Graduate Music

College of Music


Professors: Anderson, Bakan, Brister-Rachwal, Buchler, Callender, Clendinning, Dorsey, Dunnigan, Eyerly, Fenton, Frederickson, Gaber, Gainsford, Gregory, Gunderson, Jimenez, E.A. Jones, G. Jones, Jordan, Kalhous, Keesecker, Kelly, Lata, Moore, Ohlsson, Parks, Peterson, Porter, Queen, I. Quinn, Rogers, Roberts, P. Ryan, Sauer, Stebleton, Trujillo, VanWeelden, Von Glahn, H.L. Williams, Zwilich; Associate Professors: Avery, Barnhart, Bish, Bugai, De Cock, Deibel, Detweiler, Dumlaywalla, Gooding, Hanawalt, Holden, K. Jones, Large, Lumsden, McDonald, Okerlund, Rieger, Speed, G. Springer, J. Springer, Stillwell, Stonikas, Sung, Thomas, Timpone; Assistant Professors: Belfast, Beloglavec, Grasso, Gumrukcuoglu, Harrington, Hauser, Hernandez, Hightower, Iwamasa, Knapp, League, Matthews, M. Ryan, Sherer, Ugay, Wan, Wilson; Visiting Assistant Professors: Arsenault, Arthur, Byrnes, Cano, Fisher, Hardin, Harris, Ivey, Lommler, Mowery, Prasse, Tedjamulia Read, J. Sung; Specialized Teaching Faculty: Hobson, Lima, Lopez-Dabdoub, Plack, Sellers, Songsirdej, Strickland, Ward, Watson, Wharton, Yeoh; Faculty Librarians: Cohen, Green Assistant University Librarians: A. Quinn, Uchimura

The graduate program of the College of Music is one of the largest and most comprehensive in the country. Accredited by the National Association of Schools of Music since 1930, the college has a long and illustrious history of graduating outstanding performers, composers, scholars, educators, and therapists.

The following are the graduate degrees offered by the College of Music:

  • Master of Arts in Arts Administration
  • Master of Arts in Music (emphases in music/liberal arts, piano technology)
  • Master of Music in Composition
  • Master of Music in Music Theory
  • Master of Music in Music Therapy
  • Master of Music in Musicology (historical or ethnomusicology)
  • Master of Music in Opera Production (coaching or directing)
  • Master of Music in Performance
    • Accompanying
    • Conducting (band, choral, or orchestral)
    • Guitar
    • Harp
    • Jazz
    • Organ
    • Piano
    • Piano Pedagogy
    • Strings
    • Voice
    • Woodwinds, Brass, or Percussion
  • Master of Music Education
  • Doctor of Music in Composition
  • Doctor of Music in Performance
    • Collaborative Piano
    • Guitar
    • Harp
    • Organ
    • Piano
    • Strings
    • Voice
    • Woodwinds, Brass, or Percussion
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Music Education
    • Choral Conducting
    • Choral Music Education
    • General Music
    • Instrumental Conducting
    • Instrumental Music Education
    • Music Therapy
    • Piano Pedagogy
    • String Education
    • Teacher Education
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Music
    • Musicology (historical or ethnomusicology)
    • Music Theory

In addition to its degree programs, the College of Music offers a Graduate Certificate in Piano Performance, as well as a number of specialized studies programs that provide an additional area of emphasis for graduate students. These include programs in arts administration (doctoral students only), music leadership, sacred music, jazz studies, piano pedagogy, early music, music of the Americas, pedagogy of music theory, special music education, and college teaching (doctoral students only). Further information about admission to and requirements of these programs is available from the admissions office of the College of Music.

For complete details of degree requirements, plus a description of the college, its facilities, opportunities, and available financial assistance, refer to the “College of Music” chapter of this Graduate Bulletin.

Definition of Prefixes

MUC—Music: Composition

MUE—Music Education

MUG—Music: Conducting

MUH—Music: History/Musicology

MUL—Music Literature

MUM—Music: Commercial/Management/Administration

MUN—Music Ensembles

MUO—Music: Opera/Musical Theatre

MUR—Music: Church


MUT—Music: Theory

MUY—Music: Therapy

MVB—Applied Music: Brasses

MVH—Historical Instruments

MVJ—Applied Music: Jazz

MVK—Applied Music: Keyboard

MVO—Applied Music: Other

MVP—Applied Music: Percussion

MVS—Applied Music: Strings

MVV—Applied Music: Voice

MVW—Applied Music: Woodwinds

Graduate Courses


MUC 5110r. Composition (2). This course is for non-composition majors only. May be repeated to a maximum of six semester hours.

MUC 5251r. Composition (3). Prerequisite: Instructor permission. This course is for composition majors only. May be repeated to a maximum of twelve semester hours.

MUC 5615r. Film Scoring (3). Prerequisite: Instructor permission. This course examines techniques of film scoring and review of application requirements. May be repeated to a maximum of six semester hours.

MUC 5625r. Jazz Composition (3). Prerequisite: Instructor permission. This course examines techniques of creative jazz composition and literature. May be repeated to a maximum of six semester hours.

MUC 6261r. Composition (3). Prerequisite: Instructor permission. This private studio course in music composition provides students with critiques and assistance on composition projects and exercises during weekly lessons. This course is for music composition majors only. May be repeated to a maximum of twelve semester hours.

MUC 6956. Composition Doctoral Recital (0). (S/U grade only).

Music Education

MUE 5045. Social and Historical Foundations of American Music Education (3). This course focuses on the social significance of music, vernacular, and serious art in the lives and development of Americans and its effect on public education.

MUE 5046. Sociology of Music Education (3). This course analyzes the effects of society, culture, and musical behavior on the activities, attitudes, and learning behaviors in public school education.

MUE 5096r. Arts in Medicine Service (1–3). This course orients, teaches, and coordinates students who wish to volunteer for Arts in Medicine practica at Tallahassee Memorial HealthCare. The purpose of the course is to allow each student to use his/her particular talents to benefit Tallahassee Memorial patients, families, and staff. For each hour of academic credit, students are required to complete two hours per week of volunteer service throughout the semester. May be repeated a maximum of three semester hours.

MUE 5145. Significant Developments in Music Education Curricula (3). This course analyzes developments in music education with implications for designing music education curricula, K–12.

MUE 5185. College Music Administration (3). Prerequisite: Instructor permission.

MUE 5316. Organizing and Teaching Elementary Music (3). Prerequisites: MUE 2290, MUE 3210, MUE 3311, or teaching experience. This course surveys current materials and teaching techniques in elementary school music.

MUE 5369. Organizing and Teaching Music in General Education (3). Prerequisite: MUE 3334 or instructor permission. This course surveys current materials and techniques in music instruction for the general student in the middle school, junior high school, and high school.

MUE 5396. Music in Special Education (3). Prerequisite: General sociology (or anthropology), general psychology, or instructor permission. This course examines techniques of teaching music to children in special education programs.

MUE 5398. Survey of Vocal Diction for Choral Music Educators (2).

MUE 5426r. Advanced Techniques in Choral and Instrumental Music: Choral (3). Prerequisites: MUE 4411 and MUE 4342; or teaching experience. Choral. May be repeated to a maximum of twelve semester hours.

