University Notices

President’s Statement on Equal Opportunity and Non-Discrimination

Florida State University is an equal opportunity employer and educational provider committed to a policy of non-discrimination for any member of the University's community on the basis of race, creed, color, sex, religion, national origin, age, disability, genetic information, veterans' status, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, or any other legally protected group status. This policy applies to faculty, staff, students, volunteers, visitors, applicants, and contractors in a manner consistent with applicable laws, regulations, ordinances, orders, and University policies, procedures, and processes.

In pursuing its mission of excellence as a comprehensive, graduate-research university with a liberal arts base, the University strives to create and maintain a harmonious, high-performance work and educational environment. Conduct that discriminates, harasses, or intimidates by threat, is contrary to our commitment. Further, workplace behavior that is disruptive to the operations of the University or that impairs workplace discipline interferes with this mission.

It is my expectation that all members of our community are provided equitable opportunities to succeed and enrich the strength, skill, and character of the University. It is also expected that all members of our community will help create a work and educational environment that promotes fairness, respect, and trust, free from discrimination, harassment, or retaliation.

The University will continue to reinforce its commitment of non-discrimination to all groups protected by local, state, and federal law. We will continue to monitor our methods of recruitment, retention, and advancement of qualified faculty, staff, and students and annually examine our affirmative action plan, as prescribed by federal guidelines, to measure whether our campus is reflective of the community we serve.

The University further recognizes that discriminatory or harassing behavior may create an intimidating or hostile environment that interferes with the University's mission. As a result, the University has established internal complaint procedures available to all who believe their experience on any of our campuses has been less than appropriate.

To facilitate University-wide compliance, I have appointed Renisha Gibbs, Associate Vice President for Human Resources/Finance and Administration Chief of Staff, to develop, administer, and coordinate University-wide initiatives and complaint investigations. This will be accomplished through collaboration with the Title IX Director; the Division of Student Affairs; the Office of Faculty Development and Advancement; the Athletics Department; and all University divisions, colleges, and departments.

Questions regarding the above may be directed to your supervisor or Renisha Gibbs at (850) 644-8082 or To view the University's Equal Opportunity, Non-Discrimination, and Non-Retaliation Policy in its entirety, go to

President’s Statement on Title IX

“No person in the United States, shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.” Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, and its implementing regulation at 34 C.F.R. Part 106 (Title IX).

In accordance with Title IX, as a recipient of Federal financial aid, FSU does not discriminate on the basis of sex/gender in education programs and activities. In 2020, the US Department of Education adopted new Title IX regulations defining sexual harassment and specifying procedures for the investigation and adjudication of allegation of sexual harassment. FSU has created Policy 2-2a Title IX Compliance Policy to supplement Policy 2-2 Anti-Sexual Misconduct Policy in order to implement the new regulations; both policies can be found at Effective 8/14/2020, under the Title IX Compliance Policy, sexual harassment is defined as: sexual assault (including forcible rape, forcible sodomy, sexual assault with an object, forcible fondling, incest, and statutory rape); dating violence; domestic violence; stalking; quid pro quo; and unwelcome, severe, and pervasive conduct of a sexual nature. Additionally, other forms of sex discrimination and sexual misconduct not included in this definition are prohibited by law and continue to be included in the Anti-Sexual Misconduct Policy.

Furthermore, the Florida Educational Equity Act prohibits discrimination in schools based on race, ethnicity, national origin, gender, disability, or marital status. Fla. Stat. § 1000.05 (2019). FSU's commitment to addressing and eliminating all forms of discrimination on the basis of sex is reaffirmed in FSU's Sex Discrimination and Sexual Misconduct Policy (, which is applicable to all faculty, staff, students, visitors, applicants, and contractors.

The University's Title IX Coordinator/Director is the designated University authority responsible for overseeing the development of sexual misconduct policies, ensuring compliance with Title IX and relevant federal and state regulations, and investigating Title IX complaints alleging student sexual misconduct. The Human Resources Deputy Coordinator will oversee investigations of alleged sexual misconduct by employees and third parties. The Athletics Deputy Coordinator will accept Title IX incident reports to forward to the Title IX Director and will ensure athletics equity compliance. The FSUS Deputy Coordinator(s) will oversee investigations of alleged sexual misconduct by K-12 students. Reports regarding Title IX, as well as concerns about and complaints of non-compliance (including sexual harassment, sex discrimination, or other sexual misconduct), should be submitted to Additionally, any questions may be directed to the Title IX Director/Coordinator or a Title IX Deputy Coordinator.

Complaints will be addressed following the University's discrimination and harassment complaint procedures contained in its Equal Opportunity, Non-Discrimination, and Non-Retaliation Policy, Anti-Sexual Misconduct Policy, Title IX Compliance Policy, and the Student Code of Conduct. Some acts of sexual harassment or misconduct may also constitute violations of criminal law and require mandatory reporting to the FSU Police Department, e.g., sexual battery, indecent exposure, sexual abuse. In such instances, refer to the University's Sex Discrimination and Sexual Misconduct Policy and contact the FSU Police Department at (850) 644-1234. Questions about the application of Title IX may also be directed to the Office of Civil Rights, US Department of Education.

Title IX Coordinator/Director

Terri Brown,

Title IX Director

Health and Wellness Building

960 Learning Way, Suite 3501A

Tallahassee, FL 32306

(850) 645-2741


HR – Deputy Title IX Coordinator

Michelle Brown Douglas


HR – Equal Opportunity Compliance & Engagement Office (EOCE)

A6200 University Center,

Tallahassee, FL 32306-2410

(850) 644-7950


Athletics – Deputy Title IX Coordinator

Alycia Varytimidis

Sr. Associate Athletics Director-SWA

Athletics Administration

D4200 University Center,

Tallahassee, FL 32306-2343

(850) 645-9162


FSUS – Deputy Title IX Coordinator

Monica Broome

Director of Exceptional Student Education

Office 10-113D

3000 School House Road

Tallahassee, FL 32311

(850) 245-3800

Additional information and resources can be found at: Title IX Office; Equal Opportunity Compliance & Engagement Office (EOCE); FSU Police Department; Victim Advocate Program; Counseling and Psychological Services; Employee Assistance Program; and University Health Services.

