Graduate Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

FAMU—FSU College of Engineering


Chair: Lisa Spainhour; Professors: AbdelRazig, Abichou, Chen, Huang, Jung, Moses, Mtenga, Rambo-Roddenberry, Sobanjo, Spainhour, Tawfiq; Associate Professors: Dulebenets, Ozguven, Tang; Assistant Professors: Alamdari, Choi, Elwardany, Farner, Fernádez-Cabán, Guo, Wasman, Zhang; Teaching Faculty: Adalier, Ahmad, Nnaji, Pamuk, Park; Professor of Practice: Martin; Research Faculty: Ahmadisharaf; Professors Emeriti: Dzurik, Ping, Wekezer

The department offers a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Master of Science (MS) and non-thesis Master of Engineering (MEng) degree programs with concentrations in structural, geotechnical, transportation, construction, water resources, and environmental engineering. Special areas of emphasis in civil engineering are bridge design, bridge management systems, cementitious materials, construction management, and wind engineering; geo-environment and pavements; transportation networks and multimodal systems; disaster resilience; and computer-aided design and decision support systems as well as the integration of physical and numerical models of civil engineering systems. In water resources, the focus is on hydraulics, hydrology, hydrodynamics, groundwater, and the modeling of watersheds and coastal areas. Emphasis within environmental engineering includes water quality, drinking water and wastewater treatment, remediation, hazardous waste management, environmental systems analysis, and environmental sustainability.

Centers and Laboratories

The college has many instructional and research laboratories. Specific laboratories for the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering are geotechnical, environmental, hydraulic, pavement, construction materials, structures, and the transportation-engineering laboratory.

Geotechnical laboratory facilities include equipment for soil classification, compaction, hydraulic conductivity, slurry evaluation, shear strength, and compressibility of soils. Electronic data acquisition systems, personal computers, sampling devices, and a machine shop are also available for student use.

The environmental engineering laboratories include both an undergraduate teaching lab and a graduate research lab. The facilities include equipment and instrumentation needed for physical, chemical, and microbiological analysis of water quality, sampling and filtering devices, and space for bench scale experiments.

The hydraulic laboratory is used by students to reinforce the basic concepts of hydraulics and become familiar with hydraulic equipment and instrumentation, and to learn procedures of data collection and analysis. Students can perform experiments of hydrostatic pressure, hydrostatic forces on submerged bodies, flow measurement, friction in pipe flow, pump power, open channel flow, hydraulic jump, and wave mechanics.

The high-bay materials and structures laboratory includes equipment for preparing and testing concrete and other civil engineering materials. Available equipment includes compression strength testing machines, L.A. abrasion test machine, MTS test system, and electronic data acquisition systems. The lab has a three-foot reinforced concrete reaction slab with 100-kip anchorage pods spaced at four-foot intervals. This facility provides undergraduate and graduate students with applied instruction on specialized testing of materials and structures, and support for high quality research in developing and testing innovative structural materials and systems for bridges, buildings, etc.

The multi-usage laboratory supports preparation of specimens for other laboratories. It also has an open-circuit wind tunnel with a twenty-four-inch square cross section, and a robotic arm capable of supporting a variety of domains, including 3D concrete printing and demolition operations.

The department houses two Tier I University Transportation Centers (UTCs) funded by the United States Department of Transportation (USDOT): the Center for Accessibility and Safety for an Aging Population (ASAP) and the Rural Equitable and Accessible Transportation (REAT) Center. ASAP concentrates its efforts on the State of Florida with a significant percentage of older adults, but the Center's research is valuable in addressing transportation issues for an aging population nationwide. The Center addresses two of USDOT's strategic goals: improving highway safety and strengthening transportation planning. Providing seniors with safe and convenient access to the goods and services they need to participate fully in society is a key issue explored by ASAP personnel. The Center also focuses on transportation issues of rural and minority segments within the elderly population. The Center captures four interdisciplinary areas: (1) Accessibility and community connectivity among older adults; (2) Human factors affecting the older population, especially regarding acceptance of emerging technologies; (3) Geometric design research, especially regarding elder crash mitigation; and (4) Health, wellness, and safety of seniors as it relates to multimodal transportation and emergency operations. The REAT Center focuses on core issues of mobility challenges for people in rural communities, which are increasingly marked by growing diversity and expanding inequities within and across regions. The REAT Center aims to assess how effective solutions for transportation-related challenges, which have been widely applied in urban and suburban areas, could be potentially implemented in rural areas to address the needs of diverse rural populations in Florida and nationwide. ASAP and REAT support educational and outreach activities, including an annual Transportation Day, brown bag lunches, student research seed grants and dissertation fellowships, and annual student research colloquia.