MUE 5427. Advanced Techniques in Choral and Instrumental Music: Instrumental (3). Prerequisites: MUE 4411 and MUE 4342; or teaching experience. Instrumental.

MUE 5486. Jazz Ensemble Techniques (1). This course studies the implementation and administration of the jazz ensemble in the public school music program.

MUE 5498r–5499r. Music Education Laboratory (1 hour each). 5498. Choral; 5499. Instrumental. May be repeated within the same term to a maximum of two semester hours.

MUE 5938. Introduction to Graduate Studies in Music Education (3). This course studies current issues, bibliography, and introduction to research techniques in music education. Required of master's music education majors.

MUE 5942r. FSU Capital Children's Choir Internship (1). This course consists of an internship with the Capital Children's Chorus of Tallahassee, including providing instructional activity and concert preparation under faculty supervision.

MUE 5943. Internship in Music (6). (S/U grade only). Prerequisite: Instructor permission.

MUE 5945r. Practicum in Supervising and Directing Education and Research in Music (3). (S/U grade only). This course involves the development of practical experience, applied analysis, and increased competency in relation to education and research experience in music. May be repeated to a maximum of six semester hours.

MUE 6385r. College Teaching: Music in Higher Education (3).

MUE 6939r. Doctoral Seminar in Music Education (3). For doctoral music education majors only. May be repeated to a maximum of six semester hours.

MUE 6946r. Practicum in Supervising and Directing Education and Research in Music (3). (S/U grade only). This course studies the development of practical experience, applied analysis, and increased competency in relation to education and research experiences in music. May be repeated to a maximum of six semester hours.


MUG 5205r. Advanced Conducting: Chorus (2). Prerequisites: Graduate standing and experience in conducting. This course studies choral literature through analysis and conducting. May be repeated to a maximum of sixteen semester hours.

MUG 5306. Advanced Conducting: Orchestra (2). Prerequisites: Graduate standing and experience in conducting. This course studies orchestral literature through analysis and conducting.

MUG 5307r. Advanced Conducting I: Band (2). Prerequisites: Graduate standing and experience in conducting. This course studies wind literature through analysis and conducting. May be repeated to a maximum of four semester hours

MUG 5308. Advanced Conducting II: Band (2). Prerequisite: MUG 5307. This course examines advanced conducting study of gesture, rehearsal techniques, and musical interpretation appropriate to wind performance practice.

MUG 5957. Master's Recital: Choral Conducting (2). (S/U grade only). This course is required of choral conducting majors in lieu of thesis.

MUG 5976. Wind Ensemble/Band Master's Recital: Chamber (2). (S/U grade only). This chamber recital is required of wind ensemble/band conducting majors in lieu of thesis.

MUG 5977. Wind Ensemble/Band Master's Recital: Large Ensemble (2). (S/U grade only). This large ensemble recital is required of wind ensemble/band conducting majors in lieu of thesis.

MUG 5978. Master's Recital: Orchestral Conducting (2). This orchestral conducting recital is required of instrumental conducting majors (orchestral emphasis) in lieu of thesis.

Jazz Studies

MVJ 5976. Master's Recital: Recital Preparation (2). This course provides preparation of a master's level recital in jazz performance.

MVJ 5977. Master's Recital (2). This course focuses on performance of a master's level recital in jazz performance.

Music History

MUH 5219. Music History Graduate Survey (2). (S/U grade only). This course is a synoptic review of the history of music from Greek music to the present day and is required of all graduate music majors unless exempted by examination. Credit earned in MUH 5219 does not apply to credit-hour requirements of any degree in the College of Music.

MUH 5305. Seminar in Performance Practice I: Musical Performance During the Middle Ages and Renaissance (3). This course examines a number of basic issues that stem from music of the Middle Ages and Renaissance that are still relevant for an understanding of all later musical performance.

MUH 5306. Seminar in Performance Practice II: Music Performance During the Baroque, Classic, and Romantic Eras (3). This course examines a number of basic issues that stem from music of the Baroque, Classic, and Romantic eras that are still relevant for an understanding of all later musical performance.

MUH 5325, 5335, 5345, 5355, 5365, 5375. History of Music (three hours each). 5325: Medieval; 5335: Renaissance; 5345: Baroque; 5355: Classical; 5365: Nineteenth Century; 5375: Twentieth and Twenty-First Century.

MUH 5410. The Notation of Polyphonic Music to 1600–Black Notation (3).

MUH 5411. Notation of Polyphonic Music II (3). This course studies white mensural notation and the various types of tablature notation.

MUH 5536. African Soundscapes (3). This course introduces graduate students and upper-level undergraduates to the diversity of musical cultures from the African continent. Students explore various case studies from the continent and develop tools to interpret their musical value and contextual meaning. A background interest in music, anthropology, performance studies, or African studies is recommended.

MUH 5546. Music of Latin America (3). This course studies the musical cultures of Latin America, including Native American, European, African, and Asian derived, and syncretic or mestizo forms.

MUH 5548. Music in the Caribbean (3). This course surveys the musics of the Caribbean Basin: from Cuba to Trinidad-Tobago; the coastal regions of northern Venezuela and Colombia; and the eastern coasts of Central America and Mexico.

MUH 5556. Music of Greece and the Balkans (3). This course is designed as both an introduction to the musical cultures of Greece and the Balkan peninsula and an opportunity for close reading and discussion of contemporary musicological scholarship on diverse aspects of these cultures throughout time.

MUH 5576. Music of Indonesia (3). This course offers a survey of selected music cultures of Indonesia. The primary focus is on gamelan music, especially that of Java and Bali. Popular and experimental Indonesian musical forms, as well as Indonesian-inspired music by Western composers, are also investigated.

MUH 5580. Introduction to Ethnomusicology (3). Prerequisite: MUH 2512. This course introduces students to the history, theory, and literature of ethnomusicology.

MUH 5581r. Seminar in Ethnomusicology (3). Prerequisite: MUH 5580. This course provides students with an in-depth study of a particular approach, theory, or methodology in ethnomusicology, as espoused by a particular person or school of thought. Students apply the techniques learned to a music culture of their choice. May be repeated to a maximum of six semester hours.

MUH 5587. Seminar in World Music Studies (3). This course is an advanced study of contrasting music cultures from around the world, emphasizing both music as sound, and music as culture.

MUH 5590. Seminar in Field and Laboratory Techniques in Ethnomusicology (3). This course provides basic training for field research and laboratory description and analysis in ethnomusicology.

MUH 5596. World Music Pedagogy (3). This course considers theory and practice of teaching undergraduate world music survey courses, including knowledge of, and critical approaches to, teaching materials in various media.

MUH 5635. Music in the United States I (3). This course surveys musical activities in the United States from the earliest settlements through the Civil War.

MUH 5636. Music in the United States II (3). This course surveys musical activities in the United States from the close of the Civil War to the present.

MUH 5655. Seminar in Performance Practice (3). This course offers an overview of the problems and current solutions related to the performance of music before the twentieth century. The approach is a combination of historical and theoretical study combined with practical performance projects.

MUH 5685. Introduction to Historical Musicology (3). This course introduces students to the history, scope, and sources of musicological research.