It is my expectation that all members of our community are provided equitable opportunities to succeed and enrich the strength, skill, and character of the University. It is also expected that all members of our community will help create a work, educational, and living environment that promotes fairness, respect, and trust, free from discrimination, harassment, or retaliation. Behavior that may be considered offensive, demeaning, or degrading to persons or groups will not be tolerated.

University Notices

President’s Statement on Equal Opportunity and Non-Discrimination

Florida State University is an equal opportunity employer and educational provider committed to a policy of non-discrimination for any member of the University's community on the basis of race, creed, color, sex, religion, national origin, age, disability, genetic information, veterans' status, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, or any other legally protected group status. This policy applies to faculty, staff, students, volunteers, visitors, applicants, and contractors in a manner consistent with applicable laws, regulations, ordinances, orders, and University policies, procedures, and processes.

In pursuing its mission of excellence as a comprehensive, graduate-research university with a liberal arts base, the University strives to create and maintain a harmonious, high-performance work and educational environment. Conduct that discriminates, harasses, or intimidates by threat, is contrary to our commitment. Further, workplace behavior that is disruptive to the operations of the University or that impairs workplace discipline interferes with this mission.

It is my expectation that all members of our community are provided equitable opportunities to succeed and enrich the strength, skill, and character of the University. It is also expected that all members of our community will help create a work and educational environment that promotes fairness, respect, and trust, free from discrimination, harassment, or retaliation.

The University will continue to reinforce its commitment of non-discrimination to all groups protected by local, state, and federal law. We will continue to monitor our methods of recruitment, retention, and advancement of qualified faculty, staff, and students and annually examine our affirmative action plan, as prescribed by federal guidelines, to measure whether our campus is reflective of the community we serve.

The University further recognizes that discriminatory or harassing behavior may create an intimidating or hostile environment that interferes with the University's mission. As a result, the University has established internal complaint procedures available to all who believe their experience on any of our campuses has been less than appropriate.

To facilitate University-wide compliance, I have appointed Renisha Gibbs, Associate Vice President for Human Resources/Finance and Administration Chief of Staff, to develop, administer, and coordinate University-wide initiatives and complaint investigations. This will be accomplished through collaboration with the Title IX Director; the Division of Student Affairs; the Office of Faculty Development and Advancement; the Athletics Department; and all University divisions, colleges, and departments.

Questions regarding the above may be directed to your supervisor or Renisha Gibbs at (850) 644-8082 or To view the University's Equal Opportunity, Non-Discrimination, and Non-Retaliation Policy in its entirety, go to

President’s Statement on Title IX

“No person in the United States, shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.” Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, and its implementing regulation at 34 C.F.R. Part 106 (Title IX).

In accordance with Title IX, as a recipient of Federal financial aid, FSU does not discriminate on the basis of sex/gender in education programs and activities. In 2020, the US Department of Education adopted new Title IX regulations defining sexual harassment and specifying procedures for the investigation and adjudication of allegation of sexual harassment. FSU has created Policy 2-2a Title IX Compliance Policy to supplement Policy 2-2 Anti-Sexual Misconduct Policy in order to implement the new regulations; both policies can be found at Effective 8/14/2020, under the Title IX Compliance Policy, sexual harassment is defined as: sexual assault (including forcible rape, forcible sodomy, sexual assault with an object, forcible fondling, incest, and statutory rape); dating violence; domestic violence; stalking; quid pro quo; and unwelcome, severe, and pervasive conduct of a sexual nature. Additionally, other forms of sex discrimination and sexual misconduct not included in this definition are prohibited by law and continue to be included in the Anti-Sexual Misconduct Policy.

Furthermore, the Florida Educational Equity Act prohibits discrimination in schools based on race, ethnicity, national origin, gender, disability, or marital status. Fla. Stat. § 1000.05 (2019). FSU's commitment to addressing and eliminating all forms of discrimination on the basis of sex is reaffirmed in FSU's Sex Discrimination and Sexual Misconduct Policy (, which is applicable to all faculty, staff, students, visitors, applicants, and contractors.

The University's Title IX Coordinator/Director is the designated University authority responsible for overseeing the development of sexual misconduct policies, ensuring compliance with Title IX and relevant federal and state regulations, and investigating Title IX complaints alleging student sexual misconduct. The Human Resources Deputy Coordinator will oversee investigations of alleged sexual misconduct by employees and third parties. The Athletics Deputy Coordinator will accept Title IX incident reports to forward to the Title IX Director and will ensure athletics equity compliance. The FSUS Deputy Coordinator(s) will oversee investigations of alleged sexual misconduct by K-12 students. Reports regarding Title IX, as well as concerns about and complaints of non-compliance (including sexual harassment, sex discrimination, or other sexual misconduct), should be submitted to Additionally, any questions may be directed to the Title IX Director/Coordinator or a Title IX Deputy Coordinator.

Complaints will be addressed following the University's discrimination and harassment complaint procedures contained in its Equal Opportunity, Non-Discrimination, and Non-Retaliation Policy, Anti-Sexual Misconduct Policy, Title IX Compliance Policy, and the Student Code of Conduct. Some acts of sexual harassment or misconduct may also constitute violations of criminal law and require mandatory reporting to the FSU Police Department, e.g., sexual battery, indecent exposure, sexual abuse. In such instances, refer to the University's Sex Discrimination and Sexual Misconduct Policy and contact the FSU Police Department at (850) 644-1234. Questions about the application of Title IX may also be directed to the Office of Civil Rights, US Department of Education.