The department also houses the Resilient Infrastructure and Disaster Response (RIDER) Center. RIDER is a multi-disciplinary research center established with the mission of achieving adaptive capacity and resilience for the communities affected by natural disasters such as hurricanes and pandemics such as COVID-19. RIDER unites engineers, social scientists, social workers, health, public policy, communication, and information specialists synergistically towards developing emergency plans that can fit the distinct needs of both urban and rural communities to solve the real-world problem of “resilience divide.” RIDER specifically focuses on understanding the factors that foster and support the efficacy of disaster resilience in varying population settings; extending our knowledge of community-scale infrastructure limitations in planning for natural disasters; and developing long-term strategic adaptation and implementation plans to reduce community vulnerability, needed desperately by the underserved areas of the state and the country affected by natural disasters to sustain their communities. RIDER currently hosts four multi-disciplinary laboratories: (1) Resilient Materials and Structures (ReMS) Lab; (2) Water Sustainability and Coastal Hazard (WaSCH) Lab; (3) Laboratory of Advanced Operations Research and Resilience Applications (LAORA); and (4) Sustainable Infrastructure Management (SIM) Lab.

Additionally, the department also houses the Center for Transportation and Public Safety (CTPS), which develops software and provides training and support for law enforcement agencies in the State of Florida. Software products are based on the TraCS Florida platform and include ELVIS (Electronic License and Vehicle Information System). The center provides Florida law enforcement agencies with cost effective tools to collect and transmit electronic crash and citation data to various statewide repositories. This data feeds into numerous traffic safety and operations research studies and is the basis for many roadway engineering and enforcement decisions state-wide.

Computer and Other Resources

Students have access to a large number and variety of computer systems. A network of nearly 700 computing devices is available for the academic and research efforts of the college.

The college computers are connected to a high-speed, switched, fiber-optic LAN and to the Internet via the Florida State University connection to the NSF v BNS network. Other computation resources include the Department of Scientific Computing, FSU Academic Computing and Network Services (ACNS), and FAMU Computing Services.

A small collection of reference works and heavily used books and journals is located in the College of Engineering Reading Room/Library Services. Additional resources are available electronically through database services at both parent institutions.

Students may also participate in engineering clubs such as the National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE); Society of Women Engineers (SWE); American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE); Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE); Engineering Honor Society, Tau Beta Pi; Engineers Without Borders (EWB); and the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE).

Master's Admission Requirements

Admission requirements for the Master of Science (MS) program, which includes the MS thesis and Master of Engineering (MEng) options, include the following:

  • A baccalaureate degree in civil engineering, or an allied academic discipline, from an accredited college or university. International students must have a Bachelor of Science (BS) degree in civil engineering from a recognized academic institution.
  • Good standing in the academic institution last attended;
  • A grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale, on all work attempted while registered as an upper division student (beyond sixty semester hours of undergraduate work);
  • A minimum graduate record examination (GRE) percentile rank of 25% on the verbal reasoning section and 65% on the quantitative section. For the MEng option, evidence of passing the NCEES Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) or Principles and Practice of Engineering (PE) exam or holding PE licensure in any state may be used in lieu of the GRE;
  • A minimum score of 550 (paper-based), 213 (computer-based), or 80 (Internet-based) on the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) for all international applicants whose native language is not English;
  • Three letters of recommendation (two for MEng option); and
  • A statement of purpose outlining the goals and reasons for pursuing the master's degree.

Doctoral Admission Requirements

Admission requirements for the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree include the following:

  • A Bachelor of Science (BS) or Master of Science (MS) degree in civil or environmental engineering or a closely related field;
  • A grade point average (GPA) or 3.0 on a 4.0 scale for all undergraduate and graduate work;
  • A minimum graduate record examination (GRE) percentile rank of 35 percent on the verbal reasoning section and 70 percent on the quantitative section;
  • A minimum score of 550 (paper-based), 213 (computer-based), or 80 (Internet-based) on the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) for all international applicants whose native language is not English;
  • Three letters of recommendation;
  • A statement of purpose outlining the goals and reasons for pursuing the PhD degree; and
  • If requested, an interview by the Graduate Committee or its representatives.

