Undergraduate University Honors Office and Honor Societies

Florida State University has a long history of providing recognition and support for outstanding students, beginning with a directive from a faculty committee in 1932. The program's purpose, as described in a report to the President and the Faculty Senate, was “to provide enlarged opportunities for…students; to give them a challenge and an incentive; to develop initiative, resourcefulness and self-reliance; to present knowledge in terms of fields, not courses.” (Report on Honors Work, FSU Archives, 12/21/32). The scope and focus of the Honors Program at Florida State University has evolved in accordance with the development of Higher Education and the changing needs and makeup of the student body. In addition to the Honors in the Major Program, which is an outgrowth of the university's first departmental honors program, students may earn the Honors designation by taking specifics courses and completing co-curricular and extracurricular requirements. The University Honors Program draws upon the special opportunities available at Florida State University, a large, preeminent research university with increasing social and economic impact in Florida and the nation.

University Honors Office

Associate Dean: Dr. D. Craig Filar; Associate Director for Curriculum and Faculty Development: Michael Furman; Associate Director: Katie Femrite; Assistant Directors: Brian Wilcoxon, Julia Pennington; Specialized Teaching Faculty II: Furman, Gundogan, Moret, Owens; Specialized Teaching Faculty I: Slayton, Martinez; Instructional Faculty I: Michael Franklin

The University Honors Office supports the University's long tradition of academic excellence by offering two programs, the University Honors Program and the Honors in the Major Program. Staff, which include the Associate Dean, Associate Director, Assistant Directors, and advisors, support the program's objectives in numerous ways, including dedicated advising of Honors students, auditing students' progress in the program, and curating special activities and events. Our faculty teach Honors Signature courses, mentor students, and provide academic guidance and support to help students achieve their best.

Florida State University Honors Program

The University Honors Program develops the University's most talented students into excellent scholars, leaders in their communities, and innovators in their professions. Students who have been accepted in the University Honors Program must complete Honors course credits. To graduate with Honors, students should maintain a 3.200 FSU GPA and complete Honors Program requirements, including a required Honors Colloquium for first-year students and at least one course from the program's signature course program. Other ways students earn academic credit include successfully completing Honors sections of departmental courses, Honors-augmented courses, Honors directed individual study courses (DIS), approved graduate courses, and Honors in the Major course credits.

Students must complete Honors courses with a grade of “C–” or better. Honors-augmented courses will be counted if a grade of “B–” or better is earned and the Honors-augmented project is completed satisfactorily. Students using Honors in the Major hours must earn a “B–” or better. Students who finish the University Honors program have “Completed Requirements of CoreFSU Curriculum Honors Program” noted on their transcripts.

Honors Signature courses, which are taught by the program's core faculty, engage students in broad, critical, and creative thinking about issues of human existence using interdisciplinary, inquiry-based, integrative, and active learning methods to foster flexible, higher-order thinking as a foundation for leadership and academic success. These courses are designed to capitalize on and foster the hallmark characteristics of Honors students: innovation; the drive and capacity to engage in critical and analytical thinking; creativity and flexible thinking; openness and the ability to communicate effectively with others from different social and political backgrounds; a passion for complexity and challenge; and ability to employ multiple perspectives in approaching issues. These courses are designed and taught by faculty across academic disciplines who are selected for their teaching and research expertise. Honors Signature courses meet CoreFSU Curriculum requirements that Honors students do not typically meet via AP, IB, or AICE testing, which streamlines the attainment of university graduation requirements and expedites the path toward honors graduation. Honors Signature courses are limited to nineteen students per section in the Fall semester and twenty-four students in the Spring.

More information about the program and its academic requirements can be found at honors.fsu.edu.


Earning the Honors Medallion. Students who successfully complete the University Honors Program requirements and/or the Honors in the Major project will have Honors distinctions noted on their transcript and receive an Honors Medallion during a special graduation ceremony. The medallion may be worn during the University's commencement exercises.

The Outstanding Senior Student Honors Distinction. Students who complete both University Honors Program and Honors in the Major and earn a 3.900 GPA or higher are recognized as Outstanding Senior Scholars.

Admission Requirements for the University Honors Program

Admission by Application. All high school students accepted into Florida State University as freshmen may apply to the University Honors Program. Applicants will be evaluated based not only on their high school performance and standardized test scores, but as importantly on the quality of their Honors Program application, which consists of an additional short essay.

Lateral Admission. Any first-year student at Florida State University who was not admitted to the Honors Program through the standard admission process may apply for lateral admission. A limited number of students are admitted laterally to Honors at the end of the spring term of their first year. Lateral applicants are assessed on their college GPA, college course rigor, and the quality of written essays regarding the program. Information about the lateral application process will be available at the beginning of each Spring term. Note: Decisions about lateral admission are made after Spring term grades are posted. Students who are admitted laterally are held to the same program requirements as students admitted by standard admission.

Remaining in Good Standing

To remain in the University Honors Program, students must maintain at least a 3.200 FSU cumulative GPA, successfully complete the University Honors Colloquium during their first year in the University Honors Program, with the exception of students in the First Year Abroad Program, and complete one Honors Signature course.

