Undergraduate Department of Marketing

College of Business


Chair: Michael Brady; Professors: Brady, Cronin, Hartline, Hofacker, Kim, Lee; Associate Professors: Bonney, Fajardo, Harmeling; Assistant Professors: Thomas, Krotz; Senior Lecturers in Marketing: Dever, Hopkins Associates in Marketing: Ferguson, Jackson, Viosca; Assistant Lecturer: Kovarik, Pugh; Dr. Persis E. and Charles E. Rockwood Eminent Scholar in Marketing: Scott; John R. Kerr Research Chair in Marketing: Cronin; Bob Sasser Professor of Marketing: Brady; Carl DeSantis Professors of Business Administration: Hofacker; Charles A. Bruning Professor of Business Administration: Hartline; Persis E. Rockwood Associate Professor of Marketing: Harmeling; Persis E. Rockwood Professor of Marketing: Hofacker; Spencer-Feheley MBA Professor: Kim

The marketing curriculum prepares students for successful careers in both the public and private sectors. Courses are oriented toward: (1) problem solving and management decision making; (2) providing knowledge of the tools, types of organization, and institutions utilized in performing marketing activities; and (3) developing the ability to plan and implement marketing policy, strategy, and procedures. Consistent with their interests and career goals, students may choose to major in either marketing, professional sales, or retail management within the marketing degree program.

The curriculum includes qualitative and quantitative elements with an emphasis on the successful deployment of marketing strategies, especially among the service sector enterprises that dominate our state and national economies. The curriculum is designed to impart knowledge and competence in marketing that will enable graduates to (1) progress well in the early stages of their careers; (2) analyze, plan, organize, coordinate, and control marketing activities; (3) think analytically and respond creatively; (4) communicate effectively; and (5) gain broad perspectives essential to the attainment of top management responsibilities. The department also offers a combined BS/MBA pathway that allows highly qualified undergraduate students in the marketing major the opportunity to accelerate their coursework and take up to nine semester hours of graduate coursework, which may be counted toward both the BS and MBA degrees. A detailed description of the MBA program can be found in the Graduate Bulletin.

Digital Literacy Requirement

Students must complete at least one course designated as meeting the Digital Literacy Requirement with a grade of “C–” or higher. Courses fulfilling the Digital Literacy Requirement must accomplish at least three of the following outcomes:

  • Evaluate and interpret the accuracy, credibility, and relevance of digital information
  • Evaluate and interpret digital data and their implications
  • Discuss the ways in which society and/or culture interact with digital technology
  • Discuss digital technology trends and their professional implications
  • Demonstrate the ability to use digital technology effectively
  • Demonstrate the knowledge to use digital technology safely and ethically

Each academic major has determined the courses that fulfill the Digital Literacy requirement for that major. Students should contact their major department(s) to determine which courses will fulfill their Digital Literacy requirement.

Undergraduate majors in marketing, retail management, and professional sales satisfy this requirement by earning a grade of “C–” or higher in CGS 2100 (state mandated business prerequisite requirement) or CGS 2518.

Note: CGS 2518 with a “C–” or better is a graduation requirement for students in one of the Marketing majors.

Required Risk in Business and Society Course

All undergraduates at Florida State University intending to enter a business major should complete RMI 2302, Risk in Business and Society, with a “C–” or better by the end of their sophomore year, but no later than their fifth mapping term.

Required Professional Development Course

All undergraduates entering Florida State University in Fall 2019 and later must complete a one-credit course in professional development, GEB 1030, with a “C–” or better by the end of their fifth mapping term. However, students are encouraged to complete the course by the end of their sophomore year to take full advantage of the material.

State of Florida Common Program Prerequisites for Marketing

The Florida Virtual Campus (FLVC) houses the statewide, internet-based catalog of distance learning courses, degree programs, and resources offered by Florida's public colleges and universities, and they have developed operational procedures and technical guidelines for the catalog that all institutions must follow. The statute governing this policy can be reviewed by visiting https://www.flsenate.gov/Laws/Statutes/2021/1006.73.

FLVC has identified common program prerequisites for the degree program in Marketing. To obtain the most up-to-date, state-approved prerequisites for this degree, visit: https://cpm.flvc.org/programs/123/219.

Specific prerequisites are required for admission into the upper-division program and must be completed by the student at either a community college or a state university prior to being admitted to this program. Students may be admitted into the University without completing the prerequisites but may not be admitted into the program.

Requirements for a Major in Marketing

All students must complete:

  1. the University-wide baccalaureate degree requirements summarized in the “Undergraduate Degree Requirements” chapter of this General Bulletin;
  2. the state of Florida common prerequisites for marketing majors;
  3. the general business core requirements for marketing majors;
  4. the general business breadth requirements for marketing majors;
  5. the major area requirements for marketing majors.

