Undergraduate Department of Mathematics

College of Arts and Sciences


Chair: Washington Mio; Associate Chair for Academic Affairs: Hurdal; Associate Chair for Graduate Studies: Ökten; Associate Chair for Undergraduate Studies: Kercheval; Director of Pure Mathematics: Ballas; Director of Applied and Computational Mathematics: Musslimani; Director of Financial Mathematics: Zhu; Director of Biomathematics: Bertram; Coordinator of Graduate Teaching Assistants: Kirby; Coordinator of Actuarial Science: Paris; Professors: Aldrovandi, Aluffi, Bertram, P. Bowers, Cogan, Fenley, Gallivan, Heil, Huckaba, Hurdal, Hussaini, Kercheval, Kim, Klassen, Mio, Musslimani, Nolder, Ökten, Sussman, Tam, van Hoeij; Associate Professors: Agashe, Ballas, Bao, Bauer, Fahim, Lee, R. Oberlin, Reznikov, Zhu; Assistant Professors: Asllani, Banerjee, Farhat, Feng, Karamched, Morsky, Needham, Nguyen, Ozanski, Usatine, Zhang; Teaching Professors: Kirby, Paris; Research Associate in Mathematics: Boyd; Teaching Faculty III: Ewald, Harris; Teaching Faculty II: K. Bowers, Hollingsworth; Teaching Faculty I: Acar, Budkie, Simmons, Valdes, Wilk; Professors Emeriti: Bellenot, Blumsack, Bryant, Case, Hironaka, Kopriva, Kreimer, Mesterton-Gibbons, Mott, Nichols, D. Oberlin, Quine, Sumners, Wright; Courtesy Professors: Absil, Goldberg, Henry De Frahan, Hironaka, Huang, Marchand, Marcolli, van Dooren

The Department of Mathematics (https://www.math.fsu.edu/) offers programs of study leading to the Bachelor of Science (BS) and Bachelor of Arts (BA) degrees, the Master of Science (MS) and Master of Arts (MA) degrees, and the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree. (For details of the master's and doctoral degrees, see the Graduate Bulletin.) A combined bachelor's/master's pathway may be developed for a strong undergraduate, especially one entering with advanced credit. This allows a student to earn both a bachelor's and a master's degree in about five years. A degree in mathematics can be regarded as the central component of a liberal education, or as preparation for graduate study in mathematics or another field. Students can pursue careers in industry, finance, government, or teaching in a secondary, college, or university institution. The Actuarial Science program is professionally oriented toward the insurance and financial sectors.

The department has a widely recognized research faculty, all of whom teach undergraduate students. Under the direction of a faculty member, selected students may choose to pursue an individual research project under Honors in the Major. The department operates its own network of computers and computer labs. Faculty and students in the department have access to a variety of mathematical software, which is used in courses and in research. For additional information, see the departmental website.

The department offers opportunities for its majors to participate in learning activities outside the classroom. The Society of Undergraduate Mathematics Students provides a venue in which undergraduate students meet monthly to share interests and collaborate. Future Seminole Actuaries benefits from a first-rate professional relationship with actuarial employers; actuaries from government, insurance, and consulting firms often visit the department to describe the field and interview students for summer internships and employment. The students share experiences about summer internships and prepare for actuarial examinations and well-placed graduates of the program help current students. The department fields a team for the William Lowell Putnam Examination, a nationwide competition among mathematics students conducted annually by the Mathematical Association of America. A Fall seminar is held for students to become familiar with Putnam-style problems and to hone their skills.

Departmental Programs

There are five majors leading to the bachelor's degree: applied and computational mathematics, pure mathematics, biomathematics, mathematics/FSU-Teach, and actuarial science (please consult the “Program in Actuarial Science” section of this General Bulletin).

Combined BS/MS Pathways

There are two approved mathematics BS/MS pathways which allow a student to get both a BS and an MS by double-counting up to twelve graduate credit hours. The two pathways are the Pure Mathematics pathway and the Applied and Computational Mathematics pathway.

Applicants are eligible to apply for admission when they have at least 60 undergraduate hours completed, at least 24 of which at FSU. The minimum GPA is 3.0, with at least a 3.2 in mathematics courses above MAC 2311. Note that satisfying these requirements does not guarantee admission. Early planning is advised. Consult with the mathematics graduate advisor or the mathematics Associate Chair of Graduate Studies if interested.

