College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences


Dean: Damon Andrew; Associate Dean for Academic Affairs: Marcy Driscoll; Associate Dean for Faculty Development: Robert Eklund; Associate Dean for Research: Joshua Newman; Associate Dean for Strategic Partnerships and Community Engagement: Gregory Harris

The roots of FSU's College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences date back to the university's establishment, and it is the oldest college of its kind in Florida. Recently expanded in 2023, the College is home to six academic departments united through a common goal to maximize human potential. In total, the College includes the Department of Educational Leadership & Policy Studies, Department of Educational Psychology & Learning Systems, Department of Human Development & Family Science, Department of Health, Nutrition, and Food Sciences, Department of Sport Management, School of Teacher Education, numerous research centers, and three laboratory schools (Florida State University School, FSU Pembroke Pines Charter School, and The Collegiate School at FSU Panama City). The College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences serves over 4,500 students via 165 full-time faculty and 73 full-time staff.

The college offers undergraduate and combined-degree pathways leading to the Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science degree in twelve fields of study (majors).

Undergraduate Departments, Majors, Certificates, and Educator Preparation Programs

Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies

  • Certificate in Leadership Studies, Undergraduate

Department of Health, Nutrition, and Food Sciences

  • Athletic Training (BS)
  • Dietetics (BS)
  • Food and Nutrition Science (BS)
  • Exercise Physiology (BS)
  • Exercise Physiology (Combined BS/MS Pathway)

Department of Human Development and Family Science

  • Human Development and Family Science (BS)

School of Teacher Education

  • Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL), Undergraduate
  • Elementary Education (BS) – Panama City Campus
  • Elementary Education (Combined BS/MS Pathway)
  • English Education (Combined BS/MS Pathway)
  • FSU-Teach Program in Secondary Science or Mathematics Teaching
  • Social Science Education (Combined BS/MS Pathway)
  • Special Education Teaching (Combined BS/MS Pathway)
  • Visual Disabilities Education (Combined BS/MS Pathway)

Department of Sport Management

  • Sport Management (BS)
  • Sport Management (Combined BS/MS Pathway)

Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Arts Degrees

Candidates for baccalaureate degrees must comply with the general regulations governing baccalaureate degrees. Candidates for the Bachelor of Arts degree must meet the foreign language requirement and other special requirements of the University.

Admission Requirements for Health and Human Sciences Programs

To transfer from undergraduate studies into one of the Health and Human Sciences programs, the student must have a GPA of at least a 2.0. In addition, students who are not subject to mapping must satisfy the following departmental prerequisites:

  • For the Department of Human Development and Family Science, at least a “B–” in CHD 2220, CHD 3243, FAD 2230, and STA 2XXX such that students are only allowed two attempts in two of the four courses to achieve the required final grade of a “B–”.
  • For the Department of Nutrition and Integrative Physiology, at least a “B–” in HUN 1201.

Academic Performance and Retention for Health and Human Sciences Programs

The college reserves the right to discontinue enrollment of any student in the major at any time if satisfactory academic progress is not being made. In addition to satisfying academic mapping milestones or the above departmental prerequisites for students who are not subject to academic mapping, the following are the specific departmental academic performance and retention policies:

  • For the Department of Human Development and Family Science, students majoring in family and child sciences must obtain at least a “B–” in the pre-professional course FAD4932 and the practicum course FAD 4805. The minimum grade required in other courses beyond the prerequisite courses, pre-professional course, and the practicum experience is “C–”.
  • For the Department of Nutrition and Integrative Physiology, students majoring in dietetics, food and nutrition science, athletic training, or exercise physiology must achieve a “C–” or better in all other required courses unless specified for certain courses.

Clinical Experience for Health and Human Sciences Programs

  • A series of clinical experiences throughout the Human Development and Family Science Program, Marriage and Family Therapy Program, Exercise Physiology Programs, as well as the Food and Nutrition Program ; and
  • A Level II Security Check is required for all FSU students who will have direct contact with PreK-12 students. Students should be aware that if you have been arrested for certain crimes you may not be considered for a teaching position. Fingerprinting and Level II-background clearance are required for any placement in a PreK-12 setting.