MUH 5686r. Seminar in Historical Musicology (3). Prerequisite: MUH 5685. This course provides graduate-level research experience in historical musicology. May be repeated to a maximum of six semester hours.

MUH 5805. Survey of Jazz History (2). This course offers a survey of the major periods and musicians in the history of jazz from the 1890s to the present.

MUH 5806. History of Jazz [1890–1950] (3). Prerequisite: MUH 3211 and MUH 3212. This course studies the evolution of jazz, including the study of: Ragtime, New Orleans, Chicago, pre-Swing, Swing, Be-Bop, and West Coast styles.

MUH 5807. History of Jazz (1950 to the present) (3). Prerequisite: MUH 3211 and MUH 3212. This course studies the evolution of jazz, including the study of Cool, Hard Bop, Free, Post Bop, and Pop-Jazz styles.

MUH 5945. Practicum in Collegium Directing (3). This course prepares students to perform every aspect of running an early music program, including choosing the program, instrumentation, learning to teach a variety of early instruments, diction for singers, sources for instruments, music, and supplies. In addition, it provides students with administrative skills that are vital to maintaining a viable program.

MUH 6687r. Advanced Seminar in Musicology I (3). This course offers doctoral-level study of research topics from all areas of musicological research. May be repeated to a maximum of nine semester hours.

MUH 6688r. Advanced Seminar in Musicology II (3). This course offers doctoral-level study of research topics from all areas of musicological research. May be repeated to a maximum of nine semester hours.

Music Literature

MUL 5412–5415. Solo Music Literature Seminar–Piano (2 hours each). Open to candidates for master's and doctoral degrees in performance or by instructor permission. 5412: Baroque to Classic; 5413: Classical; 5414: Romantic; 5415: Twentieth Century.

MUL 5425. Chamber Music Literature for Strings (3). This course studies chamber music literature for strings alone, strings with keyboards, and strings with other instruments.

MUL 5435. Guitar Literature I (2). This course studies guitar literature from the Renaissance to the Pre-Classic.

MUL 5436. Guitar Literature II (2). This course studies guitar literature from the Classical Period to the present.

MUL 5445, 5446. Solo Music Literature Seminar–Winds (3 hours each). Open to candidates for the master's and doctoral degrees in performance or by instructor permission. 5445: Woodwinds; 5446: Brasses.

MUL 5465. Percussion Literature and Resource Seminar (3).

MUL 5495. Survey of Organ Literature (1). This course surveys the major schools of organ composition, with particular emphasis on the contribution of organ music to the liturgy of the Western church.

MUL 5507r. Orchestra Wind Repertory (2). This course enables woodwind, brass, and percussion students to perform as well as to study works from the standard orchestral literature. May be repeated to a maximum of twenty-four semester hours.

MUL 5568. Chamber Music Literature for Piano and Winds (2). This course is a study of chamber music literature for wind instruments with keyboards.

MUL 5609. Survey of Sacred Vocal Literature (1). This course surveys the sacred vocal literature available for the liturgical year.

MUL 5620. Graduate Survey: German Vocal Solo Literature (1). This course reviews German vocal solo literature for students who do not have the prerequisite repertoire knowledge for MUL 5624.

MUL 5621. Graduate Survey: French Vocal Solo Literature (1). This course reviews French vocal solo literature for students who do not have the prerequisite repertoire knowledge for MUL 5625.

MUL 5624, 5625, 5626. Solo Music Literature Seminar–Voice (2 hours each). Prerequisites: MUL 3604 or equivalent for 5624; MUL 4605 or equivalent for 5625; MUL 4608 or equivalent for 5626. Open to candidates for the master's and doctoral degrees in performance, or by instructor permission. 5624: German; 5625: French; 5626: Contemporary.

MUL 5645r. Choral Literature (2). Prerequisite: Graduate standing in music. This course studies choral compositions from Palestrina to the present day, with special attention to the larger forms. May be repeated to a maximum of six semester hours.

MUL 5647. Survey of Sacred Choral Literature (1). This course surveys sacred choral literature suitable for medium-size choirs in churches and synagogues embracing Catholic, Protestant, or Jewish faiths.

MUL 5672. 20th-Century Opera Literature (2).

MUL 5677. Seminar in Opera Literature: 1600-1800 (2). This course offers a study of the primary stylistic traits of Western European opera as composed in the Baroque and Classical eras (circa 1600-1800) by major composers in the genre.

MUL 5678. Seminar in Opera Literature: 19th Century (2). This course offers a study of the primary stylistic traits of Western European opera as composed in the Romantic era (circa 1800-1900) by major composers in the genre.

MUL 5936r. Special Topics in Music Literature (1–3). This course studies a particular body of music literature. May be repeated to a maximum of twelve semester hours.

Commercial Music

MUM 5225. Theory of Piano Technology I (2). This course examines the history and fundamental principles of the modern mechanism of the piano and theory of piano tuning.

MUM 5226. Theory of Piano Technology II (2). Prerequisites: MUM 5225 and instructor permission. This course instructs students in the fundamentals of upright and grand piano regulation, minor repairs, and practical tuning skills.

MUM 5256. Piano Technology Practicum I (3). Prerequisites: Instructor permission and major status. This course covers the history and development of stringed keyboard instruments up to 1850, applied tuning and temperament theory in relation to modern and historical keyboards, as well as grand piano restoration techniques.

MUM 5257. Piano Technology Practicum II (3). Prerequisites: Instructor permission and major status. This course covers the practical application of tone-building and voicing techniques, action analysis using the equation balance, manufacturing techniques and engineering concepts in the fore-finishing process, as well as grand piano restoration.

MUM 5258. Piano Technology Practicum III (3). Prerequisites: Instructor permission and major status. This course covers concert-level tuning in the concert hall, wood science, effective business practices, inventory management, templates and fixtures, as well as grand piano restoration techniques.

MUM 5259. Piano Technology Practicum IV (3). Prerequisites: Instructor permission and major status. This course covers concert-level tuning in the concert hall, recording session techniques, effective artist-technician relations, historic keyboard conservation and stabilization principles, as well as grand piano restoration techniques.

MUM 5265. Organ Design and Maintenance (2). Open to all graduate organ majors and principals and others by consent of the instructor.

MUM 5805. Introduction to Arts Administration (3). This course covers the basics of arts administration and is a core course in the degree program. The course deals with topics such as history and philosophy of arts administration, advocacy, arts in education, board, audience, and volunteer development, needs assessment, and program evaluation.

MUM 5807. Survey of Orchestra Management (3). This course serves as preparation for many of the executive-level challenges, issues, and practices involved in managing a symphony orchestra in the United States today.

MUM 5808. Grant Writing for Music Professionals (3). This course is designed to provide students with the fundamental skills necessary for successful grant writing in music professions. Students are introduced to resources, tools, and techniques applicable to the grant writing process.

MUM 5815. Fundraising Strategies in the Arts (3). This course develops an overview of the philosophies, processes, and practices of raising funds in the arts; teaches a working vocabulary and language relative to development and fundraising practices in the arts; and further develops students' research, writing and presentation skills.

MUM 5816. Audience Development, Marketing and Public Relations in Musical Arts Organizations (3). In this course, Arts Administration majors study the broad scope of developing audiences for such musical organizations as symphony orchestras, chamber orchestras, choruses and opera companies. Topics include current audience development, marketing and public relations strategies in place at a variety of musical arts organizations; analyzing these practices; and making recommendations for alternative or additional strategies.

