Graduate Program in International Affairs

College of Social Sciences and Public Policy


Director: Lee K. Metcalf (Social Sciences); Director of Undergraduate Studies: Whitney Bendeck (Social Sciences); Director of International Economic Education: Onsurang Norrbin (Economics); Director of Graduate Studies and Internships: Na'ama Nagar (Political Science); Director of Scholarships: Juan David Irigoyen Brounda

International Affairs is an interdepartmental degree program leading to the degrees of Master of Arts (MA) or Master of Science (MS). Students can choose among three majors: International Affairs, Asian Studies, or Russian/East European Studies. Courses are to be selected from the participating departments of Anthropology, Economics, Geography, Political Science, History, Law, Modern Languages and Linguistics, Philosophy, Public Administration, Religion, Sociology, and Urban and Regional Planning. Courses from outside the participating departments may be credited toward the degree if the course hours do not exceed nine semester hours and are approved in writing by the Director. Joint Graduate Pathways for the International Affairs major are also offered in cooperation with the College of Law and the Department of Urban and Regional Planning.

Most students in the degree program anticipate careers in government, business, international organizations, journalism, or teaching, although the degree program can serve as a steppingstone into more specialized doctoral programs. The program is structured so that it can be individually tailored to a wide variety of career goals. Foreign-policy oriented positions within the United States federal government are only one important possibility. State governments, particularly Florida, are increasingly involved in activities with an international component, creating a demand for those trained and specialized in the field of international affairs. Similarly, from smaller businesses to larger cooperations, business firms must deal knowledgeably with international competition and other international economic forces, which affect their ability to survive in the global marketplace. Many international organizations also rely on people who are trained in any one of several traditional disciplines, integrated with an international, interdisciplinary emphasis.

Study Abroad Programs

Since personal experience with international life is an asset, international affairs students are encouraged to participate in study abroad and exchange opportunities when possible. FSU International Programs offers study abroad opportunities for graduate students. These programs are designed to give an international study dimension to the international affairs curriculum and to provide opportunities to further language and cultural study. The International Affairs faculty host study abroad experiences during the summer semesters to places such as Dubrovnik and Prague!


The International Affairs Graduate Program provides a variety of internship opportunities designed to supplement coursework toward the master's degree. Some internship placements are with agencies and businesses in Florida's capital that work in the international arena. Others are available in Washington D.C. through our partnership with the Washington Center Program. Students can also apply for international internships through our partnership with Educational Programs Abroad (EPA). All internships must be approved in advance by the program director in the semester prior to enrollment. The maximum number of credit hours towards the master's degree for approved internships is six credit hours (S/U grade basis). For more information, please see the Graduate Student Handbook, posted on the program's website.

Admission Standards

An applicant is admitted to the degree program by meeting the University's general requirements for graduate admission and by recommendation of the graduate program's admissions committee. It is recommended that applicants have undergraduate preparation in those fields where graduate work is contemplated. All applicants must take the verbal and quantitative portions of the Graduate Records Examinations (GRE) or equivalent prior to admission to the program. International students must submit an approved official transcript evaluation and official English proficiency test scores (TOEFL or IELTS) if their native language is not English. University graduate admissions requirements are found at

Graduate Degree Requirements

To complete the International Affairs degree program, students must take a total of 31 credit hours regardless of the major they choose, and they must successfully complete either a Comprehensive Exam or Graduate Thesis Defense.

Foreign Language Proficiency

Students must demonstrate proficiency in a foreign language via one of the following methods:

  • Passage of a Graduate Reading Knowledge Exam administered by the Department of Modern Languages and Linguistics at Florida State University (GER 5069, ITA 5069, POR 5069, RUS 5069, SPN 5069);
  • Completion of twelve semester hours of college level coursework in a foreign language with an average grade of at least 3.0 (“B”);
  • Four years of a single language in high school; or
  • If a student's first language is not English: TOEFL or IELTS.