Note: Students should consult with a program advisor for specific course requirements.

Opportunities for Health and Human Sciences Majors

Undergraduate students may participate in Honors in the Major (see the “University Honors Office and Honor Societies” chapter of this General Bulletin) and may pursue a double major consisting of a combination of two degree programs. Practica are required in family and child sciences and athletic training. Students majoring in family and child sciences may opt to have an internship if required academic criteria are met. Students who complete the DPD Program are eligible to apply for post-baccalaureate accredited dietetic internships in selected hospitals and community settings. The College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences also offers a Living-Learning Center at Reynolds Hall with an emphasis on pre-health professions.

Admissions Standards for University Educator Preparation Programs

All educator preparation programs at Florida State University are governed by Florida Statute, Section 1004.04 Public Accountability and State approval for Teacher Preparation Programs and State Board of Education Rules. These rules require that all students must meet specific criteria to be admitted into an educator preparation program. See ‘Planning Guide to Educator Preparation Programs' later in this chapter.

All educator preparation programs have retention and exit standards that exceed normal University requirements. Refer to the department section for specific admission requirements and check with a departmental advisor.

Planning Guide to Educator Preparation Programs

Inventory of State-Approved Programs

The following College of Education graduate programs have been approved by the Florida Department of Education (DOE) as Initial Certification Educator Preparation Programs:

  • Elementary Education (Certification Area: Elementary Education grades K-6 with endorsements in ESOL and Reading)
  • English Teaching (Certification Area: English grades 6–12 with an endorsement in ESOL and Reading)
  • Social Science Teaching (Certification Area: Social Science grades 6–12)
  • Special Education Teaching (Certification Area: Exceptional Student Education grades K–12 with endorsements in ESOL, Autism and Reading)
  • Visual Disabilities (Certification Area: Visual Impairment grades K–12)

The following undergraduate programs have been approved by the DOE as Initial Certification Educator Preparation Programs; they are listed with the name of the Florida State University College in which they are located:

  • Applied Geosciences/FSU Teach (Certification Area: Earth-Space Science grades 6–12), College of Arts and Sciences
  • Biology/FSU Teach (Certification Area: Biology grades 6–12), College of Arts and Sciences
  • Chemical Science/FSU Teach (Certification Area: Chemistry grades 6–12), College of Arts and Sciences
  • Environmental Science/FSU Teach (Certification Area: Earth-Space Science grades 6–12), College of Arts and Sciences
  • Computer Science (Certification Area: Mathematics grades 6-12), College of Arts and Sciences
  • Mathematics/FSU Teach (Certification Area: Mathematics grades 6–12), College of Arts and Sciences

Combined Bachelor's/Master's Pathways in Educator Preparation

All undergraduate Educator Preparation programs in the College of Education are combined BS/MS degree pathways. The BS/MS pathway requires two years of undergraduate upper-division coursework plus one additional year of graduate coursework. Admission to the graduate portion of the Combined Bachelor's/Master's Pathway requires a 3.00 upper-division undergraduate GPA.

Students admitted to a Combined Bachelor's/Master's Pathway will earn both a bachelor's and master's degree in their chosen major.

Undergraduate Educator Preparation Programs at Florida State University

  • FSU-Teach Program (double major with College of Arts & Sciences for those who wish to teach mathematics and/or science, grades 6–12)
  • Music Education (College of Music)

General Education Requirements

Students should consult with an advisor to determine how to simultaneously satisfy CoreFSU Curriculum requirements and educator preparation general education core curriculum requirements.

State of Florida Common Program Prerequisites

The state of Florida has identified common program prerequisites for this University degree program. Specific prerequisites are required for admission into the upper-division program and must be completed by the student at either a community college or a state university prior to being admitted to this program. Students may be admitted into the University without completing the prerequisites but may not be admitted into the program.

At the time this document was published, some common program prerequisites were being reviewed by the state of Florida and may have been revised. Please visit for a current list of state-approved prerequisites.

The following lists the common program prerequisites or their substitutions, necessary for admission into these upper-division degree program:

Education Core Prerequisites

EDF X005

SMT X043 (FSU-Teach)

SMT X053 (FSU-Teach)

Department/Program Prerequisites

See department listings in the General Bulletin for each department/program's specific prerequisite requirements.