Title IX Coordinator/Director

Terri Brown,

Title IX Director

Health and Wellness Building

960 Learning Way, Suite 3501A

Tallahassee, FL 32306

(850) 645-2741


HR – Deputy Title IX Coordinator

Michelle Brown Douglas


HR – Equal Opportunity Compliance & Engagement Office (EOCE)

A6200 University Center,

Tallahassee, FL 32306-2410

(850) 644-7950


Athletics – Deputy Title IX Coordinator

Alycia Varytimidis

Sr. Associate Athletics Director-SWA

Athletics Administration

D4200 University Center,

Tallahassee, FL 32306-2343

(850) 645-9162


FSUS – Deputy Title IX Coordinator

Monica Broome

Director of Exceptional Student Education

Office 10-113D

3000 School House Road

Tallahassee, FL 32311

(850) 245-3800

Additional information and resources can be found at: Title IX Office; Equal Opportunity Compliance & Engagement Office (EOCE); FSU Police Department; Victim Advocate Program; Counseling and Psychological Services; Employee Assistance Program; and University Health Services.

It is my expectation that all members of our community are provided equitable opportunities to succeed and enrich the strength, skill, and character of the University. It is also expected that all members of our community will help create a work, educational, and living environment that promotes fairness, respect, and trust, free from discrimination, harassment, or retaliation. Behavior that may be considered offensive, demeaning, or degrading to persons or groups will not be tolerated.



Conflicts of Interest

Sexual relationships between faculty/graduate assistants and students, even if consensual, may become exploitative especially so when a student's academic work, residential life, or athletic endeavors are supervised or evaluated by the faculty member.

The respect and trust accorded a faculty member/graduate assistant by a student, as well as the power exercised by the faculty member/graduate assistant in in their department/unit role, make voluntary consent by the student objectionable. Although consensual sexual relationships between persons of unequal institutional power do not necessarily constitute sexual misconduct, there is an inherent conflict of interest between making sexual overtures and exercising supervisory, evaluative, or other institutional authority. In their relationships with students, faculty members/graduate assistants are expected to be aware of their professional responsibilities and to adhere to university policy, avoid conflict of interest, favoritism, or bias. The following policy concerning conflicts of interest and sexual relationships with students applies:

Consensual sexual relationships between faculty members and undergraduate students are a conflict of interest.

Consensual sexual relationships between faculty members and graduate students are a conflict of interest when both parties are affiliated with the same degree program, or department, and any circumstances in which the faculty member directly or indirectly exercises evaluative, or supervisory authority over the student, or may be reasonably expected to do so in the foreseeable future.

Sexual/romantic relationships between graduate assistants and students where a direct supervisory or evaluative relationship exists are a conflict of interest.

Any such relationship must be ended immediately and disclosed to the faculty member/graduate assistant's supervisor immediately.

Direct supervision includes any type of evaluative role. Examples of direct supervision of the student include teaching the student's class, serving as a thesis or dissertation director, instructor of record, member of the student's thesis or dissertation committee, member of the student's comprehensive or doctoral exam committee, member of other committees where the focus is evaluation or supervision of the student's academic competence or the student's assistantship.

Indirect evaluative or supervisory authority includes any circumstance where the faculty member holds institutional authority over the student or has academic responsibility over the student. Examples include mentoring, advising, participating in decisions regarding funding or other resources, or providing recommendations for admissions, employment, fellowships, or awards. This includes when a faculty member is serving as an advisor in a formal tutoring program or student club.

Individuals with Disabilities

Florida State University adheres to Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), as amended by the Americans with Disabilities Amendments Act of 2008, in prohibiting discrimination against any qualified individual with a disability. Any student with a disability may voluntarily self-report the nature of the disability and identify needed accommodations to the Office of Accessibility Services, call (850) 644-9566. Florida State University's 504 Coordinator is:

Amber M. Wagner, Assistant Dean & OAS Director,

Office of Accessibility Services

874 Traditions Way (108 Student Services Building)

Phone: (850) 644-9566/TDD (850) 644-8504



Job applicants, employees, and visitors may request reasonable accommodations by contacting the Florida State University Human Resources Equal Opportunity Compliance & Engagement Office (EOCE), located at University Center, Bldg. A, Suite 6200, at or call (850) 645-1458, or view the applicable policy and procedures at




Students, employees, and applicants for admission or employment at Florida State University who have or who may become infected with HIV will not be excluded from enrollment or employment or restricted in their normal responsibilities and access to University services or facilities due to their HIV/AIDS status, unless individual medically based judgments establish that exclusion or restriction is necessary for the welfare of the individual or of other members of the University community. That is, the University will not discriminate against otherwise qualified HIV-infected applicants, students, or employees.

University Health Services is responsible for monitoring developments with regard to HIV/AIDS, acting upon and administering the policies of the Florida Department of Education Division of Colleges and Universities and the University concerning HIV/AIDS and coordinating the University's efforts in educating the University community on the nature and prevention of the disease.

The University will be guided in its implementation of this policy by current authoritative medical information, applicable federal and state law, Florida Department of Education Division of Colleges and Universities' HIV/AIDS Policy, and the guidelines suggested by the Centers for Disease Control, the Public Health Service, the American College Health Association, and the Florida Department of Health.

Florida State University has designated HIV counselors through University Health Services who are available to provide confidential HIV testing for FSU students. Any interested students should call (850) 644-4567 to schedule an appointment.

Florida State University Statement for Students on the Unlawful Possession, Use, or Distribution of Illicit Drugs and Alcohol

Florida State University Alcohol Policy


Florida State University affirms the guiding ethical principle of responsible freedom. Students, staff, and faculty are expected to show respect for order, ethical conduct, and the rights of others, and to model in daily living a high sense of personal honor and integrity. Florida State University neither encourages nor condemns the legal consumption of alcoholic beverages. The University recognizes, however, that the majority of undergraduate students are below the legal drinking age and that there are serious health risks and behavior problems associated with the use of alcohol in the collegiate environment. Consequently, alcohol will be permitted at Florida State University or programs sponsored by Florida State University or its direct support organizations only in those settings which:


  1. Comply with federal or state laws, local ordinances, University regulations, foreign country laws (in the case of study abroad programs conducted by Florida State University International Programs, Inc.), Student Conduct Code, Student Organization Conduct Code, and this policy;
  2. Present minimal health and safety risks; and
  3. In no way inhibit the full participation of those who choose not to drink alcohol.

