Graduate Program in Women's Studies and Women's Gender and Sexuality Studies

College of Arts and Sciences


Director: Maxine Jones (History/ Women's Studies); Participating Faculty: Falk, Thomas (Anthropology); Lindbloom (Art); Bearor, Neuman (Art History); N. DeGrummond, Fulkerson, Pullen, Sickinger, Slaveva-Griffin (Classics); Jordan, Laurents, McDowell, Nudd (Communication); Schwartz, (Education); Edwards, Gaines, Gardner, Goodman, Lathan, McGregory, Montgomery, Richardson (English); Rehm (Family and Child Sciences); Herrera, Hicks, Jones, Koslow, McClive, Mooney, Upchurch Jr., Renfro, Sinke (History); Ralston (Human Sciences); Stoddard (Humanities); Boutin, Cappuccio, Leushuis, Maier-Katkin, Poey, Wang (Modern Languages and Linguistics); Maheffey, Morales (Philosophy); Eckel, Hull, Keel, Kistner (Psychology); Cuevas, Dupuigrenet, Kalbian, Kavka, Kelsay (Religion) Ashmore, Dwyer, Edwards, Gomory, Wilke (Social Work) Barrett, Brewster, Buggs, Lessan, Munson, Padavic, Roach, Rohlinger, Schrock, Taylor, Tillman, Waggoner (Sociology); Osborne (Theatre); Owens (Women's Studies/Honors); Doan, (Urban and Regional Planning)

The programs in Women's Studies and Women's Gender and Sexuality Studies examine the accomplishments and perspectives of women in history and contemporary society. The programs establish gender and sexuality as fundamental categories of social and cultural analysis. Drawing on disciplines across the university, the programs offer interdisciplinary perspectives from which to study the diversity of human experience. The courses foster critical analysis of the social meaning of gender and gender expression and examine sexual identities, discourses, and institutions as they intersect with class, race, ethnicity, nationality, and transnational movements, drawing on the full range of approaches adopted within feminist and Queer scholarship.

Requirements for a Minor in Women's Studies

Please review all college-wide degree requirements summarized in the “College of Arts and Sciences” chapter of this Graduate Bulletin.

Graduate students can devise a minor field in women's studies with the approval of their major professor and the approval of the director of the Women's Studies Program. A women's studies minor at the MA level shall consist of nine semester hours of approved courses. A women's studies minor at the PhD level shall consist of twelve semester hours of approved courses. One approved course from the student's degree-granting program can be counted toward the women's studies MA or PhD minor as long as the course is not used to fulfill credit hours in the degree program. Courses shall be selected from among approved women's studies courses, seminars, colloquia, and directed individual study.

Approved Courses

Note: See the appropriate individual departments for full course descriptions.

AMH 5567 Women in 19th-century America (3)

AMH 5935 Women and Children in the Civil Rights Movement (3)

CCJ 5672 Gender, Crime and Justice (3)

EDF 5706 Gender and Education in Comparative Perspective (3)

LIT 5388r Studies in Women's Writing (3)

LIT 5517 Studies in Gender in Literature (3)

SOW 5109 Woman's Issues and Social Work (3)

SOW 5153 Human Sexuality (3)

SOW 5614 Family Violence Across the Life Span (3)

SOW 5628 Mental Health of Diverse Populations (3)

SPW 5486 Contemporary Spanish Women Writers (3)

SPW 5496 Spanish-American Women Writers (3)

SYD 5225 Fertility (3)

SYD 5817 Contemporary Theories of Gender (3)

SYO 5177 Family Demography (3)

SYO 5376 Sociology of Gender and Work (3)

SYO 5547 Race and Gender in Organizations (3)

SYP 6356 Sociology of the Contemporary Women's Movement (3)

THE 5437 Gender, Race and Performance (3)

URP 5544 Gender and Development (3)

Definition of Prefix

WST—Women's Studies

Graduate Courses

WST 5616. Contemporary Gendercide (3). This course teaches students about contemporary gendercides, or the systematic killing of members of a specific sex. The course discusses both femicide (the killing of women) and androcide (the killing of men). Throughout this class, students examine instances of gendercide in the 20th and 21st centuries and explore the reasons for this phenomenon.

WST 5905r. Directed Independent Study (1–3). (S/U grade only). Prerequisite: At least one women's studies course. This course is for graduate students who wish to supplement the regular course offerings on women/gender by independent reading or research under guidance. May be repeated to a maximum of three semester hours.

WST 5934r. Topics in Women's Studies (3). This course explores specific topics or themes in gender/women's studies based on a feminist approach. A variety of topics from different fields of study are offered from an interdisciplinary perspective. Topics of material not normally covered in the regular curriculum are offered. May be repeated to a maximum of nine semester hours and may be repeated within the same term.