Up to six graduate-credit hours of language study beyond the initial 12 credit hours may be counted toward the degree requirements when taken under the appropriate graduate-level numberings if those courses represent work over and above that required to fulfill the foreign language requirement.

Required Core Courses

All students are required to take the following core courses:

INR 5935r Special Topics (Colloquium) (1)

INR 5012 Problems of Globalism (3)

INR 5938 Joint Seminar in International Affairs (3)

Comprehensive Exam/Thesis Defense

As mentioned above, to graduate with the MA or MS, students must pass a Comprehensive Exam or perform a successful Thesis Defense. Faculty from at least two of the participating departments must be represented on a student's comprehensive-exam faculty committee, and students must have taken at least one course with each committee member.

  • Registering. Before registering for the Thesis Defense or the Comprehensive Exam, students must be in good academic standing and meet with the Graduate Program Specialist to review their program of study.
  • Thesis Defense. Students who select the Thesis Defense option must obtain the program director's prior written approval within the first semester of the program.
  • Comprehensive Exam. All students who pursue the course-based track of the International Affairs graduate degree are required to register for and pass the Comprehensive Exam (INR 8966). This comprehensive examination of the coursework is taken after successfully completing all core-course program requirements. Upon submitting their exam committee documentation, qualifying students will be manually registered for the exam before the end of Add/Drop during the term they intend to take the exam. (Note: The exam does not necessarily need to be taken in a student's final semester in the program.)
    • Exam Structure. The Comprehensive Exam consists of nine essay-style questions from three faculty members selected by the student, including either the IA Department Chair or Director of IA Graduate Studies, representing the program's required core coursework. Students are graded on six out of the nine responses. The questions are based on the student's specific coursework and the content gained throughout the program. Students will type their responses using a university computer in a proctored testing environment during a prearranged exam time.
    • Passing Scores. To pass the Comprehensive Exam, students must score above 80% on four out of the six questions AND have an overall average of 80% or above on all six questions.
    • Allowed Attempts. Students are allowed two attempts to pass the exam within their seven-year residency window. If a student cannot pass the exam after a second attempt, that student is no longer able to graduate from the master's program- no exceptions.

Please refer to the current Graduate Student Handbook (published on the program's graduate website) for full details related to the completion of these options.

Major Requirements

International Affairs Majors must complete:

  • a concentration by earning at least nine but no more than 18 credit hours in one participating department,
  • course work from at least three participating departments, and
  • at least six credit hours focusing on the developing or post-Communist world (i.e., outside of the United States, Canada, Western Europe, Japan, Australia, and New Zealand) (Please note that these courses may overlap with departmental coursework, but will only earn credit once).

Asian Studies Majors must complete:

  • at least six credit hours of area-specific history coursework,
  • at least 12 credit hours of area-specific coursework from at least two participating departments,
  • at least six credit hours of International Affairs approved elective coursework, and
  • demonstrate proficiency in an area-specific foreign language (Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, or as otherwise approved in writing by the program director).

Russian and East European Studies Majors must complete:

  • at least six credit hours of area-specific history coursework,
  • at least 12 credit hours of area-specific coursework from at least two participating departments,
  • at least six credit hours of International Affairs approved elective coursework, and
  • demonstrate proficiency in an area-specific foreign language (Russian, Serbo-Croatian, or as otherwise approved in writing by the program director. German may be substituted with written permission from the director).

Required Core Courses

INR 5012 Problems of Globalism (3 credit hours)

INR 5935r Special Topics (1–3 credit hours) [Colloquium]

INR 5938 Joint Seminar in International Affairs (3 credit hours)

Approved Courses

Note: Descriptions of the following courses can be found under the departmental listings. In addition to the courses listed below, special topics courses may be approved by the program director in any particular term. These courses appear on the term course lists and are available on the International Studies Canvas Organization site. While students can take undergraduate courses as a graduate student, no undergraduate coursework will be eligible to count toward the thirty-one (31) degree credit hours. All thirty-one (31) credit hours must be taken at the 5000 level and above.