Honors Housing

Pending availability, Honors students have the option to live in several campus residence complexes. The Honors residence complex, Landis Hall, provides an excellent environment for Honors students to socialize and study together. Since many students share the same courses, both planned and spontaneous study sessions are common. Honors students also have the option to live in Jennie Murphree Hall, which will dedicate several floors to Honors student housing and will offer programming akin to what is offered in Landis Hall.

Acceptance into the University Honors Program does not guarantee University housing in Landis Hall, Jennie Murphree Hall or elsewhere. Students who intend to live on campus are strongly encouraged to submit their application to University Housing immediately after their admission to the University.

The Florida State Honors in the Major Program

Many colleges and academic departments at Florida State University participate in the Honors in the Major Program, which is intended to encourage talented juniors and seniors to undertake significant independent and original scholarship as part of the undergraduate experience. Completing an Honors in the Major project deepens a student's knowledge of their field and helps them prepare for post-graduate work or education. Honors in the Major work is carried out by the student over a period of two or three semesters in close collaboration with a faculty project director who is from the student's major department. Each student in the program works with an Honors in the Major project supervisory committee comprised of a faculty project director and two or three other members, one of whom must have a home academic department the same as the student's major department, and another who must have a home academic department different from the student's major department. The members of the committee are selected by the student. Most often, the faculty project director and members of the supervisory committee are tenured, tenure-track, or specialized faculty members. Post-doctorate researchers are eligible to serve as a member of the supervisory committee as long as they will be at Florida State University for the duration of the student's Honors in the Major project. While many students conduct traditional thesis research, the Honors in the Major Program also supports the creative endeavors of students in majors such as Creative Writing, Dance, Film, Music, Studio Art, and Theatre.

Students must submit a formal application via the Honors in the Major Program website in the semester before they intend to register for Honors in the Major credit hours. The application must show that the student has the required grades and credits, a proposed project topic, sufficient time prior to graduation to complete the project, a faculty project director, and the approval of the chair or director of the academic department or program in which the student is majoring.

Typically, each student in the program works on the Honors in the Major project for two or three semesters. A prospectus is due to the University Honors Office during the first semester of research. This brief paper states the nature of the Honors in the Major project, its scope, and its methodology. The prospectus must be approved by all members of the supervisory committee. Further details regarding the prospectus and how to submit forms are available from the Honors in the Major Handbook, downloadable at https://honors.fsu.edu/academics/honors-major.

During each of these semesters, the student must enroll in one to three semester hours of Honors in the Major credit using the appropriate course number provided by the student's major department. Students must earn a total of six to nine Honors in the Major credits and must receive at least a “B–” in each of these courses. A student who does not have six credit hours of work graded “B–” or better will not be eligible for program completion and graduation with honors. Students must also maintain at least a 3.200 cumulative and FSU GPA (unrounded to the third decimal place) until graduation. Several departments have additional requirements; students should contact the undergraduate faculty advisor in their major department in which the Honors in the Major work will be based for further information.

To complete the Honors in the Major requirements, students must complete six or more credit hours of Honors in the Major coursework over two to three semesters and successfully defend their Honors in the Major project. The student orally defends the completed Honors in the Major project in a meeting with the supervisory committee. Following a successful defense, the student must submit the required defense forms and one electronic copy of the completed project no later than the official last day of classes in the defense semester. Students who meet these requirements will graduate “With Honors” in their major, a distinction that is announced during commencement and designated on the graduate's official transcript. Further details regarding project submission, specific defense deadlines are available from the Assistant Director of the Honors in the Major Program and at the Honors in the Major Handbook, downloadable at https://honors.fsu.edu/academics/honors-major.

University-Recognized Honor Societies

Through the University Honors Program, Honors in the Major Program, and honor societies, the University encourages excellence in all of its students. Florida State University is the home of the first Phi Beta Kappa chapter in the state of Florida. On Honors Night, a ceremony that was first held on May 4, 1936, the University salutes students who have received institution-wide recognition for academic achievement.

Honors societies that are formally recognized by Florida State University have met the standards as set by the Undergraduate Policy Committee. Some organizations are University-wide, and some are specific to individual disciplines. These societies recognize students who have excelled academically and, in some cases, provide opportunities for service to Florida State University and the community.

Standards for the Recognition of University-wide Honor Societies

General Standards for Recognition

  1. A society may be recognized as a Scholastic Honor Society or as a Leadership/Scholastic Honor Society.
  2. The society must be approved for recognition by a body to be appointed by the University President or his/her designee.
  3. The society must demonstrate membership participation in governance and control at both the national (if a national organization) and chapter levels.
  4. Full financial disclosure is required at both the national (if applicable) and chapter levels.
  5. Only the institutional chapter may extend invitations to individuals for membership.
  6. To be considered University-wide, a society must receive into membership persons from a broad range of academic disciplines.

Standards for Membership Eligibility

  1. Membership shall be conferred based on character and specified scholastic, leadership, and service eligibility.
  2. Eligibility criteria here specified are minimum ones; societies may have higher standards.

Scholastic Honor Societies

Eligibility is primarily based upon scholarship.

