Summer and Fall Terms 2025 Registration Information

University Office Hours

Before visiting, please email or call individual offices for any updates to business hours and availability.

  • Registrar: Lobby hours and phones staffed until 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday;; (850) 644-1050.
  • Financial Aid: Lobby hours staffed until 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, and phones staffed daily until 4:30 p.m.;; (850) 644-0539.
  • Office of Student Finance: Lobby hours staffed until 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, and phones staffed daily until 4:00 p.m.;; (850) 644-9452.
  • Undergraduate Studies: Lobby hours and phones staffed until 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday;; (850) 644-2451.
  • Health Compliance, University Health Services: Lobby hours staffed until 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, and phones [(850) 644-3608] staffed to 5:00 p.m.

Prior to Registration

  • Establish your FSU identity by activating your FSUID and obtaining your FSUCard ( before preparing for registration. For further details, see the “Types of FSU Identification and Contact Information” section of this chapter below.
  • Log into to check for any checklists, stops, or holds. Be sure to click through the details of each hold to review the contact information and instructions provided there. Contact your departmental office for any clearances or class authorizations you may need.
  • Prior to registration, all undergraduate students are expected to access their Academic Requirements Report or Schedule Planner’s “Undergraduate Degree Progress” tool to review any remaining degree and major requirements.
  • Health compliance requirements are found at The student’s immunization record may be used to show proof of immunizations. Students may also turn in records from their health care provider stamped, signed, and dated for authorization. Students under the age of 18 must have a parent’s or guardian’s signature on the student immunization record authorizing care at the Wellness Center before the student can be treated. Health insurance compliance can only be completed online at Healthcare Compliance gives step-by-step instructions for completing this requirement.

NOTE: First-time students may be required to register for preparatory math and/or English classes to complete registration.

Undergraduate Academic Advisement

All degree-seeking students are expected to participate in academic advising before registering for classes each term. Students should check their FSU email regularly, as that is the main mode of communication advisors use to contact their students. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that s/he has met prerequisites or corequisites for each class in which s/he is enrolled. Further, any changes a student makes to his/her schedule without the advisement of an academic advisor is the student’s responsibility. All permits such as underloads, overloads (see the “Student Course Load” section of this chapter), graduate class requests while an undergraduate, DIS, modified credit, and S/U grading should be discussed with an academic advisor. All such permits must then be approved by the student’s academic dean. The student is responsible for ensuring that the Office of the University Registrar has copies of these permits on file.

Health Requirements

Health Insurance

All full-time domestic students at Florida State University must show proof of health insurance.

Any part-time, domestic FSU student is ineligible to purchase university-sponsored health insurance and is therefore exempt from the health insurance requirement.

Additionally, all non-United States citizens in F or J status, regardless of their credit load, are required to show proof of health insurance as a condition of their admission to the University. You may elect the student health insurance plan or waive the insurance requirement by providing proof of comparable coverage through the student-insurance website at When the insurance waiver is successfully completed, it remains in effect for three terms. Students who purchase term-only policies will be required to elect or waive the requirement at the end of the term in which their policy expires.

If no action is taken, the student will automatically be enrolled in the Student Health Insurance Policy and the premium will be added to their student account.

Students seeking degrees in majors where they are exposed to hazards associated with the major are required to carry health and accident insurance prior to registration every Fall.

The insurance purchase clears the student for the length of the coverage purchased. You can purchase insurance for annual coverage, for Fall-term only, or for the Spring/Summer terms. No Spring-only coverage option is offered. Summer-only coverage is offered for full-time students taking classes during the Summer term.


The State Board of Education requires all entering students born on or after 1/1/1957 to complete Florida State University’s Student Immunization Record and show documented proof of immunization against measles (rubeola), German measles (rubella), and mumps prior to registration.

College-age individuals living in residence halls, shared apartments, and other group housing are at an increased risk for developing meningococcal meningitis and hepatitis B—serious infections that can have devastating consequences. State of Florida law mandates that all University students be informed of the risks of infection. Students currently enrolled must either be vaccinated against meningococcal meningitis and hepatitis B or sign a waiver stating that they have declined to receive the vaccine.

