Undergraduate Minor in London Study Center Interdisciplinary Studies

College of Arts and Sciences


Coordinator: James E. Pitts (International Programs)

The London Study Center Interdisciplinary minor is concerned with the culture of Great Britain from ancient times to the present. The minor is built around the student's program of studies at the Florida State University London Study Center, allowing the student to study British culture from the perspective of various disciplines and to pursue the minor before, during, and after the student attends the London Center. The minor gives greater focus to and enhances the quality of the student's program of studies in Britain. The sojourn in London is the essential element in the minor, providing direct involvement in contemporary British civilization as well as exposure to Britain's historical and cultural artifacts.

Requirements for a Minor in London Study Center Interdisciplinary Studies

The interdisciplinary minor requires the completion of fifteen semester hours in courses approved by the London Study Center Minor Coordinating Committee. At least nine semester hours of approved courses must be taken while the student is in residence at the London Study Center. A maximum of nine semester hours may be counted in any single academic discipline. A minimum grade of “C–” must be earned for all courses taken for the minor. In addition, a minimum grade point average of 2.0 must be maintained in all courses counted toward the minor. Students who intend to minor in London Study Center Interdisciplinary Studies should declare this intention with International Programs at the end of the semester in London. Contact Maijel Proulx at IP-AcademicAdvising@fsu.edu for further information.

IMPORTANT: Courses used toward the London Study Center minor cannot be used to meet any other University requirement (general education, major, graduation, etc.).

Core Courses

These courses will be counted in the minor whether they are taken on the Tallahassee campus or in London. Descriptions of these courses can be found under the individual departments in which they are taught.

CPO 3123 Comparative Government and Politics: Great Britain (3)

ECO 3303 History of Economic Ideas (3)

ENL 2022 British Authors: Early Romantics to the Present (3)

ENL 3184 British Drama: History, Text and Criticism (3)

ENL 3210 Medieval Literature in Translation (3)

ENL 3334 Introduction to Shakespeare (3)

ENL 4112 The 18th-Century British Novel (3)

ENL 4122 The 19th-Century British Novel (3)

ENL 4132 The Modern British Novel (3)

ENL 4161 Renaissance Drama (3)

ENL 4171 Restoration and 18th-Century Drama (3)

ENL 4218 Middle English Romance (3)

ENL 4220 Renaissance Poetry and Prose (3)

ENL 4230 Restoration and 18th-Century English Literature (3)

ENL 4240 British Romantic Literature (3)

ENL 4251 Victorian British Literature (3)

ENL 4273 Modern British Literature (3)

ENL 4311 Chaucer (3)

ENL 4333 Shakespeare (3)

ENL 4341 Milton (3)

EUH 3501 The Making of Modern England (3)

EUH 3530 England, the Empire, and the Commonwealth (3)

EUH 4502 England Since 1870 (3)

EUH 4512 Stuart England (3)

EUH 4520 England, 1714–1870 (3)

EUH 4544 Sex and Class in England, 1750–1914 (3)

IDS 2371 Music and Culture in London (3)

IDS 3336 “Great” Britain? Geography, Imperialism, Industry, and Culture (3)

IDS 3435 “Please Please Me”: Anglo-American Youth Culture from the 1950's to the Present (3)

INR 3932 Special Topics in International Affairs [Global Foundations] (3)

GEA 4520 Britain and Ireland (3)

HUM 3123 Irish Culture (3)

LIT 4184 Irish Literature (3)

Related Courses

These courses may be counted in the minor only when they are taken at the London Study Center and the syllabus shows that at least fifty percent of material presented is relevant to the minor.

ANT 2410 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology (3)

ANT 2511 Introduction to Physical Anthropology and Prehistory (3)

ARH 2000 Art, Architecture, and Artistic Vision (3)

ARH 3056 History and Criticism of Art I (3)

ARH 3057 History and Criticism of Art II (3)

ARH 4353 Northern Baroque Art (3)

BSC 1100 Natural History, Biodiversity, and the Growth of Evolutionary Thought (3)

CLA 2010 Introduction to Greek and Roman Civilization (3)

CLA 3502 Women, Children, and Slaves in Ancient Rome: The Roman Family (3)

ECO 2023 Principles of Microeconomics (3)

ENC 3310r Article and Essay Technique (3)

ENC 4311r Advanced Article and Essay Workshop (3)

ENG 3114 Film Adaptation (3)

ENG 3310 Film Genres (3)

ENG 3931r Topics in English (1–3)

ENG 4932r Studies in English (1–3)

EUH 2000 Ancient and Medieval Civilizations (3)

EUH 3206 20th Century Europe (3)

FIL 2001 Introduction to Film (3)

FOW 3240 Literature and Sexuality (3)

GEA 1000 World Geography (3)

GEO 1330 Environmental Science (3)

GEO 1400 Human Geography (3)

HFT 2890 International Food and Culture (3)

HIS 4930 History Special Topics of Great Britain (3)

HUM 2742 Walking in London (3)

HUM 3321 Multicultural Dimensions of Film and 20th-Century Culture (3)

HUM 4931r Topics in the Civilization of Britain or Italy (3)

IDS 2060 Global Engagement (1)

IND 4131r History of Interiors II (3)

INR 2002 Introduction to International Relations (3)

INR 3502 International Organization (3)

INR 3603 Theories of International Relations (3)

ISS 4931r Special Topics (1–3)

LIT 2081 Contemporary Literature (3)

LIT 2230 Introduction to Global Literature in English (3)

LIT 3043 Modern Drama (3)

LIT 3383 Women in Literature (3)

LIT 4033 Modern Poetry (3)

MUH 2011 Introduction to Music History—Music Appreciation: 18th and 19th Centuries (3)

MUH 2012 Music in Western Culture, 19th and 20th Centuries (3)

MUH 2019 Modern Popular Music (3)

PGY 2100C Photo for Non-Art Majors (3)

REL 1300 Introduction to World Religions (3)

REL 3145 Gender and Religion (3)

SYG 2010 Social Problems (3)

THE 2000 Introduction to Theatre (3)

THE 3061 Introduction to Theatre in London (3)

THE 3931r Special Topics (3)

THE 4111 European Theatre History II (3)

URP 4936 Special Topics in Urban and Regional Planning (3)

WOH 2023 The Making of the Modern World to 1815 (3)

Any course offered at the London Study Center may be counted toward the minor if the following criteria are met:

  • The course syllabus must demonstrate that at least fifty percent of the material presented is relevant to the minor, and upon review of the syllabus, the London Center Minor Coordinating Committee must approve the course for inclusion in the minor.
  • Any special topics course offered only once at FSU's campus may be counted if the Coordinating Committee approves it. To have such courses considered, petition the Coordinating Committee, International Programs, University Center A5500, Tallahassee, FL, 32306-2420 or attach the course syllabus by email and send petition to IP-AcademicAdvising@fsu.edu.