  1. Upper-Division/Graduate Societies
    1. Must be in the top twenty percent of their class scholastically;
    2. Undergraduates must have earned at least sixty semester hours, with at least twenty-four graded semester hours at this institution; and
    3. Graduate and professional students must have earned at least twenty-four graded semester hours at this institution.
  2. Lower-Division Societies
    1. Must be in the top twenty percent of their class scholastically;
    2. Must have earned at least twelve graded semester hours at this institution.

Leadership/Scholastic Honor Societies

Eligibility is based upon scholarship, leadership, and service to campus and the community. There is no distinction made by class.

  1. Minimum overall 3.0 GPA, with at least twelve graded semester hours at this institution; and,
  2. Leadership and service to be determined by the society.

University-wide honor societies officially recognized by Florida State University are listed below and can also be found at the Honors program Website. The discipline-specific societies listed next are under the jurisdiction of the appropriate college or department. For complete details of activities and membership requirements, contact the individual organizations.

Scholastic Societies

Phi Beta Kappa is a scholastic honor society for those studying the liberal arts and sciences. The society was formed in 1776 and is the oldest student honorary society in the U.S. The Florida State University chapter, chartered in 1934 and established in 1935, was the first in Florida. The FSU chapter became an RSO in 2008 and became a partner organization of FSU's Center for Leadership and Social Change in 2012. The chapter's activities include recognition of outstanding juniors and graduating seniors and sponsorship of visiting speakers of University-wide interest. In the Fall and Spring, the chapter gives the Marion Jewell Hay Award to the top graduating student member, and student members are also eligible to apply for funding for travel to an academic conference. In the Spring, student officers honor an FSU faculty member with the Phi Beta Kappa Excellence in Teaching Award. New members are automatically invited each Fall, Spring, and Summer based on major, grades (minimum 3.9 GPA for juniors and 3.65 GPA for seniors), language study, and other criteria. For information, please visit https://pbk.fsu.edu.

Phi Kappa Phi recognizes academic excellence among undergraduates, graduate students, and faculty in all disciplines. The society was founded in 1897; the University chapter was chartered in 1925. The chapter recognizes outstanding student scholars and artists and recommends them for national awards. New members are automatically invited each Spring. Second-term juniors must rank in the upper seven and one-half percent of their respective colleges. Seniors must be in the upper ten percent of their respective colleges. Graduate and professional students must rank in the upper ten percent of their respective college. All students must have at least twenty-four graded semester hours at Florida State University. For information, call (850) 645-9793 or e-mail mmelton@fsu.edu.

Founded in 1977, Golden Key International Honour Society honors undergraduate and graduate academic achievements. The Florida State University chapter was chartered in 1984. The University chapter presents a yearly Outstanding Scholar Award and regularly sponsors projects in local schools and within the community. The chapter has been named Florida State University Campus Organization of the Year and has been recognized for excellence by the national organization. Every Fall, the chapter automatically invites those students with at least thirty semester hours and in the top fifteen percent of the sophomore, junior, senior, or graduate class.

Phi Eta Sigma is the oldest and largest national honor society that encourages and rewards academic excellence among first year university students. Every Spring full-time FSU undergraduates who earned a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.5 during their first year in college are offered membership-for-life in Phi Eta Sigma. Locally, members are invited to participate in a variety of academically-based service activities such as peer advising; volunteering at major university events; and managing the chapter as a member of the Leadership Council. Selected Leadership Council participants represent Florida State at Phi Eta Sigma's biennial national convention. These exceptional opportunities make Florida State members highly competitive when applying for Phi Eta Sigma national scholarships as demonstrated by the approximately $200,000 in awards won by FSU members in the past decade. The chapter's commitment to each member's academic success is further demonstrated with our “Endowed Award to Support Undergraduate Research” that annually distributes $1,000 awards to two members. For information, e-mail PhiEtaSigma@fsu.edu.

The National Society of Collegiate Scholars is an honors organization that recognizes outstanding academic achievement among first and second year college students and encourages members to develop leadership skills through community service. The society was founded in 1994 at The George Washington University, and the Florida State University chapter was formed in 1995. The society offers scholarships, awards, service opportunities, and leadership programs. Every Fall the chapter invites to membership those students who rank in the 20th percentile with a minimum GPA of 3.4.

Leadership/Scholastic Societies

The W.E.B. DuBois Honor Society, established in 1991, is named for the black scholar, editor, and author of The Souls of Black Folk, who set high standards for educating African-Americans in the late nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The purpose of the W.E.B. DuBois Honor Society is to honor the memory of the outstanding educator, Dr. W.E.B. DuBois, by promoting the pursuit of academic excellence in all fields of higher education, engaging the community of scholars in service to others, and recognizing the outstanding achievements of the society's members. The DuBois Society supports, guides, and encourages member involvement in other leadership and honorary organizations at Florida State University. Membership is open to all full-time undergraduate students of sound character who have achieved a 3.3 cumulative GPA at Florida State University, are in the top twenty percent of his/her class, and have earned at least thirty semester hours at this University. Letters of invitation will be sent to eligible students at least once each academic year. Transfer students and seniors will be considered for membership on an individual basis. For more information, contact the Undergraduate Studies Dean's Office, (850) 644-2740, or the Center for Academic Retention and Enhancement, (850) 644-9699.