Digital Literacy Requirement

Students must complete at least one course designated as meeting the Digital Literacy Requirement with a grade of “C–” or higher. Courses fulfilling the Digital Literacy Requirement must accomplish at least three of the following outcomes:

  • Evaluate and interpret the accuracy, credibility, and relevance of digital information
  • Evaluate and interpret digital data and their implications
  • Discuss the ways in which society and/or culture interact with digital technology
  • Discuss digital technology trends and their professional implications
  • Demonstrate the ability to use digital technology effectively
  • Demonstrate the knowledge to use digital technology safely and ethically

Each academic major has determined the courses that fulfill the Digital Literacy requirement for that major. Students should contact their major department(s) to determine which courses will fulfill their Digital Literacy requirement.

Undergraduate majors in actuarial science, applied mathematics, biomathematics, mathematics, and mathematics/FSU-Teach satisfy this requirement by earning a grade of “C–” or higher in COP 3014 or ISC 3313.

Admission Statement

All State Common Program Prerequisites listed as Term 1–4 Milestones must be completed with a “C” range (C–, C, C+) grade or better. Students earning less than the necessary grade in any of these courses will be required to retake those courses until the standard is met. Note: retaking a course may delay graduation and incur increased fee liability (i.e., repeat course surcharge and excess credit surcharge).

State of Florida Common Program Prerequisites for Mathematics

The Florida Virtual Campus (FLVC) houses the statewide, internet-based catalog of distance learning courses, degree programs, and resources offered by Florida's public colleges and universities, and they have developed operational procedures and technical guidelines for the catalog that all institutions must follow. The statute governing this policy can be reviewed by visiting https://www.flsenate.gov/Laws/Statutes/2021/1006.73.

FLVC has identified common program prerequisites for the degree program in Mathematics. To obtain the most up-to-date, state-approved prerequisites for this degree, visit: https://cpm.flvc.org/programs/67/202.

Specific prerequisites are required for admission into the upper-division program and must be completed by the student at either a community college or a state university prior to being admitted to this program. Students may be admitted into the University without completing the prerequisites but may not be admitted into the program.

Academic Performance

A grade of “C–” or better is required in all courses to be counted toward these degrees. Upon formal admission to the major, a student must not accumulate more than 2 unsatisfactory grades (grades below a “C–” or grades of “U”) in courses required for the major, excluding State Common Program Prerequisites listed as Term 1–4 Milestones, taken after enrolling in FSU. In addition, Actuarial Science majors must also maintain a GPA of 2.5 for all major and collateral courses and State Common Program Prerequisites listed as Term 5–8 Milestones. For all math majors, collateral courses include COP 3014 or ISC 3313, PHY 2048C, STA 3032 or 4322. For biomathematics, it includes the collateral biology, chemistry, and physics courses. For actuarial science, it includes the collateral courses with prefixes ACG, ECO, FIN, RMI, or STA. For FSU-Teach, it includes the collateral coursework with prefixes ISC, HIS, MAT, RED, SMT, or TSL. Exceptions to this policy require a petition to the department.


Please review all college-wide degree requirements summarized in the “College of Arts and Sciences” chapter of this General Bulletin. The student should also obtain, from the departmental office and Website, revisions to the degree guidelines since this publication.

The Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree in mathematics or actuarial science can be obtained by completion of the Bachelor of Science (BS) degree requirements plus additional courses required by the University as set forth in the “Undergraduate Degree Requirements” chapter of this General Bulletin.

Students should complete the state of Florida common program prerequisites, including the physics (all Mathematics majors) or the economics (Actuarial Science majors) requirements, during the first two college years. Actuarial Science majors should also complete the accounting course during the first two college years. Note that all majors have a computing requirement that can be used as the computing prerequisite course, but not vice versa.

A student who expects to continue on to doctoral work in mathematics is encouraged to complete the foreign language requirement in French, German, or Russian.

Mathematics courses at the 4000-level applied toward any departmental major must be taken at Florida State University unless specifically exempted by the chair on written request.

Honors in the Major

The Department of Mathematics offers honors in the major designed to introduce the student to the process of independent and original research. For requirements and other information, see the “University Honors Office and Honor Societies” chapter of this General Bulletin.