  • Courses marked with (@) are approved for Asian Studies area specific courses.
  • Courses marked with (#) are approved for Russian and East European Studies area specific courses.


ANG 5115 Seminar in Archaeology (3) [Environment and Climate in Human]

ANG 5134 Nautical Archaeology of the Americas (3)

ANG 5137 Nautical Archaeology: Global View (3)

ANG 5172 Historic Archaeology (3)

ANG 5240 Anthropology of Religion (3)

ANG 5242 Symbol and Ritual (3)

ANG 5266 Economic Anthropology (3)

ANG 5275 Human Conflict: Theory and Resolution (3)

ANG 5309 Conquest of the Americas (3)

ANG 5352 Peoples and Cultures of Africa (3)

ANG 5426 Kinship and Social Organizations (3)

ANG 5471 Technology and Social Change (3)

ANG 5478 Cultural Evolution (3)

ANG 5491 Seminar in Social Anthropology (3) [Anthropology of Disaster]

ANG 5737 Medical Anthropology (3)


ECO 5005 Economic Principles for International Affairs (3)

ECO 5208 Global Macroeconomics (3)*

ECO 5305 History of Economic Thought (3)

ECO 5706 Seminar in International Trade Theory and Policy (3)

ECO 5707 International Trade (3)*

ECO 5715 International Finance (3)*

ECO 5716 Seminar in Theory and Policy of International Finance (3)

ECP 5115 Seminar in Economics of Population (3)

ECS 5005 Seminar in Comparative Economic Systems (3)

ECS 5015 Economic Development: Theory and Problems (3)

*Consult with instructor and see course description for required prerequisite coursework


GEA 5195r Advanced Area Studies (3). (Various regions)

GEO 5305 Biogeography (3)

GEO 5358 Environmental Conflict and Economic Development (3)

GEO 5406 Black Geographies (3)

GEO 5417 Race and Place (3)

GEO 5425 Cultural Geography (3)

GEO 5451 Medical Geography (3)

GEO 5453 Global Health (3)

GEO 5472 Political Geography (3)

GEO 5704 Transport Geography (3)


AMH 5239 The United States, 1920-1945: Prosperity, Depression, and World War II (3) #

AMH 5518 Twentieth-Century United States Foreign Relations (3)

ASH 5266 Central Asia Since the Mongols (3) @ #

ASN 5225 Imperial China @

ASN 5415 Modern China @

EUH 5246 WWI: Europe, 1900–1918 (3) #

EUH 5338 History of East Central Europe, 1815 to the Present (3) #

EUH 5365 The Balkans Since 1700 (3) #

EUH 5458 Napoleonic Europe, 1795–1815 (3) #

EUH 5578 19th-Century Russia (3) #

EUH 5579 20th-Century Russia (3) #

HIS 5265 War and Society In the Age of Revolution (3)

LAH 5475 History of the Caribbean (3)

LAH 5749 Social Revolutionary Movements in Latin America (3)

WOH 5246 World War II (3)

Modern languages

ASN 5216 Advanced Seminar in East Asian Languages and Cultures (3) @

ASN 5465 Conceptualizations of the Imagination in East Asia and Beyond (3) @

ASN 5825r East Asian Humanities (3) @

FRT 5555 Immigration and National Identity in France (3)

FRW 5599r Studies in 20th Century Post-War (1940 to the present)

FRW 5765r Studies in Francophone Literatures and Cultures (3)

FRW 5775r Francophone Caribbean/African Cultures (3)

JPT 5506 War and Representation (3) @

RUS 5415r Graduate Russian Conversation and Comprehension (3) (S/U grade only) #

RUS 5845 History of the Russian Language and Reading of Old Russian Texts (3) #

RUT 5115 Seminar: Russian Literature in English Translation (3)#

RUW 5335 Russian Poetry (3) #

RUW 5375 Russian Short Story (3) #

RUW 5559r Seminar in 19th-Century Russian Literature (3) #

RUW 5579 Modern Russian Literature (3) #

RUW 5930r Special Topics (3) #

SPW 5195 Studies in Hispanic Literatures and Cultures (3)

Similar language courses may also be taken if students have sufficient language skills, as determined by the course instructor and/or the Department of Modern Languages and Linguistics.