Omicron Delta Kappa is the national leadership honor society for faculty and students. The society was founded in 1914 and came to Florida State University in 1950. The society recognizes achievement in scholarship; athletics; social, service, and religious activities; campus government; journalism, speech, and mass media; and creative and performing arts. Annual activities include the homecoming breakfast honoring outstanding Florida State University Grads Made Good, the faculty-staff Spring mixer, and the 7:50 a.m. Breakfast Club, where faculty, staff and alumni meet with current ODK students to discuss campus issues. The Florida State University circle has been named “Circle of Distinction.” Applications are sought twice a year, and members are chosen on the basis of scholarship (upper third [thirty-three percent] of junior, senior, or graduate class), leadership, and service. For information, visit https://sga.fsu.edu.

Mortar Board is a national honor society that recognizes students for distinguished achievement in scholarship, leadership, and service. In 1931, the Torchbearer chapter of Mortar Board was established on the campus of FSCW, the forerunner of Florida State University. Nationally, Mortar Board was founded in 1918 and is among the most prestigious honor societies in the United States, with chapters at 205 colleges and universities in forty-six states. Each year Mortar Board sponsors and participates in events to provide service, advance the spirit of scholarship, and facilitate cooperation among honor societies. Every Fall, students with a minimum of sixty hours (twenty-four of which must be earned at FSU) and an FSU GPA of 3.25 or in the top twenty-fifth percentile of their class (whichever is higher) in their respective colleges are invited to apply for membership. Mortar Board members are not only recognized as the top scholars and leaders on campus but are presented with the unique opportunity to join a group of students from vastly different disciplines and interests. Nationally, Mortar Board provides career networking, fellowships, and awards.

Garnet Key Honor Society of the Panama City campus, founded in 1986, recognizes students primarily for service and scholarship, but also for spirit and leadership. Activities are generally service projects and functions for the Panama City campus. Applicants must have completed fifteen semester hours at that campus with a GPA of 3.5 or higher.

The Hispanic Honor Society was formed in the Fall term of 1992 to recognize academic excellence among students of Hispanic heritage and those interested in Hispanic/Latino heritage. It is a multicultural, scholastic/leadership society that promotes participation in and collaboration with other campus organizations, honors societies, and service organizations that serve the Tallahassee community. Membership into the Hispanic Honor Society shall be granted to those sophomores, juniors, seniors, and transfer students who have attained a 3.3 GPA or above and who have fulfilled the event requirements for two consecutive semesters. Letters of invitation will be sent out to eligible students during the Fall semester of each academic year. To become a member of this organization, contact Undergraduate Studies Dean's Office, (850) 644-2740.

Garnet and Gold Key, founded in 1924, is the oldest leadership honorary society on the FSU campus. The society was formed to recognize the spirit of service, leadership, and loyalty. The society's annual activities now include Torch Night, which recognizes the top one hundred incoming freshmen and the conferral of The Ross Oglesby Award, given to one outstanding faculty or staff member who has dedicated ten years of service to the University, its students, and various community service projects. Juniors and seniors are able to apply twice a year for membership. Membership is granted on the basis of outstanding academic achievement and a wide range of leadership experience. For more information please visit https://nolecentral.dsa.fsu.edu/organization/GGK or e-mail cfilar@fsu.edu.

Other Societies

Phi Theta Kappa is the international honor society of two-year colleges. Florida State University's alumni chapter offers former active members the opportunity to remain affiliated after they transfer. Phi Theta Kappa was founded in 1918; the University has had an alumni chapter since 1982.

Discipline-Specific Academic Honor Societies

College of Arts and Sciences

The Department of Biological Science sponsors Beta Beta Beta, a national honorary and professional fraternity dedicated to improving the understanding and appreciation of biology students and extending boundaries of human knowledge through scientific research. Tri-Beta promotes undergraduate research in biology through publishing its undergraduate-only journal, Bios; holding meetings at which undergraduate research papers are presented in the style of graduate meetings; and awarding competitive research stipends to support undergraduate research and publication. New members (any major) are invited twice a year to join the Sigma Tau Chapter at FSU. To qualify, new members must have completed three courses in Biological Science and maintain a science GPA of 3.0. For additional information, visit https://tri-beta.neuro.fsu.edu/, or e-mail professor Debra Ann Fadool, dfadool@bio.fsu.edu, for access to announcements or Facebook.

The honors organization of the Department of Classics is Eta Sigma Phi, founded in 1924 to promote the study and appreciation of classical languages and literature. The University chapter, organized in 1926, is the oldest active chapter in the United States. The chapter arranges lectures, poetry readings, translation contests in Greek and Latin, and tours. New members are invited twice a year, based on a “B” or above average in Greek and Latin courses. For further information, contact jhclark@fsu.edu or visit https://www.etasigmaphi.org/.

