Undergraduate Academic Advising/Academic
Support Services
Advising is a process that includes collection of information, interpretation of data, and dissemination of facts regarding educational programs, courses of instruction, resources, policies, procedures, and career options. The University takes academic advising seriously and provides both in-person and online resources to support student progression and success. Together, the advisor and the student can discuss educational goals and map out an academic program that will achieve the student's long-range goals.
University Policy on Advising
General Statement on Advising
To progress satisfactorily through a degree program, each student must have accessible academic advisement, tailored to individual educational needs. Florida State University is committed to a strong program of effective academic advising for all of its students. Florida State University understands academic advisement to be a function considerably broader than assistance with course registration. Academic advising is a process that helps students interpret the values and benefits of higher education, assists students in their choice of educational and career objectives commensurate with interests and abilities, and examines the consequences of possible short- and long-range goals.
The faculty and staff of the University affirm their responsibility to make available to every student information about academic policies and requirements, timely notification of changes either in the University's policies and curricula or in the student's academic standing, assistance in evaluating course options and in planning successful completion of educational goals, guidance in developing decision-making skills, and referral to the various academic and student support services on campus available to help the student make the most of educational opportunities. Furthermore, the faculty and staff affirm their responsibility to inform students clearly about their own responsibilities in the advising process.
The Student's Role in Advisement
Florida State University expects students to assume an ever-increasing responsibility for their own academic progress as they move through the University. To accomplish this goal, each student will:
- Assume responsibility for knowing the rules, regulations, and policies of the University and the requirements pertaining to the student's degree program and will consult the University General Bulletin and Registration Guide for up-to-date information;
- Furnish a current address and immediately inform the Office of the University Registrar of any changes of address;
- Know the student's advisor, make timely contact with the advisor upon arrival on campus and during the first semester, and continue to see the advisor at least once a term until graduation;
- See the student's advisor or academic dean immediately after being placed on probation;
- Notify the appropriate dean's office of any change in intended major or any problems the student is experiencing with advisement; and
- Recognize that the matriculation catalog (i.e., the General Bulletin) governs each student's graduation requirements-this catalog remains in effect for six years for the bachelor's degree unless the student elects to meet the requirements of any subsequent General Bulletin published during the period of enrollment.
The Faculty's Role in Advisement
Each college or department will formulate its own plan to meet undergraduate advising needs and problems. The plan shall include attention to appropriate advising loads and to the method of recognizing and rewarding individual advisors' work in advisement for purposes of annual evaluation, promotion, and tenure. The plan, agreed upon by the appropriate unit, shall be filed with the Dean of Undergraduate Studies and updated whenever the unit makes significant changes in advisement policies.
Each unit shall designate one member of the faculty or administration as director, coordinator, or undergraduate advisor for the unit. This individual will serve as the unit's liaison with the Division of Undergraduate Studies to ensure that the advisors within the unit are kept abreast of changes in academic policies and procedures and to work with the Division of Undergraduate Studies to solve special advising problems. Units shall also monitor closely the quality of their advising and ensure that it meets the goals of the University.
The unit will not assign a first semester faculty member to advising unless there is ample evidence of prior college-level advising experience. Each advisor shall attend a workshop before beginning advising duties for the first time and at least every two years thereafter.
Recognizing that sound advisement and a successful undergraduate experience should begin even before the student arrives on campus, units shall communicate with students accepted as freshmen or transfer students who indicate an intended major, outlining requirements and preparatory work expected for specific degree programs. Such contact with admitted students shall be coordinated with the Office of Admissions.
Each unit will provide a planning guide for lower-division students working toward their majors-designed to help students understand course requirements, prerequisites, and sequences-to enable them to move into the major as efficiently and as well prepared as possible. A similar planning guide will be available for junior and senior students in the major. Both guides will be filed and updated annually with the Division of Undergraduate Studies.
Advisors should be aware that students transferring to Florida State University after the freshman year have as great a need for detailed information as do freshmen. Extra care should be taken to inform these students of Florida State University's rules and regulations, which may differ from their previous college-level experience.
Advisors should also be aware of the special needs of the exploratory/undecided majors they advise. Directors or coordinators of advising in each unit should take care to inform advisors of Advising First, the Career Center, and other services on campus available to such students.
