Graduate Specialized Studies Program in the Institute for Cognitive Sciences

College of Arts and Sciences

Director: Michael Kaschak, Department of Psychology

Specialized Studies in Cognitive Science

This specialized studies curriculum recognizes interdisciplinary study encompassing linguistics, computer science, philosophy, and psychology. Cognitive science explores human cognitive processes, such as knowledge representation, inference generation, memory, planning, problem solving, language, vision, and the modeling of these processes on computers. In pursuing specialized studies in this area, students will learn that a comparison of machine models and analogues of cognitive processes with human and animal behavior, together with a study of the philosophical implications of these comparisons, will lead to deeper understanding of cognition and a more useful application of cognitive theory in the component fields.

The program is open to students admitted to any graduate program at Florida State University. The specialized studies program itself is not a degree and is not a requirement in any degree program.

A student wishing to pursue the specialized studies program should select appropriate courses from those listed below, with the advice and consent of the student's major professor or degree advisor.

One course should be taken from each of the five areas below. For courses marked with an asterisk (*), consent of the instructor may substitute for stated prerequisites.

It should be noted that the specialized studies coursework may vary from eleven to more than seventeen semester hours outside of the student's degree program, depending on the specific courses chosen and on overlaps in requirements. Descriptions of the courses listed below can be found in the departmental listings.

For more information contact the Institute for Cognitive Sciences at (850) 644-9363, or at Department of Psychology, 1107 W. Call St. Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL 32306-4301; e-mail:

Area I: Formal Techniques

PHI 4134 Modern Logic I (3)

PHI 5135 Modern Logic I (3)

COT 5540 Logic for Computer Science (3)

PHI 5934r Topics in Philosophy (3) [when approved]

PHI 6935r Seminar in Philosophical Topics (3) [when approved]

CIS 5930r Selected Topics in Computer Science (1–3) [when approved]

*COT 4420 Theory of Computation (3)

*COT 5310 Theory of Automata and Formal Languages (3)

Area II: Cognitive Psychology

*DEP 5165 Developmental Psychology (3)

*EXP 5508 Cognition and Perception (3)

Area III: Linguistics (Descriptive)

LIN 4040 Introduction to Descriptive Linguistics (3)

LIN 4512 Introduction to Transformational Grammar (3)

LIN 5045 Descriptive Linguistics (3)

LIN 5510 Transformational Grammar (3)

Area IV: Systems Theory

*COT 4420 Theory of Computation (3)

CAP 5605 Artificial Intelligence (3)

CIS 5930r Selected Topics in Computer Science (1–3) [when approved]

Area V: Philosophical Foundations

PHI 6225r Philosophy of Language (3)

PHI 6306r Epistemology (3)

PHI 6325r Philosophy of Mind (3)

PHI 6935r Seminar in Philosophical Topics (3) [when approved]