FSU-Teach Program in Teaching Mathematics

For those interested in teaching mathematics, FSU-Teach is an innovative approach to teacher education that involves collaboration between scientists, mathematicians, and education faculty at Florida State University. In FSU-Teach, students will develop deep science or mathematics knowledge and the knowledge, skill, and experience needed to be an effective science or math teacher. The program will pay for tuition for the first two courses, and work study positions with scientists, mathematicians, and local schools are available. For more information, see our Website: https://fsu-teach.fsu.edu/.

Requirements for a Minor in Mathematics

A minor in mathematics consists of twelve semester hours in courses with prefixes MAA, MAC, MAD, MAP, MAS, MAT, MGF, MHF, and MTG, but not including any of the courses numbered 1XXX, or MAC 2233. A grade of “C–” or better must be earned in each course counted toward the minor.

Prerequisite Courses

Before taking any mathematics course, the student must complete with a grade of “C–” or better the listed prerequisites to that course. Moreover, a student who earns a “C–” or better in a course with one or more stated or implied prerequisites may not subsequently earn credit in the prerequisite course(s). For example, a student who has earned a “C–” or better in MAC 2312 may not subsequently enroll in MAC 1105, 1114, 1140, or 2311.

Credit Note 1. In exception to the preceding paragraph, a transfer student may take MAC 1105 for credit even though the student has a “C–” or better in a transfer course that has been equated to a course for which MAC 1105 is prerequisite, provided the student has taken an approved placement test and has not yet satisfied the CoreFSU Curriculum requirement in mathematics.

Credit Note 2. In cases in which a student has earned a “D+”, “D”, or “D–” in a course and subsequently takes a similar course at the same level, the hours toward graduation for the first course will be disallowed as soon as the student passes the second course. These cases are: MAC 2233 after MAC 2311; MAC 2311 after MAC 2233.

Baccalaureate Degree in Mathematics

Courses required for each of the four degree options in mathematics are MAC 2313, MAP 2302, MAS 3105, and MGF 3301 or MAD 2104. The student must exhibit proficiency in a scientific computer programming language and must also satisfy the University's digital literacy requirement. Students will normally complete COP 3014 or ISC 3313 to satisfy both those requirements, although the former may be shown by courses in C, C++, FORTRAN, Java, or another approved higher-level language. STA 3032 is required for all majors but may be substituted by taking the sequence of STA 4321 and 4322. Representative requirements for the four mathematics major options follow. Students should refer to the departmental Website (https://www.math.fsu.edu/) or the departmental advisor (advisor@math.fsu.edu) for the most current information.

Major in Mathematics. In addition to the state of Florida common program prerequisites and the courses above, the student will complete PHY 2048C, STA 3032, and will complete the courses MGF 3301; MAS 4302; MAA 4224 or 4226; and three of the following, of which at least two must be at the 4000 level: MAA 4227, 4402; MAD 3105, 3703, 4300, 4704; MAP 4103, 4153, 4180, 4202, 4216, 4341, 4342; MAS 4106, 4203, 4303; MAT 4934; MHF 4302; MTG 4302, 4303. At least one of the sequences following, or an approved substitution, must be included: MAA 4226–4227, MAA 4402 and MTG 4302, MAD 3703–4704, and 4303, MAP 4341–4342, or MAS 4302–4303. Additional computer languages are recommended. The required collateral courses of PHY 2048C, COP 3014 or ISC 3313, STA 3032, and a State Common Prerequisite science course, chosen from BSC 2010, CHM 1045, GLY 2010, or PHY 2049C, constitute an acceptable interdisciplinary collateral minor for students in this major. No additional minor is required.

A student intending to do graduate work in pure mathematics should take MAA 4226–4227 and MAS 4302–4303 as well as MAA 4402 and MTG 4302.

Major in Applied Mathematics. In addition to the state of Florida common program prerequisites and the courses above, the student will complete PHY 2048C (PHY 2049C is highly recommended) and the courses MAD 3703; MAP 4103; MAP 4341; and MAD 2104 or MGF 3301; and two of the following: MAA 4224 or 4226, 4227, 4402; MAD 4300, 4704; MAP 4153, 4180, 4202, 4216, 4342; MAS 4106; MAT 4934. The required collateral courses of PHY 2048C, COP 3014 or ISC 3313, STA 3032, and a State Common Prerequisite science course, chosen from BSC 2010, CHM 1045, GLY 2010, or PHY 2049C, constitute an acceptable interdisciplinary collateral minor for students in this major. No additional minor is required.