All students are required to show proof of two MMRs, meningococcal meningitis, and hepatitis B vaccinations before they are permitted to register for classes. Information about these vaccinations may be obtained at University Health Services or online at under the Immunization Requirements tab.

All students are required to complete and submit the Student Immunization Record to University Health Services before registration. Students born before 1/1/1957 must complete the form and decline the meningococcal meningitis and hepatitis B vaccines. The form with its specific instructions is available at Please call (850) 644-3608 if you need assistance.

Health Insurance Questions

  • Questions about basic health insurance coverage or purchasing school-sponsored health insurance can be addressed to the Health Compliance Office at or (850) 644-3608.
  • Questions about specific benefits included in the school-sponsored health insurance should be addressed directly to United HealthCare Student Resources, the University’s health insurance carrier, at (800) 767-0700.
  • Billing questions for services rendered at University Health Services should be addressed to the billing office at (850) 644-1040.
  • The plan brochures and summaries of coverage and benefits for the student health plans are posted on the United HealthCare website (
  • Contact the FSU Athletics department at (850) 645-2700 for more information about the school-sponsored health insurance plan and its benefits for athletes. The student health plan does cover cheerleaders and members of the Golden Girls as sports club members.
  • Students insured by other carriers should contact their carriers for policy limitations and special requirements.

The Registration Process

Step 1: Prepare for Registration

  • Ensure that you have completed all the items listed under the “Prior to Registration” section above.

Step 2: Prior to Registration

  • Undergraduate students are expected to use the Stellic application for reviewing their degree progress, course planning, and registration. Contact your advisor if you have any questions about your degree requirements in Stellic. Information on how to use Stellic may be found at
  • Consult the General Bulletin or Graduate Bulletin to check if a class requires a laboratory or has pre- or co-requisites that you must complete prior to enrolling in the class. The system does not check for these requirements; students are responsible for ensuring they have completed all the necessary labs/requisites before enrolling in classes with these requirements.
  • Search for alternate classes as well.
  • Make sure you have met the immunization- and health-insurance compliance requirements noted above.

Step 3: Register through the myFSU Portal

  • You can use the myFSU portal to register for, drop, or add classes at any time during the enrollment appointment assigned to you. Your enrollment appointment is determined by the number of credit hours you have earned toward graduation. You cannot register after the ending date of your assigned enrollment appointment.
  • Be prepared to request non-primetime class sections to complete your schedule. Be persistent; the effort you spend during registration will save you a great deal of time and effort during the drop/add period.
  • The system does not allow you to register for more than 18-credit hours. Your academic dean can provide overload authorization. To register for overload hours, you must go to the Office of the University Registrar. See the “Student Course Load” section of this chapter below.
  • The system allows you to register for an underload, but you still must obtain authorization from your academic dean. Remember, if you register for an underload as a domestic student, you are eligible to purchase university-sponsored health insurance; therefore, you are exempt from the health-insurance requirement.

Step 4: Pay Tuition

Registration by Student Categories

Veterans Priority Registration

Active-military students, student veterans, and military/veteran dependents using federal benefits are eligible for priority registration, which allows these students to register for future-term class during the first selection window of each class-registration cycle. However, each of these students must first be coded as receiving federal benefits before they are eligible for priority registration and should contact the Student Veterans Center at (850) 644-9562 or to make sure they are properly coded. After registering for their classes, each of these students must submit the university’s online Request for Benefits form to have their benefit-certification documents submitted within the required time frame.

Registration of Non-Degree Seeking Students

All non-degree-seeking students may register for up to 16 credit hours in fall or spring terms; summer enrollment is limited to 15 credit hours. All registration by non-degree-seeking students is on a space-available basis. Because of excessive demand for some undergraduate and graduate classes, non-degree-seeking students may be enrolled in such classes only with the permission of the academic unit. Audit-basis enrollment in classes is only considered after the drop/add period ends for the term or session. High school dual-enrollment students may have different limits on registration activities, advisement, courses, and credit limits for individual terms.

Non-degree seeking students are limited to a maximum of 30 attempted hours under the non-degree designation. Students who wish to enroll beyond the attempted 30 hours may petition the Office of the University Registrar to continue. Note that future enrollment beyond the 30 attempted hours is not guaranteed.

