Graduate Department of Mechanical Engineering
FAMU—FSU College of Engineering
Chair: William Oates; Professors: Alvi, Cooley, Dean De, Gibson, Guo, Hellstrom, Kalu, Kumar, Larbalestier, Oates, J. Ordòñez, Shih; Associate Professors: Clark, Hollis, Hruda, Kametani, Krick, Moore, Shoele, Wu, Yaghoobian; Assistant Professors: Berger, Cai, Higgins, Hubicki, Nair; Teaching Faculty: FSU Main Campus: Ali, Larson, McConomy, C. Ordòñez; FSU Panama City Campus: Campbell, Capehart, Chagas, Traynham; Adjunct Faculty: Vanderlaan; Affiliated Faculty: Hussaini, Kopriva, Tam; Research Faculty: Gustavsson, Tuna, Vahab, Wahidi; Professors Emeriti: Buzyna, Cartes, Krothapalli, Luongo, Van Dommelen, Van Sciver
The Department of Mechanical Engineering offers two graduate degrees and one online certificate program: the Master of Science (MS), the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) and the Aerospace Engineering—Aerodynamics Certificate Program, respectively. The graduate program in mechanical engineering is designed to provide students with the necessary tools to begin a productive career in engineering practice or research, a career that probably will span a period of three to five decades. Although it is not possible to teach everything that one needs to know in the graduate program, the program provides the student with the skills, knowledge, and philosophy that will enable the student to continue to grow throughout his/her career. The graduate training a student receives emphasizes a fundamental approach to engineering whereby the student learns to identify needs, define problems, and apply basic principles and techniques to obtain a solution. This philosophy is incorporated in classroom lectures, laboratory activities, design projects, and research.
It is essential that a successful department cultivates and maintains a dynamic program that is nationally recognized. The department is actively involved in basic research, which expands the frontiers of knowledge, as well as applied research designed to solve present and future technological needs of society. The major research activities are focused in three primary areas: fluid mechanics and heat transfer, solid mechanics and materials science, and dynamic systems and controls (including mechatronics and robotics). State-of-the-art laboratories are associated with each of these areas. In addition, much of the research is conducted in cooperation with the National High Field Magnetic Laboratory (NHMFL), the Department of Scientific Computing, the Center for Materials Research and Technology (MARTECH), and the Center for Nonlinear and Non-equilibrium Aero Science.
A complete description of the mechanical engineering graduate program, including recent changes, may be found at
Research Programs and Facilities
The Florida Center for Advanced Aero-Propulsion (FCAAP) has been established to ensure that the State of Florida remains at the forefront of the aerospace industry and maintains a highly skilled workforce to develop, test, migrate, and manufacture the next generation of aerospace technologies. The center is a partnership between four state universities, with FSU as the leading institution. The Advanced Aero-Propulsion Laboratory (AAPL), also located at FSU, is the primary experimental and research facility. AAPL contains testing and diagnostic facilities not commonly available at university research centers. These include: a new Hot Jet Anechoic Facility capable of operating supersonic hot jets - up to 2000 Fahrenheit, a STOVL Test Facility, an optical diagnostic development lab, and a supersonic and a large subsonic wind tunnel. In addition to AAPL, the center is home to several state-of-the-art research laboratories led by an experienced team of internationally recognized scientists, researchers, and engineers. In collaboration with government and industry, FCAAP will serve as a technology incubator to promote innovative research and encourage a rapid adaptation of technologies to market. FCAAP plays a vital role in shaping the next generation of air and spacecraft designs, space transport systems, and aviation safety. FCAAP's current research is focused on Active Flow, Noise and Vibration Control, Aero-optimization, Advanced Propulsion and Turbomachinery Systems, Sensor and Actuator Development, Advanced Diagnostics, Aero-Thermodynamics and Aeroacoustics, High Performance Computation, Smart Materials, Systems and Structures, and other related fields.
The vision of the Center for Intelligent Systems, Control, and Robotics (CISCOR) is to use state-of-the-art technology to develop practical solutions to problems in systems, control, and robotics for applications in industry and government. CISCOR is a cooperative research effort in the automated systems area across four departments (Mechanical, Chemical, Electrical, and Civil) in the College of Engineering. The center's goal is to provide a means for the state of Florida to achieve national prominence in the area of automated systems and to assume a leadership role in the state of Florida's technology of the future. Established in 2003, CISCOR has become a leading center in Florida for the development and implementation of technologies related to Intelligent Systems, Control, and Robotics.