Master's Degree Requirements

The MS thesis option requires 24 semester hours of coursework and six semester hours of thesis work. The MS thesis option requires a final oral examination in which the student defends a thesis. For the MS thesis option, the general course requirements include 12 to 15 hours in the depth area, six to nine hours in supplementary electives, and three hours of advanced mathematics or statistics. Students also must register in a non-credit graduate seminar course each semester. The MEng option requires 30 semester hours of coursework, consisting of 15 hours in the specialty area, 12 hours in supplementary electives, and three hours of advanced mathematics, statistics, or computation.

For both the MS thesis and MEng options, a maximum of six semester hours of graduate coursework, in which the student earned a grade of “B” or better, may be transferred from another program. Each individual program is designed with the approval of a major advisor and, for the MS thesis option, a supervisory committee. The general course requirements for the MS thesis and MEng options are given below.

Course Distribution MS MEng
Specialty (Depth) area 12–15 12–15
Supplemental electives 6–9 12–15
Advanced mathematics 3 3
Thesis with oral defense 6 N/A
Graduate seminar 0 N/A
Total credit hours required for the master's degree 30 30

Graduation requirements include a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or better and the successful defense of a thesis (MS) for the thesis option. All the above requirements must be met within seven calendar years.

Bachelor's – Master's Pathway

This pathway provides academically talented undergraduate students at FAMU-FSU an opportunity to complete both a bachelor's and a master's degree in five years. Upon approval, this pathway allows six graduate hours to be double counted toward the student's undergraduate degree program. The student will earn the Bachelor of Science (BS) degree upon completion of the undergraduate program and the master's degree upon completion of the graduate program. The master's degree can be either the MS (courses and thesis) or MEng (courses only).

The program requirements for the graduate portion of this pathway are identical to the master's program requirements shown above. The only difference is that the pathway students take 24 hours of coursework instead of 30 hours, because six graduate hours were already taken while completing the undergraduate degree at the FAMU-FSU College of Engineering.

The admission for the Bachelor's—Master's Pathway has two parts:

  • When the student is in the undergraduate program, the student submits an online application to the combined degree pathway. Overall GPA of 3.2 as well as area-specific requirements must be met. To ensure smooth transfer to the graduate program, it is recommended that the students apply during Terms 5 or 6 (the Junior year) according to the CEE Undergraduate Academic Map. Additional information and the online application are available at
  • During the last year as an undergraduate, the student applies to the master's program. The admission requirements for this step are identical to the master's admission requirements shown earlier.

Doctoral Degree Requirements

The program of study for the PhD degree is flexible and depends on the individual student's background and objectives. The CEE department has two tracks for the PhD program. The typical track is the MS-PhD track where the applicants already have an MS degree. An alternative is the BS-PhD track where exceptionally qualified applicants who are well prepared may enter the PhD program with only a BS degree. A student may specialize in any of the several areas that are offered in the department. In addition to the specialty courses, the student must have a minor consisting of at least nine semester hours from another department. Each student's specific program of study is uniquely tailored through consultation with an advisory committee that the student selects. The objectives of course selection is to develop a broad-based understanding of engineering and science, and to gain fundamental contemporary capabilities in an area of concentration necessary to conduct significant and original scholarly research.

A student must choose a major professor by the second semester of enrollment in the PhD program. If a student has not chosen a major professor by this time, a professor approved by the graduate committee chair will act as the student's academic advisor. The major professor is formally appointed by the department chair and will serve as chair of the supervisory committee. The supervisory committee is formally appointed by the department chair at the request of the major professor. There must be a minimum of four committee members, including the major professor. One member must be from outside the department, representing the student's minor. The committee supervises the student's work until all degree requirements are completed and is responsible for an annual written assessment of the student's progress. This assessment shall be made available to the student, the coordinator of graduate studies, and the department chair.

The student will prepare, with the approval of the doctoral supervisory committee, a complete plan of study to be submitted to the graduate committee within the first year of the program and to be retained on file in the department. The plan should identify the courses necessary to meet the following semester hours of course requirements and a time schedule for taking them. Degree requirements for PhD students are outlined below.

