Undergraduate Department of Mechanical Engineering
FAMU–FSU College of Engineering
Website: https://www.eng.famu.fsu.edu/me
Chair: William Oates; Professors: Alvi, Cooley, Dean De, Gibson, Guo, Hellstrom, Kalu, Kumar, Larbalestier, Oates, J. Ordòñez, Shih; Associate Professors: Clark, Hollis, Hruda, Kametani, Krick, Moore, Shoele, Wu, Yaghoobian; Assistant Professors: Berger, Cai, Higgins, Hubicki, Nair; Teaching Faculty: Ali, Campbell, Capeheart (Panama City), Chagas (Panama City), Larson, McConomy, C. Ordòñez, Traynham (Panama City); Adjunct Faculty: Keith, Vanderlaan; Affiliated Faculty: Hussaini, Kopriva, Tam; Research Faculty: Gustavsson, Tuna, Vahab, Wahidi; Professors Emeriti: Buzyna, Cartes, Krothapalli, Luongo, Van Dommelen, Van Sciver
The Bachelor of Science (BS) program in the Department of Mechanical Engineering is designed to provide background for a wide variety of careers. The discipline of mechanical engineering is very broad, but generally emphasizes an appropriate mix of thermal science, mechanics and materials, dynamic systems, and design. Graduates typically enter various energy, aerospace, automotive, and product manufacturing industries, or government laboratories.
The undergraduate program is designed to impart a broad knowledge in basic and engineering sciences and to provide a solid understanding of contemporary engineering practices. The program also seeks to provide students with a foundation in communications skills, principles of economics, and other fundamentals upon which they will draw in their professional careers. Special emphasis is placed on communications skills by requiring extensive written laboratory reports and design project presentations. Computer literacy is bolstered by a variety of course assignments throughout the program and especially in the design courses, wherein students are exposed to several design software programs widely used in the engineering industry.
Beyond the basic core curriculum, the Mechanical Engineering courses are grouped into five major area streams: thermal and fluid systems, mechanical systems, mechanics and materials, dynamic systems, and engineering design. The courses in each of these areas give students a foundation in the relevant engineering sciences with a strong orientation in design and extensive laboratory experience. The design curriculum culminates with a one-year (two-semester) capstone design course in which the students design and implement a full system or product, usually under industrial sponsorship.
Several undergraduate teaching laboratories provide extensive experimental apparatus for laboratory courses. The fluid mechanics laboratory, heat transfer laboratory, solid mechanics laboratory, dynamic systems laboratory, and controls and robotics laboratory are all well equipped with the latest tools and equipment for experimentation, data acquisition, post processing, and analysis. The College of Engineering provides several computer labs running a variety of standard design and analysis software packages, including COMSOL FEA software, PTC's Creo software suite, MSC ADAMS, and MathWorks' MATLAB.
Program Educational Objectives
Consistent with the missions of Florida State University, Florida A&M University, and the College of Engineering, and in accordance with the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET) criteria, the department has developed the following program educational objectives. We expect our graduates in the first five years upon graduation from our program to:
- Make career progress in industrial, research, or graduate work in mechanical engineering or allied fields
- Design and analyze devices, products, or processes that meet the needs of an employer, organization, or customer, based on sound scientific knowledge and engineering practices
- Become engineering professionals by engaging in professional activities and continuous self-development
- Function in multicultural and multidisciplinary environments across regional and national borders
Program Outcomes
After completing the mechanical engineering program, graduates should have the following attributes:
- An ability to identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems by applying principles of engineering, science, and mathematics;
- An ability to apply engineering design to produce solutions that meet specified needs with consideration of public health safety and welfare as well as global social, environmental and economic factors;
- An ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences;
- An ability to recognize ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering situations and make informed judgments, which must consider the impact of engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental, and social contexts;
- An ability to function effectively on a team whose members together provide leadership create a collaborative and engaging environment, establish goals, plan tasks and meet objectives;
- An ability to develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, analyze and interpret data, and use engineering judgment to draw conclusions;
- An ability to acquire and apply new knowledge as needed, using appropriate learning strategies.
