Frequently Asked Questions
Q: When will I receive an academic progress check?
A: When you reach 90 hours, including your current enrollment, your academic dean's office must perform an academic progress check. A stop will be placed on future registration and will only be cleared by applying for the academic progress check. The following students are exempt from the requirement: students who have already requested the academic progress check and those students with prior bachelor's, master's, or doctoral degrees.
Q: If I have an Associates Degree, do I need to apply for an academic progress check?
A: Yes. We check for university and state requirements, as well as liberal studies requirements.
Q: What fees are associated with an application for graduation?
A: None.
Q: When should I apply for graduation?
A: Specific dates are published on the Registrar's website or can be obtained by calling (850) 644-1050 or email the Graduation department at
Q: Does a University academic progress check clear a student for graduation?
A: No. After 90 hours are reached, the student will receive a hold to complete an academic progress check with his or her department and academic dean's office to ensure major requirements are met.
Q: What is the difference between a Bachelor of Arts and a Bachelor of Science degree?
A: A BA degree requires twelve semester hours of a foreign language or coursework through the 2200 intermediate level and nine additional semester hours after completion of liberal studies requirements in Art; Classical or Modern Languages and Literature; and Communication. Students should check with their college for specific requirements.
Q: I missed the deadline to apply for graduation. What do I do?
A: Contact your academic dean's office, notify them of your intent to graduate, and obtain permission to apply late for that semester's graduation.
Q: I missed the deadline to order my cap and gown. What do I do?
A: Call the FSU Store at (850) 644-2072.
Q. What is the foreign language admission requirement?
A. Every student admitted to a Florida university must show proof of completing two years of the same foreign language in high school or of completing eight hours of the same language in college to graduate and receive a diploma. This is not to be confused with the Bachelor of Arts degree requirement (see above).
Q: Do my guests need tickets to enter the Tucker Center for the graduation ceremony?
A: Any person over the age of two requires a guest ticket to enter the Civic Center for the graduation ceremony.
Q: How do I request special accommodations for myself or guests?
A: If you are a registered FSU student attending a commencement ceremony and require accommodations, please contact the Office of Accessibility Services (OAS) at 850-644-9566 or in advance to make special arrangements. If you are a guest attending a commencement ceremony and require accommodations, please visit Guest Services at the Civic Center during the event for assistance. An ASL interpreter may be provided upon request with 2 weeks notice in advance. Closed captioning is also provided on the arena corner boards.
Q: What is a Grad Pass and why do I need it?
A: A Grad Pass is your unique entry pass for your ceremony. Due to recent events, FSU and Tucker Center administrators have partnered to enhance safety measures for our commencement ceremonies. All participating graduates are required to present their unique Grad Pass to ensure graduation is enjoyable and safe for everyone.
Q: Do I receive my diploma at the graduation ceremony?
A: No, you do not receive your diploma during the graduation ceremony. More information about diplomas can be found at
Q: Is there a rehearsal for graduation?
A: No. If you apply for and plan to attend the commencement ceremony, you must monitor your official FSU email for important instructions and information. Refer to for additional information on ceremony decorum and protocols.
Q: Can I early participate or late participate at a commencement?
Early Participation
To participate in commencement prior to the term in which you will officially earn your degree, there is a mandatory application process and strict criteria that must be met. Please contact the Graduation & Commencement Services office about the required criteria and documentation needed at You must submit this application by the end of the fourth week of classes. Late applications are not accepted. Do not make plans to participate ahead of time (i.e., purchase non-refundable plane tickets, announcements, or book hotels).
- Important Note: If your request is for early participation at Spring commencement, space for both graduates and their guests is at its greatest demand for this term's ceremony. As students who officially earn their degree in spring term are prioritized, we cannot guarantee a seat for you or your guests in Spring.
Late Participation
If you were unable to attend your commencement ceremony when you officially earned your degree, please contact the Graduation & Commencement Services office for more information about attending a later ceremony at Do not make plans to participate ahead of time (i.e., purchase non-refundable plane tickets, announcements, or book hotels).
- Important Note: If your request is for participation at Spring commencement, space for both graduates and their guests is at its greatest demand for this term's ceremony. As students who officially earn their degree in spring term are prioritized, we cannot guarantee a seat for you or your guests in Spring.
Q: I will graduate with degree(s)/major(s) from more than one college. Which ceremony will I attend?
A: You will attend the ceremony for the college under which your primary degree or major is listed. No matter how many degrees you are being awarded, you will only attend this one ceremony. Except for the guest speaker, each commencement ceremony’s program of events is identical.