Reubin O' D. Askew School of Public Administration and Policy

Undergraduate Programs

College of Social Sciences and Public Policy


Director: Gary VanLandingham; Professors: Lee, Reid, VanLandingham, Yi; Associate Professors: Atkins, Berlan, Campos, Fay, Tang; Assistant Professors: Gao, Ikpebe; Teaching Faculty and Adjunct Faculty: Banner, Dilling, Duggleby, Ferreros, Gleason, Heffron-Casserleigh, Lavin, Long, McDaniel, Merrick, Sheplak, Skillman, Smith; Professors Emeriti: Bowman, Brower, Chackerian, deHaven-Smith, Grizzle, Klay

The Reubin O'D. Askew School of Public Administration and Policy is one of the most highly ranked schools of its type in the nation. The school does not offer a major to undergraduate students, but it does offer a minor and/or a certificate as well as a concentration in the interdisciplinary program in social science (ISS). The school also offers a five-year bachelor's/professional master's combined pathway. Qualified undergraduate students in any major may begin graduate studies in the professional Master of Public Administration (MPA) degree and apply those credits toward their bachelor's degree as well.

BA or BS and Master of Public Administration (MPA) Combined Pathway

Qualified students in any undergraduate major may use up to twelve hours of free electives to take graduate courses in public administration that will count for completion of both the bachelor's degree and the professional MPA degree. These courses cannot be applied to a joint graduate pathway. Students should enroll in the stand-alone MPA program only if they wish to use their graduate credit hours taken during their undergraduate studies. Completion of graduate courses through the combined bachelor's/master's pathway will also count for completion of an undergraduate minor in public administration. Qualified undergraduates who take public administration courses to satisfy major requirements in the bachelor's degree programs in either political science, interdisciplinary social science, international affairs, or any other major that accepts PAD coursework may take up to twelve hours of graduate credit that will be counted for completion of both their bachelor's degree major and the MPA degree. Normally, the MPA degree requires completion of 42 graduate credit hours following receipt of a bachelor's degree. Students in the combined bachelors/master's pathway who complete twelve graduate credits prior to receipt of their bachelor's degree will only need to complete 30 additional graduate credits to receive the MPA degree.

Acceptance to this pre-graduate program is competitive. Applications will only be considered from undergraduates who are entering their senior year, or who are honor students with junior status, and who have a cumulative undergraduate grade point average of at least 3.2 in all prior studies at FSU. Application forms are to be submitted to the School's Academic Program Specialist. Accepted undergraduates may then enroll for up to six credit hours per semester, or up to twelve credit hours total, in graduate courses that are either core or elective courses in the MPA program. Students accepted to the pre-graduate program should subsequently make formal application for admission to the graduate school during their senior year. Acceptance and successful completion of the pre-graduate program does not guarantee admission into the graduate MPA program.

For more information, refer to the Graduate Bulletin and the Askew School's website at

Requirements for a Minor and Undergraduate Certificate in Public Administration

A minor in public administration is available to students in all majors except political science, where undergraduate courses in public administration are applied directly to the political science major. For other students, the minor in public administration consists of any four (4) PAD courses, totaling twelve (12) credit hours passed with a grade of “C” or better. For the minor, one of the PAD courses may be substituted with a Department of Political Science course from the following list: State Politics (POS 3122), Urban Politics (POS 3142), Florida Government (POS 3182) and The American Presidency (POS 4413). Courses should be approved in advance by the School in consultation with the student.

Topics in regularly scheduled undergraduate classes include:

  • Administrative Law
  • American Public Service
  • Budgets and Finances in Managing Public Affairs
  • Civic and Non-profit Management
  • Local Government Administration
  • Emergency Management
  • Public Administration in American society
  • Selected Topics in Public Administration

Students pursuing an undergraduate minor in Public Administration may elect to concurrently complete the undergraduate certificate in Public Administration. In order to qualify for the certificate, the student must apply to the certificate program prior to the completion of the sixth (6) credit hour towards the certificate. Courses may double count between the minor and the certificate program, however, courses may not double count between different certificate programs. Each certificate program must be completed independently. All courses in the certificate program must be letter graded. Pass/Fail (S/U) grades will not count toward the certificate. Students completing the certificate may not elect to substitute any PAD courses as mentioned for the minor above. The certificate consists of twelve (12) credit hours of PAD courses with a grade of “C” or better. The certificate credential is not intended as a diploma or degree. It is recommended that the student check with the School to be sure courses taken will apply to the certificate.