Events and activities that encourage excessive drinking and/or lead to the endangerment of individuals will not be permitted. Any person or group in violation of federal or state laws, local ordinances, or of this policy will be reported to the proper federal, state, local or university authorities for appropriate action.


  1. Policy Pertaining to All Members, Groups, Events, and Organizations in the University Community and Non-University Members, Groups, Events, and Organizations.
    1. No individual under the legal drinking age (minimum of 21 years of age permitted by the State of Florida or the minimum age prescribed by the laws of foreign countries, but in no case below the age of 18 years of age) may serve, sell, consume or possess alcohol on University properties, except to the extent allowed by law within licensed premises or designated areas of the University.
    2. Alcohol must be served by a licensed and insured third party vendor. No individual may serve or otherwise provide alcohol to persons under the legal drinking age.
    3. The Consumption of Alcohol: The consumption of alcohol on University properties will be restricted to the following areas:
      1. Florida State University Law School Rotunda;
      2. Licensed areas of the university (e.g., Center for Professional Development, Club Downunder, Crenshaw Lanes, Renegade Grill);
      3. Academic food service facilities;
      4. University Center areas include:
        1. Skyboxes
        2. Miller Hall (C3300, UC)
        3. President’s Box (Level 7, UC)
        4. Booster/Alumni Board Rooms (C5300, C5301 UC)
        5. University Club (Building B, Floor 3, UC)
        6. Meeting Rooms (Building B, Floors 5 & 6, UC)
      5. Lounges in Beth Moor at Longmire Building;
      6. WFSU-TV and Radio Broadcast Center;
      7. Premises in and around President’s house, Pearl Tyner Alumni Center, and surrounding grounds;
      8. University property not located on the main campus, which has been leased by the University to private entities or persons, referred to in this rule as “private premises,” such as Heritage Grove;
      9. Private University living quarters where those present are of legal drinking age (see the Guide to Residence Living, Community Expectations, for further restrictions that may apply in residence halls; or in the case of living quarters provided for study abroad programs, see policies promulgated by Florida State University International Programs Association, Inc.);
      10. Premises in Doak Campbell Stadium area used or licensed for use on football game days;
      11. At the following sites, when provided in conjunction with an artistic or municipal event:
        1. The Fine Arts Gallery;
        2. The reception/hospitality room in the Opperman Music Hall;
        3. The Fine Arts Building; and the
        4. FSU Lab Theater.
      12. Werkmeister Reading Room (201 Dodd Hall);
      13. In common areas for special events approved by the University President or his/her designee. For faculty, the designee is the Vice President for Faculty Development and Advancement, for student groups, the designee is the Vice President for Student Affairs, and for all other groups the designee is the Vice President for University Relations.
    4. The Sale of Alcohol: The sale of alcohol on campus must be approved by the President or designee. Although the President or designee may approve the sale of alcohol on campus, only the Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco can issue the permit required to sell alcohol in the state of Florida.
    5. Promotional Guidelines: The promotion of activities or events shall not advertise alcohol or sponsorship by alcohol marketers without prior written approval of the Vice President for University Relations. Events that seek advertising approval must meet the following requirements:
      1. Alcohol shall not be used as an inducement to participate in a University event and may not be offered as a prize or gift in any form of contest, drawing or competition. Social events which encourage drinking, drinking contests, or drunkenness, and the advertisement of such events, are prohibited.
      2. Alcohol advertising on campus or in campus media, including that which promotes events as well as product advertising, shall not portray drinking as a solution to personal or academic problems of students or as an enhancement to social, sexual, or academic status.
      3. Advertising for any University event where alcoholic beverages are served shall mention the availability of non-alcoholic beverages as prominently as alcoholic beverages.
      4. Promotional materials, including advertising for any University event, shall not make reference to the amount of alcoholic beverages available. This includes references to kegs or open bars.
      5. Must adhere to University posting policy guidelines.
    6. Florida State University Police shall be notified of all on campus events that are not regularly scheduled that plan to serve alcohol.
    7. Laws and Regulations: All members of the campus community (students, faculty, staff, alumni, and guests) must adhere to all applicable federal or state laws, local ordinances, and University regulations related to the sale and use of alcohol. They include, but are not limited to the following:
      1. It is unlawful for any person to aid or abet an underage person, as defined by Section 1 (a), in the purchase or attempt to obtain alcoholic beverages.
      2. It is unlawful for any underage person to falsify a driver’s license or other identification document in order to obtain or attempt to obtain alcoholic beverages.
      3. It is unlawful for any person to permit use of his/her driver’s license or any other identification document by an underage person to purchase or attempt to purchase alcoholic beverages.
      4. No person may bring any type of alcoholic beverage into a licensed facility or area, nor may any person take alcoholic beverages out of the licensed facility or area, except that a bottle of wine purchased, but not fully consumed, at the University Center Club or similar restaurant establishment on campus may be removed by the person after it has been recorked as allowed by law.
      5. Transportation of all alcoholic beverages on campus shall be in unopened and unobservable containers.
      6. Damage to or destruction of property, or injury to person(s), which is caused by or can be shown to be related to the consumption of alcohol will be subject to disciplinary action, as will any other violation of this rule.
  2. Guidelines for University Sponsored Events. Definition: Large public and formal events where the University acts in symbolic ways to honor, celebrate, and reward achievements central to its mission (e.g., graduation, convocation, dedications, awards, ceremonies). These events convey important values about what is central to the University. Florida State University is concerned with the image conveyed when alcohol service is included as part of these events.