MUM 5947r. Internship in Arts Administration (1–12). (S/U grade only). This internship takes place in an arts administration setting and includes a final written project. May be repeated to a maximum of twenty-four semester hours.

Music Ensembles

Note: All ensemble courses are repeatable.

MUN 5115r. Marching Chiefs (0–1). Prerequisite: By audition. This course provides band experience in marching and concert for all University students. May be repeated to a maximum of four semester hours.

MUN 5125r. Concert Band (0–1). This course provides concert experience in a variety of literature for all University students. May be repeated to a maximum of four semester hours.

MUN 5135r. Symphonic Band (0–1). Prerequisite: By audition. This course offers concert experience in a wide variety of literature. May be repeated to a maximum of four semester hours.

MUN 5145r. Wind Orchestra (0–1). Prerequisite: By audition. This course offers professional-level performance in a wide variety of literature. May be repeated to a maximum of four semester hours.

MUN 5146r. Chamber Winds (0–1). This course offers professional-level performance in a wide variety of wind–oriented chamber music. Open to selected graduate students. May be repeated to a maximum of four semester hours.

MUN 5215r. University Symphony (0–1). Prerequisite: By audition. This course consists of the study and performance of works representative of a broad spectrum of orchestral literature. Participation by string majors required. May be repeated to a maximum of four semester hours.

MUN 5315r. University Singers (0–1). Prerequisite: By audition. This course consists of the study and performance of works representative of a wide spectrum of choral literature. Open to all University students. May be repeated to a maximum of four semester hours.

MUN 5316r. Choral Union (0–1). This course consists of the reading, study, and performance of choral repertoire for mixed voices. Open to all University students. May be repeated to a maximum of sixteen semester hours. Student has option to repeat during the same semester.

MUN 5325r. Women's Glee Club (0–1). This course consists of the study and performance of representative choral works for women's voices. Open to all women enrolled in the University. May be repeated to a maximum of four semester hours.

MUN 5335r. Men's Glee Club [Collegians] (0–1). This course consists of the study and performance of representative choral works for men's voices. Open to all men enrolled in the University. May be repeated to a maximum of sixteen semester hours.

MUN 5345r. Chamber Chorus (0–1). Prerequisite: By audition. This course consists of the study and performance of accompanied and a cappella works suitable for a twenty-four to thirty voice mixed chorus. May be repeated to a maximum of sixteen semester hours.

MUN 5355r. Opera Chorus (0–1). Prerequisite: By audition. This course consists of the study and performance of works drawn from grand opera, operettas, and musicals. Productions presented in costume and makeup. May be repeated to a maximum of four semester hours.

MUN 5395r. University Chorale (0–1). This course consists of the study and performance of works representative of a wide spectrum of choral literature for mixed voices. Open to all University students except voice performance majors. May be repeated to a maximum of sixteen semester hours. Student has option to repeat during the same semester.

MUN 5425r. Woodwind Ensemble (0–1). Prerequisite: Instructor permission. This course consists of the study and performance of ensemble literature for woodwinds. May be repeated to a maximum of four semester hours.

MUN 5435r. Brass Ensemble (0–1). Prerequisite: Instructor permission. This course consists of the study and performance of ensemble literature for brasses. May be repeated to a maximum of four semester hours.

MUN 5445r. Percussion Ensemble (0–1). Prerequisite: Instructor permission. This course consists of the study and performance of ensemble literature for percussion. May be repeated to a maximum of four semester hours.

MUN 5456r. Duo Piano (1). Prerequisite: Instructor permission. This course consists of the study and performance of duo-piano and piano duet literature. May be repeated to a maximum of four semester hours.

MUN 5465r. Chamber Music (0–1). Prerequisite: Instructor permission. This course consists of the study and performance of vocal and/or instrumental ensemble literature. May be repeated to a maximum of four semester hours.

MUN 5477r. Collegium Musicum (0–1). Prerequisite: Instructor permission. This course consists of the study and performance of music of the Middle Ages and Renaissance periods, with emphasis on historical validity, technical proficiency, and expressive musicianship. May be repeated to a maximum of ten semester hours.

MUN 5478r. Baroque Ensemble (0–1). Prerequisite: Instructor permission. May be repeated to a maximum of ten semester hours.

MUN 5485r. Guitar Ensemble (0–1). Prerequisite: Instructor permission. This course consists of the study and performance of literature for guitar. May be repeated to a maximum of four semester hours. Student has option to repeat during the same semester.

MUN 5515r. Piano Vocal/Instrumental Accompanying (0–1). May be repeated to a maximum of four semester hours.

MUN 5715r. Jazz Ensemble (0–1). Prerequisite: By audition. This course consists of the study and performance of jazz band literature. May be repeated to a maximum of four semester hours.

MUN 5725r. Jazz-Pop Ensemble (0–1). Prerequisite: By audition. This course consists of the study and performance of jazz and popular vocal music. Ensemble may include choreography, performance with larger ensembles, and off-campus concerts. May be repeated to a maximum of four semester hours.

MUN 5806r. World Music Ensemble (0–1). Prerequisite: Instructor permission. May be repeated to a maximum of ten semester hours. Student has the option to repeat during the same semester.

Opera/Music Theatre

MUO 5007r. Musical Theatre Workshop (2). Prerequisite: Music theatre major or instructor permission. This course studies all phases of musical theatre production, with emphasis on and participation in staged musical theatre excerpts. May be repeated to a maximum of four semester hours.

MUO 5445r. Opera Coaching (1–2). Prerequisite: Instructor permission. May be repeated to a maximum of eight semester hours.

MUO 5455r. Performance of Operatic Role (1–2). Prerequisite: By audition. May be repeated to a maximum of ten semester hours.

MUO 5505r. Opera (0–4). Prerequisites: Audition and instructor permission. This course addresses the craft of the singer-actor. It is designed to cover the preparation and performance of main-stage roles, techniques of acting for the singer, repertoire, audition techniques, career development, music theater styles, and performance history. May be repeated to a maximum of twelve semester hours.

MUO 5605r. Opera Production (1). Prerequisites: Interview and instructor permission. This course is an in-depth study of opera production by way of its support areas: stage management, dramaturgy, production support of directors and designers. Emphasis and practical application with FSU Opera production running concurrently with the course. May be repeated to a maximum of four semester hours.

MUO 5701r. Opera Directing (2). Prerequisites: Interview and instructor permission. This course explores the function and techniques of stage direction; a theoretical approach to issues of style, conception, execution, and related topics (such as working with designers, conductors, producers). Career development issues are addressed. Practical application occurs in tandem with the preparation of opera scenes in the various workshop components of the opera department. May be repeated to a maximum of six semester hours.

MUO 5801. Opera Project (3). This course examines the preparation and the direction of an approved chamber opera or opera scenes.

MUO 6446r. Opera Coaching (1–2). Prerequisite: Instructor permission. May be repeated to a maximum of eight semester hours.

Church Music

MUR 5206. Hymnology (2). This course is a practical and historical study of songs of the Church.

MUR 5415. The Organ and Its Music from the Middle Ages to the End of the 17th Century (2).