The School also offers undergraduate certificates in Emergency Management and Homeland Security, Application of Unmanned Aircraft Systems, and U.S. Intelligence Studies. Courses in emergency management are foundational courses for careers in emergency management and are useful for students entering careers in the management of business, government, and non-profit organizations.

Both degree-seeking and non-degree students are eligible for the undergraduate certificates. Please contact the School for further details.

Certificate in Emergency Management and Homeland Security

The undergraduate certificate in Emergency Management and Homeland Security includes a variety of skill and knowledge concentrations appropriate for practicing managers and others interested in the field. To earn the certificate, two required courses and two additional ones selected from those offered by the Askew School must be completed. The undergraduate certificate in Emergency Management and Homeland Security is twelve (12) credit hours total. A grade of “C” or higher must be earned in all certificate courses. Students interested in the certificate program must apply before the completion of the sixth (6) credit hour, or second course, in the certificate program.

Required Courses

PAD 4391 Foundations of Emergency Management (3)

PAD 4393 Emergency Management Programs, Planning and Policy (3)

Elective Courses

PAD 3931 Selected Topics in Public Administration (3)

PAD 4075 Unmanned Aircraft Systems in Emergency Management (3)

PAD 4084 International Terrorism Policy (3)

PAD 4301 Disaster Management Planning for Urban Poor Communities (3)

PAD 4372 Emergency Management Leadership and Communications (3)

PAD 4374 Introduction to Terrorism: Preparedness and Response (3)

PAD 4375 Advanced Topics in Terrorism (3)

PAD 4380 Disasters: From Shock to Recovery (3)

PAD 4382 Disaster Recovery and Mitigation (3)

PAD 4395 Disaster Systems (3)

PAD 4833 International and Comparative Disaster Management (3)

PAD 4841 U.S. Intelligence Analysis and Communication (3)

PAD 4842 U.S. Intelligence Policy (3)

PAD 4843 U.S. Intelligence Community (3)

PAD 4844 Public Health and Emergency Management (3)

PAD 4890 Homeland Security Policy and Practice (3)

PAD 4891 NGOs and Disasters (3)

PAD 4897 Global Security and Fusion (3)

PAD 4936r Seminar in Public Administration: Selected Topics (3) [Cities at Risk]

Certificate in Application of Unmanned Aircraft Systems

The undergraduate certificate in Application of Unmanned Aircraft Systems provides students with practical ‘hands on' usage of the technology as well as the regulatory frameworks, requirements, and realities of using this data in a variety of fields. To earn the certificate, two required courses and two additional ones selected from those offered by the Askew School and the Geography, Urban and Regional Planning, and Geology departments must be completed. The undergraduate certificate in Application of Unmanned Aircraft Systems is twelve (12) credit hours total. A grade of “C” or higher must be earned in all certificate courses. Students interested in the certificate program must apply before the completion of the sixth (6) credit hour, or second course, in the certificate program.

Required Courses

PAD 4072 Application on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (3)

PAD 4075 Unmanned Aircraft Systems in Emergency Management (3)

Elective Courses

PAD 4391 Foundations of Emergency Management (3)

PAD 4395 Disaster Systems (3)

PAD 4936 Seminar in Public Administration: Selected Topics (3) [Policy and Implementation of Unmanned Aircraft Systems]

GEO 3015 Map Analysis (3)

GIS 4035 Introduction to Remote Sensing (3)

GIS 4043 Geographic Information Systems (3)

URP 4423 Introduction to Environmental Planning and Resource Management (3)

Certificate in U.S. Intelligence Studies

The undergraduate certificate in U.S. Intelligence Studies gives students in just about any program of study a way to stand out from the crowd and learn real world approaches to solving complicated problems. The concepts and methods are as relevant in business, psychology, and the arts as they are to national security. To earn the certificate, two required courses and two additional ones selected from within one of the elective groups in the list below must be completed. The undergraduate certificate in U.S. Intelligence Studies is twelve (12) credit hours total. A grade of “C” or higher must be earned in all certificate courses. Students interested in the certificate program must apply before the completion of the sixth (6) credit hour, or second course, in the certificate program.