    All University Sponsored Events are subject to the guidelines outlined in Section I of the alcohol policy. In addition, the following restrictions apply;


    1. Alcohol will not be served at any reception or other function, as defined above, sponsored by the University or taking place on the University campus where attendance is essentially open to the public and is not controlled by such means as individual invitation, registration, reservation and/or a fee payment process.
    2. At those functions where attendance will be predominately alumni and friends of the University, and controlled by individual invitation, registration, reservation, or a fee payment process, alcoholic beverages may be served with the following restrictions:
      1. All persons will be required to show identification, including birth date, to ensure that they are a minimum of 21 years of age in the state of Florida;
      2. The right to refuse to serve anyone who seems to be in danger of over consumption will be reserved and used; and
      3. An ample supply and variety of food and non-alcoholic beverages will be available.
    3. At University sponsored functions where attendance will be predominately students, no alcoholic beverages will be served, regardless of the degree of control exercised over attendance.
  3. Guidelines for University Related Events. Definition: Any organization or group, consisting primarily of Florida State University students, employees, faculty or alumni, and/or which utilizes the Florida State University name or its premises, in which alcohol is served, must adhere to the following guidelines. These guidelines apply to all student organizations, whether or not they have received formal recognition or not.


    All University Related Events, on or off campus, are subject to the guidelines outlined in Section I of the alcohol policy. In addition, the following apply;


    1. Sponsors are required to provide one or more alternative non-alcoholic beverage available in sufficient quantity throughout the event.
    2. Non-alcoholic beverages must be available at the same place as the alcoholic beverages and featured as prominently as the alcoholic beverages.
    3. If the alcoholic beverage is being sold, the alternative beverage should be available at a price equal to or less than the price of the alcohol being provided.
    4. Wherever alcohol is present, food must also be in sufficient quantity throughout the event.
    5. The cost of admission to an event may not include or cover the cost of alcoholic beverages.
    6. No state appropriated, federal funds or A & S fees may be used to purchase or sell alcohol.
    7. The burden of proof for showing legal age is placed upon the person desiring alcohol service. No service will be provided unless clear evidence of legal age is presented. Those of legal age and consuming alcohol will be identified by wrist bands, hand stamps, etc.
    8. It is the responsibility of the serving establishment, at the time that an alcoholic beverage is requested, to check the picture ID. If, for any reason, proof of legal drinking age cannot be provided upon request, it is the responsibility of the server to deny the request.
    9. At social functions where alcoholic beverages are served, direct access should be limited to a person(s) designated as the server(s) by a licensed insured vendor. Servers must not consume alcohol during the event.
    10. The server shall refuse to serve anyone who seems to be in danger of over consumption will be reserved and used.

    Any organization found not to be in compliance with the University alcohol policy at their event may be subject to University disciplinary action and may forfeit its right to any fee support from the University.


  4. Tailgate Events. Definition: Gatherings occurring in the designated parking areas surrounding the area of Doak Campbell Stadium prior to and after scheduled football games.


    1. Florida State University does not support or condemn the consumption of alcohol by individuals 21 years of age or older at tailgate events.
    2. Florida State University does not condone any act related to excessive consumption of alcohol that impairs, interferes, or endangers the safety or enjoyment of anyone attending these events, including the individual who chooses to consume alcohol.
    3. Individuals who choose to consume alcohol are responsible for their behavior and should not operate a motor vehicle after they have consumed alcohol.
  5. Administration and Enforcement of Policy.
    1. The Vice President for Faculty Development and Advancement is the responsible University official for administration of the alcohol policy for all events involving primarily faculty. The Vice President for Student Affairs is the responsible administrator for students and student groups. The Vice President for University Relations is the responsible University official for administration of the alcohol policy for events managed by the direct support organizations and for those involving all other groups and individuals. Changes and revisions shall be coordinated by the Vice President for Student Affairs in consultation with other Vice Presidents and the General Counsel, subject to final approval of the President of the University.
    2. Enforcement of the alcohol policy shall reside in the Student Conduct and Community Standards department for individual student and student organization cases, and the Office of Faculty Development and Advancement for faculty related violations. Enforcement of the alcohol policy for all other groups, including outside groups, organizations, and individuals shall reside in the Vice President for University Relations.
    3. The University maintains the right to forward possible violations of federal or state laws, local ordinances, and University regulations, to the proper authorities through the Florida State University Police Department.
  6. Health Risks. Alcohol consumption may cause a number of changes in behavior which are related to dose, rate of intake, body size and percentage of body fluid, expectations, social environment, physical conditions (disease or, more commonly, hormonal cycles can be factors), enzyme differences, and concentration of alcohol in a drink. It may increase aggressiveness, lower inhibitions, cloud judgment, reduce resistance, and hamper the ability to make decisions.


    Alcohol first affects the area of the brain responsible for higher functions, such as decision-making and social inhibitions, suppressing an individual’s self-control. Alcohol in the blood can slow reaction time, reduce muscle coordination and impair eyesight, contributing to deficits in performance, judgment, memory, and motor skills. Even low doses can significantly impair the judgment and coordination required to drive a car safely. Florida State University reiterates that no one should ever drink alcohol and drive. The designated driver should never drink alcohol.


    Moderate to high doses of alcohol may cause marked impairments in higher mental functions, altering a person’s ability to learn and remember information. Very high doses cause respiratory depression and death. If combined with other depressants of the central nervous system, much lower doses of alcohol may produce the effects just described above.


  7. Educational Resources and Support. In support of responsible management of alcohol, the University provides numerous resources and support services available to students, faculty, and staff of Florida State University, including alcohol education, counseling, treatment, rehabilitation, re-entry, prevention, and intervention, as well as other educational programs and volunteer opportunities. Below are just a few of these resources and services.