MUR 5416. The Organ and Its Music from the Time of J. S. Bach to the Present Day (2).


MUS 5226. French Language and Diction for Singers (3). This course is the study of French diction and continuation of grammar studies from FRE 1120. The focus is on proper pronunciation of the French language and on grammar and vocabulary necessary for translating texts of French mélodies and operas.

MUS 5236. German Language and Diction for Singers (3). This course is the study of German diction and continuation of grammar studies from GER 1120. The focus is on proper pronunciation of the German language and on grammar and vocabulary necessary for translating texts of German Lieder and operas.

MUS 5246. Italian Language and Diction for Singers (3). This course is the study of Italian diction and continuation of grammar studies from ITA 1120. The focus is on proper pronunciation of the Italian language and on grammar and vocabulary necessary for translating texts of Italian songs and operas.

MUS 5325. Survey of the Music Industry (3). This course provides an understanding of the world of commercial music and techniques in personal marketability.

MUS 5345. Music Instrument Digital Interface (3). Corequisite: MUS 5346. This course allows students to develop techniques in electronic music composition and all aspects of MIDI.

MUS 5346r. Laboratory for Music Instrument Digital Interface (2). Corequisite: MUS 5345. This course is the laboratory application of MUS 5345. May be repeated to a maximum of six semester hours.

MUS 5365. Graduate Survey of Music Technology (1). This course introduces students to music technology. Included are units in music notation, MIDI and sequencing, an overview of music software, and an overview of music multimedia hardware systems.

MUS 5536r. Multimedia for Musicians (3). Prerequisite: MUS 3500 or MUS 3540 or instructor permission. This course provides students with a basic knowledge of multimedia hardware and software systems, particularly as they relate to music. Students develop multimedia projects. May be repeated to a maximum of six semester hours.

MUS 5545. Electronics for Musicians (3). This course introduces basic concepts and practical experience in digital and analog electronics for musicians.

MUS 5546. Digital Music Synthesis I (3). Prerequisite: Instructor permission. This course provides students with basic theory and history of sound, knowledge of analog and digital sound recording and manipulation techniques, and an introduction to the art of electronic music.

MUS 5547. Digital Music Synthesis II (3). Prerequisite: MUS 5546. This course provides students with basic knowledge of both digital and analog sound distortion, synthesis and resynthesis techniques, and allows them to explore the technology and art of digital and music production.

MUS 5616. Psychology of Music (3). This course introduces a basic study of acoustics, the ear and hearing, musical systems, and the processes involved in musical behavior.

MUS 5619. Behavior Modification in Music (3). This course examines behavior modification techniques as applied to music education and music therapy.

MUS 5657. Nonverbal Communication in Human Interaction (3). This course contributes to the student's knowledge and skill in decoding and encoding nonverbal communication.

MUS 5711. Music Bibliography (2).

MUS 5721. Music Perception and Cognition (3). This course examines current theories and research in the perception and cognition of music, including studies of the ear and brain as they relate to the human processing of music.

MUS 5722. Descriptive Research in Music (3).

MUS 5723. Experimental Research in Music (3).

MUS 5724. Music Measurement (3). This course provides basic information about and techniques used in the measurement of music behavior. The course consists of demonstrations and discussion of the measurement of physical elements of music performance, expressive aspects, music preference, and emotional and physiological responses to music. Additional areas of discussion include the role, development and use of standardized testing and observation measures in music.

MUS 5735r. Advanced Methods in Music Research (3). Prerequisites: MUS 5721 and MUS 5723 or instructor permission. May be repeated to a maximum of six semester hours.

MUS 5806r. Dynamic Integration (0–1). This course heightens students' awareness of their minds and bodies in relation to performing on a musical instrument, addressing such topics as muscle balancing, concentration, and performance anxiety. May be repeated to a maximum of one semester hour.

MUS 5906r. Directed Individual Study (1–3). (S/U grade only). Prerequisite: Instructor permission. May be repeated to a maximum of nine semester hours.

MUS 5910r. Supervised Research (1–3). (S/U grade only). Open to all graduate students with instructor permission. May be repeated to a maximum of three semester hours.

MUS 5931r. Arts Administration Seminar (1). This course is designed to provide arts administration students with a practical forum to interact with professionals and practitioners who work within and/or with the arts community. It also provides an opportunity for discussions with instructors on a variety of topics and issues that have a significant impact upon the development and effectiveness of arts organizations and arts professionals and for students to communicate with each other to establish the foundation of lasting professional affiliations. May be repeated to a maximum of two semester hours.

MUS 5937r. Graduate Tutorial in Music (1–3). (S/U grade only). Prerequisite: Graduate standing. This course consists of selected topics in music. May be repeated to a maximum of six semester hours.

MUS 5939r. Special Topics in Music (1–3). Prerequisite: Instructor permission. In this course, content varies to provide opportunities for students to study current issues and topics in Music not offered in other courses. May be repeated to a maximum of 60 credit hours or 20 instances of enrollment in the course; may be repeated within the same semester.

MUS 5940r. Supervised Teaching (1–3). (S/U grade only). Open to all graduate students with consent of the Coordinator of Graduate Music. May be repeated to a maximum of six semester hours.

MUS 5941r. Internship in Music Performance (0–12). (S/U grade only). This course offers advanced performance activities in an internship setting. May be repeated to a maximum of twenty-four (24) credits.

MUS 5971r. Thesis (1–6). (S/U grade only). Prerequisite: Instructor permission. Six semester hours credit required.

MUS 5975. Graduate Project (2). (S/U grade only). Prerequisites: Graduate standing and instructor permission. This course consists of a major scholarly and/or performance project.

MUS 6907r. Directed Individual Study (1–3). (S/U grade only). Prerequisite: Instructor permission. May be repeated to a maximum of nine semester hours.

MUS 6979r. Doctoral Treatise (1–12). (S/U grade only). Prerequisite: Admission to doctoral candidacy. For doctoral performance majors. May be repeated to a maximum of twenty-four semester hours.

MUS 6980r. Dissertation (1–12). (S/U grade only). Prerequisite: Admission to doctoral candidacy.

MUS 8960r. Doctoral Diagnostic Examination (0). (P/F grade only.) Prerequisite: Instructor permission. May be repeated one time only.

MUS 8964r. Doctoral Preliminary Examination (0). (P/F grade only.) Prerequisite: Instructor permission.

MUS 8965r. Doctoral Performance Comprehensive Examination (0). (P/F grade only.) Prerequisites: MUS 8964 and instructor permission.

MUS 8966r. Master's Comprehensive Examination (0). (P/F grade only.) Prerequisite: Instructor permission.

MUS 8976r. Master's Thesis Defense (0). (P/F grade only.) Prerequisite: Instructor permission.

MUS 8985r. Dissertation Defense [also used for Treatise Defense–Doctor of Music] (0). (P/F grade only.) Prerequisite: Instructor permission.

Music Theory

MUT 5051. Graduate Theory Survey (3). This course reviews the tonal materials of the period of common harmonic practice and is required of all graduate music majors unless exempted by examination. Credit earned in MUT 5051 does not apply to credit-hour requirements of any degree in the College of Music.

MUT 5151. Introduction to Graduate Study in Music Theory (3). This course focuses on basic principles of music theory and their application to graduate study in music.