Non-Degree-Seeking Student Regulations

The Office of the University Registrar serves as the academic dean for all non-degree-seeking students, including students who audit classes. Academic rules governing regular students (e.g., fees, drop/add, withdrawal, grading policies) also apply to non-degree-seeking students with the following exceptions:

  • Non-degree-seeking students may enroll for fewer than 12-credit hours (underload) and up to 16 credit hours in fall or spring terms without permission.
  • Non-degree seeking students may enroll for up to 15 hours in summer sessions without permission.
  • Non-degree-seeking students may register for any class or classes on an S/U basis.
  • Non-degree-seeking students selecting classes for enrichment or other reasons where grades are not essential are advised to register on an S/U basis or on an audit basis.

Consult the “Academic Regulations and Procedures” chapter of the Bulletin for policies related to non-degree-seeking student status (such as maximum attempted hours or GPA retention standards).

Fall- and Spring-Term Course Loads

Florida State University regards 14 to 15 credit hours as a normal, full-time course load. Students who carry fewer than 12 credit hours are not considered to be full-time students. Students should also consider the University requirement to complete nine-credit hours during summer sessions when calculating their pace to degree completion. A student who maintains below a 12 credit hour course load will not graduate in four academic years unless a total of 24 credit hours is taken during summer sessions.

A course load of more than 18 credit hours or less than 12 credit hours must be approved by the academic dean, and in no case may a student register for or receive credit for more than 21 credit hours. A student on academic probation must enroll for no fewer than 12 credit hours and no more than 15 letter-graded credit hours. Non-degree-seeking students are not required to obtain an underload permit.

International undergraduate students must enroll in at least 12 credit hours during each of the fall and spring terms to maintain legal immigration status. An international student advisor may authorize a reduced course load in certain circumstances. Students who want to enroll in a reduced course load for a given term must submit a request for authorization to an advisor at the Center for Global Engagement before the end of the drop/add period for that term. An unauthorized reduction in course load may result in serious immigration consequences. For a complete definition of the full course of study for immigration purposes, and to access the reduced course load information and request forms, please refer to

FOR GRADUATE STUDENTS, the minimum number of hours allowed is 9 credit hours per term and the maximum is 15 credit hours per term. See the Graduate Bulletin for policies regarding course loads for graduate students.

Summer-Term Course Loads

For Summer semester, the following course loads apply:

Session A B C F
Maximum 9 9 15 14
Minimum 6 6 9 9

For any combination of sessions, the maximum course load is 15 credit hours, and the minimum is nine hours.

For fall and spring terms, undergraduate students in good standing may register for as many as 18 credit hours in one term and as few as 12 credit hours in one term. A full time course load is12 credit hours or more in the fall and spring.

Should a student wish to register for fewer or more than the allowed hours, “overload/underload” approval must be obtained from the appropriate academic dean. All students receiving approval for “overload/underload” from their academic dean must submit the approval to the Office of the University Registrar. No student may register for more than 21 credit hours per term. Full-time undergraduate students should take an academic load that will enable them to graduate within four years—typically 14 to 15 credit hours per term. Students should also consider the University requirement to complete nine credit hours during summer sessions when calculating their pace to degree completion.

International undergraduate students must enroll in at least 12 credit hours during each of the fall and spring terms to maintain legal immigration status. International graduate students must enroll in at least nine credit hours, except in some specific cases. An international student advisor may authorize a reduced course load for a few specific reasons. International students who wish to enroll in a reduced course load for a given term must submit a request for authorization to an advisor at the Center for Global Engagement before the end of the drop/add period for that term. An unauthorized reduction in course load may result in serious immigration consequences. For a complete definition of full course of study for immigration purposes,and to access the reduced course load information and request forms,please visit to

FOR GRADUATE STUDENTS, the minimum number of hours allowed is nine credit hours per term, and the maximum is 15.

Drop/Add and Changes of Schedule

During the first four days of the term, students can add or drop individual classes, or they may change one class section for another. Students are financially liable for all courses appearing on their schedule after the fourth day of classes. To add courses after the first four days of classes may require the academic dean's approval. Classes dropped during this period do not appear on the student's transcript. Individual courses may be dropped through the seventh week of classes except for mandated college preparatory courses, freshman composition, and courses involved in allegations of academic dishonesty; however, tuition charges remain.