    • Services
    1. Counseling and Psychological Services provides a structured two-session Alcohol and Other Drug (AOD) Evaluation for students who are sanctioned by the University for violations of the University’s alcohol and drug policy. In addition to mandated AOD sessions, AOD Evaluations are available on a voluntary basis to all FSU students. Following the AOD Evaluation sessions, a recommendation is made to the student regarding need for counseling treatment. Counseling treatment is provided to students on a voluntary basis only. Any fee-paying student currently enrolled at Florida State University is eligible for services provided by Counseling and Psychological Services. Please contact Counseling and Psychological Services for a current fee schedule [(850) 644-8255; Web site is].
    2. FSU Police Department [(850) 644-1234; Web site is].
    3. Office of Residence Life [(850) 644-2860; Web site is].
    4. The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) at Florida State University was established to assist employees with behavioral, medical and substance abuse problems affecting employment. Employees can enter the program through a self-referral or supervisory referral. The EAP functions as a coordinator of counseling and other appropriate services available both within the University and the community [(850) 644-2288; website is].
    5. Counseling services are also provided for students, staff, faculty, and the community by the Center for Couple & Family Therapy (CCFT), which fees are based on annual income [(850) 644-1588; Web site is].
    6. The Human Services Center is a training clinic within the College of Education. Counselors are graduate students with counseling majors who offer service for students, staff, faculty, and the community. Services are free [(850) 644-3857; Web site is].
    7. The Psychology Clinic is also a training clinic. Counselors are graduate students in clinic psychology programs. They provide one-on-one psychology services (no support groups) to students, staff, faculty, and the community. Fees are based on a sliding scale [(850) 644-3006; Web site is].
    8. Helpline 211 is a telephone counseling and referral service for short term counseling, information and referrals mainly for social services in the Big Bend area [(877) 211-7005, (850) 224-6333, 211; website is].
    • Education
    1. Center for Health Advocacy and Wellness (CHAW)s at University Health Services [(850) 644-8871; Web site is].
    2. SMART (Students Making Alcohol and Other Drug Responsibility Theirs (SMART) Choices consists of two, two-hour class sessions and an interactive online program at University Health Services that presents the legal and personal consequences of substance abuse. The purpose of the course is to introduce the student to a process of self-examination that may lead to improved decision making and behavior change. Students who are sanctioned by Student Conduct and Community Standards [(850) 644-5136] or University Housing [(850) 644-2860] for on or off-campus violations of the University’s alcohol and drug policy must complete the course. Students may also enroll in the course free of charge if they would simply like to gain more knowledge about alcohol. Students may contact the Center for Health Advocacy and Wellness [] to sign up.
    3. AlcoholEdu: An interactive, two-part on-line program designed to help you make healthy and safe decisions around alcohol use while in college. This program is open to all first year and new transfer students. []
    4. Healthy Noles: Volunteer opportunities for students seeking to work toward greater alcohol responsibility are available through Healthy Noles, which is an organization directed by the Center for Health Advocacy and Wellness at University Health Services. The Healthy Noles promote wellness on campus and alcohol responsibility is a significant component. For more information, contact the Center for Health Advocacy and Wellness [(850) 644-8871; or for more information visit].
    5. LIFT: LIFT is Florida State University’s collegiate recovery community dedicated to helping students in recovery thrive during their college experience. LIFT’s goal is to provide a place for accountability within a healthy community and a place to have fun, socialize, and develop friendships with like-minded students. Website:

State and Local Penalties

Common Alcohol Offenses (Leon County) Typical Penalty First Offense Maximum Penalty First Offense
Possession or attempt to purchase alcohol by a person under 21 years of age. Diversion program; $180 fine; 10 hours community work program. 60 days jail; $500 fine.
Using a false driver’s license ID or allowing someone to use your driver’s license for an ID card. Diversion program; $180 fine; 10 hours community work program. 60 days jail; $500 fine.
Providing alcohol to a person under 21. Diversion program; $180 fine; 10 hours community work program. 60 days jail; $500 fine.

Note: These are only for information. State sanctions are subject to change by the Florida Legislature.


Florida State University Health Risks of Illicit Drugs

Illicit drugs all have some health-threatening qualities—some more than others. Examples include increased heart rate and lung damage from marijuana; central nervous system disorders from cocaine, heroin, and hallucinogens; and liver, lung and kidney damage from inhalants. HIV infection also is spread widely among intravenous drug users. Even infrequent use of illicit drugs can result in physical afflictions, such as hangovers, cardiovascular damage, digestive problems, tremors, impaired sexual response, and injuries due to lost coordination. Other possible effects include reduced alertness and impaired performance at school or work, interpersonal conflicts, and financial difficulties. Dependence and addiction are constant threats to users of illicit substances. Regular abuse of these substances generally exposes users to criminal elements, which may lead to involvement in further criminal activities.


State and Local Penalties: Illicit Drug Penalties

The penalty for possession (second-degree misdemeanor) is sixty days jail and $500 fine. Penalties for trafficking (first-degree felony) range up to thirty years imprisonment and fines of $500,000.


Note: These are only for information. State sanctions are subject to change by the Florida Legislature.


Florida State University Standards of Conduct

State of Florida statutes declare that it is unlawful for any person under 21 years of age to consume or possess alcoholic beverages. Consequently, no one under the legal drinking age may consume, distribute, or possess alcohol on University properties or as part of any University activity.


It is unlawful to sell, give, serve, or permit to be served alcoholic beverages to a person under 21 years of age. Furthermore, servers can be held civilly liable for damage caused by underage drinkers to whom they provided alcoholic beverages.


It is unlawful to be under the influence of, to use, possess, distribute, sell, offer, or agree to sell, or represent to sell, narcotics, hallucinogens, dangerous drugs, or controlled substances, except as where permitted by prescription or law.