The PhD course requirements include nine hours in a student's depth area, nine to eighteen semester hours beyond the master's degree in supplementary electives, up to nine semester hours in a non-departmental minor area, and twenty-four semester hours of original dissertation work. Students also must register for a noncredit graduate seminar course each semester.

Students Admitted with: MS Degree BS Degree
Articulation/other requirements 0–22 6–22
Depth area 9 21
Supplementary electives 9–18 18
Minor courses 0–9 0–9
Dissertation 24 24
Graduate seminar 0 0
Total credit hours for the doctoral degree 51 69

Following completion of a major portion of the coursework defined in an approved plan of studies, the doctoral supervisory committee must issue certification that the student has: maintained a minimum of 3.0 GPA; demonstrated sufficient progress toward mastery of a sub-discipline; and developed a command of requisite research tools to begin independent research in the area of the proposed dissertation. Once certified, students will be permitted to take a doctoral preliminary examination.

The preliminary examination will be a written and oral exam prepared by the student's supervisory committee. The exam will be administered by the committee near the end of or after completion of the student's coursework and will comply with the requirements of the college and the university in which the student is registered. The examination committee shall report the outcome to designated college and university authorities as: “passed,” “failed,” “additional work to be completed,” or “to be reexamined.” Students are admitted to candidacy for the PhD degree only after passing this examination. If any student requires re-examination, the outcome can only be reported pass or fail. Any student who fails re-examination is dismissed from the program. Upon successful completion of the second trial the student may continue to register for dissertation hours.

The most important element of the doctoral program is original and fundamental research resulting in a doctoral dissertation. The research subject is selected by the student in consultation with the major professor and the student's doctoral supervisory committee. The dissertation must be completed on a topic approved by the Committee. To be acceptable, it must comprise original research constituting a significant contribution to knowledge and represent a substantial scholarly effort on the part of the student. The defense of the dissertation will be oral. The doctoral supervisory committee and other members of the faculty as appointed by the academic dean or specified by the university regulations will conduct the examination. Publication of the dissertation shall conform to the regulations of the university through which the student is registered.

Applicants holding degrees in areas other than civil engineering, or closely allied fields, may be required to take coursework beyond the minimum requirements for the master's degree (i.e., articulation courses). Graduation requirements include a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or better and the successful defense of a thesis or project report for the master's degree, and a grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 or better and the successful defense of dissertation for the PhD degree. All the above requirements must be met within seven calendar years.

Assistantships/Financial Aid

Students may be supported through research or teaching assistantships on a competitive basis. Most graduate students currently hold half-time assistantships equivalent to twenty hours per week. Graduate assistants also receive tuition waivers from the universities on a competitive basis. Inquiries about research assistantships should be made to the professor directing an individual research project of interest to the student. Please visit the department website to learn more about individual faculty research. Teaching assistantships are generally provided through the supporting faculty member as well based on the existing departmental policies. To access the status of your financial aid information, please contact FSU at (850) 644-0539 or on the web at

Contact the admissions office for application materials. For information on financial assistance contact the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, FAMU-FSU College of Engineering, 2525 Pottsdamer Street Rm A129, Tallahassee, FL 32310-6046, phone: (850) 410-6136.

Definition of Prefixes

CCE—Civil Construction Engineering

CEG—Civil Geotechnical Engineering

CES—Civil Engineering Structures

CGN—Civil Engineering

CWR—Civil Water Resources

EGN—Engineering: General

ENV—Engineering: Environmental

TTE—Transportation Engineering

Graduate Courses

Construction Engineering

CCE 5020. Infrastructure Resilience (3). This course provides a comprehensive overview of the basic principles of infrastructure resilience. It provides detailed background about interdependence, risk analysis, and advanced tools related to infrastructure resilience.

CCE 5035. Construction Planning and Scheduling (3). Prerequisite: CCE 4004. This course covers topics such as planning, basic arrow diagramming, basic precedence diagramming, establishing activity duration, scheduling computations, bar charts, project controls, overlapping networks, resource leveling, and program evaluation review technique (PERT).

CCE 5036. Project Controls in Construction (3). Prerequisite: Instructor permission. This course includes topics such as construction cost estimation, work breakdown structure, and cost control; critical path method (CPM) scheduling, resource-constrained scheduling, and integrated scheduling-cost control; probabilistic scheduling techniques and linear scheduling techniques; modeling and analysis of construction operations.