Major in Biomathematics. This modern major can lead to employment in the area of biological applications, to medical school, or to graduate school in mathematical biology or the sciences. In addition to the state of Florida common program prerequisites, the student will complete collateral science courses including BSC 2010, 2010L, 2011, 2011L; CHM 1045, 1045L, 1046, 1046L; PCB 3063; and PHY 2048C. No additional minor is required. MAD 2104 or MGF 3301, MAP 4481 and STA 3032 are required, along with additional elective requirements; students should consult the departmental office or the Mathematics Department Website for exact elective requirements.

Major in Mathematics/FSU-Teach. In addition to what was mentioned above (i.e. the state of Florida common program prerequisites, COP 3014 or ISC 3313 and MAP 2302), the student will complete MAD 2104 or MGF 3301, MAP 4103 or 4481, MAS 3105, MTG 4212, STA 3032, PHY 2048C, and three additional courses chosen from any of the following Pure Math Options: MAA 4402, MAA 4224, MAS 4203, MAS 4302, MHF 4302, MTG 4302 or Applied Math Options: MAD 3105, MAD 3703, MAD 4300, MAP 4341, MAP 4180, MAS 4106. The FSU-Teach educational courses are a collateral major listed under the School of Teacher Education, FSU-Teach Program in Secondary Science or Mathematics Teaching section of this publication. No additional minor is required.

Baccalaureate Degree in Actuarial Science

In addition to the state of Florida common program prerequisites, there are interdisciplinary degree requirements. Representative requirements include: MAP 4170, 4175, COP 3014 or ISC 3313; and four repetitions of actuarial tutorial MAP 4174r. STA 4321 is required.

The student must also take the following courses in business and economics: ACG 2021; ECO 2013 or 3203, and ECO 2023 or 3101; FIN 3403 and 4504; RMI 3011. These courses satisfy the requirements for a minor in business. No additional minor is required.

Note: For the most recent information concerning course requirements for this program, please refer to https://www.math.fsu.edu/.

Additional requirements include a total of six courses from three course groups. Students must complete:

  1. At least two of the following courses: MAP 2302, MAP 4176, and MAS 3105
  2. At least one of the following courses: MAA 4224 or MAA 4226; MAD 3703; MAP 4341; MAS 4106; STA 4203, 4322, 4853
  3. At least one of the following courses: ECO 3101, 3203, 4401, 4421; FIN 4514; RMI 4115, 4135, 4224, 4292

Minors and Second Majors

Students may double major in actuarial science and any of the four mathematics majors (pure, applied/computational, biomathematics, or Math/FSU-Teach) by completing all of the prerequisite and degree requirements for each selected program. A student may also complete a second major in another department. Mathematics has no restrictions on the number of hours that can overlap with another major.

Information concerning acceptable minors and second majors for students majoring in a department program is available from the departmental office. The required collateral courses for the Actuarial Science, Applied Computational Mathematics, Biomathematics, and Mathematics, and Mathematics/FSU-Teach majors constitute an acceptable interdisciplinary collateral minor.

Definition of Prefixes

MAA—Mathematics: Analysis

MAC—Mathematics: Calculus and Precalculus

MAD—Mathematics: Discrete

MAE—Mathematics Education

MAP—Mathematics Applied

MAS—Mathematics: Algebraic Structures


MGF—Mathematics: General and Finite

MHF—Mathematics: History and Foundations

MTG—Mathematics: Topology and Geometry

Undergraduate Courses

MAA 4224. Introduction to Analysis I (3). Prerequisites: MAC 2313, MAS 3105, and prior experience with mathematical proofs (MGF 3301, MAD 2104 or other proving experience). Not open to students with credit in MAA 4226. This course is a rigorous treatment of elementary calculus. Topics include the completeness of the real numbers, sequences and series, limits and continuity, derivatives, integrals, the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, and sequences and series of functions. Students intending graduate study in mathematics should take MAA 4226.

MAA 4226. Advanced Calculus I (3). Prerequisites: MAC 2313 (C- or better) and MAS 3105 (C- or better) and MGF 3301 (C- or better). This course covers functions, sequences, limits; continuity, uniform continuity; differentiation; integration; convergence, uniform convergence. For strong students with advisor approval only.