Digital Literacy Requirement
Students must complete at least one course designated as meeting the Digital Literacy Requirement with a grade of “C–” or higher. Courses fulfilling the Digital Literacy Requirement must accomplish at least three of the following outcomes:
- Evaluate and interpret the accuracy, credibility, and relevance of digital information
- Evaluate and interpret digital data and their implications
- Discuss the ways in which society and/or culture interact with digital technology
- Discuss digital technology trends and their professional implications
- Demonstrate the ability to use digital technology effectively
- Demonstrate the knowledge to use digital technology safely and ethically
Each academic major has determined the courses that fulfill the Digital Literacy requirement for that major. Students should contact their major department(s) to determine which courses will fulfill their Digital Literacy requirement.
Undergraduate majors in mechanical engineering satisfy this requirement by earning a grade of “C” or higher in EML 4550 Engineering Design Methods.
Upper Division Writing (UDW)
Undergraduate majors in mechanical engineering satisfy the Upper Division Writing (UDW) requirement by earning a grade of “C–” or higher in EML 3012L.
Scholarship in Practice (SIP), Formative Experiences (FE), and Oral Communication Competency Requirement (OCCR)
Undergraduate majors in mechanical engineering satisfy both the Scholarship in Practice (SIP) and Oral Communication Competency requirements by earning a grade of “C” or higher in both EML 4551C and EML 4552C.
State of Florida Common Program Prerequisites for Mechanical Engineering
The Florida Virtual Campus (FLVC) houses the statewide, internet-based catalog of distance learning courses, degree programs, and resources offered by Florida's public colleges and universities, and they have developed operational procedures and technical guidelines for the catalog that all institutions must follow. The statute governing this policy can be reviewed by visiting https://www.flsenate.gov/Laws/Statutes/2021/1006.73.
FLVC has identified common program prerequisites for the degree program in Mechanical Engineering. To obtain the most up-to-date, state-approved prerequisites for this degree, visit: https://cpm.flvc.org/programs/373/284.
Specific prerequisites are required for admission into the upper-division program and must be completed by the student at either a community college or a state university prior to being admitted to this program. Students may be admitted into the University without completing the prerequisites but may not be admitted into the program.
Core Program
A candidate for the Bachelor of Science (BS) in mechanical engineering is required to successfully complete the following engineering core courses (in addition to the mechanical engineering curriculum):
CHM 1045 General Chemistry I (3)
CHM 1045L General Chemistry I Laboratory (1)
COP 3014 Programming I (3)
EEL 3003 Introduction to Electrical Engineering (3)
EGN 1004L First Year Engineering Laboratory (1)
MAC 2311 Calculus with Analytical Geometry I (4)
MAC 2312 Calculus with Analytical Geometry II (4)
MAC 2313 Calculus with Analytical Geometry III (5)
MAP 2302 Ordinary Differential Equations (3)
PHY 2048C General Physics A (5)
PHY 2049C General Physics B (5)
Students must earn a minimum grade in the “C” range in each of the college core courses, as well as the required and technical elective courses below. Students must meet the minimum overall grade point average (GPA) under the general requirements of the University. Students also must meet the prerequisite requirements specified by the College of Engineering. Please refer to the “College of Engineering” chapter in this General Bulletin for the specific college-level requirements.
Students are urged to obtain the most current information on the mechanical engineering requirements from their advisors or from the student affairs coordinator.
Mechanical Engineering Curriculum
Key features of the curriculum in mechanical engineering include the integration of relevant topical material, integration of engineering design with engineering science, the introduction to engineering design at an early stage in the curriculum, and the use of cooperative learning methodologies. The curriculum is in keeping with current trends in engineering education, industry expectations and needs, and the ABET 2003 accreditation guidelines.