The multidisciplinary High-Performance Materials Institute (HPMI) performs research for emerging advanced composites, nanomaterials, multifunctional materials and devices, and advanced manufacturing. Currently, HPMI is involved in four primary technology areas: High-Performance Composite and Nanomaterials, Structural Health Monitoring, Multifunctional Nanomaterials Advanced Manufacturing, and Process Modeling. Over the last several years, HPMI has proven several technology concepts that have the potential to narrow the gap between research and practical applications of nanotube-based materials.
The National High Magnetic Field Laboratory (NHMFL) is the only facility of its kind in the United States. The National High Magnetic Field Laboratory is the largest and highest-powered magnet laboratory in the world, headquartered in a sprawling 370,000-square foot complex near Florida State University. The lab also includes sites at the Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico and at the University of Florida. Together these three institutions operate the lab, collaborating in a unique interdisciplinary way to advance basic science, engineering, and technology in the 21st century.
The Applied Superconductivity Center (ASC), a research division of the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, was established to advance the science and technology of superconductivity and particularly superconductivity applications by investigating low temperature and high temperature models.
The Energy and Sustainability Center (ESC) has been established to address our most challenging energy issues through the development of innovative alternative energy solutions for consumers and industry. The center will develop a portfolio of pre-commercial research programs to explore reliable, affordable, safe, and clean energy technologies. A key objective of ESC is to encourage future commercial application of the technologies that flow from the research. ESC has a number of specialized facilities for technology development and implementation including: a fuel-cell testing laboratory, a water-electrolysis electrode testing laboratory, a solar-thermal system component testing facilities, small-scale electrical power systems laboratory, and other facilities through collaborations with the FAMU-FSU College of Engineering, the Center for Advanced Power Systems (CAPS), and the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory (NHMFL).
The Institute for Energy Systems, Economics and Sustainability (IESES) at Florida State University will be an essential component of Florida's leadership in sustainable energy. The Institute is a public resource. We carry out scholarly basic research and analysis in engineering, science, infrastructure, governance, and the related social dimensions; all designed to further a sustainable energy economy. The Institute unites researchers from the disciplines of engineering, natural sciences, law, urban and regional planning, geography, and economics to address sustainability and alternative power issues in the context of global climate change. Our goal is scholarship that leads to informed governance, economics, and decision making for a successful Florida sustainable energy strategy.
The Active Structures and Microsystems Laboratory is focused on the mechanics and physics of adaptive materials and their integration into structures and devices. This includes exploring fundamental field-coupled behavior (electric, magnetic, photomechanical, chemical), device and structural dynamics research, and the development of advanced and control designs for broadband performance and precision tracking. This requires synergies between materials science, engineering, and mathematics. We collaborate with several researchers that range in backgrounds that include physics, mathematics, experimental fluid dynamics, and materials science to advance the field.
The Cryogenics Laboratory, located in the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, is a fully developed facility for conducting low-temperature experimental research and development. The laboratory, which occupies about 400 square meters, supports in-house development projects as well as scientific work. The experiment apparatus within the lab include the following: 1) Liquid Helium Flow Visualization Facility (LHFVF): This facility consists of a 5 m long, 20 cm ID horizontal cryogenic vacuum with vertical reservoirs at each end. A variety of experimental test sections can be installed in the facility for measurements of flow and heat transfer including flow visualization studies. The LHFVF is currently being used for PIV studies of forced flow superfluid helium. 2) Cryogenic Helium Experimental Facility (CHEF): This facility consists of a 3 m long, 0.6 m ID cryogenic vessel with N2 and He temperature thermal shields. CHEF is equipped with a high-volume flow bellows pump capable of up to 5 liters/s. Currently, CHEF is being used to study high Reynolds number liquid helium flow through orifice plates. 3) Liquid Helium Research Test Stands: Numerous conventional vertical access dewars and insert cryostats are available for smaller scale experiments on heat transfer and flow. These include dewars between 10 cin ID with depths to 2 in. 4) Additional equipment: The laboratory contains all necessary equipment to carry out modern cryogenic experiments. Modern instrumentation for data acquisition is available to support experiments. High vacuum equipment includes a mass spectrometer leak detector and two portable turbo pump systems that provide thermal isolation. A high-capacity vacuum pump (500 liter/s) is used to support sub-atmospheric liquid helium experiments as low as 1.5K.