MAA 4227. Advanced Calculus II (3). Prerequisite: MAA 4226. This course is a continuation of MAA 4226.

MAA 4402. Complex Variables (3). Prerequisite: MAC 2313 (C- or better). This course covers analytic functions; Cauchy-Riemann conditions; complex integration; Cauchy's theorem and integral formula; power series; analytic continuation; Riemann surfaces; residues and applications; and conformal mapping.

MAA 4934r. Topics in Analysis (1–3). Prerequisite: Instructor permission. Special topics course. May be repeated to a maximum of twelve semester hours. May be repeated within the same semester.

MAC 1105. College Algebra (3). Prerequisite: MAT 1033 with a grade of “C–” or better or a suitable mathematics examination placement score. Recommended background: two years of high school algebra. This course is a review of algebraic operations, equations, and inequalities; functions and functional notation; graphs; inverse functions; linear, quadratic, rational function; absolute value; radicals; exponential and logarithmic functions; system of equations and inequalities; applications. On basis of test scores the student may be required to take a community college course before MAC 1105.

MAC 1114. Analytic Trigonometry (3). Prerequisite: MAC 1105 (C- or better) or MAC 1140 (C- or better) or MAC 2233 (C- or better). This course covers trigonometric functions, inverse trigonometric functions and their graphs; identities and conditional equations; solution of triangles; trigonometric form of complex numbers; DeMoivre's theorem and nth roots; introduction to plane vectors.

MAC 1140. Precalculus Algebra (3). Prerequisites: MAC 1105 (C- or better) or MAC 1114 (C- or better) or MAC 2233 (C- or better). This course covers functions and graphs, especially higher degree polynomial, rational, exponential, and logarithmic functions; systems of equations; solution of linear systems, matrix methods; determinants; sequences and series, induction; and the binomial theorem. The course also explores applications, approximation, and methods of proof. May be taken concurrently with MAC 1114.

MAC 1147. Precalculus Algebra/Trigonometry (5). Prerequisite: MAC 1105 or suitable mathematics examination placement score. This course is a one-semester course encompassing the topics of MAC 1140 (Precalculus Algebra) and MAC 1114 (Analytic Trigonometry). See the topics for MAC 1140 and MAC 1114.

MAC 2233. Calculus for Business (3). Prerequisites: MAC 1105 (C– or better) or MAC 1114 (C– or better) or MAC 1140 (C– or better) or MAC 1147 (C– or better); (Not open to students who have credit in MAC 2311 with a grade of “C–” or better). This course covers limits, continuity, first and higher derivatives, and the differential, with applications to graphing, rates of change, and optimization methods; techniques of integration and applications; introduction to multivariate calculus.

MAC 2311. Calculus with Analytic Geometry I (4). Prerequisites: MAC 1147; or MAC 1140 and MAC 1114; or suitable mathematics examination placement score. This course covers polynomial, trigonometric, exponential, and logarithmic functions; first and second derivatives and their interpretations; definition and interpretation of the integral; differentiation rules; implicit differentiation; applications of the derivative; anti-derivatives; fundamental theorem of calculus. This course must be taken for reduced credit by students with prior credit for some of the content.

MAC 2312. Calculus with Analytic Geometry II (4). Prerequisite: MAC 2311 or suitable mathematics examination placement score. This course covers techniques of integration; applications of integration; series and Taylor series; differential equations. This course must be taken for reduced credit by students with prior credit for some of the content.

MAC 2313. Calculus with Analytic Geometry III (5). Prerequisite: MAC 2312. This course covers functions of several variables and their graphical representations; vectors; partial derivatives and gradients; optimization; multiple integration; polar, spherical, and cylindrical coordinate systems; curves; vector fields; line integrals; flux integrals; divergence theorem and Stokes' theorem. This course must be taken for reduced credit by students with prior credit for some of the content.

MAD 2104. Discrete Mathematics I (3). Prerequisite: MAC 2311 or COP 3014 and MAC 1140. Recommended prerequisite: MAC 2311. This course covers techniques of definition and logical argument, sets and functions, propositional logic, introduction to graphs and relations, and applications. Mathematics majors should take MGF 3301 instead of MAD 2104.