Common prerequisites and admissions criteria for state-approved educator preparation programs are subject to revision based on changes in the following:

  • Section 1004.04, Florida Statutes, Public Accountability and State Approval for Educator Preparation Programs,
  • State Board of Education Rule 6A-4.0021, Florida Teacher Certification Examinations, and
  • State Board of Education Rule 6A-5.066, Approval of Educator Preparation Programs.

Criteria for Admission to Educator Preparation

School of Teacher Education

  1. Have at least a 2.5 (on a 4.0 scale) cumulative grade point average (GPA) on all attempted college-level coursework
  2. Completion of at least sixty credit hours of college-level coursework
  3. Completion of CoreFSU Curriculum curriculum or Florida AA degree. Out of state transfer students should contact the Office of Academic Services and Intern Support (OASIS) to determine eligibility for admission.
  4. Have a grade of “C–” or better in each required general education (CoreFSU Curriculum) English and each general education (CoreFSU Curriculum) mathematics course.
  5. Complete an application for admission to Educator Preparation. The application is available online at This step is distinct from admission to the ‘upper division' college or school.

FSU-Teach Program in Secondary Science or Math

  • Have at least a 2.5 (on a 4.0 scale) cumulative grade point average (GPA) on all attempted college-level coursework
  • Have a grade of “C–” or better in each required general education (CoreFSU Curriculum) English and each general education (CoreFSU Curriculum) mathematics course
  • Complete an application for admission to Educator Preparation. The application is available online at This step is distinct from admission to the ‘upper division' college or school.

College of Music

  1. Have at least a 2.5 (on a 4.0 scale) cumulative grade point average (GPA) on all attempted college-level coursework
  2. Have a grade of “C–” or better in each required general education (CoreFSU Curriculum) English and each general education (CoreFSU Curriculum) mathematics course
  3. Complete an application for admission to Educator Preparation. The application is available online at This step is distinct from admission to the ‘upper division' college or school.

Clinical Experience

  • A series of clinical experiences in diverse settings throughout the education preparation programs that culminates with a full-time student teaching experience of at least ten weeks duration in an approved setting; and
  • A Level II Security Check is required for all FSU students who will have direct contact with PreK-12 students. Students should be aware that if you have been arrested for certain crimes you may not be considered for a teaching position. Fingerprinting and Level II-background clearance are required for any placement in a PreK-12 setting.

Note: Students should consult with a program advisor for specific course requirements.

Professional Behaviors and Dispositions

While enrolled in an educator preparation program, the student is expected to demonstrate Professional Dispositions and to conform to the “Principles of Professional Conduct in Florida” (State Board of Education Rule 6A10.081 FAC). The programs reserve the right to refuse or discontinue enrollment of any student who violates these expectations or in the judgment of a majority of the program faculty does not meet the program standards. Information on Professional Dispositions can be found on the Educator Preparation Website:

Application to Student Teaching

An application to student teaching must be submitted to OASIS, 2301 Stone Building. Application materials, the Student Teaching Calendar, and the Student Teaching Handbook are only available online at

Eligibility Requirements for Student Teaching Placement

To be eligible for final field placement as a student teacher, candidates must complete the following steps:

  • Admission to teacher education outlined above under ‘Criteria for Admission and Application to Educator Preparation'
  • Successful completion of at least one semester of residence at Florida State University
  • Successful completion of all required courses prior to the student-teaching semester
  • Successful completion of major coursework and professional education coursework outlined above under ‘Clinical Experience' prior to student teaching
  • Achievement of a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or above for undergraduate Educator Preparation programs
  • Achievement of a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or above for combined BS/MS Educator Preparation pathways
  • Successful completion of specific clinical experiences as required by the program or University
  • Successful completion of the FTCE General Knowledge Exam (all bachelor's-only programs), Subject Area Exam (all programs), and Professional Educator Exam (all programs) by July 1 (if the student is teaching in the Fall semester) or November 1 (if the student is teaching in the Spring semester)
  • Demonstration of Professional Dispositions at the ‘target' level the semester prior to student teaching