Florida State University Use of Social Security Numbers

In accordance with Florida Statute 119.071(5), students and employees should be aware that Florida State University collects and uses social security numbers for the purpose of performing certain University duties and responsibilities as follows:

  • Certain aspects of employment related to federal tax reporting, generation and reporting of I-9 documents, direct deposit, insurance policies, retirement benefits, state and federal reporting requirements;
  • Identification and verification of student records, including admission, registration, financial aid, and academic records, as well as verification of identity in connection with the provision of the University's services;
  • State and federal reporting of student data as required by law;
  • Release to contracted vendors for the purposes of state and federal reporting or provision of contracted services for the faculty, staff, and students of the University;
  • Release to commercial entities engaged in the performance of a commercial activity provided the social security numbers will be used only in the performance of a commercial activity and provided the commercial entities make a written request for the social security numbers conforming to the requirements of Section 119.071(5)(a)7b.(I)-(IV), Florida Statutes
  • Release to the Florida Board of Governors as follows:
    • When necessary for the performance of the Board's constitutional duties and responsibilities, including but not limited to:
        • Collection of student and employee data from state universities. [Authorized by Sections 483 and 484 of the Higher Education Act of 1965, Art. IX, s. 7, Fla. Const., Board Regulation 3.007, Fla. Stat. § 1001.706(5)(d), Fla. Stat. § 1008.31(3), and Fla. Stat. § 119.071(5)(a)6]
        • In conjunction with tort claims and tort notices of claim against the Board of Governors [Required by Fla. Stat. § 768.28(6), and Fla. Stat. § 119.071(5)(a)]
        • When the disclosure of the social security number is expressly required by federal or state law or a court order [Authorized by Fla. Stat. § 119.071(5)(a)6]
        • When the individual expressly consents in writing to the disclosure of his or her social security number [Authorized by Fla. Stat. § 119.071(5)(a)6]

The University does not use social security numbers for student identification; instead the University creates a unique identifier for each student called the EMPLID.

Notification of Students’ Rights under FERPA

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords students certain rights with respect to their education records. These rights are:


  1. The right to inspect and review the student’s education records within forty-five days of the day the University receives a request for access. Students should submit to the registrar, dean, or head of the academic department (or appropriate official) written requests that identify the record(s) they wish to inspect. The University official will make arrangements for access and notify the student of the time and place where the records may be inspected. If the records are not maintained by the University official to whom the request was submitted, that official shall advise the student of the correct official to whom the request should be addressed.
  2. The right to request the amendment of the student’s education records that the student believes is inaccurate or misleading. Students may ask the University to amend a record that they believe is inaccurate or misleading. They should write the University official responsible for the record, clearly identify the part of the record they want changed and specify why it is inaccurate or misleading. If the University decides not to amend the record as requested by the student, the University will notify the student of the decision and advise the student of his or her right to a hearing regarding the request for amendment. Additional information regarding the hearing procedures will be provided to the student when notified of the right to a hearing.
  3. The right to consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information contained in the student’s education records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent. One exception that permits disclosure without consent is disclosure to school officials with legitimate educational interests. A school official is defined as a person employed by the University in an administrative, supervisory, academic, research, or support staff position (including law enforcement unit personnel and health staff); a person or company with whom the University has contracted (such as an attorney, auditor, or collection agent); a person serving on the Board of Trustees; or a student serving on an official committee, such as a disciplinary or grievance committee, or assisting another school official in performing his or her tasks. A school official has a legitimate educational interest if the official needs to review an education record in order to fulfill his or her professional responsibility. Upon request, the University discloses education records without consent to officials of another school in which a student seeks or intends to enroll.
  4. The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by the University to comply with the requirements of FERPA. The name and address of the office that administers FERPA is: Family Policy Compliance Office
    U.S. Department of Education
    400 Maryland Avenue, S.W.
    Washington, DC 20202-4605


Students have the right to obtain a copy of Florida State University’s student record policy. You can obtain a copy of the policy from the Office of the University Registrar, A3900 University Center, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL 32306-2480.


Note: Under Federal Statute, the University is authorized to and may release records to other institutions without notification to the student, when the student is applying for admission.


Release of Student Information

The disclosure or publication of student information is governed by the policies of Florida State University and the State of Education within the framework of state and federal laws, including the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974.

The written consent of the student is required for the disclosure or publication of any information that is: (1) personally identifiable of the student and (2) a part of the educational record. Certain exceptions to that generality, both in types of information that can be disclosed and in access to that information, are allowed within the regulations of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, as described in the following paragraphs:

  1. Subject to statutory conditions and limitations, prior consent of the student is not required for disclosure of information in the educational record to (or for):
  1. Officials of the University with a legitimate educational interest. A school official is defined as a person employed by the University in an administrative, supervisory, academic, research, or support staff position (including law enforcement unit personnel and health staff); a person or company with whom the University has contracted (such as an attorney, auditor, or collection agent); a person serving on the Board of Trustees; or a student serving on an official committee, such as a disciplinary or grievance committee, or assisting another school official in performing his or her tasks. A school official has a legitimate educational interest if the official needs to review an education record in order to fulfill his/her professional responsibility;
  2. Certain government agencies;
  3. Accrediting organizations;
  4. Certain financial aid matters;
  5. Certain research circumstances;
  6. Health and safety emergencies;
  7. A court pursuant to order or subpoena, so long as the student is notified in advance of the University's compliance; and
  8. As otherwise provided by law.
  1. Subject to statutory conditions and limitations, prior consent of the student is not required for disclosure of certain types of information for:
  1. Portions of the educational record for which the student has signed a waiver;
  2. Portions of the educational record that are exempted by law including records of law enforcement agencies of the University; employment records of the student within the University as long as the student's employment is not predicated upon his or her status as a student; personal records of instructional, supervisory, or administrative personnel; and alumni records related to that student; and
  3. Records transmitted to another school or school system in which the student seeks or intends to enroll, since the University generally forwards these on request.

Note: More specific information regarding such exempted information can be obtained by contacting the Office of the University Registrar, A3900 University Center. For the complete text of the applicable statutes refer to Section 1006.52, Florida Statutes, 20 U.S.C. 1232g, and 34 C.F.R. §99.1, et seq. or write the U.S. Department of Education at 600 Independence Ave., S.W., Washington, D.C. 20202.

  1. Prior consent of the student is not required for disclosure of portions of the educational record defined by the institution as “Directory Information,” which may be released via official media of the University:
  1. Name
  3. Date and place of birth
  4. Official FSU email address
  5. Local address
  6. Permanent address
  7. Classification
  8. Major
  9. Participation in official University activities and sports
  10. Weight and height of athletic team members
  11. Dates of attendance
  12. Degrees, honors and awards received
  13. Most recently attended educational institution
  14. Digitized FSUCard photo

Important: The information above, designated by the University as “Directory Information,” may be released or published by the University without prior written consent of the student unless exception is made in writing by the student.