CCE 5212. Sustainable and Green Construction (3). This course provides a comprehensive overview of the basic principles of sustainability and green construction. The course provides detailed background about the green building (LEED) certification, as well as energy calculations and cost-benefit analysis.

CCE 5510. Computer Applications in Construction (3). Prerequisite: CCE 4004. This course provides a comprehensive review and application of basic and advanced pertinent computer software for construction engineering and management. The course emphasizes practical applications for construction project management.

Geotechnical Engineering

CEG 5015. Advanced Soil Mechanics (3). Prerequisite: CEG 3011. This course explores the mechanical behavior, internal stresses, and stability analysis of noncohesive soils, compressibility, consolidation, and settlement of cohesive soils, analytical techniques for predicting earth movement.

CEG 5115. Foundation Engineering (3). Prerequisite: CEG 4801. This course covers topics such as the design of spread footings, pile and caisson foundations, retaining structures, and waterfront structures. The course also investigates slope stability and appropriate selection of alternative design methods of foundation.

CEG 5127. Highway and Airport Pavement Design (3). Prerequisite: CEG 4801. This course focuses on the analysis of materials used for highway and runway pavements; design of rigid and flexible pavements and sub-bases for highways and airports; geotechnical considerations.

CEG 5515. Earth Retaining Systems and Slope Design (3). Prerequisite: CEG 4801 or instructor permission. This course covers the design of systems such as sheet pile walls, segmental walls, and dewatering systems. Students have a choice between alternative design methods, including software applications.

CEG 5705. Environmental Geotechnics (3). Prerequisite: CEG 3011. This course focuses on the geotechnical aspects of waste containment and storage. Aspects of design, construction, and performance of earthen structures for storing or disposing waste or remediating contaminated sites.

CEG 5865. Geotechnical and Structural Design Practices (3). Prerequisites: CEG 4801 and CES 3100. This course focuses on geotechnical and structural analysis and design of main systems and components including structural foundations, retaining structures, slabs, piles, wind-loading on structures, field preconsolidation, and solving problems related to the PE exams.

Structural Engineering

CES 5105. Advanced Mechanics of Materials (3). Prerequisites: CES 3100 and EGN 3331. This course offers an analysis and design of load-carrying members, shear center, unsymmetrical bending, curved beams, beams on elastic foundations, energy methods, theories of failure, thick-walled cylinders, as well as stress concentrations.

CES 5106. Advanced Structural Analysis (3). Prerequisites: CES 3100 and EGN 3331. This course covers matrix algebra review, direct stiffness method for truss analysis, computer applications, statically indeterminate structures, slope-deflection and moment distribution methods, as well as computer modeling and analysis of structures using commercial FE codes.

CES 5144. Matrix Methods for Structural Analysis (3). Prerequisites: CES 4101 and MAP 3305 or MAP 2302. This course covers selected fundamental techniques, including energy methods, for the formulation of the stiffness method for structural analysis. Topics include the formation of element matrices, transformed element matrices, structure stiffness matrices, and equations of equilibrium. Selected computer solution techniques are also covered.

CES 5209. Structural Dynamics (3). Prerequisites: CES 4101 and MAP 3305 or MAP 2302. This course covers analysis and design of single- and multi-degree-of-freedom structures subjected to various types of excitations and initial conditions. Topics include computational aspects of dynamic analysis, including approximate methods of analysis, and introduction to earthquake loading and design.

CES 5325. Bridge Engineering (3). Prerequisites: CES 4605 and CES 4702. This course is an introduction to design of modern steel and concrete highway bridges. Topics include materials and properties, loads on bridges, and substructure design. AASHTO LRFD specifications are used.

CES 5585. Wind Engineering (3). Prerequisites: CWR 3201, EGN 2212, and EGN 3331. This course covers statics and dynamics of wind-induced loads and structural responses. Topics include wind damage, extreme wind probability, wind characteristics, wind pressure and forces, basics of single DOF structural dynamics, and overview of wind dynamics. State-of-the-art research in wind engineering is also introduced.

CES 5606. Advanced Steel Design (3). Prerequisites: CES 4101 and CES 4605. This course explores the behavior of complex steel elements and structures. Topics include analysis and design of columns and beams under combined effects of flexure, shear and torsion. Other topics include lateral torsional buckling, plastic analysis, design of plate girders, and design of frames.

