Undergraduate Program in Women's Studies and Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
College of Arts and Sciences
Website: https://ws.artsandsciences.fsu.edu/
Director: Maxine Jones (History/Women's Studies); Participating Faculty: Falk, Thomas (Anthropology), Lindbloom (Art), Bearor, Neuman (Art History), N. DeGrummond, Fulkerson, Pullen, Sickinger, Slaveva-Griffin (Classics), Jordan, Laurents, McDowell, Nudd (Communication), Schwartz (Education), Edwards, Gaines, Gardner, Goodman, Lathan, McGregory, Montgomery, Richardson, (English), Rehm (Human Development and Family Science), Herrera, Hicks, Jones, Koslow, McClive, Mooney, Renfro, Sinke, Upchurch Jr. (History), Ralston (Human Sciences), Stoddard (Humanities), Boutin, Cappuccio, Leushuis, Maier-Katkin, Poey, Wang (Modern Languages and Linguistics), Mahaffey, Morales (Philosophy), Eckel, Hull, Keel, Kistner (Psychology), Cuevas, Dupuigrenet, Kalbian, Kavka, Kelsay (Religion), Ashmore, Dwyer, Edwards, Gomory, Verano, Wilke (Social Work), Barrett, Brewster, Buggs, Lessan, Munson, Padavic, Roach, Rohlinger, Schrock, Taylor, Tillman, Waggoner (Sociology), Osborne (Theatre), Owens (Women's Studies/Honors), Doan, (Urban and Regional Planning)
The programs in Women's Studies and Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies examine the accomplishments and perspectives of women in history and contemporary society. The programs establish gender and sexuality as fundamental categories of social and cultural analysis. Drawing on disciplines across the university, the programs offer interdisciplinary perspectives from which to study the diversity of human experience. The courses foster critical analysis of the social meaning of gender and gender expression and examine sexual identities, discourses, and institutions as they intersect with class, race, ethnicity, nationality, and transnational movements, drawing on the full range of approaches adopted within feminist and Queer scholarship.
Admission Requirements
Please review all college-wide degree requirements in the “College of Arts and Sciences” chapter of this General Bulletin.
Any student with a 2.0 grade average who meets the admission requirements of the College of Arts and Sciences is eligible to declare a major in Women's Studies. Students who wish to declare a major in Women's Studies must apply for admission with the Women's Studies office and complete an advising form.
Digital Literacy Requirement
Students must complete at least one course designated as meeting the Digital Literacy Requirement with a grade of “C–” or higher. Courses fulfilling the Digital Literacy Requirement must accomplish at least three of the following outcomes:
- Evaluate and interpret the accuracy, credibility, and relevance of digital information
- Evaluate and interpret digital data and their implications
- Discuss the ways in which society and/or culture interact with digital technology
- Discuss digital technology trends and their professional implications
- Demonstrate the ability to use digital technology effectively
- Demonstrate the knowledge to use digital technology safely and ethically
Each academic major has determined the courses that fulfill the Digital Literacy requirement for that major. Students should contact their major department(s) to determine which courses will fulfill their Digital Literacy requirement.
Undergraduate majors in Women's Studies satisfy this requirement by earning a grade of “C–” or higher in CGS 2060 or CGS 2100.
Requirements for a Major in Women's Studies
Students are required to take thirty-three semester hours of Women's Studies courses and approved cross-listed courses distributed as described below. Only one of these courses that is used to satisfy the requirement for CoreFSU Curriculum may also be counted toward the fulfillment of the major. Honors thesis hours may be applied toward the Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree, but only three semester hours will be accepted for major credit. All courses counted toward the major must carry the grade of “C–” or better. Majors must maintain a 2.0 grade point average for graduation. Women's Studies majors are required to complete a minor and are strongly encouraged to complete a minor in a single discipline. No course used to satisfy requirements for a minor may be counted for the major.
Double Majors
Students pursuing a double major must meet the program requirements of both majors, with the following exceptions: (1) no more than six semester hours may be counted toward both majors; and (2) no minors are required for the double major.
WST Requirement
Twelve semester hours in WST interdisciplinary courses:
- WST 3015 Introduction to Women's Studies (3)
- WST 3251 Women in Western Culture: Images and Realities (3)
- WST 4613 Contemporary Gendercide (3)
- WST 4930r Topics in Women's Studies (3)
- Either WST 4940r Women's Studies Internship (3–6) or WST 4930r Topics in Women's Studies (3) as approved by the program director.
Check with the Women's Studies office each term for a list of possible courses that can be used to fulfill these credits.
Note: WST 4930r may be repeated to a maximum of nine semester hours.