PHH 5405r Modern Philosophy (3)

PHH 5505r 19th Century Philosophy (3)

PHH 5609r Contemporary Philosophy (3)

PHI 6425r Philosophy of Social Sciences (3)

PHI 6607r Ethics (3)

PHM 6205r Social and Political Philosophy (3)

Political Science

CPO 5127 Seminar in Comparative Government and Politics: Great Britain (3)

CPO 5407 Seminar in Comparative Government and Politics: The Middle East (3) @

CPO 5740 Comparative Political Economy (3)

CPO 5934 Selected Topics (3)

INR 5036 International Political Economy (3)

INR 5088 International Conflict (3)

INR 5934 Selected Topics (3)

Public Administration

PAD 5079 Unmanned Aircraft Systems in Emergency Management (3)

PAD 5106 Public Organizations (3)

PAD 5173 Nongovernmental Organizations (3)

PAD 5208 Budget and Finance in Non-Profit Organizations (3)

PAD 5310 Disaster Management Planning for Urban Poor Communities (3)

PAD 5376 Introduction to Terrorism: Preparedness and Response (3)

PAD 5377 Advanced Topics Terrorism (3) [requires prerequisite course PAD 5376]

PAD 5389 Disasters: From Shock to Recovery (3)

PAD 5397 Foundations of Emergency Management (3)

PAD 5398 Emergency Management Programs, Planning, and Policy (3)

PAD 5475 Women, Disasters, and Conflict (3)

PAD 5835 International and Comparative Disaster Management (3)

PAD 5836 International and Comparative Administration (3)

PAD 5837 International Terrorism Policy (3)

PAD 5839 International Conflict and Terrorism (3)

PAD 5849 U.S. Intelligence Policy (3)

PAD 5885 Advanced Intelligence Analysis (3)

PAD 5895 Homeland Security: Policy and Practice (3)

PAD 5896 U.S. Intelligence Analysis and Communication (3)

PAD 5898 Global Security and Fusion (3)


RLG 5195r Seminar: Religion and Culture (3)

RLG 5305r Seminar: History of Religions (3)

RLG 5332 Modern Hinduism (3) @

RLG 5354r Special Topics In Asian Religions (3) @

RLG 5367 Seminar on Shi'ite Islam (3) @

RLG 5562 Modern Roman Catholicism (3)

RLG 5616 Modern Judaism (3)

RLG 6176r Seminar: Ethics and Politics (3)*

*International Affairs students must get permission from the course instructor before registering for this course.


SYA 5018 Classical Social Theory (3)

SYD 5046 International Population Dynamics (3)

SYD 5105 Population Theory (3)

SYD 5135 Techniques of Population Analysis (3)

SYD 5215 Health and Survival (3)

SYD 5235 Population Mobility (3)

SYD 5225 Fertility (3)

SYO 5306 Political Sociology (3)

SYO 5335 Sociology of Political Economy (3)

Urban and Regional Planning

URP 5272 Urban and Regional Information Systems (3)

URP 5355 International Transportation Planning (3)

URP 5405 River Basin Planning and Management (3)

URP 5424 Sustainable Development Planning in the Americas (3)

URP 5526 Healthy Cities, Healthy Communities (3)

URP 5544 Gender and Development (3)

URP 5610 Introduction to Development Planning (3)

URP 5611 Strategies for Urban and Regional Development in Less Developed Countries (3)