The Advanced Materials Processing and Applications Laboratory (AMPAL) is focused on the processing, characterizing, and testing of materials in conjunction with micromechanical modeling. Materials of interest include, but are not limited to, super plastic alloys (Niobium, Copper, Aluminum), structural steel, and high-strength conductors such as Copper-Silver. These materials are employed in several scientific and engineering applications ranging from superconducting and electronic applications (radio frequency cavities, magnetic materials, etc.) to structural applications. Processing involves the development of various sever plastic deformation methods such as tri-axial forging, equal channel angular extrusion (ECAE), rolling, swaging, and wire drawing suitable for producing bulk quantities of ultra-fine-grained material. Also, currently being explored is a novel case hardening technique for both stainless steels and low carbon steels. The laboratory is equipped with various tools for characterization and testing. Some of the equipment include a high-resolution analytical transmission electron microscope, field emission scanning electron microscope equipped with dual beams capable of perming in-situ ion-milling (ion beam), and 2D/3D-electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) measurements (electron beam). The micromechanics modeling efforts provide an opportunity to correlate the material properties with microstructure. The mechanical modeling effort is being used to explain tension, nano-indentation, shear, and super-plasticity of advanced materials including composite. AMPAL collaborates with various other research groups and institutions both nationally and internationally to achieve our research goals.
The Scansorial and Terrestrial Robotics and Integrated Design (STRIDe) Laboratory is dedicated to the design, analysis, and manufacturing of novel and dynamic robotic systems. To imbue robotic systems with the agility and functionality akin to their biological inspirations, it is critical to understand the interplay between the structures' underlying passive dynamics and the control systems that enervate them. Research in this lab involves working closely with biologists to understand the underlying functional principles behind successful animal locomotion. These principles are then encoded in simplified dynamic models. The analysis of these models leads to insight regarding the roles of passive and active elements in creating self-stabilizing dynamic systems. Innovative manufacturing processes, such as Shape Deposition Manufacturing (SDM) and other rapid prototyping techniques, are then applied to build robots capable of moving in a dynamic and agile manner over difficult terrain. To analyze and build these robots, the lab is equipped with dynamic motion analysis equipment as well as a suite of state-of-the-art manufacturing tools.
Graduate students participating in research are provided office space in the laboratories and have access to substantial staff support from their research group.
Master's Program
The Department of Mechanical Engineering offers several options for the Master of Science degree. Students may pursue a traditional Mechanical Engineering degree (with a thesis or non-thesis option) or specialize in Sustainable Energy. The department is also a member of the Interdisciplinary Materials Science Program through which students can earn a master's degree in Materials Science. Additionally, highly qualified and current undergraduate students may apply to the joint BSMS Pathway to begin taking graduate-level classes during their junior and senior year. There are two tracks to consider: (1) The BS-MS Professional Traineeship and (2) the New combined BS-MS Program. Full details can be found at
Prospective students must have a BS degree (or a recognized equivalent) in Mechanical Engineering or any one of the following related fields: Any Engineering Major, Chemistry, Computer Science, Materials Science, Mathematics/Applied Mathematics, or Physics/Applied Physics. Non-majors, students without a BS degree in Mechanical Engineering, may be required to take up to twelve credit hours of remedial coursework in Mechanical Engineering as a condition of admission.
Applicants must have at least a 3.0 upper-division GPA and a Quantitative GRE score of 155 and Verbal GRE score of 150. International students must take the TOEFL exam and score at least 550 on the paper-based exam, 213 on the computer-based exam, or 80 on the Internet-based exam. Other acceptable English Language Proficiency Exam scores are as follows: Pearson Test in English (50), Duolingo (120), Cambridge C1 Advanced Level (180), and Michigan Language Assessment (55). Applicants must also submit a personal/research statement, résumé, and three letters of recommendation. Please visit the department website for additional details:
Note: Effective August 2011, the GRE Revised General Test replaced the GRE General Test. To learn more about this test, go to
Major in Mechanical Engineering
I. Thesis Option
Mechanical Engineering students must take the following minimum distribution of courses for a total of 30 credit hours:
Core Courses
Nine credit hours:
- EML 5060 Analysis in Mechanical Engineering, and
- Two core courses in the major area (either Dynamics and Controls, Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer, or Solid Mechanics and Materials Science)
Core courses in Dynamics and Controls:
- EGM 5444 Advanced Dynamics
- EML 5317 Advanced Design and Analysis of Control Systems
- EML 5361 Multivariable Control
- EML 5930r Special Topics in Mechanical Engineering
Core courses in Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer:
- EML 5152 Fundamentals of Heat Transfer
- EML 5155 Convective Heat and Mass Transfer
- EML 5709 Fluid Mechanics Principles with Selected Applications
- EML 5930r Special Topics in Mechanical Engineering
Core courses in Solid Mechanics and Materials Science:
- EGM 5611 Introduction to Continuum Mechanics
- EML 5930r Special Topics in Mechanical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering Courses
- Six credit hours: two courses in Mechanical Engineering.