Advisors should inform students who may have other special needs (e.g., part-time students, disabled students, returning students, minority students, etc.) of the student support services available to them. Directors or coordinators of advising in each unit will ensure that advisors are aware of these student support services.
Advisors should take a role in identifying students who are working toward certain majors that may be inappropriate (e.g., a student with low math test scores and/or poor math preparation seeking a major in computer science or engineering). Such students may be referred to the Advising First Center for Academic Planning in A3200 University Center for information about their academic options and to the Career Advising and Counseling (CAC) unit of the Career Center for help in clarifying their interests and abilities; https://career.fsu.edu/; Dunlap Student Success Center; (850) 644-6431.
Units should identify students who have declared a limited access major but who, it appears, are unlikely to be able to meet the special admission requirements of that major. Such students should be made aware as early as possible of the strong likelihood that their intended major will be closed to them. Advisors may wish to refer these students to the Advising First Center for Academic Planning, A3200 University Center.
Advising Organization
The Advising First Office assigns most entering freshmen and lower-division transfer students to an advisor, with the exception of those accepted into the College of Motion Picture Arts, and the Departments of Dance and Theatre BFA Programs (College of Fine Arts). In these programs, advisors are assigned by the dean of the respective schools. Typically, students are assigned to either full-time professional or faculty advisors. Advisors of freshmen and sophomores assist students with understanding General Education/Liberal Studies requirements and other University policies and procedures, as well as needed requirements to successfully progress into their major of choice. (See the "Undergraduate Degree Requirements" chapter of this General Bulletin for a discussion of the Liberal Studies for the 21st Century program and other degree requirements.)
Upon entering a major, usually around the junior year, the focus of advising shifts from General Education to major, college, and graduation requirements. In some cases, this means that the student is assigned to a new advisor who will assist with all requirements for the chosen academic major.
Assignment of Advisors
Advisors are initially assigned based on information provided to the University during the admission process. The Advising First Office assigns advisors for most lower-division students. Upper-division students are assigned advisors through the Advising First Office or the dean's office of their college or school. Academic advisor contact information may be located by visiting https://advisor.undergrad.fsu.edu/advisors/advisor-display.php.
Academic Mapping ("Mapping")
Mapping is Florida State University's academic advising and monitoring system that provides students with a recommended eight-semester Map for each major. The Map is a plan for completing the bachelor's degree in four years in most programs. The map for each major may be viewed online within the Academic Program Guide. A student's academic Map Term is determined at the point of admission to the University.
Students' academic progress is monitored each Fall and Spring semester to ensure that they are on course to earn their degrees within four years. Summer semesters are not included in Mapping and may be used by students to either catch up or get ahead with coursework in their programs. Students are responsible for checking their own progress and are encouraged to contact their advisors with any questions concerning their programs of study. In addition, advisors will contact students who are not making appropriate progress. Students who intend to change their majors should do so as early as possible. This will enable appropriate advisor assignment and degree monitoring.
Entering freshmen are encouraged to select their majors at the time of admission so that advising may be tailored to their specific program requirements. For those students who want to explore majors at FSU, the University encourages the option of the Exploratory major. Students in this major are expected to declare a formal departmental major by the end of their first academic year of enrollment. For information on the exploratory process contact the Center for Exploratory Students located in the Johnston Building (G002 WJB) at exploratoryadvising@admin.fsu.edu or (850) 645-2847. Although the exploratory major is a good option for undecided students in their first semesters at the University, students must declare a major before they can be certified into an upper-division degree program. See 'Progression to Upper Division' in the chapter "Undergraduate Degree Requirements" in this General Bulletin for additional details.
Entering transfer students must be accepted into a specific major at the time of admission. These students do not have the option of the exploratory major. Transfer admission is a holistic and selective process. All transfer applicants must meet requirements for admission to the University and to the major/program of interest. See 'Admission by Transfer' in the chapter "Admissions" in this General Bulletin for additional details. As this is a two-step process and multiple factors are involved in an offer of admission, acceptance into a specific major is not guaranteed.
