Undergraduate Minor in Valencia Study Center Interdisciplinary Studies
College of Arts and Sciences
Website: https://valencia.fsu.edu/
Coordinator: James E. Pitts (International Programs)
The Valencia Study Center minor is focused on the heritage of Spain from ancient times to the present. The minor is built around the student's program of studies at the Florida State University Valencia Study Center, allowing the student to study Iberian culture from the perspective of various disciplines and to pursue the minor before, during, and after the student attends the Valencia Program. The minor gives greater focus to and enhances the quality of the student's program of studies in Spain. The sojourn in Valencia is the essential element in the minor, providing direct involvement in contemporary Spanish civilization as well as exposure to Spain's historical cultural artifacts.
Requirements for a Minor in Valencia Study Center Interdisciplinary Studies
The interdisciplinary minor requires the completion of fifteen semester hours (to include at least two disciplines) in courses approved by the Valencia Study Center Minor Coordinating Committee. At least nine semester hours of approved courses must be taken while the student is in residence at the FSU Valencia Study Center. A maximum of nine semester hours may be counted in any single academic discipline. Students who intend to minor in Valencia Study Center Interdisciplinary Studies should declare this intention with International Programs at the end of the semester in Valencia. Contact Maijel Proulx at IP-AcademicAdvising@fsu.edu for more information.
A minimum grade of “C–” must be earned for all courses taken for the minor. In addition, a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 must be maintained in all courses counted toward the minor.
IMPORTANT: Courses used toward the Valencia Study Center minor cannot be used to meet any other University requirement (general education, major, graduation, etc.).
Core Courses
These courses will be counted in the minor whether they are taken on the Tallahassee campus or in Valencia. Descriptions of these courses may be found under the individual departments in which they are taught.
ARH 4352 Southern Baroque Art (3)
ARH 4372 Spanish Colonial Art: The Hapsburg Period, 1492/1506–1700 (3)
ARH 4413 Spanish Colonial Art: The Bourbon Period, 1700–1821/1898 (3)
HUM 3930r Humanities: Special Topics [Culture and Civilization of Spain] (1–3)
IND 3930 Special Topics in Interior Design [Sketching the City] (3)*
INR 3932 Special Topics in International Affairs [Global Foundations] (3)
MUS 3934r Special Topics in Music [Music of Spain] (1–3)
SPN 3300 Spanish Grammar and Composition (3)
SPN 3400 Spanish Reading and Conversation (3)
SPN 3440 Language and Culture in Business (3) *
SPN 4420 Advanced Spanish Composition and Translation (3)
SPN 4444 Business Writing in Spanish (3) *
SPN 4540r Regional Cultural Studies (3)
SPN 4780 Spanish Phonetics (3) *
SPN 4905r Directed Individual Study in Hispanic Language (3)
SPN 4930r Studies in Hispanic Language and Literature (3)
SPN 4942r Internship in Applied Spanish (1–6)
SPT 3100 Spanish Literature in Translation (3)
SPT 3391r Hispanic Cinema (3)
SPW 3030 Approaching Hispanic Literature (3)
SPW 3103 Readings from Early Iberia (3)
SPW 3104 Readings from Iberia (3)
SPW 3104 Readings from Modern Spain (3)
SPW 3493 Readings from Spanish America (3)
SPW 4140r The Poetics of Hispanic Love and Violence (3)
SPW 4150r Transatlantic Encounters (3)
SPW 4481 Contemporary Spanish Women Writers (3)
Note: Courses marked with an asterisk (*) must be taken at the Valencia Study Center.
Note: Each student must have completed at least one introductory course in Spanish (on the freshman level) prior to studying at the Valencia Center in order to qualify for a minor in Valencia Study Center Interdisciplinary Studies. All courses in Spanish (SPN) must be at the 3000 and 4000 level in order to be used toward the minor. Note also that courses used to satisfy the University's foreign language requirement for the BA degree may not also count in the minor.
Related Courses
The following courses may be counted in the minor only when they are taken at the Valencia Study Center and the syllabus shows that at least fifty percent of the material presented is relevant to the minor.