Nine credit hours:
- Select three graduate-level courses in any engineering field, mathematics, or any science discipline (computer science, physics, etc.).
- Courses must be selected in consultation with the student's major professor.
- One of the three electives may include EML 5905 Directed Individual Study or EML 5910 Supervised Research.
Six credit hours:
- EML 5971 Thesis, and
- EML 8976 Master's Thesis Defense
II. Non-Thesis Option
The non-thesis option requires 30 credit hours, of which at least 27 credit hours must be letter-graded courses. Students must complete 21 credit hours of coursework within mechanical engineering. Nine credit hours may be taken outside the department in any of the following areas: engineering, mathematics, or any science discipline (computer science, physics, etc.).
Major in Sustainable Energy
Sustainable Energy students must take the following minimum distribution of courses for a total of thirty credit hours:
Core Courses
Fifteen credit hours:
- EML 5060 Analysis in Mechanical Engineering I
- CHM 5153 Engineering Electrochemistry
- EML 5451 Energy Conversion Systems for Sustainability
- EML 5452 Sustainable Power Generation
- EML 5930r Special Topics in Mechanical Engineering
Nine credit hours:
- Select three graduate-level courses in engineering, mathematics, or any science discipline (computer science, physics, etc.).
- Courses must be selected in consultation with the student's major professor.
- One of the three electives may include EML 5905 Directed Individual Study or EML 5910 Supervised Research.
Six credit hours:
- EML 5971 Thesis, and
- EML 8976 Master's Thesis Defense
Doctor of Philosophy
PhD Program
Prospective students must have an MS degree in Mechanical Engineering or any one of the following related fields: any Engineering Major, Chemistry, Computer Science, Materials Science, Mathematics/Applied Mathematics, or Physics/Applied Physics. Non-majors, students without a BS degree in Mechanical Engineering, may be required to take up to 12 credit hours of remedial coursework in Mechanical Engineering as a condition of admission.
Applicants must have at least a 3.0 upper-division GPA and a Quantitative GRE score of 155 and Verbal GRE score of 150. International students must take the TOEFL Exam and score at least 550 on the paper-based exam, 213 on the computer-based exam, or 80 on the Internet-based exam. Other acceptable English Language Proficiency Exam scores are as follows: Pearson Test in English (50), Duolingo (120), Cambridge C1 Advanced Level (180), and Michigan Language Assessment (55). Applicants must also submit a personal statement, résumé, and three letters of recommendation. Please visit the department website for additional details:
Note: Effective August 2011, the GRE Revised General Test replaced the GRE General Test. To learn more about this test, go to
BS to PhD Program
In addition to the standard PhD program the department offers a direct BS to PhD program. This program is limited to students with excellent academic transcripts and demonstrated potential for advanced research. Applicants must submit strong letters of recommendation from professors or persons qualified to evaluate their academic potential. Finally, a member of the Mechanical Engineering faculty must recommend the student to the program. Admission to the program is finalized at the end of the second semester. During their first two semesters, students must maintain a minimum graduate GPA of 3.50. Final admission to the PhD program is granted by the Graduate Committee.
Students initially admitted to the master's program may request a transfer to the BS-PhD program at the end of their second semester. The student must have maintained a graduate GPA of 3.50 or better during their first two semesters.
Degree Requirements
PhD Program
The standard PhD program requires 45 credit hours of coursework, of which at least 24 credit hours must be dissertation hours. The remaining 21 letter-graded credit hours are divided into three areas:
General Engineering and Mathematics
Students must complete six credit hours of general engineering and advanced mathematics courses. One of those courses must be EML 5061 Analysis in Mechanical Engineering II. The remaining course must be from the approved course list. See department website for approved list.
Students must complete 15 credit hours of graduate-level, letter-graded electives. Courses may be taken in any engineering program, mathematics, and/or any science discipline.
BS to PhD Program
The BS-PhD program requires 60 credit hours of coursework, of which at least 24 credit hours must be dissertation hours. The remaining 36 letter-graded credit hours are divided into five areas:
General Engineering and Mathematics
Students must complete six credit hours of general engineering and advanced mathematics courses. One of those courses must be EML 5061 Analysis in Mechanical Engineering II. The remaining course must be from the approved course list. See department website for approved list.