Cross-Listed Core Courses
At least twelve semester hours of cross-listed courses listed below are required. Specifically required are three semester hours from each of the four groups below:
Group A
AMH 4561 Women in 19th-Century America (3)
AMH 4562 Women in Modern America (3)
AMH 4684 Women and Children in the Civil Rights Movement (3)
CLA 3501 Gender and Society in Ancient Greece (3)
CLA 3502 Women, Children and Slaves in Ancient Rome: The Roman Family (3)
HIS 3205 LGBTQ history (3)
REL 3145 Gender and Religion (3)
REL 3337 Goddesses, Women and Power in Hinduism (3)
Group B
ANT 3302 Sex and Culture (3)
LIT 4554 Feminist Theory (3)
PHM 3123 Philosophy of Feminism (3)
SOP 3742 Psychology of Women (3)
SYD 3800 Sociology of Sex and Gender (3)
SYO 4374 Gender, Work, and Family (3)
Group C
FOW 3240 Literature and Sexuality (3)
FRT 3561 French Women Writers (3)
LIT 3383 Women in Literature (3)
LIT 4385 Major Women Writers (3)
SPW 4481 Contemporary Spanish Women Writers (3) (In Spanish)
SPW 4491 Spanish American Women Writers (3) (In Spanish)
THE 4433 Gender, Race, and Performance (3)
Group D
CCJ 4663 Women, Crime, and Justice (3)
GEO 4412 Environment and Gender (3)
NSP 3425 Women's Health Issues: Concerns Through the Life Cycle (3)
SOW 4108 Women's Issues and Social Work (3)
SOW 4615 Family Violence Across the Life Span (3)
SOW 4627 Mental Health of Diverse Populations (3)
SPC 4711 Gender and Communication (3)
Nine semester hours may be selected from among the following options: (a) WST 4904r Directed Individual Study in Women's Studies, WST 4930r Topics in Women's Studies, WST 4940r Women's Studies Internship; (b) the cross-listed courses in Groups A-D; (c) approved related courses, special topics courses, seminars, and workshops. Three semester hours of the major elective requirement may be satisfied with a 2000-level course, including, but not necessarily limited to AMH 2096 Black Women in America and PHM 2121 Philosophy of Race, Class, and Gender; however, the course must be taken at Florida State University, and only one of the listed classes may be counted toward credit in the program in Women's Studies. Majors should consult with the Women's Studies advisor each term for a list of approved courses that can be used to fulfill elective credits.
Exit Surveys/Interviews
To be eligible for graduation, students majoring in Women's Studies must complete an exit interview or survey.
Honors in the Major
The Women's Studies Program offers a program in honors in the major to encourage talented students to undertake independent and original research. Students admitted to honors in the major may apply up to six semester hours of honors thesis hours (WST 4970r, Honors Thesis—Women's Studies) toward the Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree, but only three semester hours of WST 4970r will be accepted for major credit. For requirements and other information, see the “University Honors Office and Honor Societies” chapter of this General Bulletin.
Requirements for a Minor in Women's Studies
At least fifteen semester hours of approved courses, distributed as follows:
- At least three semester hours of interdisciplinary Women's Studies courses selected from: WST 3015 (Introduction to Women's Studies), WST 3251 (Women in Western Culture: Images and Realities), WST 4930r (Topics in Women's Studies)
- At least nine semester hours of cross-listed core courses
- The remaining three semester hours may be selected from approved WST courses, cross-listed core courses, approved special topics courses, or related courses. No 2000-level courses may be used to fulfill credit for the minor.
Minors should consult with the Women's Studies staff each term for a list of approved courses that can be used to fulfill these three credits.
Only one approved course from the student's major may count toward the Women's Studies minor, and only if the course has not been used for credit toward the major. Courses counted for the minor may not be used to fulfill requirements for CoreFSU Curriculum or the major. Students who intend to minor in Women's Studies should declare their intent with the program director at least two semesters before graduation. Students must have at least a “C–” average in the minor.