Students must be admitted to the major no later than the end of their fifth mapping term, as determined by the College of Business.

Note: To be eligible to pursue a major in marketing, students must meet the admission requirements for the AACSB accredited business programs in the College of Business. These admission requirements are described in the “College of Business” chapter of this General Bulletin.

General Business Core Requirements

All marketing majors must complete the following six courses. A grade of “C–” or better must be earned in each course.

BUL 3310 The Legal and Ethical Environment of Business (3).

FIN 3403 Financial Management of the Firm (3).

GEB 3213 Business Communications (3).

ISM 3541 Introduction to Business Analytics (3).

MAN 3240 Organizational Behavior (3).

MAR 3023 Basic Marketing Concepts (3).

General Business Breadth Requirements

All marketing majors must complete three courses as follows. Each course selected must be completed with a grade of “C–” or better. No course may be used to satisfy part of the general business breadth requirements and part of the marketing major area requirements.

MAN 4720 Strategic Management and Business Policy (3).

Plus two electives from the following list of courses:

MAN 3600 Multinational Business Operations (3).

MAR 3231 Retailing Management (3).

MAR 3400 Professional Selling (3).

QMB 3200 Quantitative Methods for Business Decisions (3).

Capstone Course

All marketing majors must complete the capstone class in Strategic Management and Business Policy (MAN 4720) with a grade of “C” or better.

Major Area Requirements

All marketing majors must complete six courses as listed below. A grade of “C–” or better must be earned in each course used to satisfy the marketing major area requirements. No course may be used to satisfy part of the marketing major area requirements and part of the general business breadth requirements.

MAR 3503 Consumer Behavior (3).

MAR 4480 Marketing Strategy (3).

MAR 4613 Marketing Research (3).

Plus three electives from the following list of courses:

MAN 3504 Service Operations Management (3).

MAN 3600 Multinational Business Operations (3).*

MAN 4143 Contemporary Leadership Challenges (3).

MAN 4301 Human Resource Management (3).

MAR 3231 Retailing Management (3).*

MAR 3323 Promotional Management (3).

MAR 3400 Professional Selling (3).*

MAR 3461 Principles of Purchasing (3).

MAR 3711 Sports, Recreation, and Entertainment Marketing (3).

MAR 4156 Multinational Marketing (3).

MAR 4203 Logistics and Supply Chain Management (3).

MAR 4233 Social Media Marketing (3).

MAR 4238 Advanced Strategic Retail Management (3).

MAR 4403 Sales Management (3).

MAR 4415 Advanced Sales Techniques (3).

MAR 4524 Consumer Demand Analytics with Big Data (3).

MAR 4462 Seminar in Purchasing/Materials Management (3).

MAR 4614 Advanced Marketing Research (3).

MAR 4717 Strategic Sports Marketing (3).

MAR 4721 Electronic Marketing (3).

MAR 4832 Product Innovation Management (3).

MAR 4841 Services Marketing (3).

MAR 4939r Marketing Seminar (3).

MAR 4941 Marketing Internship (3).

Only 1 out of the 3 electives below may be used toward the required 3 Marketing Electives

IDS 3121 Business Case Analysis and Solution Development

ADV 4411 Multicultural Marketing Communications

ADV 4603 Account Planning

*MAN 3600, MAR 3231, and MAR 3400 cannot be double-counted to satisfy the General Breadth Elective and the major requirements.

Honors in the Major

The Department of Marketing offers honors in the major to encourage talented students to undertake independent and original research as part of the undergraduate experience. For requirements and other information see the “University Honors Office and Honor Societies” chapter of this General Bulletin.

Requirements for a Major in Professional Sales

All students must complete:

  1. the University-wide baccalaureate degree requirements summarized in the “Undergraduate Degree Requirements” chapter of this General Bulletin;
  2. the state of Florida common prerequisites for professional sales majors;
  3. the general business core requirements for professional sales majors;
  4. the general business breadth requirements for professional sales majors; and
  5. the major area requirements for professional sales majors.

Students must be admitted to the major no later than the end of their fifth mapping term, as determined by the College of Business.

Note: To be eligible to pursue a major in professional sales, students must meet the admission requirements for the AACSB accredited business programs in the College of Business. These admission requirements are described in the “College of Business” chapter of this General Bulletin.

General Business Core Requirements

All professional sales majors must complete the following six courses. A grade of “C–” or better must be earned in each course.

BUL 3310 The Legal and Ethical Environment of Business (3).

FIN 3403 Financial Management of the Firm (3).

GEB 3213 Business Communications (3).

ISM 3541 Introduction to Business Analytics (3).

MAN 3240 Organizational Behavior (3).