Core Courses
Students must complete EML 5060 Analysis in Mechanical Engineering I, and two courses in their chosen depth area for a total of 9 semester hours.
Mechanical Engineering Courses
Students must complete six credit hours of general mechanical-engineering courses.
Students must complete 15 credit hours of electives. Courses may be taken in any engineering program, mathematics, and/or any science discipline. Students may substitute one elective course with a Directed Individual Study (DIS) course or Supervised Research (SR) course.
Additional Requirements
Preliminary Examination
All PhD students are required to register for and pass EML 8968 (Preliminary Examination) before the end of their fourth semester. The exam is designed to evaluate a student's grasp of a specified spectrum of Mechanical Engineering (at the undergraduate level) and their ability to think creatively. It consists of an oral examination following a written research proposal and is administered each term. After passing the exam the student will be granted doctoral candidacy status, allowing the student to register for dissertation credit hours.
Prospectus Defense
Within one year of obtaining candidacy status each PhD student must present a prospectus to their committee on a research project suitable for a doctoral dissertation. A forty-five-minute presentation of the proposed dissertation topic will be presented to the students' graduate committee for approval.
Dissertation Defense
Demonstrated ability to perform original research at the forefront of mechanical engineering is the final and major criterion for granting the doctoral degree. The candidate's dissertation serves, in part, to demonstrate such competence; on completion it is defended orally in a public seminar before the doctoral dissertation committee, which may then recommend the awarding of the degree.
Doctor of Philosophy in Materials Science and Engineering
The Department of Mechanical Engineering is a member of the Interdisciplinary Program in Materials Science and Engineering. For more information on the Materials Science and Engineering program, please visit
Aerospace Engineering—Aerodynamics Certificate
Certificate Requirements
All applicants must be currently enrolled as a graduate student in good standing at either Florida A&M University or Florida State University or be admitted as a degree seeking or non-degree seeking student.
To be considered for the AE-A Certificate, the applicant must be admitted as a graduate degree seeking student or graduate non-degree student with the university. Applicants must have a bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering or related engineering discipline (computer science, mathematics, applied mathematics, physics or applied physics). Applicants who do not have an B.S. degree in engineering or in one of the approved STEM fields listed above are not eligible for admission to the graduate certificate program. Students without a B.S. degree in Mechanical Engineering, but with a degree in an approved field may be required to complete remedial coursework in Mechanical Engineering as a condition of admission. The remedial course will include EML 3015C Thermal Fluids I or an equivalent course (Fluid Mechanics).
In general, the following criteria will be used for admissions:
- GPA of 3.0/4.0 or greater
- Two letters of recommendation
- A statement of purpose
- A resume or CV
- Unofficial transcripts can be submitted with the certificate application; International applicants must include an English translation
Submit the online Aerodynamics Engineering Certificate Application Form ( prior to completion of the 2nd course required for the certificate.
Admission and completion of a graduate-level certificate program does not guarantee admission to a master's or specialist degree pro-gram. Students may, however, apply up to 12 semester hours of credit earned toward the master's or specialist degree with approval.
Prerequisite Courses
Students who have not taken Thermal Fluids I (Fluid Mechanics) or an equivalent course must take this course as an articulation course. Additional courses may be required if the student's undergraduate major is not mechanical engineering, or a closely related major.
Note: Students must submit the online Aerodynamics Engineering Certificate Application Form ( prior to completion of the second course required for the certificate.
Required Courses
The online AE-Aerodynamics Graduate Certificate curriculum consists of 12 credit hours (four courses). The certificate program through the Department of Mechanical Engineering can be completed in as little as two semesters. Students can also complete the program at their own pace part-time.
Required Course:
- EAS 5102 Fundamentals of Aerodynamics (offered every fall semester)
Elective Courses:
- EGM 5121 Random Data Measurements and Analysis
- EML 5422 Propulsion Systems
- EML 5709 Fluid Mechanics and Selected Applications
- EML 5710 Introduction to Gas Dynamics
- EML 5930 Experimental Methods & Advanced Flow Diagnostics
- EML 5725 Computational Fluid Dynamics
- EML 5930 Introduction to Physical Acoustics
- EML 5930 Introduction to Hypersonic Flows
- EML 5930 Flow Control
Definition of Prefixes
EAS—Aerospace Engineering
EGM—Engineering Science
EGN—Engineering: General
EMA—Materials Engineering
EML—Engineering: Mechanical
Graduate Courses
EAS 5102. Fundamentals of Aerodynamics (3). Prerequisites: EML 3015C and EML 3016C. This course includes fundamental fluid mechanics and aerodynamic principles in the design of airfoil and aircraft wings. The course provides a comprehensive review concerning applications, technological advances, and social impacts on the development of a modern flight vehicle.