URP 5615 Infrastructure and Housing in Less Developed Countries (3)

URP 5616 Project Planning in Developing Countries (3)

URP 5805 Multicultural Urbanism (3)

URP 5847 Growth and Development of Cities (3)

URP 5939 Special Topics in Urban and Regional Planning (3) [Economic Development Practicum]

Definition of Prefixes

ASN—Asian Studies

INR—International Relations

INS—International Studies

Graduate Courses

ASN 5148. Topics on 21st Century China (3). This course focuses on topics of particular relevance to China in the 21st Century. Students evaluate China's domestic policies, foreign relations, and ongoing challenges as China continues to rise. Students relate these issues to the key theories of international relations, as well as assess China's objectives.

ASN 5225. Imperial China (3). China has a particularly rich and vibrant history, one that remain relevant to this very day. This course familiarizes students with the history of Imperial China as they examine China's dynasties and discuss the political, cultural, social, religious, ideological, and economic developments that characterizes each period.

ASN 5415. Modern China (3). This course familiarizes students with the history of Modern China, as China has experienced dramatic and, in many ways, revolutionary changes during the past few centuries. The course explores such topics as the impact of western imperialism, China's struggle to blend tradition and reform, attempts at democracy, the anti-Japanese War/World War II, the role of Communism, and the rise of China as a global economic superpower.

ASN 5456. Readings on Communist Asia (3). This course familiarizes students with the events and personalities of Communist Asia. Focusing heavily on China, but also including Korea and Vietnam, the course examines the origins of communism and communist ideology in Asia, Asia's unique version of communism, the major communist leaders and their policies and the effects that communism has had on the Asian world and beyond. Through assigned readings, this course serves as both an introduction to the subject of Asian communism, as well as an advanced study of communist Asia.

ASN 5935r. Special Topics in Asian Studies (1–3). May be repeated to a maximum of nine semester hours as topics change. Duplicate registration allowed within the same term.

INR 5012. Problems of Globalism (3). This is a core course for all international affairs graduate students providing background for a theoretical and practical understanding of globalization and the international organizations that are significant actors in this process.

INR 5906r. Directed Individual Study (1–6). (S/U grade only). Subject varies with each student. May be repeated to a maximum of twelve semester hours.

INR 5910r. Supervised Research (1–3). (S/U grade only). May be repeated to a maximum of five credit hours. Department approval required for more than three semester hours to apply to the master's degree. Subject varies with each student.

INR 5935r. Special Topics (1–3). (S/U grade only). Topics vary. May be repeated to a maximum of twelve semester hours as topics change.

INR 5936r. Special Topics in International Affairs (1–3). Topics vary. May be repeated to a maximum of eighteen semester hours.

INR 5938. Joint Seminar in International Affairs (3). Provides a core course for all majors in the interdepartmental master's program in international affairs. It is an introduction to references and research tools in international relations; disciplinary and interdisciplinary approaches, and basic concepts in the field.

INR 5971r. Thesis (1–6). (S/U grade only). Topic varies with student. A minimum of six semester hours of credit is required.

INR 8966r. Master's Comprehensive Examination (0). (P/F grade only.)

INR 8976r. Master's Thesis Defense (0). (P/F grade only.)

INS 5906r. Directed Individual Study (1–6). The subject varies for each student. May be repeated to a maximum of twelve semester hours.

INS 5935. International Dialogue Seminar (3). This multi-disciplinary, graduate seminar is intended for students interested in acquiring the skills to become effective leaders in diverse cultural and organizational settings. Students from the U.S. and other nations share and integrate their personal and professional perspectives through class discussions, exercises and projects.

INS 5942r. International Affairs Internship (3-6). (S/U grade only.) This course is designed for students to gain real world experience through on-the-job practice. Interns can expect to gain valuable work experience, develop professional skills, cultivate valuable contacts and investigate career options. The course allows students to receive academic credit for internship placement in approved agencies and organizations.