The following core courses comprise the mechanical engineering curriculum:
EML 3002L Mechanical Engineering Tools Lab (3)
EML 3004 Engineering Statics (3)
EML 3011 Mechanics of Materials (3)
EML 3012 Intermediate Mechanics and Materials (3)
EML 3012L Mechanics and Materials Lab (1)
EML 3013 Dynamics (3)
EML 3014C System Dynamics & Vibrations (3)
EML 3015C Thermal-Fluids I: Fluid Mechanics (4)
EML 3016 Thermal-Fluids II: Heat Transfer (3)
EML 3017C Mechanical Systems I (4)
EML 3018C Mechanical Systems II (4)
EML 3102 Engineering Thermodynamics (3)
EML 3234 Materials Science and Engineering (3)
EML 3811 Introduction to Mechatronics (1)
EML 3811L Mechatronics Lab (2)
EML 4304 Experiments in Thermal and Fluid Sciences (2)
EML 4304L Experiments in Thermal and Fluid Sciences L ab (1)
EML 4550 Engineering Design Methods (3)
EML 4551C Senior Design Project I (3)
EML 4552C Senior Design Project II (3)
XXX XXXX Math Option (3)
XXX XXXX Technical Electives (12)
Technical electives are generally intended to develop depth in an area of interest and should form a coherent area of concentration or multidisciplinary focus. A minimum of three technical electives (nine semester hours) must be in Mechanical Engineering. All technical elective courses must be selected from the approved list of suitable technical elective courses posted on the Departmental Website. A total of four Technical Electives are required.
The math option is intended to provide additional math expertise oriented toward various areas of engineering. Students must choose from the following list of approved classes: MAS 3105 or STA 3032, Alternates: EGN 3454, MAP 3306, MAD 3401, MAD 3703, or MAP 4341.
EML 3004 includes a math/physics test based on the material covered in Calculus I, Calculus II, and Physics I.
Honors in the Major
The Department of Mechanical Engineering offers a program in honors in mechanical engineering to encourage talented juniors and seniors to undertake independent and original research as a part of the undergraduate experience. For requirements and other information, see the “University Honors Office and Honor Societies” chapter of this General Bulletin.
Combined BS/MS Pathway
The department offers a five-year combined bachelor's/master's pathway leading to the Bachelor of Science (BS) and Master of Science (MS) degrees. The objective of this pathway is to produce, in five years of full-time study, an engineer who is fully qualified to enter into professional practice in industry. Students begin taking core graduate courses in their fourth year. Successful completion of the fourth year of the five-year curriculum will give the student enough credit and breadth of subject matter to satisfy university requirements for the BS degree, should individual circumstances arise that preclude a student from taking the fifth year. This pathway also includes a Summer internship in industry between the fourth and fifth years.
Admission to the combined BS/MS pathway is open to juniors who have attained a GPA of 3.2 in the mechanical engineering curriculum and whose applications are reviewed by a faculty committee. Applicants are normally invited in the Spring, during the second semester of the students' junior year, for Fall entry. Details on the curriculum may be obtained from the Mechanical Engineering Department Office.
Definition of Prefixes
EAS—Aerospace Engineering
EGM—Engineering Science
EGN—Engineering: General
EMA—Materials Engineering
EML—Engineering: Mechanical
Undergraduate Courses
EAS 4101. Fundamentals of Aerodynamics (3). Prerequisites: EML 3015C and EML 3016C. This course is a technical elective course designed for senior-level engineering students in the Aeronautics Track and area of thermal and fluid sciences. The course includes fundamental fluid mechanics and aerodynamic principles in the design of airfoil and aircraft wings. It provides a comprehensive review concerning applications, technological advances, and social impacts on the development of a modern flight vehicle. The course provides an overview of the guiding principles and experimental observations to analyze basic aerodynamic characteristics of an aircraft configuration.
EGM 3512. Engineering Mechanics (4). Prerequisites: MAC 2312 and PHY 2048. Corequisite: MAC 2313. This course covers statics and dynamics of particles and rigid bodies. Topics include free-body diagrams, couples, resultants, equilibrium of particles and rigid bodies in two and three dimensions, and forces in trusses, frames, and machines. Other topics include centroids, centers of mass, internal shear forces and bending moments in beams, shear and moment diagrams, friction, area moments of inertia, parallel axis theorem, work/energy, as well as impulse and momentum methods.