MAD 3105. Discrete Mathematics II (3). Prerequisite: MAD 2104 or MGF 3301. Recommended prerequisite: MAC 2311. This course covers techniques of definition and logical argument, graphs and diagraphs, relations, Boolean algebra, and applications.

MAD 3703. Numerical Analysis I (3). Prerequisites: MAC 2312 with a grade of “B–” or better or MAC 2313 with a grade of “C–” or better, MAS 3105, and competence in a programming language suitable for numeric computations, such as C, C++, Fortran, Java, or Python. This course covers root finding, interpolation and polynomial approximation, numerical differentiation and integration, direct and iterative methods for systems of linear equations.

MAD 4300. Graph Theory and Networks (3). Prerequisite: MAS 3105. This course provides the mathematical tools necessary to analyze abstract and real-life networks. Topics include mathematical network representation, the various forms of network centrality, the structure of real-life networks, and random networks.

MAD 4704. Numerical Analysis II (3). Prerequisites: MAD 3703 and MAP 2302. This course covers approximation theory, numerical solution of nonlinear systems, boundary value problems and initial value problems for ordinary differential equations.

MAD 4934r. Topics in Discrete or Computational Mathematics (1–3). Prerequisite: Instructor permission. Special topics course. May be repeated to a maximum of twelve semester hours. May be repeated within the same semester.

MAE 4326. How Children Learn Mathematics (3). Prerequisite: One course in computers/technology or instructor permission. This course explores the uses of various technologies in mathematics classes, demonstrated through hands-on activities and experiences.

MAE 4816. Elements of Geometry (3). This course explores a variety of traditional and innovative geometric topics via a hands on approach. Topics include congruence, similarity, Pythagorean triples, and areas of curvilinear figures. Not open to students majoring in mathematics.

MAP 2302. Ordinary Differential Equations (3). Prerequisite: MAC 2312 with a grade of “B–” or better or MAC 2313 with a grade of “C–” or better. This course covers differential equations of the first order, linear equations of the second, systems of first order equations, power series solutions, Laplace transforms, numerical methods. Not open to students having credit in MAP 3305.

MAP 2480. Biocalculus Computer Laboratory (1). Prerequisite: MAC 2311. This computer laboratory applies calculus methods and mathematical programming software to assist students in solving problems from biology, medicine, and psychology.

MAP 3305. Engineering Mathematics I (3). Prerequisite: MAC 2313 or MAC 2312 with a grade of “B–” or better. This course covers ordinary differential equations, Laplace transform, and linear algebra: determinants, matrices, eigenvalues, and eigenvectors. Not open to students having credit in MAP 2302.

MAP 3306. Engineering Mathematics II (3). Prerequisites: MAC 2313 and MAP 2302 or MAP 3305. This course offers Fourier series and Fourier transforms, introduction to partial differential equations. Not open to students having credit in MAP 4341.

MAP 4103. Mathematical Modeling (3). (S/U grade only.) MAP 4103 Prerequisites: MAC 2313 (C- or better) and MAP 2302 (C- or better) and MAS 3105 (C- or better) and PHY 2048C (C- or better). This course covers the application of mathematics to real life situations, construction of mathematical models, use of elementary and advanced mathematical methods, and case studies.

MAP 4153. Vector Calculus with Introduction to Tensors (3). Prerequisite: MAC 2313 (C- or better). This course covers vector calculus: gradient, divergence, curl; differential operators in orthogonal curvilinear coordinates; line, surface, and volume integrals; Stokes' and Green's theorems; subscript notation, Cartesian tensors; and applications.

MAP 4170. Introduction to Actuarial Mathematics (4). Prerequisite: MAC 2312. This course covers amount function, dollar-weighted and time-weighted rates, force of interest; special annuity types, bonds, capitalization, and applications. Yield curves, spot rates, forward rates, duration, convexity, and immunization and additional financial concepts.

MAP 4174r. Actuarial Applications (1–2). (S/U grade only.) This course provides students with an understanding of the actuarial profession through presentations by practicing actuaries. Students receive an understanding of the effort and preparation needed to pass actuarial exams through required attendance at an actuarial study hall. May be repeated to a maximum of four credit hours.

MAP 4175. Actuarial Models (4). Prerequisites: MAP 4170 and STA 4321. This course covers single- and multiple-life survival analysis; mortality laws, deterministic methods, and contingent payments and annuities; premium principles and reserves for continuous, discrete, and semi-continuous insurance products; multiple decrement theory (competing risks) and applications.