The Department of Computer Science sponsors a chapter of Upsilon Pi Epsilon, the honor society for the computing sciences. The society is student-run and works closely with the local student chapter of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). Both undergraduate computer science majors and graduate students in computer science are eligible for election to membership. For full details on the current UPE membership requirements, please visit https://upe.acm.org/membership/. For comprehensive information about UPE, visit http://upe.acm.org/ or contact Dr. D. Gaitros, dgaitros@fsu.edu.

The Department of English sponsors a chapter of the Sigma Tau Delta literary honor society. The society is open to majors and minors in English and Modern Languages and Linguistics who have completed sixty semester hours or more with GPAs of 3.0 and higher. The society is student-run, and activities change with student interests. Recent activities have included book sales, forums on applying to graduate and law schools, marathon readings of favorite texts, publication of a literary journal, and an annual poetry and fiction contest for Leon County middle schools. Interested students should submit an application and $40.00 fee to the Associate Chairperson for Undergraduate Studies in English.

The Department of History boasts the fourth chapter in the nation (founded in 1926) of Phi Alpha Theta, an honor and professional society dedicated to promoting the study of history. The chapter sponsors speakers, seminars, and publications. Students, who need not be history majors, may apply for membership twice a year. Undergraduates need twelve semester hours in history with a 3.2 GPA and a 3.0 overall GPA. Graduate students need twelve semester hours in history and a 3.5 overall GPA.

The honors society of the Department of Mathematics is Pi Mu Epsilon, founded nationally in 1914 and at Florida State University in 1956. Members are selected by invitation, based on national standards for mathematics credits and GPA, and overall GPA. Both undergraduate and graduate students are admitted. These exemplary students also participate in mathematics competitions and the department's three student organizations, the Florida State Mathematical Society, the Florida State Student Actuarial Society, and the student-led Graduate Student Seminar. For more information, e-mail advisor@math.fsu.edu.

Chi Epsilon Pi is the honor society for outstanding meteorology students in the Department of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Science. The Florida State University chapter has existed since 1966. In order to be eligible for membership, graduate students must have at least nine semester hours of approved graduate level EOAS courses while in graduate status, a 3.5 or better GPA in all meteorology coursework, and overall GPA of 3.25 or greater. Undergraduate students are eligible upon completion of at least seventeen graded semester hours of meteorology coursework at the 2000 level or higher, and must have at least a 3.5 GPA in this meteorology coursework, a 3.25 or greater GPA overall from the period starting with the first semester as a junior and ending with the last complete semester, and at least one year in the Meteorology program. Other criteria exist for non-degree students. Students are inducted each Spring.

The Department of Modern Languages and Linguistics has five honor societies, each with a different language of focus:

French. Pi Delta Phi has long been established at Florida State University and inducts major and minor students on the undergraduate and graduate levels. Prospective undergraduate members must have a 3.0 GPA overall and in French classes, with at least one French class on the 3000-level and sophomore standing. Undergraduate students do not need to be French or French Studies majors or minors to be nominated for regular membership. Graduate students must have a 3.0 GPA in French as well as an overall GPA of 3.0, and must have completed one semester of graduate work in French. For more information, contact Dr. V. Osborn, (850) 644-8601, vosborn@fsu.edu.

German. Delta Phi Alpha is the national honor society for students of German. The chapter at Florida State University, organized in 1979, is Iota Eta. Minimum requirements include a 3.5 GPA in German and a 3.0 overall GPA, and at least three German courses above the language requirement; students may be enrolled in the third course at the time of application. One of the 3000-level courses may have the prefix GET (film or literature). Students wishing to be considered for membership should contact Dr. Christian Weber, (850) 645-7842, or cweber@fsu.edu.

Italian. The Italian Honor Society, Gamma Kappa Alpha is a nationally recognized honor society organized in 1983. The Florida State University chapter followed in 1984. Prerequisites: you must be at least a junior or have a BA with a minor or a major in Italian. You need a 3.5 GPA in Italian and a cumulative GPA of 3.0. GKA organizes Italian review sessions, fundraisers, community outreach, parties and day trips. There is a $30 membership fee. Induction into the society takes place in the Spring. For more information, contact Dr. Irene Zanini-Cordi at izaninicordi@fsu.edu.

Slavic (including Russian). Dobro Slovo was founded in 1926; the University has had a chapter since 1972. Each Spring, students apply, or are invited, based on two years of study of Slavic languages and related subjects with a 3.25 GPA and an overall GPA of 3.0. For more information, contact Dr. L. Wakamiya, (850) 644-8391 or lwakamiya@fsu.edu.

Spanish. Sigma Delta Pi is the honor society for students in Spanish and has had a chapter at the University since 1935. Sigma Delta Pi offers students competitive opportunities to study abroad. Undergraduates must have a 3.2 GPA in Spanish. Applicants must complete nine hours of Spanish at or above the 3000-level; at least one course must be in Spanish literature or culture/civilization. Graduate students are also eligible after completion of two graduate courses in Spanish with a GPA of 3.0 or above. New members may apply annually. For more information, contact Dr. A Brandl, (850) 644-2343.

