Graduate Department of Management
College of Business
Chair: Bruce T. Lamont; Assistant Chair: C. Darren Brooks; Assistant Dean for Executive and Professional Programs: Brooks; Ph.D. Program Director: Wang; MBA Program Director: Brooks; Professors: Fiorito, Hochwarter, Holmes, King, Lamont; Associate Professors: Daniels, Maslach, Paustian-Underdahl, Rousseau, Wang; Assistant Professors: Jennings, Kang, Lee; Senior Lecturers: Blass, Brooks, Trammell; Associate Lecturers: Harding, Hayes; Dean's Emerging Scholars: Daniels, Rousseau; J. Frank Dame Professor of Management: Fiorito; Melvin T. Stith Sr. Professor in Business Administration: Hochwarter; Jim Moran Professor of Business Administration: Holmes; Jim Moran Eminent Scholar of Business Administration: Lamont; Higdon Professor of Management: King; Madeline Duncan Rolland Associate Professor of Business Administration: Wang; Mary Tilley Bessemer Associate Professor of Business Administration: Paustian-Underdahl; Barry and Janice Anderson Director of the Organizational Effectiveness Institute: Paustian-Underdahl; Director of Research for the Jim Moran Institute for Global Entrepreneurship: Lamont; Director of the Master's in Business Administration Programs: Brooks; Professors Emeriti: Anthony, Dobson, Douglas, Ferris, Martinko, Perrewé, Voich, Wilkens
The Department of Management has an assorted faculty with a wide field of teaching and research specialties at the graduate level. These research areas include organizational behavior, human resources management, strategic management, entrepreneurship, leadership, labor relations, research methods, job stress, employee turnover, and training and development.
The graduate mission of the department is to provide education at both the master's and doctoral level and to stimulate and carry out research resulting in creation of new knowledge and its dissemination through scholarly publications. At the master's level, this teaching and research reflects a strongly applied focus with examination of the practices of various companies and other organizations. At the doctoral level, the focus is more analytical with emphasis on theory development and testing.
Combined Bachelor's in Human Resources Management/Master of Business Administration Pathway (BS-HRM/MBA)
The field of HR is becoming more complex requiring professionals with expertise in such areas as talent management, employment law/compliance, compensation and benefits, training and development, workforce analytics, employee engagement, organizational design, labor relations, and change management. Each functional area requires an enhanced skill set with special knowledge and expertise necessary to guide organizations of all sizes and guide the human side of the business. Moreover, globalization of competition will continue to require HR professionals versed in dealing with the challenges of managing human resources across geographic and political lines. Strong competition can be expected for most positions within the field requiring HR professionals to understand not only human resources, but also employment laws, compliance, conflict resolution, and business analytics.
Students will need to apply for admission to the combined BS-HRM/MBA pathway in the fall or spring of their junior year for the following fall. Admission will require an overall GPA of at least 3.4, an upper-division GPA of at least 3.2 and an upper-division human resource management GPA of at least 3.2 based on at least two upper-division human resource management courses at the time of application. Admitted students are then able to register during their senior year for up to nine semester hours of graduate courses that count towards both the BS-HRM and MBA degrees. Students admitted to the combined BS-HRM/MBA pathway will still be required to apply for the MBA program through the regular process in their senior year.
Combined pathway students must maintain an average of 3.00 GPA or higher in graduate coursework.
This program also creates a unique opportunity for students wishing to go directly to work and then enter our part-time or online MBA program. Students entering this program within four years of undergraduate graduation will still be able to use these credits as long as they are able to graduate within seven years of the first graduate course. For more information, please visit
Doctoral Degree
The college offers a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in business administration. The management department offers two concentrations in the PhD program: 1) organizational behavior and human resources; and 2) strategy. The PhD program prepares students for teaching and research at the university level.
Graduates have been placed or currently hold faculty positions at major universities including Auburn University, Baylor University, Erasmus University (Netherlands), Florida Atlantic University, Georgia Southern University, Illinois State University, Iowa State University, James Madison University, Meliksah University (Turkey), Michigan State University, Mississippi State University, Northeastern University, Old Dominion University, Penn State University, Texas Christian University, Texas Tech University, University of Arkansas, University of Buffalo (SUNY Buffalo), University of Calgary, University of Colorado – Colorado Springs, University of Houston, University of New Hampshire, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, University of South Florida, University of Richmond, University of Tampa, University of Tennessee, West Virginia University, and Xavier University.
For additional information related to graduate Management programs, contact the Graduate Office, College of Business, P.O. Box 3061110, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL, 32306-1110, or via e-mail at For current information, please visit
Definition of Prefixes
GEB—General Business
Graduate Courses
Note: The 5000-level courses are normally reserved exclusively for graduate students. No courses carrying both undergraduate and graduate credit are offered. Courses which may be repeated for credit are designated by “r” immediately following the course number.
GEB 5907r. Special Studies in Business (1–3). May be repeated to a maximum of three semester hours.
GEB 5944r. Graduate Internship (1–6). (S/U grade only). This internship offers a working and learning experience in the business industry. May be repeated to a maximum of six (6) semester hours.
MAN 5099. Staffing in Healthcare Organizations (3). Prerequisite: MBA/Master's status. This course focuses on key issues associated with staffing healthcare organizations. The main objectives of this course are to help students better understand the relevance of staffing to today's organizations, and to help prepare them to deal with employee staffing issues in healthcare settings.
MAN 5245. Organizational Behavior (3). This course offers a dynamic examination of managerial concepts of human behavior in work organizations.
MAN 5305. Personnel/Human Resource Management (3). Survey course covering strategic practices and problems in human resource management. Topics include job analysis, selection, training, compensation, and other employee rights.