EGN 1004L First-Year Engineering Laboratory (1). This course is intended to generate and maintain students' interest in the engineering disciplines so that they are motivated to become active learners, responsible students, and ethical engineering professionals.
EGN 3454. Numerical Methods for Mechanical Engineers (3). Prerequisites: MAC 2313 and MAP 2302. Miscellaneous requirement: Understanding of linear algebra. This course teaches programming and numerical methods to solve engineering/scientific problems in an effective and efficient manner to meet the needs of industry, government, and academia. The course leverages the use of MATLAB which is widely used for scientific computing. Students develop practical programming skills. The course relies heavily on in-class programming to provide feedback to students.
EMA 4225. Mechanical Metallurgy (3). Prerequisite: EML 3012C. This course focuses on tensile instability, crystallography, theory of dislocations, plasticity, hardening mechanisms, creep and fracture, electron microscopy, composite materials.
EMA 4501. Electron Microscopy (3). Prerequisite: EML 3234 or instructor permission. This course covers fundamentals and techniques of electron microscopy as applied to the determination of physical, chemical, and structural properties of materials and materials behavior in practice.
EMA 4513. Microstructural Characterization of Materials (3). Prerequisite: EML 3234 or equivalent. The course introduces the tools for characterizing microstructure in materials: diffraction techniques (x-ray, neutron and electron), electron microscopy (scanning and transmission), spectroscopy (electron, x-ray), and surface and scanning probe methods. Selecting the right tool for a materials problem is also a focus of the course.
EML 3002L. Mechanical Engineering Tools Lab (3). Prerequisites: MAC 2311 and PHY 2048C. Corequisite: EML 3002. This course covers computer aided design and drafting, programming, machining, and a basic introduction to the mechanical engineering profession and ethics. Course includes building and testing a simple Stirling engine. Course is subject to an additional materials fee.
EML 3004. Engineering Statics (3). Prerequisites: MAC 2312 (C- or better) and PHY 2048 (C- or better). This course covers engineering statics and a basic introduction to engineering design and analysis. It equips students with the fundamental knowledge and tools required for their subsequent courses in the broad area of engineering mechanics.
EML 3011. Mechanics of Materials (3). Prerequisites: CHM 1045, CHM 1045L, EML 3002L, EML 3004, and MAC 2313. Corequisites: MAP 3305 or MAP 2302. This course is the first part of a two-part sequence integrating concepts of strength of materials and principles of materials. It provides students with an introduction to the analysis of the behavior of machine components and structures under various types of loading.
EML 3012. Intermediate Mechanics and Materials (3). Prerequisites: EML 3011 and PHY 2049C. Corequisite: EML 3234. This course is the second part of a two-part sequence, integrating principles of mechanics and materials science. Special emphasis is placed on measurement techniques and experimental methods in solid mechanics and materials science, including analysis and reporting of experimental data and results.
EML 3012L. Mechanics and Materials Lab (1). Prerequisites: EML 3011 and PHY 2049C. Corequisite: EML 3012 and EML 3234. This lab course is designed to give students practical hands-on experience in measurement techniques and experimental methods in solid mechanics and materials science.
EML 3013. Dynamics (3). Prerequisites: EML 3002L and EML 3004. This course is the first part of an integrated sequence in dynamics, vibrations, and controls. Material in this first course includes the following: kinematics and kinetics of particles and rigid bodies, and energy and momentum methods. In addition, the course emphasizes on the utilization of computational tools to solve or simulate equations of motion of mechanical systems.
EML 3014C. System Dynamics and Vibrations (3). Prerequisite: EML 3013C, MAP 2302, and MAP 3305. This course is the second part of an integrated sequence in dynamics, vibrations, and controls. Material in this second course includes the development of the equations of motion for translational and rotational mechanical systems, electrical systems, and electromechanical systems; system response using standard differential equation solution techniques and Laplace transforms; frequency response and impedances; linearization of nonlinear system models; and block diagrams and feedback control strategies.
EML 3015C. Thermal-Fluids I: Fluid Mechanics (4). Prerequisites: EML 3002, and MAC 2313. Corequisite: EML 3013. This course introduces fluid mechanics, which covers the following: dimensional analysis, hydrostatics, control volume analysis, basic equations in differential form, inviscid incompressible flow, viscous flows in pipes and ducts, estimation of head losses in fluid systems, and external flows.
