Jim Moran College of Entrepreneurship



Dean: Susan S. Fiorito; Professors: Fiorito, Kim, Schofield; Associate Professor: Clayton, Manchiraju, McQuerry; Teaching Faculty III: Frazier, Bob Garner; Teaching Faculty II: Breed, Hand, Langston, Lewis, Parker, Tatum, Whalen; Teaching Faculty I: Baber, Brenda Garner, Griffin, Tara Hackett, Trae Hackett, McHaffie, McNees, Nam, Stith; Instructional Specialist II: Plant; Instructional Specialist I: Riley; Jim Moran Professor: Fiorito


It is the mission of the Jim Moran College of Entrepreneurship to inspire innovation, instill compassion, and ignite an entrepreneurial mindset in the next generation of leaders.

General Information

The Jim Moran College of Entrepreneurship, through its faculty, curricula, and programs, is committed to educating and developing its students for careers as future business executives and leaders.

As a result of its capable and dedicated faculty, the Jim Moran College of Entrepreneurship has been able to attract highly qualified students. These students have strong analytical and communicative aptitudes and have a spirit of enterprise and creativity. The interaction of these students with highly qualified faculty, coupled with well-designed program options, creates a stimulating learning environment.

Programs Offered

The Jim Moran College of Entrepreneurship offers curricula leading to the following degrees: Bachelor of Science (BS) and Bachelor of Arts (BA). Students pursuing a bachelor's degree choose from the following degree programs:

  • Bachelor's degree in Entrepreneurship, which includes majors in Commercial Entrepreneurship and STEM Entrepreneurship
  • Bachelor's degree in Retail Entrepreneurship

Minor Programs

The Minor in Commercial Entrepreneurship is a 12 hour course of study for students in any major. Students completing the program are knowledgeable about how to initiate and manage new ventures, sources of funding, and business planning. The curriculum will provide students with the tools and confidence to consider starting and building their own businesses.

The Minor in Social Entrepreneurship is a 12 hour course of study for students in any major. Students completing the program are knowledgeable about how to initiate and manage new social ventures, sources of funding, and social business planning. The curriculum will provide students with the tools and confidence to consider starting and building their own social enterprises.

The Minor in Hospitality Entrepreneurship is a 12 hour course of study for students in any major. Students completing the program are knowledgeable about how to initiate and manage new ventures in the hospitality industry, sources of funding, and business planning. The curriculum will provide students with the tools and confidence to consider starting and building their own hospitality-focused business.

The Minor in STEM Entrepreneurship is a 12 hour course of study for students in any major. Students completing the program are knowledgeable about the innovation and commercialization in the world of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). The curriculum will provide students with the tools and confidence to consider starting and building their own venture with STEM-enabled products and services.

The Minor in Computational Science Entrepreneurship is a 12 hour course of study for students in any major. Students completing the program are knowledgeable about the innovation and commercialization in the world of Computational Science. The curriculum will provide students with the tools and confidence to consider starting and building their own venture using computational thinking.

The Minor in Retail Operations is a 12 hour course of study for students in any major. Students completing the program are knowledgeable about different facets of the inner workings of the retail industry. The curriculum will provide students with the tools and confidence to excel in any retail environment.

The Minor in Textiles and Apparel is a 12 hour course of study for students in any major. Students completing the program are knowledgeable about the basic construction of textiles from fibers and yarns to fabrics and finishes, including their performance for specific end-use applications in the apparel, interior, and technical textile industry.

The Minor in Art Entrepreneurship is a 12 hour course of study for students in any major. Students completing the learn how to develop an idea and turn it into a sustainable, functional enterprise in the sale and distribution of your art. Conceptualize, develop, and implement entrepreneurial strategies that will help you transition from academic life to your artistic career.

The Minor in Automotive Franchise Entrepreneurship is a 12 hour course of study for students in any major. Students completing the program are knowledgeable about the different facets of the inner workings of the automotive industry. The curriculum will provide students with the tools and confidence to consider owning their own automotive franchise.