Approved Courses
Undergraduate Courses
Interdisciplinary Women's Studies Courses
WST 3015 Introduction to Women's Studies (3)
WST 3251 Women in Western Culture: Images and Realities (3)
WST 4613 Contemporary Gendercide (3)
WST 4904r Directed Individual Study (1–3)
WST 4930r Topics in Women's Studies (3)
WST 4940r Women's Studies Internship (3–6)
WST 4970r Honors Thesis—Women's Studies (1–6)
Cross-Listed Core Courses
AMH 4561 Women in 19th-Century America (3)
AMH 4562 Women in Modern America (3)
AMH 4684 Women and Children in the Civil Rights Movement (3)
ANT 3302 Sex and Culture (3)
CCJ 4663 Women, Crime, and Justice (3)
CLA 3501 Gender and Society in Ancient Greece (3)
CLA 3502 Women, Children and Slaves in Ancient Rome: The Roman Family (3)
FOW 3240 Literature and Sexuality (3)
FRT 3561 French Women Writers (3)
GEO 4412 Environment and Gender (3)
HIS 3205 LGBTQ History (3)
LIT 3383 Women in Literature (3)
LIT 4385 Major Women Writers (3)
LIT 4554 Feminist Theory (3)
NSP 3425 Women's Health Issues: Concerns Through the Life Cycle (3)
PHM 3123 Philosophy of Feminism (3)
REL 3145 Gender and Religion (3)
REL 3337 Goddesses, Women and Power in Hinduism (3)
SOP 3742 Psychology of Women (3)
SOW 4108 Women's Issues and Social Work (3)
SOW 4615 Family Violence Across the Life Span (3)
SOW 4627 Mental Health of Diverse Populations (3)
SPC 4630 Rhetoric of Women's Issues (3)
SPC 4711 Gender and Communication (3)
SPW 4481 Contemporary Spanish Women Writers (3) (In Spanish)
SPW 4491 Spanish American Women Writers (3) (In Spanish)
SYD 3800 Sociology of Sex and Gender (3)
SYO 4374 Gender, Work, and Family (3)
THE 4433 Gender, Race, and Performance (3)
Note: See the appropriate individual departments for full course descriptions.
Graduate Courses
AMH 4562 Women in Modern America (3)
AMH 5567 Women in 19th Century America (3)
AMH 5935 Women and Children in the Civil Rights Movement (3)
CCJ 5672 Gender, Crime, and Justice (3)
EDF 5706 Gender and Education in Comparative Perspective (3)
EUH 5548 Sex and Class in England, 1750–1914 (4)
LIT 5388r Studies in Women's Writing (3)
LIT 5517r Studies in Gender in Literature (3)
SOW 5109 Women's Issues and Social Work (3)
SOW 5153 Human Sexuality (3)
SOW 5614 Family Violence Across the Life Span (3)
SOW 5628 Mental Health of Diverse Populations (3)
SPW 5486 Contemporary Spanish Women Writers (3) (In Spanish)
SPW 5496 Spanish-American Women Writers (3) (In Spanish)
SYD 5225 Fertility (3)
SYD 5817 Contemporary Theories of Gender (3)
SYO 5177 Family Demography (3)
SYO 5376 Sociology of Gender and Work (3)
SYO 5547 Race and Gender in Organizations (3)
SYP 6356 Sociology of the Contemporary Women's Movement (3)
THE 5437 Gender, Race, and Performance (3)
URP 5544 Gender and Development (3)
WST 5905r Directed Independent Study (1–3)
WST 5934r Topics in Women's Studies (3)
Note: See the appropriate individual department chapters in the Graduate Bulletin for full course descriptions.
Definition of Prefix
WST—Women's Studies
Undergraduate Courses
WST 3015. Introduction to Women's Studies (3). This course introduces students to the field of Women's Studies. Topics include the construction of gender and gender roles in varying social and cultural contexts. Women's roles are examined from a variety of perspectives, which may include social class, religion, culture, and sexuality. The course includes an overview of theories of feminism.
WST 3251. Women in Western Culture: Images and Realities (3). This course is an interdisciplinary examination of women's roles in the development of Western culture, focusing on women's contributions to literature, theatre, art, religion, political thought, and science. Concurrently, this course examines what it meant to be female in each era of Western civilization.
WST 4613. Contemporary Gendercide (3). This course teaches students about contemporary gendercides, or the systematic killing of members of a specific sex. The course discusses both femicide (the killing of women) and androcide (the killing of men). Throughout this class, students examine instances of gendercide in the 20th and 21st centuries and explore the reasons for this phenomenon.
WST 4904r. Directed Individual Study (1–3). Prerequisite: Permission from the program director. This course is for advanced undergraduates who desire to supplement regular course offerings by independent reading or research under guidance. May be repeated to a maximum of three semester hours.
WST 4930r. Topics in Women's Studies (3). This course explores specific topics or themes in gender/women's studies based on a feminist approach. A variety of topics from different fields of study are offered from an interdisciplinary perspective. Topics from material not covered in the regular curriculum are offered. May be repeated to a maximum of nine credit hours. May be repeated within the same term.
WST 4940r. Women's Studies Internship (3–6). (S/U grade only.) Prerequisite: Two core courses in women's studies. Corequisite: Permission from the program director. The internship offers practical experience working on women's issues or with women as a focus group in governmental and private agencies, women's organizations, or business. Internships may be arranged for junior and senior minors and majors in women's studies with the women's studies office. May be repeated to a maximum of six semester hours.
WST 4970r. Honors in the Major Research (1–6). Prerequisite: WST 3251. In this course, students accepted into the Honors in the Major program complete an original research or creative project in their major area of study. This course must be repeated at least twice to complete a minimum of six (6) credit hours total but may be repeated up to a maximum of twelve credit hours in total.
For listings relating to graduate coursework, consult the Graduate Bulletin.