EML 3016. Thermal-Fluids II: Heat Transfer (3). Prerequisite: EML 3015C and MAP 2302 or MAP 3305. Corequisite: EML 4304L. This course introduces heat transfer, which covers the following: basic concepts of heat transfer; steady and time dependent conduction; natural and forced convection and radiation; and analysis of heat exchanger.
EML 3017C. Mechanical Systems I (4). Prerequisites: EML 3011, EML 3013, and MAP 3305 or MAP 2302. This course is the first in a sequence of two courses intended to provide the essential tools for the design and analysis of mechanical systems. Emphasis is on linkages; constraints and degrees of freedom; position, velocity, and acceleration analysis; cams, gears, and gear trains, static and dynamic analysis; computer simulations and models of components and systems; team class projects involving dissection of existing machines and design and manufacture of new mechanical systems.
EML 3018C. Mechanical Systems II (4). Prerequisite: EML 3017C. Corequisite: EML 3012. This course is the second in a sequence of two courses intended to provide the essential tools for the design and analysis of mechanical systems. Emphasis is on materials; stress analysis; shaft design; bearings and lubrication; fasteners and connectors; joints; clutches, brakes, couplings, and flywheels; flexible elements; shafts; computer simulations and models of components and systems; team class projects involving dissection of existing machines and design and manufacture of new mechanical systems.
EML 3100. Thermodynamics (2). Prerequisites: CHM 1045, MAC 2312, and PHY 2048. This course discusses the fundamentals of thermodynamics. System description, common properties. Properties of pure substances. Mathematical foundations. First and Second Laws of Thermodynamics, closed and open systems. Equations of state and general thermodynamic relations. For non-mechanical engineering majors.
EML 3102. Engineering Thermodynamics (3). Prerequisites: MAC 2311 and PHY 2048C. This course introduces basic concepts in engineering and thermodynamics; thermodynamic properties of solids, liquids, and gases; and the first and second laws of thermodynamics.
EML 3234. Materials Science and Engineering (3). Prerequisite: CHM 1045 and PHY 2048C. Corequisite: EML 3004. This course includes concepts of materials science and their relevance to engineering design. Recent advances in engineering materials science.
EML 3811. Introduction to Mechatronics (1). Prerequisites COP 3014 or approved equivalent in C, C++, Python, or Java. Corequisite: EML 3811L. This course offers an introduction to basic electronics, embedded controllers and their programming. It covers interfacing of micro controllers with sensors and actuators of interest to the mechanical engineer.
EML 3811L. Mechatronics Lab (2). Prerequisites: COP 3014 or approved equivalent in C, C++, Python, Java (C++ preferred). Corequisite: EML 3811. This course offers a hands-on introduction to basic electronics, embedded controllers, and their programming. It covers interfacing of microcontrollers with sensors and actuators of interest to the mechanical engineer.
EML 4042. Modeling and Simulation for Mechanical Systems (3). Prerequisites 3014C and EML 3018C. This course introduces various concepts of modeling and simulation of mechanical systems, including models of systems, numerical solutions of ODEs, software tools for modeling and simulation of complex mechanical systems.
EML 4161. Cryogenics (3). Prerequisites: EML 3015C, EML 3106, and EML 3234. Miscellaneous requirement: EML 4512 and PHY 3101 are recommended. This course focuses on the fundamental aspects of cryogenic system engineering: properties of materials and fluids at low temperatures; cryogenic heat transfer and fluid dynamics; low temperature refrigeration and system engineering.
EML 4221. Acoustics (3). Prerequisites: EML 3015C and EML 3106C. Corequisites: EML 4711 or EML 5725. This course introduces physical acoustics with an emphasis on a thermal-fluids perspective.
EML 4288. Vehicle Design (3). Prerequisites: EML 3014C and EML 3018C. This introductory course in vehicle design emphasizes vehicle dynamics. Content covers the primary performance related features of vehicle design (suspension, steering, chassis, and tires). Using the latest industry-standard software, the course examines various design parameters that influence vehicle performance and handling.
