Undergraduate Orientation

New Student & Family Programs

Director: Robyn Brock; Assistant Director: Madeline Thompson

New Student & Family Programs welcomes and supports new students and families in their shift to the Florida State University community through innovative partnerships, dynamic programs and helpful campus resources. We offer more than 25 orientation sessions a year customized to the unique needs of undergraduate students and families, as well as the Chart Your Course class for new students First Day Photos, Family Weekend, Family Connection newsletter and other opportunities for family engagement and support. We create a welcoming and informative change and connection to FSU for all new students and family members through New Nole orientation, campus traditions, and events and on-going communication with families.

New Nole Orientation is required for all degree-seeking undergraduate students. There is a $35 non-refundable fee required for all attendees (students and family members). Prior to attending New Nole Orientation, students are required to complete an online module of campus resources including academic colleges, involvement, and campus traditions and information. Information about the pre-orientation modules will be sent about a week prior to the orientation session.

New Nole Orientation focuses on academic requirements, campus resources, and ways to get involved with student groups, internships, and events. Students will also get practical advice from student Orientation Leaders in small and large group settings. The last part of orientation is dedicated to students meeting with an academic advisor and registering for classes.

During New Nole Orientation there is a program that runs concurrently for family members with a similar focus that is tailored more to family needs. Family members can tailor the information they want to receive through the Family Connection newsletter and learn more about Family Weekend.

For more information, visit nsfp.fsu.edu or call our office 850.644.2785.

Center for Global Engagement

Director: Cynthia Green

Associate Director International Student & Scholar Services: Tanya Schaad

The Center for Global Engagement (CGE) is the department assigned by the University and designated by the federal government to provide services to international students in F-1 and J-1 visa classifications and ensure FSU compliance with federal immigration law.

In addition to the University Orientation mentioned above, the Center for Global Engagement provides required orientation sessions specifically for new international undergraduate students prior to the beginning of each semester. The orientation includes information and guidance on various topics such as CGE programs and services, healthcare and insurance, essential immigration regulations, transportation, registration and fee payment, and more, to better prepare students for living and studying in Tallahassee. Federal regulations make it essential that students know and understand their responsibilities under federal immigration law.

Upon arrival in the U.S., international students must submit an Arrival Confirmation form and report their U.S. address so that the CGE can register the student's record in the federal government's immigration system (SEVIS) as required by U.S. immigration regulations.

The CGE provides a variety of social and cultural programs such as International Coffee Hour, Global Café, Engage Your World Intercultural Dialogue Series, and other intercultural programs to promote interaction and increase global understanding among all FSU students. International students receive ongoing information about programs and services through email, newsletters, CGE's Canvas Organization, and social media.

The Center for Global Engagement is located in the Global and Multicultural Engagement building (The Globe) at 110 S. Woodward Avenue, Tallahassee, FL 32306-4216. The CGE's International Student and Scholar Services office is located on the second floor of the building. For more information, visit https://cge.fsu.edu, call (850) 644-1702, or e-mail cge@fsu.edu.