EGM 5330. Random Data Measurement and Analysis (3). Prerequisite: Graduate standing or instructor permission. This course explores random data, mean values, mean-square values, probability density and distribution functions, moments and characteristic functions, spectral and correlation analysis; bias and random error estimates in data measurements; input-output system models; measurement examples.
EGM 5444. Advanced Dynamics (3). Prerequisite: EGN 3321, EML 3220, and MAP 3306. In this course, topics include particle and rigid body kinematics, particle and rigid body kinetics, D'Alembert Principle, Lagranges equations of motion, system stability, computational techniques, orbital dynamics, multi-body dynamics.
EGM 5611. Introduction to Continuum Mechanics (3). Prerequisite: Graduate standing. Solid and fluid continua. Cartesian tensor theory. Kinematics of infinitesimal deformation, relations between stress, strain, and strain rate for elastic, plastic, and viscous solids and for compressible and viscous fluids. General equations of continuum mechanics, integral forms, and their physical interpretation. Particular forms of equations and boundary conditions for elastic and viscoelastic solids and Newtonian fluids.
EGM 5612. Solid Mechanics and Electromagnetics of Continuous Media (3). Prerequisites: Familiarity with topics of strength of materials, concepts of stresses and strains, a basic understanding of thermodynamics and electromagnetics. This course introduces concepts of continuum thermo-mechanics and electromagnetics with application in solving field-coupled boundary value problems.
EGM 5810. Viscous Fluid Flows (3). Prerequisite: EML 5709. Presents the basic fundamentals underlying the mechanics of gas, air, and fluid flows. Discussion of the possible methods of estimating and predicting the characteristics and parameters governing those flows.
EMA 5226. Mechanical Metallurgy (3). Prerequisites: EML 3234. Tensile instability, crystallography, theory of dislocations, plasticity, hardening mechanisms, creep and fracture, electron microscopy, composite materials.
EMA 5514. Electron Microscopy (3). Prerequisite: Instructor permission. This course focuses on fundamentals and techniques of electron microscopy as applied to the determination of physical, chemical, and structural properties of materials and materials behavior in practice.
EMA 5515. Microstructural Characterization of Materials (3). Prerequisite: EML 3234 or an equivalent introductory course in Materials Science and Engineering. The course introduces the tools for characterizing microstructure in materials: diffraction techniques (x-ray, neutron and electron), electron microscopy (scanning and transmission), spectroscopy (electron, x-ray), and surface and scanning probe methods. Selecting the right tool for a materials problem is also a focus of the course.
EML 5042. Modeling and Simulation of Mechanical Systems (3). Prerequisites: EML 3014C, EML 3018C, or instructor permission. This course is an introduction to various concepts of modeling and simulation of mechanical systems, including models of systems, numerical solutions of ODEs, software tools for modeling and simulation of complex mechanical systems.
EML 5060. Analysis in Mechanical Engineering (3). Prerequisite: Graduate standing in mechanical engineering. Familiarizes the student with methods of analysis in mechanical engineering. Surveys applications of integration and series, ordinary and partial differential equations, and linear algebra.
EML 5061. Analysis in Mechanical Engineering II (3). Prerequisite: EML 5060 or equivalent. This course familiarizes students with applications of vector calculus and partial differential equations in mechanical engineering.
EML 5072. Applied Superconductivity (3). Prerequisites: EEL 3472; EML 3100; EML 3234; PHY 3101. Introduction to superconductivity for applications, fundamentals of the superconducting state, transport current and metallurgy of superconductors, Superconducting electrons and magnets, system engineering.
EML 5107. Thermodynamics for Materials Science (3). Prerequisite: Consent of instructor. This course covers thermodynamic principles with an emphasis on condensed phases.
EML 5152. Fundamentals of Heat Transfer (3). Prerequisite: Graduate standing in mechanical engineering. This is an introductory course in basic heat transfer concepts. Topics include conduction and heat diffusion equation, forced and free convection, radiative heat transfer, boiling heat transfer, and condensation.
EML 5155. Convective Heat and Mass Transfer (3). Prerequisites: EGM 5810; EML 5152. Familiarizes the student with methods to evaluate a convection heat transfer coefficient and a mass transfer coefficient for a variety of engineering applications. Evaluation of the driving force in mass transfer and combined problems.
