Academic Deans' Telephone Directory

To contact the dean's office for your college, please reference the table below.

College Telephone
Anne Spencer Daves College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences (850) 644-3760
Applied Studies (850) 770-2280
Arts and Sciences (850) 644-1081
Business (850) 644-3090
Communication and Information (850) 644-9698
Criminology and Criminal Justice (850) 644-4052
Dedman School of Hospitality (850) 645-0557
Engineering (850) 410-6161
Fine Arts (850) 644-5244
The Graduate School (850) 644-3501
Jim Moran School of Entrepreneurship (850) 644-7856
Law (850) 644-3400
Medicine (850) 644-5323
Motion Picture Arts (850) 644-7728
Music (850) 644-3424
Nursing (850) 644-3299
Social Sciences and Public Policy (850) 644-5470
Social Work (850) 644-4751
Undergraduate Studies (850) 644-2451