution in Cold War Latin America (3)
IDS 3415 Guns, Drugs, and Slaves: The History of Trafficking in the Modern World (3)
HFT 4205 Conversational Spanish for Hospitality Managers (3)
Modern Languages and Linguistics
Note: All courses with the following prefixes taught through the Department of Modern Languages and Linguistics are on the list of courses approved for the Latin American Studies majors: French: FRE, FRT, FRW: Portuguese: POR, PRT; Spanish: SPN, SPT, SPW. Those credit hours earned by taking courses through the intermediate (2200) level to fulfill the modern language requirement (which must be met by all Latin American Studies majors) cannot be counted toward the 40 hours of Latin American Studies major coursework. Students may, however, earn credit toward the major for additional courses in modern languages. All language and literature courses are taught primarily in the foreign language with the exception of courses in literature in translation (prefix ending in “T”) and in film. Other courses may not necessarily require prerequisite language course background, though the student should verify any fluency prerequisites prior to enrolling in a language course.
MUH 4541 Music of Latin America I (3)
MUH 4543 Music in the Caribbean (3)
MUN 2800r World Music Ensemble (0–1) (Caribbean Salsa Ensemble, Caribbean Steel Band Ensemble, Andean Music Ensemble)
Political Science
CPO 3303 Politics of Latin America (3)
INR 4244 Studies in International Politics: Latin America (3)
REL 3128r Topics in Religion in the Americas (3)
SYD 2740 Sociology of Law and Hispanics (3)
SYD 4700 Race and Minority Group Relations (3)
Urban and Regional Planning
URP 4402 Sustainable Development Planning in the Americas (3)
Russian and East European Studies Area Specific Courses
Art History
ARH 4450 Modern European Art: Post-Impressionism through Surrealism (3)
GEA 1000 World Geography (3)
GEA 4500 Europe (3)
GEA 4554 Russia and Southern Eurasia (3)
GEO 1400 Human Geography (3)
GEO 3502 Economic Geography (3)
GEO 4421 Cultural Geography (3)
GEO 4471 Political Geography (3)
AMH 4511 Twentieth-Century United States Foreign Relations (3)
EUH 3205 19th-Century Europe: A Survey (3)
EUH 3206 20th-Century Europe: A Survey (3)
EUH 3293 20th Century Europe through Film (3)
EUH 3461 German History, 1740-1918 (3)
EUH 3551 Modern Poland (3)
EUH 3571 Russia to Nicholas I (3)
EUH 4241 The Holocaust in Historical Perspective (3)
EUH 4242 World War I: Europe 1900–1918 (3)
EUH 4282 Europe in the Cold War and Detente (3)
EUH 4331 East-Central Europe from 1815 to Present (3)
EUH 4332 Balkans Since 1700 (3)
EUH 4454 Napoleonic Europe, 1795–1815 (3)
EUH 4465 Weimar and Nazi Germany (3)
EUH 4574 19th-Century Russia (3)
EUH 4576 20th-Century Russia (3)
EUH 4603 European Intellectual History, 1800 to Present (3)
IDH 2133 Musical Theatre in the Weimar Republic: Identities and Creative Freedom (3)
WOH 2023 The Modern World to 1815 (3)
WOH 2030 World History Since 1815 (3)
WOH 2202 Mortal Combat Eurasian Worlds of War Since 1200 (3)
WOH 3440 History of Refugees, 0-2000 (3)
WOH 4244 World War II (3)
Modern Languages and Linguistics
Note: All courses with the following prefixes taught through the Department of Modern Languages and Linguistics are on the list of courses approved for the Russian and Eastern European Studies major: German: GER, GET, GEW; Russian: RUS, RUT, RUW; Slavic: SLL. Those credit hours earned by taking courses through the intermediate (2200) level to fulfill the modern language requirement (which must be met by all Russian and Eastern European Studies majors) cannot be counted toward the 40 hours of Russian and Eastern European Studies major coursework. Students may, however, earn credit toward the major for additional courses in modern languages. All language and literature courses are taught primarily in the foreign language except for courses in literature in translation (prefix ending in “T”) and in film. Other courses may not necessarily require prerequisite language course background, though the student should verify any fluency prerequisites prior to enrolling in a language course. In addition, the following courses are approved:
IDS 2467 Interdisciplinary Explorations in German Culture (3)
IDS 3188 German Society Through Film: The Legacy of Nazi Crimes Against Humanity (3)
PHP 3510 Introduction to Marxist Philosophy (3)
Political Science
CPO 3101 European Union (1)
CPO 3055 Authoritarian Regimes (3)
CPO 3101 European Union (3)
CPO 3615 Post-Soviet Politics (3)
INR 4083 International Conflict (3)
IDS 2420 Heretics, Rebels and Militants in the Islamic World (3)
Note: See course descriptions for required prerequisites.