Approval by the student's academic dean is required to:




an academic load below 12 credit hours

an academic load below 9 credit hours


an academic load above 18 credit hours
(to a maximum of 21 credit hours)

an academic load above 15 credit hours (to a maximum of 21 credit hours)

Dean's approval for an overload or underload must be submitted to the Office of the University Registrar. If the student is appointed as a graduate assistant or is supported on a fellowship, an underload request form must be completed and submitted to the Dean of the Graduate School for approval.

UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS ONLY may drop a cumulative maximum of two courses between the eighth and twelfth weeks of classes during the terms in which the student has earned fewer than 60 hours of college credit; tuition charges will remain. A student may only drop one course after earning 60 hours of college credit and until graduation; tuition charges remain. In addition to courses involved in allegations of academic dishonesty, other courses may be designated by the dean as not subject to this “late drop” provision. Courses dropped during this period appear on the student's transcript with the notation “W.” See the Academic Calendar section of the Registration Guide for term-specific deadlines.

Seventh Week Deadline and Drops

Undergraduate Students

Except in cases where a student is petitioning to use one of the three drops allowed under the policy noted above under "Undergraduate Students Only," any course-drop petition after the seventh week of classes (with dates prorated for individual summer sessions), will be considered only in documented exceptional circumstances that are beyond the student's control as determined by the student's academic dean. Course drops approved by the academic deans appear on the student's transcript with the notation “WD.” Academic deans exercise their administrative and academic judgment in making final determinations about drop eligibility. Class drops are never approved when there are unresolved allegations of academic dishonesty in a course or when a course grade reflects an Academic Honor Policy penalty.

Students who register for courses but who do not attend the classes receive a grade of “F” if the courses are not officially dropped. Students changing from a previous Bulletin year should consult their academic dean regarding limitations concerning the policy described above.

NOTE: Students who have a bachelor's degree and return for a second bachelor's degree may petition for a late drop within the same term timelines as noted above.

Graduate Students

After the seventh week of classes, courses may be dropped only in exceptional circumstances. Approval is required by the advisor and the academic dean. Such courses will appear on the student's transcript with the notation “WD.” Students who register for courses but who do not attend the classes will receive grades of “F” if the courses are not officially dropped. Students changing from a previous Bulletin year should consult their academic dean regarding limitations concerning the policy described above.

NOTE: Students who have a bachelor's degree and return for a second bachelor's degree may petition for a late drop within the same term timelines as noted above.

FORGIVENESS POLICY: Effective Fall 2004, Florida State University discontinued the “forgiveness policy” for all students.

Attendance and Enrollment Policies

Required First Class Meeting Attendance Policy

Attendance at the first class meeting is mandatory unless properly excused by the class’s instructor. University-wide policy requires all students to attend the first class meeting of all classes for which they are registered. Students who do not attend the first class meeting of a class for which they are registered will be dropped from the class by the academic department that offers the class. This policy applies to all levels of classes and to all campuses and study centers. This policy does not apply to any class added after its first official meeting. It remains the student’s responsibility to verify class drops and check that fees are adjusted.

NOTE: Students who have received some or all their financial aid prior to the end of the drop/add period for a term may be subject to repayment of financial aid if there is a change in their financial aid eligibility. Examples of this may include, but are not limited to, reduction of class load below required levels, cancellation of schedule, failure to meet satisfactory academic progress requirements, and other conditions required to maintain financial aid eligibility.

Required Summer Attendance Policy for Undergraduates

All students entering a state university with fewer than 60-credit hours must earn at least nine-credit hours prior to graduation by attending one or more Summer terms at one of the state universities. The University President may waive application of this rule in cases of unusual hardship to the student. Students initiate appeal through their academic dean to the Vice President for Faculty Development and Advancement (Board of Governors Rule 6C-6.016). Waiver appeals may be initiated electronically when the student reaches 80 credit hours or more.

Student Cancellation of Schedule

To cancel scheduled class enrollment, a student may drop all classes during the first four days of any term/term (the drop/add period), or in the case of summer term, the first four days of any session, through the online student portal.

Alternately, notification may also be sent from the student’s official e-mail account to the Office of the University Registrar at Panama City students can email

Students who cancel their registration during the official drop/add period are not fee-liable for tuition; if tuition has been paid, such students should request a full refund of fees from the Office of Student Business Services.