MUT 5316. Advanced Orchestration (3). This course entails advanced study of the creative capabilities band orchestral instruments, including analysis of scores and scoring projects for diverse instrumental ensembles.

MUT 5357. Jazz Theory/Arranging I (3). Prerequisite: MUE 5486 or instructor permission. This course is designed to promote skills in arranging for the jazz ensemble.

MUT 5358. Jazz Theory/Arranging II (3). Prerequisite: MUT 5357 or instructor permission. This course focuses on advanced skills in arranging for the jazz ensemble.

MUT 5445. Contrapuntal Genres (3). This course covers eighteenth-century contrapuntal genres, analysis, and writing skills.

MUT 5573. Music Since World War II (3). This course covers recent musical techniques and aesthetics as revealed in selected works.

MUT 5578. Popular Music Analysis (3). This is an analytical and music theoretical study of popular music, including consideration of form, melody, and harmony, meter and rhythm, timbre and production aspects, and recorded vs. live performance elements.

MUT 5587. Classic, Romantic, and 20th-Century Styles (3). This course covers Classic, Romantic, and twentieth-century styles, analysis, and writing skills.

MUT 5618. Analysis of Masterworks 1700–1950 (3). This course analytically studies masterworks from Bach to Bartok, including consideration of style, harmony, form, scoring, and theory.

MUT 5619. Vocal Forms (3).

MUT 5625. Instrumental Forms (3). This course studies the evolution of the concerto and the symphony.

MUT 5627. Introduction to Schenkerian Analysis (3).

MUT 5628. Atonal Analysis (3). This course focuses on techniques for the analysis of non-serial atonal music.

MUT 5629. Schenkerian Theory and Analysis II (3). Prerequisite: MUT 5627. This advanced course studies analytical techniques as proposed by Heinrich Schenker.

MUT 5646r. Jazz Improvisation I (1). Prerequisite: Music reading. This course focuses on skills in beginning jazz improvisation. May be repeated to a maximum of three semester hours.

MUT 5647r. Jazz Improvisation II (1). Prerequisite: MUT 5646 or instructor permission. This course focuses on advanced skills in jazz improvisation. May be repeated to a maximum of three semester hours.

MUT 5655. Writing Skills: 16th-Century Counterpoint (3). This course examines sixteenth-century imitative writing styles.

MUT 5656. Writing Skills: Fugue (3). This course examines fugal writing styles.

MUT 5665. Jazz Styles and Analysis (2). This course traces the development of the jazz ensemble from a historical context. Students learn about the Creole population in New Orleans in the late 1800s and observe how the early bands developed a concept of playing based on the culture of the time.

MUT 5673. Musical Meaning and Performance (3). Prerequisite: The Music Theory Placement Exam or MUT 5051.This course is a study of how music communicates its internal and contextual meanings to the listener and how this research relates to the performance of the musical works.

MUT 5751–5752. Pedagogy of Music Theory (three hours each). This course introduces basic concepts in the teaching of music theory.

MUT 5760. History of Music Theory (3). This course overviews music theory from Greek Antiquity through the 19th-century and surveys historically significant theorists and treatises.

MUT 6937r. Doctoral Seminar in Music Theory (3). May be repeated to a maximum of nine semester hours.

Music Therapy

MUY 5305. Medical Music Therapy (3). In this course, students learn to understand the role and scope of music therapy in medical treatment; learn to design music activities in medical situations to reduce pain, anxiety, and distress; participate in field experiences observing medical music therapy practices in a hospital setting; and learn medical documentation for clinical music therapy.

MUY 5306r. Music Therapy in Behavioral Health and Psychosocial Care (3). This course focuses on the research, theory, and clinical practice of music therapy to address behavioral health needs and/or psychosocial care in patients, families, and care givers. May be repeated to a maximum of six semester hours.

MUY 5411. Music in Counseling (2). This course focuses on techniques of using music in counseling juveniles and adults.

MUY 5612. Music Therapy Drumming (1). This course emphasizes group drumming and improvisation techniques; applications for therapy; and group drumming leadership skills for use in wellness, counseling, and other music therapy settings.

MUY 5705. Assessment Instruments in Music Therapy/Music Education (2). This course studies the practical application of standardized instruments assessing educational and social skills of children with learning problems in music situations.

MUY 5935. Seminar in Music Therapy (2). This course focuses on research problems of music in therapy and special education.

MUY 5941r. Advanced Clinical Placement in Music Therapy (2). Prerequisite: Completion of a music therapy internship. This course focuses on the development of advanced competence in clinical music therapy practice, particularly in the areas of (a) clinical supervision, (b) clinical administration, (c) clinical skills, and (d) personal development and professional role. May be repeated to a maximum of six semester hours.

MUY 5946. Graduate Clinical Project (6). This course consists of a twenty-hour week clinical practicum emphasizing the demonstration of music therapy techniques, applied clinical analysis, and documentation of clinical results. Required of all music therapy non-thesis degree master's candidates. Concurrent registration in MUS 8966 required.

Applied Music

MVO 5050r. Applied Music Graduate Coaching (1–2). All instruments. Principal only.

MVO 5055r. Applied Music Graduate Coaching (2–4). All instruments. Performance major only.

MVK 5151r. Class Piano (1). Prerequisites: Audition and permission of coordinator of class piano. This course is for music education majors other than keyboard principals. Instruction based on individually diagnosed needs and prescribed materials. May be repeated to a maximum of two semester hours.

MVV 5151r. Class Voice (1). Prerequisite: Instructor permission. This course is for dance and theatre majors and focuses on fundamentals of voice production. May be repeated to a maximum of two semester hours.

MVS 5156. Beginning Class Guitar (1). This course is for beginning graduate guitar students. Includes beginning acoustical guitar techniques, guitar accompaniment skills, and song leading.

MV(B, H, K, O, P, S, V, W) 5250r–5259r. Applied Music Secondary (two hours each). This course consists of private instruction for students whose curriculum requires study of a secondary instrument. May be repeated to a maximum of four semester hours. Credit may be modified by electing MVO 5250r (1), All Instruments. All MVH courses may be taken for one to two credit hours and be repeated to a maximum of eight hours.

MVB 5251r. App Mus Sec, Trumpet

MVB 5252r. App Mus Sec, French Horn

MVB 5253r. App Mus Sec, Trombone

MVB 5255r. App Mus Sec, Tuba

MVH 5256r. App Mus Sec, Plucked Instruments (1–2)

MVH 5257r. App Mus Sec, Bowed Strings (1–2)

MVK 5251r. App Mus Sec, Piano

MVK 5252r. App Mus Sec, Harpsichord

MVK 5253r. App Mus Sec, Organ

MVO 5250r. Modified Credit, All Instruments (1)

MVP 5251r. App Mus Sec, Percussion

MVS 5251r. App Mus Sec, Violin

MVS 5252r. App Mus Sec, Viola

MVS 5253r. App Mus Sec, Violoncello

MVS 5254r. App Mus Sec, Double Bass

MVS 5255r. App Mus Sec, Harp

MVS 5256r. App Mus Sec, Guitar

MVV 5251r. App Mus Sec, Voice

MVW 5251r. App Mus Sec, Flute

MVW 5252r. App Mus Sec, Oboe

MVW 5253r. App Mus Sec, Clarinet

MVW 5254r. App Mus Sec, Bassoon

MVW 5255r. App Mus Sec, Saxophone

MV—(B, J, K, O, P, S, V, W) 5350r–5359r. Applied Music Principal (two hours each). This course consists of private instruction of the principal instrument for students whose major is not performance. May be repeated to a maximum of twelve semester hours. Credit may be modified by electing MVO 5350r (1), All Instruments.