Request to Prevent Publication of Directory Information

Students may inform the University in writing of the student’s desire to prevent publication of such “Directory Information” or release of such information except as required by law. Appropriate forms for such action are made available by the Office of the University Registrar.


Caution: Until the University can develop the necessary sophistication in our data systems, a student’s request to prevent the release of publication of some of the items of “Directory Information” may result in preventing the publication of all items on that list, including graduation lists, honors, and award lists. The student can help avoid such errors with a gentle reminder to the Office of the University Registrar.


For complete information related to the policies outlined above or concerning the procedures regarding waivers and consent forms, or to challenge the accuracy of the educational record, please contact: Office of the University Registrar, A3900 University Center, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL 32306-2480.


Policy for the Use of Photographs and Videos in University Publications

Florida State University randomly and routinely photographs and makes videos on the main campus, branch campuses, and the international and departmental programs for educational and promotional purposes. These photographs and videos appear in official University publications and materials, which include but are not specifically limited to, General Bulletin (undergraduate and graduate), Registration Guide, Office of Admissions brochures, international program materials, departmental and college brochures, University Web sites, and other University information publications. For further information contact Media Relations at (850) 644-4030.


Illegal Downloading of Copyrighted Songs and Movies

Downloading and distribution of copyrighted music, movie and other entertainment files from online distribution sites that offer these items free of charge is illegal, in direct violation of the federal Digital Millennium Copyright Act, the Florida State University Student Conduct Code, and the Florida State University Policy OP-H-6 “Use of University Information Technology Resources.”

Illegal downloading and file sharing of copyrighted music, movies or other entertainment files is intellectual property/copyright infringement. Illegal downloading and file sharing activities maliciously expose the University's network, computing systems and personal computers to destructive computer malware (viruses, spyware, worms, trojan horses, rootkits, keystroke loggers, etc.), and denial of service attacks. Illegal downloading activity significantly increases the risk of exposure to personal identity theft and irreparable or costly damage to both University and personally owned computing devices.

The potential consequences of illegal downloading and file sharing are extremely serious. There are both civil and criminal penalties for illegal downloading and file sharing:

  • In a civil suit, an infringer may be liable for a copyright owner's actual damages plus any profits made from the infringement. Alternatively, the copyright owner may avoid proving actual damage by electing a statutory damage recovery of up to $30,000 or, where the court determines that the infringement occurred willfully, up to $150,000. The actual amount will be based upon what the court in its discretion considers just. See 17 U.S.C. § 504.
  • Penalties to be applied in cases of criminal copyright infringement [i.e., violations of 17 U.S.C. § 506(a)], are set forth at 18 U.S.C. § 2319. Congress has increased these penalties substantially in recent years and has broadened the scope of behaviors to which they can apply. Statutory penalties are found at 18 U.S.C. § 2319. A defendant, convicted for the first time of violating 17 U.S.C. § 506(a) by the unauthorized reproduction or distribution, during any 180-day period, of at least ten copies or phonorecords, or one or more copyrighted works, with a retail value of more than $2,500 can be imprisoned for up to five years and fined up to $250,000, or both. 18 U.S.C. §§ 2319(b), 3571(b)(3).
  • Defendants who have previously been convicted of criminal copyright infringement under 18 U.S.C. § 2319(b)(1) may be sentenced to a maximum of ten years imprisonment, a $250,000 fine, or both. Finally, a defendant is guilty of a misdemeanor violation if he violated rights other than those of reproduction or distribution, or has reproduced or distributed less than the requisite number of copies, or if the retail value of the copies reproduced or distributed did not meet the statutory minimum, or if other elements of
    17 U.S.C. § 506(a) are not satisfied. Misdemeanants can be sentenced to a maximum of one year and can be fined a maximum of $100,000. See 18 U.S.C. §§ 2319(b)(3), 3571(b)(5).

Law firms representing the entertainment industry aggressively investigate instances of music and movie “pirating”, and upon identifying the offenders, are increasingly invoking the applicable laws to reap financial settlements and awards totaling thousands of dollars.

The University is not legally empowered to protect, represent, advise or otherwise assist students who become subject to legal proceedings because of copyright infringement. Students who are sued, offered an out-of-court settlement, or cited for criminal copyright infringement must obtain their own legal representation.

In addition to civil and criminal penalties, violators will be subject to the University's disciplinary proceedings:


  • Student Conduct Code A student found to be in violation of provision is subject to the outcomes defined in Section G. Examples of outcomes that may be imposed for violations of the Student Conduct Code include reprimand, educational outcomes, restitution, probation, suspension, and dismissal.



For further information regarding the downloading of electronic objects and media, please visit:

General Bulletin Statement of Purpose and Notice

This General Bulletin is not a contract, either expressed or implied, between the University and the student, but represents a flexible program of the current curriculum, educational plans, offerings, and requirements that may be altered from time to time to carry out the administrative, academic, and procedural purposes and objectives of the University. The University specifically reserves the right to change, delete, or add to any provision, offering, academic curriculum, program, or requirement at any time within the student’s period of study at the University. The University further reserves the right to withdraw a student from the University for cause at any time. Students are on notice that admission to the University or registration for a given semester does not guarantee the availability of a course at any specific time. Likewise, admission to the University or registration for a given program of study within the University, or a department or college of the University, is not a guarantee of a degree or of certification in a program.


This General Bulletin is not a contract, either expressed or implied, between the University and the student, but represents a flexible program of the current curriculum, educational plans, offerings, and requirements that may be altered from time to time to carry out the administrative, academic, and procedural purposes and objectives of the University. The University specifically reserves the right to change, delete, or add to any provision, offering, academic curriculum, program, or requirement at any time within the student’s period of study at the University. The University further reserves the right to withdraw a student from the University for cause at any time. Students are on notice that admission to the University or registration for a given semester does not guarantee the availability of a course at any specific time. Likewise, admission to the University or registration for a given program of study within the University, or a department or college of the University, is not a guarantee of a degree or of certification in a program.