Enrollment and Readmission after a Period of Non-Enrollment

Undergraduate and non-degree-seeking students who cancel their registration, and who are not enrolled for the following two terms (non-enrollment for three consecutive terms) must apply for readmission. All graduate, law, and medicine students who cancel their registration and were not enrolled for the preceding term (non-enrollment for two consecutive terms) must apply for readmission.

Beyond the drop/add period, a student cannot voluntarily cancel registration but must apply for withdrawal from the University. Students who must drop all classes after the official drop/add period should contact Withdrawal Services. Panama City students should contact Student Affairs, Barron Building, Panama City, FL 32405; (850) 770-2172.

International students who wish to cancel their registration or withdraw from the term must request and receive prior authorization from a Center for Global Engagement advisor. Additionally, international students should submit the SEVIS Update Form available at

Students who have elected to purchase student health insurance and cancel their schedules must notify the Health Compliance

Office at Insurance charges are NOT automatically removed from the student’s account when schedules change.

The University may automatically drop students for non–payment of tuition. For more information, see ‘Cancellation of Student Schedules for Non-payment of Tuition and Fees’ in the “Financial Information” chapter of this Registration Guide.

NOTE: Students who have received some or all financial aid prior to the end of a term’s drop/add period may be subject to repayment of financial aid if there is a change in their financial aid eligibility. Examples of this may include, but are not limited to, reduction of course load below required levels, cancellation of schedule, failure to meet satisfactory academic progress requirements, and other conditions required to maintain financial aid eligibility.

Withdrawal from the University

All students who wish to leave the University during a term must formally withdraw from any classes that remain on their schedule after the end of the drop/add period. Dropping all classes does not constitute formal withdrawal. Students who do not attend classes and fail to withdraw will be assigned a grade of “F” for each class.

A withdrawal cannot be automatically approved; the student must make a formal withdrawal request. Withdrawals are initiated in the withdrawal services section of the Department of Student Support and Transitions located in the University Center. The statement “Withdrew from the University” will appear on the transcripts of students who properly withdraw. Under documented exceptional circumstances beyond the student’s control, as determined by the appropriate academic dean, a student withdrawing from the University may receive “WD” grades in all classes taken that term. Students who petition for a withdrawal under medical or mental health reasons will have a transcript notation of “WD” grades for all classes taken that term. These grading policies also apply to classes taken on a S/U basis.

NOTE: Withdrawals requested after the seventh week of the term (see the academic calendar of the specific term for dates) are grade-liable and will appear on the transcript for all classes. Students are encouraged to discuss their individual circumstances with their academic dean.

Students who cancel their enrollment during the drop/add period are not held liable for tuition and registration fees. Those who have paid are eligible for a full refund. Students who withdraw after the drop/add period, but prior to the end of the fourth week of classes, are eligible for a twenty-five percent refund of tuition and registration fees, less the building and capital improvement fees; this deadline is adjusted for shorter summer-term sessions. Students who withdraw after this deadline are fully liable for fees and are not eligible for a refund except as provided in policies set forth by the State Board of Education and Florida State University.

Students who receive Title IV funds and who decide to cancel their schedule during the drop/add period, or those who withdraw from the University, may be required to repay some or all funds received.

A student wishing to reenter the University in any of the following three terms after withdrawal must have the approval of their academic dean on the ‘Application for Withdrawal and Reentry’ form. Degree-seeking students wishing to reenter the University after three terms (including summer) must apply for readmission to the Office of Admissions; non-degree seeking students must complete the original application process. Formal application must be made to the Office of Admissions by the published deadline. Students who left the University on dismissal must resolve the dismissal and be reinstated by the academic dean before any decision can be made on the readmission application.

International students who wish to withdraw must request and receive prior authorization from a Center for Global Engagement advisor, and submit the SEVIS Update Form. See for additional information.

Student-athletes who wish to withdraw must receive prior authorization from Student-Athlete Academic Support.