MAR 3023 Basic Marketing Concepts (3).

General Business Breadth Requirements

All professional sales majors must complete three courses as follows. Each course must be completed with a grade of “C–” or better. No course may be used to satisfy part of the general business breadth requirements and part of the professional sales major area requirements.

MAN 4720 Strategic Management and Business Policy (3).

MAR 3400 Professional Selling (3).

Plus one elective from the following list of courses:

MAN 3600 Multinational Business Operations (3).

MAR 3231 Retailing Management (3).

QMB 3200 Quantitative Methods for Business Decisions (3).

Capstone Course

All professional sales majors must complete the capstone class in Strategic Management and Business Policy (MAN 4720) with a grade of “C–” or better.

Major Area Requirements

All professional sales majors must complete six courses as listed below. A grade of “C–” or better must be earned in each course used to satisfy the professional sales major area requirements. No course may be used to satisfy part of the professional sales major area requirements and part of the general business breadth requirements.

MAR 4403 Sales Management (3).

MAR 4415 Advanced Sales Techniques (3).

MAR 4613 Marketing Research (3).

MAR 4941 Marketing Internship (3).

Plus two electives from the following list of courses:

ACG 3101 Financial Accounting and Reporting I (3).

ENT 4014 Creating New Ventures (3).

FIN 3244 Financial Markets, Institutions, and International Finance Systems (3).

IDS 3121 Business Case Analysis and Solution Development (3).

ISM 4113 Management Information Systems Analysis and Design (3).

MAN 3504 Service Operations Management (3).

MAN 3600 Multinational Business Operations (3). *

MAN 4143 Contemporary Leadership Challenges (3).

MAN 4301 Human Resource Management (3).

MAR 3231 Retailing Management (3). *

MAR 3323 Promotional Management (3).

MAR 3461 Principles of Purchasing (3).

MAR 3503 Consumer Behavior (3).

MAR 3711 Sports, Recreation, and Entertainment Marketing (3).

MAR 4156 Multinational Marketing (3).

MAR 4203 Logistics and Supply Chain Management (3).

MAR 4233 Social Media Marketing (3).

MAR 4238 Advanced Strategic Retail Management (3).

MAR 4462 Seminar in Purchasing/Materials Management (3).

MAR 4614 Advanced Marketing Research (3).

MAR 4717 Strategic Sports Marketing (3).

MAR 4721 Electronic Marketing (3).

MAR 4832 Product Innovation Management (3).

MAR 4841 Services Marketing (3).

MAR 4939r Marketing Seminar (3).

MAR 4941 Marketing Internship (3).

MAR 4946 Professional Sales Practicum (3).

*MAN 3600 and MAR 3231 cannot be double-counted to satisfy both the General Business Breadth Elective and the major area elective.

Definition of Prefixes

GEB—General Business



Undergraduate Courses

MAN 3600. Multinational Business Operations (3). Prerequisites: ECO 2013 and ECO 2023. This course provides an overview of the environments, markets, institutions, challenges, strategies, and operations of international and cross-cultural business; the globalization of business and associated challenges posed for the competitiveness of the modern enterprise; and the orientations, strategies, and tactics appropriate for international business success.

MAR 3023. Basic Marketing Concepts (3). Prerequisites: ECO 2023. This course is a required prerequisite for all marketing courses. Gives the student an understanding of the decision areas and the ability to utilize marketing concepts to make business decisions.

MAR 3231. Retailing Management (3). This course introduces students to the multifaceted world of retail. Students are exposed to the managerial side of retail principles including pricing strategies, multichannel retailing, consumer behavior, merchandising and customer service.

MAR 3323. Promotional Management (3). Prerequisite: MAR 3023. This course focuses on issues related to management of promotional tools including advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, public relations, and publicity.

MAR 3400. Professional Selling (3). Corequisite: MAR 3023. This course addresses the application of behavioral and persuasive communication theories, as well as the techniques necessary to develop effective personal selling skills within organizations.

MAR 3503. Consumer Behavior (3). Prerequisite: MAR 3023. This course provides students the opportunity to acquire knowledge and understanding of consumer behavior. Students learn about the consumer decision making process, what influences purchasing behavior, and the role of products and services in consumers' lives and society.

MAR 3711. Sports, Recreation and Entertainment Marketing (3). Prerequisite: MAR 3023. This course provides students a framework for understanding how marketing strategies and tactics can be successfully applied within sports, and within recreational and entertainment organizations.

MAR 4025. Innovation and Marketing of Small Business Enterprises (3). Prerequisite: MAR 3023 and MAN 3600. This course investigates ways small businesses innovate and market to consumers by focusing on the entrepreneurial creation process and marketing tactics used by small business owners in the role of entrepreneurs. Students learn to understand demands, resource challenges, risks, rewards, as well as how to construct a business plan to guide the operations of a small business.