EML 4304. Experiments in Thermal and Fluid Sciences (2). Prerequisites: EML 3015C. Corequisite: EML 3016C and EML 4304L. This course covers the theory required in engineering experimentation and includes the following topics: concepts of design of experiments; measurement devices and their performance characteristics; error analysis; measurement techniques; measurements of fluid and thermal properties; pressure, velocity; temperature; and calibration procedures.
EML 4304L. Experiments in Thermal and Fluid Sciences - Lab (1). Prerequisites: EML 3012C and EML 3015C. Corequisite: EML 3016C. This engineering laboratory explores measurements in fluid and thermal applications and includes experiments in fluid flow and heat transfer; design of engineering experimental systems; laboratory work; and report writing.
EML 4312. Design and Analysis of Control Systems (3). Prerequisite: EML 3014C. This course focuses on mathematical modeling of continuous physical systems. Frequency and time domain analysis and design of control systems. State variable representations of physical systems.
EML 4316. Advanced Design and Analysis of Control Systems (3). Prerequisite: EML 4312. This course emphasizes design of advanced control systems (using time and frequency domains). Implementation of control systems using continuous (operational amplifier) or digital (microprocessor) techniques are addressed and practiced.
EML 4421. Fundamentals of Propulsion Systems (3). Prerequisite: EML 3016C. This course is an analysis of the performance of propulsion systems using fundamental principles of thermodynamics, heat transfer, and fluid mechanics. Systems studied include turbojet, turbofan, ramjet engines, as well as piston type internal combustion (IC) engines.
EML 4450. Energy Conversion Systems for Sustainability (3). Prerequisites: EML 3016C and senior standing in engineering. This course presents the challenge of changing the global energy system so it addresses reducing dependence on finite fossil energy sources and moving to environmentally sustainable energy sources. The emphasis is on greenhouse gas emissions-free energy production strategies, including renewable energy sources such as solar, wind and biomass. Topics include photovoltaic cells, fuel cells, and thermoelectric systems.
EML 4452. Sustainable Power Generation. (3). Prerequisites: EML 4450 or EML 5451. This course is a continuation of energy-conversion systems for sustainability and focuses on solar electricity, biopower, biofuels, and hydrogen as energy media. The course also explores whether hydrogen-based transportation is a practical option.
EML 4501. Machine Design (3). Prerequisite: EML 3018C. This course focuses on the design of mechanical systems and the components needed for their operation. Emphasis is placed on fasteners and connectors; joints; clutches and brakes; couplings and flywheels; flexible elements; shafts; machine dynamics; computer simulations and models of components and systems; team class projects involving the design and manufacture of mechanical systems.
EML 4512. Thermal-Fluid Design (3). Prerequisite: EML 3016C. This course is intended to develop the student's awareness and understanding of the relationship between fluid mechanics, thermodynamics, and heat transfer in consideration of design. Emphasis is placed upon energy systems components such as heat-exchangers, piping networks, and pumps. Includes a student project.
EML 4536. Design Using FEM (3). Prerequisite: EML 3018C. This course explores the Finite Method - what it is; elementary FEM theory; structures and elements; trusses, beams, and frames; two-dimensional solids; three-dimensional solids; axisymmetric solids; thin-walled structures; static and dynamic problems; available hardware and software; basic steps in FEM analysis; pre/post processing; interpretation of results; advanced modeling techniques; design optimization; advanced materials using FEM.
EML 4542. Materials Selection in Design (3). Prerequisites: EML 3012C and senior standing in mechanical engineering. This course examines the selection and application of materials predicated on material science and engineering case studies covering most engineering applications.
EML 4550. Engineering Design Methods (3). Prerequisites: EML 3002L and EML 3004. This is a formal lecture component of the mechanical engineering ‘capstone' senior design course project. The course covers the product design cycle from problem identification and need assessment, to specification, concept generation and selection, preliminary design, materials selection, and final design. The design process is placed in context by presenting topics such as legal and ethical issues, product reliability and liability considerations, engineering economics, and optimal design.