Regarding transfer admission, each major/program of interest at Florida State University has a set of required prerequisites that must be successfully completed for admission consideration and prior to enrolling in the major. For required pre-requisites to a specific major/program of interest, please refer to the 'Program Description' and 'Academic Map' within the Academic Program Guide. For any questions about these, please contact the 'Mapping Coordinator' at the e-mail address provided in the 'Academic Map'.
Transfer students are expected to pursue the major they have been admitted to through to graduation. Due to the restrictions of FSU's Mapping program, it is unlikely that a transfer student would be able to change majors at a later time. Students who are not admissible to their choice of major as a result of missing a required prerequisite(s) are strongly encouraged to remain at their current institution to complete any missing prerequisite(s) rather than choosing a major which does not compliment the student's academic and career goals.
University Policy on Map Terms
Students are entitled to a single-term Map Term roll-back, at the point of changing majors, if it places the student on-course with the new major. Students can only use this option one time in their undergraduate career. "Limited Access" majors may have additional restrictions. Note: This roll-back is not to be used for the purposes of meeting GPA Milestones.
Students who are off course for two consecutive semesters will receive the "Mapping-Major Change" service indicator and be required to change to a more appropriate major. Students who receive this service indicator have the option to petition the academic dean of their current major for consideration to enter into a one semester "Mapping Contract" to allow them an opportunity to remain in the major. Note: "Mapping Contracts" are not guaranteed for any students for any major, especially those majors with specific course grade or GPA requirements.
Minimum Progress
Students do not have to complete all of the recommended classes on their Maps to remain on course; however, they must meet certain minimum requirements known as "Milestones" through the Map Term they are currently in. Milestones may include a minimum grade point average (GPA), completion of specific classes, and/or minimum grades in one or more of the Milestone classes. Milestones are identified on each major Map.
Students who are off course are notified of such status by the University. Before registering again, these students must meet with an advisor in order to either: (1) determine what is necessary to get back on course; or (2) identify possible alternative majors. If students are off course for two consecutive semesters, they will be required to change to a more appropriate major (see 'University Policy on Map Terms' below). Students will not be permitted to change to majors for which they would be off course for more than one semester.
Declaring or Changing Majors
Students are encouraged to declare an intended major and to meet with an advisor in that academic discipline. The declared major is extremely important because it may allow a student access to specific courses for that major.
Lower-division students are allowed to change their major at any time during a semester, provided they meet the eligibility requirements of the new major. Students should first meet with an academic advisor of the intended major to see if they are eligible to change and, if so, submit a completed major change form to the Advising First Center for Academic Planning, A3200 University Center. Upper-division students should contact the academic dean's office of the intended major to see how to proceed.
Students seeking to change their major must be on-track with the Milestones of the intended major for the Map Term they are currently in (or minus one).
For an upper-division student to change colleges within the University, the student must meet the following requirements:
Obtain a signed approval form from the dean of the college to which the student wishes to transfer. The original copy of the approved change form, or notification from the academic dean, must be submitted to the Office of the University Registrar. The academic dean's office of the new college may choose to process the major change within the student system and retain the documentation within their office.
Students seeking to add a second major must be on-track with the Milestones of the intended second major for the Map Term they are in (or minus one) at the point of adding the second major. However, the second major will not be monitored by Mapping afterwards. If the primary major is a "Limited Access" one, students must have approval from that major to add a second major before doing so. All second majors must be declared/added by the end of the semester in which a student will earn ninety cumulative credit hours toward their degree program at Florida State University.
Orientation Advising
Incoming first-year students may change previously provided information concerning their major prior to the start of orientation under guidance provided by the University.
The first academic advising experience for all students occurs during orientation. Due to time constraints, this session usually consists of brief general information and course selection. Students are strongly urged to contact their advisors early in their first semester for an individualized advising appointment.
Academic Advising
All students are expected to see their academic advisors prior to registration each semester. Some major departments prevent students from registering if they have not seen their respective advisors. Contact information for advisors is available at https://advisor.undergrad.fsu.edu/advisors/advisor-display.php or by calling either the dean's office for the college or school or the academic department of the intended major. The Advising First Center for Academic Planning in UCA 3200 maintains a list of academic advisors for lower-division students.