MAR 4156. Multinational Marketing (3). Prerequisite: MAR 3023 and MAN 3600. This course introduces the student to marketing management decision making in international environments using cases and/or business games.

MAR 4203. Logistics and Supply Chain Management (3). Prerequisite: MAR 3023. This course introduces the student to the management of logistics activities involved in the flow of goods, information, and funds throughout the supply chain.

MAR 4233. Social Media Marketing (3). Prerequisite: MAR 3023. This course introduces the field of social media marketing with a detailed study of the marketing concepts, customer engagement practices, platforms, analytics, and other technologies associated with marketing to customers using social media. Students learn to develop and present social media marketing strategies, including marketing plans and analytics. Students in this course come to understand the relevance and application of social media marketing principles, strategies, analytics, and practices in various business environments.

MAR 4238. Advanced Strategic Retail Management (3). This course introduces the complex nature of the retail industry, shows how to recognize and manage the many challenges when students begin their career, and examines the many characteristics of leadership and the necessary critical thinking and strategic decision-making skills they need to effectively build and lead teams.

MAR 4403. Sales Management (3). Prerequisites: MAR 2023 (C- or better) and MAR 3400 (C- or better). This course exposes the student to concepts, activities, and analysis pertaining to sales and the management of the sales force.

MAR 4415. Advanced Sales Techniques (3). Prerequisites: MAR 2023 (C- or better) and MAR 3400 (C- or better). This course builds upon and enhances student skills and knowledge developed in the basic professional selling course. Focus is on using a strategic and consultative sales model to develop, manage, and deliver realistic sales presentations.

MAR 4480. Marketing Strategy (3). Prerequisite: MAR 3023. This course teaches students to draw upon and utilize the knowledge and skills developed in marketing and business courses and integrate the frameworks and analytical tools of marketing strategy that will enable students to develop a cohesive strategy that an organization can execute.

MAR 4524. Consumer Demand Analytics with Big Data (3). This course is an advanced undergraduate class for mainly business students. However, students from economics, engineering, and other disciplines may also find it useful.

MAR 4613. Marketing Research (3). Prerequisites: MAR 3023 and QMB 3200. This course examines marketing research as an information-providing activity for the purpose of management decision making.

MAR 4717. Strategic Sports Marketing (3). Prerequisites: MAR 3023 and MAR 3711. This course enables students to conduct strategic analyses relating to the marketing of sports. Topics include a wide range of issues within the realm of professional sports, in an interactive seminar and a workshop-like environment.

MAR 4721. Electronic Marketing (3). Prerequisite: MAR 3023. This course examines Internet communication, direct sales through electronic commerce, as well as Internet-based promotional communications.

MAR 4832. Product Innovation Management (3). Prerequisite: MAR 3023. This course is a structured way of thinking about product development. Students are provided with an up-to-date toolbox for developing and managing new products. The course focuses on hands-on individual assignments, creating aura to stimulate customer awareness, and a group project to stimulate the development process of a new and original product or service.

MAR 4841. Services Marketing (3). Prerequisite: MAR 3023. This course is designed for students interested in working in service industries and addressing the distinct challenges of managing services and delivering quality service to customers.

MAR 4905r. Directed Individual Study (1–3). May be repeated to a maximum of twelve semester hours.

MAR 4939r. Marketing Seminar (3). Prerequisite: MAR 3023. This course covers various topics taught by different instructors each semester. May be repeated to a maximum of six semester hours.

MAR 4941. Marketing Internship (3). Prerequisites for Marketing Majors: MAR 3023. Prerequisites for Professional Sales Majors: MAR 3023 and MAR 3400. This course is a marketing internship designed for marketing majors who want to gain real world experience in the marketing field through on-the-job practice. Students work under the direction of an approved industry professional, a faculty advisor and the internship director.

MAR 4946. Professional Sales Practicum (3). Prerequisites: MAR 3023, MAR 3400, and MAR 4415. This course is designed for Professional Sales majors who want to gain real-world experience through one of three options: (1) on the job practice, i.e., a sales internship, (2) strategic account management, i.e., a faculty-directed study of sales research techniques, or (3) a professional sales competition, with the permission of the sales program director.

MAR 4970r. Honors in the Major Research (3). Prerequisites: MAR 3023 and admission to the honors-in-the-major program. In this course, students accepted into the Honors in the Major program complete an original research or creative project in their major area of study. This course must be repeated at least twice to complete a minimum of six (6) credit hours total, but may be repeated up to a maximum of twelve hours in total.

For listings relating to graduate coursework, consult the Graduate Bulletin.