Summer/Fall 2025 General Financial Information
Cooperative Education Fees
Students enrolled in a cooperative education course with zero term hours will be charged for one term hour of Florida Resident undergraduate work, unless also enrolled in other credit courses at Florida State University during the same academic term.
Graduate Examination Fees
Students registering for zero credit hours for master’s comprehensive examination, master’s thesis defense, or dissertation defense, will be charged for one Florida Resident graduate credit hour, unless also enrolled in other credit courses at Florida State University during the same academic term.
Graduate Zero Credit-Hour Course Fees
Students registered for zero-credit-hour, graduate-level courses and additional courses will not be charged for the zero-credit-hour course. When registering for a zero-credit-hour course only, the student will be charged for one credit hour at the Florida Resident tuition rate of the course level.
Repeat Course Surcharge
Section 1009.285, Florida Statutes, mandates that each student attempting the same non-repeatable undergraduate course more than twice shall be assessed an additional per-credit-hour surcharge beginning with the third attempt. Attempted hours include those hours dropped or withdrawn that are fee liable. Undergraduate level courses are numbered 1000 to 4000.
Effective Fall term 2023, the repeat course surcharge is $248.52 per credit hour.
For a list of exceptions to this policy, please consult the “Financial Information” chapter of the General Bulletin.
Excess Credit Hour Surcharge
Section 1009.286, Florida Statutes, mandates that each student shall be assessed an additional per-credit-hour charge for each hour in excess of the total number of credit hours required to complete the baccalaureate degree. This law is in effect for students who began college at any institution during the Fall 2009 term or later. For more information, visit Excess Credit Hours.
Fee Payment
Students who enroll must pay fees and tuition in full by the tuition and fees payment deadline. Students who fail to pay tuition in full by the fee payment deadline will be assessed a late payment fee of $100.00 and may have their schedule cancelled. All waivers, vouchers, Intern Participation Certificates, agency billings, and department billings for all students, including those receiving financial aid, must be submitted no later than the fifth day of the term or session. You may pay by credit cards, international wire, and e-checks (online only) at Cards accepted online include American Express, Discover, MasterCard, and Visa. There is a 2.75% non-refundable scaling fee to cover the cost of providing this online payment service. Classes added after the drop/add deadline must be paid for within five calendar days.
The basic Florida Prepaid College Program does not pay the full amount of tuition owed to the University, nor do Intern Participation Certificates. Students must pay the remaining balance due by the posted tuition payment deadline.
You may obtain financial status information on the Web at (from the myFSU Portal click Student Central, My Bill).
Paying Your Tuition and Other Fees
- You may pay online at or (from the myFSU Portal click Student Central, My Bill, Make a Payment).
- Student parking permits are issued online at
- Students who fail to register for classes before the first day of class will be assessed a $100.00 late registration fee. Students may be assessed a $100.00 fee for late payment for tuition that is not paid by the payment deadline.
Internet Payments Seven Days a Week
Florida State University accepts credit cards online only. Make your online payment at The following payment types may be used online: E-checks, American Express, Discover, MasterCard, Visa.
There is a 2.75% non-refundable scaling fee for credit card transactions. Online transactions using an e-check will not be assessed a service fee. Returned payments will be assessed the same fees as paper checks.
Late Registration & Fee Payment Waivers
Requests for waiver of the $100.00 Late Registration and/or Late Payment Fee may be submitted online to the Office of Student Finance by visiting and submitting the appropriate late fee appeal form after payment of past due fees.
Waivers may be granted in situations involving administrative error or unusual circumstances beyond the control of the student. Students will be required to present written documentation of the circumstances involved.
Note: Lack of awareness of the deadlines or lack of funds are not valid reasons to waive the late payment fee or late registration fee.
Refund of Fees
Students who drop a course without fee liability after their tuition and fees are paid, due to documented extenuating circumstance or administrative error, may be eligible for a tuition refund. Any outstanding charges owed to the University will be deducted, and the balance will be issued as a refund. Refunds requested during the fiscal year close-out, during the last two weeks of June, will not be processed until the first week of July. The refund will be processed as a credit to the student’s bank account for currently enrolled students. However, payments made by credit card will be refunded to the credit card.
Students who withdraw after the fourth day of the term, but prior to the end of the fourth week of the term (or for Summer sessions, by the first twenty-five percent of the term) are eligible for a twenty-five percent refund of tuition and fees. After this period, students who withdraw are held fully liable for fees. Students who withdraw and have received federal financial aid (Title IV programs) or state aid may be required to repay to the aid source the amount of unearned financial-aid funds disbursed to them as of their withdrawal date as described in the section below on “Withdrawals and Return of Financial Aid.” In the case where a withdrawal petition is approved, a refund can be provided only if the refund withdrawal request is submitted within six months after the end of the term in which the withdrawal occurred.
NOTE: The following fees are non-refudable: web payment credit-card processing fees, admission deposit, admission application fee, FSUCard, and other fees as specified by certain schools or departments.