The academic relationship should be a comfortable and personal one between the student and the advisor. Sometimes, due to personality conflicts or shifting academic interests, this relationship does not develop. Students in this situation may request reassignment to a different advisor through their dean's office.
Advising First is a program within the Division of Undergraduate Studies at Florida State University that places professional academic advisors throughout the University's many academic units. Specifically, Advising First advisors provide academic advising to assist students in meeting General Education/Liberal Studies and major requirements. Currently, the program has approximately forty-five professional advisors in numerous locations throughout campus.
Along with being housed in colleges and departments, Advising First advisors are also available in the Center for Academic Planning (UCA 3200), the Center for Exploratory Students in Johnston Ground (WJB), and Kellogg (KRB) and the Classroom Building (Room 320 HCB). The Center for Exploratory Students focuses on advising freshman students who are not ready to declare an intended major when they enter the University. This center works closely with students to help them take the appropriate General Education and introductory courses while exploring their available academic and career options. The Advising First Center for Academic Planning, located in University Center A3200, focuses on working with sophomore Exploratory students, assisting students with major changes, and working with students who are required to change their majors under the University mapping system. Students can visit the hAdvising First Center for Academic Planning at A3200 University Center, call at (850) 644-3430.
Exploratory Major
Students are encouraged to declare a major early in their academic career at Florida State University to ensure proper advisement and course selection. If students are unsure as to which major they wish to pursue, the University offers an exploratory major in which they can examine their academic options and receive specialized support from academic advisors who are specifically trained to provide this assistance. Freshman students still deciding on a specific major should contact the Advising First Center for Exploratory Students in Johnston Ground (WJB) at (850) 645-2847. Sophomore students still deciding upon a specific major should contact the Center for Academic Planning located in University Center A3200 at (850) 644-3430.
Although the exploratory major is a good option for undecided students in their first semesters at the University, students must select a departmental major before they can be certified into an upper-division degree program. See 'Progression to Upper Division' in the chapter "Undergraduate Degree Requirements" in this General Bulletin for additional details.
Advising Report
Florida State University has implemented a computerized advising system to help both students and advisors monitor academic progress. The Academic Requirements Report outlines requirements the student has already met and those the student has yet to complete. Students may view their reports online by selecting the "My Academics" option within the Student Center, available through the myFSU portal. Individual requests for Academic Requirements Reports may be made at the Advising First Center for Academic Planning, A3200 University Center.
Advising Appointments and Notes
Most academic advising offices at FSU use Campus Connect (the "CC" icon in the myFSU portal) which allows students to access their own academic advising notes as written by their advisor and to schedule advising appointments or view drop-in availability. Students may also receive periodic advising emails sent through this system which will have the words "Campus Connect" as part of the email address. If the student's academic advising office does not use Campus Connect for scheduling appointments, students may use the Advisor Search feature in the myFSU portal (under the "Advising" link on the far left) to learn about the procedures for setting up advising appointments in the student's department or college.
Pre-professional Majors
FSU does not have a formal Pre-Law major. Students can prepare for admission to law school through a variety of majors, ranging from the arts to technical/scientific disciplines. Often, a minor or emphasis in relevant law-related courses as well as out-of-classroom experiences, including leadership in student organizations, community service, international study, and internships, add to student's preparation for admission to law school. Students interested in pursuing law after their undergraduate degree may contact an FSU Pre-Law Advisor to discuss their goals, plans, undergraduate engagement, and the application process. Information on Pre-Law Advisors, student organizations, and other Pre-Law resources may be found online. Students can register with the Pre-Law Advising office by signing up for the weekly newsletter, the link can be found on the homepage for the Pre-Law website.
The Pre-Health Professions Advising Office, part of the overall outreach effort of the Florida State University College of Medicine, provides career counseling to students interested in pursuing a career in the health sciences. Advisors can assist students in developing strategies leading to acceptance into medical, dental, veterinary, and other programs. Students are encouraged to meet with an advisor as soon as possible in their college careers and at least once each semester thereafter. Information about pre-health organizations is also available through this office. For further information, visit the College of Medicine, 1160A MSB, or call (850) 644-7678.