Definition of Prefixes
ASH—Asian History
ASN—Asian Studies
EUS—European Studies
IDS—Interdisciplinary Studies
INR—International Relations
INS—International Studies
LAS—Latin American Studies
PAX—Peace Studies
Undergraduate Courses
ASN 2299. Professional Development for Asian Studies Majors (1). (S/U grade only.) This course introduces the Asian Studies (ASN) major and the ways in which students can enhance their experience at Florida State University. This course allows students to reflect upon their goals and to explore opportunities available to them in order to tailor their academic experience and to help them attain their professional objectives.
ASN 3932. Special Topics in Asian Studies (3). Special Topics in Asian Studies.
ASN 4114. Modern China (3). This course will familiarize students with the history of Modern China. Topics to be explored – the impact of western imperialism, China's struggle to blend tradition and reform, attempts at democracy, war, the role of Communism, and the rise of China as a global economic superpower. The course will end by looking at China's current status in the international community and discuss some of the challenges it is facing.
ASN 4930r. Special Topics in Asian Studies (1–3). May be repeated to a maximum of fifteen semester hours with departmental approval.
ASN 4936. Asian Studies Capstone Course (3). This course is designed to reflect on the value of an interdisciplinary major, to explain succinctly desired course of study, and to produce a piece of original interdisciplinary scholarship with emphasis on both written and oral communication of course work.
ASN 4940r. Asian Studies Internship (3-6). (S/U grade only). Prerequisites: 15 classroom hours beyond Liberal Studies, cumulative GPA 3.0 or higher, and instructor consent. This course is designed for students to gain real world experience through on-the-job practice. Interns can expect to gain valuable work experience, develop professional skills, cultivate valuable contacts, and investigate career options. The course allows students to received academic credit for internship placement in approved agencies and organizations.
ASN 4970r. Honors in the Major Research (1–6). In this course, students accepted into the Honors in the Major program complete an original research or creative project in their major area of study. This course must be repeated at least twice to complete a minimum of six (6) credit hours total, but may be repeated up to a maximum of twelve (12) credit hours in total.
EUS 2931. Professional Development for Russian and Eastern European Studies Majors (1). (S/U grade only.) This course introduces Russian and Eastern European Studies (REES) major and the ways in which students can enhance their experience at Florida State University. This course allows students to reflect upon their goals and to explore opportunities available to them in order to tailor their academic experience and to help them attain their professional objectives.
EUS 4905r. Directed Individual Study (1–3). May be repeated to a maximum of nine semester hours.
EUS 4945r. Russian and Eastern European Studies Internship (3-6). (S/U grade only.) Prerequisites: 15 classroom hours beyond Liberal Studies, cumulative GPA 3.0 or higher, and instructor consent. This course is designed for students to gain real world experience through on-the-job practice. Interns can expect to gain valuable work experience, develop professional skills, cultivate valuable contacts, and investigate career options. The course allows students to receive academic credit for internship placement in approved agencies and organizations.