Program Completion Requirements for Candidates in the School of Teacher Education

Students must complete the following requirements to graduate from an educator preparation program:

  • Maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or above for undergraduate Educator Preparation programs
  • Maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or above for combined BS/MS Educator Preparation pathways
  • Demonstrate achievement of standards and completion of specific coursework requirements set by the program
  • Meet all University graduation requirements, including requirements mentioned above under ‘Planning Guide to Education Preparation Programs'
  • Achieve a passing score on the General Knowledge Exam (bachelor's only programs), Professional Education Exam (all programs), and Subject Area Exam (all programs) prior to entry to the final-term internship by July 1 (if the student is teaching in the Fall semester) or November 1 (if the student is teaching in the Spring semester)
  • Successfully complete the student teaching experience including successful demonstration of the Uniform Core Curriculum as outlined in Section 1004.04 Florida Statutes and State Board of Education Rule 6A-5.066 and Professional Behaviors and Dispositions
  • Receive verification from the appropriate academic program of successful demonstration of the Uniform Core Curriculum as outlined in Section 1004.04 Florida Statutes and State Board of Education Rule 6A-5.066 and Professional Dispositions
  • Obtain final approval of the appropriate academic program and the Office of Academic Services and Intern Support.

Honors Program

The College of Education offers honors in the major work in several departmental and interdepartmental programs. For requirements and other information, see the “University Honors Office and Honor Societies” chapter of this General Bulletin.

Office of Academic Services and Intern Support (OASIS)


Assistant Directors: George Green, Undergraduate Academic and Student Services; Lauren Higbee, Undergraduate Academic and Student Services; Lisa Beverly, Graduate Academic and Student Services; Director of Student Teaching and Internship Experiences: Phyliss Underwood

The Office of Academic Services and Intern Support (OASIS) in the College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences (CEHHS) provides a wide array of professional and administrative services to students and faculty in the College and throughout the University. Under the direction of the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, OASIS is responsible for:

  • providing centralized academic advisement for Basic Division students interested in majoring in education
  • collecting and processing applications for admission and readmission to the College
  • maintaining the Dean's academic records for all students formally admitted to the College
  • monitoring students' progress toward the degree
  • collecting and processing applications for admission to educator preparation
  • conducting graduation checks and clearing students for teacher certification
  • providing other consultative and administrative services for the students and faculty in the College

OASIS is also responsible for the assignment and placement of teacher candidates in their final-term student teaching experiences. The Director of Student Teaching and Internship Experiences works with teacher education programs in the University and the public schools of Florida in the organization of student-teaching placements and the selection of supervising teachers for candidate internships. Faculty members work closely with supervising teachers and candidates in the planning and coordination of the student teaching experience. OASIS is responsible for the final identification and screening of all students who make application for student teaching.

Students are assigned for the student teaching experience as space, contract obligations, and the availability of a suitable supervising teacher dictate. Academic programs have the discretion to establish a minimum group size of two or more student teachers per county. Academic programs may also restrict placement to specific counties. Student Teaching assignments are subject to availability and district and school or agency acceptance of the student teacher. Therefore, student teacher assignments are not guaranteed. Also note that final-term placement is conditionally based on the successful completion of all relevant program requirements, including passing all required sections of the Florida Teacher Certification Exam (FTCE) by July 1 (if the student is teaching in the Fall semester) or November 1 (if the student is teaching in the Spring semester), and acceptance by an approved school district or agency.

Applications for Student Teaching must be submitted to the Office of Academic Services and Intern Support (OASIS) no later than the deadline set by the Director Student Teaching. Application deadlines will be posted online at

Applicants are specifically not guaranteed assignment to their home county nor to the immediate and general vicinity of the campus. Submission of an application by a candidate constitutes an agreement to accept assignment in the school and county where it is determined that the candidate's academic program objectives for student teaching can best be achieved.

A candidate is expected to meet professional standards as expressed in the pertinent school laws of the state of Florida. Candidates are also informed that, consistent with applicable law, information pertaining to all matters of public record, such as arrest and/or convictions in a court of law, may be routinely furnished to public schools as well as prospective employers.