Student-veterans who wish to withdraw should speak with a staff member at FSU’s Student Veterans Center by calling (850) 644-9562, faxing (850) 645-9868, emailing, or coming to the campus office located at A4300 University Center. Additional information for Veterans can be found by visiting

Students who have elected to purchase student health insurance must notify the Health Compliance Office in writing at of withdrawal from the University. Students withdrawing before the 31st calendar day of the term for which insurance was purchased will receive a full premium refund less any claims paid. Students withdrawing after the 31st calendar day of the term for which insurance was purchased can only request cancellation of the insurance if they are leaving the University to join the military. Otherwise, they have met the attendance requirement to keep the coverage and the charges on their account will be due as posted at Student Business Services.

For all other questions, contact Withdrawal Services at (850) 644-1741.

Additional Types of Registration

Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University/Florida State University Interinstitutional Registration (FAMU-FSU Cooperative Program)

Under a cooperative arrangement with Florida A&M University, Florida State University students may take courses at FAMU that will count as credit earned at Florida State University. A full-time student at one institution may enroll in one or more classes at the other institution under the following conditions:

  • The academic dean of the student’s home university must grant permission.
  • Courses offered at Florida State University may not be taken at FAMU. Exceptions may be granted by the student’s academic dean, whose office also determines eligibility based on courses already completed at Florida State University.
  • Students taking classes at the host university on a satisfactory/unsatisfactory (S/U) basis will be held to the home institution’s policies regarding the total number of classes allowed on S/U basis or in a specific degree or major. Students are encouraged to consult their academic advisor about any limitations prior to registration.
  • The student’s final grade is directly reported to the student’s home university for entering on the student’s transcript. Grades, credits, and quality points are treated as home-institution work.
  • All tuition and fees are paid to the home institution.
  • Students must maintain a minimum 2.0 cumulative Florida State University GPA to be eligible to participate in the co-op program. Prior to attempting 12-credit hours, students who fail to maintain the 2.0 GPA may consider themselves on probation, although no entry will be placed on their transcript. They may continue to enroll, assuming they meet all other conditions of eligibility. After attempting 12-credit hours, students must meet and maintain the minimum 2.0 cumulative GPA to continue enrolling through the program.

To register, see the FAMU–FSU Cooperative Program representative in the Office of the University Registrar. You may also obtain additional information and forms at For engineering requirements, see the “FAMU–FSU College of Engineering” chapter in the General Bulletin.

Before students can register for classes, they must provide proof of immunization. Immunization compliance requirements are listed on the Student Health Insurance webpage at If the immunization document being submitted is the FAMU immunization form, two copies of the form are required.

NOTE: Faculty and full-time students at either institution have equal access to the library facilities at both institutions.

Registration by State Employee Tuition Waiver

Full-time state employees may use the State Employee Tuition Waiver to register for classes at Florida State University on a space-available basis. Registration takes place during the regular registration appointment assigned to each student. FSU accepts only the official State Employee Tuition Waiver Form to process waivers. Individuals using the waiver must be fully admitted degree-seeking or non-degree seeking students.

The form is available online at Agencies may require additional paperwork or forms that will not be accepted at FSU unless accompanied by the State Employee Tuition Waiver Form. State employees using a tuition waiver must obtain supervisor signatures and agency head approval. Forms must be submitted via DocuSign by the tuition payment deadline. State employees using a tuition waiver must complete the registration process and submit the tuition waiver to the Office of Student Business Services.

Registration in classes using the state employee tuition waiver is limited to a space-available basis. Individuals using the state tuition waiver must be fully admitted, degree-seeking or non-degree students. Florida State University does not consider the following to be space-available classes: audited classes, approved undergraduate specialized admission programs, remedial classes; dissertation, thesis, and directed individual study (DIS) classes; internship classes; Center for Academic and Professional Development (CAPD) classes; College of Medicine classes; College of Law classes; other one-to-one instruction classes; and all non-state-funded classes (including some distance learning classes that are funded solely by student tuition and fees). As such, state employee tuition waivers may not be used for these classes. Please contact the academic department to inquire about a class’s funding type.