ANT 2100 Introduction to Archaeology (3)
ANT 2100L Introduction to Archaeology Laboratory (1)
ANT 4142 European Prehistory (3)
ARH 2000 Art, Architecture & Artistic Vision (3)
ARH 4211 Early Medieval Art (3)
ARH 4230 Later Medieval Art (3)
ARH 4355 18th Century Art (3)
ARH 4933 Special Topics in Art History (3)
ART 1300C Drawing Foundations (3)
CPO 3103 Comparative Government and Politics: Western Europe (3)
ECO 4704 International Trade (3)
ECO 4713 International Finance (3)
ENC 3310 Article and Essay Technique (3)
ENC 4311r Advanced Article and Essay Workshop (3)
EUH 2000 Ancient and Medieval Civilizations (3)
EUH 3205 19th Century Europe: A Survey (3)
EUH 3206 20th Century Europe: A Survey (3)
EUH 3295 Wars in 20th Century Europe: Film, Experience, Memory (3)
EUH 4121 Earlier Middle Ages (3)
EUH 4124 The Crusades (3)
EUH 4140 Renaissance (3)
EUH 4144 Reformation (3)
EUH 4602 European Intellectual History, 1500–1800 (3)
EUH 4603 European Intellectual History, 1800 to Present (3)
FIN 3244 Financial Markets, Institutions, and International Finance Systems (3)
FIN 4604 Multinational Financial Management (3)
HFT 2061 Ales, Lagers and International Culture (3)
HFT 2062 International Wine and Culture (3)
HFT 2890 International Food and Culture (3)
HIS 4930r Special Topics in History (3)
HIS 4935r Senior Seminar (3)
HUM 2020 The Art of Being Human: Examining the Human Condition Through Literature, Art, and Film (3)
HUM 2235 Humanities: From The Renaissance to The Enlightenment (3)
HUM 2250 Humanities: 18th Century Romanticism to Postmodernism (3)
HUM 3930r Humanities: Special Topics (1–3)
HUN 2125 Food and Society (3)
IDS 2060 Global Engagement (1)
IDS 2370 Festivals: Artisanship, Satire, and Fire (3)
IDS 2464 Crossing the Atlantic: Lorca in America, Hemingway in Spain (3)
LIT 3383 Women in Literature (3)
MAN 3600 Multinational Business Operations (3)
MAN 4605 Cross-Cultural Management (3)
MAN 4631 International Strategic Management (3)
MAN 4680r Selected Topics in International Management (3)
MAR 4156 Multinational Marketing (3)
MUH 2012 Music in Western Culture: 19th and 20th Centuries (3)
MUH 2051 Music in World Cultures (3)
PHH 3061 Medieval and Renaissance Philosophy (3)
PGY 2100C Photo for Non-Art Majors (3)
REL 3363 The Islamic Tradition (3)
REL 3607 The Jewish Tradition (3)
REL 4613 Modern Judaism (3)
SPN 4540r Regional Cultural Studies (3)
SPN 4942r Internship in Applied Spanish (1–6)
SPT 3391r Hispanic Cinema (3)
SPT 3531 Past and Present in Valencia, Spain (3)
SPW 4190r Special Topics in Hispanic Languages and Literature (3)
SPW 4301r Hispanic Culture and Performance (3)
SPW 4930r Studies in Hispanic Literature (3)
SYD 4700 Race and Minority Group Relations (3)
THE 4110 European Theater History I (3)
THE 4111 European Theater History II (3)
Any courses offered at the Valencia Study Center may be counted toward the minor if the following criteria are met:
- The course syllabus must demonstrate that at least fifty percent of the material presented is relevant to the minor, and upon review of the syllabus, the Valencia Center Minor Coordinating Committee must approve the course to be part of the minor.
- Any special topics course offered only once at FSU's campus may be counted if the Coordinating Committee approves it. To have such courses considered, petition the Coordinating Committee, International Programs, University Center A5500, Tallahassee, FL, 32306-2420 or attach the course syllabus by email and send petition to IP-AcademicAdvising@fsu.edu.
Note: Spanish courses below the 3000 level offered at the Valencia Study Center are the exception and cannot be counted toward the minor.