EML 5162. Cryogenics (3). Prerequisites: EML 3015C, EML 3016, and EML 3234. Miscellaneous requirement: EML 4512 and PHY 3101 are recommended. This course focuses on the fundamental aspects of cryogenics system and engineering properties of materials and fluids at low temperatures; cryogenic heat transfer and fluid dynamics, low temperature refrigeration and system engineering.
EML 5224. Acoustics (3). Prerequisites: EML 3015C, EML 3016C. Corequisite: EML 5710. This course provides an introduction to physical acoustics with an emphasis on a thermal-fluids perspective.
EML 5289. Vehicle Design (3). Prerequisites: EML 3014C and EML 3018C, or instructor permission. This is an introductory course in vehicle design concentrating primarily on vehicle dynamics. Students examine the key features of vehicle design that relate to performance: suspension, steering, chassis, and tires. By using the latest in industry standard software, students consider the various design parameters influencing vehicle performance and handling.
EML 5311. Design and Analysis of Control Systems (3). Prerequisite: MAP 3306. Mathematical modeling of continuous physical systems. Frequency and time domain analysis and design of control systems. State variable representations of physical systems.
EML 5317. Advanced Design and Analysis of Control Systems (3). Design of advanced control systems (using time and frequency domains) will be emphasized. Implementation of control systems using continuous (operational amplifier) or digital (microprocessor) techniques will be addressed and practiced.
EML 5361. Multivariable Control (3). Prerequisite: EML 4312 or 5311. Course covers H2 and H control design for linear systems with multiple inputs and multiple outputs and globally optimal techniques, fixed-structure (e.g., reduced-order) techniques. Includes introductory concepts in robust control.
EML 5422. Fundamentals of Propulsions Systems (3). Prerequisite: EML 3015C, EML 3016C, and graduate standing in mechanical engineering. This course offers an analysis of the performance of propulsion systems using fundamental principles of thermodynamics, heat transfer, and fluid mechanics. Systems studied include turbojet, turbofan, ramjet engines, as well as piston-type internal combustion engines.
EML 5451. Energy Conversion Systems for Sustainability (3). Prerequisites: Requires graduate standing. This course discusses the challenge of making the global energy system independent of finite fossil-energy sources and, instead, dependent on environmentally sustainable energy sources. The course emphasizes strategies for producing energy that is free of greenhouse-gas emissions, including renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, and biomass. The course focuses on direct energy conversion and covers topics such as photovoltaic cells, fuel cells, and thermoelectric systems.
EML 5453. Sustainable Power Generation (3). Prerequisites: EML 4450 or EML 5451 or graduate student standing in engineering or sciences. This course is a continuation of sustainability energy-conversion systems and focuses on solar electricity, biopower, biofuels, and hydrogen. The course also discusses the practicality of hydrogen-based transportation.
EML 5537. Design Using FEM (3). The Finite Element Method - what it is, elementary FEM theory, structures and elements, trusses, beams, and frames, two-dimensional solids, three-dimensional solids, axisymmetric solids, thin-walled structures, static and dynamic problems, available hardware and software, basic steps in FEM analysis, pre/post processing, interpretation of results, advanced modeling techniques, design optimization, advanced materials using FEM.
EML 5543. Materials Selection in Design (3). Prerequisite: EML 3234 or equivalent. This course examines the application of materials predicated on material science and engineering case studies covering most engineering applications.
EML 5705. Active Flow Control (3). Prerequisites: EML 3014C (or an equivalent undergraduate controls course) and EML 5709. This course covers active flow control. Active flow control is a rapidly emerging field of significant technological importance to the design and capability of a new generation of fluid systems, spawning major research initiatives in government industry, and academic sectors.
EML 5709. Fluid Mechanic Principles with Selected Applications (3). Prerequisites: Graduate standing in mechanical engineering, EML 3015, and EML 5060 (or other course equivalents). This course explores introductory concepts, description, and kinematical concepts of fluid motion, basic field equations, thermodynamics of fluid flow, Navier-Stokes equations, elements of the effects of friction and heat flow, unsteady one-dimensional motion, selected nonlinear steady flows.
EML 5710. Introduction to Gas Dynamics (3). Prerequisite EML 3016C. This course concentrates on the unique features of compressibility in fluid mechanics. It provides the student with knowledge and understanding of the fundamentals of compressible fluid flow and is basic to studies in high-speed aerodynamics, propulsion, and turbomachinery.