Sigma Pi Sigma is the national honor society for majors in the Department of Physics. The organization was founded in 1921 and the University Chapter was organized in 1954. New members are inducted once a year, chosen from among majors in the Department of Physics. To qualify, juniors must have completed a minimum of seven graded PHY, PHZ, and AST courses with a GPA of at least 3.5 in those courses. Qualifying seniors will have completed a minimum of twelve graded PHY, PHZ and AST courses with a minimum GPA of 3.25 in those courses.

The Department of Psychology fosters a chapter of Psi Chi, a national honor society founded in 1929. The University chapter, in existence since 1959, concentrates on three goals: a) providing high-impact service opportunities for members that allow them to gain career-relevant experience while serving the community; b) connecting members to the professional knowledge and advice of Psychology faculty, graduate students, alumni and other members; and c) providing opportunities for the campus community to be exposed to the knowledge of our science. Students may apply for membership twice a year. Psychology majors or minors must have completed twelve semester hours of psychology with a minimum 3.2 overall GPA and a 3.2 psychology GPA. For information, visit https://fsupsichi.weebly.com/ or contact psichi@psy.fsu.edu or faculty advisor Adam Johnson at ajohnson@psy.fsu.edu.

College of Business

Beta Gamma Sigma was founded in 1913 and established at the University in 1962. Both undergraduate and graduate business students are eligible for election. New members are automatically invited in the Fall and Spring semesters; a 3.8 overall GPA is required. For more information, contact aovenproctor@business.fsu.edu.

Beta Alpha Psi is the national scholastic and professional organization of the Department of Accounting. Established in 1962, the University chapter recognizes outstanding academic achievement in accounting and business, promotes the study of accounting and business, provides opportunities for interaction among members and practicing business professionals, invites speakers from the profession, and undertakes campus and community service activities. Prospective undergraduate and graduate accounting, finance, and management information systems majors who intend to major in the aforementioned areas and have met grade point requirements in their majors and overall may apply for membership. New members are initiated in the Fall and Spring semesters. For more information, contact the chair of the Department of Accounting, fheflin@fsu.edu.

Majors in the Dedman School of Hospitality are eligible for Eta Sigma Delta, the international hospitality honor society. The society was founded in 1978 and came to the University in 1981. The local chapter emphasizes career preparation activities. Students who are hospitality majors in the junior year with a 3.0 overall GPA are invited to apply at the beginning of each semester. For more information, contact the Director of the Dedman School of Hospitality, johlin@business.fsu.edu.

A chapter of Sigma Iota Epsilon, a management fraternity, has been sponsored by the Department of Management since 1969. Both undergraduate and graduate students are eligible for membership and both must have a 3.2 GPA, among other requirements. For more information, contact the chair of the Department of Management.

College of Communication and Information

Lambda Pi Eta, a national communication honor society, had its charter year at the college in 1989. The purposes of the society are: (1) to foster and reward outstanding scholastic achievement in communication; (2) to stimulate interest in the field of communication through community outreach and service; (3) to promote and encourage professional development among communication majors; (4) to provide an opportunity to discuss and exchange ideas in the discipline of communication; (5) to establish and maintain closer relationships and mutual understanding between communication faculty and students; and (6) to explore options for graduate education in communication. The criteria for being a member require a student to be a communication, communication science and disorders, or information technology major; to have completed at least fifteen semester hours in a communication or information technology major and sixty hours overall; and have a minimum of a 3.5 GPA overall and in the major, with no grades below “C–”, no more than one incomplete (I) on a maximum of six semester hours, and no unsatisfactory grades (U). New members are invited at the beginning of each Fall and Spring semester. For more information, contact Dr. Hall-Mills at Shannon.Hall-Mills@fsu.edu.

Beta Phi Mu, the Library and Information Studies International Honor Society, was founded in 1948 at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. In 1957, the Gamma Chapter of Beta Phi Mu was installed at Florida State University to recognize local scholars. Beta Phi Mu headquarters are currently housed in the School of Information, College of Communication and Information, on the Florida State University campus. Membership is by invitation and is offered to graduate students who have recently graduated from a program in Library and Information Studies. There is a minimum GPA requirement and students must be nominated by faculty; no more than twenty-five percent of a graduating class may be nominated. For more information, contact Dr. Gary Burnett, gary.burnett@cci.fsu.edu.

College of Criminology and Criminal Justice

Alpha Phi Sigma is a nationally recognized honor society for students in criminology and criminal justice. The society recognizes academic excellence by undergraduates and graduate students.

To become a member, students must have completed one-third of the total hours required for graduation at Florida State University. The student must be recommended by the local chapter advisor or a faculty member. Undergraduates must maintain a 3.2 overall GPA and a 3.2 GPA in their major courses. Students must also rank in the top thirty-five percent of their class and have completed a minimum of four courses within the criminology and criminal justice curriculum. The society is open to students with a declared criminology and criminal justice major or minor. For more information, contact coakley@fsu.edu.

College of Education

Kappa Delta Pi is an international honor society in education and has maintained a chapter at the University since 1925. Students are invited twice a year to apply. Prospective undergraduate members must have completed twelve semester hours of professional education courses and have a minimum 3.0 GPA. Prospective graduate members must have completed at least six credit hours of graduate coursework, have completed or are in the process of completing twelve semester hours of professional education courses, and have a minimum 3.25 GPA. For more information, contact Dr. A. F. Davis, (850) 645-1739, afdavis@fsu.edu.