CES 5706. Advanced Reinforced Concrete Design (3). Prerequisites: CES 4101 and CES 4702. This course explores the behavior of advanced reinforced concrete structures. Topics include analysis and design for torsion, biaxial columns, slender columns, two-way slabs, retaining walls, shear walls, deep beams, the art of detailing, and the strut-and-tie method.

CES 5715. Prestressed Concrete (3). Prerequisites: CES 3100 and EGN 3331. This course covers the behavior and design of prestressed concrete structures. Topics include the design of prestressed concrete beams for flexure and shear, design of slabs, prestressing losses, serviceability of prestressed concrete members, and precast members.

CES 5801. Structural Design of Wood Structures (3). Prerequisite: CES 3100 or instructor permission. This course includes analysis and design of beams, columns, connections, diaphragm and shear walls using sawn timber, laminated timber, and structural panels such as plywood and sheathing panels.

CES 5835. Design of Masonry Structures (3). Prerequisites: CES 3100 and CES 4702. This course covers properties, specifications, and construction requirements for clay and concrete masonry structures; and, analysis and design of masonry structures including a comprehensive diaphragm / shearwall masonry structure design project.

CES 5845. Composites in Civil Engineering (3). Prerequisites: CCE 3101, CES 3100, and EGN 3331. This course covers fundamental theories of composite materials. Topics include forms of composites and their reinforcements; physical, chemical, and mechanical properties; design and testing methods; and civil engineering applications of composite materials.

CES 6116. Finite Elements Methods (3). Prerequisites: CES 4101 and MAP 3305 or MAP 2302. This course covers the formulation and analysis of finite element equations using the direct method, the variational method, and the weighted-residual method. The course also examines the computational aspects of the finite element method, including convergence and accuracy, and provides a hands-on experience with a finite element analysis program.

Hydraulic/Water Resources Engineering

CWR 5125. Groundwater Hydrology (3). Prerequisites: CWR 3201 and EES 3040. This course examines the fundamentals of groundwater flow and contaminant transport. Topics include: Darcy's law, flow nets, mass conservation, heterogeneity and anisotropy, storage properties, 3-D equation of groundwater flow, regional recirculation, unsaturated flow, recharge, stream-aquifer interaction, well hydraulics, slug test analyses and contaminant transport processes.

CWR 5205. Hydraulic Engineering II (3). Prerequisites: CWR 4202 and MAP 3305 or MAP 2302. This course presents advanced hydraulic concepts and their incorporation into the design process. Methods of solving such problems are also presented.

CWR 5635. Water Resources Planning and Management (3). Prerequisites: CWR 4101 and CWR 4202. This course examines the quantity and quality planning of water resources systems. Economic considerations.

CWR 5824. Coastal and Estuarine Hydraulics (3). Prerequisites: CWR 3201 and MAC 2313. This course examines numerous topics including coastal hydraulic principles and waves in estuaries and coastal oceans, wave properties and wave forces on coastal structures, tidal motions, mixing and transport in estuaries, and coastal engineering analysis.

Environmental Engineering

ENV 5030. Applied Environmental Engineering Microbiology (3). Prerequisite: ENV 4001 or equivalent. This course focuses on the survey of environmentally important microbes and the roles they play in environmental restoration processes. Major topics include basics of microbiology, stoichiometry and bacterial energetics, bioremediation and other environmental microbiology applications, and detoxification of hazardous chemicals.

ENV 5055. Chemical Fate and Transport in the Environment (3). Prerequisites: CWR 3201, EES 3040, and either MAP 2302 or MAP 3305. Equivalent courses are also accepted. This course focuses on the study of the processes of pollutant chemicals transformation in and transport between air, water, and soil or sediments. Use and development of predictive mathematical models for the remediation of existing contaminated sites or prevention of future contamination from new sources.

ENV 5076. Environmental Law for Engineers and Scientists (3). This course is an introduction to environmental law and policy suitable for students pursuing engineering and science majors. The course addresses major federal environmental laws and environmental permitting and develops critical thinking skills through the exploration of contemporary and sometimes controversial issues such as climate change, environmental justice, hydraulic fracturing, trade, and the environment, and international environmental law.

ENV 5105. Air Pollution Control (3). Prerequisite: ENV 4001. This course investigates analytical concepts for determination of sources, amounts, and transport of air pollutants; health and environmental effects; design of control devices and management programs.

