FAMU/FSU Cooperative Program
Registration Instructions
All students must complete the registration form in its entirety, obtain all signatures (instructor or department chair of the course you wish to take at FAMU and your FSU academic dean), and submit the form before the deadline.
Upcoming deadlines to submit your FAMU/FSU Cooperative program registration forms:
- Summer 2025: Friday, May 2, 2025
FSU students participating in the FAMU/FSU Cooperative program for the first time will need to complete the following steps:
- Complete the student information, education and contact information sections of the FAMU/FSU Cooperative registration form.
- Search for FAMU courses by clicking the Schedule of Classes tile under Our Resources on the FAMU Registrar page.
- Fill in the Requested Classes portion of the registration form. Obtain the FAMU instructor or department chair's signature for permission to register for the course(s).
- Take the form with instructor/department chair signature(s) to your FSU Academic Dean's office to get their signature.
- Request two copies of your immunization record from FSU University Health Services. Take your immunization records to the FAMU Student Health Services (SHS). FAMU SHS will provide a stamped/signed FAMU Health Clearance form.
- Submit your completed program registration form (with all required signatures) and FAMU Health Clearance form to the FSU Co-op representative in the Office of the University Registrar via email to registrar@fsu.edu or in person to University Center A, Suite 3900. Incomplete program registration forms cannot be processed so be sure to submit all documents prior to the deadline.
Questions: FAMU students should direct their FAMU/FSU Co-op program questions to Rosa Christie at rosa.christie@famu.edu in the FAMU Registrar's Office. FSU students should contact the FSU Registrar's Office at registrar@fsu.edu with any questions or concerns.
- Important notes: If any issues or questions arise with your registration, you will be contacted using the contact information provided on the Registration Form. Please report any changes to the FSU Registrar's Office.
- Do not alter your co-op registration. All drops and adds must be done through our office. Contact the FSU Co-op representative in the FSU Registrar's Office to drop a FAMU/FSU coop course. The deadlines for dropping and adding follow the University drop/add schedule.
- Co-op students must maintain an FSU cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher to remain eligible to participate in the co-op program.
- Students taking courses at the host university on a satisfactory/unsatisfactory (S/U) basis will be held to the home institution's policies regarding the total number of courses allowed on an S/U basis or in a specific degree or major. Students are encouraged to consult their academic advisor about any limitations prior to registration.