Required Courses

PAD 4841 U.S. Intelligence Analysis and Communication (3)

PAD 4842 U.S. Intelligence Policy (3)

General Elective Group: Choose Up to Three

To complete the USIS graduate certificate, students will choose two electives six credit hours). A maximum of one electives may be selected from the Interdisciplinary Electives list.

PAD 4084 International Terror Policy (3)

PAD 4831 International Conflict and Terrorism (3)

PAD 4374 Introduction to Terrorism (3)

PAD 4375 Advanced Topics in Terrorism (3)

PAD 4433 Women, Disasters, and Conflict (3)

PAD 4890 Homeland Security Policy and Practice (3)

PAD 4897 Global Security and Fusion (3)

PAD 4936 Seminar in Public Administration: Selected Topics (3) [Hard Targets and Intelligence]

PAD 4936 Seminar in Public Administration: Selected Topics (3) [Regional Security in the Southern Hemisphere]

PAD 4843 U.S. Intelligence Community

Interdisciplinary Electives, Including Regional, Cultural, and Language Elective (Choose up to Two)

ARA 4xxx 4000-level Arabic language course (must be taught in Arabic)

ASH 4223 Modern Middle East

CHI 4xxx 4000-level Chinese language course (must be taught in Chinese)

CPO 3615 Post-Soviet Politics

ECS 4504 Economics of the Middle East

IDS 3558w Making the Argument: Symbolic Logic and the Forms of Good Reasoning

INR 3502 International Organizations

INR 4102 American Foreign Policy

INR 4274 Studies in International Politics: The Middle East

REL 2315 Religions of South Asia

REL 2350 Religions of East Asia

REL 3367 Islamic Traditions II: Islam up to the Modern World

REL 4304 Religion and Disaster

RUS 4xxx 4000-level Russian language course (must be taught in Russian)

RUT 3505 Russian Culture and Civilization

Graduate Programs

Graduate study provides professional preparation for careers in government, higher education, private consulting, and nonprofit organizations, and can be pursued in several ways. The school offers two graduate degree programs: the fully-accredited Master of Public Administration (MPA) and the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Public Administration. The MPA program prepares students for professional management and policy roles in a variety of public sector, nonprofit, and international/NGO environments. The doctorate is a research degree designed to prepare students for college and university teaching, advanced research, and advanced administrative practice.

The school also offers joint graduate pathways with the College of Law (MPA/JD), the College of Social Work (MPA/MSW), the College of Criminology and Criminal Justice (MPA/MS), and the Department of Urban and Regional Planning (MPA/MSP). Consult the Graduate Bulletin for details of the programs and courses offered.

Public administration courses often serve well as an area of specialization within other degree programs. The study of public administration builds career competencies, enhancing the student's career mobility, flexibility, and opportunities.

Additional information is available on the Askew School's website at

Definition of Prefixes

PAD—Public Administration

POS—Political Science

Undergraduate Courses

PAD 3003. Public Administration in American Society (3). This introductory course in public administration studies the management of large-scale government bureaucracies including organization, career systems, and financing. It also focuses on the role of bureaucracies in modern society in the formalization and implementation of public policy.

PAD 3012. Mayhem Media: Aliens, Zombies, and Human Error (3). This course uses literature and film to analyze examples of emergency and disaster management, assisting students in understanding the complexities of this world through a lens of American media. The course focuses on narrative frameworks and historic significance of both nonfictional and fictional events, examining the setting, characters, plot, and moral framing of the stories presented. The course exhibits nonfiction and fiction literature, podcasts and contemporary film.