Phi Delta Kappa has maintained a chapter at the University since 1953. The group frequently participates in national research projects in education. Students are invited or may apply once a year. Members must have obtained a baccalaureate degree and be admitted to a graduate degree program or have five years successful professional experience.

College of Engineering

The Civil Engineering Honor Society is an organization dedicated to recognizing and promoting academic excellence within the civil engineering major. While in the process for recognition as a chapter of Chi Epsilon, the national civil engineering honor program, CEHS, provides service opportunities such as tutoring, event help at the College of Engineering, and social activities. CEHS also gives top civil engineering students an exclusive means to serve other students, the College of Engineering, and Tallahassee at large. Potential members are selected from the upper one-third of civil engineering juniors and seniors.

The Tau Beta Pi engineering honor society was founded in 1885 at Lehigh University and is the oldest engineering honor society in the United States. The society was founded “to mark in a fitting manner those who have conferred honor upon their alma mater by distinguished scholarship and exemplary character as undergraduates in the field of engineering.” The society now exceeds two hundred and thirty active chapters across the country. The FAMU-FSU College of Engineering chapter of Tau Beta Pi, Florida Eta, was installed on February 29th, 1992. New members are selected based on scholarship (upper one-fifth of engineering seniors and upper one-eighth of engineering juniors), character, and integrity.

The Pi Tau Sigma international mechanical engineering honor society was founded in 1915 at the University of Illinois. The society recognizes students who show sound engineering ability, high scholarship (upper thirty-five percent of juniors and upper twenty-five percent of seniors), personality, and probable future success in the field of Mechanical Engineering. The FAMU-FSU College of Engineering chapter, Alpha Iota, was founded April 16th, 1994. The Alpha Iota chapter supports the Mechanical Engineering department through community outreach, undergraduate mentoring, tutoring, and social activities.

IEEE-HKN is the international honor society for electrical and computer engineering, which grew from the national honor society Eta Kappa Nu (HKN), that was founded at the University of Illinois. On April 9th, 2009, the Lambda Delta Chapter of Eta Kappa Nu was chartered at the FAMU-FSU College of Engineering. Student members are selected based on scholarship, character, and attitude. New members must be in the upper one-third of electrical and computer engineering seniors or upper one-fourth of electrical and computer engineering juniors.

Founded in 1949 and chartered at FSU in 1995, the Alpha Pi Mu industrial engineering honor society confers recognition upon students of industrial and manufacturing engineering who have shown exceptional academic interest and abilities in their field, encourages the advancement and quality of industrial and manufacturing engineering education, and unifies the student body of the Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering Department in presenting its needs and ideals to the faculty. Candidates are selected from outstanding members of junior, senior, and graduate classes in industrial engineering. New members must be in the upper one-third for the senior industrial engineering students or in the upper one-fifth of the junior industrial engineering students.

College of Health and Human Sciences

Kappa Omicron Nu was established in 1990 with the consolidation of Kappa Omicron Phi and Omicron Nu. Omicron Nu was established at the University in 1922. The local chapter is Omicron Pi Chapter. Kappa Omicron Nu recognizes and encourages excellence in scholarship, research, and leadership. Undergraduates must have sixty semester hours (at least fifteen of which were completed at Florida State University in a major within the College of Human Sciences) with a minimum FSU GPA of 3.3. Graduate students must have at least twelve semester hours that were completed at Florida State University in a major within the College of Human Sciences with a minimum FSU GPA of 3.5. New members are initiated at least once a year.

The Glenn Society was established in 2004 and named in honor of Hortense Glenn, who served as Dean of the College of Human Sciences from 1958 to 1972. The purpose of this honor society is to recognize students who have exhibited outstanding leadership and service while maintaining a high level of academic achievement. Each year no more than one percent of the student body of the College of Human Sciences is selected for membership. Undergraduate students are required to have completed ninety or more semester hours (at least thirty hours at Florida State University and twenty since declaring a major in the College of Human Sciences), a minimum FSU GPA of 3.3 and evidence of leadership and service. Graduate students at the MS level must have completed at least two semesters of coursework as a major in the college and PhD students are required to have completed at least four semesters in the college. For graduate students, a minimum FSU GPA of 3.8 is required in addition to evidence of leadership and service. New members are inducted once per year, in the Spring semester.

Iota Tau Alpha is an honorary society in the Department of Nutrition, Food and Exercise Sciences. It was established in 2004 at Troy University, and the Alpha Chi chapter, now the largest in the nation, was organized at The Florida State University in 2009. The objective of the Society is to foster a high standard of ethics and professional practices and to create a spirit of loyalty and fellowship, specifically for those students in Athletic Training. To be considered for membership, undergraduate students must be in the major of Athletic Training, have completed at least one term of their second year of a four year curriculum, have completed at least three term courses in Athletic Training with an average grade of “B” or better, and be in good academic standing—with at least a 3.5 cumulative college GPA or in the top thirty-five percent of their class. The Alpha Chi chapter also uniquely requires that each initiated member participate in at least one research study conducted within the College of Human Sciences. Initiation is held at the beginning of each Spring semester, with 2010 marking the first initiated class at FSU.