EML 4551C. Senior Design Project I (3). Prerequisites: EML 3012C, EML 3014C, EML 3016C, EML 3018C, and EML 4550. This course is the first in a two-part course sequence presenting an integrated system design approach for engineering product realization. Course blends the perspectives of market research and planning, design cycle, project management and teamwork, and technical reporting. This is the ‘capstone' course for mechanical engineering students. This course offers weekly sessions in which teams are coached during the different phases of the project, plus frequent and extensive design reviews. This course is structured to closely resemble ‘on the job' engineering education.
EML 4552C. Senior Design Project II (3). Prerequisite: EML 4551C. This is the second in a two-part course sequence presenting an integrated system design approach for engineering product realization. The course blends the perspectives of market research and planning, design cycle, project management and teamwork, and technical reporting. The course structure closely resembles ‘on-the-job' engineering education. This is the capstone course for Mechanical Engineering students.
EML 4711. Introduction to Gas Dynamics (3). Prerequisite: EML 3016C. This course is a thorough one-dimensional treatment of compressible flows and applications to nozzle, diffuser, sound waves, tunnel, and shock tube flows.
EML 4800. Introduction to Robotics (3). Prerequisite: EML 3014C. This course explores the basic elements of a robot, robot actuators, and servo control; sensors, senses, vision, and voice; microprocessor system design and computers; kinematic equations; motion trajectories.
EML 4804. Mechatronics II (3). Prerequisite: EML 3811. This course focuses on developing greater competence in the application of electromechanical components to solve engineering problems and build ‘smart' systems. The course focuses on the design interplay between electrical and mechanical systems. Students use microprocessors, circuits, sensors, and actuators in both labs and projects to develop multi-purpose electromechanical devices. The course provides instruction and practical exercises in: programming, electronics, signal conditioning, communication protocols, mechanical design, prototyping techniques, and system integration.
EML 4830. Introduction to Mobile Robotics (2). Prerequisites: EML 3811 and EML 3811L. Corequisite: EML 4830L. This course introduces students to kinematic modeling and simulation of mobile robots; mobile robot sensors; fundamental methods of computer vision; Kalman filtering and mobile robot localization; introductory concepts of mapping; path; trajectory planning, and obstacle avoidance; and intelligent control architectures.
EML 4830L. Mobile Robotics Lab (3). Prerequisites: EML 3811 and EML 3811L. Corequisite: EML 4830. This course offers a hands-on implementation of core mobile robotics algorithms. In addition, it introduces widely used mobile robotics software packages.
EML 4841. Bio/Robotic Locomotion (3). Prerequisite: EML 3014C, or instructor permission. This course introduces the fundamental concepts for biological and robotic locomotion with limbs. Muscular-skeletal biomechanics for vertebrate and invertebrate animals are briefly reviewed including an overview of the function of muscles. Morphology, gaits, posture, and the effect of scale on legged locomotion are discussed. The history of legged robots is reviewed. Reduced-order dynamic models of walking and running are introduced. Techniques for analyzing the stability of these periodic hybrid-dynamic systems are covered. The course includes the development and analysis of simulation and hardware platforms of locomotion systems.
EML 4905r. Directed Individual Study (1–3). Prerequisites: Junior standing and a “B” average in mechanical engineering courses. May be repeated to a maximum of twelve semester hours.
EML 4930r. Special Topics in Mechanical Engineering (1–4). Prerequisite: Instructor permission. This course explores topics in mechanical engineering with emphasis on recent developments. Content and credit varies. May be repeated within the same term to a maximum of twelve semester hours.
EML 4945r. Practical Work in Mechanical Engineering (1–3). (S/U grade only.) Prerequisite: Advisor permission. May be repeated to a maximum of three semester hours.
EML 4970r. Honors in the Major Research (1–6). Prerequisite: Acceptance into honors program. In this course, students accepted into the Honors in the Major program complete an original research or creative project in their major area of study. This course must be repeated at least twice to complete a minimum of six (6) credit hours total, but may be repeated up to a maximum of twelve credit hours in total.
For listings relating to graduate coursework, consult the Graduate Bulletin.