The Jim Moran College of Entrepreneurship is currently housed in four separate buildings. The Jim Moran Building, which the college shares with the Jim Moran Institute, is located at 111 S. Monroe and is ideally located near the center of downtown Tallahassee. It contains a modern classroom, faculty and staff offices, and numerous support facilities such as a student incubator. The location of this building is ideal for connecting entrepreneurship students with the business community in which we live. The Jim Moran College of Entrepreneurship also has an on-campus location in the Shaw Building. This location contains faculty and staff offices, a student collaboration room, a conference room, a body scanning lab, a fabric printing lab, and one classroom. Textile labs and the Historic Costume Collection are temporarily housed in the Sandels Building. The Office Depot Lab, Computer Aided Design Lab, ThermaNOLE Comfort Lab®, The Retail Center, and the JMC Retail Experience and Innovation Studio are housed in the William Johnston Building.


The Jim Moran College of Entrepreneurship have exceptional faculty who never fail to be nominated for numerous University Teaching Awards. They excel in providing our students with hands-on, experiential learning and teach from many years of industry and research experience.


The Jim Moran College of Entrepreneurship currently offers thirty-nine scholarships. The amount and selection criteria of each award vary according to the program the award supports and the funding source. In addition to scholarships, the Jim Moran College of Entrepreneurship and the University provide numerous opportunities for part-time work as student assistants.


All undergraduate programs in the Jim Moran College of Entrepreneurship are designated as specialized admissions programs. To pursue any major in the Jim Moran College of Entrepreneurship, students must meet the admission requirements for the specialized admissions program they wish to pursue.

Students should complete the prerequisite courses required for admission during their first three to four semesters of college work. Students attending Florida State and community colleges should complete the prerequisite courses required for admission while fulfilling general education requirements leading to the Associate in Arts (AA) degree.

Admission Requirements

Admission to the Jim Moran College of Entrepreneurship's majors is based on the availability of faculty and space in the departments, and a student's ability to complete the necessary admission requirements. The Jim Moran College of Entrepreneurship only accepts and admits students in the Fall semester. Students are required to meet the following admission criteria:

  • Completion of at least 52 acceptable semester hours
  • Achievement of the GPA (based on all attempted coursework at the college level) in effect for the term in which application is made. Note that the required GPA can change from year to year; information regarding the current, required GPA is available at https://jimmorancollege.fsu.edu/
  • Completion of the following (or equivalent) courses with a grade of “C-” or better: ECO 2013, ECO 2023, MAC 1105, STA 2023, and any leadership course
  • Application submission by the indicated deadline found at https://jimmorancollege.fsu.edu/

Academic Policies

Students are required to meet graduation requirements specified in the University General Bulletin in effect at the time they are admitted to one of the specialized admissions programs in the Jim Moran College of Entrepreneurship, or subsequent General Bulletins including the General Bulletin in effect at the time they graduate, provided they graduate within a period of six years from the date of first entry.

Changes to this General Bulletin that have been formally approved prior to Fall 2022, but not in sufficient time to meet publication deadlines, will still be effective Fall 2022. Students can receive information on these changes in the Academic Program Manager's office in the Jim Moran College of Entrepreneurship.

All students must complete an official pre-graduation check in the Mapping Coordinator's office of the Jim Moran College of Entrepreneurship during the semester they will earn ninety semester hours or the semester prior to the semester in which they plan to graduate.

All students must apply for graduation through the myFSU portal during the first three weeks of the semester in which they plan to graduate.

In the Jim Moran College of Entrepreneurship, a minimum of thirty semester hours of the major area requirements must be completed at Florida State University. Transfer of upper-level business courses must be approved by the Dean of the Jim Moran College of Entrepreneurship. Students are not allowed duplicate credit hours for courses repeated in which they have made a “C–” or better.

The only courses offered by the entrepreneurship departments that may be taken on a satisfactory/unsatisfactory (S/U) basis are those courses restricted to S/U grades only.

No student who has accumulated two or more grades below “C–” (D+, D, D–, F) in major courses taken for credit at Florida State University will be permitted to continue toward a degree with a degree in commercial entrepreneurship or retail entrepreneurship.