EUS 4951. Russian and East European Studies Capstone Course (3). This course is designed for students to reflect on the value of an interdisciplinary major, to explain succinctly their course of study, and to produce a piece of original interdisciplinary scholarship. Students are introduced to the basic methods and techniques of research writing in a workshop setting with faculty support. The course focuses on such issues as developing a thesis statement, writing a literature review, finding source material (books, articles, internet resources, etc.) generating an argument, writing and revising a rough draft, APA documentation of sources, and the presentation of the final product. Both the written and oral communication of student research is emphasized.
EUS 4970r. Honors in the Major Research (1–6). In this course, students accepted into the Honors in the Major program complete an original research or creative project in their major area of study. This course must be repeated at least twice to complete a minimum of six (6) credit hours total, but may be repeated up to a maximum of twelve (12) credit hours in total.
IDS 2060. Formative Experience: Global Engagement (0). (S/U grade only.) This course gives students the opportunity to study a different country's unique customs, values, and traditions and compare it with their own through actively participating in cultural experiences.
IDS 2431. Thinking Beyond Ourselves: Global Perspectives (3). This course is designed to introduce the students to the basic concepts, theories, functions and behaviors associated with intercultural communication. Throughout the course, students increase in knowledge, understanding and awareness of different cultures and countries, interpret cultural values and communication strategies used across cultures/countries, and become more effective in engaging in the 21st-century globalized world.
INR 3931r. Special Topics (1–3). (S/U grade only.) Topics vary. May be repeated within the same term to a maximum of nine semester hours.
INR 3932r. Special Topics in International Affairs (1–12). Topics vary. May be repeated as topics change to a maximum of fifteen semester hours.
INR 4905r. Directed Individual Study (1–3). May be repeated to a maximum of twelve semester hours.
INR 4937r. Honors in the Major Research (1–6). In this course, students accepted into the Honors in the Major program complete an original research or creative project in their major area of study. This course must be repeated at least twice to complete a minimum of six (6) credit hours total, but may be repeated up to a maximum of twelve credit hours in total.
INS 2010. Professional Development for International Affairs Majors (1). (S/U grade only.) This course introduces the International Affairs (IA) major and the ways in which student can enhance their experience at Florida State University. This course allows students to reflect upon their goals and to explore opportunities available to them in order to tailor their academic experience to help them attain their professional objectives.
INS 2912. Developing Global Citizens: Global Issues in Theory and Practice (3). Prerequisites: IDS 2431, or IDS 2930, topic “Global Perspectives”; and enrollment in the Global Citizenship Certificate program. This course is the final required class for the Global Citizenship Certificate. The course increases students' global competencies by utilizing theories and concepts learned during the Global Perspectives course and applies those to higher-level critical thinking and research. The course explore topics relevant to today's global society such as extreme poverty and inequality, international trade, political cooperation, climate change, race, and ethnicity and gender.
INS 3003. Introduction to International Affairs (3). This course introduces students to the core questions and concerns of international affairs. This course surveys the many distinct academic disciplines that together contribute to the development of an interdisciplinary understanding of the international system. The course examines how each of these disciplines understands the international system, the questions it raises, and its strengths and weaknesses. In addition, the course provides an introduction to many of the global issues of interest to international affairs majors, including terrorism, democracy, and globalization. At the end of this course, students have the skills and knowledge required to construct their own specialized plan of study in international affairs.
INS 3005. Global Scholars Reflection Course (0-1). (S/U grade only.) Prerequisites: INS 3006 and completion of an independent, program-approved experience (with appropriate blog posts). This course revolves around helping students build upon their independent summer experiences to produce a final digital portfolio which explores local and global dimensions of a given social problem. Having identified and investigated a given social issue during independent summer research/internship experiences, students spend the fall semester reflecting on their findings, exploring manifestations of the same broader issue (i.e., education, health, housing, pollution, etc.) in the local context of Tallahassee, and ultimately sharing their work with a broader audience.