Student Athlete Academic Services
Student Athlete Academic Services (SAAS) assists student-athletes with the shift to college life and provides continued support in all phases of academic and professional development throughout college culminating with graduation job placement or graduate school. Program staff provides academic counseling, study skills development, and additional academic assistance through tutorial programs. This supplements the sound educational practices (class attendance, note taking, reviewing and preparing properly for quizzes and exams, actively participating in class discussions, and staying current with all assigned readings) that are imperative for academic success. D2108 University Center and D3103 University Center; (850) 644-9201; https://saas.fsu.edu/.
Center for Academic Retention and Enhancement (CARE)
Florida State University and the Center for Academic Retention and Enhancement (CARE) are committed to recruiting, retaining, and graduating students traditionally underrepresented in higher education, with particular focus on first-generation and students with limited income at FSU.
CARE is designed to provide first-generation and other traditionally underrepresented students with services such as exclusive, full-credit Liberal Studies courses, academic advising, college life coaching, financial aid and literacy advising, academic tutoring, a computer lab, learning skills workshops, graduate school preparation, and cultural enrichment activities. CARE promotes a welcoming environment for students to discuss their academic, personal, and/or social concerns with friendly, supportive staff.
The Center provides a high-school-to-college Summer Bridge Program that includes intensive academic and social orientation to the University, introduction of participants to the responsibilities and opportunities of college life, encouragement of the development of useful study habits, and assistance with recognizing potential for success. The QUEST Scholars Program ensures students from under-resourced communities are connected to academic and engagement resources to encourage student success at FSU. The FGEN Noles Living-Learning Community provides pathways to academic and professional success for first-generation college students from all majors with support from faculty director and staff. The Student Support Services-SCOPE program is designed to provide supplemental academic support and preparation for post-graduation career and educational planning for qualified students. The Student Support Services-STEM program provides qualified students majoring in a STEM field with additional tutoring, workshops, and post-graduation planning. In addition, through the Unconquered Scholars Program, CARE provides additional academic and engagement support activities for students who were a part of dependency care, foster care, or homeless before their enrollment at FSU. Student Network Initiatives promotes student success for a) first-generation students, b) men of color, and c) students with limited income or Pell Grant access through a cohort-based learning community, faculty/staff mentorship, student-led community engagement, and scholarly activity. Thagard Building, 109 Collegiate Loop; (850) 644-9699; https://care.fsu.edu/.
Academic Center for Excellence (ACE)
The Academic Center for Excellence (ACE) is a University learning center focused on helping undergraduate students develop the study skills and personal success habits that enhance learning and encourage the highest level of academic achievement. ACE provides free peer tutoring, study skills workshops, individual consultations with faculty, preparation for graduate school applications and entrance exams, SLS courses assisting students with study skills and learning strategies, and much more to all undergraduate students.
The ACE Learning Studio, located at G051 in the William Johnston Building, offers appointment-based tutoring in a wide variety of subjects including math, biology, chemistry, physics, accounting, economics, and more. Additionally, walk-in math tutoring is available any time the Learning Studio is open. Visit https://ace.fsu.edu/ for more information about academic support for students.
Reading-Writing Center and Digital Studios
Part of the English Department, the Florida State University Reading-Writing Center (RWC) offers writing support to all FSU students, including first-year undergraduates, students in all majors, international and ELL students, CARE students, student athletes, and graduate students across the disciplines. This support typically takes three forms: (1) individual writing consultations; (2) workshops; and (3) faculty consultations. During one-on-one writing meetings, consultants act as practice audiences for students' ideas and writing in genres ranging from term papers to resumes and letters of application, to theses and dissertations. Across these writing forms, consultants help students develop their writing process, rhetorical awareness, reflective practice, and knowledge transfer. Students can schedule an appointment by visiting https://fsu.mywconline.com/. To learn about RWC locations and hours please visit https://wr.english.fsu.edu/reading-writing-center.