ENV 5419. Applied Environmental Engineering Chemistry (3). This course covers applications of fundamental principles from general, organic, and biological chemistry to major environmental engineering processes. Emphasis is placed on the chemistry of water treatment.

ENV 5504. Environmental Engineering Processes and Operations (3). Prerequisite: ENV 4001 or instructor permission. This course focuses on the operational and design features of the physical, chemical, thermal, and biological treatments used in engineering for the management of solid and hazardous wastes.

ENV 5565. Design of Water Quality Management Facilities (3). Prerequisites: CWR 3200L, CWR 3201, and EES 3040. This course is an analysis of operations, processes, and systems used in the design of facilities for maintaining water supply quality, wastewater control, and aquatic pollution control. Design of wastewater collection systems, water and wastewater treatment plants, and systems for disposal for residuals from such facilities.

ENV 5617. Environmental Engineering Sustainability (3). This course explores theory in the field of environmental sustainability and green engineering: material also covers sustainability in relation to other disciplines, but focuses on environmental and engineering concepts.

Transportation and Traffic Engineering

TTE 5074. Freight Terminals and Distribution Facilities (3). Prerequisite: Instructor permission. This course covers a general overview of passenger and freight transport, detailed overview of operations within different types of freight transportation terminals; decision problems within freight terminals, operations optimization, maximization of the terminal throughput and associated monetary benefits; and discussion of future needs of freight transportation.

TTE 5205. Traffic Engineering (3). Prerequisite: TTE 3004 or equivalent. This course focuses on the nature, characteristics, and theories of traffic flow. The course also discusses street and highway traffic problems, traffic survey procedures, origin-destination studies, theory and design of automatic control of traffic systems, and transit systems.

TTE 5206. Advanced Traffic Flow Analysis (3). Prerequisite: TTE 3004. This course covers microscopic and macroscopic characteristics, traffic stream models, demand-supply analysis, shockwave analysis, queuing analysis, computer simulation models, and intelligent transportation systems.

TTE 5256. Traffic Operations (3). Prerequisite: TTE 3004. This course covers principles of capacity, freeways, rural highways, urban streets, transportation systems, and computer simulation.

TTE 5270. Intelligent Transportation Systems (3). Prerequisite: TTE 3004. This course covers advanced traffic management systems (ATMS), advanced traveler information systems (ATIS), advanced vehicle control systems, commercial vehicle operations, rural ITS human factors, institutional issues, architecture and standards, simulation, and modeling.

TTE 5305. Transportation Systems Analysis (3). Prerequisite: TTE 3004 or equivalent. This course provides an extensive introduction for complex multi-modal transportation systems and their components with a focus on transportation planning, economics, modeling, investment, operations, and maintenance. Topics covered include network analysis, optimization techniques, demand and supply models, simulation practices, planning and forecasting models and other social, political, and economic aspects of the transportation system. Emphasis is given to the tie between the theory and practice with a focus on the sustainability and resiliency of the critical infrastructure.

TTE 5501. Transportation Economics (3). Prerequisite: TTE 3004 or equivalent. This course provides an introduction to transportation economics and financial aspects of transportation policy and planning, stressing the demand, supply and other economic issues. Microeconomics concepts that are critical for transportation systems will be extensively studied with a focus on the transportation demand and supply models, discrete choice analysis, cost models, traffic congestion and pricing.

Other Courses

CGN 5301. Analysis of Social-Ecological-Technical Systems (3). Prerequisite: MAP 3305 or instructor permission. This course analyzes and models simplified social-ecological-technical systems using one- or two-dimensional differential applications. Methods such as logistic growth models, resource-harvest models, and Susceptible, Infected and Recovered (SIR) models are applied to issues involving community resilience and development.

CGN 5307. Infrastructure System of Systems Analysis and Planning (3). This course teaches students how to define, characterize, model, and analyze a system of systems (SoS) and address SoS problems within the operation of critical infrastructure.

CGN 5615. Infrastructure Engineering and Management (3). Prerequisites: Prior course related to Transportation Engineering, Statistics, and a basic structural understanding of roadway pavements and bridges; or instructor permission. This course is an introduction to engineering and management aspects of infrastructure systems. Topics include application of methods to develop models for repair and inspection decisions and other advanced developments related to infrastructure systems.