MAP 4176. Advanced Actuarial Models, Credibility, and Simulation (4). Prerequisite: MAP 4175. This course covers claim frequency models, individual loss models, aggregate loss models, multiple-life and multiple-death decrement survival models, multiple-state transition models, credibility theory, and simulation.

MAP 4180. Game Theory and Applications (3). Prerequisites: MAC 2313, MAS 3105, MAP 2302, and STA 4321. This course covers solution concepts for noncooperative games. Nash equilibrium. Selection criteria. Evolutionary stable strategies. Cooperative games in strategic form. Characteristic function games. The prisoners dilemma. Applications.

MAP 4202. Optimization (3). Prerequisites: MAC 2313, MAD 3703, and MAS 3105. This course covers linear programming, unconstrained optimization, searching strategies, equality and inequality constrained problems.

MAP 4216. Calculus of Variations (3). Prerequisites: MAP 2302 and MAA 4226 or MAA 4224 or MAP 4341. This course covers fundamental problems, weak and strong extrema, necessary and sufficient conditions, Hamilton-Jacobi theory, dynamic programming, control theory and Pontryagins maximum principle.

MAP 4341. Elementary Partial Differential Equations I (3). Prerequisites: MAC 2313 and MAP 2302 or MAP 3305. This course covers separation of variables, Fourier Series, Sturm-Liouville problems, multidimensional initial boundary value problems, nonhomogeneous problems, Bessel functions, and Legendre polynomials.

MAP 4342. Elementary Partial Differential Equations II (3). Prerequisite: MAP 4341. This course covers solution of first-order quasi-linear partial differential equations, classification and reduction to normal form of linear second-order equations, Green's function, infinite domain problems, the wave equation, radiation condition, spherical harmonics.

MAP 4481. Mathematical Modeling in Biology (3). Prerequisite: MAC 2312. Recommended prerequisite: MAP 2480. This course is an introduction to the use of mathematical models in biology. Linear and nonlinear difference and ordinary differential equations, linear stability analysis, phase plane analysis. Applications may include population biology, infectious diseases, chemical kinetics, and physiology.

MAP 4934r. Topics in Applied Mathematics (1–3). Prerequisite: Instructor permission. Special topics course. May be repeated to a maximum of twelve semester hours. May be repeated within the same semester.

MAS 3105. Applied Linear Algebra I (4). Prerequisite: MAC 2312. This course covers Gaussian elimination, vector spaces, least squares problems, determinants, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, linear transformations, applications.

MAS 3301. Introduction to Modern Algebra (3). Prerequisites: MAC 2312 and MAS 3105. This course covers groups, permutations and symmetries, rings, integral domains, properties of the integers, fields and rational numbers. Mathematics majors other than FSU-Teach must take MAS 4302 instead.

MAS 4106. Applied Linear Algebra II (3). Prerequisites: MAC 2313 (C- or better) and MAS 3105 (C- or better). This course covers positive definite matrices, matrix computation, linear programming and game theory. Applications.

MAS 4203. Theory of Numbers (3). Prerequisites: MAS 3105 and prior experience with mathematical proofs (MGF 3301, MAD 2104, or other proving experience). This course covers the Euclidean algorithm; congruencies, quadratic residues, the law of quadratic reciprocity, and an elementary discussion of arithmetic functions and distribution of primes.

MAS 4302. Introduction to Abstract Algebra I (3). Prerequisites: MAS 3105 and prior experience with mathematical proofs (MGF 3301, MAD 2104 or other proving experience). This course covers groups, permutation groups, subgroups, group homomorphisms, structure of groups, rings, ideals, ring homomorphisms, rings of quotients, polynomials, factorization, fields, field extensions.

MAS 4303. Introduction to Abstract Algebra II (3). Prerequisite: MAS 4302. This course is a continuation of MAS 4302.

MAS 4934r. Topics in Algebra (1–3). Prerequisite: Instructor permission. Special topics course. May be repeated to a maximum of twelve semester hours. May be repeated within the same semester.

MAT 3503. Functions and Modeling (3). Prerequisite: MAC 2312. This course includes group and individual activities designed to strengthen knowledge of, and connections among, topics in secondary and college mathematics. Problem-solving; gathering and analyzing data; and modeling using linear, polynomial, and trigonometric functions, and parametric and polar equations are also explored. Students discuss and present work in class, and make use of various technologies.