MVB 5351r. App Mus Prin, Trumpet

MVB 5352r. App Mus Prin, French Horn

MVB 5353r. App Mus Prin, Trombone

MVB 5354r. App Mus Prin, Baritone Horn

MVB 5355r. App Mus Prin, Tuba

MVJ 5350r. App Mus Prin, Piano, Jazz

MVJ 5351r. App Mus Prin, Voice, Jazz

MVJ 5353r. App Mus Prin, Guitar, Jazz

MVJ 5354r. App Mus Prin, Bass, Jazz

MVJ 5356r. App Mus Prin, Saxophone, Jazz

MVJ 5357r. App Mus Prin, Trumpet, Jazz

MVJ 5358r. App Mus Prin, Trombone, Jazz

MVJ 5359r. App Mus Prin, Percussion, Jazz

MVK 5351r. App Mus Prin, Piano

MVK 5352r. App Mus Prin, Harpsichord

MVK 5353r. App Mus Prin, Organ

MVO 5350r. Modified Credit, All Instruments (1)

MVP 5351r. App Mus Prin, Percussion

MVS 5351r. App Mus Prin, Violin

MVS 5352r. App Mus Prin, Viola

MVS 5353r. App Mus Prin, Violoncello

MVS 5354r. App Mus Prin, Double Bass

MVS 5355r. App Mus Prin, Harp

MVS 5356r. App Mus Prin, Guitar

MVV 5351r. App Mus Prin, Voice

MVW 5351r. App Mus Prin, Flute

MVW 5352r. App Mus Prin, Oboe

MVW 5353r. App Mus Prin, Clarinet

MVW 5354r. App Mus Prin, Bassoon

MVW 5355r. App Mus Prin, Saxophone

MV—(B, J, K, O, P, S, V, W) 5450r–5456r. Applied Music Major (four hours each.) This course consists of private instruction of the major instrument for performance majors. May be repeated to a maximum of twenty-four semester hours. Credit may be modified by electing MVO 5450r (2), All Instruments. Credit for MVV 5451r is for three semester hours.

MVB 5451r. App Mus Maj, Trumpet

MVB 5452r. App Mus Maj, French Horn

MVB 5453r. App Mus Maj, Trombone

MVB 5454r. App Mus Maj, Baritone Horn

MVB 5455r. App Mus Maj, Tuba

MVJ 5457r. App Mus Maj, Trumpet, Jazz

MVJ 5459r. App Mus Maj, Percussion, Jazz

MVK 5451r. App Mus Maj, Piano

MVK 5453r. App Mus Maj, Organ

MVO 5450r. Modified Credit, All Instruments (2).

MVP 5451r. App Mus Maj, Percussion

MVS 5451r. App Mus Maj, Violin

MVS 5452r. App Mus Maj, Viola

MVS 5453r. App Mus Maj, Violoncello

MVS 5454r. App Mus Maj, Double Bass

MVS 5455r. App Mus Maj, Harp

MVS 5456r. App Mus Maj, Guitar

MVV 5451r. App Mus Maj, Voice

MVW 5451r. App Mus Maj, Flute

MVW 5452r. App Mus Maj, Oboe

MVW 5453r. App Mus Maj, Clarinet

MVW 5454r. App Mus Maj, Bassoon

MVW 5455r. App Mus Maj, Saxophone

MVS 5505r. Orchestral Repertoire for Violin (1). Prerequisite: Instructor permission. May be repeated to a maximum of two semester hours.

MVS 5550r. String Repertory (0–1). This course is required of string performance majors. May be repeated to a maximum of four semester hours. May be repeated in the same semester.

MVS 5650. Violin Pedagogy (1). This course gives students the opportunity to analyze the methods, materials, and approaches to violin pedagogy; to develop their teaching skills in violin performance; and to observe professional educators in various settings.

MVV 5552r. Musical Theatre Repertoire (1). Prerequisite: Instructor permission. May be repeated to a maximum of four semester hours.

MVS 5556r. Guitar Repertory (1). Prerequisite: Instructor permission. This course is required of guitar performance majors. May be repeated to a maximum of four semester hours.

MVK 5605. Organ/Harpsichord Pedagogy (2). Prerequisite: Instructor permission. This course equips students with teaching skills in organ/harpsichord.

MVO 5650. Pedagogy for Winds and Percussion (3). This course focuses on the principles and techniques of wind and percussion pedagogy.

MVK 5651. Piano Pedagogy I (3). Piano pedagogy subjects.

MVV 5651. Seminar in Vocal Pedagogy (2). Prerequisite: MVV 4641.

MVW 5651. Flute Pedagogy (0–1). This course covers topics specific to teaching and playing the flute, including breathing, posture, embouchure, scales, fingers, sound, dynamics, tuning, repertoire, styles, music history, vibrato, and other related topics.

MVK 5652. Piano Pedagogy II (3). Prerequisite: MVK 5651. Intermediate piano pedagogy subjects.

MVK 5661. Advanced Piano Pedagogy I (3). Prerequisite: MVK 5652 or instructor permission. This course consists of current and expanded pedagogy concepts and materials and techniques for teaching advanced or adult students.

MVK 5662. Advanced Piano Pedagogy II (3). Prerequisite: MVK 5661. This course consists of current and expanded pedagogy concepts and materials and techniques for teaching advanced or adult students.

MVK 5671r. Practicum in Piano Pedagogy (2). This course offers practical experience in individual and group teaching, as well as supervision and administration of a piano studio. May be repeated to a maximum of eight semester hours.

MVK 5681r. Applied Music Major: Piano Pedagogy (4). This course offers private instruction for piano pedagogy majors. May be repeated to a maximum of twenty-four semester hours.

MVW 5705r. Introduction to the Baroque Flute (1). Prerequisite: Instructor permission. This course focuses on the development of basic performance skills on the Baroque flute and commensurate stylistic techniques through a graduated study of available eighteenth-century pedagogic and performance materials. May be repeated to a maximum of four semester hours.

MVW 5706r. Introduction to the Baroque Recorder (1). Prerequisite: Instructor permission. This course focuses on the development of performance skills on the Baroque recorder and commensurate stylistic techniques through a graduated study of available eighteenth-century pedagogic and performance materials. May be repeated to a maximum of four semester hours.

MVK 5710. Piano Accompanying—Vocal (1). This course offers students techniques, artistic skills, and repertory for vocal accompanying.

MVK 5711. Piano Accompanying—Instrumental (1). This course offers students techniques, artistic skills, and repertory for instrumental accompanying.

MVK 5730r. Applied Music Major, Vocal Accompanying (4). This course offers private instruction for accompanying majors. The course studies the art song and operatic literature from the accompanist's viewpoint. May be repeated to maximum of twenty-four semester hours.