MAN 5331. Compensation Management (3). This course exposes students to the conceptual elements, application of, and nature of organizational compensation programs. Students learn how compensation programs are designed and administered. Students gain practical knowledge of and skills in the field as well as an understanding of how the discipline connects to the broader field of organizational management.
MAN 5351. Training and Development (3). This course focuses on the important role that training and development plays in today's organizations. The course explores numerous strategies and methods used by organizations in a variety of industries and sectors to improve employee and organizational performance.
MAN 5365. Staffing (3). This course focuses on key issues in staffing employees in organizations. Students will gain an understanding if the relevance of staffing to today's organizations. The course covers theoretical and practical issues in areas such as job analysis, applicant recruitment/assessment/selection, and legal issues related to staffing.
MAN 5375. HR Analytics (3). This course focuses on the analysis and application of a company's HR data to uncover insights that inform HR strategies, process changes, and investments with the goal of improving organizational performance (i.e., driving business outcomes). Students learn about theory and research regarding drivers of employee performance, retention, and engagement, as well as the critical HR metrics that are important for business outcomes.
MAN 5721. Strategy and Business Policy (1–4). Prerequisite: All other Master of Business Administration core courses. This course covers the relation between theories and practices of management, and focuses on utilizing methodologies and theories for strategic decision making.
MAN 5905r. Directed Individual Study (1–3). (S/U grade only). Prerequisite: Consent of associate dean for academic programs. May be repeated to a maximum of three credit hours; may be repeated within the same term.
MAN 5907r. Special Studies in Management (1–3). Prerequisite: Consent of associate dean for academic programs. May be repeated up to three credit hours; may be repeated within the same term.
MAN 5911r. Supervised Research (1–3). (S/U grade only). Prerequisite: Consent of associate dean for academic programs. This course is for master's candidates only. A maximum of three credit hours may apply towards the master's degree. May be repeated to a maximum of five credit hours; may be repeated in the same term.
MAN 5935r. Special Topics in Management (1–3). This course is an in-depth study of topics in management that provides students with a solid understanding of the skills necessary to develop as a respected business professional. Students participate in practical activities designed to improve their writing and speaking skills and enhance their academic knowledge, therefore making them more marketable. May be repeated to a maximum of nine credit hours.
Note: The doctoral curriculum includes courses selected from the following in addition to those offered at the 5000 level. In exceptional cases master's candidates may elect 6000 level courses with permission of the instructor and the associate dean for academic programs.
GEB 6931r. Doctoral Issues in Professional Development (1–3). (S/U grade only.) This seminar focuses on a wide range of issues pertaining to careers as business scholars and provides a versatile vehicle to impart knowledge and build skill on issues in the field that typically are not covered in traditional Ph.D. content and methods seminars. Through reading assignments, discussion, simulations, and webcasts, students gain an appreciation for the many issues that will challenge them as they seek to build and manage a successful career in the business academics.
MAN 6235r. Doctoral Seminar in Organizational Theory (1–3). This course is a review of the literature and research in the field of organization theory. Emphasis is on both current and classical literature. May be repeated to a maximum of six credit hours.
MAN 6275r. Organization Behavior I: Literature (3). A review of the literature and research in the field of organization behavior. Emphasis is on both current and classical literature.
MAN 6306. Doctoral Seminar in Human Resource Management (3). An advanced research seminar in human resources management. The scope and coverage of the seminar representatively reflect the important content areas in the field and the major theoretical and empirical contributions in each area.
MAN 6686. International Business (3). This seminar course provides students with an in-depth understanding of the dominant theoretical approaches used in international business and further develop their skills in evaluating, extending, and communicating ideas about IB research.
MAN 6795r. Doctoral Seminar in Strategic Management: Selected Topics (3). This course involves a critical review of theory and research by introducing representative conceptual and empirical research in management. May be repeated to a maximum of nine credit hours.
MAN 6911r. Supervised Research (1–3). (S/U grade only). Prerequisite: Consent of associate dean for academic programs. May be repeated to a maximum of five semester hours.
MAN 6917. Doctoral Seminar in Management Research: Research Design (3). This course covers theory and hypothesis testing, measurement of constructs, publication strategies, and various special topics in empirical research.
MAN 6931. Strategy Microfoundations (3). This doctoral seminar in Strategy Microfoundations focuses on scholarly research that explains (1) why organizations behave as they do and (2) why some of them outperform others. The course focuses on theoretical and empirical contributions relevant to two large sub-streams of management research.
MAN 6932. Doctoral Seminar in Strategic Management I: Literature (3). This course covers the study of organizational strategies and polices of the literature and analysis of conceptual and empirical research issues in strategic management.
MAN 6933r. Doctoral Seminar in Organization Behavior: Special Topics (3). This course is an examination of special topics in organizational behavior. Topic changes from term to term. May be repeated to a maximum of six semester hours.
MAN 6934. Doctoral Seminar in Management Research: Data Analysis (3). Hands-on application of statistical tests utilizing computer packages to analyze various databases.
MAN 6941r. Supervised Teaching (1–3). (S/U grade only). Prerequisite: Consent of associate dean for academic programs. May be repeated to a maximum of five semester hours.
MAN 6979. Doctoral Seminar in Research (3). Focuses on the epistemological foundations of basic research methods in the organizational sciences such as observation, interviews, questionnaires, field experiments, and laboratory experiments.
MAN 6980r. Dissertation (1–12). (S/U grade only). Prerequisite: Admission to doctoral candidacy. A minimum of twenty-four (24) semester hours is required.
MAN 8964r. Doctoral Preliminary Examination (0). (P/F grade only.) May be taken up to two times; may be repeated within the same term.
MAN 8985r. Dissertation Defense Examination (0). (P/F grade only.)