Also part of the English Department and affiliated with the RWC, the Digital Studio (DS) is a learning facility for digital and multimedia projects. The Digital Studios aim to serve students and faculty from all disciplines, and both locations have Macs and PCs with access to the Adobe Creative Cloud (Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator, Premiere) for student use. Digital Studio consultants can help brainstorm project ideas, provide feedback on digital project content and design, facilitate collaboration for group projects and presentations, or explain the interface of a specific program. Projects can include designing a website, e-portfolio, print layout, or video essay. Students can schedule on appointment by visiting https://fsu.mywconline.com/. To learn more about DS locations and hours, please visit https://wr.english.fsu.edu/digital-studio-home.
Career Center
The Career Center provides students with the services and resources they need for career success. With individualized, theory-based career advising, a library offering thousands of information resources, employability skills workshops, mock interviews, and more, The Career Center helps students design their careers. Career advisors, liaisons, and staff assist students with choosing a major, researching occupations and potential employers, identifying internship opportunities, exploring post-graduate study, and developing job search strategies. No appointment is necessary to speak with a career advisor or liaison. For students who would like to design their career plans with the assistance of an instructor, The Career Center offers a one to three-credit hour course, SDS3340 Introduction to Career Development. The course gives students indispensable resources to help facilitate a successful shift to their future career opportunities. Special equipment and materials are available for distance students and students with disabilities.
Dunlap Student Success Center; (850) 644-6431; https://career.fsu.edu.
Living-Learning Communities
First year students at Florida State University have an opportunity to participate in one of eleven living-learning communities. Each community is directed by an FSU faculty member. Participants live together in University housing and enjoy academic experiences that focus on a theme or major. Information and applications are available through University Housing, https://housing.fsu.edu/living-learning-communities. The eleven communities are: Exploration and Discovery; First Gen Noles; Florence Immersion; Music Living-Learning Community; Nursing Learning Community; Health Professions Learning Community; Engineering Living-Learning Community; Social Justice Living-Learning Community; Global and Public Affairs Learning Community; Entrepreneurship and Innovation Learning Community; and Women in Math, Science, and Engineering (WIMSE).
Engage 100
Engage 100 is designed to connect, engage, and challenge students during their first semester at FSU, as well as pave the way to future success in college. While each Engage 100 experience course is unique, these are all small, mentor-guided group experiences centered on a particular topic or interest area. Engage 100 courses are designed to help new undergraduate students in acclimating to university life.
Every incoming first-time-in-college (FTIC) student should enroll in an Engage 100 course in their first fall term. FTIC students starting at FSU in the summer B session may choose to take an Engage 100 course that term. Engage 100 courses are also available in the spring term.
Engage 100 will not only assist students with acclimating to college, but it will serve as the springboard for continuous engagement well beyond their first term.
What can students gain in their Engage 100 experience course?
- Join a formal learning community and build meaningful relationships with peers
- Develop personal, social, and professional awareness
- Engage in activities that align with your academic and personal goals
- Develop a plan for engagement throughout your college career
- Learn about programs and resources at FSU designed to enhance student success
For more information on Engage 100 and to view a list of all approved Engage 100 courses, please visit https://engage100.fsu.edu/.
Freshman Interest Groups (FIGs)
First-time-in-college (FTIC) students have the opportunity to enroll in a Freshman Interest Group (FIG) during their initial Fall term of enrollment. This program is an initiative of the Liberal Studies Coordinating and Policy Committee and was established to enhance the academic engagement of our incoming undergraduates. Each FIG is a pre-packaged cluster of high-demand freshman courses that have been structured to assist students with the initial selection of Liberal Studies courses by grouping courses with a common thread of interest. Each FIG cluster is themed by major or academic areas of interest. One of the most significant advantages of the program is the FIG Colloquium, HUM 1920. This course is designed to introduce students to the academic environment at Florida State University, and provide opportunities for purposeful engagement during college, and relevant student success resources.
Office of National Fellowships
The Office of National Fellowships (ONF) provides information and support throughout the fellowship application process for undergraduates to pursue fellowships for engaged learning, international experiences, research, and more. Through one-on-one mentoring, appreciative advising, and direct assistance for over sixty nationally competitive fellowships, the office helps students to identify and achieve their academic, public service, creative, and leadership goals. Honors, Scholars and Fellows House, Suite 3002; (850) 644-7596; https://onf.fsu.edu/.