MAT 3930r. Special Topics in Mathematics (1–3). May be repeated within the same term to a maximum of twelve semester hours.

MAT 4906r. Directed Individual Study (1–4). May be repeated within the same term to a maximum of thirty semester hours.

MAT 4930r. Special Topics in Mathematics (1–3). (S/U grade only.) May be repeated to a maximum of twelve semester hours.

MAT 4934r. Honors in the Major Research (1–6). In this course, students accepted into the Honors in the Major program complete an original research or creative project in their major area of study. This course must be repeated at least twice to complete a minimum of six (6) credit hours total, but may be repeated up to a maximum of twelve credit hours in total.

MAT 4945r. Undergraduate Professional Internship (1–3). (S/U grade only.) Prerequisite: Instructor permission. This course is a supervised internship individually assigned to accommodate the student's professional development in an area of application (e.g., actuarial science; industrial applications). May be repeated to a maximum of three semester hours.

MGF 1106. Mathematics for Liberal Arts I (3). Prerequisite: MAT 1033 with a grade of “C–” or better or a suitable mathematics examination placement score. This course covers set theory; symbolic logic; counting principles; permutations and combinations; probability; statistics; geometry; applications and history of mathematics. Recommended background: two years of high school algebra. Course is not intended for students whose programs require precalculus or calculus courses.

MGF 1107. Topics in Practical Finite Mathematics (3). Prerequisites: MAT 1033 with a grade of “C–” or better or a suitable mathematics examination placement score. Recommended background: Two years of high school algebra. This course has a recommended background of two years of high school algebra. Topics include financial mathematics; linear and exponential growth; numbers and number systems; history of mathematics; elementary number theory; voting techniques; graph theory; game theory; geometry; and computer applications.

MGF 1130. Mathematical Thinking (3). In this course, students utilize multiple means of problem solving through student-centered mathematical exploration. The course is designed to teach students to think more effectively and vastly increase their problem-solving ability through practical application and divergent thinking. This course is appropriate for students in a wide range of disciplines/programs. Completion of two years of high school algebra is recommended prior to taking this course.

MGF 1131. Mathematics in Context (3). This course covers topics in personal finance, taxes, graph theory, gathering and organizing data, voting methods, and the use and mis-use of statistics. Two years of high school algebra is recommended. Course is not intended for students whose programs require precalculus or calculus courses.

MGF 3301. Introduction to Advanced Mathematics (3). Prerequisite: MAC 2312; recommended: MAS 3105. This course is an introduction to the proof-based methods of mathematics through a variety of topics such as logic, set theory, partially ordered sets, metric spaces, and the real numbers. Presentation of proofs is emphasized throughout.

MHF 3111. Calculus and its History (3). Prerequisite: MAC 2312. This course investigates key milestones in the development of calculus, beginning with its roots in antiquity, through the Middle Ages and renaissance, and on to the work of Newton and Leibniz. The course emphasizes learning, analyzing, and practicing methods and techniques of the important ideas of modern calculus, including methods of tangents, areas, general solutions, the infamous “calculus wars”, and the fast and furious development during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.

MHF 4302. Mathematical Logic I (3). Prerequisite: MGF 3301 or instructor permission. This course covers propositional and predicate logic, models, as well as Godel's completeness theorem and related theorems.

MTG 4212. College Geometry (3). Prerequisites: MAC 2312 and MAS 3105. This course examines fundamental topics in geometry from an advanced viewpoint, primarily designed for teachers and prospective teachers of mathematics.

MTG 4302. Elementary Topology I (3). Prerequisite: MAC 2313 and prior experience with mathematical proofs (MGF 3301, MAD 2104 or other proving experience). This course examines topological spaces, metric spaces, connectedness, compactness, separation properties, topology of the plane, and product spaces.

MTG 4303. Elementary Topology II (3). Prerequisite: MTG 4302. This course examines function spaces, Hilbert space, quotient spaces, continua, paracompactness and metrizability, nets and filters, and the fundamental group.

MTG 4934r. Topics in Topology or Geometry (1–3). Prerequisite: Instructor permission. Special topics course. May be repeated to a maximum of twelve semester hours. May be repeated within the same semester.

For listings relating to graduate coursework, consult the Graduate Bulletin.