EML 5725. Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics (3). Prerequisite: EML 5709. Topics for this course include introduction to conservation laws in fluid dynamics; weak solutions; solving the full potential equations for subsonic, transonic, and supersonic flows; solving system of equations. In particular, upwind schemes and flux splitting will be introduced in solving the Euler equations. Coordinate transformation and grid generation methods will also be covered.
EML 5802. Introduction to Robotics (3). Prerequisite: Graduate standing in mechanical engineering. This course studies the fundamentals of robot operation and application including basic elements, robot actuators and servo-control, sensors, senses, vision, voice, microprocessor system design and computers, kinematic equations, and motion trajectories.
EML 5803. Mechatronics II (3). This course focuses on developing greater competence in the application of electromechanical components to solve engineering problems and build ‘smart' systems. The course focuses on the design interplay between electrical and mechanical systems. Students use microprocessors, circuits, sensors, and actuators in both labs and projects to develop multi-purpose electromechanical devices. The course provides instruction and practical exercises in programming, electronics, signal conditioning, communication protocols, mechanical design, prototyping techniques, and system integration.
EML 5831. Introduction to Mobile Robotics (2). Prerequisite: EML 3811 and EML 3811L or instructor permission. Corequisite: EML 5831L. This course examines kinematic modeling and simulation of mobile robots; mobile robot sensors; fundamental methods of computer vision; Kalman filtering and mobile robot localization; SLAM; path, trajectory planning, and obstacle avoidance; intelligent control architectures; and advanced topics in localization, mapping, and motion planning.
EML 5831L. Mobile Robotics Lab (1) Prerequisite: EML 3811 and EML 3811L or instructor permission. Corequisite: EML 5831. This course offers a hands-on implementation of core and advanced mobile robotics algorithms. In addition, it introduces widely used mobile robotics software packages.
EML 5832. Bio/Robotic Locomotion (3). Prerequisite: Permission of Instructor. This course introduces the fundamental concepts for biological and robotic locomotion with limbs. Muscular-skeletal biomechanics for vertebrate and invertebrate animals are briefly reviewed including an overview of the function of muscles. Morphology, gaits, posture, and the effect of scale on legged locomotion are discussed. The history of legged robots is reviewed. Reduced-order dynamic models of walking and running are introduced. Techniques for analyzing the stability of these periodic hybrid-dynamic systems are covered. The course includes the development and analysis of simulation and hardware platforms of locomotion systems.
EML 5905r. Directed Individual Study (1–9). (S/U grade only). Instructor permission required. Individual study topics are determined by the instructor and student. May be repeated to a maximum of forty-five semester hours.
EML 5910r. Supervised Research (1–5). (S/U grade only). A maximum of three semester hours may apply to the master's degree. May be repeated to a maximum of five semester hours.
EML 5930r. Special Topics in Mechanical Engineering (1–6). Prerequisite: Instructor permission. This course explores various topics in mechanical engineering with emphasis on recent developments. Content and credit will vary. Consult the instructor.
EML 5935r. Mechanical Engineering Seminars (0). (S/U grade only). May be repeated to a maximum of ten times.
EML 5946r. Professional Internship Experience in Mechanical Engineering (1–4). Prerequisites: Completion of the Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering and permission of the instructor. This course provides practical experience through working as an intern at selected industry or research laboratories supervised both by the on-the-job mentors and by the Department of Mechanical Engineering. The course is designed to provide the student with professional internship experience in preparation for his/her future career development. May be repeated up to four credit hours. May be repeated in the same term.
EML 5955r. MS Professional Traineeship Project (3–6). Prerequisite: B.S. degree in Mechanical Engineering (or a related field) and EML 5946. In this two-semester course, students work on practice-oriented engineering design or research development project defined by industry or research laboratories to partially fulfill graduation requirements for the BS-MS professional Traineeship degree.
EML 5971r. Master's Thesis Research (1-12.) (S/U grade only). This course provides a means of registering for thesis research work and recording progress towards its completion. Student must consult with the academic department for appropriate registration of course credit hours. May be repeated to a maximum of forty-five (45) credit hours; repeatable within the same term.
EML 6980r. Dissertation (2–9). (S/U grade only). May be repeated to a maximum of ninety-nine semester hours.
EML 8968. Preliminary Doctoral Examination (0). (P/F grade only.)
EML 8976r. Master's Thesis Defense (0). (P/F grade only.)
EML 8985r. Dissertation Defense (0). (P/F grade only.) May be repeated to a maximum of three times.