MVK 5731r. Applied Music Major, Instrumental Accompanying (4). This course offers private instruction for accompanying majors. The course studies solo instrumental literature and chamber music for strings and winds with piano from the accompanist's viewpoint. May be repeated to a maximum of twenty-four semester hours.

MVK 5732r. Applied Music Opera Coaching (4). This course provides students with intensive training in the applied music skills necessary for a career in opera. May be repeated to a maximum of eight semester hours.

MVK 5745. Techniques of Vocal Coaching (2). This course incorporates techniques and specific skills of accompanying and coaching vocal music, especially art songs.

MVK 5746. Techniques of Coaching Chamber Music (2). This course offers techniques and specific skills of accompanying and coaching instrumental music.

MVK 5747. Techniques of Opera Coaching (2). This course offers techniques and specific skills of playing and coaching operatic repertory.

MVW 5751r. Advanced Piccolo Class (1). This course helps students develop an understanding and concept of piccolo playing in relation to the flute, including the ability to transfer easily between the two instruments. May be repeated to a maximum of eight (8) credit hours.

MVW 5752r. Advanced Low Flute Class (1). This course helps students develop an understanding and concept of low flute playing in relation to the flute, including the ability to transfer easily between the instruments.

MVW 5753r. Advanced Baroque Flute Class (1). This course enhances students' knowledge of performance practice, solo and ensemble literature, and the primary sources available to modern traverso players, while also building on the technical and tonal skills acquired during the first semester of study and deepens their knowledge about the historical background through research.

MVK 5935r. Continuo Playing Keyboard (1). Prerequisite: Instructor permission. May be repeated to a maximum of two semester hours.

MVK 5936. Service Playing (2). Prerequisite: Instructor permission. This course is open to all upper-division organ majors and principals.

MV—(K, S) 5955. Certificate Recital (zero hours each). (S/U grade only). Prerequisite: Instructor permission.

MV—(B, K, P, S, W) 5976–5977. Master's Recital (2). This course is required of master's performance majors in lieu of thesis. 5976: Recital Preparation; 5977: Master's Recital.

MVV 5976r. Master's Voice Recital Coaching (2). Prerequisite: Permission of voice faculty and instructors of course by audition. This course focuses on selection and preparation of voice recital repertoire. May be repeated to a maximum of eight semester hours.

MVV 5977. Master's Recital (Voice) (0). (S/U grade only). This course is required of master's voice performance majors in lieu of thesis.

MVK 5973r. Master's Recital, Vocal Accompanying (1). (S/U grade only). This course is required of master's accompanying majors in lieu of thesis. May be repeated to a maximum of three semester hours.

MVK 5974r. Master's Recital, Instrumental Accompanying (1). (S/U grade only). This course is required of master's accompanying majors in lieu of thesis. May be repeated to a maximum of three semester hours.

MVK 5975. Master's Recital: Piano Pedagogy (0). (S/U grade only). This course is required of piano pedagogy majors in lieu of thesis.

MVO 6060. Applied Music Graduate Coaching (1–2). Principal only. All instruments.

MVO 6065. Applied Music Graduate Coaching (2–4). Performance Major only. All instruments.

MV—(B, K, O, P, S, V, W) 6260r–6266r. Applied Music Secondary (two hours each). Private instruction (See course description for MV(B, K, O, P, S, V, W) 5250–5256 series.) For students whose curriculum requires study of a secondary instrument. May be repeated to maximum of four semester hours. Credit may be modified by electing MVO 6260r (1), All Instruments.

MV—(B, K, O, S, V, W) 6360r–6369r. Applied Music Principal (two hours each). Private instruction. Principal instrument. (See course description for MV[B, J, K, O, P, S, V, W] 5350–5356 series.) For students whose major is not performance. May be repeated to a maximum of twelve semester hours. Credit may be modified by electing MVO 6360r (1), All Instruments.

MV—(B, K, O, P, S, V, W) 6460r–6469r. Applied Music Major (four hours each). Prerequisite: Admission to MV(B, K, O, P, S, V, W) 6460r–6469r series by qualifying audition. For performance majors. Private instruction. Major instrument. May be repeated to a maximum of twenty-four semester hours. Credit for MVO 6460r (2) is available for all instruments.

MVB 6461r. App Mus Maj, Trumpet

MVB 6462r. App Mus Maj, French Horn

MVB 6463r. App Mus Maj, Trombone

MVB 6464r. App Mus Maj, Euphonium

MVB 6465r. App Mus Maj, Tuba

MVK 6461r. App Mus Maj, Piano

MVK 6463r. App Mus Maj, Organ

MVO 6460r. Modified Credit, All Instruments (2).

MVP 6461r. App Mus Maj, Percussion

MVS 6461r. App Mus Maj, Violin

MVS 6462r. App Mus Maj, Viola

MVS 6463r. App Mus Maj, Violoncello

MVS 6464r. App Mus Maj, Double Bass

MVS 6466r. App Mus Maj, Guitar

MVS 6469r. App Mus Maj, Certificate

MVV 6461r. App Mus Maj, Voice

MVW 6461r. App Mus Maj, Flute

MVW 6462r. App Mus Maj, Oboe

MVW 6463r. App Mus Maj, Clarinet

MVW 6464r. App Mus Maj, Bassoon

MVW 6465r. App Mus Maj, Saxophone

MVS 6560r. String Repertory (0–1). This course is required of string performance majors. May be repeated to a maximum of four semester hours.

MVS 6566r. Guitar Repertory (1). Prerequisite: Instructor permission. This course is required of guitar performance majors. May be repeated to a maximum of four semester hours.

MVV 6661. Vocal Pedagogy Seminar I (3). Prerequisite: MVV 5651 or equivalent. This course focuses on techniques, materials, and repertoire for college/university voice teaching.

MVV 6662. Vocal Pedagogy Seminar II (3). Prerequisite: MVV 6661. This course focuses on advanced techniques, materials, and repertoire for college/university voice teaching. Includes observation and teaching with laboratory situations.

MVK 6733r. Applied Music Major Accompanying (4). Prerequisite: Qualifying audition. Private instruction. May be repeated to a maximum of thirty-two semester hours.

MVV 6978r. Doctoral Voice Recital and Repertoire Coaching (2). Prerequisite: Permission of voice faculty by successful audition into MVO 6065 or MVV 6461r. This course focuses on exploration, selection, and preparation of voice recital repertoire. May be repeated to a maximum of twelve semester hours.

MV—(B, K, P, S, V, W) 6985–6989. Doctoral Recital (one to four hours each). (S/U grade only). This course is required of all doctoral performance majors. Alternative modes of fulfilling MV(B, K, S, V) 6989 requirements are: concerto recital program with large instrumental ensemble, performance with large chamber ensemble, informal reading, performance of a major operatic role with orchestral accompaniment, conducting performance, and approved off-campus performance. MV(B, K, P, S, V, W) 6985, Public Recital. MV(B, K, P, S, V, W) 6986, Public Recital. MV(B, K, P, S, V, W) 6987r, Studio Recital/Lecture Recital May be completed twice in given term. MV(B, K, P, S, V, W) 6988, Chamber Music Recital. MV(B, K, S, V) 6989, Performance of major work with large ensemble accompaniment.