Additional restrictions and deadlines apply. For more information, including the link to download the State Employee Tuition Waiver Form, visit the Student Business Services website at

Registration by FSU Employee

Employees of Florida State University intending to take Florida State University classes may do so through the FSU Employee Scholarship program. For more information, including the link to download the application, visit the Student Business Services website at

Registering for Auditor Seating Privileges

The Office of the University Registrar serves as the academic dean for all non-degree students, including those individuals enrolling in classes on an audit basis. Since no credit is allowed for attendance via auditor seating privilege, formal admission to the University is not required; however, minimal demographic data must be provided as part of the approval and enrollment process. The class(es) taken will not appear on the student’s permanent record. Auditor seating privileges may be approved after registration closes on a space-available basis with permission of the instructor and the Office of the University Registrar serving in its capacity as the academic dean. If audit privileges are approved, individuals must submit payment of the prescribed fee for each class. Audit request forms may be obtained from the Office of the University Registrar’s website.

Students are cautioned not to pre-register for any class they intend to audit. They will have to drop the class(es) from their official schedule and will incur additional financial liability.

NOTE: Standard tuition costs apply. All individuals auditing classes may register for up to 16-credit hours; enrollment beyond this limit in a single term is not permitted. Seating-privilege fee-information for citizens 60 years of age or older is found below under “Registration for Floridians over 60 Years of Age.”


During the first week of classes, obtain the audit approval form online at, or you may pick up an audit approval form from the Office of the University Registrar.

  1. Fill out the form and obtain both the instructor’s approval and clearance from University Health Services.
  2. Return the approved form to the Office of the University Registrar for final approval and class registration. Registration must be completed to attend a class.
  3. Pay fees during the fee payment period. Tuition must be paid by the posted deadline at Visit for account status and fee-payment options. No waivers or deferments may be used by anyone under 60 years of age.
  4. Present the form to your instructor at the next class meeting.

NOTE: If you have already registered for the class you wish to audit, you must drop it within the drop/add period before the audit request can be processed. For the policy for audited-class refunds please refer to the “Financial Information” chapter of this Registration Guide.

Registration for Floridians over 60 Years of Age

All fees are waived for persons sixty years of age or older who are Florida residents and who attend credit classes. Under this tuition-free option, registration is allowed on a space-available, audit-basis only and does not include thesis, dissertation, applied music classes, or other classes requiring individual instruction. No credit will be given, and no permanent record will be maintained. Audit forms are available online or from the Office of the University Registrar. Proof of age and Florida residency must be presented to the Office of the University Registrar to validate audit-waiver eligibility.

Grade Reports

Term grades are reported via the myFSU portal at through the My Courses portlet. Grade changes processed after the initial grade posting will not display and may be viewed on the unofficial transcript.


To remind and prompt students to initiate their required graduation check, staff in the Registrar’s Office will place a hold on student accounts that either 1) total 90 credit hours between a combination of earned and currently-in-progress coursework, OR 2) show the student is two terms away from their planned graduation date. This hold is removed after the student follows up with their college(s).

Application for graduation must be made by the published deadline; students can apply online through the myFSU portal. Students who graduate in Fall 2025 must apply for and be readmitted to register for Spring 2025 or any subsequent term. Likewise, students who graduate in Spring 2025 must apply for and be readmitted to register for Summer 2025 or any subsequent term.

Types of FSU Identification and Contact Information

The Florida State University EMPLID

To better protect the identity of individuals within our campus community, Florida State University creates a unique nine-digit number identifier for each student and employee called the EMPLID. You can find your EMPLID by logging in at It is displayed in My Info.

The FSUCard

Your FSUCard is your official Florida State University ID and an essential companion for campus life. Always keep it with you, but never share it with others—it’s your personal key to FSU.

The FSUCard grants access to University libraries; residence halls; buses and other transportation services; campus recreation facilities; the testing center; and other campus and athletic events.

Fees and Replacement

  • Initial Card Free
  • Replacements—$15.00 for lost or damaged cards
  • Fall and Spring terms fee—$5.00

For more information, please visit Also, stop by the FSUCard Center 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, located at 104 N. Woodward Avenue. You can also call (850) 644-7777, or email


Your FSUCard includes an FSUCash account—a convenient payment system for on-campus services, such Seminole Dining locations, the FSU Store / Seminole Sports Shop /Bill’s Bookstore, The UPS Store, Testing Center (accepting only FSUCash ), residential hall laundry, and copy/print services.

FSUCash balances carry over between terms and years.
NOTE: After 12 months of inactivity, monthly deductions apply. Make at least one purchase or deposit annually to avoid these charges. Refunds are available upon request.