INS 3006. Global Scholars Theory Course: Introduction to Critical Global Engagement (0-1). (S/U grade only.) Prerequisites: Global Scholars Program. In this course, the FSU Global Scholars program offers a unique opportunity for undergraduate students to engage with critical questions about social impact, social justice, and social change through a combination of cohort-based online learning and independent research, internship, and/or service-learning experiences.
INS 3210. Europe in the Age of Total War (3). This course is designed to cover the topic of total war in the modern era as it applies to Europe (though the course occasionally discusses developments in the US as well). This course first looks at what constitutes total war. Students begin by tracing military developments since the age of industrialization and see how those developments impacted Europe and the conduct of modern warfare. The course juxtaposes these events against political developments and applies a theoretical framework to better understand these developments in the modern era. The course studies WWI, the interwar period, WWII, and the Cold War to analyze how the concept of total war applies to each of those eras.
INS 4100. HONORS: Human Rights Violations and Genocide in 20th Century Europe (3). This course examines the phenomenon of genocidal mass violence and the international community's generally ineffectual attempts to stop genocide in the Holocaust and the wars in the former Yugoslavia in Europe during the twentieth century. Students will explore why political leaders devise such policies and why large numbers of individuals acquiesce or actively participate in mass atrocity.
INS 4940. Washington Center Internship (6). This internship will provide students with an excellent opportunity to explore their career interests. Moreover, internships will help students achieve a better understanding to what they still need to learn and which skills they need to improve. Finally, internships will facilitate the development of professional networks that will be paramount once students graduate and enter the job market.
INS 4941r. International Affairs Internship (3–6). (S/U grade only.) Prerequisites: Fifteen classroom hours beyond liberal studies, a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0, and instructor permission. This internship course allows students to gain real world experience through on- the-job-practice in approved agencies and organizations in the area of international affairs. Students gain valuable work experience, develop professional skills, cultivate valuable contacts and investigate career options. May be repeated to a maximum of six credit hours; repeatable within the same term..
INS 4943. International Affairs Capstone Course (3). This course is designed for students to reflect on the value of an interdisciplinary major, to explain succinctly intended course of study, and to produce a piece of original interdisciplinary scholarship. Students are introduced to basic methods and techniques of research writing in a workshop setting with faculty support. Both written and oral communication of student research is emphasized.
LAS 2004. Professional Development for Latin American and Caribbean Studies Majors (1). (S/U grade only.) This course introduces the Latin American and Caribbean Studies (LACS) major and the ways in which student scan enhance their experience at Florida State University. This course allows students to reflect upon their goals and to explore opportunities available to them in order to tailor their academic experience and to help them attain their professional objectives.
LAS 4905r. Directed Individual Study (3). May be repeated to a maximum of six semester hours when content varies. Can be repeated within the same semester.
LAS 4910. Latin American Caribbean Studies Capstone Course (3). This course is designed for students to reflect on the value of an interdisciplinary major, to explain succinctly intended course of study, and to produce a piece of original interdisciplinary scholarship. Students are introduced to basic methods and techniques of research writing in a workshop setting with faculty support. Both written and oral communication of student research is emphasized.
LAS 4935r. Honors in the Major Research (1-6). In this course, students accepted into the Honors in the Major program complete an original research or creative project in their major area of study. This course must be repeated at least twice to complete a minimum of six (6) credit hours total, but may be repeated up to a maximum of twelve credit hours in total.
LAS 4945. Latin American and Caribbean Studies Internship (3-6). (S/U grade only.) Prerequisites: 15 classroom hours beyond Liberal Studies, cumulative GPA 3.0 or higher, and instructor consent. This course is designed for students to gain real world experience through on-the-job practice. Interns can expect to gain valuable work experience, develop professional skills, cultivate valuable contacts, and investigate career options. The course allows students to receive academic credit for internship placement in approved agencies and organizations.