PAD 3013. Futures Studies (3). This course applies futures studies perspectives and methods to the study of societal trends and conditions. Emphasis is on the development of anticipatory public policy.

PAD 3017. Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation (3). This course facilitates socially significant innovation through the development of tools, skills, and knowledge. Students examine social entrepreneurship through nonprofit (and public) organizational examples and interactions with social entrepreneurs within their own community.

PAD 3931r. Selected Topics in Public Administration (1–6). Topics may vary. May be repeated to a maximum of nine semester hours.

PAD 3941r. Public Service Internship (3–6). (S/U grade only.) Prerequisite: PAD 3003 or equivalent. This course consists of participant observation of the administration of policy in public service organizations. Internship with faculty supervision, on-campus seminars, discussion papers. May be repeated to a maximum of six semester hours.

PAD 4015. Cities at Risk (3). This course uses multiple case studies to examine the state of today's major cities, particularly when it comes to disasters. In big city environments numerous factors can increase the potential for loss of life, property, and environmental resources: unplanned increased population, poor management of industries and manufacturing, increased greenhouse emissions, poor housing conditions, poor building regulations, and poor management of city growth, among many others. All these conditions can converge to create increased consequences in megacities in the developed and developing world. In this course, students explore how rising megacities in developed and developing countries can address their vulnerability and protect their citizens with policy, disaster management, and urban management practices.

PAD 4072. Applications of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (3). Prerequisite: PAD 4075. This course educates students on the applications of UAS in emergency management and other aspects of public management. The course includes flight time with a variety of multi-rotor UAS and provides in-depth discussion and experiences with this technology. Topics include data processing and analysis, crew resource management, and planning of flight operations. This class is offered as a ‘weekend intensive'; class meetings happen on three designated weekends throughout the semester.

PAD 4074. Professional Pathways in Emergency Management (1). Prerequisite: PAD 4391. This course explores best practices and theories regarding emotional intelligence, communication, behavior and ethics in professional emergency management. Students gain the knowledge and skills necessary to be successful in a professional emergency management setting.

PAD 4075. Unmanned Aircraft Systems in Emergency Management (3). This course is designed to give students an overview of what UAS can do to support the phases of emergency management (response, recovery, planning, preparedness, and mitigation). The course includes the core concepts and theory behind UAS use, and exposure to regulations, guiding policies, limitations and exclusions.

PAD 4084. International Terrorism Policy (3). Pre- or corequisite: PAD 4374. This course examines international relationships between terrorists and governments in the context of global relations, politics, policy and finance. Terrorism is examined as a global phenomenon in order to understand how new policies are being developed to combat the threat it poses.

PAD 4120. Managing Florida's Government and its Key Policy Issues (3). This course studies and analyzes management systems, institutions, and dynamics in Florida agencies, with emphasis on legislative-executive relations.

PAD 4144. Managing the Nonprofit Organization (3). This course provides an introduction to the central theories of non-profit enterprise, and the implications of various management practices for nonprofit organizations. The course also introduces students to the major aspects of nonprofits and voluntary organizations that distinguish them from public and private organizations – i.e. mission/vision; legal definitions/IRS rulings; voluntary governance structures and a social change agenda.

PAD 4170. Nongovernmental Organizations in Development (3). This survey course is about international development NGOs. The course presents contemporary perspectives about NGOs, describes how NGOs operate, and introduces the challenges that their managers face and potential solutions for them.

PAD 4203r. Financial Management for the Nonprofit Organization (3). This is an introductory online course in nonprofit financial management. Students learn the principles and tools to use in budgeting and accounting for not-for-profit organizations. May be repeated to a maximum of six semester hours.

PAD 4223. Budgets and Finances in Managing Public Affairs (3). This course focuses on concepts and practices in budgeting and financial processes such as planning, goal setting, and implementation. This course emphasizes budgeting for federal, state, and local government.

PAD 4301. Disaster Management Planning for Urban Poor Communities (3). This course discusses the elements that intensify risk where informal and non-permanent settlement housing is prevalent. Government interventions, especially those involving urban planning and policy will be studied and their repercussions to the social, economic and cultural networks of these communities analyzed.