For more information, please visit You may also visit the FSUCard Center 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, call (850) 644-7777, or email

Your FSUCard Is Your Library Card

You must present your FSUCard to enter and exit campus libraries, so make sure to always have it on hand. From borrowing books and equipment to reserving study rooms, your FSUCard does everything a regular library card does, and more. For more information, visit

Official Email Accounts for All Students at Florida State University

The official method of communication at Florida State University is your FSU email account. To stay informed and aware, you are required to set up and maintain your account and check it regularly. If you choose to have your FSU official account forwarded to another email account, you are still held responsible for all information distributed by the University to your FSU account.

Florida State University’s Information Technology Services offers a suite of email and online collaboration services for students, which includes:

  • Cloud-based mailbox
  • Digital calendar and contacts
  • Mobile access to FSU email via Outlook app
  • Integration with Microsoft 365 applications, including Word, Excel, PowerPoint and OneNote
  • Access to Microsoft 365 services, including OneDrive, SharePoint and Teams

For more information, visit

Questions regarding FSU email accounts can be answered by contacting the ITS Service Desk at 850-644-4357 or

Student Communication and RecordsPrivacy Access

Student Communications and Records---Privacy and Access

Important: Please refer to the “University Notices” section of this Registration Guide for full details regarding:

  • The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA),
  • release of student information, and
  • requesting that directory information not be published.

Phone Monitoring

Students should be aware that phone calls placed to Florida State University’s interactive telephone network may be periodically monitored to ensure that the appropriate quality control is maintained.

Parental or Third-Party Access to Records

Students may give a designated parent(s)/guardian(s), or other third parties (i.e., sibling, spouse, etc.), authority to review their University financial status, grades, transcript, student profile. Granting access to a parent/guardian or third party to view information in this manner also authorizes University personnel to discuss those records with the designated individual(s). Students should be aware that any individuals granted such access may see the selected student’s academic records, including but not limited to preferred name, gender identity, personal pronouns, classes, grades, billings, etc.

Enrollment Verification

Student enrollment verification is granted only through the submission of an official request. Students who require enrollment verification should visit for further instructions. Former students or outside agencies may request an enrollment verification or degree verification online from the National Student Clearinghouse at

Community Service

The Center for Leadership and Service

The Center for Leadership & Service transforms lives through leadership education, community service, and self-exploration, helping students develop skills and knowledge to become more effective leaders and engage responsibly with communities. The center offers more than 20 programs that foster opportunities to create positive, sustainable change on campus, in local communities, and around the world. Leadership LOGIC, PeaceJam Southeast, and Engage TLH service trips are just a few examples of the opportunities offered for any schedule, ranging from low comitment (one to a few hours) to high commitment (a term, year, or four years).

Students are welcome to schedule a meeting with a staff member to learn more about programs and opportunities by visiting the center’s office on the first floor of the Dunlap Student Success Center or the “Get Involved” section of its website at The center also offers the ServScript Program, which allows Florida State University students to enhance their official academic transcript by documenting their service hours.

For more information, contact the Center for Leadership & Service, Division of Student Affairs, Dunlap Student Success Center, 100 S. Woodward Avenue, Tallahassee, FL 32306; (850) 644-3342; Fax: (850) 644-3362; or website:

ServScript Program

The Center for Leadership & Service offers the ServScript Program to formally recognize students’ demonstrated commitment to community service. This commitment is documented through the description of students’ community service hours on their official FSU academic transcript. Transcripts are student records of scholarly achievement; as such, the ServScript Program has created guidelines to clarify and recognize community service of consistent quality. To qualify, service hours cannot be court ordered or sanctioned, must be unpaid, and must benefit or contribute to the solution of a community need.

The ServScript Program is designed to encourage students to contribute their skills and resources to serve others. Through informed service, students gain compassion for others and the challenges they face. Recognizing these challenges and the power of individual action to effect change, students may develop a commitment to practice civic responsibility throughout their lives.

To participate in the ServScript Program, students must log their service hours through the myFSU portal. Service hours are only accepted for the current term and must be entered online by the deadline, which is the last day of the term. Detailed submission guidelines and additional information about the program can be found online at