CGN 5825. Site Development (3). Prerequisites: CEG 2202, CEG 2202L, CWR 4202, CWR 4203, TTE 3004, TTE 4201, or TTE 4804 or equivalents. This course is a practice-oriented land development design course integrating geometric layout, earthwork grading, storm water management, potable water distribution, wastewater collection, regulatory compliance, and financial considerations.

CGN 5905r. Directed Individual Study (1–6). (S/U grade only). May be repeated to a maximum of six semester hours when topics change.

CGN 5910r. Supervised Research (1–5). (S/U grade only). May be repeated to a maximum of five semester hours and a maximum of three semester hours may apply to the master's degree.

CGN 5930r. Special Topics (1–6). This course covers special topics in civil engineering with emphasis on recent developments. May be repeated to a maximum of six semester hours. Consult instructor.

CGN 5931r. Mechanical Engineering Comprehensive Exam (0). (P/F grade only.) All Masters of Engineering students must enroll in the course the semester they intend to graduate. May be repeated once.

CGN 5935. Civil Engineering Seminar (0). (S/U grade only). Prerequisite: graduate student status. Graduate students are expected to enroll in the course every semester they are enrolled at FAMU or FSU. The students should attend at least seventy-five percent of the seminars offered each semester to obtain a satisfactory grade.

CGN 5971r. Master's Thesis Research (1–12). (S/U grade only). This course provides a means of registering for thesis research work and recording progress toward its completion. Student must consult with the academic department for appropriate registration of course credit hours. May be repeated to a maximum of forty-five (45) credit hours; repeatable within the same term.

CGN 6942. Supervised Teaching (3). (S/U grade only). Prerequisite: Doctoral candidate status. Students receive credit for teaching an undergraduate course under supervision of graduate faculty.

CGN 6960r. Preliminary Exam Preparation (1-9). (S/U grade only.) Prerequisites: Completion of all course hours prior to or during the semester of enrollment in this course, and approval of dissertation advisor. This course guides a doctoral student to develop the research plan for the preliminary exam. The preliminary exam is the most important milestone for a doctoral student, where the student demonstrates the ability to conduct independent research. May be repeated to a maximum of twenty-four (24) credit hours.

CGN 6972. Master's Thesis Defense (0). (P/F grade only.) Prerequisite: CGN 5971. Required of students enrolled in the master's thesis option. Students must register in the semester they plan to defend their thesis.

CGN 6980r. Dissertation (1–24). (S/U grade only). Prerequisite: Doctoral candidate status. This course provides a means of registering for dissertation and recording progress toward completion. A dissertation representing twenty-four semester hours of academic work is a requirement for the PhD degree in civil engineering. May be repeated as often as approved by the supervisory committee. A maximum of twenty-four semester hours may be applied toward the PhD degree.

CGN 8985r. Dissertation Defense (0). (P/F grade only.) Prerequisite: Doctoral candidate status. Must be included in the final semester schedule for all doctoral students. May be repeated once.

CGN 8988r. Doctoral Preliminary Exam (0). (P/F grade only.) All doctoral students must enroll in the course the semester they intend to take the qualifying exam. May be repeated once.

EGN 5458. Statistical Applications for Engineers (3). Prerequisites: STA 2122, MAC 2311, MAC 2312, and MAC 2313 or equivalent. This course provides rigorous introduction to fundamentals of data analysis and statistics motivated by engineering applications with the use of modern software. Emphasis is placed on real-world applications to engineering problems.

EGN 5465. Applied Simulation Modeling of Transportation Systems (3). This course is an overview of simulation as a modeling approach, analysis of complex transportation systems using simulation, evaluation of distribution/transportation processes, discrete/continuous/hybrid simulation, disruptive simulation, development of custom simulation logics, programming within simulation, scenario analysis automation.

EGN 5480. Metaheuristics and Hybrid Algorithms (3). Prerequisites: Instructor permission. This course covers problem complexity, review and design of metaheuristics, evolutionary computation, local search heuristics, exact optimization procedures, hybridization techniques.

EGN 5950. Research Methods in Engineering (3). This course introduces graduate students to standard and advanced procedures and tools for scientific and engineering research. The course provides or expands the required knowledge for respectable research work, documentation, and presentation. It exposes students to the all/most stages generally needed for empirical and analytic engineering research. Students work closely with the instructor to ensure all assignments are based on individual needs, such that guidance for thesis or dissertation research and writing can be provided.