PAD 4372. Leadership and Communication in Emergency Management (3). This course is designed to introduce students to the fundamental concepts, theories, principles, and practices of public information and communication in a risk environment as well as effective leadership principles in an emergency management shared power context.

PAD 4374. Introduction to Terrorism: Preparedness and Response (3). This course introduces students to the fundamental concepts, theories, principles, and practices of terrorism and terrorist events.

PAD 4375r. Advanced Topics in Terrorism (3). Prerequisite: PAD 4374. This course reviews the contemporary evolution of terrorism and the current direction of global terrorism with regards to domestic policies and programs. May be repeated to a maximum of six semester hours.

PAD 4380. Disasters: From Shock to Recovery (3). This course utilizes multiple case studies to examine the complexity of disaster situations in the United States and internationally. The course covers a different disaster case study every week, focusing on event-specific conditions that created/contributed to the disaster, local preparedness, response and recovery in the aftermath of the event.

PAD 4382. Disaster Recovery and Mitigation (3). This course is designed to provide an overview of recovery and mitigation activities in the post-disaster environment. Focusing on the “Recovery Phase” initially, course materials examine the policy and planning mechanisms involved in short and long term rehabilitation of distressed communities. A similar examination from the “Mitigation Phase” is also made.

PAD 4391. Foundations in Emergency Management (3). This course is designed to introduce students to the fundamental concepts, theories, principles, and practices of emergency management.

PAD 4393r. Emergency Management Programs, Planning, and Policy (3). This course examines functional demands that emergency managers should be aware of in crafting emergency management programs. Students investigate how public policy choices impact emergency planning and the consequences of a disaster event. May be repeated to a maximum of six semester hours.

PAD 4395. Disaster Systems (3). Prerequisite: PAD 4391. This course introduces students to the fundamental concepts, theories, principles, and practices of the role of Incident Command (ICS) as an organizational structure, Emergency Operations Centers (EOC) in coordinating response and recovery to crises, and information and knowledge management systems that support disaster management.

PAD 4414. American Public Service (3). This course studies the structure and political role of the civil service, evolution of government employment, current personnel policies, rights and responsibilities of public servants, and labor management relations. The impact of the public service on American society is explored.

PAD 4432. Public Program Evaluation (3). Prerequisite: Approval of the Jim Moran School of Entrepreneurship or instructor permission. This course provides students with a basic understanding of the methods used to analyze public programs and assess their effectiveness. The course discusses the history of evaluation, the different types of evaluative inquiry, key issues in designing and carrying out evaluation studies, and the strategies that are important to promoting use of research findings.

PAD 4433. Women, Disasters, and Conflict (3). This course examines the role of women in disasters. The course also evaluates the role that women play in conflict and peace building. The course covers topics to include gender mainstreaming, LGBTQ issues, UNSCR 1325, gender based violence, and human trafficking.

PAD 4596. The Spy Lit Review: Intelligence in Narration (3). This course explores the Intelligence Community policy and operations through literature and film. Students examine both contemporary and classic novels and films through narration features.

PAD 4603. Administrative Law (3). This course studies the constitutions, statutes, executive orders, and procedures that control the administrative authorities of government. (Also offered by the Department of Political Science.)

PAD 4604. Legal and Administrative Issues in America (3). This course is a basic introduction to law with a focus on some of the current key issues confronting America. Examples of potential topics are immigration, free speech, capital punishment, life without parole for juveniles, physician-assisted suicide, hate crimes, and affirmative action.

PAD 4750. Applied Intelligence Analysis (3). Prerequisite: PAD 4841. This course puts students in the role of analysts in a simulated intelligence requirement. This course combines classroom and online delivery methods to allow students the necessary instruction to complete the semester-long simulation as well as freedom to work collectively and individually as analysts on a product.