College of Law

The Order of the Coif was founded in 1902 and came to the University in 1979. New members are invited once a year from the top ten percent of the graduating class.

College of Medicine

Alpha Epsilon Delta is the Pre-Health Professional honor society. This society welcomes members who are planning careers in medicine, podiatry, dentistry, veterinary medicine, optometry, pharmacy, or other medical fields. To become a national member, students must be in the second semester of their sophomore year and have an overall and a science GPA of 3.2. Freshmen and sophomores are encouraged to participate in activities of the society. The Florida-Beta chapter at Florida State University was founded in 1946 and is one of the oldest chapters in the Southeast. The society invites speakers who represent the health professions, plan trips to area professional schools, and participates in community service. For additional information, call (850) 644-7678 or e-mail Rob Borger, rob.borger@med.fsu.edu.

College of Music

Pi Kappa Lambda is an honor society dedicated to fostering scholarly interest in the theoretical and historical aspects of music and to the pursuit of eminent achievement in performance, composition, music education, music therapy, and research. Pi Kappa Lambda was founded in 1918 and established the Phi Chapter at the University in 1943. New members are chosen once a year based on scholarly achievement and musicianship. Juniors must be in the top ten percent of the class; seniors, in the top twenty percent; graduate students must have an “A” in at least two-thirds of their courses.

College of Nursing

Sigma Theta Tau International, the scholastic honor society of nursing, was established in 1922. The University chapter, Beta Pi, was chartered in 1974. The society's vision is to create a global community of nurses who lead by using knowledge, scholarship, and service to improve the health of the world's people. Student candidates shall have demonstrated superior academic achievement, academic integrity and professional leadership potential. Undergraduate nursing students are eligible for consideration once they have completed one-half of the nursing program and must rank in the upper thirty-five percent of their class, with a minimum overall GPA of 3.0. Graduate students are eligible for consideration once they have completed one-fourth of the graduate nursing program, provided they have an overall GPA of 3.5 or better.

College of Social Sciences and Public Policy

Pi Gamma Mu is open to students in anthropology, Asian studies, criminology, economics, geography, history, international affairs, political science, psychology, public administration, Russian and East European studies, social science, social work, sociology, and urban and regional planning. The University chapter was founded in 1975. Students must have a minimum of twenty semester hours in the above subjects with at least a 3.0 GPA and no social science grade of “F”, and (except for graduate students,) must be in the upper thirty-five percent of their classes. Prospective members are also expected to have extracurricular activities related to the social sciences. For more information, contact Dr. Crew, 211 Bellamy, (850) 644-4418, or rcrew@fsu.edu.

Gamma Theta Upsilon is the honor society in the Department of Geography. The society was founded in 1931 and came to the University in the mid-1950s. The local chapter organizes lectures and field trips. Both undergraduate and graduate students are eligible, and invitations go out twice a year. A student must have a 3.0 overall GPA, must have a “B” in geography in at least three courses, and must have completed at least three semesters of college coursework. For more information, contact Dr. V. Mesev, vmesev@fsu.edu, or (850) 644-1706.

The honor society of the Department of Political Science is Pi Sigma Alpha. The society was founded in 1920 and a chapter was established at the University in 1954. Undergraduate and graduate students may apply if they have at least twelve semester hours in political science (including public administration) with a 3.2 GPA and a 3.0 overall GPA.

Pi Alpha Alpha is the national honor society for the field of Public Administration. New members are invited semi-annually based on a 3.75 graduate GPA or better and a minimum of twenty-one completed semester hours, both in their degree program.

The honor society for the Department of Sociology is Alpha Kappa Delta. The aim of the University chapter, Alpha, is to stimulate scholarship and maintain a fellowship for students, both at the graduate and undergraduate levels. Requirements for undergraduates include the following: junior or senior classification, a minimum of twelve semester hours of sociology courses completed, a minimum overall GPA of 3.0, and a minimum 3.0 GPA in sociology courses. Graduate students must have completed at least one semester of graduate work with at least a 3.0 GPA. For more information, contact the Department of Sociology.

College of Social Work

The College of Social Work was the national founding chapter of Phi Alpha honor society. Phi Alpha fosters high standards of achievement for students and promotes humanitarian ideals through community service. Applications are taken twice a year. Undergraduates must have an overall GPA of 3.0, with a 3.25 GPA in at least nine semester hours of social work courses. Graduate students must have a 3.5 overall GPA with nine semester hours completed in social work.

The College of Social Work also sponsors the FSU chapter of Sigma Phi Omega, the national academic honor and professional society in gerontology. Sigma Phi Omega was established to recognize excellence of those who study gerontology and aging and the outstanding service of professionals who work with or on behalf of older persons. Membership is open to undergraduate and graduate students who are majoring or minoring in gerontology/aging studies and related fields and who are in at least their second term of enrollment. Undergraduates must have a grade point average of at least 3.3 on a 4.0 scale, and graduate students must have at least a 3.5 GPA to be eligible for membership. Faculty, alumni, professional, and honorary memberships are also available.