Center for Undergraduate Research and Academic Engagement (CRE)
The Center for Undergraduate Research and Academic Engagement (CRE) is committed to helping students become accomplished scholars and active citizens-people of character who can drive innovation and enrich our society. To that end, CRE works with faculty, staff, and students from across campus to support the engagement of FSU undergraduates in high-impact curricular and co-curricular experiences such as research and creative projects, social innovation, and research-informed internships. We help students take advantage of the resources of a major research university. Some of the programs offered by CRE are:
- Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program (UROP): For first-year, second-year, and transfer students interested in a first research experience. UROP students gain research experience as a faculty research assistant for two semesters while participating in a research training colloquium and present at the annual Undergraduate Research Symposium.
- Global Scholars: The FSU Global Scholars program helps students secure summer internships at nonprofit organizations domestically, virtually, and globally. Global Scholars' internships are low-cost and high-impact, providing a challenging academic and personal student development experience. FSU students in the program receive training before departure and must complete a capstone research project on an issue facing the local community after completing their internship.
- IDEA Grants: For students seeking funding for their research, creative endeavor, or other project. Selected applicants will receive a summer stipend of up to $4,000 (or up to $6,000 for groups) to fund their self-designed work on a topic, project, problem, artistic product or performance, or other entrepreneurial or creative idea.
- Publication and Presentation: CRE helps students find venues for sharing their research with the community through presentations like the Showcase of Undergraduate Research Excellence, the Fall Research Day, and the annual Undergraduate Research Symposium, or publishing in the FSU Undergraduate Research journal, The Owl.
All of these options are available to Florida State University students. Honors, Scholars and Fellows House, Suite 3002; (850) 645-9630; https://cre.fsu.edu/.
Office of Undergraduate Studies
Associate Dean: Nikki Raimondi
The Office of Undergraduate Studies serves as the academic dean's office for all students who have not yet been formally admitted to their majors. The office provides information and services on all academic matters, including exemptions with credit, information on General Education courses, academic standing, dismissal, readmission, remediation, correspondence study, medical/mental health course drops and withdrawals, and enrollment in courses at other colleges and universities. The Office of Undergraduate Studies is located at A3400 University Center.
In addition to serving as the academic dean's office for most freshmen and sophomores, the Office of Undergraduate Studies performs two important academic functions:
- The office evaluates all transfer credit to determine how it applies to Florida State University's General Education requirements and prepares general education evaluations for each undergraduate transfer student who enters without an Associate of Arts (AA) degree from a Florida public post-secondary institution. See the "Undergraduate Degree Requirements" chapter of this General Bulletin for details. (Decisions about transfer credit applying toward a major requirement are made in the office of the dean responsible for that major);
- The office monitors student progress in General Education through the Academic Requirements Report. The Academic Requirements Report will be reviewed with the student at the time of formal declaration of a major for transfer to an upper-division program.
Florida State University grants an AA degree to qualified students upon request. The Office of Undergraduate Studies determines the eligibility of students for the degree. See the "Undergraduate Degree Requirements" chapter of this General Bulletin for more information.
Transfer from Undergraduate Studies to Major Advisement Program
Transfer from undergraduate studies to a major's advisement program in any college or school of the University is accomplished between the Office of Undergraduate Studies and the appropriate baccalaureate dean after the student: (1) has declared a choice; (2) has been certified as eligible for transfer; and (3) has been accepted by the appropriate baccalaureate dean.
Eligibility for Transfer to Major Advisement
Students will be considered eligible to transfer from the advisement program of the Office of Undergraduate Studies after satisfying the following requirements:
- Completion of at least fifty-two semester hours of credit;
- Successful completion of at least one-half of the required semester hours of the General Education requirements in the Liberal Studies for the 21st Century program, including all required General Education courses in Quantitative/Logical Thinking and English Composition (see the "Undergraduate Degree Requirements" chapter of this General Bulletin);
- Achievement of a minimum adjusted grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 or above on work attempted at Florida State University; and
- Acceptance by a baccalaureate dean for admission to a major's advisement program.
A student who has attempted seventy-five or more semester hours without fulfilling all of the above-listed requirements will not be allowed to register. Such students should consult the Office of Undergraduate Studies and the dean of the college or school in which the degree is to be sought before making final decisions on how to meet these requirements.