PAD 4831. International Conflicts and Terrorism (3). This course introduces students to historical and ongoing conflicts around the world. Students understand how these conflicts have created terrorism and various tools to end both the conflict and the resulting terrorism. Students examine the drivers of conflict such as relative deprivation, dehumanization, and various politics. Students also understand how conflict resolution tools such as Peacekeepers, political revolution/evolution, autonomy/sovereignty, and violence can bring peace and end terrorism.

PAD 4833. International and Comparative Disaster Management (3). This course discusses practical and theoretical issues associated with international disaster management. Risk, hazards, and disasters are addressed from a global perspective with particular emphasis placed on the differences in key issues between developing and developed countries.

PAD 4841. Intelligence Analysis and Communication (3). This course explores the variety of intelligence analysis tools and techniques common to U.S. federal, state, and local agencies, using simulations and activities to understand how raw information is transformed and presented as intelligence. Emphasis is placed on OSINT analysis and plain language writing.

PAD 4842. U.S. Intelligence Policy (3). This course is an introduction to the United States Intelligence Community (IC), its significant role within the U.S. government and how intelligence informs and shapes U.S. policy. This course prepares students interested in national security for additional education in intelligence studies, homeland security, and international affairs. Through lecture, assigned readings, classroom discussion, and guest speakers, the course addresses the IC and its preeminent role and effect on U.S. policy both domestically and internationally. Students explore the intersections of the IC with Congress, the DNI, the Executive branch, national security law, finance and intelligence sharing.

PAD 4843. U.S. Intelligence Community (3). This course familiarizes students with the U.S. Intelligence community, the processes and platforms for information/data gathering and analysis, and how the subsequent “intelligence” is used by policy/decision-makers. Throughout the course, students are given opportunities to gather, analyze, and report their findings to case-studies and then compare their conclusions to real-world outcomes. Students gain a broad knowledge of U.S. Intelligence operations and the social, economic, military, and covert actions resulting from Intelligence recommendations.

PAD 4844. Public Health and Emergency Management (3). This course examines global disasters and cascading public health consequences the course also explores domestic and international disaster health policies and recovery practices.

PAD 4880. Advanced Intelligence Analysis (3). Prerequisite: PAD 4841. This course examines intelligence analysis through case studies of more advanced techniques in structured analysis, where students focus more on developing intelligence products based on these techniques as incorporated in the intelligence process including collection. In this course, critical thinking plays a key role in the readings and work.

PAD 4890. Homeland Security: Policy and Practice (3). This course is designed to introduce students to the concept and application of homeland security policies and their influence on U.S. domestic policy.

PAD 4891. Non-Profits, NGO's and Disaster (3). This course is designed to introduce students to the fundamental concepts, theories, principles, and practices in emergency management relationships with NGO's and non-profit organizations.

PAD 4897. Global Security and Fusion (3). This course examines how the nations of the world unite for a common cause, outlining geo-political and strategic relationships that serve to streamline and facilitate such relationships, the critical importance of U.S. security and intelligence cooperation with our partners and allies, and how our military supports our civilian authorities in a variety of ways toward this end.

PAD 4905r. Directed Individual Study (1–3). May be repeated to a maximum of twelve semester hours.

PAD 4940r. Emergency Management and Homeland Security Internship (3–6). (S/U Grade Only.) Prerequisites: PAD 4074 and instructor permission. This course allows students to “try on” a professional environment through completion of an experiential learning opportunity. Students identify needed skills and personal preferences related to their intended career. The course also allows students to integrate academic theory and practice. The emphasis on goal-setting, reflection, and self-evaluation facilitates personal growth. May be repeated to a maximum of six credit hours.

PAD 4936r. Special Topics in Public Administration (3). This course serves to acquaint students with special topics in the field of Public Administration, the processes and platforms for information/data gathering and analysis and how it is used by policy/decision-makers. Throughout the course students are given opportunities to gather, analyze, and report their findings to case-studies and then compare their conclusions to real-world outcomes. May be repeated to a maximum of twelve (12) credit hours; repeatable within the same term.

POS 4413. The American Presidency (3). This course focuses on the roles of the American president, especially their relationship to government administration. (Also offered by the Department of Political Science.)

For listings relating to graduate coursework, consult the Graduate Bulletin.